江苏省永丰初级中学2013-2014学年七年级英语下学期期末复习 7A Unit 1短语重点句子 牛津版

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第一篇:江苏省永丰初级中学2013-2014学年七年级英语下学期期末复习 7A Unit 1短语重点句子 牛津版

7A Unit 1短语重点句子

1.What’s your name?你叫什么名字?

2.This is…这是……(用于介绍人或物)

3.the first day第一天

4.look after照料,保管

5.make friends with…与……交朋友

6.introduce oneself to each other相互间进行自我介绍

7.take the bus乘公共汽车

8.welcome to + n.欢迎到……来 9.at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School在北京阳光中学

10.Good morning(afternoon, evening, night)!早上好!(下午好,晚上好,晚安)11.12 years old12岁

12.live in(a flat)住在(公寓里)

13.be clever at(be good at = do well in)在……方面聪明(在……很擅长)

14.in the school basketball team在校篮球队

15.in the Reading Club在阅读俱乐部

16.call sb.+ name称某人为……

17.come from = be from来自……,……地方人

18.be born in(on)出生于……

19.at school(compare with: at the s chool)在校学习(在学校里)

20.football field足球场 21.like doing sth.(love doing sth, enjoy doing sth.)喜欢做某事 22.listen to(music, the teacher)听(音乐,老师讲课)

23.look at…看……

24.work hard(compare with: hard work)努力工作(对比:艰苦的工作)

25.wear glasses戴眼镜

26.play computer games玩电脑游戏

27.want to do sth.想要做某事

28.after school放学以后

29.know each other相互了解

30.the Class1Grade 7 students =the students in Class 1, Grade 7七年级一班的学生

31.help sb.do sth.帮助某人做某事

32.It’s time for sth.=It’s time to do sth.是该做某事的时候了。

33.in the match在比赛中

34.know sb.well非常了解某人

35.dark brown eyes深褐色的眼睛

36.on the football field在足球场

37.live in Beijing住在北京

38.swimming pool游泳池

39.play with sb.和某人一起玩……

40.talk to sb.和某人交谈

41.at lunchtime在午餐时间

42.take sb.for a walk带某人去散步

43.after school放学后

44.walk home = go home on foot步行回家

45.take the bus坐公共汽车

46.a picture of one’s family一张全家福

47.the best in the world世界上最好的48.a member of(the Reading Club)(阅读俱乐部的)一个成员

49.write to sb.写信给某人

50.at the weekend在周末

51.go running(shopping)去跑步(购物)

52.watch games看比赛

53.in a restaurant在餐馆

54.Write soon!请回信

55.a favourite football player一个受欢迎的足球运动员

56.walk home=go home on foot步行回家

57.on the sheet在纸上 58.Sports News体育新闻

59.the Huanghe Football Team黄河足球队

60.score goals进球

61.the World Cup世界杯

62.look strong(nice, etc.)看起来很强壮(很漂亮)

63.play football for…Team效力于……足球队

64.listen to music/CDs听音乐/光盘

65.the newest member最新成员

66.a very good football player一名非常好的足球运动员

67.need to do sth.需要做某事 68.borrow sth.from sb.向某人借某物

69.How do you say that in English? 这在英语里怎么说?

70.I don’t understand.我不懂。

71.I’ll start /begin now.我就要开始了。

72.I am sorry, I don’t know.对不起,我不知道。

73.at the beginning of在……的开始

74.sound great=sound nice/good听起来很棒

75.lots of friends = a lot of/many friends许多朋友

76.at the weekend在周末 77.enjoy doing sth.=like/love doing sth喜欢做某事

78.look for sth.on the Internet在因特网上查找

79.be good at(doing)sth.=do well in(doing)sth.擅长于人(做)某事

80.write down写下

81.for half an hour半个小时

82.in the next World Cup 在下一届的世界杯中

84.go swimming去游泳

第二篇:江苏省永丰初级中学2013-2014学年七年级英语下学期期末复习7A Unit 6短语重点句子 牛津版

7A Unit 6短语重点句子

7A Unit SixFashion

1.so + adj..so lazy如此,这么, 这么懒

2.give a fashion show举行一场时装表演

3.raise money for…为……筹钱 4.Project Hope希望工程

5.do a good job做好事

6.join in参加,加入

7.last Friday上周五


9.clothes from different times来自不同时期(代)的服装 10.in the 20th century在20世纪

11.look + adj.colurful/ smart and modern/ cool看上去……多彩的/又神气又时髦/酷

12.sports clothes运动服

13.a pair of一对,一双 e.g.a pair of colourful trainers一双多彩运动鞋

a pair of blue jeans一条蓝色牛仔裤

14.a pair of shorts一条短裤 15.young people in the 1990s20世纪90年代的年轻人

16.be very comfortable非常舒服

17.long red boots红色的长统靴 18.a yellow silk blouse一件黄色的丝质女式衬衫

19.any other colour其他的颜色

20.a black wool skirt一条黑色的羊毛短裙

21.a yellow cotton blouse一件黄色的棉质女衬衫

22.a pair of long red leather boots一双红色的长筒靴 23.a white and blue T-shirt蓝白相间的T恤衫

24.young people’s favourte年轻人的至爱

25.would like to do sth.想干某事

26.clothes form the 1990s来自20世纪90年代的服饰

27.help sb.with sth.(n.)

help sb.do sth.帮助某人干某事

28.visit sb.拜访某人

29.ask sb.about sth.问某人关于某事

30.at the football match/ the shopping mall/ the cinema在足球比赛中/大型购物中心/电影院

31.on Saturday evening在星期六的晚上

32.feel hot/cold感觉热/冷

33.come after跟随着

34.choose what to wear挑选要穿的(衣服)

35.need to do sth.需要干某事

36.be made of由……制成37.look colourful看起来艳丽

38.look cool on sb.穿在某人身上看起来酷

39.ask sb.to do sth.叫某人做某事

40.hope to do sth.希望做某事

41.for a long time达很长时间

42.make sb.do sth.使得某人做某事 43.choose what to wear选择穿什么

44.e-mail sb.给某人发电子邮件

45.design a poster for…为…设计一张海报

46.talk about doing sth.讨论做某事

47.look smart and modern看起来既神气又时髦 48.have dinner with one’s family和家人一起吃饭

49.buy sth.with some money用钱买某物

50.show sb.sth.=show sth.to sb.把某物拿给某人看

51.be suitable for…=be fit for…与,,相配 52.go on a trip=have/take a trip去旅行

53.match well with..=go well with..与…搭配得很好

54.turn on the lights=turn the light on打开灯

55.give a fashion show= have a fashion举行时装秀

56.in bed在床上

57.in the show在表演中 58.ten more minutes=10 minutes more再多十分钟2

第三篇:江苏省永丰初级中学2013-2014学年七年级英语下学期期末复习7A Unit 3短语重点句子 牛津版

7A Unit 3短语重点句子

1.Let’s celebrate!让我们来庆祝!

2.What are you doing? 你在干什么?

3.dress up as„装扮成„„样子

4.sharp teeth锋利的牙齿

5.paint one’s face给某人的脸上涂上油彩

6.hot drinks热饮料

7.New Year中国的新年(春节)

8.Boat Festival端午节

9.Mid-Autumn festival中秋节

10.at Halloween在万圣节

11.like to do sth.喜欢做某事

12.Chinese food中餐

13.lion dance狮子舞

14.cut out the eyes刻出眼睛

15.thank sb.for doing sth.感谢某人做某事

16.tell sb.about sth.告诉某人有关某事

17.celebrate Christmas庆祝圣诞节

18.have a party举行晚会

19.on October 31st在十月三十一日 20.red packets红包

21.a game called “trick or treat” 一个叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏

22.knock on/ at敲(门或窗)

23.give sb.sth.as a treat以„„招待某人

24.play a trick on sb.对某人使恶作剧

25.special costumes with masks带面具的特别服装

26.make pumpkin lanterns制作南瓜灯

27.put sth.in=put sth.into„把某物放进„

28.on the evening of October, 31st在十月三十一日的晚上

29.make sth.for sb.=make sb.sth.为某人制作某物 30.Happy Halloween!万圣节快乐!31.pumpkin lanterns南瓜灯

32.make A out of B=make A from B用B制作A

33.look like看起来像„„

34.on holiday在度假

35.want to do sth.想要做某事 36.New Year’s Day元旦

37.Children’s Day儿童节 38.Teachers’ Day教师节

39.National Day国庆节

40.at Easter在复活节

41.rice dumplings粽子

42.at breakfast(lunch/ supper)在吃早餐(午餐/晚餐)的时候

43.In the USA=in America在美国

44.Monkey King美猴王

45.on Monday在周一

46.in winter在冬天

47.take sb.for a walk带某人去散步

48.have a long holiday度长假

49.go to see the doctor去看病

50.on that day在那一天 51.in the pencil case= in the pencil box在铅笔盒里 52.on Tuesday and Friday在周二和周五

53.go on holiday去度假 54.on the afternoon/evening of 在„的下午/夜晚

55.Christmas presents圣诞礼物

56.chat on the Internet在互联网上聊天室聊天

57.May Day五一节

58.Chinese New Year celebrations庆祝新年的活动

59.at breakfast在吃早饭期间

60.Teachers’ Day教师节

61.Children’s Day儿童节

62.Thanksgiving Day感恩节 63.plan to do sth.计划做某事

64.help sb.do sth.帮助某人做某事

65.at night在夜晚

66.in Chinatown在唐人街

67.so much如此(多),这么

68.in winter在冬季

69.in many ways通过许多方式

70.a piece of card一张卡片 71.on the other side of在另一边

72.in the West在西方/西方国家

73.a game called„=a game named „=a game with the name„一个名叫„的游戏

74.in a special costume穿特殊的服装

75.writing plan写作计划

76.do sth.in many ways用许多方式做某事

77.in the library在图书馆

78.on the Internet在网上

79.dress up as„装扮成„.80.Dragon Boat race赛龙舟

81.through the eyes透过眼睛

82.put up„on the wall把„„挂在墙上

83.at the weekend在周末

84.make a plan制定计划

85.from 9 p.m.to midnight从晚上9.00到午

第四篇:江苏省永丰初级中学2013-2014学年七年级英语下学期期末复习Starter词组 牛津版


Unit 1-7

1.早上好 good morning


3.我的姐姐(妹妹)my sister

4.我的哥哥(弟弟)my brother


6.我的狗 my dog我的猫my cat

7.我的双胞胎哥哥(弟弟)my twin brother

8.你的名字your name

9.他的名字 his name


11.它的名字 itsname

12.一张我的全家福a photo of my family

13.一张Jim的全家照 aphotoofJim’sfamily

14.玛丽阿姨Aunt Mary

15.鲍勃叔叔Uncle Bob

16.凯特表姐Cousin Kate

17.托尼表弟Cousin Tony

18.凯特的表姐 Kate’s cousin

19.托尼的表弟Tony’s cousin

20.父亲的工作father’s job

21.母亲的工作mother’s job


23.高兴的/悲伤的be(happy/ sad)

24.有礼貌有乐于助人polite and helpful

25.大又强壮big and strong

26.又小又瘦small and thin

27.一位高挑苗条的妇女a tall and slim woman

28.一位娇小可爱的女孩a small and pretty girl

29.谢谢你thank you=(many)thanks



32.两个新朋友two new fiends

33.矮又苗条short and slim

34.来自于be from=come from

35.来自于英国be from England

36.来自于美国be from America


38.高又强壮tall and strong

39.认识这个男孩know this boy

40.看一看have a look

41.一看你的新手表have a look at your new watch

42.让某人看一看某物Let sb(宾格)have a look at sth.43.让他们看一看我们的新学校Let them have a look at our new school

44.好朋友good friend(s)

45.他们的狗 their dog

46.看look at



49.看着我/ 她lookatme / her

50.我的所有的新同学all(of)my new classmates

51.开门open the door


53.关门close the door


55.站起来,起立stand up

56.坐下sit down

57.翻书(打开书)open the book

58.关书包close the school bag

59.擦窗户clean the window(s)

60.不要擦门/课桌 Don’t clean the door/desk

61.去公园 gotothepark

62.去上学go to school

63.迟到be late

64.上学/上课迟到 be late for school / class

65.不要再迟到Don’t be late again

66.在一班in Class One

67.在一年级 in Grade One

68.在我的班上in my class


70.在墙上on the wall

71.在教室的墙上 on the wall of the classroom

72.在教室里in the classroom

73.在黑板上on the blackboard

74.在课桌上on the desk

75.在椅子后面behind the chair

76.讲台teacher’s desk

77.在讲台上on the teacher’s desk

78.参观我的学校visit my school

79.在第十中学学习study in No.10 Middle School/study at No.10 Secondary School

80.十张小课桌ten small desks

81.在我学校里in my school

82.一间美术室an art room

83.在美术室in the art room

84.非常高兴very happy

85.十九本新书nineteen new books

86.二十位学生twenty students

87.一间电脑室a computer room

88.一个足球场a football field

89.多少间教室how many classrooms


91.在你的学校里in your school

92.在A楼in Building A

93.只有一个only one

94.两百个学生tow hundred students

95.一座漂亮的花园a beautiful garden

96.在我的学校里in my school

97.在底楼(一楼)on the ground floor


99.在地板上 onthefloor

100.一些图书馆some libraries

101.阅览室a reading room

102.一个篮球场a basketball court

103.餐厅a dining hall

104.非常大very big

105.一些操场some playground

106.当然of course

107.在我们的学校里in our school

108.一张你们学校的照片a picture(photo)of your school

109.在小山之间between the hills

110.在商店旁边beside the shop

111.在椅子下面under the chair

112.在大门的前面in front of the gate

113.爬树climb the tree

114.喂鸟feed the birds

115.摘花pick the flowers

116.在湖里游泳swim in the lake

117.在操场上on the playground

118.在树上in the tree(指外来事物)onthetree(指树上长出来的东西)

119.在左边on the left

120.在……的左边on the left of……

121.在动物园的左边 on the left of the zoo

122.在右边on the right

123.在……的右边on the right of……

124.在超市的右边on the right of the supermarket

125.在某人的左边/右边 onone’sleft / right

126.在他们的左边/右边 on their left / right

127.一些花儿some flowers

128.一些鸟some birds

129.在……中间in the middle of

130.在公园的中间in the middle of the park

131.一些孩子some children

132.在操场的前面in front of the playground

133.一些小船some boats

134.在草坪上走walk on the grass

135.关大门close the gate

136.错过一次机会miss a turn

137.吃冰淇淋have an ice-cream

138.别在草坪上行走Don’t walk on the grass.139.开着的beopen







146.在树后的女孩 the girl behind the tree

147.几位男/女生 someboy /girl students

148.几个男/女医生 somemen / womendoctors

几棵苹果树someapple trees

牛津英语Starter Units8-12词组

1.一些漫画书some comic books

2.一架模型飞机a model plane

3.发夹hair clips

4.在储物柜里in the locker


6.一些面包/水some bread /water

7.一只玩具熊a teddy bear

8.他们的运动鞋their sports shoes

9.一副眼镜a pair of glasses

10.几副眼镜some pairs of glasses

11.几瓶水some bottles of water

12.一瓶橘汁a bottle of orange juice

13.给学生们的储物柜lockers for students

14.踢足球play football

15.打篮球play basketball

16.看标志look at the sign

17.为什么不? Why not(do sth.)?

18.我明白了I see.19.把你的狗带到这儿来bring your dog here

20.把某物带到某地bring/take + sth(某物)to+某地/某人(宾格)

21.看电视watch TV

22.使用手机use a mobile(phone)

23.听音乐listen tomusic

24.听某人说listen to sb.(宾格)

25.放风筝fly kites / fly a kite

26.骑自行车ride bikes / ride a bike

27.别在飞机上抽烟Don’t smoke on the plane

28.在书上写write in the book


30.先朝左看look leftfirst

31.在网上查资料look for things on the Internet

32.寻找某人 look for +某人(宾格)

33.把报纸带回家 take the newspapers home

34.把某物带到某地 take + sth(某物)+ to + someplace/somebody(某地/某人)

35.等到绿灯wait for the green light

36.等某人/某物wait for somebody/something某人宾格/某物

37.等公共汽车wait for the bus

38.等他们wait for them

39.过马路cross the road

40.过街cross the street

41.上下打量 look up and down

42.把她的自行车停放在树底下park her bike under the tree

43.把某物停放在某地 park+sth(某物)+someplace(某地)

44.把他的汽车停在门口park his car in front of the gate

45.把她的包带进超市bring her bag into the supermarket

46.用购物篮use a shopping basket

47.首先玩电脑游戏play computer games first

48.为她的自行车找个合适的地点look for the right place for her place

49.把这些标志放在合适的地点put the signs in right places

50.把你的足球放在那边put your football over there

51.吃些面包eat some bread


53.看报read newspapers

54.把他们放在大门旁 put them beside the gate

55.几点what time

56.起床get up

57.快一点hurry up

58.吃早饭have breakfast

59.吃午饭have lunch

60.吃晚饭have supper

61.在7:15at a quarter past seven

62.在7:30at half past seven

63.在8:45at a quarter to nine

64.双胞胎的学习日the twins’ school day

65.上一堂语文课have a Chinese lesson

66.一堂数学课a Maths lesson

67.在星期一on Monday

68.在周四早上 on Thursday morning

69.从星期二到星期五from Tuesday to Friday

70.一星期六天six days a week

71.每周四下午every Thursday afternoon

72.每天every day

73.每周every week

74.每周二every Tuesday

75.与某人聊天chat with sb(某人宾格)

76.互相聊天chat with each other

77.在午饭时at lunchtime

78.上一堂美术课have an Art lesson

79.半小时后half an hour later

80.一小时an hour

81.两小时two hours

82.一小时半one and a half hours /one hour and a half

83.开始上课beginclasses /begin to have classes

84.在早晨in the morning

85.在下午in the afternoon


87.在四月8号的早/晚上on the morning/evening of 8th April

88.上别的课,例如……have other lessons like……

89.打乒乓球play ping-pong

90.与某人一起玩play with sb(某人宾格)

91.跟我的同班同学一起 play with my classmates

92.喜欢某物like sth.(某物)

93.喜欢做某事like doing sth/like to do sth

94.喜欢猫like cats

95.喜欢打排球like playing volleyball

96.大约在四点半at about half past four

97.放学后/课后after school /class

98.Lily的学习生活Lily’s school life

99.告诉我关于学校的情况 tell me about school

100.告诉某人关于某方面的事tell sb about sth

101.告诉某人做某事tell sb(宾格)to do sth

102.该是某人做某事的时间了。It’s time for sb.(宾格)to do sth.103.该是我们上课的时间了。It’s time for us to have classes ,104.该是某事的时候了。It’s time for sth.105.该是上学的时候了。It’s time for school.106.在周末at the weekend

107.起床晚/起床早get up late / get up early

108.晚饭后after supper

109.去动物园go to the zoo

110.打扫卫生do the/some cleaning

111.买东西do the/some shopping

112.帮助某人做某事help sb.(宾格)do sth.113.帮我喂鸟help me feed the birds

114.帮助某人某事help sb with sth

115.帮她做家务 help her with her housework

116.给他的朋友们写电子邮件write e-mails to his friends

117.打排球play volleyball

118.睡觉早/晚go to bed early / go to bed late

119.为某人做饭 cook for sb


121.洗碗碟wash the dishes





126.带着她的狗一起跑 run with her dog

127.乘车回家take a bus home = go home by bus=go home on a bus

128.骑车上学ride(a bike)to school=go to school by bike / on the bike

129.开车去公园drive(a car)to the park =go to the park by car / in the car130.沿着街走walk down the street

131.做饭cook dinner

132.去书店go to the bookshop

133.多久,多长时间how long


135.想做某事want to do sth

136.想过马路want to cross the road


138.想要些面包want some bread

139.喜欢某物enjoy sth.140.喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth

141.喜欢看书enjoy reading a book

142.让某人做某事Let sb.do sth.143.让他扫地Let him clean the floor

144.去书店看看新书go to the bookshop to have a look at the new books 145.享受阳光 enjoy the sunshine

146.拜访他的爷爷奶奶 visit his grandparents

147.生日聚会a birthday party

148.来参加我的聚会come to my party

149.想要would like

150.想要某物would like sth

151.想要做某事 would like to do sth

152.想要一些花 would like some flowers

153.想听音乐would like to listen to music


155.为她买些贴纸buy her some stickers

156.为某人买某物buy sth for sb = buy sb sth

157.在我们学校附近的玩具店at the toy shop near our shop

158.生日快乐happy birthday

159.穿着一条蓝牛仔裤wear a pair of blue jeans

160.许多送给她的礼物a lot of presents for her

161.看起来酷look cool

162.看起来年青look young 看起来…… look+形容词

163.看起来快乐look happy

164.晚会过得愉快 enjoy the party

165.他们中的一些some of them

166.其中一些some of……

167.其中一些学生some of the students

168.谈论,讨论talk about sth

169.谈论有趣的电影talk about interesting films / an interesting film 170.坐在沙发上sit on the sofa

171.跟她一起分享大蛋糕share the big cake with her

172.跟某人分享/共用某物 share sth with sb.173.生日过得愉快have a happy birthday

174.过得愉快,玩得高兴have a good time

175.感到身体好feel well 感觉……feel+形容词

176.感到悲伤feel sad

177.在四月八日on 8th April

178.举行生日聚会 have a birthday party

179.吃一顿丰盛的晚餐have a big dinner

180.我最喜欢的日子my favourite day


182.朝她走过去walk to her

183.为她唱生日快乐sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to her

第五篇:江苏省永丰初级中学2013-2014学年八年级英语下学期期末复习测试题 牛津版


一.选择题()1.I want to watch the news on TV._______ , please.A Turn on itB.Turn it on.C.Turn off it.D.Turn it off.()2..---Do you mind my smoking here ?

---________ , Look at the sign.It says “ No Smoking!”.A.It doesn’t matterB.No , not at allC.You’d better notD.Never mind

()3.-NICEF is part of the United Nations.It wants to make a better place for ________.A.animalsB.plantsC.childrenD.adults

th()4.The 30 Olympic Games_______ in London in2012

A.has been hadB.will be heldC.holdD.will be happened

()5..People in Nanjing ______ taking the underground now.A.used toB.were used toC.didn’t use toD.are used to

()6.How long have you ___?A.bought the bookB.borrowed the dictionary

C.left our schoolD.none of the above

()7.London is _______ the biggest cities all over the world.A.ofB.inC.betweenD.among

()8.----______ was the show?----It was a big success.A.WhatB.WhenC.WhyD.How.()9.I found _____ difficult to organize a big event.But slowly, everything became a little


()10.He had _____ a good idea ____ we all agree with him.A.so;thatB.such;thatC.too;toD.either;or()11.Last Friday I saw some boysbehind Daniel,the computer games.A.sit, watchingB.sitting, watchC.sit, watchD.sitting, watched()12.Thank you forTomwith us.A.letting, staysB.letting, stay C.letting, stayingD.let, stay()13.All the drivers drive carefully to prevent the traffic accident.A.happenB.to happenC.from being happenedD.from happening()14.Thanks for your.You’re soto me.A.kind, kindlyB.kindly, kindC.kindness, kindD.kindful, kindness()15.Since he joined the swimming team.He hasto swim across the wide river.A.ableB.couldC.canD.been able

()16.The disabled people feel grateful _______ you ________ your help.A.for;toB.to;forC.for;forD.to;to

()17.Your pocket money can be used to ________ charity, you used to _________ a lot on snacks.A.supporting;spendB.support;spending C.support;spendD.supporting;spending

()18.The hospital has been open_________.A.for ten years beforeB.since ten years agoC.since ten yearsD.ten years ago

()19.Don’t make him _________ all the time.Tell him _________ a rest.A.to work, to haveB.work , haveC.to work, haveD.work, to have()20.The music sounds really.I like it very much.A.terribleB.boringC.beautifullyD.beautiful


Not long ago ,I made up my mind to read a lot of books to get more knowledge.So I went to the library and1happily with several books.But after a few days ,I felt impatient(没耐心).The2of finishing all of them seemed impossible,because I always found it3to calm down to read a whole book.I didn’t know what to do with it.Then4one day I thought of “Why not make reading fun?”.It gave me5again.Reading is a journey of spirit.Every time we read a book,we are actually talking6 the writer.I tried to put all my effort(努力)into his or her books ,7I could feel all of his or her happiness and suffering(痛苦).Now books have become a part of my life.See?Attitude(态度)can make a great8.Someone once said, “Even though the situation(情形)is bad,people still have one freedom(自由)to9their attitude.”So,don’t complain about study or work.It helps10.Try to see things from a different way.Believe me,this will1

change the situation and help you a lot.()1.A.sangB.jumpedC.returnedD.danced











Nearly all our food comes from the soil(土壤).Some of us eat meat, of course, but animals live on plants.If there were no plants, we would have no animals and no meat.So the soil is very necessary for life.The top of the ground is usually covered with grass or other plants.There may be dead leaves and dead plants on the grass.The waste matter(粪)from animals also falls on it.All soil needs food.If we do not give it any, the plants will be weak.Farmers found that animals’ waste is the best food for the soil, but chemical fertilizers(化肥)are also very useful.The same crop(庄稼)should not be grown in the same place every year;it’s better to have a different crop.A change of crop and the use of a good fertilizer will keep the land good.()1.Which of the following is true ?

A.All our food comes from the soil.B.Most of our food comes from the soil.C.None of our food comes from the soil.D.All our food comes from animals.()2.What does the writer tell us in the first paragraph(段落)?

A.Leaves, plants, grass and waste live on each other.B.There would be no animals without meat.C.There would be no plants without animals.D.People, animals, plants and soil live on each other.()3.Which is the best food for soil in the field?

A.Chemical fertilizers.B.Plants and grass.C.Animals’ waste.D.Different crops.()4.Why do we often grow a different crop in the same place every year?

A.Because w can keep the soil rich this way.B.Because we don’t have enough land.C.Because we want to have a different food.D.Because we do this as a habit(习惯).()5.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Soil and WasteB.Plants and Animals C.Food and Waste D.Soil and Food


These days many students like to make friends on line.Most of them think it's interesting to know an unknown person through the Internet.So, many students like to use computers to talk with those friends.And they spend too much time on it.Some of them can not do well in their school work.Their parents often don’t think the children are as good as before.So many teachers and parents are worried about their children.In fact, only very few of them can get real good friends in this way.Most of them were cheated by those unseen friends.And some of the students did wrong things on line.It’s terrible for students to use too much time to make friends and talk on line.So we should be careful of making friends on line and should not spend too much time on it.We’d better pay more attention(注意)to study.We will be happy when we do well in school and at home.()6.Many students like to make friends on line because __________________.A.they are interested in itB.they can learn better in this way

C.they always get real friends in this wayD.they are friendly to each other

()7.Many teachers and parents are worried about their children because _______________.A.the students don’t work so hard as before

B.the students spend too much time chatting with online friends

C.the students think lessons are less interesting than before

D.all of above

()8.____________ of the students can get real friends on line.A.AllB.ManyC.SomeD.Few

()9.Most of them were cheated by those unseen friends.Here “cheated” means_________.A.聊天B.欺骗C.恩惠D.鞭打

()10.Which of the following is right?

A.We should never make friends on line.B.It’s necessary for us to talk with our online friends every day.C.It’s really happy that we students do well in school and at home.D.Making online friends is more important than study.四、词汇运用。

1.you ever(write)a letter in English?

2.The harder you study , the more k_____________(understanding in the mind)you will get.3.Many patients are so poor that they can’t a_________(have enough money to buy)

to travel to hospital.4.I think the book is______(mean).No one wants to buy it.5.You can’t get a point if you answer a question________(correct).6.Look!The boy(lie)on the grass at the moment.7.Car made in Japan(sell)well in China.8.I’m sure it’ll be(success)because we have tried our best.9.After(hear)the good news, the children jumped excitedly.10.They couldn’t stop ________(take)photos when they saw the mountain.11.It’s very(please)to play Chinese chess with you.12.The important words should be _____________(做标记)in bright red.13.Smoking is h___________ to your health.You should try to give it up.14.Blindness __________(影响)45 million people around the world.15.Doctors on ORBIS planes are used to __________(做手术)operations for poor people.16.There are many p________ in the doctor’s waiting room.五.缺词填空


When Mr.David retired(退休), he bought a small house in a village near the sea.He liked it and hoped to live a q1life in it.But to his great s2___, many tourists came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most interesting building in the village.From morning to night there were tourists o __3the house.They kept 14into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into Mr.David' s garden.This was too much for Mr.David.He decided to d5the visitors away.So he put a notice o6the window.The notice said: “If you want to satisfy your curiosity(好奇心), came in and look r7.Price: twenty dollars.” Mr.David was sure that the visitors would stop coming,b8he was wrong.More and more visitors came and Mr.David had to spend every day s9them around his house.“I came here to retire, not to work as a g10.” he said angrily.In the end, he sold the house and moved away.1.q2.s3.o4.l5.d6.o7.r8.b9.s10.g_______



2、她的丈夫过去很健康,现在偶尔他看上去不健康 _____________________________





某英文报举办“家乡的变化”主题征文,请你根据下列提示,以The Changes in My Hometown为题用 英语写一篇80词左右的短文。




3、生词:方便: convenient




一 1-5 B C C B D6-10 D D D C B11-15A B D C D16-20 B C B D D



三1-5B D C A D6-10A D D B C

四 1.Have written2.knowledge3.afford4.meaningless5.incorrectly6.is lying7.sell







1.His parents have been married for twenty years.2.Her husband used to be very healthy but now he looks unhealthy from time to time.3.More and more people have realized /realize that we must try to reduce all kinds of pollution.4.Li Lei’s parents didn’t come back until he finished doing his homework.5.--Have you heard from your parents recently?—Yes,I received a letter yesterday.书面表达

The Changes in My Hometown

In the past, my hometown was very small, People lived a poor life.The houses were old and small.Pollution was very serious and there was rubbish everywhere.The traffic was not convenient.Very few visitors came here.Now great changes have taken place in my home town.The environment has become more beautiful.The mountains have turned greener, the rivers clearer and the sky bluer.The houses are large and bright.Many people have their own cars.Every year, thousands of people from all over the world come to visit our city.I’m sure my hometown will become more and more beautiful in the future.

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