空乘面试常见问题Why do you want to be a flight attendant?为什么你想成为一名空乘人员?First of all ,I have a dream since childhood.I dream that I fly in the blue sky like a bird.Second , I have serve spirit.I would like to serve people from all over the world with my wonderful service.What part of being a flight attendant interests you most?空乘的哪些方面最吸引你?What are your outstanding qualities?你最杰出的品质是什么?
(1)My outstanding quality is patience.I think it is very important no matter what we do.I’m patient to anyone soI’m popular among my friends.(2)My outstanding quality is responsibility..I think it is very important no matter what we do.I have a strong sense of responsibility and I do everything very seriously.What do you think will be the biggest challenge of being a flight attendant?你认为作为一名空乘人员的最大挑战是什么?What is the best part of being a flight attendant? 作为一名空乘人员,最重要的是什么?What do you like to do in your spare time?你有哪些业余爱好? 7 How important is appearance?一个人的外貌有多重要?Can you work under pressure?你能在有压力的情况下工作么? 9 What is your greatest strength?你最大的优点是什么?
(1)My great strength is my smile.What is your greatest weakness?你最大的缺点是什么? MyWhat have you done to correct your weaknesses?你为改进你的缺点做过什么?
12Have you ever failed?你曾经失败过么?What is your biggest failure?你最大的失败是什么? 14How do you handle failure?你怎样面对失败?
15How do you handle change?你怎样面对变化?
16How do you handle conflict? 你会怎样处理意见不合?
Problem Solving
Can you work under pressure?
What is your greatest strength?
What is your greatest weakness?
What have you done to correct your weaknesses?
Have you ever failed?
What is your biggest failure?
How do you handle failure?
How do you handle change?
When you are in charge, how do you motivate people?
Describe a time when you resolved a conflict?
How do you handle conflict?
Previous Employment
What is the hardest thing you ever did in your current job?
Why have you held so many jobs?
Do you consider yourself a loyal employee?
What did you like about your last job?
What did you dislike about your last job?
What was your favorite job?
What was your least favorite job?
What have you learned from previous jobs?
How long will you stay with our airline?
What would your coworkers say about you?
What would your previous supervisors say about you?
What were the people like at your last company?
What did you dislike about your last employer?
If you could change one thing about your last employer, what would it be?
Were you satisfied with your performance at your last job?
Was your previous employer satisfied with your performance?
Have you ever been fired?
If so, why were you fired?
Have you ever been asked to resign from another job?
What will your references say?
Can we check your references?
How many sick days did you take last year?
Is this typical?
Personality and Motivation
Do you consider yourself a success?
Were you ever under a great deal of pressure?
What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?
Why has it taken you so long to find a job?
Why do you want to be a flight attendant?
What part of being a flight attendant interests you most?
What kind of contributions will you make to our airline?
Where else are you interviewing?
Have you applied to other airlines?
When are you available to start?
What are your outstanding qualities?
What interests you most about being a flight attendant?
What can you do for us that others can''''''''''''''''t?
Describe a difficult problem you''''''''''''''''ve dealt with.How important is appearance?
What do you think will be the biggest challenge of being a flight attendant?
What is the best part of being a flight attendant?
Do you have any natural talent or skill, something that comes easy to you?
What do you like to do in your spare time?
How would you handle an abrasive Captain or coworker?
Have you ever been described as stubborn or hardheaded? By whom?
Do you ever freeze in social situations?
Have you ever worked with someone who talked too much? How did you handle it?
Are you skilled at sizing people up?
Have you ever been part of a problem?
Have you ever had to support the directives of higher management, even when you disagreed with it?
Have you ever lied?
Have you ever broken a law?
Have you ever stolen something?
Have you ever found a work policy or rule to be distasteful? How did you handle it?
Have you ever been tempted to break a work rule or policy? What did you do?
Why do you want to work for our airline?
What kind of experience do you have?
Are you willing to be based wherever the company sends you?
What would you like to be doing ten years from now?
Why should we hire you?
What are your qualifications?
What is your biggest accomplishment?
What are your career goals?
How does a flight attendant job fit into your career goals?
What personal characteristic best describes you.Do you prefer to work alone or with others?
Do you consider yourself a team player?
Describe your team style.Are you self motivated?
What motivates you?
Describe your relationship with peers.What kind of people do you prefer to work with?
Describe your personality?
How do you handle criticism?
Were you ever unfairly criticized?
Do you read, write and/or speak a foreign language?
Are you willing to learn a foreign language?
Are you a leader or a follower?
What have you learned from your previous jobs?
What kind of employee are you?
What was your favorite subject in school?
What was your least favorite subject in school?
Tell us about your leadership skills.What was your major success as a leader?
What was your major failure as a leader?
What do you think are the most important components of a practical leadership philosophy?
Whose leadership qualities have you most respected?
Have you incorporated his/her leadership qualities?
Have you ever had an unexpected leadership role? How did it work out?
What are your assets?
Whom do you most admire?
Other Questions
What bases does our airline have? What type of aircraft?
Who is the president of our company?
How long has our airline been in existence?
How do you feel about the airline industry?
How do you feel about being away from home frequently?
How do you feel about relocating?
How do you feel about unions?
What do you feel is the role of unions?
Why do you want to leave your previous employer?
Will we find anything on our background search that you''''''''''''''''d like to discuss now?
Is there anything you would like to discuss?
Do you have any questions?
◎ 值得信賴及誠實
◎ 熱忱及信心
◎ 姿態及自信
◎ 聆聽與溝通的技巧
◎ 自動自發及活力
◎ 起頭開始敘述整個故事,但注意要保持簡短,並與主題有關不要離題。◎ 結束-告訴他們你從過去的經驗中學到什麼?以及一些你個人的感想。
◎ 要放鬆精神、態度從容不迫,並且面帶微笑。
◎ 在回答前在心裡做一次快速的整理,但不要拖的太久,也不要太明顯。
◎ 回答時要口齒清晰,有條不紊的回答。
◎ 如果在回答中主考官突然打斷你的回答,並由你的回答中問你其他的問題,千萬不要漏出訝異及慌張的神情。同樣的重覆第一及第二個步驟,記住自己的重點,不要因為主考官混淆了題目,連自己的答案也亂了。
****建议面试穿职业装 头发最好盘起来。化妆最好比生活中的重一些。
Have you ever found a w02k policy 02 rule to be distasteful? How did you handle it?Have you ever been tempted to break a w02k rule 02 policy? What did you do?Why do you want to w02k f02 our airline?
What kind of experience do you have?
Are you willing to be based wherever the company sends you?
What would you like to be doing ten years from now?
Why should we hire you?
What are your qualifications?
What is your biggest accomplishment?
What are your career goals?
How does a flight attendant job fit into your career goals?
What personal characteristic best describes you.Do you prefer to wo-rk alone 02 with others?
Do you consider yourself a team player?
Describe your team style.Are you self motivated?
What motivates you?
Describe your relationship with peers.What kind of people do you prefer to wo-rk with?
Describe your personality?
How do you handle criticism?
Were you ever unfairly criticized?
Do you read, write and/o-r speak a fo-reign language?
Are you willing to learn a fo-reign language?
Are you a leader o-r a follower?
What have you learned from your previous jobs?
What kind of employee are you?
What was your favo-rite subject in school?
What was your least favo-rite subject in school?
Tell us about your leadership skills.What was your majo-r success as a leader?
What was your majo-r failure as a leader?
What do you think are the most imp02tant components of a practical leadership philosophy?Whose leadership qualities have you most respected?
Have you inco-rpo-rated his/her leadership qualities?
Have you ever had an unexpected leadership role? How did it wo-rk out?
What are your assets?
Whom do you most admire?
Other Questions
What bases does our airline have?What type of aircraft?Who is the president of our company?
How long has our airline been in existence?
How do you feel about the airline industry?
How do you feel about being away from home frequently?
2.你为什么想当一名乘务员?父母对你当乘务员怎么看? 3.你对国内的航空公司了解多少?举例说明。4.你从何时起想成为一名空中乘务员的? 5.空乘服务这个职业将给你带来什么? 6.如果你被录取,你下一个目标是什么? 7.如果乘客提议结伴旅行,你会怎么做? 8.请你说一说如何提高学习成绩。9.你对做兼职有何看法?
10.你在学校生活期间参加过社会活动吗? 11.学校生活给你印像最深的是什么? 12.在上大学前你准备做什么? 13.你工作后有继续充电的打算吗?
14.你对将来工作时间以外的超时工作怎么看? 15.请说一说本人的职业观? 16.你对“团队意识”如何理解? 17.你参加了其他院校的面试吗? 18.你认为自己的英语实力如何? 19.你在校期间获得过哪些荣誉? 20.你认为自己的性格如何? 21你的优点和缺点是什么?
22.学生时代印象最深的是什么事? 23.你在校期间参加过什么社团活动? 24.你对“服务意识”如何理解? 25.你有哪些特长?
26.你最喜欢哪一学科?为什么? 27.你如何提高自己的沟通能力? 28.介绍一下你的母校?
30.你认为自己的能力中具有竞争力的是什么? 31.你最近关心什么? 32.大学时做过什么活动?
33.请说一说你所了解的国内外的航空公司。34.你认为空服人员最应具备的素养是什么? 35.你在休息日做什么?
36.做为社会的一员,你的梦想是什么? 37.请谈一谈你对异性交往的看法.38今天心情如何? 39.你的兴趣是什么?
40.如果乘客晕机你该如何处理? 41.你如何保持健康?
43.你是属于保守型的,还是属于自由奔放型的? 44.迄今为止,什么事情给你留下了最深刻的印象? 45.如果今天的面试你落选了,你会放弃吗? 46.如果孩子打扰乘客,你该如何去做? 47.你对女性吸烟问题如何看? 48.你有座右铭吗? 49.你擅长沟通吗?
6、微笑:非常重要!!进入考场的整个过程都要保持笑容,无论评委是否在关注自己;无论评委是否提问自己都要:Keep smiling!!
It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview。I am looking fourward to becoming part of the Shandong airlines,thank you very much!
8、基本问题quesiton list:(1)你对乘务员这个职业有什么认识?你了解乘务员这个职业吗?你为什么要做一名乘务员? 你坐过飞机吗,觉得
Welcome aboard Shandong Airlines flight.2、飞机滑行、起飞、着陆和颠簸时请系好安全带。
Please make sure your seat belt is securely fastened during taxing,take-off,landing and air turbulence.3、飞机很快就要起飞了,系好安全带,请关闭手机。
The plane will take off shortly,Please fasten your seat belt and your mobile phone is swieched off.4、我们的飞机已经离开北京前往济南。
Our plane has departed Beijing for jinan.5、本次航班的机长(乘务长)是李磊先生(女士)。
The captain(purser)on this flight is Mr(Mrs)lilei.6、祝您旅途愉快!
Wish you a nice trip.7、我们将为您提供早餐(午餐、晚餐)和各种饮料。
We will soon be serving breakfast(lunch/dinner)and some beverages.8、本架飞机大约在20分钟后到达济南机场。
We will be arriving at jinan airport in 20 minutes.9、地面温度为29摄氏度。
The grand temperature is 29 degrees centigrade.10、下降期间洗手间停止使用。
The lavatory can not be used during landing.11、需要阅读的旅客。建议您打开阅读灯。
If you would like to read ,we suggeset you use your reading light.12、感谢您在航程中给予的支持和配合。
Thank you for your support and cooperation during the flight.13、我们已经达到青岛机场,飞机还将在跑道滑行。
We have just landed at Qingdao airport,Our plane will taxiing along the runway.14、请小心开启行李箱。
Please use caution when opening the overhead compartment.15、感谢您选乘山东航空公司的班机。
Thank you for flying with Shandong airlines.16、您可能会有压耳的感觉。
You may feel some discomfort in your ears.17、您乘坐的是波音737 型飞机。
Our aircraft for today’s flight is Boeing737.18、洗手间在客舱的前后部。
Lavatories are in the front and rear of the cabin.19、我们将延误20 分钟起飞。
Our departure will be delayed 20 minutes.20、由于航空管制我们正在等待起飞的命令。
Due to air traffic control,we have to wait for departure clearance.21、由于天气不好,将取消今天的飞行。
This flight has been cancelled due to bad weather.