5月11日下午,天长中学综合楼报告厅座无虚席,2013年英语演讲比赛在这里如期举行,高一年级各班和高二年级国际班近二十位选手参加比赛。本次比赛的主题是“Moving Forward Towards Globalization”。
1、活动主题:Which is the Key to the college Life?
国 际 学 院
Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen.As we all know, we are here to discuss ‘Mapping of the Global Future’.But before doing that, let me give you just one figure15 million children a year, that is 29 children every minute, leave us because they have nothing to eat.Now tell me, what kind of ‘Global Future’ can we talk about when we still have such problems? It is easy for us to be here, in warmth and satiety, and discuss the possibilities of the world’s development.But think about all those children that will go to bed tonight without nothing in their stomachs.Some of them will be asking for food, not able to understand that their parents simply have nothing to give them.And some of them will simply be too weak to even cry.For most of the starving children, famine will not be lethal.Nevertheless, the lack of vitamins and minerals will most likely give them blindness, deformities or brain damage, which they would never be able to cure.Today in the world, there are more than 150 million starving children and most of them live in the countries of Africa.The reasons for their starvation are not military operations, draughts or floods.It is poverty, pure and simple.And poverty means not only famine.Poverty also means that most of those starving children have to work full-time jobs because it is the only way for them to support their families.More than 250 million children all over the globe are working nowadays.Poverty also means that those countries have no money to fight the natural disasters that strike their continent.It is questionable that the floods and hurricanes are the result of the developing technology, but it is clear that almost the whole continent of Africa is so poor that it cannot fight those catastrophes.Poverty also means that most of the developing countries have no money to prevent or cure even the most widespread illnesses.Such diseases as measles or chicken pox, which hardly worry anybody today, account for millions of children deaths in the developing countries every year simply because nobody gave those children a shot.And this is not to mention AIDS, which is so widespread in Africa, that it accounts for 50% to 60% of all children deaths in such countries as Botswana or Zimbabwe.Poverty also means that those children will never be able to get decent education, which makes it a vicious circle, because without education these children will never get a good job and thus are destined to starve throughout their whole life.Of course, you will ask mea lot.Let us leave alone any political aspects of helping the starving people get some food.Today they hardly receive any help at all.The world community is too slow to react when something happens, and the last years prove it.In 2005, for example, no country reacted in time when people of Niger had faced seve
re food shortage.At the same time, the existing organizations created to help starving people are so poor themselves, that they have to ask for public donations, which definitely do not give much.What is the most stupid and absurd about this whole situation is how cheap it is to help the needy.For example, a bowl of soup for a hungry child costs only about 2 cents, and the set of all necessary shots costs less than a dollar.So, as you can see, not much is needed to prevent children from all over the world from dying from famine and diseases.How can we look those people in the eyes when all it takes to stop the starvation in the whole world is for one country to underproduce ten planes?
I’m not trying to convince you in something or make you change your point of view on certain issues.All I’m trying to do is tell you the bare facts about what is going on in the distant corners of our world, so that you can make your own choice.But let us not forget the words of John Kennedy, who said that ‘if a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich’.And before I finish, let me remind you once again, while we here discuss the global future, 15 million children this year will not have any future at all.
各县(市)卫生局、州直各医疗卫生单位: 为纪念“5.12”国际护士节,激励我州护理人员继承和发扬南丁格尔精神,加强医院临床护理工作,落实基础护理,为人民群众提供安全、优质、满意的护理服务,经研究决定,在全州卫生系统举行“优质护理服务”演讲比赛。现将有关事项通知如下:
一、演讲比赛主题 爱心奉献,满意服务。
二、演讲内容 以宣扬护理岗位优秀事迹为主,宣传贯彻以患者满意、社会满意、政府满意为目标的“优质护理示范工程”活动,展现当代护士白衣天使光辉形象。演讲既要突出艺术性,又要讲求真实性,切实增强演讲的效果。
四、演讲单位 参加演讲单位13个,共选派15名参赛人员,具体名单见附件,演讲时间控制在5-8分钟。
(三)演讲要求 1.演讲内容要紧扣主题,联系工作实际,内容健康向上,结构完整;2.仪表形象端庄,表情自然,举止大方; 3.普通话标准,脱稿演讲,合理运用肢体语言; 4.吐字清晰,语言流畅,声情并茂,感染力强。
七、演讲评奖 为调动积极性,本次比赛拟设一、二、三等奖,当场评奖、颁奖。