1.Her students’ test scores were high as those in a nearby wealthy school district, despite the 障碍
2.Even the strongest supporters of the reform movement that the task of raising achievement among disadvantaged students is hard work.让步
Excessive Packaging
Nowadays the phenomena of excessive packaging of goods are prevailing in our society: clothes swathed in tissue paper, placed in cardboard box and finally wrapped in well-designed plastic bags, imported bottles of grape wine packed in wooden boxes, fruits put in hand-woven baskets, to name but a few.There are several causes of excessive packaging.The first reason is that a large number of companies believe that they can attract customers‟ attention and stimulate their purchasing desire by over-packaging their goods, thus gaining more profits.On the other hand, quite a number of consumers mistakenly hold that the more delicate the package is, the better the quality will be, thus encouraging excessive packaging.In my point of view, excessive packaging has disastrous consequences, including the loss of precious resources, excessive consumption of water and energy, and unnecessary extraction of scarce land for landfill.To solve the problem, it‟s necessary to take the following measures.First, laws and regulations must be made to restrict excessive packaging of companies.In addition, we need to raise consumer‟s awareness that excessive packaging doesn‟t equal to high quality and advocate packaging recycling.2011年12月英语四级真题作文
Nothing Succeeds without a Strong Will
As a humorous saying goes “quitting smoke is the easiest thing in the world, I have done it hundreds of times”, it reminds me what a significant role a strong will plays in our life.I firmly believe that “Where there is a will, there is a way”.In terms of the academic performance, a strong will exerts a great influence on student‟s academic performances.A strong will of acquiring the knowledge and resisting the temptation of entertainment motivates students to try their best in order to pursue the academic excellence.When it comes to the musical mastery, it is well known that the key to acquiring proficiency in musical instrument is a strong will of repetition.For example, the famous pianist Lang Lang plays the piano from 5am every day and practices over and over again.Therefore, we can easily draw the conclusion that nothing succeeds without a strong will.I am convinced that for the individual himself, nothing is more important than his strong will and his determination to follow that.2008年12月四级作文真题
Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags
Disposable plastic bags were once widely used in China.When we went shopping at1
supermarkets and departments stores, shopping assistants often provided free plastic bags for our convenience.For a while, life without them seemed unimaginable for most of us.However, disposable plastic bags do bring severe damage to our environment.Costumers usually threw them away after use, and because they are thin and hard to decompose, these plastic products will exist for a long time.This is an immediate threat to our earth and water.Nowadays, the government has passed relevant regulations for limiting the use of disposable plastic bags: they are not free any more.In some shopping places, in order to invoke the public awareness of environmental protection, plastic bags are offered in a much higher price.As a result, people are changing their behavior: paper and clothing bags that vanished for a long time come back to our daily life.It is true that by limiting its usage, everyone in this society contributes some effort to the improvement of the environment.2010年6月英语四级作文测试题
Private Tutoring
A recent investigation shows that about 80 percent of pupils have private tutors.Such a popular practice indicates that people are attaching greater importance to education.Manyparents, for various reasons,missed the chance of obtaining a good education.When theirchildren meet with difficulties in study, they are helpless.Private tutoring is the only solution.As private tutoring is usually one-to-one, the teacher knows the strong points as we11 as the weak points of the pupil, clearly.However, private tutoring has its own disadvantages;for one thing, it takes up somuch of the pupils‟ time that they can hardly find enough time for rest and entertainment, which are essential for their physical and mental health.For another, some teachers, busy “shuttling” from one family to another, tend to neglect their regular teaching duties.What‟s more, some teachers are eager to help pupils do well in the test, offering the so-ca11ed tips for test-taking rather than help them acquire what is more meaningful.Generally speaking, its disadvantages outweigh its advantages.Greater emphasis should be laid on classroom teaching and practice, on the improvement of teaching quality and on the tapping of the pupils‟ potentials.Only in this way can we generation be healthily brought up.2010年6月英语四级作文测试题
Environmental Protection
There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years.One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil.The polluted air does great harm to people‟s health.The polluted water causes diseases and death.What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot.Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution.Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures.First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education.Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people mean more pollution.Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.2009年6月四级真题
Free Admission to Museums
Nowadays, an increasing number of museums are admission-free to visitors home and abroad.The hidden reason behind this is not hard to analyze as there‟s a growing awareness for the authorities regarding the urgency of popularization of culture, knowledge and history with every average person in our society.Only with free access to this live „database‟, can most people fully enjoy what museums could offer to them.However, free admission to museums might lead to some social problems as well.The most obvious problem is that it might give museums a very heavy economic burden which directly impedes the sustainable development of these organizations.As a result, our government has to work out other ways to collect funds from different channels, which might be difficult to operate or control.On the other hand, free admission attracts too many visitors, some of which might not be well-purposed and do some conscious or unconscious damage to the valuable treasures which used to be well-preserved in the museums.As a university student, I am in favor of the free-admission conduct.Yet it is proposed that some measures should be taken to solve the potential problems caused by it.For example, museums can make some regulations to guide the behavior of visitors or set some „closed‟ days for museums for regular maintenance.Only in this way can free-admission to museums become a long-lasting phenomenon and have sustainable development.1.北京奥运会现招募志愿者。
An Announcement for a Voluntary Program
Welcome to Beijing Olympics!The committee is now recruiting volunteers for this unprecedented Olympic Games.The ultimate goal of volunteers is to serve the Olympics.Volunteers will help receive guests from all over the world, offering language, driving, media or medical services.The program will start on August 1st and end on August 30th.Most of voluntary service will be done in and around the gym.The organizing committee will arrange buses to take you to the gym everyday during the time.We are in huge need of totally 70,000 qualified volunteers.Priority will be given to applicants who have “special skills” and can speak languages other than English and Chinese.Please feel free to submit all your personal conditions and contact information required in the applicant form.Call us at 87759800 or email us at volunteers @126.com.
二、操作题(第3题~第4题,每题15分,第5题20分,共50分)3.便 条
刘明副总经理下个月要接待福建翔远公司考察团。请你将制定接待计划的工作程序以及注意事项用电子邮件发给我。另外,王钢总经理将要到美国考察,还请你把商务旅行计划应包括的内容列出来,于周五前与上述邮件一起发给我。谢谢!行政经理 ××
4.便 条
5.便 条
行政经理 ××
会议值班工作的主要内容1值班电话记录。主要包括来电时间、来电单位、来电人员姓名、来电内容。2值班接待记录。主要记录来访人员的姓名、单位、来访事由、联系方式等内容。3值班日记。主要对外来的信函、电报、反映情况、外来的电话等进行认真登记,使接班人员保持工作的连续性。做好信息传递。及时将重要或需要紧急处理的信息向有关人员通报。值班工作制度 信息处理制度
会议记录的内容1会议描述。包括会议类型、时间、地点、日期2与会者姓名。主席的名字在最前面,办事人员的名字在最后面3缺席者请假条 4宣读上次会议记录 5由会议记录中产生的问题 6通讯情况 7一般事务8其他事务9下次会议日期10主席签名、记录人员签名 反馈会议信息的要求1会议的信息反馈要注意点面结合,正负反馈结合,不仅要看到成就,更要收集会议未能有效解决的问题和议而未决的事项。2会议信息反馈的目的要明确,要看服务对象3充分重视会议的反馈信息沟通,正、负反馈都要力求做到适时、适量、适度。反馈会议信息工作程序1布置会议信息收集工作2会议信息的搜集渠道的选择和建设3建立定期的会议信息反馈制度4做好会议信息的反馈汇报工作5抓好会议反馈信息的落实工作 收集会议文件资料的要求1确定会议文件资料的收集范围2收集会议文件资料要及时,确保文件资料在与会人员离会之前全部收集齐全3选择收集文件渠道,运用收集文件资料的不同方式方法4与分发文件资料一样,收集会议文件也要履行严格的登记手续5收集整理过程中要注意保密
需收集的文件资料1会前准备并分发的文件。包括指导性文件、审议表决性文件、宣传交流性文件、参考说明性文件、会务管理性文件2会议期间产生的文件。包括决定、决议、提案、会议记录、会议简报等3会后产生的文件。包括会议纪要,传达提纲、会议新闻报道等 会议文件的立卷归档含义:会议文件资料的立卷归档是指会议结束后根据会议文件的内在联系加以整理,分门别类的组成一个或一套案卷,归入档案。这是将现行会议文件转化为档案的重要步骤,是档案工作的基础。意义:1保持会议文件之间的历史联系,便于查找利用。2保持历史的真实面貌,反映工作的客观进程。3保护会议文件的完整与安全,便于保存和保管。4保证会议秘书工作的联系性,为档案工作奠定基础。
①会议决定事项催办的意义和目的:使会议精神落到实处,防止有关单位或部门不重视会议交办事项,长期推诿、拖延,工作效率低下;或从部门利益出发采取消极态度,故意不办。②检查催办工作要求做到:明确催办人员;健全登记制度,建立催办登记簿,定期记载催办事项的进展状况;建立汇报制度,汇报催办事项的落实情况。要建立会议决定事项催办的汇报制度、登记制度等。登记制度应该设置会议决定事项传达催办登记表。③会议决定事项催办方式: 1发文催办。催办文件上需要写明要求贯彻执行的决定、决议的内容和条文;写明办理要求、办理时限。并要求将办理结果及时书面汇报。2电话催办。优点:可以直接找到执行的当事人;双向沟通。3派员催办。派员催办比电话催办更为直接,是一种面对面的催办形式。4约请承办部门来人汇报。④会议决定事项催办的基本程序: 对会议决定事项传达→根据催办与登记制度进行催办→进行反馈。
注意事项(1)遵守本单位接待的规章制度(2)了解来宾的饮食习惯(3)做好保密工作 印章颁发与启用印章启用前的准备①选定印章的启用时间②提前向有关单位发出正式启用的通知并附上印模③填写“印模卡”一式两份(一份留存,一份交上级备案)④在印章启用通知所规定的生效日之前,所刻印章不得使用。印章颁发与启用的要点①为安全起见,取公章应实行双人同行制。②取回公章后,立即交办公室负责人拆封检验,制定专人保管。③使用单位启用新刻制的公章时,要将印模和启用日期报送上级主管部门。上级主管部门和使用单位都要把印模和启用日期的材料立卷归档,永久保存。
上司临时交办事项的特点意义:①有利于减轻上司工作负担,提高上司工作效率②有利于检出上司后顾之忧,保证上司集中精力抓大事 特点:①广泛性 ②临时性 ③具体性 ④紧迫性 上司临时交办事项的范围 文书工作事项 会务工作事项 信访工作事项 信息工作事项 调研工作事项 督查工作事项 联络工作事项 协调工作事项 接待工作事项 其他工作事项
数码相机与传统相机区别1感光不同 2存储介质不同 3图像质量不同 4输入输出方式不同 注意事项 1数码相机不适宜拍摄自然风光2拍摄时尽量靠近被摄物体3取景要准确4在逆光拍摄时要使用闪光灯进行补光
刻录机主要性能指标1数据传输速度 2缓存容量 3兼容性
信息筛选的要求1要分析信息需求,选择对工作有指导意义、与业务活动密切相关的信息 2带有倾向性、动向性或突发性的信息3能预见未来发展趋势、能为决策提供超前服务的信息4剔除虚假、过时、重复、缺少实际内容的信息
文书校对的内容1校订清样上的错字、漏字、多字2规范字体、字号3检查版式、标题是否端正、页码是否连贯,行、字距离是否均匀,版面是否美观4检查引文、人名、地名、数据、计量单位、专业术语是否有误5检查版式是否与文种格式统一,有无需调整和改版之处 文书校对的要求1把握原则,仔细校对2认真仔细,一丝不苟
备忘录:备忘录 发给:XX 发自:钟苗 时间 主题 内容
电子邮件:1.电子邮件格式正确 2… 函:华荣公司人力资源部关于丁小强人事调查的函特此函达,请予复函。复函:××公司人事部关于丁小强同志情况的复函特此函复。意向书:
××市星城汽车制造厂(以下简称甲方)与宏远汽车股份有限公司(台商,以下简称乙方),经过友好协商,双方本着平等互利的原则,达成初步合作意向,主要内容如下: 一、十、未尽事宜,双方将在各方上级批准后,再行具体协商。
××××年×月×日××××年×月×日 提纲:
XX经理:应您的要求我拟写了说明提纲,请您审阅后提出意见:钟苗 XXXX年X月X日 接站牌 :XX公司接自XX(城市名称)来XX(城市名称)客人(车次/航班次)XXX先生/女士
【参考范文】The approach of the Chinese Lunar New Year poses a national issue concerning the necessity of holding the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.Its established status is being challenged by a growing number of people, especially by younger generations.It is increasingly difficult to cater for all tastes.Some individuals deem that it should be canceled or replaced by other programs.These young people focus their attention on other forms of celebration instead of immersing themselves in TV.Despite that, the majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold the importance of the traditional performance.The most striking feature of this gala is its traditionally close link with ordinary people's lives.Most of people view this gala as an annual staple on the traditional Chinese Spring Festival Eve.They all have a restless night and glue their eyes on the television.I am not supportive of the view that the grand gala should be abandoned.Undoubtedly, it plays a vital role in the celebration of Chinese New Year.To increase its appeal and meet young adults' need, the upcoming performance should invite some big names including super stars from Hongkong and Taiwan.We are all eagerly anticipating this unforgettable evening show.【点评】
这是一封公开信或会议通知,格式与信相同。An announcement for a voluntary program
【范文一】 Follow Students:
The hard and hectic(busy and bustling)semester is drawing to close.The Students’ Union is scheduled to organize a clean-up program to the Zhongshan Lake.The purpose of this program is to enhance the environment awareness of general public.We are now recruiting new members of volunteers for the event.The program procedure goes like this: next Saturday morning at 9:00 volunteers of 50 will go to the Zhongshan lake.Around the lake we will put up signs and posters calling people’s attention to the importance of in environment protection and pick up the trash by some tourists.This will certainly attract a lot of people since it is a weekend and the park is particularly popular with tourists.Each day there is an estimated number of 2000 people visiting the place, sight-seeing and picnic-going.This must be both exiting and rewarding.We welcome any students who like to take the time and trouble to do something for environment conservation.Interested students can register yourselves with us now.(or sign up your names at our office.)Our number is 88807777.The Students Union 【范文二】
Follow Students:
The hard and hectic(busy and bustling)semester is drawing to close.Have you got any plan for the summer vacation? Want anything interesting and exciting for a change? This is maybe for you.The Students Union is recruiting new members of volunteers for a clean-up program to the Zhongshan lake.The program is intended to promote the environment awareness of general public.The procedure goes like this: next Saturday morning at 9:00 volunteers of 50 will go to the Zhongshan lake.Around the lake we will put up signs and posters calling people’s attention to the importance of in environment protection and pick up the trash by some tourists.This will certainly attract a lot of people since it is a weekend and the park is particularly popular with tourists.Each day there is an estimated number of 2000 people visiting the place, sight-seeing
and picnic-going.This must be both exiting and rewarding.We welcome any students who like to take the time and trouble to do something for environment conservation.Interested students can register yourselves with us now.(or sign up your names at our office.)Our number is 88807777.The Students Union 【题目3】
近4万 12万以上
From the table, we can see that in the past 10 years, the number of people in a given city who have gone traveling abroad has increased considerably.Especially in the recent 5 years, the figure has been more than tripled, surging from 40,000 to 120,000.There are several reasons for the change.Firstly, with the development of economy, more and more people become better off.And their ability to finance their trip abroad is growing.Secondly, tourism has greatly developed over the decade.Travel agencies offer not only domestic packages but also travel specials abroad.In addition, individuals today are expected and encouraged to go outside to widen their horizon and to face the real world of globalization.In this way they hope to keep themselves informed of what is going on around the world.From the changes reflected in the table, we can predict that the number of individuals going out of the country will boost.This encouragingly and inevitably facilitates the cultural exchange between ours and the rest of the world and this trend will be irreversible.【范文二】Currently, people in growing numbers are seeking to make tours in other countries.As is vividly indicated in the above chart, the numbers of foreign-travelling people in X city has reached to more than 120,000 in the year of
2005, compared with about 12,000 in 1995 and less than 40,000 in 2000.From the chart, we can also predict that this trend is likely to continue in the following years.The reasons for the increasing of traveling abroad are obvious as follows.Firstly, as the development of people’s life style and economy, they are rich enough to afford to go travel abroad.Secondly, the world has become a small village as the information age and internet improve.Thirdly, more and more people are interested in the cultue of other countries, therefore they are eager to visit them in their eyed.As we can see from the chart, this trend mentioned above will bring lots of benefits for us.For one thing, traveling abroad will help connect our world closely and enhance the friendship between countries.For another, tourists can leran great amount of experiences and cultures, which will be unquestionably beneficial for our countries development
Part V.Writing(30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? You should write at Least 120 words following the outline given below :
[参考作文]Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?
One can always find visitors taking pictures and enjoying the scenery in university compus.During the May Day Holiday, National Day Holiday, summer and winter vacations, many University campuses become popular tourist sites.In my opinion, university campus should be open to tourists.In fact, there are many royal gardens and parks, all of them obviously better than the scenery in the Universities.Why do you think people prefer visiting here with their children? That is because it is a dream goal for many Chinese parents and young ambitious students.Besides this, as more tourists come to visit universities, these universities can widen their influence as well and they can also make some profit from the tourism.In a word, I think the university compus should be open to the tourists 4
In university compus, especially in some famous ones, such as Peking University and Qinghua University, tourists are always seen looking around everywhere.Although most of them visit with hope and repect, I think university compus should not be open to tourists.First, tourists' visit will disturb the normal teaching.They always get into teaching buildings, libraries and so on.They will make noise and throw rubbish everywhere.Second, some tourists trample grass to take photos, and sculpture on trees to leave words.These will affect the environment of the compus badly.The university is a holy place for study, not for tourism.So It should not be open.【题目5】Part V.Writing(30 minutes)Directions:For this part.you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a company declining a job offer.You should write at Least 150 words following the outline given below:
3.希望予以谅解,并表达对公司的良好祝愿.【范文一】Dear Mr.Smith,Thank you very much for giving me so much time for last week's interview.I was very exciting you could provide the position for me as I'm a student who just graduate from college now.But I must say sorry for your believing in me.I could not be able to take this job.Because I have passed the examination to graduate school.As I have mentioned to you at the interview that I have attended the graduation exam half a year ago.At that time, I don't know the results.But now I received the acceptance letter from the school.So I couldn't be able to join in your company.I'm sorry for it.But here, I still want express again my deep gratefulness to your job and warm welcome.I hope and am sure we will have opportunite to cooperate in the future.Sincerely yours, Li Ming