High levels of enthusiasm and commitment to a successful sales,marketing or enthusiasm and commitment to a successful sales,marketing or communications career.Strong leadership qualities;able to schedule priorities and perform/delegate accordingly to effectively accomplish tasks to hand.Working knowledge of both written and verbal Japanese and French.Broad perspective of Japanese people,culture,and customs,as well as Japanese-American diplomatic relations.Computer literate in most popular software,including WordPerfect 5.0 and
5.1(including Japanese WordPerfect),Lotus 1-2-3,DrawPerfect and Computer Aided Design(CAD).JAPANESE-AMERICAN RELATIONS Served as liaison between Japanese diplomats and the Japanese-American Relations Group and with the Japanese press during the Prime Minister's Stay.Translated correspondence and filed inquiries from the Japanese population in the Boston business community.Organized travel itineraries for Japanese officials visiting the New England area.SALES/MARKETING/ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS Founded international resumes,a company designed for the creation of English and Japanese resumes,and ran it from 1989-1991.Designed and circulated posters,banners and invitations in order to introduce the Japanese community to New England.EDUCATION Yale University,New Haven,CT M.A.East Asian Studies,expected to be received June 1995.Harvard University,Cambridge,MA M.A.Psychology and Japanese Studies,May 1989 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1991-Present Technical Writer/Junior Programmer 1989-1990 Assistant to the Japanese Ambassador 1989-1990 Sales Representative 1987-1988 Marketing Representative
Functional portion of the resume focuses on candidate's unique
qualifications,skills,and accomplishments. Chronological portion of the resume briefly summarizes candidate's
employment history.
第二篇:外文翻译 英文
Valuing the Warranty Ceiling Clause onNew Mexico Highway 44Using a Binomial Lattice Model
In 1998 the New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department(NMSHTD)agreed to pay $60 million for a 20-year pavement warranty on their Route 44 project(NM 44, now US 550).The warranty includes a ceiling clause that caps total expenditures at $110 million.As the first long-term highway warranty in the United States, the transaction set a controversial precedent that parties interested in innovative highway contracting, including other state department of transportations(DOTs), the USDOT, sureties, and contractors, view as a test case for evaluating pricing and cost-effectiveness.An interim audit report published by the State of' New Mexico [Abbey(2004).Rep.to the Legislative Finance Committee, State Highway and Transportation Department.Santa Fe.N.M.]provides invaluable fiscal projections and challenges the cost effectiveness of the $60 million expenditure.This paper presents an independent analysis of the effectiveness of the warranty clauses.Based upon NMSHTD data, the analysis contends that $60 million was a fair cost of the 20-year pavement warranty at the time of acceptance if the expenditure ceiling is not considered.Furthermore.this paper argues that the ceiling on expenditure can be valuable.Using the real options approach, the paper evaluates the warranty ceiling clause on NM 44 and some policy suggestions are discussed.Introduction:
State Departments of Transportation(DOT)turned increasingly proactive when awarding large highway pavement contracts as a result of the United States Federal Highway Administration's(FHwA)Special Experimental Projects(SEPs).SEP No.14, implemented in 1990, opened the door for innovative contracting methods including lane rental, cost-plus-time bidding, design.build techniques, and warranty clauses.The warranty clauses hold contractors liable for reparationfor performance failures within a warranty period that typically extends from 5 to 7 years.Though New Mexico was not among the original eight states that initiated the use of warranties under SEP No.14.they have since evaluated the option of warranty contracting and success-fully applied it to the New Mexico State Route 44 Project(nowU.S.550),which traverses 118 mi(190 km)from 1-25 at San Ysidro northwest to Bloomfield, near the Four Corners area.When considering the prospect of infiltrating the northwest corner ofNew Mexico, New Mexico State Highway and TransportationDepartment(NMSHTD)[renamed New Mexico Deparunent of
Transportation(NMDOT)in 2003], determined that the future maintenance and rehabilitation costs of the upgraded 118 mi of roadway would total about $16,000/lane-mi/year over a service life of 20 years(May et al.2003)totaling just over $15I million.Additionally, they determined that the roadbed and surface upgrades would take almost 27 years to complete using normal contracting methods.In an effort to keep the highway in good condition for the long term, NMSHTD purchased a 20-year warranty agreement from MesaPDC who in turn guaranteed the pavement performance during the warranty period.Thc' NM 44 warranty broke new ground in both length and cost.Itwas the first long-term highway warranty in the United States and.,at $62 million, the most expensive.Since conception, its economics and applicability to other projects has been a subject of debate.Moreover, the two ceiling clauses in the warranty agreement that limit cumulative traffic volume and maintenance expenditures have been neither examined nor evaluated.In this paper we address the cost effectiveness of the warranty clauses in the NM 44 project.Warranty Provisions for NM 44
Two primary participants, NMSHTD and Mesa Project Development Contractor(PDC), a division of Wichita, Kan.-based Koch Performance Roads, Inc., cooperated on the NM 44 project.The NMSHTD laid out design criteria, performance requirements, and oversight procedures, and estimated a life-cycle cost to establish the overall present value of the expected maintenance during the 20-year warranty period.Through team building and open communications, NMSHTD was able to monitor performance without responsibility for performance, while Mesa PDC was able to gain insight into the development and award process along with the limitations and constraints that had to be addressed.To carry a long-term warranty agreement, a professional services contract was introduced.Basic items included delineation of responsibilities and appropriate protocol for repairs, costing, and reimbursement.The final price on the warranty was comprised of $60 million for a 2pavement warranty and, $2 million for a 10-year structures warranty to cover bridges, drainage, erosion, etc.for a total of $62 million in warranty liability.Mesa
PDC also agreed to a 3.5% inflationary risk on future maintenance costs.Based on these numbers, the warranty pricing was $6,400/lane mi/year, a 60% reduction as compared to the initial evaluation(Mav et al.2003).Additionally, the warranty duration was limited by three ceiling clauses:(1)20 years of service life:(2)4,000,000 equivalent single axle loads(ESALs);and(3)$114 million in total expenditures, of which $1 l0 million is the ceiling for the pavement warranty and $4 million is the ceiling for the structure warranty.Thus, in return for $62 million.Mesa PDC agreed to provide up to $114 million in repairs over a period of 20 years or 4 million ESALs.To ensure the fiscal liability was met.the warranty was also backed by a performance bond.The parties established what constitutes warranted pavement defects based on objective criteria such as smoothness, rutting, transverse crack spacing, crack width, potholes, depressions.bleeding, raveling,and delaminations.Because the warranty provider shoulders the risks associated with performance, they have a strong incentive to assure quality in the design, composition, and construction of the pavement.The parties also developed plans to monitor performance and perform both preventative and routine maintenance to ensure the highway’s health.Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
In a recent interim report of the NM 44 warranty audit, the state of New Mexico challenged the cost effectiveness of the $62 million warranty(Abbey 2004).This interim report and its predecessor(Abbey 1999)provide invaluable cost projections on the NM 44 project and the associated warranty.Using these data we conducted our own cost analysis based on the information available to the NMSHTD when they made the warranty decision in 1998.So for this analysis,all warrafity benefits and costs incurred during the construction and warranty period were discounted back to the decision time in 1998, and all costs ,and payments were assumed to fall at the end of the year.Additionally, we considered only the pavement warranty which is valued at $60 million and explains 96.8% of the total warranty cost.Ignoring the structures warranty, which is valued at only $2 million, reduces ambiguity without any significant impact on the results.Farthermore.Abbey(2004)estimates that the structures warranty will expire before the end of the 10-year warranty period, while the pavement warranty probably will remain in effect for the entire 20-year term.Discussion and Policy Suggestions
Due to the ceiling clause, the price of the warranty provisions in the NM 44 project
does not reflect the real cost to the NMSHTD.The ceiling clause, valued at 4.8 million/year 1998 dollar as calculated, represents additional revenue to Mesa besides the $62 million warranty payment from NMSHTD.By declaring the ceiling clause, Mesa PDC in fact eliminates unfavorable risk while keeping profitable uncertainty.What Mesa gains is what NMSHTD loses since this is a zero-sum game.The actual cost for the warranty provision in the NM 44 project goes up to 57.3 million/year 1998 dollar.The hurdle rate of a viable warranty provision falls to 4%(Fig.6).Considering that the NMSHTD had to borrow at a higher interest rate to finance the NM 44 project.the warranty provision is not justified because of the high cost of the ceiling clause.It is suggested that the state highway agencies carefully evaluate the ceiling clauses when requiring warranty services in selling infrastructure projects.A twofold analysis needs to be conducted so a better decision can be made.First, one must realize that the ceiling clause may be costly.The model developed in this paper is a handy approach to evaluate the ceiling clause value.Second state agencies should better determine a favorable ceiling when including ceiling clauses in the warranty.A sensitivity analysis indicates that the value of the ceiling clause is elastic to the determined ceiling.A 10% increase of the ceiling in the NM 44 warranty provisions would reduce the option price of the ceiling clause by 30%.Therefore, careful selection for a ceiling can significantly reduce the impact of the ceiling clause.The ceiling clause, in essence, is a call option that provides flexibility to switch a decision after more information is available through locking in risks while leaving the favorable uncertainties open.The real option concept provides powerful tools not only for contractors, but also state agencies ceiling clauses or other trigger points in uncertain cash flows.One potential application of the real option concept in warranty contracting is to delay the warranty decision until the end of construction when more performance information is available(Cui et al.2004).Then future maintenance savings could be estimated more accurately, and a better decision can be made on whether to purchase a warranty.Acknowledgments:
The writers gratefully acknowledge the support for this research provided by the University Transportation Center for Alabama(UTCA)and the Alabama Contractors' Fees Fund.Reforance:
1)Warranty Provisions for NM 44Qingbin Cui1;Philip Johnson2;Aaron Quick3;and Makarand Hastak
2)Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,January 2008,Volume 134.Number 1, 10--17
Objective 目标
career objective 职业目标
employment objective 工作目标
position wanted 希望职位
job objective 工作目标
position applied for 申请职位
position sought 谋求职位
position desired 希望职位
for more specialized work 为更专门的工作
for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途
for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任
for wider experience 为扩大工作经验
due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭
due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满
offered a more challenging opportunity 获得的更有挑战性的工作机会
sought a better job 找到了更好的工作
to look for a more challenging opportunity 找一个更有挑战性的工作机会
to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作
教育背景(Educational Background)
教育背景即正规学校教育/或培训(A history of a person’s formal schooling and/or training)
包括:学历(educational history)、教育程度(educational background)、知识背景(knowledge background)、所学课程(courses taken)、专业课程(specialized courses)、进修课程(refresher course)、脱产培训(off-job training)计算机能力(computer skills)等,及掌握情况。Education 学历
educational background 教育程度、教育背景
educational history 学历
Educational System 学制
academic year 学年
semester 学期(美)
term 学期(英)
Curriculum 课程
major 主修
minor 副修
educational highlights 课程重点部分
curriculum included 课程包括
specialized courses 专门课程
courses taken 所学课程
courses completed 所学课程
special training 特别训练
refresher course 进修课程
Examination 考试
pass 及格
fail 不及格
marks 分数
grades 分数
scores 分数
Degree 学位
post doctorate 博士后
master 硕士学位
bachelor 学士学位
Student 学生
graduate student 研究生
abroad student 留学生
returned student 回国留学生
foreign student 外国学生
undergraduate 大学肄业生
senior 大学四年级学生;高中三年级学生
junior 大学三年级学生;高中二年级学生
sophomore 大学二年级学生;高中一年级学生
freshman 大学一年级学生
guest student 旁听生(英)
auditor 旁听生(美)
government-supported student 公费生
commoner 自费生
extern 走读生
day-student 走读生
intern 实习生
prize fellow 奖学金生
boarder 寄宿生
classmate 同班同学
schoolmate 同校同学
graduate 毕业生
Intelligence Quotient(IQ)智商
Training 各种培训
off-job training 脱产培训
in-job training 在职培训
Social Practice 社会实践
part-time jobs 业余工作
summer jobs 暑期工作
vacation jobs 假期工作
Activities 课外活动
extracurricular activities 课外活动
physical activities 体育活动
recreational activities 娱乐活动
academic activities 学术活动
social activities 社会活动、社交活动
Rewards 奖励
scholarship 奖学金
“Three Goods” student 三好学生
excellent League member 优秀团员
excellent leader 优秀干部
student council 学生会
monitor 班长
vice-monitor 副班长
commissary in charge of studies 学习委员
commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员
commissary in charge of sports 体育委员
commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员
Party branch secretary 党支部书记
League branch secretary 团支部书记
commissary in charge of organization 组织委员
commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员
business background 工作背景
business experience 工作经历
business history 工作经历
employment experience 工作经历
employment record 雇佣记录
professional history 职业经历
professional experience 职业经历
occupational history 工作经历
工作经历即专职及兼职工作经历(A history of a person’s professional and/or non-professional employment)
包括:工作经历(work experience)、职业经历(professional history)、具体经历(specific experience)、兼职(Part—time)、实习(Intern)、实际业绩(Performance)、工作成就(achievements)、个人能力(People)、市场开发(Marketing develop)、关键问题的解决(breakthrough)、成功的要素(Element of Success)、胜任力(Competence)、被认命的职位(appointed position)等。
Sales manager.In addition to ordinary sales activities and manament of department , responsible for recruiting and training of sales staff members.销售部经理。除了政党销售活动和部门管理之外,还负责招聘与训练销售人员。
Assistant to the General Manager of Shenzhen Petrochemical Industrial Corporation Ltd.Handled the business trip schedule of the general manager.Met clients as a representative of the corporation.Helped to negotiate a $5,000,000 deal for the corporation.深圳市石油化工集团股份有限公司总经理助理。安排总经理的出差旅行计划时间表。作为公司代表接见客户。协助公司谈成了笔五百万美元的交易。
Secretary to president of Silverlion Group Corporation Ltd.Responsibilities:Receiving visitors,scheduling meetings,taking adn typing dictation,writing routine letters and reports.银利来集团有限公司董事长秘书。职责:接待访客,安排会议、笔录并打字、书写日常信函及报告。
Public relations girl at Guangzhou Holiday Inn.Fulltime in summers,part-time during school.在广州文化假日酒店当公关小姐。暑期全职,上课时间兼职。
Assistant to manager of accounting department of a joint venture enterprise.Analyzed data and relevant financial statistics,and produced monthly financial statements.一家合资企业会计部门经理的助理。分析数据及相关财务统计数字,而且提出每月的财务报告。
Workde 21 hours weekly as a salesgirl at the bookstore of shenzhen University.Earned 45% of college expenses.在深圳大学书店当售货员,每周工作21小时,赚了大学费用的45%.Production manager:Initiated quality control resulting in a reduction in working hours by 20% while increasing productivity by 25%.生产部经理:引入质量控制,使得工作时数减少了20%,而生产力则提高了25%.Staff member of Shanxi Textiles Import adn Export Company.Handled import of textiles from Hong Kong,Macao,Taiwan,Increased sales by 25% from 1990 to 1993.Made frequent business trips to these places to negotiate with textile mills.山西纺织品进出口公司职员。处理从香港、澳门、台湾进口纺织品事宜。从1990年至1993年增加了25%的销售额。经常出差到这些地方跟纺织厂商洽。
advanced worker 先进工作者
appointed 被任命的be promoted to 被提升为
breakthrough 惊人的进展,关键问题的解决
behave 表现
control 控制
cost 成本;费用
excellent Party member 优秀党员 design 设计
develop 开发,发挥
implement 完成,实施
import 进口
export 出口
found 创立
generate 产生
good at 擅长于
guide 指导;操纵
initiate 创始,开创
innovate 改革,革新
reckon 计算(成本等)participate in 参加
recommended 被推荐的;被介绍的
Working Experiences
(From 2006.09 till now)Watson
Regional manager
I’m responsible for 7-15 shops, which have about 270 staffs.The sale volume is 20 million per month.Major responsibilities and achievements:
1.Supervise and help shop managers to reach the selling goals made by company, such as:
Adjust the layouts of the shops and make reasonable customer moving paths to lead customers’ shopping
Arrange the layouts of the top 300 commodities and notable signs of the sales promotionOrder the rational goods and control the shortage of goods
Make full use of all kinds of management analysis reports to find ways to promote saleLook for outside promotion chances to make additional selling
Arrange service and face-to-face selling training programs to make more money from each customer
In 2008, our regional sales volume is 170 million, 102.3% of the setting goal.2.Supervise the daily operation of the regional shops, such as:
Carry out the financial process such as checking the cash and loss preventions
Spot check the main goods’ storage differences
Check and control spoilage, discard and discounts
Coordinate the storage within the region
3.Improve the service
Organize and help the shop managers to carry out training programs for the staff
Help the shop managers to improve their selling according to exterior check reports(mysterious customer)
The scores offered by the mysterious customer in 2008: 80, above the company’s average level.4.Manage and cultivate the staff
Tutor and cultivate shop manager candidates, and help the shops to solve problems
Make full use of the resources within the region;organize different kinds of training programs periodically, improving the management skills of the managers and staffsenior shop manager and 6 shop managers were cultivated in 2008.5.Other, such as:
Communicate with different departments in the company and help the shops to solve problemsMaintain a good communication with the property company to earn the maximum benefits for the company
Help to choose the new shops’ sites and offer operation suggestions
Prepare for the new shops’ operation(6 new shops were founded in 2008)and rebuilt 3 old shops
From 2000.10 Till 2006.9
Starbucks Coffee Ltd.From 2002.10 Till 2006.9
Regional manager
Major responsibilities:
1.Help and support shop managers to reach their selling and profit goals
2.Tracking and tutoring the operation KPI of each shop
3.Recruit and cultivate managers
4.Tracking and tutoring the shop managers to carry out promotion programs
5.Demonstrate and transmit company culture and customer service
6.Teach management classes as company lecturer
From 2001.4 Till 2002.9
Shop manager
Major responsibilities:
1.Maintain a high standard operation condition of the shop
2.Lead and motivate the staff to reach selling and other KPI targets
3.Visit the other shops within the business district and maintain a good relationship with the
4.Recruit and cultivate on-duty managers and staff
5.Teach classes about the knowledge of the products and special skills as company lecturer
From 2000.10 Till 2001.4
On-duty managers
From 1996.02 Till 2000.10
Assistant Manager in KFC
Major responsibilities:
1.Manage the operation of the shop and make sure to provide qualified products, services and
2.Manage the order and storage of the materials
3.Make shift arrangements for the staff and maintain the facilities
Personal evaluation
Have over 12 year’s experience of operating chain stores
Have an initiative and responsible personality
Have good skills in leading, training and inter-personal communicating.
Personal Information: Name: 姓名
Sex: 性别
Date of Birth: 出生日期 E-Mail: 电子邮箱
Mobile Phone: 手机号码 Objective:
Academic Main Courses 主修课程
Computer Abilities 电脑操作能力
English Skills 英语技能
Qualifications 获得的证书