
时间:2019-05-13 10:12:06下载本文作者:会员上传


















 2分-条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子有错,且多数为严重错误;  5分-基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误;  8分-基本切题。有些地方表达不够清楚,文字勉强连贯。语言错误较多,其中有少量的严重错误。 11分-切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但是少量语言错误。 14分-切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好,基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错误。





以Reading widely为例

引子:Nowadays,there exists an increasingly hot topic among the _______(especially on __________),which is ___________.例如:Nowadays,there exists an increasingly hot topic among the students, especially on college campus,which is reading widely.谦语;as far as I know, as far as I am concerned,in my opinion,from my viewpoint

论点:________have positive effects on___*__, 例如:reading widely have positive effects on your nowlege extension and horizion broaden, 启下:以上*号处,which results from the reansons as follows.从而可得整篇开头如下:

Reading widely

Nowadays,there exists an increasingly hot topic among the students, especially on college campus,which is reading widely.from my viewpoint

reading widely have positive effects on your nowlege extension and horizion broaden, which results from the reansons as follows.注意:以后在各种问题中,引子,谦语,启下,都不变。



以Private car为例

引子:As an old ssaying goes ,every coin has 2 sides,which applies to private car as well.谦语: from my viewpoint 1 private car have both advantage and 观点:○shortcoming on our daily life, private car have both positive and ○negative effects on our daily life,启下: which results from the reansons as follows.从而可得整篇开头如下:

Private car As an old ssaying goes ,every coin has 2 sides,which applies to private car as well.from my viewpoint, private car have both positive and negative effects on our daily life, which results from the reansons as follows.第三种:引经据典式作文(或名人名言作文)格式:引子+It means+解释(转述)+启下

以No pains,no gains为例

引子:No pains,no gains(抄题),which derives from the valuable experience of our forefathers,but it still has its realistic significance even today.解释:It means your success,to some extent,depends on your hardwork , 启下:which results from the reansons as follows.从而可得整篇开头如下:

No pains,no gains No pains,no gains,which derives from the valuable experience of our forefathers,but it still has its realistic significance even today.It means your success,to some extent,depends on your hardwork , which results from the reansons as follows.第四种:题目为疑问句的作文

可分为一般疑问句,选择疑问句,特殊疑问句 一

题目为一般疑问句 ○格式:引子+抄题+简短回答+谦词+转述(立论)+启下

简短回答:of course+主语+助动词 Of course not It all depends 以Should students be abroad studying at the

younger age ?为例

Nowadays,there exists an increasing heated discussion in matters of middle school students’ studying abroad.Then should they be abroad studying at the younger age ? It all depends.From my viewpoint,studying abroad for middle school students has both positive and negtaive effects on their future,which results from the reasons as follows.二 题目为选择疑问句 ○格式:引子+抄题(一定要补全)+简短回答+谦语+转述+启下

简短回答:I prefer to former to later

或It all denpends

以Reading selectively or widely ?为例 Nowadays,there existsan increasingly heated discussion in matters of the content of reading,especially for college students.Then should we read reading selectively or widely ? I prefer to latter.From my viewpiont,reading widely serves as an indispensable part to our study,which results from the reasons as follows.三 题目为特殊疑问句 ○格式:引子(传统)+抄题+回答(立论)+启下

以What could we do for the 2008 olympics?为例

Nowadays,2008 olympic games to be held in Beijing has become a hot topic among the Chinese home and abroad.Then as a college student,what could we do for her ? From my viewpoint,doing what we could from slight detail is of great importance, which results from the reasons as follows.第五种:图表作文


引子:An obvious conclusion could easily be drawn from the chart above,*******************.现象结论:*号处。可用词changed dramatically.描图:对图表进行整体大致描述。例如:图表略。

{An obvious conclusion could easily be drawn from the chart above,}引子。{the number of computers owned by every 1000 people has changed dramatically in the past 20 years.}`现象结论。{In 1987,only 3%。of the people can work or play on computers ;While the number soared to 80% in 2007.}描图。{From my viewpoint,computers are being more and more widely used in our daily work and life.}论点。


应用文包括感谢信,投诉信,求职信 开头:I’m writing the letter to: 1 apply for position in your company.○2 1.complain ○about the bad quality of the goods I bought the other day.2.complain about the bad service I received.3 express my heart-felt gratitude to sb ○for sth.扩展部分

一般性作文都可用以下格式: first and foremost,………

○2 what is more,………

○3the last but not the least important,………

○对于两面作文:on the one hand ……… On the other hand………


结尾的写法大致可以分为四种:印证主题式,呼吁社 会式,正反对照式,名人名言式。可以根据自己的题 材选择适当的结尾方式。第一种:印证主题式

格式:After pondering this issue on many occasions,it seems not difficult to draw the conclusion that_______________.以part-time jobs为例

After pondering this issue on many occasions,it seems not difficult to draw the conclusion that part-time jobs for college students have both positive and negative effects on their study and future.Inconsequence,we should have a correct attitude to when confronted with it.第二种:呼吁社会式

格式: In a word,the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______________.Only in this way ,we can _________in the future.以Private car为例

In a word,the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of private car.Only in this way ,we can enjoy life in the future.第三种:正反对照式

格式:In my opinion,both sides are partly right.When we _______________,we should take into consideration all aspects of the problems,and then make the right choice.以Private car为例

In my opinion,both sides are partly right.When we want to have a private car,we should take into consideration all aspects of the problems,and then make the right choice.第四种:名人名言式结尾

格式:Whatever you do,please remember the saying____________.If you understand it and apply it to study or work,you will definitely benefit a lot from it.以No pains no gains为例

Whatever you do,please remember the saying no pains no gains.If you understand it and apply it to study or work,you will definitely benefit a lot from it.


Self-Protection Awareness


Recently, a large number of affairs about sexual assault were disclosed and reported by mass media.As far as I am concerned, people should get some enlightenment from these affairs, such as enhancing and strengthening education in self-protection awareness, especially for children and students.最近,有很多关于性侵的事件媒体揭露和报道。我认为人们应该从这些事件中得到一些启示,比如,提高和加强自我保护意识教育,特别是对于儿童和学生。

Children and students are hurt most in this kind of affairs.As a result, to enhance and strengthen their self-protection awareness is indispensable.In addition, to strengthen the awareness of defending danger is also important.If they can realize the potential danger from someone or something before it happens, they can make some preparations to avoid the danger and reduce the rate of being hurt.因这类事件伤害最大的是儿童和学生。因此,提高和加强自我保护意识是必须的。此外,加强防范危险的意识也是很重要的。如果他们能在事情发生前意识到某人或某事的潜在危险,他们就可以做一些准备来以避免和减少受伤率。

Therefore, I advocate that parents should help their children develop self-protection awareness from birth, such as designing some situation for them to cope with.In addition, parents should teach their children to recognize the danger and how to avoid and reduce the danger from outside.Besides, children also need to develop an excellent ability of observation.因此,我认为父母应该帮助他们的孩子从出生开始就培养自我保护意识,比如,设计一些情况来让他们应付。父母还应该教导孩子认识危险,如何避免和减少来自外界的危险。此外,孩子也需要培养优秀的观察能力。

In a word, to protect children needs both the effort of parents and children




慎用套词!现在很多老师都建议学生在临考前背一些范文、重点句式,几乎所有的作文参考书上也罗列了一大堆此类范文、重点句式。在应试作文中,这些句式“放之四海而皆准”,曾经让无数考生从中尝到了甜头。但是请大家注意了,时光已经走到了公元2004年,阅卷老师的观念也正在“与时俱进”。现在那些阅卷老师普遍对那些套词恨之入骨。这也不奇怪,虽然有的句子很好,但是如果用的人多了,也就失去了新鲜,甚至会遭到反感。如果一篇图表或图画作文,一上来就是:“Simple as the picture(table/photo/cartoon/drawing/)is,the symbolic meaning it conveys is deep and profound。”很好的句子,不知是哪位传授的,但其影响之大,受众之广,让阅卷老师始料不及。阅卷老师一看就知道是套词,所有的看图作文都能用,于是就当考生没写这句话。再看到这句话,开始反感,觉得考生水平不高,就会用别人的话,反而会留下不好的印象,自然不会给高分;换了份卷子,怎么还是这句话?!直接就给你打入冷宫。这也不奇怪,就算是满汉全席也有吃厌的时候,更何况一个十分钟能见八回的句子?这样出彩的句子尚且如此,更别提那些俗上加俗、倒人胃口的套词了:how interesting the picture is!As can be seen from the picture等等。最让人深恶痛绝的一句是as far as I am concerned…撇开其用法不确切不说,你读一下,算算用了几秒?[a:] [e:] 都是长音,老师在一个段落上不会耗费超过3秒的时间,你想让他看些什么呢?如果你觉得I think 太俗,可以选些不太常用但是语法上毫无错误的表达方法来发表观点。如:I`m convinced that,I strongly believe that,总之,既然你想发表观点,就直接说明,让老师尽快了解,让他1秒钟之内就能判断出你没有跑题就是最成功之处!切记:慎用套词!







请看下面从句用的不好的例子。原稿:Once in a time , people consider this world as vast and mystery , because of the limitation of vehicle.此处用used to 更简洁,“认为某人或某物具有某种特征”应该直接在宾语后面加形容词。改正后:People used to consider the world vast and mysterious.原稿: As people are getting busier and busier today , they rarely have chance to move their bodies.改正后 : People today are often too busy to exercise.too …to 这个句型大家其实是掌握的,但在写作中很少使用。再如:The students have to make a critical decision – the priority is given to specific universities or specific majors ? For this problem , opinions are divided.改正后为: Opinions are divided among students whether to give priority to a specific university or major.改正后用了从句,但比原稿简洁的多。

《新概念英语》三册中充满了大量的四六级写作句型:第25课出现了考研和六级中常出现的句型,比如:毫无疑问地,近视在我国的年轻人中是一个严重的问题。这个句型在第25课出现There is no doubt that near-sightedness is a serious problem.又如:你一定要意识到建立在美色之上的爱情,会像美色一样很快消逝。这出现在27课You must be aware / conscious that love built on beauties, soon as beauty dies.在第31课,类似句型出现:人们继续破坏着环境,并没有意识到他们正在为此付出代价。People keep on polluting the environment without being conscious that they are paying the price for it.新概念英语第三册的一些美文,就为大家提供了相当好的写作方法和经典范文。

我们再来看一下四六级考试中的段落结构问题。四六级作文一般要求写三段,并且要求超过100词,因此每一段有三五句话就可以了。虽然字数少,但是段落总体的质量取决于一定的构思和组织能力,必须要在每一段落里有条理地、有依据地表达一个中心思想。段落的结构应当符合一定的模式和具有某些基本特征,并遵循一定的发展方向。段落的条理关键在于掌握主题句和扩展句的关系,这样的条理对议论文尤其重要。一个段落在结构上有三个主要的组成部分:主题句(topic sentence)、扩展句(supporting sentence)和结尾句(conclusion),其中结尾句并不是绝对要求的。这几个句子时相互关联的,其中主题句是表达段落主题的句子,它阐明一个段落的中心思想,是段落的核心,段落中的其他各句子都与它紧密相连并围绕它展开。英语写作中每一个段落只能有一个中心思想,并且要由一个主题句提出。中心思想提出后,作者接下来的任务就是解释或者说明这个中心思想,扩展句起的就是这个作用。这几个句子包括证据(evidence)、事例(examples)或者是逻辑论证(further arguments)。


The benefits of participating in sports are numerous.My favorite program is “ Friend ”.I enjoy the programs about real people and real experience.其中 sports , Friend , programs about real people and real experience 都是主题。(have)numerous benefits ,(are)my favorite , I enjoy 则都是用来表达作者的观点或意见的。

主题句要由概括性,扩展句要具体。主题句是起提示作用的,因此它要具备一定的概括性,不能太具体。而扩展句的功能是详细解释和论证,因此必须要具体。例如:Each program will focus on a particular friend who can be either a celebrity or an everyday person.这句话是说一个电视节目的特点:每次专注于一个人物,而这个人可能有名气,也可能知识一般人。这句话很具体,适合做扩展句。“Friend” is a very interesting talk show.这句话就可以当主题句。这句话的意思很完整,但它没有说访谈节目为什么有意思。具体的原因应该用扩展句去说明。

主题句在多数情况下位于段落的开端,它开门见山地点出主题,使作者自始至终紧扣主题,也使读者一开始就能抓住整个段落的主题思想,比如:Drug use is so widespread that it is part of the daily life of almost every person.From birth to death , drugs ease our pain and suffering.For many , drugs serve such utilitarian purposes as keeping us awake , helping us sleep , or eliminating our stress.主题句说明药物的广泛使用是日常生活的一部分。随后的扩展句通过日常生活中人们使用药物的场合和情景—止痛、催眠、兴奋以及助兴娱乐—来证实主题句提出的论点。主题句也可以在句尾,其特点是可以帮助读者总结全段的内容,从而加深读者对段落内容的印象。We are constantly being spoken to , by teachers , salesmen , public officials , and motion picture sound tracks.The cries of advertisers pursue us into our very homes.Our daily papers amount to thirty to fifty pages of print.We visit bookstores and libraries in search of even more text.Words fill our lives.前面讲的是事实,是例证,最后才点名主题。按照这样的思路,我们用《新概念英语》第三册第12课《荒岛生活》来肢解一下2007年6月六级写作真题。

新三12课第一段 Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a desert island.(主题句)We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines.(扩展句)Life there is simple and good.Ripe fruit falls from the trees and you never have to work.(支持句:用例子支撑观点。例子可以选择典故、名人名言等等)The other side of the picture is quite the opposite.(转折句:两个不同的观点之间需要用到转折)Life on a desert island is wretched.(对主题句的另一方面解释)You either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe, waiting for a boat which never comes.(支持句:用到了鲁宾逊克鲁索的例子)Perhaps there is an element of truth in both these pictures, but few us have had the opportunity to find out.(回头句:总结全文的句子,对观点进一步升华)


Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?

A great many people presume upon a reward when doing a good deed.(主题句)First and foremost, there is a natural tendency to equate doing good deeds with a certain amount of reward, and reward with a certain amount of money.What is more, they maintain that since the basis of contemporary society is money, one of the major means of earning money is getting reward by doing good deeds.(扩展句)

On the contrary,(转折句)the vast majority of people assume that doing a good deed should be based on people’s personal interests.(主题句)Hence, doing a good deed is fulfilling itself and reward is of minimal significance.Numerous examples can be given, but this will suffice.(扩展句)Mr.Leifeng(名人效应)lived a simple life dedicated to doing good deeds without expecting any reward and helping people from all walks of life, yet he was remembered as one of the most successful hero of our time.(支持句)

Generally speaking, it is my view that we should not expect a reward when doing a good deed.We do this for enjoyment, fulfillment and other spiritual enhancement, not for the purpose of reward.(回头句)不难看出,同学们在备考四六级写作时只要方法得当、用词准确,得到一个理想的分数是很容易的。



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