
时间:2019-05-13 15:11:32下载本文作者:会员上传



If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,Or, being lied about,don't deal in lies,Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dreamand not make thoughts your aim;If you can meet with triumph and disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twiseted by knaves to make a trap for fools,Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothin in you

Except the Will which says to them:“Hold on!”;

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings-nor lose the common touch;If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;If all men count with you, but none too much;If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty second' worth of distance run-

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, Andyou'll be a Man my son!





如果你是个爱思考的人——光想会达不到目标; 如果你遇到骄傲和挫折











如果所有人都指望你,却无人全心全意; 如果你花六十秒进行短程跑,填满那不可饶恕的一分钟—— 你就可以拥有一个世界,这个世界的一切都是你的,更重要的是,孩子,你是个顶天立地的人。



GM Shows Its EN-V in Shanghai

General Motors Co.introduced a pod-like electric vehicle in Shanghai this week, a vision for a car of the future to help solve urban-transportation problems such as congestion and pollution.通用汽车公司(General Motors Co.)本周在上海推出了一款豆荚状电动汽车,人们从中可以一窥未来能帮助缓解堵车和污染等城市交通问题的汽车会是什么样子。

The two-seater EN-V, or 'Electric Networked-Vehicle,' is a third the length of a regular car at 1.5 meters.It will be equipped with wireless communication and GPS-based navigation that will help it avoid accidents and pick the fastest routes based on real-time traffic conditions, GM says.这款名为EN-V的两座“电动联网概念车”只有1.5米长,仅为普通轿车长度的三分之一。通用汽车说,EN-V将配备无线通讯装置和GPS卫星导航系统,这些装置将帮助它避免交通事故,并根据实时交通状况选择行驶速度最快的交通线路。

The EN-V likely won't actually hit the roads for a long while yet-if ever.但EN-V真的上路行驶可能还要很长时间才能实现,如果会有这么一天的话。

GM has put forward a 20-year timeframe for the EN-V to catch on, and it may turn out to be more of a curiosity object like the Segway, GM's collaborator on the project.But if it works anywhere, it will likely work in China, which has no shortage of packed urban environments and swaths of consumers who have little or no history with traditional cars and may be more open to trying new concepts.通用汽车准备给EN-V 20年的时间来逐步被市场接受,而这款车最终有可能像通用的另一款微型车Segway一样,更多只是一种新奇的玩意儿。但如果EN-V真有用武之地的话,这个地方有可能是中国。中国不仅城市的停车位紧张,而且许多消费者都不曾或很少有过驾驶传统型轿车的经历,他们可能更乐于尝试新的概念车。

GM expects the EN-V, if put into production, to cost less than a small car but more than a moped.通用汽车预计,EN-V如果投产,其价格会在小型轿车和摩托车之间。

For now, with its future still unclear, the EN-V at least represents an important P.R.move for GM, which has been criticized for not thinking ahead.目前看来,虽然EN-V的市场前景仍不明朗,但推出这款车至少是通用汽车一个重要的公关举措,该公司一直被批评为缺乏前瞻性思维。




Tianya To Discontinue Working With Google On Several Projects

Tianya, an Internet company that runs one of China's most popular online forums, said Wednesday that it would discontinue working with Google Inc.(GOOG)on several projects in light of the company's decision to snub Chinese authorities and reroute its Chinese users to a Hong Kong Web site.互联网公司天涯网周三说,鉴于谷歌(Google Inc.)决定不再遵守中国有关部门的网络审查规定、把中国用户转到香港网站,天涯网将中断与谷歌的数个合作项目。天涯网运营着中国最受欢迎的在线论坛之一。

Xing Ming, chief executive of the company, which uses Google technology to power some of its site functions, said the company has begun implementing a plan to continue its operations without Google's help.天涯网首席执行长邢明说,该公司已经开始实施一项计划,将在没有谷歌的帮助下继续运营。天涯网使用谷歌技术来支持部分网站功能。

'Though Google left, we still need to continue offering our services to our customers and meet our clients requests,' Xing said.'There were many fields we were planning to cooperate on, such as online video, and though we just got a license to provide online video, Google has left.So we will run the video business by ourselves.' 邢明说,尽管谷歌离开了,我们仍需要继续向客户提供服务,满足客户的需求。我们有很多计划合作的领域,比如在线视频;尽管我们刚刚获得提供在线视频的许可,谷歌却离开了。所以,我们将独自运营视频业务。

In addition, Xing said Tianya has taken full control of Tianya Laiba, its social-networking service, and Tianya Wenda, a question-and-answer service, which were formerly operated with Google.此外,邢明说,天涯网已经做出决定,可能自己来运营社交服务“天涯来吧”和问答服务“天涯问答”。这两项业务现在是与谷歌一起运营的。

Google could not be immediately reached for comment, but has said it plans to fulfill its contractual obligations to partners, even after its move Tuesday to stop adhering to Chinese censorship regulations.记者暂时无法联系到谷歌相关人员发表置评。不过谷歌说,即使从周二开始不再遵守中国的审查规定,它计划履行对合作伙伴的合同义务。

The company now reroutes traffic to its Chinese domain address, Google.cn, to Google.com.hk, where it is hosting a service optimized for mainland Chinese users alongside its search site for Hong Kong users, but it's unclear how long authorities will allow that to continue.The move was seen by officials as deliberate defiance of Google's earlier agreements to follow China's Internet regulations.谷歌目前把中文网站Google.cn的用户转到了Google.com.hk。该网站提供对香港用户的搜索网站,同时还提供为大陆用户优化的服务,不过不清楚有关部门能允许这种局面持续多久。中国官员们认为此举是谷歌故意挑战此前有关同意遵守中国互联网规定的协议。

Tianya's decision comes after Hong Kong-based media company Tom Group Ltd.(TOCOF, 2383.HK)said it removed Google's search service from its Web portal in order to stay in

compliance with China's rules and regulations.在天涯网作出上述决定前,位于香港的媒体公司TOM集团(Tom Group Ltd.)说,把谷歌搜索服务从自己的门户网站上去除了,以便遵守中国的规定和条例。

Other Google partners who used Google's Chinese search engine, including mobile operator China Mobile Ltd.(CHL, 0941.HK)and Web portal Sina Corp.(SINA), will have to decide whether to continue using Google's services as well.其他使用谷歌中文搜索引擎的合作伙伴──包括手机运营商中国移动和门户网站新浪──将必须决定是否继续使用谷歌的服务。






Numerical control(N/C)is a form of programmable automation in which the processing equipment is controlled by means of numbers, letters, and other symbols, The numbers, letters, and symbols are coded in an appropriate format to define a program of instructions for a particular work part or job.When the job changes, the program of instructions is changed.The capability to change the program is what makes N/C suitable for low-and medium-volume production.It is much easier to write programs than to make major alterations of the processing equipment.There are two basic types of numerically controlled machine tools:point—to—point and continuous—path(also called contouring).Point—to—point machines use unsynchronized motors, with the result that the position of the machining head Can be assured only upon completion of a movement, or while only one motor is running.Machines of this type are principally used for straight—line cuts or for drilling or boring.The N/C system consists of the following components:data input, the tape reader with the control unit, feedback devices, and the metal—cutting machine tool or other type of N/C equipment.Data input, also called “man—to—control link”, may be provided to the machine tool manually, or entirely by automatic means.Manual methods when used as the sole source of input data are restricted to a relatively small number of inputs.Examples of manually operated devices are keyboard dials, pushbuttons, switches, or thumbwheel selectors.These are located on a console near the machine.Dials ale analog devices usually connected to a syn-chro-type resolver or potentiometer.In most cases, pushbuttons, switches, and other similar types of selectors are digital input devices.Manual input requires that the operator set the controls for each operation.It is a slow and tedious process and is seldom justified except in elementary machining applications or in special cases.In practically all cases, information is automatically supplied to the control unit and the machine tool by cards, punched tapes, or by magnetic tape.Eight—channel punched paper tape is the most commonly used form of data input for conventional N/C systems.The coded instructions on the tape consist of sections of punched holes called blocks.Each block represents a machine function, a machining operation, or a combination of the two.The entire N/C program on a tape is made up of an accumulation of these successive data blocks.Programs resulting in long tapes all wound on reels like motion-picture film.Programs on relatively short tapes may be continuously repeated by joining the two ends of the tape to form a loop.Once installed, the tape is used again and again without further handling.In this case, the operator simply loads and1

unloads the parts.Punched tapes ale prepared on type writers with special tape—punching attachments or in tape punching units connected directly to a computer system.Tape production is rarely error-free.Errors may be initially caused by the part programmer, in card punching or compilation, or as a result of physical damage to the tape during handling, etc.Several trial runs are often necessary to remove all errors and produce an acceptable working tape.While the data on the tape is fed automatically, the actual programming steps ale done manually.Before the coded tape may be prepared, the programmer, often working with a planner or a process engineer, must select the appropriate N/C machine tool, determine the kind of material to be machined, calculate the speeds and feeds, and decide upon the type of tooling needed.The dimensions on the part print are closely examined to determine a suitable zero reference point from which to start the program.A program manuscript is then written which gives coded numerical instructions describing the sequence of operations that the machine tool is required to follow to cut the part to the drawing specifications.The control unit receives and stores all coded data until a complete block of information has been accumulated.It then interprets the coded instruction and directs the machine tool through the required motions.The function of the control unit may be better understood by comparing it to the action of a dial telephone, where, as each digit is dialed, it is stored.When the entire number has been dialed, the equipment becomes activated and the call is completed.Silicon photo diodes, located in the tape reader head on the control unit, detect light as it passes through the holes in the moving tape.The light beams are converted to electrical energy, which is amplified to further strengthen the signal.The signals are then sent to registers in the control unit, where actuation signals are relayed to the machine tool drives.Some photoelectric devices are capable of reading at rates up to 1000 characters per second.High reading rates are necessary to maintain continuous machine—tool motion;otherwise dwell marks may be generated by the cutter on the part during contouring operations.The reading device must be capable of reading data blocks at a rate faster than the control system can process the data.A feedback device is a safeguard used on some N/C installations to constantly compensate for errors between the commanded position and the actual location of the moving slides of the machine tool.An N/C machine equipped with this kind of a direct feedback checking device has what is known as a closed-loop system.Positioning control is accomplished by a sensor which, during the actual operation, records the position of the slides and relays this information back to the control unit.Signals thus received ale compared to input signals on the tape, and any discrepancy between them is automatically rectified.In an alternative system, called an open—loop system, the machine is positioned solely by stepping motor drives in response to commands by a controllers.There is one basic type of NC motions.Point-to-point or Positional Control In point-to-point control the machine tool elements(tools, table, etc.)are moved to programmed locations and the machining operations performed

after the motions are completed.The path or speed of movement between locations is unimportant;only the coordinates of the end points of the motions are accurately controlled.This type of control is suitable for drill presses and some boring machines, where drilling, tapping, or boring operations must be performed at various locations on the work piece.Straight-Line or Linear Control Straight-Line control systems are able to move the cutting tool parallel to one of the major axes of the machine tool at a controlled rate suitable for machining.It is normally only possible to move in one direction at a time, so angular cuts on the work piece are not possible, consequently, for milling machines, only rectangular configurations can be machined or for lathes only surfaces parallel or perpendicular to the spindle axis can be machined.This type of controlled motion is often referred to as linear control or a half-axis of control.Machines with this form of control are also capable of point-to-point control.The original N/C used the closed—loop system.Of the two systems, closed and open loop, closed loop is more accurate and, as a consequence, is generally more expensive.Initially, open—loop systems were used almost entirely for light-duty applications because of inherent power limitations previously associated with conventional electric stepping motors.Recent advances in the development of electro hydraulic stepping motors have led to increasingly heavier machine load applications.中文译文














在另一个称为开环的系统中,机床仅由响应控制器命令的步进电动机驱动定位,工件的精度几乎完全取决于丝杠的精度和机床结构的刚度。有几个理由可以说明步进电机是一个自动化申请的非常有用的驱动装置。对于一件事物,它被不连续直流电压脉冲驱使,是来自数传计算机和其他的自动化的非常方便的输出控制系统。当多数是索引或其他的自动化申请所必备者的时候,步进电机对运行一个精确的有角进步也是理想的。因为控制系统不需要监听就提供特定的输出指令而且期待系统适当地反应的公开-环操作造成一个回应环,步进电机是理想的。一些工业的机械手使用高抬腿运步的马乘汽车驾驶员,而且步进电机是有用的在数字受约束的工作母机中。这些申请的大部分是公开-环 ,但是雇用回应环检测受到驱策的成份位置是可能的。环的一个分析者把真实的位置与需要的位置作比较,而且不同是考虑过的错误。那然后驾驶员能发行对步进电机的电脉冲,直到错误被减少对准零位。在这个系统中,没有信息反馈到控制单元的自矫正过程。出现误动作时,控制单元继续发出电脉冲。比如,一台数控铣床的工作台突然过载,阻力矩超过电机转矩时,将没有响应信号送回到控制器。因为,步进电机对载荷变化不敏感,所以许多数控系统设计允许电机停转。然而,尽管有可能损坏机床结构或机械传动系统,也有使用带有特高转矩步进电机的其他系统,此时,电动机有足够能力来应付系统中任何偶然事故。




Brief attention of mobile crushing plant by Liming Heavy Industry


When the device is under processing and manufacturing, enough knowledge and realization can achieve a better effect.Liming Heavy Industry innovates the traditional chart of crushing device and integrate into a whole processing, which is the mobile crushing plant device.Thus there are many customers who are not familiar with the mobile crushing plant, and there is the necessary to present a brief analytic attention of mobile crushing plant.Below are the attentions that our technical staff gives:



Firstly, only after the mobile crushing plant starts work normally, material can be put into the feeder.Secondly, the material should put into the feeder evenly instead of being not equilibrium or piling high in order not to overload on one side or too stressful.第三:在移动破碎站设备正常工作的时候,轴承的温度绝对不可以超过30度,最高温度也不得超过70度,如果在工作期间,碎石机的温度超过了上述温度,必须马上停止工作进行检查。查明原因之后,必须立即采取措施进行解决。


Thirdly, the bearing temperature should not excess 30 °C, and the highest temperature should not excess 70°C.If so, mobile crushing plant should stop immediately, and checking for the reason.Fourthly, before the mobile crushing plant stops, stop adding the material into the hopper first.Wait until the material in the cavity emission totally, before ends the power.Thus can prevent from blocking the cavity.第五:在移动破碎站工作的时候,如果因为破碎腔内物料过多而造成停车,应该立即关闭电源停止破碎机的工作,进行物料清理,清理干净之后,方可再次运行工作。


Fifthly, when mobile crushing plant is working, If because broken cavity materials and cause too much parking, should immediately shut off the power to stop the crusher work, make the material cleaning, clean up after, can run again.Lastly, after a period of time using, maintain and repair should be made to the mobile crushing plant, and check every parts of stability.



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