
时间:2019-05-13 18:16:54下载本文作者:会员上传


Part IReading Aloud

Passage 1(Unit 2, Para.8)

I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf.I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch, or the rough bark of a pine.In the spring I touch the branches of trees hopefully in search of a bud the first sign of awakening Nature after her winter's sleep.I feel the delightful texture of a flower, and discover its remarkable fold;and something of the miracle of Nature is revealed to me.Occasionally, if I am very fortunate, I place my hand gently on a small tree and feel the happy quiver of a bird in full song.I am delighted to have the cool waters of a brook rush through my open finger.To me a thick carpet of pine needles or soft grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug.To me the colorful seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips.(159 words)

Passage 2(Unit 4, Para.2/4)

Optimism and pessimism are both powerful forces, and each of us must choose which we want to shape our outlook and our expectations.There is enough good and bad in everyone’s life — ample sorrow and happiness, sufficient joy and pain — to find a rational basis for either optimism or pessimism.We can choose to laugh or cry, bless or curse.It’s our decision: From which perspective do we want to view life? Will we look up in hope or down in despair?

An optimistic attitude is not a luxury;it’s a necessity.The way you look at life will determine how you feel, how you perform, and how well you will get along with other people.Conversely, negative thoughts, attitudes, and expectations feed on themselves;they become a self-fulfilling prophecy.Pessimism creates a dismal place where no one wants to live.(141 words)

Passage 3(Unit 8, Para.1/2)

Many claim unhappy and terrible childhood experiences “damage” people in their adult years.But is this necessarily true? Actually, just the opposite seems to be true.Intense difficulties, hardships and major obstacles are actually often major contributors to success.It’s true that difficult childhoods do leave some people wounded and disadvantaged.But for others, a tough childhood actually drives them to remarkable achievement and success!

In a classic book entitled Cradles of Eminence, researchers reviewed the childhood family life of 700 of the world’s most successful people.Their goal was to identify the early experiences that contributed to the remarkable achievements of these successful people.All of their “research subjects” are widely known for their personal accomplishments.Their names are easily recognizable: Franklin D.Roosevelt, Helen Keller, Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, etc.(134 words)


Part II Group Work

1.Seeing a doctor

A doesn’t feel well, his/her roommate B and C show their concern and advise A to see a doctor.A goes to the health center on campus and talk with doctor D.2.Living on Campus

A has a roommate who has some bad habits.So, A wants to move out and talks it over with his/her friends.B suggests him/her to talk about it with the roomate and offers some tips of living in dorm.C and D talk about the advantages and disadvantages of living on campus.3.Planning a Holiday

Suppose the group members come from one family and they are making a family plan for a holiday.Each of the family member has his/her own idea about where to spend the holiday.All the members discuss together, make some compromises and come up with a plan.




1.Your view on Technology today.Tips: What kinds of technology do you use in your daily life? Please say somethingabout their advantages and disadvantages.How will you use technology tobetter your life rather than ruin your life?


2.Your view on mass media and the news.Tips: Which media(TV, Internet, radio, newspaper etc.)do you often use to get news?why? what kind of news(national, international, sports, entertainment, etc.)isthe most interesting to you? What kind is the least interesting? Do you thinkworking in the media is a glamorous job? why or why not?


3.Your view on the world of work.Tips: Please say something about your dream job.What is it? Why would you like tohave it? What skills would you need for it? Have you got any related experience?What kind of education or training would you need for your dream job?




Part I Listening Comprehension

Section A


1.May I have your ticket, please?

2.Excuse me, are you Mr.Brown from London?

3.How does the new machine work?

4.Shall I meet you at your office Friday morning?

5.Could you ask him to call me when he is back?

Section B


6.W: Have you ever thought about your future career?

M: Sure.I’d like to be an engineer.Q: What does the man want to be in the future?

7.M: Hi, Mike.How do you like the work plan?

W: It is quite good I think..Q: Why does the man think of the work plan?

8.W: Hey, you look so sad.What’s wrong?

M:I didn’t get the fob I applied for.Q: Why does the woman look so sad?

9.M: Excuse me, where did you get to know about the product?

W: From your advertisement on TV.Q: Where did the man get to know about the product?

10.W: This new model of the car doesn’t sell well here.M: Well, we’ll discuss the sales problem tomorrow.Q: What problem will be discussed tomorrow?

Section C

Good morning, Mr.Blake.Take a seat, please..Before we start, let me give you some idea of what I’d like to talk about with you today.’ll be given a few minutes to introduce yourself.You can tell us about your education, job ’d like to tell us.After that, I’ll give you some information about our company and the job you are any questions the job, to ask me.I’ll be happy to answer them.Now, let’s start.11.interview12.First of all13.experience14.applying for15.feel free

Part II Vocabulary & Structure

Section A




[译文] 该报告对公司未来的发展进行了清晰的描绘。



[译文] 自从2008年以来,这家公司一直在生产这种型号的机械工具。

[精解] 介词辨析。本题考查了表时间的介词短语与时态的搭配使用。本句为现在完成进

行式,强调一直在做事。Since 后面接表示过去时间的短语或从句,表示从过去某个时间以来一直在做某事。



[精解] 此题考查的是短语辨析。



[译文] 下次董事会将集中讨论员工的福利问题。

[精解] 此题考查的是动词搭配。Focus on 为“集中于”的意思。


[译文] 早餐可以送到房间,不过要额外收费。

[精解] 此题考查的是动词辨析。本句为被动句,空格处填入的动词应该是可以接



[译文] 如果投入更多资金,我们早就已经在亚洲开工厂了。

[精解] 此题考查虚拟语气。对过去的事实虚拟时,从句谓语用“had+ done’’ ,主句谓语用

“should(would, could, might)+ have+ done ”的形式。


[译文] 即使在小型公司里,计算机也是一种必不可少的工具。

[精解] 此题考查形容词辨析。A.自然的B.必不可少的C.仔细的,小心的D.不可能的23.[答案]A

[译文] 得知上个月的销售增加了30%,我们非常激动。

[精解] 此题考查的是动词时态。主句的谓语的系表结构为were excited, 为一般过去式,而且宾语从句中有last month,所以判断从句用过去完成时。



[精解] 此题考查的是固定短语搭配。A.至于,就…而言B.除了C.尽管D.作为..的结果


[译文] 您是否阅读过我们12月18日的信件,信中我们对贵方产品的质量进行了投诉。

[精解] 此题考查的是定语从句。在“介词+关系代词”构成的定语从句中,介词后关系

代词不能加that。因为此次修饰物,故用which.Section B


31.will be made32.improvement33.be repaired


26.[答案] difference

[译文] 你能告诉我美式英语和英式英语在书写商务信函方面的区别吗?

[精解] 此题考查的是词性转换。The后面多数加名词,且做宾语。


[译文] John是我们部门所聘过的最优秀的工程师。

[精解] 此题考查的是形容词的最高级。

28.[答案] useful

[译文] 那里的人的确非常友好,为我们提供了很多有用的信息。

[精解] 此题考查词形转换。前面有a lot of,后面有information,所以要找个形容词。

29.[答案] give

[译文] 在你来访问我们之前,最好先给我们打个电话。

[精解] 此题考查的是固定短语。Had better 后加动词原形。

30.[答案] organization

[译文] 绿色和平组织是个国际组织,其宗旨是保护环境。

[精解] 此题考查的是词形转换。前面有an international,缺名词。

31.[答案] will be made

[译文] 最终的决定将在下周初由小组领导作出。

[精解] 此题考查的是时态和语态。本句中考到next week.将来时,by the team leader被动


32.[答案] improvement

[译文] 你有没有注意到我们的工作环境有所改善。

[精解] 此题考查的是词性转换。Any在这边做形容词,需要个名词做noticed的宾语

33.[答案] be repaired

[译文] 我们会把您的汽车安排在合理的时间段内修理。

[精解] 此题考查的是语态。Car与 repair是被动关系。

34.[答案] emailed

[译文] 就是昨天,首席工程师给我们发来电子邮件,告知有关工程的细节情况。

[精解] 本题考查的是动词时态。“It was… that ”是强调句,而yesterday是过去式。

35.[答案] informing

[译文] 我们已经收到贵方5月10日的信,告知我们关于价格上涨的事。

[精解] 此题考查的是现在分词做状语的用法。逗号前的句子完整,且后面没有连词,所

以一般是状语的格式。letter 和inform是主动关系,用现在分词。

Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension

Task 1






36.[答案] C

[精解] 细节题。由题干An AT&T Business Direct account可以定位在文章第一句。If you

have an AT&T Business Direct account, you can have your telephone bill paid automatically each month.该句说,如果你拥有一个AT&T商务直通账户,那么你可以每月自动支付电话费。

37.[答案] B

[精解] 细节题。由题干payment 和be made online with可以定位到文章的第一段第二句。

You can make payments online with a bank account or use one of the following credit cards(信用卡)该句指出,实现网上支付可以通过银行账户或使用以下的某种信用


38.[答案] C

[精解] 细节题。由题干registered accounts 和 first可以定位到文章第二段第二句。If your

business has more than one registered account, first select the account you need from the“ Account Number” menu, and then click the “Pay Now” link.该句指出,如果贵公司有不止一个注册账户,首先从“账户数量”菜单选择需要的账户,然后点击“现在支付”链接。

39.[答案] C

[精解] 推理判断题。由题干online payment, 和you will be asked可以定位到文章第二段

第三句。If you have never made an online payment before, you will be asked whether you want to make a payment by using a bank account or credit card.Select either “Bank Account” or “Credit Card” from the “Select Payment Method” menu.该句指出,如果你从未进行网上支付,那么你需要确定希望使用银行账户还是信用卡来进行支付,那么久需要从“选择支付方式”菜单中选择“银行账户”或“信用卡”链接,也就是,要选择支付方式。


[精解] 主旨题。本题考察文字的大意。文章围绕如何通过银行账户或信用卡来进行网上


Task 2





41.[答案] B

[精解] 细节题。由题干the first paragraph, when buying car insurance 及first可以定位到

文章第一段最后一句。The ideal buying process is to first research and decide, the purchase.该句指出,理想的购买过程是先调查,作出决定,然后再购买。

42.[答案] B

[精解] 推理判断题。由题干purpose of research 和 find out可以定位到文章第二段。

Before buying car insurance, you should find out the purpose of your purchase and how the insurance meets your needs.该段指出,在购买汽车保险前,你应该弄清楚自己的购买目的和保险如何来满足你的需要。

43.[答案] C

[精解] 细节题。由题干neglect可以定位到文章第三段第一句。A neglected part of car

insurance is the part which covers medical bills.该句指出,汽车保险容易忽略的一个部分就是医疗费用部分。

44.[答案] D

[精解] 细节题。由题干the last paragraph和 be influenced 可以定位到文章最后一段第一,二句。You have a number of choices when it comes to the actual purchase of the car insurance.Each has advantages and disadvantages, and these may be influenced by your individual taste and previous buying experience.第一句指出,购买汽车保险很多种。第二句指出,每种选择都有利弊,影响因素有individual taste and previous buying experience。

45.[答案] C

[精解] 主旨题。本文围绕如何购买车险展开论述,介绍了购买汽车保险的理想步骤:调


Task 3



46.Manager47.Stephen Black48.four

49.knowledge and skills50.Saturday,18December

46.[答案] Manager

[精解] 细节题。本题要求填写备忘录接收人的头衔,第一行可找到。

47.[答案] Stephen Black

[精解] 细节题。本题要求填写备忘录书写人的名字,而且有to,所以可在第二行找到。

48.[答案] four

[精解] 细节题。本题要求填写备忘人写人在公司的工作年限。通过I very much appreciate

my four years’ working for the company.可知答案。

49.[答案] knowledge and skills

[精解] 细节题。写备忘录人的辞职原因。由I feel now that it is time to further develop my knowledge and skills in a different environment.可知答案。

50.[答案] Saturday,18December

[精解] 细节题。本题要求填写写备忘录人打算离开的时间,由I would like to leave, if

possible, in a month’s time on Saturday, 18 December.中可以直接找到答案。

Task 4

51.B, N52.H,J53.I,G54.F,E55.A,L






M.网络 广告N.户外广告O.站台周边广告



Task 5



56.30 Futuracomputers57.the 25th58.15%(discount)

59.telephone60.express freight

56.[答案] 30 Futuracomputers

[精解] 根据want to buy in the first email定位到第一封信第一段第一句We would like to buy 30 Futura computers, model No.XT306可知答案。

57.[答案] the 25th

[精解] 根据delivery date of the goods required in the first email?定位到第一封信第二句Can you ensure delivery(发货)by the 25th of this month ?可知答案。

58.[答案] 15%(discount)

[精解] 根据the first email, discount 和new customer定位到第一封信第二段第一句with a

15% discount(折扣)for new customers可知答案。

59.[答案] telephone

[精解] 根据order the washing machine 和morning定位到第二封信第一段第一句

Following our telephone conversation this morning ,可知答案。

60.[答案] express freight

[精解] 根据the second email和By定位到第二封信第二段Please sent the items by express freight(快运)可知答案。

Part IV Translation —— English into Chinese





Part VWriting

Dec.19th, 2010

Dear Sir/Madam,I have learned from your advertisement in China Daily on December.10th that BAC company is in need of an office secretary.I would like to apply for the position because I believe I am a suitable person for the job.I graduated from the Eastern College and majored in business administration.During my college years, I have obtained many skill certificates, such as CET-4, CET-6 and I’ve successfully passed band 3 of NCRE.I used to work as a part-time in DDF company.I’m familiar with office work and can use computer skillfully.My resume is enclosed in this letter and I really appreciate it if I could get an interview chance from you.Yours Sincerely

Wang Lin


1.我最难忘的一件事 2.对我影响最大的一个人 3.我看美与丑 4.成功是什么 5.微博的力量



8.谈谈你对许多人喜欢过“洋节”的看法 9.如何看待中学生穿黑丝袜 10.假如你是春晚导演

11.如何看待学生中出现的“高分低能现象”? 12.中学生打工的利与弊

13.谈谈你对近年来报考艺术类的考生人数剧增的认识 14.文凭和能力哪个总要

15.你最喜欢的一本书?概括这本书内容?为什么喜欢? 16.手机对青少年的影响

17.现在的娱乐节目同质化现象非常严重,谈谈你的看法 18.如何看待“盗版书籍”? 19.谈谈你对“玉林狗肉节的看法”? 20.介绍一下你最喜欢的一个宠物

21.如何看待家长给小孩花大钱找全天家教? 22.构建“和谐社会”我能做什么? 23.如何看待一中学生卖肾买“苹果”? 24.如何看待社会募捐? 25.高考该不该取消? 26.如何看待“名人从政“? 27.谈谈你心目中的大学生活

28.说出你最喜欢的一句名言?为什么? 29.如果飞机上出现劫匪,你将如何做?




1.告诉对方你将参加PETS四级考试。2.请对方帮忙购买口语教材。3.邀请对方来访。Dear Li Hua: It’s long time we haven’t seen each other.I miss you very much.How’s everything going on with you? I am busy preparing for PETS 4.I would appreciate if you could help me buy PETS 4 English oral textbook which was issued by the Beijing Press, because the books were sold out here.Drop in when you are free.I often think of those happy days we spent together when we were at University.Please let me know as soon as possible once you get the book.My best wishes.Yours truly,Wang Lei

2)选择一个你想旅游的地点,并安排旅行计划。你应包括下列内容: 1.说明你想旅游的地点;

2.说明你为什么选择这个地点; 3.描述你的旅行计划。Dear Amy, I plan to make a journey to Jiuzhaigou in Si Chuan province.It’s a beautiful place with fresh air, beautiful natural scenery like waterfall, lake and high mountains.Because many films and TV series have been made here, it is very famous.What’s more, I am very busy and exhausted this year, so I want to go for a relaxation.I plan to stay there for a week and travel with a tour group.I believe I will enjoy myself there.Best regards!

Yours ever



1.告诉对方你不能接受他/她的邀请; 2.对对方的邀请表示感谢;

3.说明无法接受邀请的原因。Dear Lisa: Congratulations on your coming birthday.Thanks for your invitation, but I am sorry that I am afraid I am not able to attend your birthday party.You know, our company will hold an important meeting in our Paris branch to talk about the recent trouble appearing in business.I am the one who needs to make a presentation.I am terribly sorry for that.Anyway, I hope everything goes well in your birthday party.Remember to show me the pictures taken in the party when I come back from business trip.Best regards!

Yours ever





3、请对方参加。Dear Robert: I haven’t got your email for a long time.Are you still working for that IT company? How about your work? I’m writing to you to tell you that the English Department of Shanghai University takes pleasure in inviting the graduates to its New Year’s Evening Party, which will be held at the Assembly Hall on Saturday evening, December 31st, 2005.The party begins at 7 p.m.I think it’s a good chance for us to get together, would you please email me whether you will go to the party? Looking forward to hearing from you.Best wishes






A Get-together on May 1st

April 15, 2007 Dear Wang Hong: How is everything getting along with you? It is almost one year since we graduated from university.I miss you very much.What have you been doing all these days? I have been a middle school teacher in my hometown since graduation.Teaching always keeps me busy, but I like my students and I love teaching, you know.So everything is fine here.There will be a former classmates’ getting together during this May Day holiday at my school.You are my best friend.I never forget those happy days we spent together.I hope you can come to my school when the time is due and you are free.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours truly,Li Hua

5)写一封email给你的朋友Robert,包含以下内容: 1.告诉对方你将参加英语四级考试。2.询问对方如何做准备。3.请对方建议一些参考书。Dear Robert: I’d like to tell you that your tips for study are really very helpful to me and I have made rapid progress in my English study.So I’m going to take CET-4 next term.I know that you passed it last year.Would you tell me how I can get prepared for it and what should I pay attention to? I don’t want to fail it.I think you must have much experience in it, so could you recommend me some books for practice? Looking forward to hearing from you.Best wishes


6).说明:请以总经理秘书(general secretary)的名义通知客户,公司因为开发新业务将迁至新地址,并为因此带来的不便表示歉意。同时借此机会感谢客户多年来的支持,表达期望长期合作的愿望。





Announcement of Removal Dear Sir or Madam, Due to the development of new business, our company will move to Room 2022 Zhongxin Building No.17 Zhongshan Road from June 19, 2011.Our new telephone and fax numbers are 025-83321145 and 025-83326542 respectively.We are very sorry for the inconvenience brought to you.We would also like to take this chance to thank you for your continued support over the years and hope that we can keep on working together in the future.Yours faithfully, Clare Tao General Secretary

7)南京大学外语系主任Clara Turner给院长写了一封备忘录,内容如下:我系急需两台电脑,以加强校际之间的联系,我们希望您能考虑下列事宜,并尽快予以解决:


Memo To: President of Nanjing University From: Clara Turner, Dean of the Foreign Language Department Date: June 20, 2011 Subject:Our department is badly in need of two computers to promote the inter-university contacts.I hope that you will think of the following and solve them as soon as possible.1.Please decide the purchasing time with the department concerned.2.Please fix up the installation place.3.Please arrange for managing personnel.8)假如你叫李丽,刚毕业于东北师范大学中文系,24岁。你从6月20日《中国日报》获悉一公司需要秘书,你想谋此职位。你精于速记,打字(80词/分)。

June 20, 2011 Dear Sir, Please allow me to apply for the position of secretary, which you advertised in China Daily on July 5.I graduated from Northeast Normal University after four-year study and my major is Chinese.I am just over twenty-four years of age.I have been striving to make myself proficient in shorthand and typewriting, and have attained a speed of eighty words per minute in typing.I believe that I can meet the needs of your company.I would appreciate an opportunity to meet with you.Thank you for your consideration and courtesy.Yours sincerely,Li Li

9)Your name is Wang Ying.You’re required to write a letter to a customer John Adams in Guangzhou to inform him that your General Manage Mr.Wang will pay him a visit next week.出访日期:2011年6月19日,星期一。


访问意图:和John Adams 讨论明年的采购计划并询问对方时间是否合适。

Dear Mr.Adams, Thank you for long term support to our company.Please be informed that our General Manager Mr.Wang is planning to visit your office on Jun.19, 2011, Monday.His flight No.is CA3579 which takes off from Nanjing at 9:00 a.m.and arrives in Guangzhou at 10:50.He is expecting to discuss with you about your purchasing plan for next year.If the visiting time is inconvenient for you, please let me know as early as possible.With best regards,Sincerely yours,Wang Ying 10)1.事宜:关于计算机的用途以及如何利用Internet进行学习的讲座。2.讲座人:武汉大学计算机系申蓝教授。3.时间:6月26号,星期六,下午2:00。4.地点:图书馆208室。


Notice To help students learn more about computers, we have invited Professor Shen Lan from the Computer Department of Wuhan University to give us a lecture on Saturday, June 26th.He will talk about the use of computer and how to learn through the Internet.The lecture begins at 2:00 p.m.in Room 208 of the Library Building.Any computer lover is welcome to attend the lecture.Please on time.The Students’ Union




Dear Mary, There is an urgent business trip to Shenzhen that I have to go on June 19.Please reserve an air ticket for me that day.The arriving time would preferably be in the morning or at least before 4 p.m.on that day.Thank you!

12)备忘录 说明:假如你是公司销售部的秘书Jennifer,正在为新来的部门经理Harry准备一场欢迎仪式。欢迎仪式将于2011年6月19日晚上7点,在格林宾馆举行。请写一则备忘录通知部门全体同事。通知时间为2011年6月19日。

MEMO Date : June 19, 2011 To : Staff of Sales Department From : Jennifer, secretary of Sales Department Subject : Welcome party for new manager Harry Harry is appointed as our new Manager of Sales Department.We would like to hold a welcome party for him.All staff of Sales Department are suggested to attend.The party will be held in Green hotel at 7 p.m.tomorrow night.Please make sure you will come on time.12)传真


Words for reference: 总经理助理:assistant general manager 工业展览会:Industrial Exhibition

To : Hilton Fax No.: 68886438 Page :1 From : Andy Date : June 19, 2011 Ref No.: 68886342 Subject : The preparation of Industrial Exhibition Note: If the fax transmission fails, please inform us immediately.Dear Hilton, I am writing to inquire about the progress of the preparation work for the Industrial Exhibition on next Monday.This exhibition is known of great importance, so a rapid update of information is really necessary.Looking forward to your early reply.Best regards,Andy

Assistant General Manager

13)求职信 说明:请以郭芳的名义拟出一份给星星旅行社的求职信,希望能在该公司谋得导游一职。请注意书信的格式。写信日期为2011年6月20日。内容:




4、随信附上个人履历,期待回复 Words for reference: 旅行社:Travel Agency 旅游管理:tourist management 履历:resume 云南工商学院:Yunnan College of Business

June 20th,2011 Dear Sir or Madam: I have read the announcement about the vacancies of guides in Star Travel Agency, and I would like to submit my application.I am 24 years old and have graduated from Yunnan College of Business and Hospitality, majoring in tourist management.I’m proficient in English and history.With two years of experience in the field, I believe that I would be an excellent candidate for the position.I enclose my resume and look forward to hearing from you.Yours truly, Guo Fang



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