action['ækʃən] 动作
animator:['æni,meitə] 原画者,动画设计assistant:[ə'sistənt] 动画者antic :['æntik] 预备动作air brushing:['brʌʃiŋ] 喷效angle:['æŋgl] 角度
animated zoom['æni,meitid] 画面扩大或缩小
animation film:[,æni'meiʃən] 动画片animation computer:[kəm'pju:tə] 电脑控制动画摄影
atmosphere sketch:['ætməsfiə] [sketʃ] 气氛草图
B.P.(bot pegs)下定位
BRK DN(B.D.)(break-down)中割BG layout:['leiaut] 背景设计稿background keys 背景样本
background hookup:[huk]衔接背景background pan 长背景
background still:[stil] 短背景bar sheets :[ʃi:t]音节表beat:[bi:t]节拍blank :[blæŋk]空白bloom:[blu:m]闪光blow up :[bləu] 放大
camera notes:['kæmərə] :[nəut] 摄影注意事项
clean up:[kli:n]清稿,修形,作监cut:[kʌt]镜头结束
CEL=celluloid:['selju,lɔid]化学板cycle:['saikl]循环CW(clock-wise):[klɔk][waiz] 顺时针转动CCW(counter clock-wise):['kauntə] 逆时针转动
continue(cont,con‘d):[kən'tinju:] 继续CAM(camera):['kæmərə] 摄影机CUSH(cushion):['kuʃən] 缓冲C=center:['sentə]中心点
camera shake:[ʃeik] 镜头振动checker:['tʃekə]检查员
constant :['kɔnstənt]等速持续
color keys=color mark-ups:[mɑ:k]色指定color model:['mɔdl]彩色造型color flash(paint flash):[peint] 跳色camera animation动画摄影机cellevel:['levl]化学板层次character:['kæriktə]人物造型
DIALOG(dialogue):['daiəlɔ:g] 对白及口形duble exposure:[iks'pəuʒə]双重曝光multiruns多重曝光1st run第一次曝光2nd run地二次曝光dry brushing::[drai]['brʌʃiŋ] 干刷DIAG PAN(diagonal):[dai'ægənl]斜移DWF(drawing):['drɔ:iŋ]画,动画纸double image :['imidʒ]双重影像dailies(RUSHES)样片director:[di'rektə]导演
dissolve(X.D):[di'zɔlv] 溶景,叠化distortion:[dis'tɔ:ʃən] 变形double frame :[freim] 双(画)格drawing disc :[disk] 动画圆盘
E.C.U = extreme close up:[iks'tri:m] 大特写
EXT(exterior):[eks'tiəriə] 外面;室外景EFT(effect):[i'fekt]特效editing:['edit] 剪辑
exit(moves out, o.s.):['eksit] 出去enter(in):['entə]入画ease-in:[i:z] 渐快ease-out:[aut]渐慢editor:['editə]剪辑师episode:['episəud]片集
field(FLD):[fi:ld]安全框fade(in/on):[feid]画面淡入fade(out/off)画面淡出FIN(finish):['finiʃ]完成FOLOS(follows):['fɔləu]跟随,跟着fast;quickly:[fɑ:st] ['kwikli] 快速field guide:[gaid]安全框指示final check:['fainl] [tʃek]总检footage:['futidʒ]尺数(英尺)F.G.(foreground):['fɔ:graund]前景focallength :['fəukəl]:[leŋθ] 焦距frame:[freim]格数
freeze frame:[freim]停格
gain in:[gein]移入
head up:[hed]抬头
hook up:[huk] 接景;衔接hold:[həuld] 画面停格halo:['heiləu] 光圈
INT(interior):[in'tiəriə] 里面;室内景INB(in between):[bi'twi:n]动画in-betweener动画员I&P(ink & paint):[iŋk] :[peint]描线和着色inking:[kiŋ]描线in sync:[siŋk] 同步
intermittent:[,intə'mitənt] 间歇iris out :['airis] 画面旋逝
jiggle:['dʒigl] 摇动jump:[dʒʌmp] 跳jitter:['dʒitə] 跳动
LIP SYNC(synchronization)[lip] [,siŋkrənai'zeiʃən ] 口形level:['levl]层look:[luk]看listen:['lisn]听
layout:['leiaut] 设计稿;构图laughs(LAFFS):[lɑ:f]笑
L/S(light source):[lait] :[sɔ:s]光源line test(pencil test):[lain]铅笔稿试拍;线拍
M.S.(medium shot):['mi:diəm] :[ʃɔt]中景
M.C.U.(medium close up)['mi:diəm]近景moves out(exit;o.s.):[mu:v] :['eksit]出去moves in[mu:v]进入
match line:[mætʃ] :[lain]组合线multi runs :['mʌlti]:[rʌnz]多重拍摄mouth:[mauθ]嘴
mouth charts:[tʃɑ:t]口形图
MAG TRACK(magnetic sound track):[mæg'netik]音轨
multi cellevels:['mʌlti] :['levl]多层次化学板
N.G.(no good):[gud]不好的,作废narration:[næ'reiʃən]旁白叙述
OL(overlay):['əuvə'lei]前层景Out of scene:[si:n]到画外面
O.S.(off stage off scene):[steidʒ]出景off model:['mɔdl]走型OL/UL(underlay):['ʌndəlei]前层与中层间的景
overlap action:['əuvə'læp] :['ækʃən]重叠动作
ones:[wʌn]一格;单格pose:[pəuz] 姿势
pops in/on突然出现pause:[pɔ:z]停顿;暂停perspective:[pə'spektiv]透视peg bar定位尺
P.T.(painting):['peintiŋ] 着色paint flashes(color flashes)跳色papercut剪纸片
pencil test:['pensl] 铅笔稿试拍persistence of vision:[pə'sistəns] :['viʒən] 视觉暂留
post-synchronized sound:[saund]后期同步录音
ripple glass:['ripl] :[glɑ:s]水纹玻璃re-peg :[peg]重新定位
RUFF(rough-drawing):[rʌf]:['drɔ:iŋ] 草稿
REG(register):['redʒistə]组合RPT(repeat):[ri'pi:t]重复retakes: teik]重拍;修改
registration pegs:[,redʒi'streiʃən]定位器registration holes:[həul]定位洞
silhouette(SILO):[,silu'et]剪影speed line:[spi:d][lain]流线storm out:[stɔ:m]速转出sparkle:['spɑ:kl]火花;闪光shadow:['ʃædəu]阴影smile:[smail]微笑smoke:[sməuk]烟stop:[stɔp]停止slow:[sləu]慢慢的SC(scene):[si:n]镜号S/A(same as):[seim]兼用
S.S(screen shake):[skri:n] :[ʃeik]画面振动
size comparison:[saiz] :[kəm'pærisn]大小比例
SFX(sound effect):[saund] :[i'fekt]声效;音效
settle:['setl]定姿;定置self-line(self-trace line):[self] [treis] [lain]色线
sound chart(bar sheets):[tʃɑ:t]:[ʃi:t]音节表
special effect:['speʃəl] :[i'fekt]特效spin:[spin]旋转
T.A.(top aux):auxiliary[ɔ:g'ziljəri]上辅助定位
T.P.(top pegs):[peg]上定位track:[træk]声带turns:[tə:n]转向
take:[teik]拍摄(一般指拍摄顺序)truck in:[trʌk]镜头推人truck out:[aut]镜头拉出tr(trace):[treis]同描tapers:['teipə]渐
tight field:[tait] :[fi:ld]小安全框tap(beat):[tæp]:[bi:t]节拍title:['taitl]片名;字幕
vert up:[və:t]垂直上移
V.O.(voice over):[vɔis] :['əuvə]旁白;画外音
wipe:[waip]转(换)景方式work print:[wə:k][print]工作样片
X(x-diss)(x.d.):[dis]两景交融xerox down缩小
xerox up(xerox paste-ups):[peist]放大x-sheet:[ʃi:t]摄影表
zoom out:[zu:m]拉出zoon chart::['zəuɔn][tʃɑ:t]镜头推拉轨迹
zoom in推进
zoom lens:[lenz]变焦距镜头
Good afternoon teacher
It is really my honor to have this opportunity for introduce myself
I hope I can make a good performance today.I'm confident that I can succeed Now I will introduce myself briefly
My name is BLUE I was born in Handan is south of Hubei.Handan is not a big city but it has long history, it can date back to QIN dynasty
It's really a fantasy place too.People there are very friendly and helpful.There're also some places of interests in my hometown, I love it and hope that you can visited it someday.There’re 5 people in my family.My parents one sister one brother and I.I’m the youngest in my family.We love each other and live a happy life.I usually love basketball.But I’m not good at it, because I’m not enough tall and power
My major is animation design, I love animation very much.I want to be a master of animation.Hayao Miyazaki is my idol, he is a Japanese mange artist and prominent film director and h animator of many popular anime feature films.He has been named one of the most influential people by Time Magazine.So I want to go to Japan to continue my education I has already to learn Japanese for one year.As a school animation student I am serious and responsible, good work
In a lot of study and practice, my ability to learn, work, innovations have been greatly improved;but I know that not enough, in the future still need to create, I will do better.I believe myself
So, you see, I’m really an easygoing gal.That's all, thank you
第三篇:初中英语单词 附音标
李阳疯狂英语五大发音秘诀:①长元音拉长、双元音饱满 ②短元音收小腹 ③连读 ④略读 ⑤咬舌头(th)
1.[ i ]疯狂外号:穿针引线长E音字母(组合):he他be成为please请sea海bee蜜蜂tea茶we我们deep深So please tell me.那么请告诉我吧!
2.[ I ] 疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短E音字母(组合):it它sit坐body身体candy糖果live居住fit合适many许多pity遗憾It’s sweet and tasty.它既甜又好吃。
3.[ɛ] 疯狂外号:小开口45度字母(组合):bed床pen钢笔ready准备head头desk桌ten十dead死的bread面包I love apples best.我最爱苹果啦!
4.[æ] 疯狂外号:大开口夸张90度字母(组合):bag包apple苹果happy开心have拥有
I’m so happy to be here.我很高兴来到这里!
5.[ʌ] 疯狂外号:经典收小腹小嘴短啊音字母(组合):love爱mother妈妈us我们must必须but但是come来
I come from Fuyang.我来自阜阳。
6.[ɝ] 疯狂外号:重读卷舌音字母(组合):perfect完美的bird鸟girl女生
I speak perfect English.我讲一口完美的英语!
7.[ɚ] 疯狂外号:轻读卷舌音字母(组合):dinner晚饭doctor医生worker工人cleaner清洁工
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一日一苹果,医生远离我!
8.[ə] 疯狂外号:经典收小腹短鹅音字母(组合):a一个China中国seven七open打开
I hope to see you again.我希望再次见到你!
9.[a] 疯狂外号:感叹祖国大好山河音 啊~~~字母(组合):o_
I come from Fuyang, China.我来自中国阜阳。
10.[ar] 疯狂外号:大嘴卷舌音字母(组合):ar
car车bar酒吧far遥远的smart聪明的You are so smart!你真是太聪明了!
11.[ɔ] 疯狂外号:恍然大悟音 哦~~~字母(组合):al
You can call me … 你可以叫我„„
12.[ɔr] 疯狂外号:大悟卷舌音字母(组合):(o)or
Open the door, please!请把门打开!
13.[U] 疯狂外号:经典收小腹圆唇短乌音字母(组合):oo
book书look看foot脚good好的You should read books!你应该多读书!
14.[u] 疯狂外号:圆唇长乌音字母(组合):u,(o)o
What’s your favourite food? 你最喜爱的食物是什么?
15.[e] 国际音标/ei/疯狂外号:嘴角咧到耳朵上音(梳头音)字母(组合):face脸cake蛋糕tasty好吃的gate门play玩day天May五月way路 Ladies and Gentlemen 女士们,先生们!
16.[aɪ] 疯狂外号:大嘴饱满阿姨音字母(组合):Hi嗨kite风筝bike自行车like喜欢my我的sky天空why为什么fly飞 I’m so happy to be here.我很高兴来到这里!
17.[ɔɪ] 疯狂外号:中嘴短衣音字母(组合):oy,boy男生joy乐趣toy玩具enjoy享受
Boys and girls 男生们女生们!
17.[o] 疯狂外号:疯狂舀水音字母(组合):o,ow,oa
no不 go去 hope希望 OK好的 low低的 window窗 slow慢 yellow黄
coat外套 boat船 soap肥皂goat山羊
I hope to see you again.我希望再次见到你!
19.[aU] 疯狂外号:鬼哭狼嚎音字母(组合):how怎么样now现在cow奶牛down下hour小时house房子about大约 round圆的 It’s red and round.它又红又圆。
20.[Ir] 疯狂外号:短E+卷舌字母(组合):year年岁hear听到ear耳朵near附近beer啤酒cheer欢呼here这里
I’m … years old.我···岁了。
21.[ɛr] 疯狂外号:咧嘴45度+卷舌字母(组合):bear熊wear穿pear梨dare敢care关心where哪 there那儿
I care about you.我很关心你。
22.[Ur] 疯狂外号:短乌+卷舌字母(组合):sure确定cure治疗tour旅游your你的What’s your favourite food? 你最喜爱的食物是什么?
23.[p ] 疯狂外号:气破双唇音字母(组合):p
When I eat apples, I feel so happy.当我吃苹果时,我感觉很开心!
24.[b] 疯狂外号:气破双唇音字母(组合):b
I’m so happy to be here.我很高兴来到这里!
25.[ t ] 疯狂外号:舌尖弹气音字母(组合):t
So please tell me.那么请告诉我吧!
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一日一苹果,医生远离我!
27.[k] 疯狂外号:舌根音字母(组合):k,c
I like it very much.我非常喜欢它。
28.[g] 疯狂外号:舌根音字母(组合):g
I hope to see you again.我希望再次见到你!
29.[f] 疯狂外号:咬下唇音字母(组合):f,ph
fish鱼food食物 feel感觉photo照片elephant大象phone电话When I eat apples, I feel so happy.当我吃苹果时,我感觉很开心!
30.[v] 疯狂外号:咬下唇音字母(组合):v
leave离开visit参观favourite最喜欢的What’s your favourite food? 你最喜爱的食物是什么?
31.[s] 疯狂外号:蛇音字母(组合):c,s
It’s sweet and tasty.它既甜又好吃。
32.[z] 疯狂外号:蛇音母(组合):s,z
apples 苹果(复数)season季节music音乐zoo动物园crazy疯狂的 Apples make me healthy and strong.苹果使我又健康又强壮。
33.[ʃ] 疯狂外号:纪律委员音字母(组合):sh,s
I love English.我在英语。
34.[ʒ] 疯狂外号:纪律委员音字母(组合):pleasure高兴usually通常
It’s my pleasure.不用谢(我很高兴帮助你)
35.[θ] 疯狂外号:唯一咬舌音字母(组合):thank谢谢bath洗澡healthy健康
Apples make me healthy and strong.苹果使我又健康又强壮。zip拉链
this这个they 他们
This is …这是····
37[h] 疯狂外号:大口哈气音字母(组合):h,wh
happy开心的head头 healthy健康的who谁
Apples make me healthy.苹果使我健康。
38.[r] 疯狂外号:别“惹”我音字母(组合):r,wr
red红round圆的right右边,正确的write 写
It’s red and round.它又红又圆。
39.[tʃ] 疯狂外号:老外“吃”饭音字母(组合):ch
watch观看change 改变rich富有
I want a change.我要改变!
40.[dʒ] 疯狂外号:老外“知”识字母(组合):j,g
Ladies and Gentlemen 女士们,先生们!
41.[m] 疯狂外号:闭嘴鼻音字母(组合):m
You can call me…你可以叫我···
42.[n] 疯狂外号:开口鼻音字母(组合): n
My name is …我的名字叫···
43.[ŋ] 疯狂外号:撒娇音字母(组合):ng
long长的sing唱歌strong强壮的Apples make me healthy and strong.苹果使我又健康又强壮。
44.[l] 疯狂外号:快“乐”音字母(组合):
So I love apples best.我最爱苹果啦!
45.[l] 疯狂外号:翘舌音字母(组合):tell告诉wall墙ill生病的So please tell me.那么请告诉我吧!change改变
46.[w] 疯狂外号:圆唇短我音字母(组合):w,wh
way道路sweet甜的well好why为什么when(当···)什么时候where哪儿 When I eat apples, I feel so happy.当我吃苹果时,我感觉很开心!
47.[ j ] 疯狂外号:老外“爷爷”音字母(组合):y
you你yes是your你的You can call me…你可以叫我···
48.[tr] 疯狂外号:“戳儿”音字母(组合):tr
tree树try尝试 strong强壮的Apples make me healthy and strong.苹果使我又健康又强壮。
49.[dr] 疯狂外号:“桌儿”音字母(组合):dr
dry干燥的dream梦想 drink饮料,喝
I have a dream.我有一个梦想。
50.[ts] 疯狂外号:“次次”音字母(组合):ts
That’s all.那就是全部了(我的演讲完了)
51.[dz] 疯狂外号:“滋滋”音字母(组合):ds
I have many friends.我有很多朋友。
Let it go
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight皑皑白雪覆盖今夜的山Not a footprint to be seen埋葬我身后的足迹
A kingdom of isolation, [aɪsə'leɪʃ(ə)n] 在这孤独的白色国度
And it looks like I'm the queen我就是冰雪的女王
The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside狂风怒号[haʊl V.哀号[swɜːl] 旋转内心亦涌动不能平息
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried不管多努力,再无法藏匿
Don't let them in, don’t let them see掩藏好自己,不许人靠近
Be the good girl you always have to be乖乖听话,别让大家担心
Conceal, don‘t feel, don’t let them know封闭起来,不让人看清Well, now they know现在他们知道了Let it go, let it go不再躲,不再怕
Can't hold it back any more
秘密已经真相大白隐瞒;控制;阻碍;Let it go, let it go不管他,不害怕
Turn away and slam the door
告别过去,不留一丝牵挂[slæm]砰地关上(门)I don't care我不在乎
What they're going to said他们怎么说
Let the storm rage on,让风暴怒吼吧[reɪdʒ]
The cold never bothered me anyway寒冷也阻挡不了我['bɒðə]It's funny how some distance,Makes everything seem small
现在回首以前,往事变得微不足道And the fears that once controlled me曾经桎梏我的恐惧[kən'trəʊl]Can't get to me at all也都远的看不到
It's time to see, what I can do展现自己拿出本领
To test the limits and break through冲破极限,让自己也吃惊
No right, no wrong, no rules for me没有羁绊,扔掉规则 I'm free世界由我Let it go, let it go放开心,向前进
I am one with the wind and sky乘着风,融化在天际Let it go, let it go向前冲,不后悔
You'll never see me cry我在没有眼泪
Here I stand and here I'll stay我站在这里,我会留在这里 Let the storm rage on任那狂风怒号
My power flurries through the air into the ground雪花漫天飘下['flʌrɪ]使迷乱;使慌张
My soul is spiraling in frozen Fractals all around ['spaɪr(ə)l] v.使成螺旋形['fræktl]不规则碎片形 冰片旋转纷飞,是我的灵魂在升华[
And one thought crystallizesLike an icy blast['kristə,laiz]使结晶
思绪结成冰棱就像冰雪的爆炸 I'm never going back,我不会再回来了,The past is in the past过去的已经过去Let it go, let it go放开,不在意
And I'll rise like the break of dawn如晨曦一般冉冉升起Let it go, let it go算了吧,忘了吧
That perfect girl is gone
完美女孩已经走了(别指望我回到过去)Here I standIn the light of day我站在阳光下
Let the storm rage on任那狂风怒号
The cold never bothered me anyway严寒也不会打倒我