江苏省永丰初级中学2013-2014学年七年级英语下学期期末复习 7B Unit 6 词组精选

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第一篇:江苏省永丰初级中学2013-2014学年七年级英语下学期期末复习 7B Unit 6 词组精选

7B Unit 6 词组精选


1.two parrots两只鹦鹉

2.in the end在最后

3.at the end of the road在路的尽头4.in the middle of the river在河中间★

5.knock on the cage door with his beak用他的喙敲笼子的门 6.in the sun在阳光下

7.It’s necessary to do sth有必要做某事

8.many speakers

9.at the bottom of

10.be more polite

11.watch it swim around

12.teach sb to do sth

13.the cleverest animal of all

14.with eyes open wide

15.do wonderful tricks

16.build me camps out of sticks

17.until the end

18.on top of

19.learn to do sth

20.a very special friend

21.keep sb warm

22.make a lot of noise

make too much noise

23.at the table

24.listen to a talk on

25.look a little different

26.prepare for

27.sleep on my lap

28.on the edge of

29.ring the doorbell

30.feed her carrots

31.ask sb for advice

a piece of advice

32.be busy at work

33.make sure

34.be different from

35.look the same

36.be busy with sth

be busy doing sth

37.too much food

too many snacks

much too expensive

38.hold a pen in one’s hand

许多讲话人 在„„的底部★ 更有礼貌 看它游来游去 教某人做某事所有动物当中最聪明的眼睛睁着大大的 做精彩的把戏★ 用树枝为我搭建帐篷★ 直到最后 在„„顶上 学习做某事一位很特殊的朋友 使某人保持温暖 发出很大的噪声 发出太大的噪音 在桌旁听一个关于„„的报告 看上去有点不一样为„„做准备 睡在我的膝上 在„„边沿上 按门铃喂她胡萝卜向某人征求建议 一条建议(advice, 不可数名词)忙于工作 确信 与„„不一样 看上去一样 忙于某事★ 忙于做某事 ★ 太多的食物太多的零食太昂贵手拿一枝钢笔 1

39.sometime next week下周某个时候40.a black-and-white TV一台黑白电视

41.write with pens用钢笔写

42.sleep in the armchair睡在扶手椅里

43.like to chase birds喜欢追鸟儿

44.a special feather一根特殊的羽毛 45.a good idea一个好主意

46.all over遍及

all over the world全世界

47.all day整天 48.at least至少

49.get tired变得疲劳

50.be easy to do sth容易做某事

51.take out of从„„里拿出„„

52.lots of vegetables许多蔬菜

53.look at the sign看这块标志

54.move slowly慢慢地移动

55.on a lead戴着链子

56.play with strings玩线团

57.hold sth in one’s hand把某物拿在手中

58.take„for a walk带„„散步

59.once a week一周一次

twice a week一周两次

three times a week一周三次

60.It’s important to do sth做某事很重要

It’s important not to do sth做某事不重要

leave my watch at home把我的表忘在家里

牛津英语UNIT 6

1.The______(皮毛)of the birds are so beautiful.2.I like ________(brush)the dogs’ _________(皮).3.Fish usually have no _________(wing)while birds have two _______(wing).4.Listen!Who ________(knock)______ the door?

5.My pet isso clever thathe can ________(重复)what I say.6.My cathasfour white ________(paw)and ablack ______(tail).7.Catslike ________(chase)balls.8.Whensheget_________(tired),she’d like _______(sleep)in thearmchair.9.Cats usually _________(miaow)when they arehungry.10.He can learn _______(repeat)whatIsay.11.Mr Dong teaches ______(I)_________(play)thepiano.12.They plan _______(visit)Beijing nextweek.13.We enjoy ________()walk)after supper.14.Teachersask us _________(practice)______(read)English inthemorning.15.Heoften sings ______()happy)in the cage.16.It’s ______(sun)today.Let’s go _______(swim)

17.It’s a_______(sun)day today.Whatabout ________(boat)on thelake?

18.Don’t ________(pull)the rabbits’ __________(ear).19.I want_________(brush)my _______(tooth).Do youhave got any ____________(toothbrush)?

20.________(not frighten)the cat!

21.Remember _______(clean)the fish tank today.22.It’s necessary________(read)English everyday.23.I ______(one)had apet.24.Ihavebeen to Shanghai ______(one).25.Please _______(clean)your bedroom everyday and keepit ________(clean).26.Who isthe_______(own)of thelittle dog?

27.Who is the__________(speak)of the talk?

28.It’s too ______(noise)here.Ican’tkeep _______(quiet).29.Don’t talk _________(noise).Thebaby issleeping.30.There istoo much _________(noise)in thestreet.31.He isa_______(slow)boy.32.He walked_______(slow)towards tothecar.33.Who is ______(slow),Tomor Bob?

34.Who runs ________(slow), Tom or Bob?

35.He runs much __________(slow)than I.36.根据首字母、中文提示、句意或英语解释写单词

1.Many _________(老鼠)are eating the ________(胡萝卜).2.Those _________(猎人)caught the group of _______(骆驼)at last.3.The workers ________(建造)many _______(大楼)last year.4.He ________(刷)the dog’s fur every day.5.It’s n_____________ to read English every morning.6.Don’t f__________ the little boy.He is very f__________.7.He is the o________ of the ________(篮子).8.Many _________(讲话人)are speaking in the room.It’s n________.9.In these ________(抽屉)there is lots of ________(纸).10.Could you tell me something _________(unusual)about the trip?

11.“There is nothing in the box.” means this is an ________box.12._______ are clever birds which can sing and learn to speak.13.In the m________ of the river, there is a boat.14.What’s the t_________ with you? I’m not feeling well.15.We put some stones at the b_________ of the tank.16.I have two _________(a kind of small orange or red fish)in the fish tank.17.My dog goes to the door when someone rings the d_________.18.The little boy likes p________ the rabbit’s ears.19.My parrot’s f_________ are very beautiful.20.Jack opened his mouth ________(张大地).

第二篇:江苏省永丰初级中学2013-2014学年七年级英语下学期期末复习Starter词组 牛津版


Unit 1-7

1.早上好 good morning


3.我的姐姐(妹妹)my sister

4.我的哥哥(弟弟)my brother


6.我的狗 my dog我的猫my cat

7.我的双胞胎哥哥(弟弟)my twin brother

8.你的名字your name

9.他的名字 his name


11.它的名字 itsname

12.一张我的全家福a photo of my family

13.一张Jim的全家照 aphotoofJim’sfamily

14.玛丽阿姨Aunt Mary

15.鲍勃叔叔Uncle Bob

16.凯特表姐Cousin Kate

17.托尼表弟Cousin Tony

18.凯特的表姐 Kate’s cousin

19.托尼的表弟Tony’s cousin

20.父亲的工作father’s job

21.母亲的工作mother’s job


23.高兴的/悲伤的be(happy/ sad)

24.有礼貌有乐于助人polite and helpful

25.大又强壮big and strong

26.又小又瘦small and thin

27.一位高挑苗条的妇女a tall and slim woman

28.一位娇小可爱的女孩a small and pretty girl

29.谢谢你thank you=(many)thanks



32.两个新朋友two new fiends

33.矮又苗条short and slim

34.来自于be from=come from

35.来自于英国be from England

36.来自于美国be from America


38.高又强壮tall and strong

39.认识这个男孩know this boy

40.看一看have a look

41.一看你的新手表have a look at your new watch

42.让某人看一看某物Let sb(宾格)have a look at sth.43.让他们看一看我们的新学校Let them have a look at our new school

44.好朋友good friend(s)

45.他们的狗 their dog

46.看look at



49.看着我/ 她lookatme / her

50.我的所有的新同学all(of)my new classmates

51.开门open the door


53.关门close the door


55.站起来,起立stand up

56.坐下sit down

57.翻书(打开书)open the book

58.关书包close the school bag

59.擦窗户clean the window(s)

60.不要擦门/课桌 Don’t clean the door/desk

61.去公园 gotothepark

62.去上学go to school

63.迟到be late

64.上学/上课迟到 be late for school / class

65.不要再迟到Don’t be late again

66.在一班in Class One

67.在一年级 in Grade One

68.在我的班上in my class


70.在墙上on the wall

71.在教室的墙上 on the wall of the classroom

72.在教室里in the classroom

73.在黑板上on the blackboard

74.在课桌上on the desk

75.在椅子后面behind the chair

76.讲台teacher’s desk

77.在讲台上on the teacher’s desk

78.参观我的学校visit my school

79.在第十中学学习study in No.10 Middle School/study at No.10 Secondary School

80.十张小课桌ten small desks

81.在我学校里in my school

82.一间美术室an art room

83.在美术室in the art room

84.非常高兴very happy

85.十九本新书nineteen new books

86.二十位学生twenty students

87.一间电脑室a computer room

88.一个足球场a football field

89.多少间教室how many classrooms


91.在你的学校里in your school

92.在A楼in Building A

93.只有一个only one

94.两百个学生tow hundred students

95.一座漂亮的花园a beautiful garden

96.在我的学校里in my school

97.在底楼(一楼)on the ground floor


99.在地板上 onthefloor

100.一些图书馆some libraries

101.阅览室a reading room

102.一个篮球场a basketball court

103.餐厅a dining hall

104.非常大very big

105.一些操场some playground

106.当然of course

107.在我们的学校里in our school

108.一张你们学校的照片a picture(photo)of your school

109.在小山之间between the hills

110.在商店旁边beside the shop

111.在椅子下面under the chair

112.在大门的前面in front of the gate

113.爬树climb the tree

114.喂鸟feed the birds

115.摘花pick the flowers

116.在湖里游泳swim in the lake

117.在操场上on the playground

118.在树上in the tree(指外来事物)onthetree(指树上长出来的东西)

119.在左边on the left

120.在……的左边on the left of……

121.在动物园的左边 on the left of the zoo

122.在右边on the right

123.在……的右边on the right of……

124.在超市的右边on the right of the supermarket

125.在某人的左边/右边 onone’sleft / right

126.在他们的左边/右边 on their left / right

127.一些花儿some flowers

128.一些鸟some birds

129.在……中间in the middle of

130.在公园的中间in the middle of the park

131.一些孩子some children

132.在操场的前面in front of the playground

133.一些小船some boats

134.在草坪上走walk on the grass

135.关大门close the gate

136.错过一次机会miss a turn

137.吃冰淇淋have an ice-cream

138.别在草坪上行走Don’t walk on the grass.139.开着的beopen







146.在树后的女孩 the girl behind the tree

147.几位男/女生 someboy /girl students

148.几个男/女医生 somemen / womendoctors

几棵苹果树someapple trees

牛津英语Starter Units8-12词组

1.一些漫画书some comic books

2.一架模型飞机a model plane

3.发夹hair clips

4.在储物柜里in the locker


6.一些面包/水some bread /water

7.一只玩具熊a teddy bear

8.他们的运动鞋their sports shoes

9.一副眼镜a pair of glasses

10.几副眼镜some pairs of glasses

11.几瓶水some bottles of water

12.一瓶橘汁a bottle of orange juice

13.给学生们的储物柜lockers for students

14.踢足球play football

15.打篮球play basketball

16.看标志look at the sign

17.为什么不? Why not(do sth.)?

18.我明白了I see.19.把你的狗带到这儿来bring your dog here

20.把某物带到某地bring/take + sth(某物)to+某地/某人(宾格)

21.看电视watch TV

22.使用手机use a mobile(phone)

23.听音乐listen tomusic

24.听某人说listen to sb.(宾格)

25.放风筝fly kites / fly a kite

26.骑自行车ride bikes / ride a bike

27.别在飞机上抽烟Don’t smoke on the plane

28.在书上写write in the book


30.先朝左看look leftfirst

31.在网上查资料look for things on the Internet

32.寻找某人 look for +某人(宾格)

33.把报纸带回家 take the newspapers home

34.把某物带到某地 take + sth(某物)+ to + someplace/somebody(某地/某人)

35.等到绿灯wait for the green light

36.等某人/某物wait for somebody/something某人宾格/某物

37.等公共汽车wait for the bus

38.等他们wait for them

39.过马路cross the road

40.过街cross the street

41.上下打量 look up and down

42.把她的自行车停放在树底下park her bike under the tree

43.把某物停放在某地 park+sth(某物)+someplace(某地)

44.把他的汽车停在门口park his car in front of the gate

45.把她的包带进超市bring her bag into the supermarket

46.用购物篮use a shopping basket

47.首先玩电脑游戏play computer games first

48.为她的自行车找个合适的地点look for the right place for her place

49.把这些标志放在合适的地点put the signs in right places

50.把你的足球放在那边put your football over there

51.吃些面包eat some bread


53.看报read newspapers

54.把他们放在大门旁 put them beside the gate

55.几点what time

56.起床get up

57.快一点hurry up

58.吃早饭have breakfast

59.吃午饭have lunch

60.吃晚饭have supper

61.在7:15at a quarter past seven

62.在7:30at half past seven

63.在8:45at a quarter to nine

64.双胞胎的学习日the twins’ school day

65.上一堂语文课have a Chinese lesson

66.一堂数学课a Maths lesson

67.在星期一on Monday

68.在周四早上 on Thursday morning

69.从星期二到星期五from Tuesday to Friday

70.一星期六天six days a week

71.每周四下午every Thursday afternoon

72.每天every day

73.每周every week

74.每周二every Tuesday

75.与某人聊天chat with sb(某人宾格)

76.互相聊天chat with each other

77.在午饭时at lunchtime

78.上一堂美术课have an Art lesson

79.半小时后half an hour later

80.一小时an hour

81.两小时two hours

82.一小时半one and a half hours /one hour and a half

83.开始上课beginclasses /begin to have classes

84.在早晨in the morning

85.在下午in the afternoon


87.在四月8号的早/晚上on the morning/evening of 8th April

88.上别的课,例如……have other lessons like……

89.打乒乓球play ping-pong

90.与某人一起玩play with sb(某人宾格)

91.跟我的同班同学一起 play with my classmates

92.喜欢某物like sth.(某物)

93.喜欢做某事like doing sth/like to do sth

94.喜欢猫like cats

95.喜欢打排球like playing volleyball

96.大约在四点半at about half past four

97.放学后/课后after school /class

98.Lily的学习生活Lily’s school life

99.告诉我关于学校的情况 tell me about school

100.告诉某人关于某方面的事tell sb about sth

101.告诉某人做某事tell sb(宾格)to do sth

102.该是某人做某事的时间了。It’s time for sb.(宾格)to do sth.103.该是我们上课的时间了。It’s time for us to have classes ,104.该是某事的时候了。It’s time for sth.105.该是上学的时候了。It’s time for school.106.在周末at the weekend

107.起床晚/起床早get up late / get up early

108.晚饭后after supper

109.去动物园go to the zoo

110.打扫卫生do the/some cleaning

111.买东西do the/some shopping

112.帮助某人做某事help sb.(宾格)do sth.113.帮我喂鸟help me feed the birds

114.帮助某人某事help sb with sth

115.帮她做家务 help her with her housework

116.给他的朋友们写电子邮件write e-mails to his friends

117.打排球play volleyball

118.睡觉早/晚go to bed early / go to bed late

119.为某人做饭 cook for sb


121.洗碗碟wash the dishes





126.带着她的狗一起跑 run with her dog

127.乘车回家take a bus home = go home by bus=go home on a bus

128.骑车上学ride(a bike)to school=go to school by bike / on the bike

129.开车去公园drive(a car)to the park =go to the park by car / in the car130.沿着街走walk down the street

131.做饭cook dinner

132.去书店go to the bookshop

133.多久,多长时间how long


135.想做某事want to do sth

136.想过马路want to cross the road


138.想要些面包want some bread

139.喜欢某物enjoy sth.140.喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth

141.喜欢看书enjoy reading a book

142.让某人做某事Let sb.do sth.143.让他扫地Let him clean the floor

144.去书店看看新书go to the bookshop to have a look at the new books 145.享受阳光 enjoy the sunshine

146.拜访他的爷爷奶奶 visit his grandparents

147.生日聚会a birthday party

148.来参加我的聚会come to my party

149.想要would like

150.想要某物would like sth

151.想要做某事 would like to do sth

152.想要一些花 would like some flowers

153.想听音乐would like to listen to music


155.为她买些贴纸buy her some stickers

156.为某人买某物buy sth for sb = buy sb sth

157.在我们学校附近的玩具店at the toy shop near our shop

158.生日快乐happy birthday

159.穿着一条蓝牛仔裤wear a pair of blue jeans

160.许多送给她的礼物a lot of presents for her

161.看起来酷look cool

162.看起来年青look young 看起来…… look+形容词

163.看起来快乐look happy

164.晚会过得愉快 enjoy the party

165.他们中的一些some of them

166.其中一些some of……

167.其中一些学生some of the students

168.谈论,讨论talk about sth

169.谈论有趣的电影talk about interesting films / an interesting film 170.坐在沙发上sit on the sofa

171.跟她一起分享大蛋糕share the big cake with her

172.跟某人分享/共用某物 share sth with sb.173.生日过得愉快have a happy birthday

174.过得愉快,玩得高兴have a good time

175.感到身体好feel well 感觉……feel+形容词

176.感到悲伤feel sad

177.在四月八日on 8th April

178.举行生日聚会 have a birthday party

179.吃一顿丰盛的晚餐have a big dinner

180.我最喜欢的日子my favourite day


182.朝她走过去walk to her

183.为她唱生日快乐sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to her

第三篇:江苏省永丰初级中学2013-2014学年七年级英语下学期期末复习7B Unit 2词组精选 牛津版

7B Unit 2

1.take them to the sports centre带他们去运动中心 2.lots of different Chinese restaurants许多不同的中餐馆

3.tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事

4.the capital of China中国的首都

5.the centre of Beijing北京市中心

6.by underground乘地铁

7.less air pollution较少的空气污染

8.other areas of Beijing北京的其他地区

9.go walking去散步

10.be close to与……亲近

11.for example例如

12.on the ninth floor在第九层

13.on the twelfth floor在第十二层

14.need help with English在英语方面需要帮助

15.lots of souvenirs许多纪念品 16.choose any food you like挑选你喜欢的任何食品

17.Western restaurants西餐馆

18.Why don’t you do sth…?你为什么不做某事?

Why not do sth…?

19.enjoy Beijing Opera欣赏京剧

20.never mind不要紧,没关系 21.teach them English教他们英语

22.a loaf of bread一条面包

23.two loaves of bread两条面包

24.three kilos of ham三公斤火腿

25.four packets of chips四包薯条

26.five cartons of milk五盒牛奶

27.six bottles of Coke六瓶可乐 28.belong to Miilie属于Millie

29.hold a welcome party举行一个欢迎派对

30.prepare for the birthday party为生日聚会做准备

31.the Palace Museum故宫

32.the Summer Palace颐和园

33.the golden throne宝座

34.works of art艺术品

35.Chinese paintings中国画36.lots of fun and interesting things to see许多好玩有趣值得看的东西

37.enjoy a full day玩一整天

38.at the youth centre在青少年活动中心

39.ride a bicycle /ride bicycles骑自行车

by bike /on the bike

40.play ball games玩球赛 41.friends nearby附近的朋友

42.show sb around带领…… 某人参观……

43.show you around my home town带你参观我的家乡

44.grow vegetables and flowers长蔬菜和花儿 45.It takes sb some time to do sth花某人……时间做……事

46.get to the nearest town到达最近的镇47.local theatre当地的剧院

48.twenty waiters二十个侍者

49.more than thirty shoppers超过三十个顾客 50.none of the hospitals没有一家医院 51.count the postcards数明信片

52.most of the exchange students大多数交换留学生53.at the bus stop

54.at the weekend / at weekends

55.play badminton

56.such a tall building / so tall a building

57.places like this

58.lots of things to do

59.write with a pencil

60.at least two tins of beef

61.lots of bread and apples

62.so far a village

63.take them to shopping malls

64.less than 30 years old

65.the calendar for Kitty

66.make plans to go out

67.miss the football match

68.many modern buildings

69.I don’t know, either.70.six glasses of orange juice with ice

在公共汽车站 在周末 打羽毛球 如此高的一座大楼 像这样的地方 许多可做的事用铅笔写 至少两听牛肉 许多面包和苹果 如此远的一个村庄 带他们去购物中心不到30 岁 给Kitty 的日历 制定外出计划 错过这场足球赛许多现代化的大楼 我也不知道。六杯加冰的橘子汁 2

第四篇:江苏省永丰初级中学2013-2014学年七年级英语下学期期末复习7A Unit 1-3词组 牛津版

7A Unit 1-3词组

1.an instruction book一本说明书

2.make friends with与...交朋友

3.at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School在北京阳光中学

4.Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.早上/下午/傍晚/晚上好

5.12 years old12岁

6.live in住在7.be good at =do well in擅长

8.in the school basketball team在校篮球队

9.in the Reading Club在阅读俱乐部

10.come from = be from来自

11.be born in(on)出生在12.look after照料,保管

13.welcome to +n欢迎到„„来

14.listen to(music, teacher)听(音乐,老师讲课)

15.at school(at the school)在校学习(在学校里)

16.like doing sth(love doing sth,enjoy doing sth)喜欢做某事

17.work hard(compare with: hard work)努力工作(对比:艰苦的工作)

18.wear glasses戴眼镜 19.know each other相互了解

20.the Class 1, Grade 7 students = the students in Class 1 Grade 7七年级一班的同学

21.on the football field在足球场

22.swimming pool游泳池

23.play with sb和某人玩

24.talk to sb和某人交谈

25.at lunchtime在午饭时间

26.take sb for a walk带某人去散步

27.after school放学后

28.on the tennis court在网球场

29.the best in the world世界上最好的30.a member of(the Reading Club)(阅读俱乐部的)一名成员

31.write to sb写信给某人

32.go running(shopping)去跑步(购物)

33.Write to me soon!请速给我回信!

34.in a restaurant在餐馆

35.watch games看比赛

36.a news article一则新闻报道

37.a piece of news一则消息

38.Sports News体育新闻

39.score goal进球

40.the World Cup世界杯

41.play football for „Team效力于„„足球队

42.use„as a model将„„当作范例来用

43.leave sth at home将„„忘在家里

44.need to do sth需要做某事

45.borrow sth from sb向某人街东西

46.How do you say that in English?这用英语怎么说?

47.I don’t understand.我不懂。

48.I’ll start /begin now.就要开始了。

49.I am sorry , l don’t know对不起,我不知道

50.at the beginning of在„„的开始

51.have to do不得不做某事

52.lots of =a lot of许多

53.talk on the phone with sb通过电话与某人交谈

54.live with sb和某人住在一起

55.grow up长大

56.write down 写下

57.want to be想成为„„,想当„„


1.wake up醒来

2.look at 看一看

3.it’s time for sth到„的时候了

4.after breakfast早饭后

5.have fun取乐,玩得开心

6.go to sleep入睡 7.have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早饭/中饭/晚饭

8.do morning exercises做早操

9.have lessons上课

10.get up起床

11.go to school上学

12.do after-school activities做课外活动

13.go home回家

14.do homework 做家庭作业

15.watch TV看电视

16.go to bed上床睡觉

17.write to sb给某人写信

18.in Class 1 Grade 7在七年级一班

19.my best friend我最好的朋友

20.each other互相

21.be nice to sb对某人很好

22.spend„(in)doing sth花费„做某事 23.two hours a day一天两小时

24.practice with sb和某人一起练习25.a member of „的一个成员

26.have a good time玩得很开心

27.listen to sb 听某人讲

28.play together一起玩

29.all the time一直,始终

30.play badminton打羽毛球

31.read comic books看连环画书

32.at the volleyball court在排球场上

33.meet up with sb和某人碰面,会面

34.know a lot about对„了如指掌,对„很精通

35.China Space Museum中国太空博物馆

36.Thank you for organizing the class trip谢谢你组织班级旅行

37.would like to do sth想要做某事

38.be open开放

39.look forward to+n/+doing sth盼望

40.Science and Technology Museum科技馆

41.on the Internet在网上

42.think of思考,认为

43.need to do sth需要做某事

44.get ready for sth为某事做准备

45.be hard for me对我来说很难

46.learn more about the would更多地了解世界

47.have trouble with...有麻烦

48.the answer to...的答案


1.Let’s celebrate!让我们来庆祝!

2.What are you doing? 你在干什么?

3.dress up as装扮成„„样子

4.make a display展示,展出

5.different festivals around the world世界各地不同的节日

6.have to do sth.不得不做某事

7.Chinese New Year中国的新年(春节)

8.Dragon Boat Festival端午节

9.Mid-Autumn festival中秋节

10.at Halloween在万圣节

11.like to do sth.喜欢做某事

12.a list of一张„„的清单 13.get ready for为„„做准备

14.a letter from sb.to sb.一封由某人寄给某人的信

15.thank sb.for doing sth.感谢某人做某事

16.tell sb.about sth.告诉某人有关某事

17.celebrate Christmas庆祝圣诞节

18.have a party举行晚会

19.on October 31st在十月三十一日

20.do sth.for为„„做某事

21.a game called “trick or treat” 一个叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏

22.knock on/ at敲(门或窗)

23.give sb.sth.as a treat以„„招待某人

24.play a trick on sb.对某人使恶作剧

25.special costumes with masks带面具的特别服装 26.make pumpkin lanterns制作南瓜灯

27.cut out切、割

28.on the evening of October, 31st在十月三十一日的晚上 29.hot drinks热饮

30.Happy Halloween!万圣节快乐!

31.the meaning of„„的意义

32.at the back在后面

33.look like看起来像„„

34.days of the year一年中的节日

35.want to do sth.想要做某事

36.New Year’s Day元旦事

37.Children’s Day儿童节

38.Teachers’ Day教师节

39.National Day国庆节

40.at Easter在复活节

41.rice dumplings粽子

42.at breakfast(lunch/ supper)在吃早餐(午餐/晚餐)的时候

43.start to do/ doing sth.开始做某

44.in Canada在加拿大

45.on Monday在周一

46.in winter在冬天

47.tade sb.for a walk带某人去散步

48.have a long holiday度长假

49.go to see the doctor去看病

50.during the first week在第一周51.in the pencil case在铅笔盒里

52.love to do/ doing sth.爱做某事

53.go on holiday去度假 54.in the kitchen在厨房

55.Christmas presents圣诞礼物

56.chat on the ICQ在网上聊天室聊天 57.red packets红包

58.Chinese New Year celebrations庆祝新年的活动

59.traditional Chinese food传统的中国食品

60.lion dance舞狮子

61.listen to the radio programme听广播节目

62.Chinese Community Centre华人社区活动中心 63.plan to do sth.计划做某事

64.help sb.do sth.帮助某人做某事

65.at night在夜晚

66.in Chinatown在唐人街

67.so much如此(多),这么

68.make flash cards做卡片

69.ask sb.to do sth.叫某人做某事

70.a piece of card一张卡片

71.on the other side of在另一边

72.give sb.a hint提示某人,给某人以暗示 73.10-minute study time十分钟的学习时间

74.try to do sth.努力做某事

75.writing plan写作计划

76.do sth.in many ways用许多方式做某事

77.in the library在图书馆

78.on the Internet在网上

79.dream about梦到„„

80.Dragon Boat race赛龙舟 81.Easter chocolate eggs复活节彩蛋

82.put up„on the wall把„„挂在墙上

83.at the weekend在周末

84.make a plan制定计划

85.remember to do sth.记住做某事



3一、单项选择()1.Heyou as soon heback.l;comesB.call;comes

C.will call;will comeD.call;comes

()2.- How long has the nationwide ban(禁止)on plastic bags been put into practice ?

-the beginning of June

B.SinceC.AmongD.At()3.Great changesin our hometown since ten years ago.A.have happenB.have taken place

C.happenedD.have been taken place

()4.It’sbook that I keepit in my free tine.B.Such a meaningful;read

C.So a meaningful;readD.Such a meaningful;reading()5.enough time but I couldn’t do it better.B.Though I was givenC.To be givenD.I was given()6.How long did the trip from Beijing to Shanghaiyou ?

A.takeB.payC.SpendD.cost()7.When I looked into the room I found Jim himselfin bed.A.liesB.lieD.lying()8.He was madethe blackboard.A.cleanC.to cleanD.cleaned

()9.The People’s Republic of Chinaon October 1,1949.A.FoundB.was foundedC.is foundedD.was found()10.Fighting is harmfulyourself.A.forC.aboutD.of()11.SheMr.Green since ten years ago.B.got married to

C.has been married withD.has got married to()12.As China grows stronger and stronger , Chinesein more and more schools out of

our country.A.teachesB.is taughtC.has taughtD.was taught

()13.We’ll watch TV when the homework.A.will doB.is doneC.has doneD.be done

()14.- Isin Denmark ?

- No , it’s in England.A.the Leaning Tower of PisaB.the Statue of Liberty

C.the Little MermaidD.the Tower Bridge()15.Metalmaking machines and many other things.B.is used forC.is used asD.is used to


About 70,000,000 Americans are trying to lose weight(减肥).That is almost 1 out of every 3 people in the United States.Some people eat1food and they hardly have any fat or sweets.Others do running,exercise with machines, take medicines, or even have operations.2you can see losing weight hard work, and it will also cost a lot of money.But3do so many people in the United States want to lose weight?

Many people in the United States worry about their look of the body.For many people, looking nice also means to be4.Other people worry about their health as many doctors5Most people want to find a faster and6way to take off fat, and books of this kind are very popular.These books tell people how to lose weight.Each year a lot of new books like these are7.Each one says it can easily help people take fat away.o health centers, like La Costa in California.Men andseveral hundred dollars a day at these health centers.People live there for one week exercise, eating different foods.Meals there may be just a little.Health centers, books, medicines, operations, running and exercise machines all10a lot of money.So in the United States, losing weight may mean losing money, too.()1.A.1essB.moreC.niceD.fast










三.阅读理解B.sayB.harderB.givenB.expensive B.costB.haveC.speakC.shorterC.writtenC.easyC.takeC.useD.tellD.easierD.copiedD.safe D.have D.get


Bargaining(讨价还价)is the rule here in Beijing.At least,it is so in most markets and back—street clothes shops.Bargaining is an art and if you are unfamiliar(不熟悉)with it,we’d like to offer you some advice.The tips(窍门)here are often used in Beijing but may help you at any place in the world where bargaining is practiced.

DO NOT say how much you want to pay for an item(物品)unless it's near the end of the bargaining.Always try and drop the seller’s offering price as much as possible before opening your mouth with a price.

Do throw out really low prices like 10 RMB with a big smile.

DO keep smiling from the beginning to the end.The seller usually continues bargaining with a happy smiling face.Getting angry hardly gets you the price you want.KEEP in mind the price offered by the seller at the beginning is usually at least 40% over the generally reasonable price.It can be up to 500% over.

DO have an idea of what the item costs.You can ask your friends,people in the hotel or others you know,or look at the list below.This is very general and is based(根据)on a market like Xiu Shui.You may not be able to get the lowest prices at Xiu Shui,especially on a weekend when there are lots of tourists around.

()1.Who is this passage written for?

A.Owners of back-street shops.B.Businessmen in Beijing.

C.Those who are good at bargaining.D.Those who travel in Beijing.

()2.What is the topic the writer is mainly talking about in this passage?

A.Beijing markets.B.Bargaining tips.

C.Lowest prices.D.Sellers’ offer.()3.What is the most important thing to do in bargaining with the seller?

A.Keep smiling.B.Be patient.

C.Don’t get angry.D.Don’t say anything.

()4.What is NOT included in the tips often used to bargain in Beijing?

A.Find out the true price and go to the markets with friends.

B.Don’t offer your price until the end of the bargaining with a smile.

C.Drop the seller’s offering price four or five times(倍)until he agrees.

D.Don’t go to markets at the time when there are too many tourists.

()5.Which of the following can help you get an item you want at the lowest price?

A.Whenever you go shopping,take a price list withyou .

B.You can bargain for anything at the price of 10 RMB.

C.The price range(范围)for you to bargain is usually between 40%and 500%.

D.Xiu Shui Market is the biggest shopping center where prices are always reasonable.


“Cool” is a word with many meanings.It means a little cold at first.As time changes, the word gets many different meanings.We can use “cool” when we talk about something wonderful or somebody looking smart.For example, when you see a beautiful and expensive car in the street, you can say, “It is cool.”You may think the famous film star Keanu Reeves is cool.You can also use the word to mean something new and surprising.Here is an example.One day a teacher took the students to a farm and then asked them to write something about the visit.One of her students just wrote, “The farm is so cool.”Because he thought “cool” was the best word to show what he saw and felt.It also shows some people don’t have enough words.Without “cool”, they seem to have no other words to use.Can you think of any other words 1ike“cool”with so many meanings ? If you can they are also very “cool”.()11.The meaning of the word “cool’’.A.is always the sameC.is “wonderful or smart”D.is “new and surprising’’

()12.“You may think the famous film star Keanu Reeves is cool ”Here “cool” means.A.a little coldB.a little hotC.new and surprisingD.good-looking

()13.“It also shows some people don’t have enough words.” Here “it” means.A.the exampleB.the student

C.the word “cool”D.the visit to the farm

()14.When some people use “cool” everywhere.they don’t have other words, so the writer

2seems a little.C.surprisedD.worried()15.The best title is.“Cool’’B.“Cool”, the Best Word to Use

C.People Use “Cool” Too MuchD.“Cool” Is a New Word


Ted arrives at the bus station quite early for Paris bus.The bus for Paris will not leave until five to twelve.He sees a lot of people waiting in the station.Some are standing in line, others are walking around.There is a group of schoolgirls.Their teacher is trying to keep them in line.Ted looks around but there is no place for him to sit.

He walks into the station cafe(咖啡馆).He looks up at the clock there.It is only twenty to twelve.He finds a seat and sits down before a large mirror on the wall.Just then,Mike,one of Ted’s workmates comes in and sits with Ted.“What time is your bus?” asks Mike.“There’s plenty of time yet.”answers Ted.“Well.I’ll get you some more tea then,”says Mike.They talk while drinking.Then Ted looks at the clock again.“Oh!It's going backward(倒

行)!”he cries.“A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it's half past eleven.”“You’re looking at the clock in the mirror,”says Mike.Ted is So sad.The next bus is not to leave for another hour.Since then Ted has never liked mirrors.


()16.The bus for Paris will leave at eleven fifty—five.()17.Ted goes into the station cafe because Mike asks him to have a cup of tea.()18.In fact,when Ted looks at the clock in the mirror, it's half past twelve.()19.Ted looks at the clock in the mirror only once.()20.Ted will arrive in Paris on time.四.词汇运用


1.It is about 9 years since Hong Kong’s(coming back)to China.2.Something should be done to protect the(环境)in our hometown.3.Can you(描述the workers’(everyday)lives in the book.5.There is a robot(展览知识)of computers8.Beijing is the second biggest city and the(文化的)centre of China.B)根据句意,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。9.He is very young but he looks(health).10.--11.Nothing in the world is(possible)if you put your heart into it.14.One word can have several(mean).15.Half a century(pass)since he came to China.五.补全短文


Many people in Beijing have returned to school only because they have become parents.Parents are searching for help to solve a problem:the education of their “only c 1”.One student complained about his father, who liked smoking,always left the s2of smoke in the room and he could not do his homework there.Another wrote that his father often played Majiang and the n3 kept him awake most of the night.Many parents know l4about home education and keep “Parents’ schools are badly n5.)said.六、任务型阅读

Are you itching(痒痒)? Do you have mosquito bites(蚊虫叮咬)?

Well, if you lived in Texas, US , you wouldn’t have a problem.People found a very big

spider’s web(蜘蛛网)in the state park there.The web is as long as two football fields.It covers trees, shrubs(灌木丛)and has caught millions of mosquitoes.“ At first it was so white it looked like fairyland(童话世界),” said Donna Garde , who works in the park.“ Now it’s filled with so many mosquitoes that it’s turned a little brown.Sometimes you can hear the screech(尖叫声)of millions of mosquitoes caught in the web.”

Scientists are trying to find out what kind of spider has spun the web and why it’s so big.Some think a group of spiders work together on the web.Whatever it is , the web is surely better than bug spray(杀虫剂).根据短文内容,完成下列句子。(每空一词)1.If you have mosquito bites, you’ll feel ___________.2.If you lived in Texas, US, you wouldn’t be bit(咬)______ mosquitoes.3.The big spider’s web in the state park is as _______as two football fields.4.You can hear the screech of millions of mosquitoes which were ______ in the web.5.At first the web was white, but there were so many mosquitoes in the web that it turned a

little ______.七.书面表达


1.这个火车站自从2002年开始就投入使用。(be in service)

2.有开阔的空地和美丽的公园真好。(It’s nice to „.)

3.4.5.所有的事情似乎都发生得那么快。(seem to)





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