A reason, Season, or Lifetime(范文模版)

时间:2019-05-13 12:43:45下载本文作者:会员上传
简介:写写帮文库小编为你整理了多篇相关的《A reason, Season, or Lifetime(范文模版)》,但愿对你工作学习有帮助,当然你在写写帮文库还可以找到更多《A reason, Season, or Lifetime(范文模版)》。

第一篇:A reason, Season, or Lifetime(范文模版)

A reason, Season, or Lifetime

People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have experessed.They have come to assist you through a difficulty,to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionallt, or spiritually.They are there for the reason you need them to be.Then, without any wrongdoing on your part, or at inconwenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.Sometimes they walk away.Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.Sometimes they die.What we must realize is that our need has been met.Our desire fulfilled, their work is done.Your need has been answered,and now it is time to move on.When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn.They bring you an experience of peace, or make you laugh.They may teach you something you have never done.They usually give you an unbelievable a mount of joy.Believe it!It is real!But, only for a season.LIFETIME realationship teach you lifetime lessons;things you must builed upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other realationship and areas of your life.It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.人们走进你的生活,或者是为了一个原因,或者他们只停留一段时期,或者他们永远与你相随。一旦明晓其中究竟,你就直到该如何面对他们了。




第二篇:a harvest season

Harvest Autumn is a harvest season,but it is not the harvest season for everyone.(S5)Just as the old saying,no pains,no gains.(S1)We learn that harvest is the rewards one acknowledges for they are his due and the result which he carries out that decision.(S2.1)It provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life.(S1)Harvest renders us a sense of mission.(S1)No matter what decision you make you have to be responsible for your choice, your choice procures you a sense of orientation, or more specially a sense of mission.(S4)And only a strong mission may enable one to accomplish greatness.(S1)Caesar of the ancient Roman Empire was urged by his ambition “I came, I saw, I conquered.”(S2.3)and finally he gained his harvest--the great Roman Empire.(S1)To sum up, harvest can benefit us tremendously if wisely and correctly channeled, otherwise it may ruin others and ourselves.(S5)A poet says: life can be bad;life can be good;life can be dirty;life can be sad,;life can even be painful.(S4)In my mind’s eye, a person can make his life beautiful, meaningful and rewarding and stand out as a respectable personage if he can find a balance between the harvest and loss.(S6.1)

第三篇:my favourite season 演讲稿

My favorite season!

Hello, everyone!Today let’s talk about our favourite season ,and at the beginning ,I would ask a question.what’s your favourite season? And why? It gradually turns cool.The sunlight is no longer so strong and the birds have stopped crying.The hot summer went by at last.The favorite season in the year is coming.Everywhere we can see the scene of bumper crops: on the fields is golden rice, on the trees are ripe fruits.The farmer’s faces are full of smiles.They are now expecting a good harvest through a summer's hard work.The autumn evening is especially beautiful.When the setting sun goes slowly down to the west, the sky over the mountains is covered with red rays of evening sunlight, which shines upon the blue sky and floating clouds, just as the maple leaves fall onto the sky.It is getting cool at dusk.The wind blows, the moonlight shines on the ground, the frogs croak in the fields.Such a situation will make you forget all the unhappy things in the daytime.Anyway in my heart, can't autumn sights bring happiness to us as well? So, I love the most beautiful season, autumn!And you?

And now,I have two questions: the first is what is my favourite season? And why I like it best? Then the second question is the farmer in autumn how do they feel and why?






















4、顾禄《清嘉录》上记载有一首“数九歌”,十分风趣地描写了古代人们过冬的情形: 一九二九,相唤弗出手(手都因怕冷而缩在面袍里);三九二十七,篱头吹 篥(寒风刮在篱笆头上,像吹 篥一般);四九三十六,夜眠如露宿(睡在被窝里像睡在野地里一样);五九四十五,穷汉街头舞。不要舞,不要舞,还有春寒四十五(穷人衣薄,起舞取暖);六九五十四,苍蝇垛屋(透露出一点暖意了);七九六十三,布袖两肩摊(天暖,厚衣服可以披在肩上了);八九七十二,猫狗躺凉地;九九八十一,穷汉受罪毕,刚要伸脚眠,蚊虫跳蚤出。
















数九天气 数九寒天,北风刺骨,是疾病的多发季节。此时若能多食些耐寒、有助于提高免疫力的食物,对预防某些疾病会有一定的帮助。有助于增强人体抗寒防病能力的食物有:
















第四篇:My favorite season说课稿

Unit 2 My favourite season Good morning, my dear judges.I’m glad to share my teaching design here.The teaching material is Part A , of Unit2 from PEP Primary English, Book6 This unit is mainly about seasons.Now, I will explain the lesson from the following aspects.Firstly, I want to talk about the teaching material.There are two parts, Let’s try and let’s talk.The question of Let’s try is about weather, my students have learned it in unit 2 book4.So I think it’s easy for them to finish this question.There is a short dialogue on this page, which includes a key sentence:Which season do you like best? And several key words of this unit.This dialogue is closely to students daily life.I will organize a role play to let my students practice this dialogue and understanding the meaning through their talking.After the talking, there is a small survey with a mini dialogue.I will encourage them fulfill the table by themselves using English.Secondly, it is about the students.My students are in Grade5.They are active and curious.So I think they want to know others’ favourite season.After learning English for a long time.they have learned many words about describing things and weather, so they can talk something about the season they like best.It’s not difficult for them to understand the meaning of this dialogue.But the most import thing is using these sentences in a real-life situation.I will provide a right situation for my students to communicate.So,based on the material and students’ learning condition.I set the following aims.The first one is language knowledge.By the end of the lesson, students will know the meaning of this short dialogue and the usage of the sentences;Which season do you like best?

As for the language skills, students will be able to read this short dialogue correctly.They are supposed to use the key sentence to ask others’ favorite season.In term of affect, students will be more interested in four seasons and love the nature more.Next, let’s focus on the teaching procedures.I will finish the lesson in 4 stages.The first stage is warming up.It will take about 5mins.After greeting with my students, I will begin the lesson by enjoying the song named ‘The four seasons’ together with the students.The song can form a good English learning surrounding for students, and, at the same time, it helps students reviewing the learned knowledge.The second stage is pre-reading.It will cost about10 minutes.At this stage I will help my students enhancing the learned knowledge and understanding the meaning of the key sentence.So ,firstly ,the students will finish the question of let’s try and read the words near the question.Then I will have a free talk with my students ,It goes like Which season do you like best?why? Then I will encourage my students ask each other.In this activity I will explain the word ‘best’ like this way , I like spring and winter ,but I like winter best.Next stage is while-reading.It will cost 15 minutes, including three activities’ choose the best ’ ‘fill in the blank’ and ‘role read’

Students will choose a best title for that dialogue by listening.Students can understand the main idea of this dialogue through this activity.In the second activity, students will read the dialogue by themselves to fill the blank I given.It’s helpful for students to get the meaning of details in this dialogue.At last, students will be encouraged to role read the dialogue in a small group.The purpose of this activity is to draw the whole students’ attention to the reading of the dialogue.The last stage is post-reading.It will cost about 10 minutes.In this stage, I will give students a free space to show their abilities.I will use two activities here, ‘role play’ and ‘do a survey’.First , I will change the dialogue with two students as an example.Then I will give my students several minutes to practice their role play in a small group and show it.Making a new dialogue is to check if students can use the sentence correctly.After this, students will finish the survey on this page.They may don’t know how to do a survey.So will finish this table with a student as an example.Communicative language teaching is used here.The activity is used to develop students’ ability of communication.The fifth is homework which includes two kinds : must do and optional.For must do, students need to listen and read the dialogue for three times.For optional, they can make a summary of the survey.That all for my presentation, thank you.

第五篇:My favorite season说课稿

My favorite season教案











PEP五年级下册unit 2 My favorite season第19页Robin likes them all.本单元话题为季节,贴近学生生活,引起学生的学习兴趣。有承上启下的作用,回顾前几个单元的语言点,为下个单元学习奠定基础。




通过本课的学习, 学生能够:







Task-based Approach、Communicative Approach 多媒体、PPT、单词卡等


一、Pre-reading 1.Free talk:-Who’s your favorite teacher?-My favorite teacher is …./-What’s your favorite food?-My favorite food is …./-What’s your favorite fruit?-My favorite fruit is …./-What’s your favorite day?-My favorite day is …./-What’s your favorite season?-My favorite season is ….帮助学生回顾以前学过的单词和句型,为接下来的阅读做铺垫,让学生感到学习的内容难度不大,在自己的能力范围之内,从而更愿意去参与。2.Revision Seasons:spring(warm and rainy)/ summer(hot and sunny)/ autumn(hot and sunny)/ winter(cold and snowy)Sentence pattern:-What’s your favorite season?-My favorite season is…Which season do you like best? pink



-Why? leaves

-Because… fall paint

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