
时间:2019-05-13 03:50:49下载本文作者:会员上传











(45 minutes)

Part A: Spot Dictation

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it.Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape.Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.You might think that hamburgers were invented in the United States, but that is not totally true.These________(1), or patties, actually came from Germany in the middle of the nineteenth century.They were brought to the United States by________(2)who came from the city of Hamburg.That is why ________(3)was "hamburger steak’

However, people in other place________(4)that ’they invented the hamburger.Perhaps we’ll never have a ________(5).the there’s no question that the hamburger was a________(6).Why? Perhaps because at that time, industry was growing and a kind of food was need_________(7)for workers.The hamburger became even more popular_________(8)when the first chain of fast food restaurants was started.This chain was called “White Castle”.It served tiny hamburgers that were sold for only _________(9).Then, in the 1930s there came the _________(10)where customers were served in their cars by waiters in uniform.And the humburger was one of the most _________(11).By now, The hamburger was ready to_______(12)the world.And this happened with McDonald’s, which was actually a _________(13)at first.But by the early 1950s the hot dog was replaced by the hamburger.McDonald’s and other fast food restaurants ________(14)around the world throughout the rest of the twentieth century.McDonald’s alone has________(15)for everyone person in the world.The importance of the hamburger to _________(16)remains significant.About _______(17)of all sandwiches that are eaten are hamburgers.According to some sources,_________(18)of current workers in the United States had their first job at McDonald’s.But the face of the hamburger is changing _______(19).Nowadays it is possible to buy a chicken burger, a turkey burger, ________(20),or veggie burger.Part B: Listening Comprehension


Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements.These1

statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE and you will not find them written on the paper, so you must listen carefully.When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard.Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSER BOOKLET.l.(A)We were met by the head of the company at the airport.(B)We haw Mrs.Jones was the president of the company,.(C)Mrs.Jones used to be the secretary of the company

(D)Mrs.Jones came to see us off at the airport.,2.(A)The board of directors asked about the changes.(B)The board ’of directors decided to invest more on the project.(C)The board of directors approved the revisions.(D)The board of directors could not understand her explanation.3.(A)Many university students prefer soft drinks to fresh fruits.(B)Most of them are first-or-second year college students

(C)A number of college students refuse to disclose their identities

(D)Not many students are interested in our research projects.4.(A)We decided to sell the car when the oil Prices rose.(B)We should not delay solving the problem of oil prices.(C)We were at a loss as to whether to buy that expensive car or not.(D)We didn’t buy a car because of the floating oil prices.5.(A)Most of them are from low-income belies.(B)Most of them are in favor of a tax cut.(C)I know the Congress will veto the tax reform.(D)I propose the tax reform be debated in the Congress.6.(A)Effective self management skills are key to academic and career success.(B)If you spend a lot of time on your school work, you will become a good manager later

(C)School work can be time-consuming and is likely to make you feel exhausted after class.(D)Good management calls for more time and energy on the part of the academic staff

7.(A)Mr.Paul White has just been fired.(B)Mr.Paul White has forgotten the woman’s name.(C)Mr.Paul White is looking for a job.(D)Mr.Paul White has the woman Promoted.8.(A)I shall give you a discount

(B)The crisis is affecting the Whole world.(C)I shall come in my Sunday best.(D)The price is still too high.9.(A)He finished the negotiation in three days.(B)He was on a business trip ten days ago.(C)His toughness cost him three more days.(D)His business trip lasted thirteen days.l0.(A)We are sure that our children will become positive members of the changing society.(B)Children with self esteem can make positive adjustment and achieve career success.(C)Personal goals can be reached with the help of parents who are competent members of the society

(D)Parents with confidence will adapt themselves to the changes and accomplish personal goals.2.Talks and Conversations

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations.After each of these, you will hear after questions.Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE when you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question.Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Question8 11--14

l 1.(A)The products were all made from fresh vegetables and fruits

(B)The homemade products were actually made in the factory

(C)The factory was equipped with the most sophisticated machinery

(D)There were homemade fresh vegetables and fruits in the factory

l2.(A)You are special.(B)You are natural.(C)You are stupid.(D)You are dumb

l3.(A)To better explain how to use that product.(B)To help reduce the promotion cost of that product.(C)To induce more famous people to use that product.(D)To get TV viewers to remember that product.l4.(A)Be easily affected by other products.(B)Be aware of the same kind of product.(C)Stick to that particular product.-

(D)Strike a bargain for other products.Questions 15--18

l5.(A)A flight over time zones.(B)A loss of one’s characters.(C)A symptom of leg problems.(D)A condition of sleep disorders.l6.(A)Six hours.(B)Seven hours.(C)Eight hours(D)Nine hours.l7.(A)Avoid junk food, salty foods, caffeine and alcohol.(B)Drink as little water as possible between meals

(C)Take drinks with less Sugar, carbonation or caffeine

(D)Always have other fluid on the plane.l8.(A)Sleep as soon as possible.(B)Nap even during daytime.(C)Get a good night’s sleep.(D)Relax yourself in a cafe.Questions 19--22

l9.(A)He is overweight.(B)He is seriously ill

(C)He is down with cold.(D)He is hale and hearty


2l.(A)It is the best(B)It is nutritious.(C)It is not enough(D)It is no healthy.22.(A)the man is a heavy smoker

(B)The man is rather short.’

(C)The man drives a car

(D)The man works with a computer.’’

Questions 23--26

23.(A)Chainman of the African Club.(B)Chainman of the International Club.(C)Chainman of the Irish Club.(D)Chainman of the Folk Music Club.24.(A)Once a week(B)Once a month

(C)Once a semester(D)Once a year

25.(A)The minutes of the last meeting.(B)The treasurer’s report.(C)The Scottish and Irish Folk Dances.(D)The International Display Week.26.(A)to help the students from the same countries overcome their homesickness and other problems.(B)To set up booths decorated with pictures and things of interest in the respective countries.(C)To recruit anyone who can sew to help make costumes so that every club member can wear their national costume.(D)To teach the American students Scottish and Irish folk dances during the special even of the display.Que8tions 27--30

27.(A)In Bath(B)In London.(C)In York(D)In the suburbs.28.(A)Students live in halls residence around the university buildings.(B)Students are encouraged to conduct their independent research project

(C)Students first live in halls of residence and then are allowed to move out.(D)Students can share the common rooms with faculty members.29.(A)She couldn’t find a room in the residential hall.(B)She could save money to pay for her studies.(C)She could mix well with the local people.(D)She could live in a comfortable house.30.(A)Give her some advice on how to strike a bargain.(B)Introduce her to the local people

(C)Help her with the volunteer work.(D)Show her around the ancient cathedral city

Part C: Listening and Translation

1.Sentence Translation

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English.You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE.After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.(l)





2.Passage Translation

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English.You will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.You may take notes while you are listening.(1)



Spot dictation

Next, let’s talk about earthquakes on our planet.Some countries have large numbers of earthquakes.Japan is one of them.Others do not have many.For example, there are few earthquakes in Britain.There is often a great noise during an earthquake.The ground vibrates.Houses fall down.Trains run off the lines.Sometimes, there is a heavy loss of human lives.Earthquakes often happen near volcanoes, but this is not always true.The centers of some earthquakes are under the sea.The bottom of the sea suddenly moves.The powerful forces inside the earth break the rocks.The coast is shaken and great waves appear.These waves, also known as seismic waves, or tsunamis can travel long distances and rush over the land when they reach it.They are strong enough to break down houses and other buildings.Very often fires follow the most serious earthquakes.In 1906, the great earthquake at San Francisco broke the gas pipes.The gas escaped, and soon large numbers of fires were burning in the city.The water pipes were also shaken and broken, so it was not possible to put the fires out.There was no water.The Tokyo Earthquake of 1923 happened just before noon.People were cooking meals on their fires at that time.When the ground shook, the fires shook, too.Hot materials were thrown on the different parts of the houses, some of which were made of wood.Soon 134 fires were burning in the city.What kind of building stands up best in an earthquake? A building with concrete walls is perhaps the best.A steel frame will make it even stronger.The frame holds the different parts together and the walls do not easily fall.There is less chance of fire because concrete and steel do not burn.Over the years, scientists carefully studied the results of the earthquake in different parts of the world, and they are convinced that this kind of building is the safest.【解析】

根据文意,本文类似一段关于地震的讲座。说话者开篇就讲述了地震的危害,并在之后的段落中相继介绍了地震形成的原因,以及用1906年旧金山大地震 1923年的东京大地震举例说明了地震也会伴随着大火。最后,通过这些生动的例子,说话者又利用一个问句引出科学家们通过研究发现,钢筋水泥房是最安全的。



1.George started his new job with King Brothers only a month ago and he wants to invite his boss, the sales manager to dinner.2.I got some bad news today.The store with which I work is laying off stuff.I'm worried that they are going to let me go.3.You are not supposed to see Gary tonight.He plans to finish his financial report this week and he is too busy for parties these days.4.I hope our first supply will induce your customers to place regular orders in the future.And we both can make big profits.5.These books are two weeks overdue.But luckily for me, there's a moratorium this week on fines.They are trying to encourage returns.6.May is a time for green grass, picnics, and unfortunately, examinations.In the United States, high school students take their final examinations at the end of every school year.7.China is now the third largest producer of films in the world.However, most of the revenue came from a handful of the movies produced.8.Let me explain why I questioned the feasibility of the project.We don't appear to have enough time.If we were to push our people, the quality of the product becomes questionable.9.While some species of whales are nearing extinction, many countries refuse to accept even a partial ban on whale hunting.10.In 1950, New York City was the only city with a population of ten million.Now, in 2010, worldwide we have 38 cities with populations of over ten million people.【解析】

statements总体难度不高,但是对于lay off,induce,overdue,moratorium,revenue,feasibility等词还是需要同学们平时的多多积累。另外,做题过 程中还要注意对数字的敏感度,如statement 10就出现了包括年份、人口数量、城市数量在内的多个数字,千万不要一定到数字就犯晕。其实做statement还有一个要点是听出一些包含转折、递进、让步等含义的信号词,本次的statement中出现了不少but,however,while,利用这些关键词准确把握句意是做题的关键。

Talks and Conversations 1

Questions 11 ~ 14 are based on the following conversation.M: I’m going to Boston next week and I’d like to make some reservations.Can you fix that for me? W: Sure.What dates are you traveling on? M: Ur… Starting Monday, June 18, about mid-day, late morning or early afternoon.W: Let me check, please.Yes, I can get you on a noon flight from New Orleans to Boston.How does that sound? M: That’s just fine.W: OK.Now where are you planning to stay? M: Top Hotel, Boston.Would you make reservations for Monday, June 18 and Tuesday, June 19? Two nights, single, with bath, please.By the way, I prefer it in the non-smoking area.W: June 18 and 19.Single with bath.Non-smoking area.Top Hotel, Boston.Yes, they have the room available.M: Fine.11 What is the man doing? 12 When is the man’s flight? 13 How long is the man going to stay in Boston? 14 Which of the following is not a requirement by the man for his accommodation? 【评析】

本对话是一段关于订机票和酒店的日常对话,难度不大,主要考察细节获取。在听对话时可以预测会对日期、时间等细节进行提问,所以要注意抓取关键信息做好笔记。关键词:make reservations 预订 non-smoking area 无烟区

Talks and Conversations 2

Questions 15 ~ 18 are based on the following talk.If you live in the United States, there are a number of ways that you and your family can mix well with the local residents.Many large American cities have sports teams.If you are working with Americans, it would be a good idea to find out about the local sports teams so that you can participate in the almost inevitable discussions about how our team will do this year.Sports review is also a good source of information from which you can learn about the most popular sports in the country.Most Americans are car owners and some are even obsessive about the subject.They can spend hours discussing the merits of foreign cars versus American cars, deciding on the best family car or the best sports car.And car-repair is also a popular topic of discussion.You can contribute by talking about cars you have owned, or by sharing information you’ve read in automotive magazines such as Car And Driver or Popular Mechanics.Americans watch television almost every night and attend movies regularly.So naturally, television shows and the latest movies become topics for discussion.If you are unable to watch American television or attend American movies, reading the entertainment section of such magazines as Time and Newsweek will keep you up to date on what is popular in America.Reading these magazines will also give you a broad American perspective on current events in both America and the world.They are good resources for information that you can use in discussions.15 According to the speaker, why do we need to find out about the local sports teams in America? 16 What magazines will give you information about American movies? 17 Whom is the speaker addressing? 18 What is the main idea of the talk? 【评析】本文是一篇介绍美国生活的小短文,旨在告知听者一些融入美国生活的方式。其中介绍了美国人对于体育、汽车、影视的喜爱,听者可以投其所好、入乡随俗。难度适中,考查细节理解和主旨理解。在做题时要根据全文内容把握主旨大意,同时要注意举例时候提到的一些细节。

关键词:mix 融入,混合 sports review 体育评论 obsessive 着迷的 car-repair 修车 attend movies 看电影

Talks and Conversations 3

Questions 19 ~ 22 are based on the following conversation.M: Well, Shirley, now that we’ve seen the 3 apartments, which one do you like best? W: I don’t know Brad.I know one thing.I didn’t like the one on the 68th street.M: Neither did I.Let’s cross that one off.That leaves the 72nd street one and the 80th street one.W: The one on the 80th street has a better view and a very cheerful kitchen.M: Yes, and I like the carpeting in the hall.It was clean, but there was no good place to put a desk.W: That’s true.You should always just put it in the corner of the living room.But then you wouldn’t have any privacy and the bedroom was too small.M: Right.And I do need to be able to leave my work out on the desk without having it looked into by nosy visitors.W: Oh, Brad, we don’t have that kind of visitors.But I do agree the desk shouldn’t be in the living room.It is a constant reminder of unfinished work.What about the 72nd street apartment? It has a dining area;we could eat in the kitchen and put the desk in the dining area.It’s more private there.M: Yes, that sounds OK.Only what I didn’t like about that place was the west wind though.It gets quite hard in the late afternoon with the sun beating down on the window.W: Didn’t you notice the air-conditioner? M: No, was there one? W: Yes, and we could improve on the curtains too.M: That place did have the best parking facilities of the three.W: Yes, I think that apartment is best for our needs.There is good parking and there is a semi-private area for your desk.That takes care of the daily activities.We will just let the other chips fall where they may.M: OK.Let’s take that one.19 How many apartments have they seen? 20 Why did Brad and Shirley cross off the apartment on the 68th street? 21 What is wrong with the west window? 23 Which considerations are crucial in Brad and Shirley’s choice of an apartment? 24 Which apartment have they decided to rent? 【评析】本对话选自中级口译听力教程。这是一段关于挑选公寓的日常对话,难度适中,主要考察细节理解。通过对话,将每个公寓进行了比较,提出了各自的优缺点,最后进行权衡,选择了第72大街的公寓。在做题时要听清楚每项描述具体属于哪一公寓,避免混淆。

关键词:cross off 划掉 privacy 隐私 nosy 好管闲事的 parking facility 泊车设施 Let the chips fall where they may.不管后果如何。

Talks and Conversations 4

Questions 23—26 are based on the following conversation.As any parent will tell you, small cuts and miner grazes are unavoidable among small children.Such cuts and grazes will usually need little or no treatment.The bleeding will clean the wound naturally, and it should stop within a few minutes, as the blood clots and dries.More serious cuts may need to be gently cleaned with soft cotton and warm water.They should then be dressed with a clean cotton bandage.Follow this simple checklist of questions.Ask yourself each of these questions in order to make sure you treat cuts and grazes properly: Firstly, is the cut on the face? If it is, call a doctor as soon as possible – especially if the eye is injured.Secondly, is the cut near the eye? If it is, put a clean piece of cotton wool over it and press down firmly for about 5 minutes.Thirdly, ask yourself if the cut is still bleeding badly.If it is, dress it with a clean cotton bandage and call a doctor as soon as possible.Fourthly, is the cut a deep one, and is it wide open? If it is, clean the cut gently, with clean cotton wool and a little warm water.Then hold it close with an adhesive dressing.Fifth question: was the cut made by a nail or a long, sharp piece of wood? If it was, there may be some dirt in the cut.Let it bleed for a while, to clean itself.Then clean it with cotton wool and warm water and dress it with a clean cotton bandage.Finally, don’t forget that young children can become very easily upset or shocked by a cut-especially if it is a serious one.Try to keep them calm and quiet.Don’t give them anything to drink, but keep their lips wet with a little water.Q23 What do we learn from the beginning of the talk? Q24 According to the talk, when should you call a doctor immediately? Q25 What should you do if the cut is made by a nail or a sharp piece of wood? Q26 What should you do if the child is nervous or upset? Talks and Conversations 5 Questions 27--30 are based on the following conversation.W: Are you still having troubles with your car? M: Yes, it’s been in the repair shop 3 times this month.I should get a new car instead of a second-hand one, but I can’t afford to buy a new one.W: New cars cost a fortune these days.My brother-in-law just paid 15,000 dollars for his new one.That’s almost half as much as they paid for their house 10 years ago!M: But what you do without car? We can’t get along without them.W: We all depend too much on our cars.I drive my husband to the train and drive the children to school.Then I drive to the store for food and drive the kids home from school.After that, it’s time to drive to the railroad station again.M: Remember when drive-in movies were new? Now lots of people watch movies from their cars.W: And now there are drive-in banks where you can cash a check without going into the bank.In some places there are drive-in libraries, churches, and post offices.M: I’ve even read about a wedding that was performed in a car!W: Where was that? M: There was an article about it in last night’s newspaper.There’s a town in Florida where you can get married without getting out of your car.I remember the name of that town: lovely lady Florida.W: Do you mean that the minister marries the couple in their automobile? M: No, there’s no minister.They aren’t church marriages.The justice of the peace gets into the car to perform the ceremony.W: In spite of all these modern conveniences, people still feel tired at the end of the day.M: People don’t get any exercise.They have stopped going to tennis courts or baseball fields.That’s why they get fat.W: So then they buy expensive machines to give them exercises at home.M: It really doesn’t make sense.Q27 Which of the following is true about the man? Q28 Which of the following drive-in facilities is not mentioned in the conversation? Q29 According to the newspaper, what happened in the town of Love Lady Florida? Q30 What main idea is discussed in the conversation? Sentence Translation

1.Evidence shows that older people who participate in lifelong learning are healthier, more active, and have more social contacts.有证据表明,参与终身学习的老年人更健康,更积极,和社会的接触也更多。

【解析】本句没有太难的句式,定语从句译为“……的”即可。关键词participate in 参加,lifelong learning 终身学习,这是近年来较为流行的一个词,同学们可适当记一下。

2.According to a survey made on more than 100 brands of bottled water in the supermarket, bottled water may not be cleaner or safer than tap water from our kitchen.根据一项针对超市里100个品牌的瓶装水的调查显示,瓶装水不一定比我们厨房里的自来水更干净或更安全。

【解析】survey后的非谓语结构可以译为“……的”,并适当增词,“针对……的调查”,后半句难度较低,注意把比较级译出即可。关键词tap water 自来水。

3.Basketball has become one of America’s most popular sports, and it can be played outside or indoors.Basketball became an Olympic game in 1936, but it was invented in 1891.篮球已经成为了美国最受欢迎的运动之一,既可以在室内进行也可以在室外进行。1936年,篮球成为奥运会项目,但是它在1891年就已经诞生了。


4.China now has the world’s largest mobile phone network, and it is investing in the new forms of energy that can both sustain growth and combat climate change.目前中国拥有世界上最大的手机移动网络,而且它正在投资新能源,既保持经济持续增长,又能应对气候变化。

【解析】本句要注意的是一些词的转译,比如combat climate change,combat本意为“与……战斗”,和气候变化搭配,略有不妥,可转译为中文里常说的“应对”。

5.People climb mountains for many reasons.Some enjoy the challenge of trying to reach high places, others like to explore and admire the beauty of nature.人们爬山有很多理由。有人享受努力攀登高峰的挑战,有人喜爱探索并欣赏自然的美景。

【解析】该句需要注意的是不要漏译,如最后的explore and admire,有人爬山除了探索,还有欣赏自然美景,不要漏译了admire。

Passage Translation 1

How many people in the United States own a computer? According to a recent survey, three out four American adults, 76% claimed to own a computer.Nowadays people use computers for simple tasks, such as writing e-mail letters,and for more complex tasks such as e-commerce or e-banking.Children use computers to play games or they use them to do homework.With a popularity of personal computers, computers will be more advanced.And they will be easily accessible by people all around the world.【参考译文】

在美国多少人有电脑?最近的调查显示,美国成年人中,四个人中间有三个人有,即76%计划过拥有一台电脑。现今人们用电脑来完成简单的任务,如写电子邮 件,在更复杂的任务方面,例如用其进行电子商务或电子银行。儿童用电脑玩游戏或用来做家庭作业。随着个人电脑的普及,电脑将更先进。并且电脑将方便世界各 地的人们。


e-mail 电子邮件 e-commerce 电子商务 e-bank 电子银行

accessible 易使用的,可得到的 Passage Translation 2 It is easy to show that intelligence is something we are born with.The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence.If we take two unrelated people at random, their degree of intelligence might be completely different.Yes, on the other hand we take two identical trends.They will very likely be as intelligent as each other.Relations like brothers and sisters, parents and children usually have similar intelligence.And these clearly suggests that intelligence depends on birth.【参考译文】

很容易说明我们的智力是天生的。两人之间的血缘关系越近,他们的智力可能越接近。如果我们随机拿两个不相干的人来看,他们的智商水平可能会完全不同。反之 亦然。他们很可能会彼此都一样聪明。像兄妹之间、父母和子女之间这种关系,他们通常有相似的智力。这些清楚地表明智力取决于天生。



intelligence n.智力

blood relationship 血统,血缘关系 identical adj.相同的

intelligent adj.聪明的,智能的



Direction: Translate the following passage into English and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.本届会议将围绕“新世纪、新挑战:参与、合作、促进共同繁荣”的主题,审议 5 个方面的议题,以期促进亚太地区和全球经贸的发展。



① 本届会议将围绕“新世纪、新挑战:参与、合作、促进共同繁荣”的主题,审议 5 个方面的议题,以期促进亚太地区和全球经贸的发展。

译文 1 : This meeting will discuss the topic of “new century, new challenge: participate , cooperate and promote common prosperity covering 5 areas with a view to enhancing the development of economy and trade between the Asian-Pacific region and the rest world.译文 2 : This meeting will center round the theme of “Meeting new challenges in the new century: achieving common prosperity through participation and cooperation” under 5 heads with a view to promoting the economic and trade development in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.考点: 意译:“新世纪、新挑战:参与、合作、促进共同繁荣”如译文 1 翻译纯粹采取直译,把字面意思翻译出来,而译文 2 把这句话的含义翻译出来,值得推荐。

转性译法:动词 → 名词 参与 →participation 合作 →cooperation

② 今年的亚太经济贸易合作组织会议将主要侧重两个方面:一是加强亚太经合组织成员之间的合作,共同应对可能出现的经济衰退,重树信心;二是继续推进亚太经合组织贸易投资自由化进程,推动世界贸易组织尽早开始新一轮谈判。

译文 1 : The APEC meeting in this year will focus mainly on two aspects: one is on strengthening the cooperation among all the APEC members to cope with the possible economic recession through rebuilding up confidence;the other is on promoting the liberalization of trade and investment of APEC for the start of a new round of negotiations/talks for WTO.译文 2 : This year’s APEC meeting will focus on two key missions: one is to strengthen the cooperation among APEC members in dealing with a possible economic slowdown to build up new confidence;the other is to continue to advance the process of APEC trade and invest liberalization and facilitation and urge the WTO to initiate a new round of talks as soon as possible.考点: 增词译法:“一是加强” →one is on strengthening,因为前接 focus mainly on,因此增加 on 介词。




Part A: Spot Dictation

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it.Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape.Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.What is distance learning? It means that you study on your own, at home or wherever suits you.Recently, the world famous Open University in the United Kingdom has designed a new style of distance learning, which is called '________'(1)。The phrase 'Open Learning' means you study ________(2)。You read course material, work on course activities, and write ________(3)。The word 'Supported' means you have help ________(4),the student services staff at regional centers, and centralized areas such as ________(5)。You can also contact other students through tutorials and ________(6),the University's online conferencing system, and events and clubs organized by ________(7)。Most distance learning courses use printed paper materials.They also include some ________(8)materials such as a CD, DVD or video.Many courses have a web site and an ________(9)。You'll need access to a computer ________(10)to make use of these.The Open University can help its students buy a computer and ________(11)the cost of accessing the Internet.With most distance learning courses, no ________(12)are required to study.Of course, you have to be aged 18 when your course starts but there is no ________(13)。Currently the Open University has around ________(14)undergraduate and more than 30,000 postgraduate students, of which 10,000 have ________(15)。Nearly all students are studying ________(16)。About 70 per cent of undergraduate students are in ________(17)。More than 50,000 students ________(18)by their employers for their studies.Most distance learning courses ________(19)。Some of them are even available in other parts of the world.With over 25,000 of its students living outside the UK, the Open University is the ________(20)that offers distance learning throughout the world.Part B: Listening Comprehension

1.Statements Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements.These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper;so you must listen carefully.When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard.Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.1.(A)Miss Allan has just inherited a fortune.(B)Miss Allan doesn't like her colleague.(C)Miss Allan prefers to share the room with her colleague.(D)Miss Allan has moved into a new apartment.2.(A)My friends try to persuade me to invest in the stock market.(B)My friends talk a lot about investing in the stock market.(C)My friends say that investing in the stock market is crazy.(D)My friends and I have different opinions about the stock market.3.(A)The candidate is definitely well qualified, whether we check with his references or not.(B)The candidate needs to be checked by the finance manager, even though he has work experience.(C)We are satisfied with the candidate's references, who recommended him for the job.(D)We should find more about the candidate, though he is apparently eligible for the post.4.(A)I am interested in your new techniques and I want to make an appointment.(B)I want to talk to our technician to see if he is interested in your new products.(C)I can ask some of our staff to give you information about our new products.(D)I hope you understand that I have to attend a meeting about our new products.5.(A)I don't think we should open our local branch here in Shanghai.(B)I cannot appoint Mr.Brown to the post although he was born in Shanghai.(C)I believe Mr.Brown can easily be connected as he is now living in Shanghai.(D)I recommend that Mr.Brown be in charge of our local branch in Shanghai.6.(A)Insurance is unnecessary for the transportation of goods.(B)Insurance is a factor that affects the price of goods.(C)Insurance contributes to reducing the price of goods.(D)Insurance helps improve the quality of goods.7.(A)Some people prefer to live in dry places, as they dislike wet climate.(B)Water is in short supply in some regions, so people there rely a lot on rains.(C)It is not surprising to see torrential rains in some areas during dry seasons.(D)In some dry areas, it seldom rains, but when it rains, it pours.8.(A)If you are too aggressive, you will find it difficult to become successful in your city life.(B)Your personality has nothing to do with your competitiveness when you choose to work in a big city.(C)Living and working in a large city demands certain personal traits and qualifications.(D)If you live in an impersonal and competitive world, you are more likely to be successful.9.(A)With such a big order, our side demands a discount which is 10 % or over.(B)At least 10% of the expenses should be devoted to solving the problem.(C)Although we have spent much on the project, a 10% increase in our budget is necessary.(D)We asked for a 10% discount, which has caused all the trouble on our side.10.(A)Many animals and plants would die because they cannot survive the changing environment.(B)Many animals would be slaughtered, since they fail to adapt themselves to the existing outside world.(C)Most people would feel sorry for the destiny of endangered species, if they become extinct on earth.(D)Most species would react fast enough to adapt themselves to the ever-changing conditions of nature.2.Talks and Conversations

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations.After each of these, you will hear a few questions.Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE.When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question.Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 11-14 11.(A)They bought some worthless souvenir.(B)They did some manual work.(C)They went on a company trip.(D)They wrote a guidebook.12.(A)She dislikes the man's wife.(B)She enjoys spending money on cosmetics.(C)She is married to a poor man.(D)She is economical with her money.13.(A)They are friendly neighbors.(B)They are company colleagues.(C)They are husband and wife.(D)They are guide and tourist.14.(A)He does not have the right digging tools.(B)He believes selling typewriters will make him rich.(C)He is not physically strong enough.(D)He is dedicated to becoming a cleaner.Questions 15-18 15.(A)A temporary condition where you don't feel any progress in learning.(B)A flat and smooth spot in your study where you make fewer mistakes.(C)A long-term struggle which does not bring you any tangible rewards.(D)An educational research on language learning that is unusual and advanced.16.(A)Try another approach.(B)Give yourself some time for sleeping.(C)Keep on learning and practicing.(D)Reward yourself from time to time.17.(A)A foreign language is very useful in getting a job with decent pay.(B)We use a foreign language to communicate freely with a native speaker.(C)It may be of help in negotiating a business contract with a foreign firm.(D)We can travel around different countries in a less expensive way.18.(A)Some cash.(B)Language skills.(C)A stained certificate.(D)A business contract.Questions 19-22 19.(A)Five years.(B)Fifteen years.(C)Fifty years.(D)A hundred years.20.(A)To study a subject or to join in a cultural activity.(B)To become a member of the government appointed by the parliament.(C)To demand more financial support from the government.(D)To upgrade their knowledge at school.21.(A)200,000.(B)350,000.(C)2,500,000.(D)15,000,000.22.(A)To raise funds for the disadvantaged.(B)To further individuals' own creativity.(C)To broaden participants' interest in culture.(D)To narrow and bridge educational gaps.Questions 23-26 23.(A)They think whales are their friends.(B)They believe whales can save humans.(C)They wanted to ban whale-hunting.(D)They enjoy watching whales in an aquarium.24.(A)The increase of human population.(B)The extinction of dinosaurs.(C)The cutting down of forests.(D)The great demand for animal parts.25.(A)In the 19th century.(B)In 1973.(C)In 1998.(D)In the 21st century.26.(A)Their survival is closely related to numerous other species living in the same habitats.(B)Their enormous size makes them the king animals superior over numerous other species.(C)They usually live on top of the mountains so that it is difficult for humans to hunt.(D)They enjoy privileges as with special measures and extra protection from human beings.Questions 27-30 27.(A)He was attending a wedding ceremony.(B)He was on his way to Edinburgh.(C)He was in the football stadium.(D)He was in the cinema, with the woman.28.(A)He has done the right thing.(B)He has had some bad misses.(C)He was overactive.(D)He was smart and clever.29.(A)Leeds United 2;York City 1.(B)Leeds United 3;York City 2.(C)Leeds United 1;York City 3.(D)Leeds United 2;York City 3.30.(A)Sometime later next Sunday.(B)Next Sunday as usual in the man's home.(C)Before the football stadium opens next Saturday.(D)During the football match next Saturday.Part C: Listening and Translation

1.Sentence Translation

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English.You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE.After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.(1)





2.Passage Translation

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English.You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE.After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.You may take notes while you are listening.(1)



Directions: In this section, you will read several passages.Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content.You are to choose ONE best answer,(A),(B),(C)or(D),to each question.Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 1-5

Researchers have known that secondhand smoke can be just as dangerous for nonsmokers as smoking is for smokers, but now there's fresh evidence quantifying just how hazardous the after-burn from cigarettes can be, and how quickly it affects your body.Scientists at the Oregon Department of Health documented for the first time an hourly buildup of a cancer-causing compound from cigarette smoke in the blood of nonsmokers working in bars and restaurants in the state.Reporting in the American Journal of Public Health, the researchers found that waitstaff and bartenders working a typical night shift gradually accumulated higher levels of NNK, a carcinogen in cigarette smoke, at the rate of 6% each hour they worked.NNK is known to be involved in inducing lung cancer in both lab rats and smokers.“We were somewhat surprised by the immediacy of the effect and the fact that we could measure the average hourly increase,” says Michael Stark, the lead author of the study and a principal investigator at the Mulmomah County Health Department in Oregon.The authors are confident that the increases in NNK in the workers they tested most likely came from their exposure to smoke-the study included a control group of similar subjects in restaurants where no smoking was allowed.“There is experimental evidence from studies where you put nonsmokers in a room, blow smoke into the room and measure their artery function, that you see the platelets get sticky, which can cause clots and lead to a heart attack, and the ability of the arteries to dilate decreases very rapidly,” says Dr.Matthew McKenna, director of the office on smoking and public health for the Centers for Disease Control.All of which could mean more time loitering outside buildings and in alleyways for smokers intent on grabbing a puff.Thirteen states now prohibit smoking in restaurants altogether(most of these include bars as well), and while 11 states still put no restrictions on lighting up, individual cities within those states-such as Austin in Texas, for example-have passed legislation banning smoking in eating establishments and other public areas.It's just getting harder to refute the scientific evidence;in a study done in Scotland several months after that nation instituted a ban on smoking in public places, researchers found that following the ban, bar patrons showed stronger lung capacity and reduced levels of inflammation(a red flag for a number of chronic diseases, including heart disease and asthma).'We made it pretty clear that the science on this is pretty irrefutable,' says McKenna.And if smokers have fewer places to smoke, that message may finally get heard.1.According to the passage, the scientists carried out their researches on _______.(A)smokers from different parts of the world

(B)smokers from different states in the United States

(C)actors and actresses who smoke a lot

(D)wait staff and bartenders

2.NNK is usually considered to be one of the direct causes of _______.(A)asthma

(B)lung cancer

(C)heart attacks

(D)high blood pressure

3.What, according to the passage, makes the research conducted by the scientists at the Oregon Department of Health so unique?(A)The fact that the scientists managed to measure the average hourly increase of NNK.(B)The fact that the scientists succeeded in making more people realize the harm of smoking.(C)The fact that the scientists did a lot of experiments on smokers in public areas.(D)The fact that the scientists discovered NNK, a carcinogen in cigarette smoke.4.As is used in Paragraph 4, the phrase “a control group” refers to _______.(A)people working at the Oregon Department of Health

(B)people investigating at the Mulmonah County Health Department in Oregon

(C)people serving as a standard of comparison for checking test results

(D)people involved in passing legislation banning smoking in eating establishments

5.How many states in the United States have banned smoking in restaurants?(A)12.(B)13.(C)14.(D)15.Questions 6-10

In its everyday life, Italy is very much the man's world.However, because of the Italian's understanding of foreigners, the woman tourist is able to invade many of the male places that are prohibited to Italian women.These places include the caffe and the wine shop.In the large cities the caffe is a combination of club and office.Here, for the price of a coffee, an Italian can read all the newspapers brought to him.And he can transact business, with the waiter producing pen, ink, and stamps as needed.Or if he wants, he can sit outside under a canvas covering before the door and enjoy the sight of beautiful women passing by.The wine shop, as a rule, is a more vigorous place than the caffe, and is filled almost exclusively with men.Wandering singers, generally in groups of two or three, add to the noise of these places with their songs and music.Many of the songs are of a political character and make fun of the leading statesmen of Italy, America, England, France, and Russia.But the songs are generally showing off a spirit of mischief.And when the criticism is about America, the American tourists find themselves laughing as much as anyone else.The Italian is a master at making fun of you and making you like it.The Italian men are deep-rooted gamblers.They have been brought up to it as children, but they are cautious gamblers and never go too much in it.The national lottery used to be one of the most popular forms of gambling.But later a football stake had taken away much of the interest in the lottery.But here the important thing is that gambling, the same as drinking, seldom goes to an Italian's head and his bets are not really dangerous risks.Even at cards the Italian plays for low stakes, generally for a cup of coffee or wine.In this world of the Italian male it would be careless if the romanticism of the Italian were neglected.The Italian might well be described as the world's greatest romanticist.From any boat in Venice to any member of the government in Rome, the Italian is always aware of romance, of love and of the importance of being a good lover.On the beaches of Italy, the visitor is aware that the Italian really lives for romance.His manners, his compliments, his charm and his general way of behaving are those of a romanticist.Almost every Italian you meet is convinced that he is another Casanova.Romance is as much a part of Italy as its art and its history.Perhaps the feeling of romance that wells up in you when you come to Italy is one of the greatest things that Italy has to offer a world that is tired of war and political intrigue.It is the ideal place for a honeymoon because hotel managers and waiters make you conscious of your own love and stress it in such a way that you feel more in love in this country than in any other.6.In Italy, the caffe and the wine shop ______.(A)welcome everybody, including both men and women

(B)welcome the Italian women only

(C)do not allow the Italian women to come in

(D)do not allow the foreign women to come in

7.According to the passage, the caffe is a place where the Italians can do all of the following EXCEPT ______.(A)holding dinner parties

(B)reading newspapers

(C)conducting business transactions

(D)sitting outside

8.Many of the songs in the wine shop make fun of the leading statesmen in some countries because the singers want to ______.(A)attract more political figures to the wine shop

(B)criticize those leading statesmen

(C)have fun and amuse the customers

(D)arouse the leading statesmen's attention

9.Why did many Italians lose interest in lottery later?

(A)Because they found lottery too risky.(B)Because they realized that buying lottery is a waste of money.(C)Because they thought playing cards is more interesting.(D)Because they found the football stake more attractive.10.“Almost every Italian you meet is convinced that he is another Casanova.(Para.6)” According to the context, “Casanova” is most probably _______.(A)a very mischievous man

(B)a very romantic man

(C)a man who enjoys wine

(D)a man who enjoys music

Questions 11-15

Middle born children will tell you that they usually didn't feel all that special while growing up.The first born had his spot-carrier of the family banner and responsible for everything.The last born had his comfy little role, but the middle born had no distinctive place to call his own.Middle-borns just seem to be easily overlooked, and maybe that's why there are so few pictures of them in the family photo album.There may be hundreds, seemingly thousands, of pictures of the firstborn.For some strange reason, however, which 1 have confirmed by polling middle-born children around the world, there are seldom many pictures of the middle child, and what photos there are have him included with the others-squeezed again between the older sibling and the younger sibling.Another thing that can be said of many middle-born children is that they typically place great importance on their peer group.The middle child is well known for going outside the home to make friends faster than anybody else in the family.When a child feels like a fifth wheel at home, friends become very important;as a result, many middle children(but not all, of course)tend to be the social lions of the family.While firstborns, typically, have fewer friends, middle children often have many.Middle children have a propensity to leave home first and live farther away from the family than anyone else.I observed a dramatic illustration of this tendency while I was a guest on Oprah Winfrey's show.The subject that day was sibling rivalry.Three charming young women, all sisters, were among the guests, and we quickly learned that the firstborn and the last born were residents of the Eastern state where they had grown up.They had settled down near their parents and other family members.But the middle child had moved to the West Coast.I suppose she could have gotten another two thousand miles farther away by moving to Hawaii, but her point was still well made.Middle children are the ones who will most often physically distance themselves from the rest of the family.It's not necessarily because they're on the outs with everyone else.They simply like to do their own thing, make their own friends, and live their own lives.All of this is not to say that middle children totally ignore their siblings or the rest of the family.One common characteristic of the middle child is that she is a good mediator or negotiator.She comes naturally into this role because she's often right in the middle, between big brother and little sister, whatever the case may be.And because she can't have Mom or Dad all to herself, she learns the fine art of compromise.Obviously, these skills are assets in adult life, and middle children often become the best adjusted adults in the family.11.What is the main argument of this passage?(A)First-born children are the carriers of the family banner and responsible for everything.(B)Middle-born children tend to be more independent and sociable while growing up.(C)Last-born children are the favorites who get most attention in the family.(D)Children are not really treated in the same way in the family.12.How did the author get to know that middle children have fewer pictures in the family photo album?

(A)Form the complaints of middle children.(B)Form his own family situation.(C)By asking a lot of middle children.(D)By going to Oprah Winfrey's show.13.It can be inferred from the passage than many middle children _______.(A)feel like the ones not really needed in the family

(B)feel proud of themselves in their ability to do their own things

(C)are strongly discriminated against in the family

(D)are born with the skill in making friends faster than their siblings

14.The word “propensity”(Para.4)is closest in meaning to _______.(A)compulsion(B)impulse(C)liking(D)tendency

15.According to the passage, middle children are likely to _______.(A)distance themselves from the rest of the family

(B)outdo their siblings in adult life

(C)become good diplomatic mediators or negotiators

(D)learn the fine art of compromise from their parents

Questions 16-20

Bernard Jackson is a free man today, but he has many bitter memories.Jackson spent five years in prison after a jury wrongly convicted him of raping two women.At Jackson's trial, although two witnesses testified that Jackson was with them in another location at the times of the crimes, he was convicted anyway.Why? The jury believed the testimony of the two victims, who positively identified Jackson as the man who has attacked them.The court eventually freed Jackson after the police found the man who had really committed the crimes.Jackson was similar in appearance to the guilty man.The two women has made a mistake in identity.As a result, Jackson has lost five years of his life.The two women in this case were eyewitnesses.They clearly saw the man who attacked them, yet they mistakenly identified an innocent person.Similar incidents have occurred before.Eyewitnesses to other crimes have identified the wrong person in a police lineup or in photographs.Many factors influence the accuracy of eyewitness testimony.For instance, witnesses sometimes see photographs of several suspects before they try to identify the person they saw in a lineup of people.They can become confused by seeing many photographs or similar faces.The number of people in the lineup, and whether it is a live lineup or a photograph, may also affect a witness's decision.People sometimes have difficulty identifying people of other races.The questions the police ask witnesses also have an effect on them.Are some witnesses more reliable than others? Many people believe that police officers are more reliable than ordinary people.Psychologists decided to test this idea, and they discovered that it is not true.Two psychologists showed a film of crimes to both police officers and civilians.The psychologists found no difference between the police and the civilians in correctly remembering the details of the crimes.Despite all the possibilities for inaccuracy, courts cannot exclude eyewitness testimony from a trial.American courts depend almost completely on eyewitness testimony to resolve court cases.Sometimes it is the only evidence to a crime, such as rape.Furthermore, eyewitness testimony is often correct.Although people do sometimes make mistakes, many times they really do identify individuals correctly.American courts depend on the ability of the 12 jurors, and not the judges, to determine the accuracy of the witness's testimony.It is their responsibility to decide if a certain witness could actually see, hear, and remember what occurred.In a few cases, the testimony of eyewitnesses has convicted innocent people.More importantly, it has rightly convicted a larger number of guilty people;consequently, it continues to be of great value in the American judicial system.16.What is the main idea of the passage?

(A)Bernard Jackson spent five years in prison for no crime of his own.(B)Eyewitness testimony, although sometimes incorrect, is valuable.(C)Police officers are no better eyewitnesses than civilians are.(D)American courts rightly convict a larger number of guilty people.17.Why was Bernard Jackson found guilty and imprisoned for five years?

(A)He committed the crime of raping two women.(B)The victims mistook him for the real criminal.(C)He had a previous criminal record.(D)No witness testified that he was in another location at the time of the crime.18.According to the passage, _______ might influence the witness's identification of suspects.(A)the education of the witness

(B)the time of day the crime occurs

(C)the appearances of the suspect

(D)the age of the suspect

19.We know from the passage that _______ will be most helpful in resolving a rape case.(A)a live lineup or a photo of people

(B)the questions the police ask

(C)the responsibility of the jurors

(D)the eyewitness testimony 20.According to the passage, who are in a position to decide whether a witness testimony is reliable?(A)The police.(B)The prosecutors.(C)The judges.(D)The jurors.Questions 21-25

I have just come home after viewing some astonishing works of art that were recently discovered in Church Hole cave in Nottinghamshire.They are not drawings, as one would expect, but etchings, and they depict a huge range of wild animals.The artists who created them lived around 13,000 years ago, and the images are remarkable on a variety of counts.First of all, their sheer number is staggering, there are ninety all told.Moreover, fifty-eight of them are on the ceiling.This is extremely rare in cave art, according to a leading expert, Dr Wilbur Samson of Central Midlands University.Wall pictures are the norm, he says.'But more importantly, the Church Hole etchings are an incredible artistic achievement.They can hold their own in comparison with the best found in continental Europe.' 1 am not a student of the subject, so I have to take his word for it.However, you do not have to be an expert to appreciate their beauty.In fact, it is the wider significance of the etchings that is likely to attract most attention in academic circles, since they radically alter our view of life in Britain during this epoch.It had previously been thought that ice-age hunters in this country were isolated from people in more central areas of Europe, but the Church Hole images prove that ancient Britons were part of a culture that had spread right across the continent.And they were at least as sophisticated culturally as their counterparts on the mainland.An initial survey of the site last year failed to reveal the presence of the etchings.The reason lies in the expectations of the researchers.They had been looking for the usual type of cave drawing or painting, which shows up best under direct light.Consequently, they used powerful torches, shining them straight onto the rock face.However, the Church Hole images are modifications of the rock itself, and show up best when seen from a certain angle in the natural light of early morning.Having been fortunate to see them at this hour, I can only say that I was deeply-and unexpectedly-moved.While most cave art often seems to have been created in a shadowy past very remote from us, these somehow convey the impression that they were made yesterday.Dr Samson feels that the lighting factor provides important information about the likely function of these works of art.'I think the artists knew very well that the etchings would hardly be visible except early in the morning.We can therefore deduce that the chamber was used for rituals involving animal worship, and that they were conducted just after dawn as a preliminary to the day's hunting.'

To which 1 can only add that I felt deeply privileged to have been able to view Church Hole.It is a site of tremendous importance culturally and is part of the heritage, not only of this country, but the world as a whole.21.According to the passage, the images in Church Hole cave are _______.(A)unique examples of ceiling art

(B)particularly beautiful cave paintings

(C)superior in quality to other cave art in Britain

(D)aesthetically exceptional

22.What is the broader significance of these images?(A)They indicate that people from central Europe had settled in Britain.(B)They prove that ancient Britons hunted over large areas.(C)They reveal the existence of a single ice-age culture in Europe.(D)They suggest that people in continental Europe were more sophisticated than Britons.23.Why were the images not discovered during the initial survey?

(A)Traditional way of viewing was employed.(B)People were not expecting to find any images.(C)Modern equipment was used to explore the cave.(D)The torches the researchers used were not powerful enough.24.What conclusions does Dr.Samson draw from the lighting factor?

(A)Animal worship rituals were common in the morning.(B)The artists never intended to make the images visible.(C)The images were intended for early morning rituals.(D)Ice-age hunters used torches in worshipping animals in the cave.25.It is obvious that the writer _______.(A)can now fully envisage the life of ice-age hunters

(B)was profoundly impressed by the images in the cave

(C)has now realized the true significance of most cave art

(D)thinks the images should receive more publicity

Questions 26-30

Every generation has its emblematic boy's toy.Once upon a time there was the golf cart: a little toy car specifically designed for middle-aged men too rich to care about looking ridiculous.Later came the beach buggy, a briefly fashionable, wildly impractical, single-terrain vehicle.One might include the motorcycle or the snowmobile on this list, were they not, in certain contexts, quite useful, but there is no doubt which pointless recreational vehicle has captured the imagination of the landed, middle-aged celebrity: it's the quad bike.What is it about this squat, ungainly, easy-to-flip machine that celebrities love so much? As recreational vehicles go, the quad bike is hardly sophisticated.They are to the countryside what the jet-ski is to Lake Windermere.'There's nothing cool about a quad,' says Simon Tiffin, editor of a well-known magazine.'It's a strange thing to want to hare round beautiful bits of the country in a petrol-guzzling machine.' But celebrities love quad bikes.Musicians, comedians, DJs, actors and sportsmen have all been photographed aboard quads.'They're the latest rich person's toy,' says Tiffin.'Spoil children get them for Christmas.' Provided you've got a large estate to go with it, however, the quad bike can remain a secret indulgence.You can go out and tear up your own piece of countryside without anyone knowing you're doing it.The quad bike's nonsensical name-'quad' means four, but 'bike' is an abbreviation of 'bicycle,' which means two-that comes to six-hints at its odd history.Originally the ATV, or all-terrain vehicle, as quads are sometimes known, was developed in Japan as a three-wheeled farm vehicle, an inexpensive mini-tractor that could go just about anywhere.In the 1980s the more stable four-wheeled quad was officially introduced-enthusiasts had been converting their trikes for some time-again primarily for farming, but its recreational appeal soon became apparent.At the same time a market for racing models was developing.Paul Anderson, a former British quad racing champion, says the quad's recreational appeal lies in its potential to deliver a safe thrill.It's a mix between a motorbike and driving a car;when you turn a corner, you've got to lean into the corner, and then if the ground's greasy, the rear end slides out,' he says.'Plus they're much easier to ride than a two-wheeled motorcycle.' The quad bike, in short, provides middle-aged excitement for men who think a Harley might be a bit dangerous.Anderson is keen to point out that quad bikes are, in his experience, much safer than motorcycles.'With quad racing it's very rare that we see anybody having an accident and getting injured,' he says.'In the right hands, personally, I think a quad bike is a very safe recreational vehicle,' he adds.Outside of racing, quad bikes are growing in popularity and injuries have trebled in the last five years.Although retailers offer would-be purchasers basic safety instructions and recommend that riders wear gloves, helmets, goggles, boots and elbow pads, there is no license required to drive a quad bike and few ways to encourage people to ride them wisely.Employers are required to provide training to workers who use quad bikes, but there is nothing to stop other buyers hurting themselves.For the rest of the world, quad bikes are here to stay.They feature heavily in the programmes of holiday activity centres, they have all but replaced the tractor as the all-purpose agricultural workhorse and now police constables ride them while patrolling the Merseyside coastline.It has more or less usurped the beach buggy, the dirt bike and the snowmobile, anywhere they can go the quad bike can.They even race them on ice.You can't drive round Lake Windermere on one, or at least nobody's tried it yet.Just wait.26.What is Simon Tiffin's attitude to the people who ride quad bikes?(A)Understandable.(B)Supportive.(C)Scornful.(D)Indifferent.27.According to the passage, the quad bike originally _______.(A)was a utilitarian vehicle

(B)was popular in America

(C)was used as a recreational vehicle

(D)had four wheels in Japan

28.What does Paul Anderson think about quad bike riding?

(A)The only danger is when the rider is turning a corner.(B)Anyone who can ride a quad bike can ride a motorcycle.(C)Most accidents occur when people are racing quad bikes.(D)A quad bike can be exciting without being dangerous.29.According to the passage, quad bike riders have to _______.(A)take lessons if they use the bike as part of their job

(B)wear gloves, helmets, goggles, boots and elbow pads

(C)formulate basic safety instructions

(D)have a motorbike licence

30.Which of the following statements is NOT true about quad bikes?

(A)They can be ridden even on ice.(B)They can be used a great deal on farms.(C)They are driven by the police.(D)They are replaced by horses.SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST(1)

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Americans do not go in for envy.The gap between rich and poor is bigger than in any other advanced country, but most people are unconcerned.Whereas Europeans fret about the way the economic pie is divided, Americans want to join the rich, not soak them.Eight out often, more than anywhere else, believe that though you may start poor, if you work hard, you can make pots of money.It is a central part of the American Dream.The political consensus, therefore, has sought to pursue economic growth rather than the redistribution of income, in keeping with John Kennedy's adage that “a rising tide lifts all boats.” The tide has been rising fast recently.Thanks to a jump in productivity growth after 1995, America's economy has outpaced other rich countries' for a decade.Its workers now produce over 30% more each hour they work than ten years ago.In the late 1990s everybody shared in this boom.Though incomes were rising fastest at the top, all workers' wages far outpaced inflation.SECTION 4: TRANSLATION TEST(2)

Directions: Translate the following passage into English and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.中国坚定不移地走和平发展道路,是基于中国国情的必然选择。1840年鸦片战争以后的100多年里,中国受尽了列强的欺辱。消除战争,实现和平,建设独立富强、民生幸福的国家,是近代以来中国人民孜孜以求的奋斗目标。今天的中国虽然取得了巨大的发展成就,但人口多,底子薄,发展不平衡,仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家。推动经济社会发展,不断改善人民生活始终是中国的中心任务。中国人民最需要、最珍爱和平的国际环境,愿尽自己所能,为推动各国共同发展作出积极贡献。



Part A supported open learning in your own time assignments from a tutor the university's library informal study groups the student's union interactive materials online computer conference with internet pay for previous qualifications upper age limit 150,000 undergraduate disabilities part-time full-time employment are sponsored are available throughout Europe only international institution



Talks and Conversations:

11-14 CDBC

15-18 ACDB

19-22 DABA

27-30 BCAD

Sentence Translation






Passage Translation











It is an inevitable choice based on its national conditions that China unswervingly takes the road of peaceful development During the 100 add years following the Opium War in 1840.China suffered untold/utter/deep humiliation from the big powers.Ever since the advent of modern times, it has become the assiduously sought goal of the Chinese people to climinate war,safeguard/maintain peace,and build a country of independence and prosperity in which the people can lead a happy life.Although it has made enormous achievements in development,China,with a large population, a weak economic foundation and unbalanced development, is still the largest developing country in the world.It is the central task of China to promote economic and social development and improve its people's life.What the Chinese people need and cherish most is a peaceful international environment.We are willing to do our best to make enegetic contributions for the common development of all countries.2007年9月上海英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试听力原文

Part B: Listening comprehension


Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements.These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper;so you must listen carefully.When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard.Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.1.When she first arrived in this city Ms.Allen shared a room with one of her colleagues in a rented house.Now she enjoys living in her own apartment.2.Although where myself I'm not interested in investment.Recently topic such as buying shares in the stock market are sources of heated discussion among my friends.3.From his resume,this candidate appears to be well qualified for the post of finance manager.Even so I think we still need to check with his references.4.If you're interested I can arrange a meeting for you to meet our technicians to give you a overall understanding of our new products.5.In case you need to appoint someone to be in charge of our local branch here,Mr.Brown was born in ShangHai and has good connections.6.Insurances rate are factors that must be take into account.The more extensive the coverage,the higher the rates and more costly the goods.7.Some dry regions of the world may go on for years without getting a rain drop,but when the rain does come they usually come in torrential down pours.8.To succeed in the impersonal and competitive world of metropolitan cities you need to be honest, hard working highly receptive and well qualified.9.Given the amount of such heavy expense on our side,anything less than a 10 percent discount is not worth the trouble.10.Extinction is the fate of many endangered species as them fail to adapt themselves abruptly enough to conditions of changing climate and competitions.Talks and Conversations Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations.After each of these, you will hear a few questions.Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions Only ONCE.When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question.Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Question 11 to 14 are base on the following conversation.---Thanks a lot,Jame.Thank you for your timely advice during the company trip last week.Otherwise I would end up buying that worhtless piece of so-called souvenir and regretting my purchasing all day along.---My pleasure,Tom.Anyway I hate wasting money on worthless things.---That's an extremely attractive point in your charter.My wife used to waste a lot of money.Stick to that and you will get married in no time.---Oh,I've had plenty of offers.But you know it's a terrible thing to be a poor man's wife,when you have accustomed to a clean and decent job.I have seen so many bright,joy girls turn into dirty,old dradges though getting married.---Don't be afraid of dirt.Mine is a clean job,but I often wish I were so set on a clean collors, that they make their sons clerks when they would be strong and earn more money as navies those construction works ,you know.Nowadays they earn more than our office clerks do.I wish I were a navy instead of writing guide books.---Well, what's there to prevent you?

---I'm not trained to manual work.Half an hour work may make me wish myself dead.And 5 minutes of my work will produces a strike among the navies.I'm only a writing machine,just as navy is a digging machine.---I don't think the world is fair and rightly arranged,do you?

---We must take the world as we find.It's we that are not rightly arranged.11.What did the man and the woman do last week?

12.Which of the following can be concluded out of the woman?

13.What is the relationship between the man and the woman?

14.Why does the man think that he is not fit for a road construction worker?

Question 15 to 18 are based on the following talk.We all find that learning English takes efforts and dedication.There're times when you seem to hit a plateau in learning.A plateau here refer to a flat spot during which you don't feel any advancement taking place.Educational research reveals that this is normal,but don't give up.Keep on studying and practising,and you will soon feel as you feel progressing once again.Just tell yourself that this is a temporary condition.Meanwhile study faithfully,do your best.And reward will worth the struggle.Why do we learn English?Most people say that English now becoming a international language and it is a very useful tool, a means to achieve something else.But specifically, what is the use of a foreign language.We may use it to communicate freely with a native speaker.We may use it to get a job with decent pay.We may use it to help to negotiate a business contract with foreign company.In any case,when you hurry through the last lesson of the language course,you have your completion certificate hanging on you wall.A certificate may mean nothing in comparison with your accomplishment.What is really significant is that you have to learn to use that language to you advantage and benefit.A certificate may get stained,lost or be destroyed in a fire.But what's in your memory will go with you whatever you go.A language skill is worth money in today's international business world.So study well and cash in on success.15.According to the talk what is a plateau?

16.What is the speaker suggestion for further advancement in learning English?

17.Which of the following is not the reason that people learn a foreign language?

18.What will you get when you complete a language course according to the talk?

Question 19 to 22 are based on the following conversation.---Professor Peterson,could you give us a brief introduction of the well know educational system for adult students in Sweden?

---Yes,in Swedish we call it 'forkubi' learning.Which mean the popular nonformal and voluntary educational system for all ages.Although it has been made know very recently,the system has in fact evolved over a hundred years.People in Sweden come together to study on their on conditions,to listen to lectures and to take part in social and cultural events.---Do they have to register for a school course and sit for a classroom teaching as well?

---Not exactly,those study groups are refer to as study circles which are conducted by a large volley called study associations.It is the most typical form of liberal adult education in Sweden.A small group of people meet regularly for a period of time,most often a night per a week to study a certain subject or thing or to take part in a cultural activity.The circle consist of 5 to 12 participants.One is the leader.In Sweden today there're around 350 thousand study circles every year.With about 2 and a half million participants altogether.They also arrange more than 200 thousand cultural events with about 15 million participants or visitors.---This is really a large in moment.Given total population in your country.But how are the study circle supported?Do they get government grant or are they privately founded?

---Liberal adult education in Sweden is largely financed by grant from government,regional government and local councils.The parliament has laid down the aim that conditions for granting government support.The aims are to further individuals own creativity and broaden their interesting cultural.Further more priority should be given to such activities that aims at narrowing and breaching educational gaps,and that are gears to those who are educational ,socially and culturally disadvantaged.19.How long has the Sweden adult educational system evolved? 20.Why do people participate in the activities of study circle?

21.According to the man how many study circles are there annually in Sweden today?

22.Which of the following is not an aim set by the parliament for the study circle?

Question 23 to 26 are based on the following talk.You probably heard the slogan “save the whales”.Do you know why the slogan began?It's started as the protest from the people who want to do banned the whale hunting.Some types of whales are among the hundreds of endangers species.Many people believe that it is important to save endangered species to maintain the balance of natural.Already some species are extinct.Among them are passager pigeon,dodo bird and labdo duck.Of course,dinosaurs are extinct too.But dinosaur did not disappear because of humans.Today as the human population increases all over the planet of earth,less and less space for other species to live in their natural habitats.Species become endangers for many reasons.and they are all related to humans.For example, we cut down forests and that's destroyed the natural habitats for animals.We hunt for fun,enjoyment or excitement.Some animals are extinction or near extinction.We kill them to get animal parts such as bone or furs.Since the 19th century people have been trying to protect the wild life with special programs.The endanger species are act passed in 1936 and by 1983 less than one thousand animal species were listed as endangered.Such animals as giant pandas and tigers are on the top.These species not only needs special measures and extra protection in order to survive.They also service as umbrella species,helping them helps numerous other species that living in the same habitats.We must ensure that the planet earth our children inherit will be home to elephants,tigers,giant pandas,whales and other wild life species as well as human's.23.Why did people put up the slogan “save the whales”?

24.Which of the following is not a course for the extinction of many a species?

25.When was the endangered species act passed?

26.What is the typical of umbrella species?

Question 27 to 30 are based on the following conversation.---Did you go to the football match on Saturday?

---No.I had to attend a wedding ceremony,and I was driving all the way from Leeds to Edinburgh.But I listened to the football commentary over the car radio instead.It's sound very exciting indeed,I must say.---You must be joking.---Why?

---Well,it was pretty dull.---Was it?Come to think of it that commentator what's his name.Emm..Birdman or something?He does change over do it a bit.---Well, if him made that football match sound exciting,he certainly did over do it.---How did it go then?I should have though that Leadue United did well to win with the York city in their present form.---Yes,I supposed they did.But 2-1 didn't do them justice.They should have at least 3 in the first half and another 2 in the second.---Yes,he mentioned that there were some bad misses.---I'll say you should have seen the one Johnson missed.He got hold of the ball out on the touch line,push it up to the outside right,and than run into the middle for the cross.And when it came it was a beauty.It dropped right in front of him and all he had to do was to take his time and pick his spot.And instead,he took a wild swipe about it.And skided miles over the bar.---Any way,it was a relief that my team won the game.Let's not look on the black side.Perhaps they learned the their lesson.But I should have be off.When should I see you?

---Oh,on Saturday.I expect.I will be there in the stadium on Saturday.All being well that is.---Where will you be?Usual place?

---Yes,usual place on the terraces.---Ok,I'll say you than.---Bye.27.Where was the man when the football match took place on Saturday?

28.What does the woman think about the football commentator?

29.What was the score of the football match?

30.When will the man see the woman again? Part C:Listening and Translation.Sentences translation.Directions:In this part of the test you will hear 5 sentences in English you will hear the sentences only once.After you have hear each sentence,translate into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in you answer booklet.Now let's begin Part C with sentence translation.1.The most successful people are the same weather they are having a conversation with friends or giving a public speech to large audience and their gestures match their words.2.Americans have 4 major ways for making friends at work,at school, to a hobby or common interest such as volunteer work or through a mutual friend connection.3.There are certain things such as breathing and eating which babies can do at birth,soon they learn to distinguish various people and begin to make noise which seems like speech.4.Three out of four pedestrians killed in traffic accidents are either under 15 or over 60 they may not judge speeds very well and may step into the road unexpectedly.5.Often we learn wisdom from failure,we often discover what we will do by finding out what we cannot do and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery.Passage translation.Directions:In this part of the test,you will hear 2 passage in English,you will hear the passage only once.After you have heard each passage,translate into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in you answer booklet.You may take note while you are listening.Now let us begin passage translation with the first passage.1.There are times when people are so tired that they fall asleep almost anywhere.For example,there're lots of sleeping on the bus or train on the way home from work in the evenings.In some classes a student will start snoring so loudly that the professor has to ask another student to shake the sleeper awake.The worse time to fall asleep is when driving a car.Police reports are full of traffic accidents that occur when people doze off and bump into something else.2.People with self-confidence are generally happier and better able to cope with unfavorable conditions.High self-confident provides a sense of security.It can also give people a sense of purpose and the believe that they're the productive member of the society.In contrast,individuals lacking in self-confidence are more insecure and their believe that they can reach their goal is weak.And when others are successful,people with low confidence may feel jealousy and envy.Low confidence lead to low expectations,reduce stefer increase anxiety and poor performance.





Every spring hundreds of thousands of domestic and foreign businessmen swarm into Shanghai to attend the annual East China Export Commodity Trade Fair.Here, all kinds of goods from Shanghai compete with the goods from other places in China.The advantage of Shanghai lies in its advanced scientific and technological strength, therefore the export of high-tech products should take the lead in increasing Shanghai’s foreign trade and export.Professor Yang Zhenning, a famous physicist, once said, “The high-tech battlefield is the main and the last battlefield for China to overtake the developed countries.” It is not only indispensable in history, but also necessary in the future to develop by way of promoting high-tech trade.98年3月


The task of this university is to train qualified personnel for foreign affairs and cultural exchange with foreign countries and teachers for institutions of higher learning, who are morally, intellectually and physically qualified and have a good command of foreign languages.It has a 4-year course and a 5-year course for undergraduates.Those who have passed the graduation examination and have written an acceptable thesis are awarded/given a Bachelor’s degree.Students of commonly used foreign languages, after acquiring the ability to use language efficiently, are intercultural communication, so that the graduates will have a basic knowledge in those fields in addition to their mastery of a foreign language.98年9月


深圳机场为方便旅客,设置了4 间更衣室。室内设备齐全。旅客可以轻松愉快的环境中更换衣服,整理仪容,给前来迎接的亲朋好友留下良好的第一印象。

As the nation’s earliest established special economic zone, Shenzhen has very close economic contacts with the innerland provinces.Especially after the returning of Hongkong to the motherland, the number of passengers coming and leaving Shenzhen is increasing rapidly.Shenzhen Airport claims to be one of the ten largest airports in the country.Because Shenzhen is located in the subtropical zone, there exists quite big temperature difference between the city and northern areas in China.So the passengers from the north are always anxious to take off their overdressed warm clothes for the first important thing to do after landing in order to adapt themselves to the local temperature.For the convenience of the passengers, Shenzhen Airport Administration set up 4 well-furnished changerooms.The passengers can change their clothes, tidy themselves up in the easy and pleasant surroundings, so as to leave a good first impression on the relatives and friends who come to meet them at the airport.99年3月




Macao, a sparking pearl in the coast of China, catches the world’s attention for her charm, her experiences of various changes and her bright achievements, and moreover, for the unusual date of December 20, 1999.Macao has been the territory of China ever since the ancient times.The Chinese people have been living and working there for generations.Early in the 80s, Mr.Deng Xiaoping, one of the great figures of the century, put forward the bold concept of “One Country, Two Systems”.On July 1, 1997, the People’s Republic of China resumed her sovereignty over Hong Kong.This year, Macao will completely get rid of the foreign regime and return to motherland.This is another great historical event for the Chinese people.It symbolizes another big step for the Chinese people on their way towards the great goal of the country’s reunification.Macao’s future is sure to be even brighter.99年9月


Pudong International Airport, now under construction, is located on the south bank of the Yangtze(Changjiang)estuary, covering an area of 32 square kilometres.To meet the demands of Shanghai's social and economic development for aviation services, the maximum design capacity of the airport is 80 million passengers and 5 million tons of freight annually.After the completion of the whole airport project, green space will account for over 50% of the area.Puuong International Airport is a gate open to the sky and a link connecting different parts of the world.As the 21st century is coming very near, man, nature, environment and construction will certainly develop in a harmonious and sustained way.00年3月


The Chinese people have been a freedom-and-peace-loving nation.They have always hoped for the world to be at peace and the peoples of various countries to co-exist peacefully.Having suffered from wars and foreign aggression in modern times, the Chinese people treasure freedom and peace all the more.Every nation needs a peaceful and stable international and domestic environment for its construction and development.The freedom of a country or nation is the prerequisite and base of the freedom of any individual.We hope that all nations can live in a world free from war and violence and that people from all parts of the world can enjoy freedom without oppression, discrimination, bullying and humiliation.00年9月



The declaration by the Chinese government to implement the policy of peaceful reunification was based on the prerequisite that the then Taiwan authorities insisted that there is only on China in the world and that Taiwan is a part of China.At the same time, the Chinese government took into consideration the fact that the US government recognized that there is only one China in the world, that Taiwan is a part of China and that the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the only legitimate government of China.While implementing the policy of peaceful reunification, the Chinese government has all along made it clear that it is an internal affair of China to decide on what method to use to resolve the Taiwan issue and that we have no obligation to commit ourselves to rule out the use of force.01年3月

据调查,我国有40%的青少年除了课本外不看其他书籍。对此,我感到极为震惊。虽然有关人士声称调查具有科学性,我仍不敢相信。不过尽管怀疑,事实却是,越来越多的年轻人在业余时间已不再读书,而是看电视、跳舞、打电子游戏机,或者“侃大山”。高尔基说过:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”众所周知,书籍是人类智慧的结晶。尽管现代传媒(如电视、计算机)在信息的传播速度上有许多优势,但到目前为止,还没有哪一种在传播知识的深度方面能取代书籍。According to a survey, about 40% of our country’s youth do not read any books other than their textbooks.I am shocked at the result.I remain suspicious of the survey, though the people concerned claim it to be scientific.Despite my suspicion, the fact is that more and more young people, instead of reading, spend their spare time watching TV, going to dance parties, playing video games or chitchatting.Gorgy once said:“Books are steps toward human progress.”As we all know, books is a crystallization of human wisdom.Although modern media such as TV and computers enjoy advantages in the speed of information dissemination, so far none of them can replace books in respect of the depth of knowledge being spread.01年9月



This year's meeting will, centering round the theme of“Meeting new challenges in the new century: achieving common prosperity through participation and cooperation,” review the agenda covering 5 areas with a view to promoting the economic and trade development in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.This year's APEC meeting will focus on 2 key missions: one is to strengthen the cooperation among APEC members in dealing with a possible economic slowdown to build up new confidence;the other is to continue to advance the process of APEC trade and investment liberalization and facilitation and urge the WTO to initiate a new round talks as soon as possible.02年3月


I always believe that the most efficient meeting in China is the parents’ meeting called by the school.The parents’ meeting, is in full conformity with the requirements for the “building of an honest and clean government”.With respect to meetings organized by a certain trade or the unit where one works, the person wants to know whether the venue of a meeting is in a scenic area frequented by tourists and whether gifts of souvenirs will be handed out after the meeting before he decides whether to go or not to go.But for the parents’ meeting, nobody will ever think of that.While other meetings are rarely convened on time, the parents’ meeting invariably starts with punctuality.At the parents’ meeting, every parent listens and takes notes with rapt attention lest he or she might miss anything.For many meetings, it does not really matter whether they are to be held or not, but to the school and the parents, the parents’ meeting is absolutely necessary.4 02年9月


The per capita GDP in Shanghai is expected to reach US $7500 by 2007.The common people should benefit most directly from the attainment of this goal.They will live more comfortably in bigger space.Among the basic necessities of life—food, clothing, shelter and transportation—housing is an important element, accounting for a big portion in the money they spend.In 2007, the average per capita living space in Shanghai will increase by a big margin.In addition, the common people’s spending on such services as education, information and traveling will grow substantially.To put it in a nutshell, in the future the common people will live a better life, a life of the same standard as enjoyed by those in the middle-ranking developed countries.03年3月


Since the adoption of opening and reform policy, China’s annual growth of national economy has reached 9.7%.China has developed into a big market attractive to the world.Numerous/A number of entrepreneurs of foresight around the world have cast their eye to China, especially the west China and gained abundant profit/profitability from investment.After China’s entry into the WTO, there are more and more opportunities for foreign businessmen to join in the development of the West.The Great Western Development is sure to be a bridge between China and the rest world, which promotes/promoting the common development and prosperity of China and the world.03年9月


Thanks to the rapid(economic)development in the past 20-plus years, a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology was laid in the western region of China.With the society enjoying a rather satisfactory stability, and the market economy system being established and improved on a daily basis, providing a favourable market environment for the western region to maintain the sustained and rapid economic growth.While focusing on its policy of expanding the western region, the Chinese government also attaches rather great importance to the restructuring of the economy, the promotion of the scentific and technological development, the deepening of the opening-up policy as well.With the stable advance in the development of the western region, the advantages of the region in resources and economy will be given full play, thus further improving the quality and standard of the economic growth.04年3月



The Chinese nation has always cherished peace.China’s rise, an achievement accomplished by our own efforts, symbolizes that peace has risen to the dominating position.In getting along with the foreign countries, we consistently adhere to the policy of making partnership and being friendly to the neighboring countries with an aim to seek a friendly cooperation with them.China is and will continue, in a quite long time, to be a developing country.China has a population of 1.3 billion, which is the most important part in our national conditions.It is then no doubt that China ranks 138th per capita while its GDP totals 6th globally.We are now still facing serious problems that we can’t avoid such as unemployment, poverty, and unbalanced regional development.To catch up with the developed countries, several, even dozens of generations’ efforts are still expected.04年9月


Our company was established /set up in 1988.Through years of continuous development, it currently has 4 wholly-owned enterprises specializing in engineering and construction and 3 enterprises in which it holds equity interests.Our company has a large number of technical and managerial personnel.Among them 65% hold intermediate and senior professional titles.The strong technical force and scientific management have laid a solid foundation for the healthy development of the company.An ever-growing socialist market economy has provided a bigger opportunity and space for the existence/survival and expansion /development of our company.In recent years/over the years,we have participated in /undertaken the construction of a large number of major projects in shanghai, making our contribution in shaping /building shanghai into an international metropolis.05年3月



Hong Kong is recognized by some people as the “cultural desert”.However, as a matter of fact, Hong Kong enjoys its unique cultural settings.In terms of film-making, it ranks among the top in the world and its pop songs have an extensive influence among all the Chinese globally.Moreover, there are also 8 well-known universities in Hong Kong.The diversified culture of Hong Kong is attributed to its special history and location.The art carnival hosted by the government annually has provided a broad stage for the local artists to exhibit their originality and encouraged more people to get involved in the production of cultural and art works, thus making a lot of innovations and breakthroughs for the boom of the Chinese culture.05年9月


In China, there is an old saying which goes like this, “Long distance never separates close friends.” A ready link connecting this country and many other ones, like the Silk Road, in Asia and Europe helps a lot in bringing about the splendid civilization in Asia and the frequent exchanges and communication between China and the Continent in the past years.Now, we are going a step further in our cooperation based on mutual benefits, enjoying a brand-new bilateral relation.China, a devoted part in promoting the economic development in the 2 continents, will keep her track on the road of peace and development.A corresponding effort made by this country in building a dynamic and long-term cooperation in all fields across Asia and Europe, together with all the other efforts from the 2 continents, will definitely contribute a big part in making the bright future.06年3月



Shanghai is an international metropolis full of vigor, vitality and variety.Since the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy, Shanghai has attracted worldwide attention for its tremendous changes.The economy is developing rapidly, the social order is stable, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, presenting a scene of prosperity.Today, while Shanghai still has many remnants of its colorful past for people to ponder over, its ever-changing outlook has filled more and more people with great admiration.Puxi exhibits the city’s glorious past, and Pudong unfolds its bright future.Like a rising sun, Shanghai is shining with boundless radiance and brilliant color.Shanghai’s tomorrow is full of hope.06年9月



Coming to the Yale campus with its distinctive academic flavor, and looking at the eager young faces in the audience, I cannot but recall my great experience studying at Qinghua University in Beijing 40 years ago.I still benefit greatly from the instruction and my interaction with other students.Yale is renowned for its long history, unique way of teaching and excellence in academic pursuit.If time could go back several decades, I would really like to be a student of Yale just like you.Yale's motto “Light and Truth,” which is a calling for human progress, represents the aspiration of every motivated young man and woman.07年3月

中国赢得 2010 年世界博览会的举办权,靠的是国际社会对中国改革开放的支持和信心。这次博览会将是自 1851 年在英国伦敦第一次举办以来,首次在发展中国家举办的世界博览会,它表达了全世界人民对中国未来发展的期望。

2010 年上海世博会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好。”未来的城市生活是全球关注的话题,与每一个国家及其人民息息相关。第一次以“城市”作为主题的 2010 世界博览会将吸引全球约 200 个国家和国际组织参与盛会,国内外参访人数预计达 7000 万。

China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the international community’s support for and confidence in its reform and opening-up.The World Exposition will be the first one in a developing country since it was first held in 1851 in London, UK, which gives expression to the expectations the world’s people place on China’s future development.The theme of World Expo 2010 shanghai is “BetterCity, Better Life”.The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, concerns every nation and its people.Being the first world Exposition on the theme of city, Expo 2010will attract about 200 nations and international organizations to participate in it, with an estimate of 70 million visitors from home and abroad.07年9月


China’s firm stand on peaceful development is only natural, given the country’s unique situation.In the ensuing 100 plus years after the Opium War of 1840, China suffered great humiliation at the hands of the world’s big powers.The Chinese people have, throughout the modern times, yearned and sought for a peaceful, independent, prosperous and happy life free from wars.Despite the tremendous growth we are witnessing in China today, the country is still faced with a large population, a weak economic foundation and rather uneven development.It is still, as it were, the largest developing country in the world.China’s major focus, therefore, is on socio-economic development and continued improvement of people’s livelihood.The only way to achieve prosperity for China and happiness for its people is by sticking to the path of peaceful development.The Chinese people will try their utmost to promote and contribute to common development among nations and, in order to do that, they need and cherish to the highest degree a peaceful international environment.08年9月


With the successful launch of its first lunar probe, China has realized its millennial dream of flying to the moon, ushered in the new era of entering the space and exploring the mystery of universe, which marks China’s access to the ranking of the world’s advanced countries capable of probing the moon.It constitutes the milestone of China to promote independence and innovation and to build a country of innovation, the historic advance of China in the conquest of the world’s scientific and technological peak, the momentous contribution of China to world peace and human utilization of outer space.All the Chinese people are overwhelmed with pride in the glorious achievement of our great country!



With the successful launch of its first lunar probe, China has realized its millennial dream of flying to the moon, ushered in the new era of entering the space and exploring the mystery of universe, which marks China’s access to the ranking of the world’s advanced countries capable of probing the moon.It constitutes the milestone of China to promote independence and innovation and to build a country of innovation, the historic advance of China in the conquest of the world’s scientific and technological peak, the momentous contribution of China to world peace and human utilization of outer space.All the Chinese people are overwhelmed with pride in the glorious achievement of our great country!




According to a well-informed source, before this year’s Spring Festival, Carrefour made its “first intimate contact” with Xindaxin company.Without doubt the Guangzhou Municipal Government served as the “matchmaker”.The two parties “had an affinity for each other” in only a few months.What on earth is Xindaxin’s appeal to Carrefour? It is of great concern to the outsiders / the public.Mr He, general manager of Xindaxin, instead of giving any positive response to this question, just made a general/ambiguous reply that Xindaxin boasts its uniqueness in the department stores industry in Guangzhou.Mr He disclosed that Xindaxin holds 35% of the shares of the newly-established company while Carrefour owns the other 65%: “which is in conformity with the policies of departments concerned, stipulating that the Chinese side must hold no less than 35% of the shares.”




Our life is shortened by every tick of the second hand of the clock.Each page peeled away from the wall calendar marks a bygone day.Time is life, while life is cherished by everybody, but time, by few.How can we achieve something in our brief life? To learn some knowledge!To replenish ourselves!To help those in need!To add significance to our life!Time should not be squandered if we want to make our life meaningful(to get a lot out of our life).This principle is accepted by all, but wisely observed by very few.09年9月

有两个大款附庸风 雅,参加一个冷餐会,与会者自然不乏真正的名流学者。席间,一个学者与其中的大款甲闲聊,话题不知怎么扯到莎士比亚身上。学者问大款甲:“先生是否对莎士 比亚最感兴趣?”大款甲顿了顿,随即正色说:“相比之下,还是威士忌合我口味。”这时,大家都暗自窃笑。大款乙也看出了苗头,悻悻然走开。在回来的小车 上,大款乙教 训大款甲说:“你真一点都不懂,莎士比亚是饮料,你怎么把它当洋酒了!”

Two big shots attended a buffet reception, trying to pose as lovers of culture, for the participants included some real scholars of distinction.During the reception, a scholar chatted with Tycoon A and somehow the topic shifted to Shakespeare.The scholar asked, “Are you most interested in Shakespeare?” The big shot paused and announced with a severe countenance: “In comparison, whiskey is more to my taste.” Hearing that, all the listeners laughed up their sleeves.Tycoon B saw the straw in the wind and left resentfully.On their way home in the car, Tycoon B lectured Tycoon A: “ How could you be that ignorant!Shakespeare is a beverage, and you are foolish enough to take that as an imported spirit!”




With the approaching of 2010, the ringing of bells in 24 time zones around the globe echoes one after another, announcing the lapse of the first decade in the new millennium and the start of another 10 years.Over the past ten years, China’s economy maintained a successive 9% increase for nine years since the beginning of the 21st century and still a 8% growth in the last year of the past decade, albeit influenced by global financial storm.Functioning like a mainstay that makes vigorous endeavors to turn the tide, China, once again, draws global attraction to the East.A silver lining is emerging again after a year-round practice.As long as all the mankind conquer adversities, override difficulties with collective wisdom, there is bound to be a way out.10年9月



The old town of Shanghai, when it is mentioned, is always associated with the past and the tradition, something such as the Yuyuan Garden in the Ming Dynasty and the Town God’s Temple(or the City God Temple / Chenghuangmiao)in the Qing Dynasty.Despite a history of more than 700 years, it is the 150 years since its opening to foreign trades that enjoyed the most spelendid/ greatest humane development of Shanghai.During that period, scenes appeared such as the co-inhabitation of Chinese foreigners, the building of Shikumen, and the growth of time-honored firms.Various and colorful folk cultures have gained popularity in and out of Shanghai’s old town, which has been proved in the famous “The Painting Scroll of Local Residents in Shanghai’s Old Town”, a vivid depiction of the lives of local residents in every aspect.Despite the ever-changing advances of Shanghai, its old town, an inclusive combination of ancient and modern civilization, will still serve as a glorious chapter in the history of the development of Shanghai city.11年3月



The Yuyuan Garden is a renowned classical garden located in Shanghai that enjoys a history of over 400 years.With delicate design, it boasts the architectural style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.40 attractive scenic spots dot the garden, including pavilions, pagodas, ponds and rockeries, with each adding radiance to one another.The Yuyuan Garden tops South China for its delicacy and elegance.The Garden was originally the private garden of a governor in the Ming Dynasty.Its initial construction started in 1559, but it was not completed until two decades later.The Garden was repeated destroyed under vicissitudes;fortunately, its major scenic spots remained intact in 1949 when Shanghai was liberated.The Garden regained its splendor after several renovations starting from 1956.11年9月



An increasing number of English-educated Chinese parents overseas have come to the realization that while English learning is indispensable to their children, it is essential that their kids have a good command of Chinese.China’s rise has fully awakened their awareness of the fact that their kids can benefit from their bilingual ability which can not only enhance their competitiveness in the job market, but also facilitate their exposure to and familiarity with the two different cultures between the East and the West.They have hardly changed their attitudes towards Chinese.At one time they proudly declared that they knew English only.Now, they have begun to give full support to their kids learning Chinese and its culture, and they also make occasional visits to China, where they can enjoy its magnificent natural landscape and get to know its rich cultural heritage.12年3月


瘾君子们说,一天饭不吃可以,一个时辰不抽烟就难捱了,不能戒。只要真正意识到吸 烟有百害而无一利,于人于己都是一种祸害,就有可能下决心摆脱烟草的诱惑。戒烟贵在坚持,坚持下去就是收获。

Smoking does great harm to human and its gravity should not be underestimated.Smoking pollutes air, damages health, and increases the incidence of lung cancer.To arouse the awareness about the prevalence of tobacco in all the countries and to prevent smoking-induced diseases and deaths, the WHO(World Health Organization)has defined May 31st in every year as World No-Tobacco Day.The tobacco addicts say that smoking is impossible to quit because they could do without meals in a day but would feel tortured without tobacco in two hours.However, when one realizes that smoking is harmful in many ways but beneficial in no way and that it is a curse to others as well as to he himself, he will be determined to resist the temptation of tobacco.To quit smoking requires persistence and so long as one persists, he’ll be rewarded.12年9月



In modern times, Asia experienced twists and turns in its development.To change their destiny, the people of Asia have been forging ahead in an indomitable spirit and with hard struggle.Asia's development achievements today are the result of the persistent efforts of the industrious and talented Asian people.The people of Asia are fully aware that there is no ready model or unchanging path of development that is universally applicable.They never shy away from reform and innovation.Instead, they are committed to exploring and finding development paths that are in line with the trend of the times and their own situations, and have opened up bright prospects for economic and social development.13年3月



Shanghai is a dynamic, diverse and stimulating city the very epitome of modern China.Though Shanghai cannot rival Beijing in cultural heritage, its varied architectural styles and cosmopolitan feel give it a charm of its own.Today's Shanghai has become a world-famous international metropolis.A walk through this booming city reveals many glimpses of its colorful past.Hidden amongst the skyscrapers are remains of the original Shanghai.They keep on showing how Shanghai has been developing fast and enormously since its opening as a commercial port in the late 19th century, especially after the founding of new China.13年9月



From ancient times, our people of all ethnic groups have labored, lived, multiplied on this land, where closely-knitted political, economic and cultural links have been established.As early as two thousand years ago, we have built a unified nation with a vast territory.The long-standing Chinese cultures become a strong bond for ethnic harmony and national unity.Our ancestors were dedicated to the proposition of maintaining independence.As one of the cradles of human civilizations,China has all along maintained its cultural tradition without letup in the history of several thousand years.In modern times, the frequent bullying and humiliation by imperialist powers once weakened China.However, after a hundred year's struggle of the entire Chinese nation, China has stood up again as a giant.14年3月

我们认识到,改革是一场深刻的革命,涉及重大利益关系调整,涉及各方面体制机制完 善。中国改革已进入攻坚期和深水区。这是因为,当前改革需要解决的问题格外艰巨,都是难啃的硬骨头,这个时候就要一鼓作气,瞻前顾后、畏葸不前不仅不能前进,而且可能前功尽弃。

中国是一个大国,决不能在根本性问题上出现颠覆性错误,一旦出现就无法挽回、无法弥补。我们的立场是胆子要大、步子要稳,既要大胆探索、勇于开拓,也要稳 妥审慎、三思而后行。我们要坚持改革开放正确方向,敢于啃硬骨头,敢于涉险滩,敢于向积存多年的顽瘴痼疾开刀,切实做到改革不停顿、开放不止步。


We perceive the reform as a profound revolution, involving adjustment of relationships among major stakeholders and improvement of multiple systems and mechanisms.China’s reform has entered a phase of toughness and hardness.Confronted with the extraordinary difficulty in addressing problems in reforms, we need to gather all the courage and strength since hesitation will lead to no progress and even the deprivation of what we have accomplished.When it comes to fundamental issues, China, as a country of profound influences, can't afford any subversive mistake, which would be irretrievable upon emerging.We should keep both courageous exploration and prudent actions based on the standpoint of bravery and steady progress.Marching in the correct direction of the reform and opening-up, we should dare to challenge hard nuts, tough situations and longstanding problems so as to achieve the persistence and eternity of the reform and opening-up.14年9月

中华民族是由56个民族组成的大家庭。自古以来,我国各族人民就劳动、生息、繁衍 在我们祖国的土地上,共同为中华文明和建立统一的多民族国家贡献自己的才智。悠久的中华文化,成为维系民族团结和国家统一的牢固纽带。



The Chinese nation is a huge family composed of 56 ethnic groups, all of whom, since ancient times, have labored, lived and multiplied on this vast land so as to offer their wit and might to the splendor of Chinese civilization and the construction of a unified multi-ethnic nation.The long-standing Chinese culture serves to maintain ethnic unity and national unification in a formidable manner.The everlasting and expanding Chinese nation is richly nourished by the Chinese civilization which has undergone the vicissitudes of 5 millenniums, hence forming and passing down the spiritual bond of the country and the nation.As China’s economy and society grows, the Chinese civilization will surely display more vibrant vitality which answers to the call of the times.15年3月

一天王安经过一棵大树时,突然有一只小麻雀掉在地上。他决定把它带回去喂养。走到家门口,突然想起妈妈不允许他在家里养小动物,他悄悄地把小麻雀放在门后,急忙走进屋去,在他的 哀求下妈妈破例答应了儿子。


One day Wang An passed under a big tree when a little sparrow fell down, so he decided to take it back home for care.At the doorstep, considering the fact that his mother would not allow keeping pets, he hid the sparrow behind the door secretly and walked in hastily.Unexpectedly, his mother yielded to his imploration.Wang An rushed back in rapture, only to find the sparrow gone and a black cat rubbing its mouth.This incident clouded him for a long time, from which he drew a lesson that there’s no room for hesitation when it comes to a determined plan.Indecision may keep you away from some mistakes, but more likely from the chances of success.15年9月



Boao, a rarely-known fishing village just one decade ago, has now evolved into a splendid platform for planning out the Asian blueprint.Maturing amid the advancement of China and Asia at large, its openness and progress sheds light upon the increasingly intimate connection between China and Asia, as well as that between Asia and the world.With its footing in Asia, outlook towards the global and the accommodation for various opinions, Boao presents a worldwide panorama and an inclusion of all-aspect merits.Boao Asia Forum plays a vital role in grouping common grounds, amplifying Asia voice and boosting Asia cooperation, thus constituting one of the most influential economic forums in the world.16年3月


The Shanghai Grand Theater, located at the People’s Square in the city center, is original and unique in architectural style and graceful in shape, presenting a landmark in Shanghai.The unique architecture is an integration of the cultural appeal of the East and West.The Grand Theater is just like a crystal palace when the lights set off a harmonious entity of the white arc-shaped roof and the photosensitive glass curtain walls.The lobby of the Grand Theater, with the white color as its main tone, symbolizes elegance and purity.The floor is paved with a rare white marble known as the “Greek Crystal”.The design is of the shape of piano keys, and the giant white marble pillars and the stairs on both sides are imbued with a strong sense of rhythm, making people feel as if they were in a world of music the moment they step into the lobby.16年9月

春节是我国民间最隆重、最热闹的一个传统节日。春节时,家家户户都要做充足的准备。节前十天左右,人们就开始忙碌着采购年货,为小孩子们添置新衣新帽,准备过年时穿。另外,节前人们会在家门口贴上红纸写成的春联,屋里张贴色彩鲜艳、寓意吉祥的年画,窗户上贴着窗花,门前挂上大红灯笼或贴“福” 字。“福”字还可以倒贴,路人一念福倒了,也就意味着福气到了。

Spring Festival is the most solemn traditional festival in China bustling with noise and excitement.During the Spring Festival, everything was in a state of preparedness for every family.About ten days before the festival, people began busy preparing special purchases, including new clothes and shoes for the children to embrace the new year.What’s more, people begin decorating their rooms featuring an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity, which include Spring Festival couplets on red paper pasted on the door panels, red paper-cuttings on window glass and brightly colored New Year paintings with auspicious meanings on the wall, as well as red lanterns or the Chinese character ‘Fu’(meaning blessing or happiness)on the front door.The Chinese character ‘Fu’ can be pasted normally or upside down, signifying good futune because in Chinese the “reversed fu” is homophonic with “fu comes”, both being pronounced as “fudaole.”



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