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J.TEST 在中国



















J.TEST 的考试内容























500 分满分(听力200分、阅读.300分)





◆ A— D级的分数


◆ A— D级的评价


930分(特A级)— 能适应高难度的日语翻译。

900分(A级)— 能适应中等日语翻译。

850分(准A级)— 能适应基础日语翻译。

800分(B级)— 能适应在日本工作。

700分(准B级)— 能适应去日本出差、进入日本大学读书。(相当于日语能力1级程度)

600分(C级)— 能适应去日本出差,简单工作。(相当于日语能力2级程度)

500分(D级)— 懂简单日语。


◆ E-F的分数 *注


◆ E-F的评价


400分(E级)— 完成初级日语/去日本旅行的简单会话。(相当于日语能力3级程度)

300分(F级)— 完成初级前期日语(相当于日语能力4级程度)(不满300分不合格、不进行认定)




考试时间全国统一上午9:00 开始。

A-D 级:考试时间为 125 分钟,首先是听力考试,时间为 45 分钟;E-F 级:考试时间为 90 分钟,首先是听力考试,时间为 30 分钟。*注*注:第76回开始,E-F级别考试结构变更,评价级别的分数也相应作如下更改:350分(E级);250分(F级)












下面说下听力过程中要重点注意的问题: 1.



3.Part 1和Part 3比较简单(个人认为,练习到后来的感觉),所以讲下针对part 2 和part 4的经验。







1.我看过几篇人大语法跟词汇的书,但到真正考试的时候发现part5 6 很简单,不像练习里的那么难,所以大家可以考虑不用看那个书,因为太难了,没用,反倒浪费时间。不过你可以看下那本书之前的讲解,跟最后的一部分,叫什么“20天突破什么的”难度还可以,如果你底子不错,完全可以不看那本书,只需要把模拟题的p5 6弄明白就行。这两部分要拿满分很难,但想丢太多分也同样很难。



4.我在练习的时候,几乎每次都有一些题明明会,但就是选错了,分析后发现,基本这样的题多是出现在我没把整篇文章看完就选择的情况下,所以针对这个问题,我以后不管文章长短,简单或是难,我都把文章看完,这样做可以让你至少少错2到3个题目。特别是最后的double reading 一定要看完文章,做题速度还可以的话,一定要看完每篇文章。



再强调几点,模拟题比真题难,可以说难的多,所以你们一定要有信息;每次练习都要做到3点:控制时间;全神贯注;认真总结。TOEIC Tips

1.Set a goal

So, you've decided to take the TOEIC test.Congratulations!The first thing you should do is set a goal.If you are taking the test in order to apply for a job, find out what proficiency level is required.Most entry level positions require a minimum score of 600.Management positions may require a higher score, such as 800.Choose a goal that is achievable.If you aim too high, you will be disappointed.Remember, you can take the test as often as you want if you don't mind paying the fee.2.Understand the test

Before you start studying for the test, make sure you understand the format of each section.You will be tested on your listening and reading comprehension skills.By doing model or practice tests, you will become very familiar with the TOEIC.The test should become “second nature” to you before you attempt the real thing.3.Make a study plan

Procrastination is one of the key reasons students fail the TOEIC test.You may book your TOEIC test months in advance.However, the day you decide to take the TOEIC test should be the day you start to study.You will have to decide whether or not you are going to teach yourself the TOEIC with reliable resources or whether you are going to take a TOEIC preparation class.In order to get the best results, you should do both.If you cannot afford to take a TOEIC class, make sure to choose a TOEIC textbook that has explanatory answers.You will also want to have a teacher or tutor that you can go to from time to time with questions.If you choose a TOEIC class, make sure that you trust your teacher and feel comfortable in his or her class.Take a class with a friend and make a commitment to study together in and outside of class.Studying at the same time every day is a great way to improve your score.Write down your study plan and sign it!4.Divide study time appropriately

The TOEIC is divided into seven sections.Each section is worth a certain amount of points.Don't spend too much time studying one section.Many students make the mistake of studying the section that they enjoy the most.This is the section you should spend the least amount of time on.You might want to divide your study week by focusing on a certain section each day.Remember, if Sunday is your day to practice Part VII(40 questions on the test), you might have to study twice as long as you would on Monday when you focus on Part I(20 questions on the test).5.Build a strong vocabulary

Another reason students fail the TOEIC test is that they have a very limited vocabulary.The day you decide to take the TOEIC test you should make yourself a blank dictionary.Use a notebook(an address book works great because it is divided into letters)and keep track of all of the new words you learn along the way.It is not useful to study vocabulary lists.You will only remember words that you have seen in context.For each entry, write the word and use it in a sentence.At the end of each week you should write a short letter or composition using as many of the words as you can.This might also be the time to stop using your translation dictionary.Electric dictionaries make things too simple!You will remember the word if it doesn't take any effort to understand it.Keep in mind that the TOEIC test has a business theme.You should study vocabulary from topics such as travel, banking, health, restaurants, offices, etc.You will also want to learn everyday idiomatic expressions.Isolate your weak points

After you have been studying the TOEIC for a while, you will find out which parts give you the most trouble.You might want to change how you divide your time.There are certain grammar points that many students have trouble with.If you are taking a TOEIC class, ask your teacher to bring in extra homework help on problems like these.If you are studying by yourself, find a good reference book in the library and look up your question.There may also be help on the Internet.For example, type “gerunds” into a search engine and you will probably find a useful exercise.Eliminate distractors

In every TOEIC question, there are at least two distractors(wrong answers that the test writer uses to trick you).It is much easier to choose the correct answer when you have only two to choose from.(The third choice is often impossible and easy to spot.)There are many types of distractors such as, similar sounds, homonyms, repeated words, etc.As you study, make yourself a list of distractors.When you come across them you will be able to eliminate them more easily.Trust your instincts

Sometimes an answer will jump out at you as either correct or incorrect.If you have been studying hard, chances are that your brain is telling you which choice to pick.Don't change your answers after following your instinct.If you do decide to change an answer, make sure that you erase very carefully.A machine will be marking your test.Be sure to use a pencil and fill in your circle choice completely.Bring extra pencils, erasers, and a pencil sharpener!Don't try to translate

Translating vocabulary and sentences wastes a lot of time.It is very rare that students have extra time during the TOEIC test.If you don't know a word, look at the context of the sentence and the words around it.You will not be allowed to use a dictionary when you take the test.10.Guess as a last resort

On test day, if you don't know the answer, and you have eliminated all of the distractors you can, don't leave the space blank.There is a good chance you will not have time to go back to this question.You still have a 25% chance of getting the answer right if you guess.If you are sure that one or two of the answers are incorrect, your guess is even more likely to be correct!11.Be aware of time management

When you are doing practice tests, you should always be aware of the time.Never allow yourself an open ended study session.You will have to learn to work efficiently.On test day, you should be especially careful in the Reading section.You will have 75 minutes to complete Parts V, VI and VII.Many students spend too long on section V or VI because they find these the most difficult.Don't spend more than 30 minutes on the first two parts.Part VII will take you at least 40 minutes, and it is worth a lot of points, especially if you find it an easier section.12.Listen quickly

When you are studying for the TOEIC test, do not get in the habit of rewinding the tape.On test day you won't have any control over the speed of the listening section.You will not even have time to think for very long between questions.Make sure that you do not get behind during the real test.If you do not know the answer, take your best guess.Then continue to follow along.Don't look back at questions when you are waiting for another question to start.13.Practise reading aloud

Reading out loud will help your listening and reading comprehension skills.In order to comprehend English more quickly, it is important that you understand the rhythm of the language.Read from textbooks, pamphlets, newspapers, and even children's novels.You might want to tape yourself and listen to how you sound.14.Use mass media

One of the best ways to prepare for the TOEIC test is to study real English.Watch television, listen to radio reports, and read newspapers and magazines.Pay special attention to ads, letters, weather and traffic reports, coupons, and special announcements.Do this with a friend, and write out questions for each other to answer.This is a great way to practice your wh-questions.It is also a great way to learn common idiomatic expressions.15.Use free web sites

There are many web sites that offer free model tests and samples.Type TOEIC into your search engine and start practising!Surfing the web is a great way to practise your reading and listening.If you are interested in a certain topic, such as snowboarding, type that into a search engine.You might want to reserve an hour a day for Internet studying.Just make sure to study English and don't get caught wasting hours playing games!

16.Teach a native English speaker your language

If you can't afford a tutor, you might know a native English speaker who would be interested in learning your first language.Tell him you will teach him for free for one hour a week!You will have to use English to teach him, and you will learn many new English words and expressions at each session.Forcing yourself to teach someone a language will help you to understand English grammatical rules as well.Do anything you can to speak with native English speakers.17.Keep an English journal

Keeping a journal doesn't have to be an account of your daily activities.You can write anything in a journal, such as how your studying is coming along, what your new favourite word is and why, or which teacher you admire.If you are studying TOEIC with a friend, make a list of writing topics for each other.You might decide to write a paragraph three times a week.Get your friend to try to find your mistakes.Finding your partner's writing errors is great practice for Part V and VI.18.Ask questions

Never hesitate to ask lots of questions.In a TOEIC class, all of the students will benefit from your question.If you don't understand something, such as conditionals, you may lose ten points on a TOEIC exam.A teacher is not always available, but students are everywhere!Sometimes other students can help you with a grammar problem even better than a teacher.19.Manage your stress

If you are feeling stressed about taking the TOEIC you may be studying too hard or expecting too much of yourself.Like everything else in life, balance is the key.Remind yourself that you will try to do your best.Before the test, take deep breaths and remember that you can always improve your score in a few months time.In between the listening and reading section, take a few deep breaths again to get focused.20.Don't cram

You should never cram(study extremely hard in a short period of time)the night or even week before the TOEIC test.There is so much to learn when you study the TOEIC.The last week should be for reviewing and practising rather than learning new things.Make sure to get plenty of sleep the night before the test.On the day of the test, have a good meal and relax for a few hours before going to the testing centre.Plan to reward yourself when the test is over!




听力理解部分:共100道题, 45分钟,分为4类问题,由盒式录音带给出。你将听到各种由英语录制的陈述,问题,简短对话和短文,然后你根据听到的内容回答问题。

第一类问题: 图片 二十道题(四选一)

第二类问题: 问题与回答 三十道题(三选一)

第三类问题: 简短对话 三十道题(四选一)

第四类问题: 简短文章 二十道题(四选一)

阅读部分: 共100道题,75分钟, 包括3类问题。你将看到各种资料, 然后根据给出的资料按照自己的速度回答问题。

第五类问题: 完成句子 四十道题(四选一)

第六类问题: 错误识别 二十道题(四选一)

第七类问题: 阅读理解 四十道题(四选一)








2、书名:《新托业听力详解及实战试题》【韩】徐敬珠 金真荣 金正元 著 中国人民大学出版社


4、书名:《新托业考试官方指南标准试卷》 外研社 这本书共有两套样卷





《新托业全真题库Part1、2、3、4、5、6、7》 《新托业Superb全真模拟试题集2》(人大6套)推荐 《新托业阅读详解及实战试题 》


我在论坛里我下载了大量的资料,主要用的就是韩国的那三本厚书(听力详解及实战习题、阅读详解及实战习题、语法和词汇详解及实战试题)我一直坚持的是只要做题就在电脑上看pdf 这对于真正的机考是非常有用的 有两周你就会习惯电脑上做题了 我同时找同学借了这三本书的纸质版 用来精读精听和复习

同样听力推荐一个 听力常见语句背诵表19天 这个好像是托业全真题库书后的内容 下面讲解方法


报名之后 我写了一张计划表(这张表早就被我扔掉了 要不就给大家看看了)我认为 不管计划表能不能完全贯彻 有个计划总是好的

从7月22号报名开始一直到8月11号 我每天都在复习当然也不是一整天 但是每天都会看书

1、听力:我所有的听力练习都是用120%的速度听的{推荐一个非常好的听力软件“aboboo”全部听力我都是在这个软件上进行的 可以调倍速 可以反复听某一句} 上文提到的19天背诵表 我每天两套听写 每套听三遍以上 开始可能会有点难度 但是坚持五套下来就会轻松一些了 然后就是part1234 同样的120%速度 45分钟的听力可以在30分钟内搞定 我基本是每二~三天一套完整听力 这三天我对这一套会进行做第一遍--做第二遍--听写part1--精听part234 做两遍题的目的只是能让我更加注意力集中 一般是第一天做第一边 第二天或第三天做第二遍 记住 第一遍做完之后可以对答案 但是不要改错 就是只是判对错而不要改错 第二遍也一样 到达了精听部分 part1听写不多说 全部都要听写 part234对照着第一遍和第二遍的答案听 如果原来做对了 那么听的时候听懂即可 如果第一遍和第二遍有一个是错的 那就要至少听三遍并朗读一遍 这时候我会用纸质版的书 对照着书后的听力稿 把所有不熟悉和不会的单词词组都写在一个积累本子上 120%的速度刚开始真的会吃不消 不过别灰心 我第一次听听力一共错了40个 这样的做法我一共做了完整的七套听力 慢慢坚持就会看到效果 从8月12号就一直在实习所以白天的时间完全不能看书了 因为我每天早上和晚上是坐班车 所以一共有三个小时的班车时间 这三个小时我会一直听听力 不管有没有听进去 我反正是一直在听 有时能听睡着了= =六日歇班再统一做题

2、part7(part56在后面讲 因为复习的时间最短)这是咱们平时的传统阅读 我阅读一直不好 从初中开始就是听力比阅读好 但是我认为托业阅读并不难 都是一些生活商务英语 模式也比较固定 至少比四六级那些好太多了!!阅读没有别的方法 就是做题+精读+积累 每一套part7一定要掐时间做 我是每次做阅读会上闹钟 设定50分钟 阅读一共做了8套 这八套没有一次我是在五十分钟内完成的可是正式考试我还富裕了五分钟 所以 正式考试的题会简单一些 每做完一套把文章精读(查生词 积累词汇+词组)

3、part56 这两帕特我最晚开始 大概在考前十天才开始看书 这两部分没别的方法 就是做题+积累 同样掐时间做20分钟一套 语法好的同学可以不用看书前面的讲解 但是像我这种语法早就还给高三老师的学生 前面的语法讲解好好看+重点写下来 然后做题 一天两套+精读分析+积累 十天我一共做了十套题(有偷懒的时候T.T)当你题做多了 语感也就好了 有时候不用想就能顺利选出正确答案 前面的听力和阅读也是为了练语感。

4、复习前三个部分我都说了最重要的两个字 积累!把所有的生词和词组都写在一个本子上 这些生词和词组不是那种外国人这辈子都用不上的词 真的是很常用很常说的词语 所以多多积累真的有用每天都看积累本这是必须的 要不厌其烦的看 就跟听力一样 我推荐每天都听 不是说每天都要做题 而是每天都要听 推荐120%速度 很快就能适应


只要英语水平不是渣 我认为好好复习一个月700以上不困难 最重要的是坚持 想要通过捷径取得高分 不可能 我的840对于那些900+的大神不值得一提 但是对于我的水平我刚开始只是想只要能上700就满意了 我复习的劲头是一直都在的(主要因为600+的报名费太贵了 不好好考我心疼 ╮(╯_╰)╭)听力从错40个一直到只错不到十五个 这样的进步如果你也坚持 每周你都会看见效果
















爱立信:730分以上优先 850分免英文笔试


16理光:TOEIC Certificate holders highly preferred

17LG 电子:托业证书持有者优先考虑 埃森哲:有托业成绩者优先考虑 TOEIC preferred


20拉法基 English level corresponding to TOEIC > 900.21浦项:托业证书持有者优先考虑







28罗克韦尔:Toeic 400 plus


30库柏(中国)投资有限公司:TOEIC test above 900 score or TOFEL(ibt)test above 100 score will be a plus.31中国外运集团:有托业成绩者优先考虑





37博彦科技:有TOEIC成绩优先,TOEIC 730分以上者免试笔试英语



40日本电装:TOEIC 500分


42维斯塔斯:TOEIC score(highly)preferred









51沃尔沃集团:730分以上优先 850分免英文笔试

52摩托罗拉:TOEIC Certificate holders will be preferred in our selection process


54百威英博:TOEIC certified person preferred








62诺基亚西门子:TOEIC is preferred.63中国南车集团(株洲电力机车公司):托业成绩500分以上优先



66ORACLE:Toeic Score 600+ preferred;

67株洲齿轮:TOEIC托业考试 400分以上优先


69湘电集团 :托业500分以上优先


宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答, 都能反应您某



Please provide conciseexamples that will help us better understand your capabilities.1、Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demandinggoal and saw it though completion.Demnding Goal: To designa musical and dramatic show to celebrate the centennial Anniversary of TianjinUniversity.The person who reach this goal: Chairman of Tianjin UniversityStudent Union What I learned from this observation: It is not necessary for atrue leader to be an expert in such or such field of his career.But he mustpossess the charismatic and the capacity to drive different people, who havediverging opinions, or even conflicting interests, to proceed togother to thesame organizational goal.2、Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others onan important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the resultsyou wanted.The activity I initiated:To organize a group to sing English anthems on Charistmas Eve, visit alldomitories in university and send christmas gifts on behalf of our EnglishAssociation

The desired result: Tobroaden the students’ horizons about Western culture.My leading role: Combinethe representatitives’ suggestions with my idea and draw the decision on:

*What songs to play?

*Who could attend thechoir?

*Which spots we performedon?

The result: Many students said that they felt the warmness wesent to them and they hoped we would hold such activities next Charistmas.3、Describe a situation where you had seek out relevant information,define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desiredresults.Background: I organizedthe first activity after the establishment of the Management School EnglishAssociation.The desired result: Tohelp the freshmen and the sophomores with their English while publicizing ourgroup.Key issue:

*What aspect of thestudents’ English abilities needed refining? Relevant Information:

*What kind ofentertainment was popular among students and also offered chances for them tolearn English most effectively?

*Which foreign teacherwas suitable for this position?

*When was our memberfree? *Whch place was convenient for most attendances?

*Other related factors, such as the availibility of facilitiesand the layout of the spots.4、Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to securethe agreement of others.Background: I advanced aplan to found an English Garden in collaboration with fraternal association inneighboring university.The disagreement:

*The authority of ourschool may dissent.*The cost was expensive,and we had no enough human resoure to carry on this project.*There were too manyEnglish corners.Another one was unneccessaty.The facts I made use:

*Our dean approved thisproposal.*Our partner was willingto provide financial assistantship.And our members volunteered to design thedetails of the plan and implement it.*The poll showed that the current English corners did not meetthe students’ requirement and lacked uniqueness.The result: Others wereconvinced and we founded the English Garden successfully.5、Give an example of how you worked effectively with people toaccomplish an important result.Background: In themilitary training, we hold a Military Songs Competition.Working procedure:

Design: I cooperated withmy collegues to figure out the climax of the performance, the musicalaccompaniment of the songs and the whole arrnagement of the narrative poem.Rehearsal: I workedtogether with those who were in charge of the lights, sounds and scenes tocreate the perfect artistic effect.On stage: I reminded myfellows with gestures and eye expressions.Also, we coped with an emergencycoherently.The result: Our military team won the second prize in thiscompetition.6、Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to asignificant contribution to the success of an activity or project.Activity: To hold thePerspective Entrepreneur Contest.The innovative idea Iproduced: To simulat a board meeting of a company, in which our candidatesdebated the feasibility of selling modern fitness equipment according to themarket information they collected.The result: The contest was hold based on my proposal.7、Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved goodresults by focusing on the most important priorities.Background: On onemorning when our promotion month first began, I found that the inventories insome department stores were not adequate.My assessment of thesituation: The four promoting stores were not very far from each other, and thetime they opened was not the same.It was possible to fetch some stock fromanother store and made up for it later.The priorities: To satisfy the stocking demand of the storewhich had the largest number of customers.8、Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills andconverted them to practical application.Background: In theinverstigation of customers’ opinions about the taste of a new kind of beer, Ifound that the questionnaire form was out of date and limited the freedom ofthe responsers’ choices.Technical skills: Thescientific arrangement of questionnaire form

The result: With the helpthe converted form, our company obtained more objective and effectiveinformation..

第四篇:托业考试题型详解 1.Photographs

1.Sentences About Photographs Format------The first part of TOEIC consists of twenty numbered photographs that are in your test book.For each photograph, you will hear on the audio program four sentences that refer to it.You must decide which of the sentences best describes something you can see in each photograph.The photographs are pictures of ordinary situations.Around two-thirds of the photographs involve a person or people;around one-third involve an object or a scene without people.The sentences are short and grammatically simple.They generally deal with the most important aspects of the photographs, but some focus on small details or on objects or people in the background.Each item is introduced by a statement that tells you to look at the next numbered photograph.The pacing for this part is fast: There is only a five-second pause between items, and there is no pause between sentences(A),(B),(C), and(D).Tactics

-------1.Always complete each item as quickly as possible so that you can preview the photograph for the next item.Don't wait for the statement that says, “Now look at photograph number __.”

2.If you are previewing a photograph that involves a person or people, look for aspects of the photographs that are often mentioned in the sentences: * What are the people doing? * Where are they? * Who are they?(Is there a uniform or piece of equipment or anything else that indicates their profession or role?)* What distinguishes them?(Is there a hat, a mustache, a puree, a pair of glasses, a tie, or anything else that differentiates the people?)* What do the people's expressions tell you?(Do they look happy? Unhappy? Excited? Bored? Upset?)3.If you are previewing a photograph of an object, focus on these aspects: * What is it? * What is it made of? * What —— if anything —— is it doing? * Where is it? 4.If you are previewing a photograph of a scene, focus on these aspects: * Where is it? * What is in the foreground(the ”front“ of the picture)? * What —— if anything —— is happening? * What is in the background(the ”distant“ part of the picture)? 5.Don't mark an answer until you have heard all four choices.When you hear a choice that you think is correct, rest your pencil on that oval on your answer sheet.If you change your mind and hear a sentence that you think is better, move your pencil to that choice.Once you have heard all four sentences, mark the oval that your pencil is resting on.(This technique helps you remember which choice you think is best.)6.Try to eliminate choices with problems in meaning, sound, and sound + meaning.7.Most correct answers involve verbs in the simple present(”The furniture looks new.“)or present progressive tense(”The woman is riding a bicycle.").Be suspicious of answer choices involving any other tenses.8.Never leave any blanks.Always guess before going on to the next item.9.As soon as you have finished marking the answer, stop looking at and thinking about that photograph and move on to the next item.* Testing Points and Skill-Building Exercises A.Sentences with Meaning Problems B.Sentences with Sound Problems C.Sentences with Sound and Meaning Problems

第五篇:托业考试词汇 商务会议及谈判

1.Business Meeting & Negotiation 商务会议及谈判 2.adjourn 暂时;休会;延期 3.agreement 同意;协定 4.amendment 修正 5.approval 赞成;同意

6.attentive 注意的;留心的专心的 7.board 理事会;委员会;董事会 8.brainstorm 脑力激荡,集思广益 9.concede 容忍;容许;让步

10.conference 会议;协商;讨论会 11.convention 惯例;常会议;大会 12.convince 使信服

13.cross-reference 前后参照;(使)前后参照

14.delegate 代表

15.demand 要求;强求

16.dispute 争端;争执;纠纷;

17.negotiation 协规;习俗;商;谈判 18.persuade 说服;劝服 19.postpone 延迟;延期 20.reconcile 调和;调解 21.settlement 协议;支付 a)agenda 议程

b)alternative 可供选择的事物、方式

c)announce 通告;宣布;宣告;公


d)articulate 能清楚有力表达思想感

情的;表达能力强的 e)attorney 律师

f)breakthrough 突破;重大进展 g)compromise 妥协;折衷;和解 h)conclusive 决定性的;勿庸置疑的i)consensus 一致的意见;共识 j)converse 谈话;交谈 k)criterion 规范;标准

l)decline 衰落;衰退;下降 m)demonstration 示范;实证;(游行)


n)diplomacy 外交手腕;交际手段 o)dissuade 劝阻 p)on behalf of 代表

q)petition 请愿(书);请愿 r)premise 前提

s)seminar 研讨会;讨论课;讲习会 t)20、statement 声明;陈述



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