
时间:2019-05-13 12:02:56下载本文作者:会员上传






体育建立在科学的基础上,使人们对体育的认识更加深刻,妇女也挣脱了传统观念的束缚,越来越多的妇女参与到体育运动中来,这引发了一个巨大的女性运动服装的消费市场,同时吸引了许多设计师和生产商,使运动服饰一时间成为流行和时尚;最后,随着女性体育运动的普及,大量的女性运动装和附件相继涌现,新的适合运动的材料使运动变得越来越方便,特别是游泳装、滑雪装、登山服等,越来越专业的服饰的出现,使得人们 真正体会到了运动的极大乐趣,与此同时,很多的女性服装产业便应运而生了。





我们都知道写一篇好的毕业论文对一个即将毕业的本科毕业生非常重要,因为毕业论文写作意味着大学的尾声。在读完how to write your undergraduate dissertation 一书后,我对如何定位和写自己的毕业论文有了初步的了解,同时我也会以最积极的心态完成我即将到来的毕业论文。

在读完how to write your undergraduate dissertation 一书后,我了解到要写一篇好的毕业论文的第一步是选题,选题是论文的关键一步,范围太广的题目难以写得精细,范围小的题目难以深入研究,所以选题主要从自己熟悉的领域选定,同时不能太过于草率和急于求成。










第四篇:《呼啸山庄》读后感毕业论文(the Evaluation of Heathcliff)

The Evaluation of Heathcliff'Love to Catharine


the author of the novel----Emily Bronte Emily Bronte was perhaps the greatest writer of the three Brontë sistersperhaps that owed a lot to Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels(1726).Emily and Anne created their own Gondal saga, and Bramwell and Charlotte recorded their stories about the kingdom of Angria in minute notebooks.Between the years 1824 and 1825 Emily attended the school at Cowan Bridge with Charlotte, and then was educated at home.Her father's bookshelf offered a variety of books: the Bible, Homer, Virgil, Shakespeare, Milton, Byron, Scott and many others as well.The children also read enthusiastically many articles on current affairs and intellectual disputes in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Fraser's Magazine, and Edinburgh Review.Emily Brontë was at Roe Head in 1835, but she suffered from homesickness and returned to the moorland scenery of home after a few months.In 1837 she became a governess at Law Hill, near Halifax, where she spent six months.To facilitate their plan to keep school for girls, Emily and Charlotte Brontë went ito Brussels in 1842 to learn foreign languages and school management.Emily returned on the same year to Haworth, where she stayed for the rest of her short life.Unlike Charlotte, Emily had no close friends.She wrote a few letters and was interested in mysticism.Her first novel, Wuthering Heights(1847), a story-within-a-story, did not gain immediate success as Charlotte's Jane Eyre, but it has acclaimed later fame as one of the most famous novels written in the English language.In contrast to Charlotte and Anne, whose novels take the form

of autobiographies written by authoritative and reliable narrators, Emily introduced an unreliable narrator, Lockwood.He constantly misinterprets the reactions and interactions of the inhabitants of Wuthering Heights.More reliable is Nelly Dean, his housekeeper, who has lived for two generations with the novel's two principal families, the Earnshaws and the Lintons.Emily Brontë died of tuberculosis in the late 1848.She died very young.The second part

the main plot of the novel Wuthering Heights(1847)-the story is narrated by Lockwood, a gentleman visiting the Yorkshire moors where the novel is set, and of Mrs Dean, housekeeper to the Earnshaw family, who had been witness of the interlocked destinies of the original owners of the Heights.In a series of flashbacks and time shifts, Brontë draws a powerful picture of the enigmatic Heathcliff, who is brought to Heights from the streets of Liverpool by Mr Earnshaw.Heathcliff is treated as Earnshaw's own children, Catherine and Hindley.After his death Heathcliff is bullied by Hindley, who loves Catherine, but she marries Edgar Linton.Heathcliff 's destructive force is unleashed, and his first victim is Catherine, who dies giving birth to a girl, another Catherine.Isabella Linton, Edgar's sister, whom he had married, flees to the south.Their son Linton and Catherine are married, but always sickly Linton dies.Hareton, Hindley's son, and the young widow became close.Increasingly isolated and alienated from daily life, Heathcliff experiences visions, and he longs for the death that will reunite him with Catherine

The third part

The love process between Heathclif and Catherine.(Ⅰ):the first love Heathclif and Catherine fall in love with eath other at an very eary age.Heathclif was brought home by Mr.Cearnthaw, but his son Hindley ,didn’t like

Heathclifat all.After Mr.Cearnthaw’s death, Heathclif was badly treated and he ever worked as servant.However, Catherine like him from the bottom of her heart.She tried her best to help Heathclif eascape from her brothers punish.They stayed most of their time together.those days were the happiest.They ride horse together,they went to the grasslang together and they faught against Catherine’s brother together gradually they grow up and gradually they fall in love.Their love is true and valuaable.Althought Heathclifhad low social position ,althought his brother looked down upon him,Catherine didn’t care about that at all.what she cared must was their love between them.In this period Heathclif gave all his love to Catherine.He would rather gave up the whole world as long as he couldstay together with Catherine.His love was deep and sincere.He would like to do verything to make Catherinehapps.He thought they could stay together all their life.He worked forword to the beautiful future.(Ⅱ): United in spint, seprated in body One night, Heathclif was mistreated by Hindly again.Then he escaped together with Catherine.They come into the house of Lintin’s by chance.Because fearness, Catherine was fainted.So she was took into Lintin’s house.Hang noway to go, Heathclif went back to Wuthring HouseHowever,he was forced to sleep in the stable.Catherine was taken good care of in Lintin’s.Sine she was so beautiful and charming.Lintin can’t help falling in love with her.A few days later,Catherine came back home when she found Heathclif’s situation,she was sad and despird.Lintin loved Catherine very much , so she decided to ask her to marry him.In order to motivate Heathclif to fight against his own fate,Catherine agreed with Lintin’s propose.In fact, Catherine didn’t love Lintin at all.She did so,just because she loved Heathclif.She intended to help Heathclif get rid of his brother’s mistreat.She thought that as long as she left him, he could realize his low position and his lack of money, then he would work hard and tried his best to pureue his own life and then he would finally get rid of her brother’s control.However, Heathclifdidn’t undersand the reason why Catherine chose Lintin.He thought that what Catherine pursued were money and situation.He thought

Cathering didn’t loved him any longer.His heart was broken, and hid mind went to mad.At last, he broken down and rode away on a rainny night.Catherine was very sad but she

Had no other way to go escape to marry Lintin.(Ⅲ)love changed into revenge.Heathclif left had no news ever since.Cathrine married Lintin.On average, the lived a happy and peaceful life.Lintin loved Catherine so much that he tried all his best to make her happy,her advice whatever the matter was.In spite of all this, Catherine still loved Heathclif at the the bottom of her heart.Five years later, Heathclif come back, as she wished he had become a gentalman.He was weathy and good-bahaviored.However, Heathclif had changed so much, what he wanted to do was to revenge.In order to revenge, he bought the wauthring Hight from Hndley who addicted to acholo after his wife death.He told Catherine he would no forgive her.So he induced Lintin’s sister to elipe with him which made Lintin mad and Catherine ill.Catherine was so sorrowful that give a birth to a girl-baby she died.After Catherine’s death, Heathclif was bothered by hallucination.He went to near to mad.We can see clearly that Heathcliff didn’t intend to kill Catherine,instead, he still loved her very much.Just because the deep love love he gave to her, he was angry and mad to her beatray.He couldn’t control his implus to revenge.Even after Catherine’s death, he still tried to revenge Lintin.He forced Catherine’s daughter to marrg his son who did at an early age,and so got the family prossession of Lintin’s.In fact, his mind was out of control just because of the deep love.Nobody can stop him and save him.What he could do was to go towards to dath.The Fourth Part

The evaluation of Heathclif’s love,From the above descripition, we can get the conclusim that Heathclif’s love to Catherine is true and deep, Heathclif had bad and irritable temperament,however, he was kind by natune.As long as he fall in love, he could overcome whatever difficulty to get it and maintain it.At the beginning,he and Catherine fall in love, althought he was mistreated by his brother, he didn’t care about that as long as he could stay together with Catherine。At that moment, he was sad but he was also happy.He had no desire to get rid of her brother’s control and to creat his own life, Just because love,he gave up all the world.In our daily life,we often see that a man who is fall in love has the lowest intelligence.This saying fits Heathcliff well.However,Healthcliff’s love was selfish.He didn’t realize that he couldn’t give Catherine a comfortable and peaceful love,What he gave her was fearness and poverty ,figthness and low social status.He didn’t realize all that at all.As for Catherine,Her love was different.She understood that if you really love a person,you should tyr your best to make him happy and joyful.you should know what he needs most and how to help to make his dream come true.So in order to inspire Heathcliff,she sacrifice herself and married Linton.She didn’t love Linton at all.so on the one hand ,she might be sad all throught her life.Because as is known ,staying together with a person one doesn’t love is a unbearable experience.On the other hand ,she would be misunderstood by Heathcliff.In order to love Heathcliff,she didn’t care about that at all.After Heathcliff came back,their ralationship changed greatly.Althought they still loved each other deeplyThey had different ro;e to playThey couldn’t be together any longer.Heathcliff paid aii his attention to revenge.According to Sigmand Frued ,the behavouir of human come from sexual desire.The psychology control human beings’mind and action.Maybe this is the main reason why Heathcliff changed his deep love to intense hostility.He loved catherineso much ,however ,he couldn’t get her ,his beloved Catherine belongd to another man and he couldn’t bear it.So his behavior changed and his mind crazy.All his love gave out in the form of revenge.Catherine died,although he didn’t kill her,we can say that Catherine was indirectly killed by Heathcliff.She was disappointed at Heathcliff and heart-broken






done.After Catherine’sdeath,Heathcliff was bothered by Catherine’s ghost.There are two

aspects to explain here.First,Catherine ‘s love to Heathcliff.So her ghost always appeared in Heathcliff’s mind.she wanted to keep Heathcliff from making mistakes again.Second,Heathcliff’s love to Catherine.catherine died,and Heathcliff still couldn’t accept the fact.He hoped to see catherine again and intended to meeet her in his dream.Catherine hang around in his mind and he couldn’t get rid of it.He waited for cathrine’s reappeareace anciously.We can feel the deep love between them.As for Linton,we can see that he was the most unfortunated person in the story.He fell in love with Catherine,but Catherine didn’t love him at all.Catherine just made use of him to inspire Heathcliff.Unconciously,he became the barrier between Catherine and Heathcliff.heathcliff toook revenge on him,married his sisterand obtained his family processionand






his own-sister-in-low.We really should show our pity to Linton’s sorrowful fate.The Five Part

What we learn from the love story From the evaluation of Heathcliff’slove Catherine,we should know the deep meaning of true love。We sould ask ourselves what is love?love is a kind of special emotion between a man and a woman.ove can make one give up the whole world so as to stay together with the woman he loves.The power of love is unmeasurable.I still remember what Catherine said about love in the novel.My love toward Linton is like tree and leaves,as time went on,it will fall down.However, my love toward Heathcliff is like stone,hard and unmoveable.That is love,and that is the main reason she married Linton.


运用电教媒体 享受多彩课堂

【摘要】:充分发挥电教多媒体集计算机、录像、动画、图片、音响等功能与一身 ,它作为现代化教学手段之一,已越来越广泛地应用于各科教学中。小学教学中巧用多媒体辅助教学,变静为动,向学生展开教学情境,提供丰富的感知对象,激发学生兴趣,促进学生形象思维的发展。电教媒体的优势,能激发学生的学习兴趣、调动学生的积极思维、唤起情感的共鸣,有助于激发学生的主体意识。

【关键词】: 乐学氛围 愉悦教学 创新意识 美感的培养

Abstract: full set of audio-visual multimedia computer, video, animation, images, audio and other functions with one, as one of modern teaching methods, has become increasingly widely used in teaching subjects.Primary School Teaching Using multimedia in teaching, change static to dynamic, to the students to start teaching situation, the perception of objects provide a rich, stimulating students' interest and promote the development of student thinking in images.The advantages of audio-visual media, can stimulate students' interest and mobilize students to positive thinking, arouse emotional sympathy and help to stimulate the consciousness of students.Keywords: music teaching innovative learning atmosphere of joy cultivation of beauty.电教媒体是教师根据教学需要确定的。媒体的演示时机,应和教学需要有机结合。整体感知课文,包括对课文中的语言文字的感知和对直观形象的事物感知。如能借助录音、录像、投影媒体,则可多角度地引起学生的感官兴奋,增加感知强度,使学生更好地从整体上把握感知课文。运用多媒体辅助教学,还能创设逼真的教学环境、动静结合的教学图像、生动活泼的教学气氛,充分调动学生的积极性;应用多媒体技术辅助教学,通过形象生动的画面、声像同步的情境、言简意赅的解说、悦耳动听的音乐、及时有效的反馈,将知识一目了然地展现在学生面前。通过知识形成过程的充分展示,培养了学生的观察能力和思维能力,使学生的学习变得轻松愉快,激发求知欲望,充分调动了学生的学习积极性,为学生的创新意识和探索精神的培养提供了良好的环境。









教《坐井观天》一课时,教师让学生观看“坐井观天”的投影片后思考:“青蛙和小鸟的看法为什么不同?” “你同意谁的看法,为什么?”引导学生仔细观察影片,看清楚青蛙和小鸟不同的地理位置,这是导致他们不同看法的根本所在。在学生展开讨论之后,再进一步引申“青蛙如果跳出来会看到什么,会说什么?”演示青蛙跳出井后的情


















1.柳斌主编《中国教师新百科》 中国大百科全书出版社2002年版,第168页 2.李秉德主编《教学论》 人民教育出版社2001年版,第96页

3.张焕庭主编《西方资产阶级教育论著选》 人民教育出版社1979年版,第278页 4.许愿树一《赏识的背后》 2005年上半刊,第28页



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