
时间:2019-05-13 19:20:15下载本文作者:会员上传




as bald as a coot头发脱光的(像黑鹅一样秃)

as blind as a bat有眼无珠(像蝙蝠一样瞎)

as blind as an owl瞎透了(像猫头鹰一样瞎)

as bold as brass厚颜无耻(像黄铜一样厚脸皮的)

as busy as a bee极忙碌(像蜜蜂一样忙碌)

as clear as a bell 健全的(像铃铛一样健全)

as clear as day一清二楚的(像白天一样清楚)

as cool as a cucumber极为冷静的(像黄瓜一样冷静)

as easy as a pie极容易(像馅饼一样容易)

as fussy as a hen with one chick在小事上瞎操心

as hard as the nether millstone铁石心肠(像下层的磨石坚硬)

as hungry as a hunter非常饥饿(像猎人一样饥饿)

as lively as a cricket极活泼(像蟋蟀一样活泼)

as mad as a wet hen非常生气(像弄湿的母鸡一样生气)

as mild as a dove非常温和(像鸽子一样温和)

as plain as the nose in your face一清二楚(像你脸上的鼻子一样清楚)

as poor as a church mouse赤贫的(像教堂的老鼠一样穷)

as proud as a peacock极骄傲(骄傲得像只孔雀)

as strong as a horse健壮如牛

as stupid as an owl极愚蠢(像猫头鹰一样愚蠢)

as thin as a wafer极薄(像糯米纸一样薄)

as true as steel绝对可靠(像钢一样可靠)


英语作文中常用100词组 怕忘了 就转吧!

1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy

2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard

3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology

4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges

5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that„

6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development

7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention

8.不可否认 It is undeniable that„/ There is no denying that„

9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate

10.有争议性的问题 a controversial issue

11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument

12.一些人 „而另外一些人 „ Some people„ while others„

13.就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally,14.就„达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on„

15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons

16.双方的论点 arguments on both sides

17.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in„

18.对„必不可少 be indispensable to „

19.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:

20.„也不例外 „be no exception

21.对„产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on„

22.利远远大于弊 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.23.导致,引起 lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in

24.复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon

25.责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement

26.竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation

27.开阔眼界 widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision

28.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills

29.经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychological burden

30.考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into account/ consideration

31.从另一个角度 from another perspective

32.做出共同努力 make joint efforts

33.对„有益 be beneficial / conducive to„

34.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society

35.打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for„

36.综合素质 comprehensive quality

37.无可非议 blameless / beyond reproach

39.致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted to„

40.应当承认 Admittedly,41.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty

42.满足需求 satisfy/ meet the needs of„

43.可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information

44.宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources

45.因特网 the Internet(一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)

46.方便快捷 convenient and efficient

47.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life

48.环保(的)environmental protection / environmentally friendly

49.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress

50.科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology

51.对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue

52.支持前/后种观点的人 people / those in favor of the former/ latter opinion

53.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据 have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence

54.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way

55.理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice

56.„必然趋势 an irresistible trend of„

57.日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition

58.眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest

59.长远利益.interest in the long run

60.„有其自身的优缺点 „ has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages

61.扬长避短 Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones

62.取其精髓,取其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs.63.对„有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to

64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information

65.跟上„的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with

the latest development of „

66.采取有效措施来„ take effective measures to do sth.67.„的健康发展 the healthy development of „

68.有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides.No garden without weeds.69.对„观点因人而异 Views on „vary from person to person.70.重视 attach great importance to„

71.社会地位 social status

72.把时间和精力放在„上 focus time and energy on„

73.扩大知识面 expand one’s scope of knowledge

74.身心两方面 both physically and mentally

75.有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to„

76.提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal

77.可以取代 “think”的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that

78.缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relieve stress/ burden

79.优先考虑/发展„ give(top)priority to sth.80.与„比较 compared with„/ in comparison with

81.相反 in contrast / on the contrary.82.代替 replace/ substitute / take the place of

83.经不起推敲 cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water

84.提供就业机会 offer job opportunities

85.社会进步的反映 mirror of social progress

86.毫无疑问 Undoubtedly, / There is no doubt that„

87.增进相互了解 enhance/ promote mutual understanding

88.充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of

89.承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure

90.保障社会的稳定和繁荣 guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society

91.更多地强调 put more emphasis on„

92.适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the development of society

93.实现梦想 realize one’s dream/ make one’s dream come true

94.主要理由列举如下 The main reasons are listed as follows:

95.首先 First,Firstly,In the first place, To begin with

96.其次 Second, Secondly, In the second place

97.再次 Besides,In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore

98.最后 Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,99.总而言之 All in all, To sum up, In summary, In a word,100.我们还有很长的路要走 We still have a long way to go.另外,我还有几篇与英语相关的日志,感兴趣的话可以看看哦!



3英文自我介绍的时候,用上这些显自信 http://blog.xiaonei.com/GetEntry.do?id=344614519&owner=44542976



5【新东方的保密资料】四六级的规律,不懂照样过!给所有准备四六级的深层剖析解的特征 http://blog.xiaonei.com/GetEntry.do?id=330181862&owner=44542976



8应该把自己从一个下载者变成学习者 http://blog.xiaonei.com/GetEntry.do?id=323165850&owner=44542976

9理想英语免费在线记单词、练口语 http://blog.xiaonei.com/GetEntry.do?id=323844042&owner=44542976

10学完这些,你的外语将讲的比外国人还流利【怕找不到,就转过来了】 http://blog.xiaonei.com/GetEntry.do?id=319978470&owner=44542976



13四六级考前冲刺:50个记忆口诀让你轻松记单词 http://blog.xiaonei.com/GetEntry.do?id=345910570&owner=44542976

14六级听力考试的三个锦囊 http://blog.xiaonei.com/GetEntry.do?id=346240615&owner=44542976

15四六级考前冲刺:高效单词背诵法 http://blog.xiaonei.com/GetEntry.do?id=346241975&owner=44542976

16原来单词还能这样背。。绝对实用 http://blog.xiaonei.com/GetEntry.do?id=346497980&owner=44542976



开幕/闭幕式 opening/closing ceremony 开幕词 opening speech/address 致开幕词 make an opening speech 友好访问 goodwill visit

阁下 Your/His/Her Honor/Excellency 贵宾 distinguished guest 太常用了..尊敬的市长先生 Respected Mr.Mayor 远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的朋友 friends coming from a distant land/the other side of the Pacific 东道国 host country 宣布……开幕 declare……open 值此之际 on the occasion of 借此机会 take this opportunity to 以……名义 in the name of 本着……精神 in the spirit of 代表 on the behalf of

由衷的谢意 heartfelt thanks 友好款待 gracious hospitality 正式邀请 official invitation 回顾过去 look back on 展望未来 look ahead/look into the future 最后 in closing 圆满成功 a complete success 提议祝酒 propose a toast 第二部分 词语扩展


亚太地区 Asian-Pacific region 建交 establishment of diplomatic relations between 互访 exchange of visit 外交政策 foreign policy 一贯奉行 in persistent pursuit of 平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 双边关系 bilateral relations 持久和平lasting peace


贸易额 trade volume 商业界 business community 跨国公司 transnational corporation 经济强国/经济大国/经济列强(视具体情况翻译)economic power 第三部分 例句

1.我愿借此机会,代表我们代表团的全体成员,对我们东道主的诚挚邀请,表示真诚的谢意。On the behalf of all the members of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation.2.现在,我愉快地宣布第二十二届万国邮政联盟大会开幕。

Now, I have the pleasure to declare the 22nd Universal Postal Congress open.3.我很荣幸地代表中国政府和人民向来自联合王国的代表团表示热烈的欢迎。

I have the honor to express this warm welcome on behalf of the Chinese Government and people to the delegation from the United Kingdom.4.我谨向各位表示最热烈的欢迎。

I would like to extend my warmest welocme to all of you.5.我预祝大会圆满成功!

I wish the conference a complete success!

~以下内容书里都有~ 口试特别注重看书~ 口译笔记——外事接待(reception)第一部分 基本词汇

日程安排 schedule 预订 reserve

根据……的要求 upon……request 专程造访 come all the way

精心安排 a thoughtful arrangement 排忧解难 help out 第二部分 词语扩展

机场大楼 terminal building 候机大厅 waiting hall

起飞时间 departure/take-off time

抵达时间 arrival time 海关 the Customs

往返票 round-trip ticket

入境/出境/旅游签证 entry/exit/tourist visa 免税商店 duty-free shop 豪华套房 luxury suite

单/双人房 single/double room 第三部分 例句

1.You must be our long-expected guest,……

2.Excuse me, I haven't had the honor of knowing you.3.I'm glad to have the honor of introducing…… 4.Small world, isn't it? 5.Thank you for coming all the way to our company.6.I hop you'll enjoy your stay here.7.host a receptipn banquet in your honor


一、以“总……”表示的首席长官,可选择general、chief、head这类词表示。总书记 general secretary 总工程师 chief engineer 总会计师 chief accountant 总经理 general manager 总代理 general agent 总教练 head coach 二、一些行业的职称头衔,直接用“高级”或“资深”来表示,可用“senior”来称呼。高级记者 senior reporter 高级讲师 senior lecturer


首席执行官 chief cxecutive officer(CEO)首席顾问 chief advisor 首席检察官 chief inspector

四、还有一些高级职务带“长”字,例如: 参谋长 chief of staff 护士长 head nurse 秘书长 secretary-general

五、以“副”字的表示副职的行政职务头衔,可用vice、deputy表达。副总统 vice president 副主席 vice chairman 副总理 vice minister 副秘书长 deputy secretary-general 副书记 deputy secretary 副市长 deputy mayor

六、学术头衔的“副”职称,常用associate表示。副教授 associate professor

副研究员 associate research fellow 副审判长 associate judge 副主任医师 associate doctor

七、学术头衔中的初级职称如“助理”,我们可以用assistant来称呼。助理教授 assistant professor

助理研究员 assistant research fellow 助理工程师 assistant engineer 八、一般说来,“代理”可译作acting,例如: 代理市长 acting mayor 代理总理 acting premier 代理主任 acting director

九、常务”可以用“managing“表示。常务理事 managing director

常务副校长 managing vice president

十、执行”可译作executive 执行秘书 executive secretary 执行主席 executive chairman

十一、还有很多称谓的英语表达方式难以归类,这就需要我们日积月累,逐步总结。例如: 办公室主任 office manager 车间主任 workshop manager 客座教授 visiting professor 村长 village head 税务员 tax collector 股票交易员 stock dealer


劳动模范 model worker

优秀员工 ortstanding employee 标兵 pacemaker

三好学生 ”triple-A" outstanding student;outstanding student


1、a number of, the number of a number of +可数名词,谓语用复数,意为许多,大量的……

the number of +可数名词,谓语用单数,意为……的数目

2、able, capable, competent able为常用词,指具有做某事所需的力量,技巧,知识与时间等,搭配是be able to do s.th。如:A cat is able to see in the dark.(猫在黑暗中能看见东西。)

capable 指满足一般要求的能力,搭配是be capable of +doing。

competent 指“胜任”,“合格”,或受过专业技术等训练的,但不是超群的能力。如:A doctor should be competent to treat many diseases.(医生应该能治多种病。)

3、above all;after all;at all;in all above all意为“尤其是”、“首先”、“最重要的是”,常位于句首或句中,作插入语,起强调作用。如:

But above all tell me quickly what I have to do.可首先快些告诉我该做什么。

after all意为“毕竟”、“终究”、“终归”、“到底”,在句中位置较灵活。可位于句首、句中或句末。如:

After all,your birthday is only two weeks away.毕竟,两周后就是你的生日。

He is,after all,a small child.他毕竟还是个小孩子。

He failed after all.他终于失败了。

at all用于否定句时,意为“丝毫;根本”,用于疑问句时意为“究竟;到底”,用于条件句时,常译为“当真;实在”。用于肯定句中,表示说话人的某种情绪或情感(如怀疑或惊奇等),意为“竟然”等。如:

He doesn’t like you at all.他根本不喜欢你。

Are you going to do it at all?你究竟做不做这件事?

If you do it at all,do it well.若你真要做这件事,就得做好。

I was surprised at his coming at all.他竟然来了,我很惊讶。

in all意为“总共”,既可放在句首,也可放在句末。如:

There are 25,000 Inuit in all.(=In all,there are 25,000 Inuit.)这儿共有25,000因努伊特人。

4、aboard, abroad, board,broad

aboard 在船(或飞机,车)上。如:I never went aboard a ship.abroad 副词,在国外或海外。如:He often goes abroad.board 为动词,上(船,飞机,车)。如:The passengers are boarding the plane now.broad 为形容词,宽广的。如:He has very broad shoulders.5、accept, receive

accept 接受,receive“接到”,“收到”。

如:I received an invitation yesterday, but I didn’t accept it.(昨天我收到了一个请柬,但并没有接受邀请。)

6、accident, incident, event

accident事故。如:a traffic accident(交通事故)


event “事件”,指特别重要的事件,通常是由以前的努力而产生的结果,也指国家和社会的事件。

7-accurate, correct, exact,precise

accurate准确的,精确的。如:Clocks in railway stations should be accurate.(火车站的钟应该是准确的。)

correct“正确的”,指符合一定的标准或准则,含有“无错误的”意味。它的反义词是incorrect, wrong.exact“精确的”,“恰好的”,比“大体上正确”更进一步,表“丝毫不差”。它的反义词是inexact。


8、accuse, charge, sue

accuse 指责,指控,常与of 搭配。如:His boss accused him of carelessness.charge 常与with搭配。如:The police

charged the driver with reckless driving.sue 常与for 搭配。如:Smith sued his neighbor for damaging his house.9、acquire, require, inquire

acquire取得,获得,学到。如:acquire knowledge(获得知识)

inquire打听,询问。如:inquire a person’s name(问一个人的姓名)

require需要。如:We require more help.(我们需要更多的帮助。)

10、adopt, adapt

adopt(1)收养。如:Since they have no children of their own, they decided to adopt a little girl.(他们自己没有孩子,所以决定收养一个小女孩。)(2)采纳,采用,通过。如:He adopted our suggestion.(他采纳了我们的建议。)adopt与adapt词形相近,后者的意思是“使适合”,“改编”等。

11、advantage, benefit, profit

advantage 常指一种使某人处于比其他人相对有利的地位,机会或时机。如:He had the advantage of good education.(受过良好的教育对他十分有利。)

profit 多指报偿或报偿性的收入。如Did you make any profit last year?(你去年赚钱了吗?)

benefit 指物质利益或精神方面的好处。如:I get no personal benefit from the business.(我个人从这家企业中并不获益。)

12、1affect, effect

affect影响(动词)。如Smoking affects health.effect效果,影响(名词)。如:Government policy will not have any effect on us.

13、afford, provide, supply



provide 和supply意思相同,两个词都和with连用,构成provide /supply somebody with something的结构。

14、ago, before ago表示以现在为起点的“以前”,常与一般过去时连用,不可以单独使用。


例如,I saw him ten minutes ago.我十分钟之前看到的他。

He told me that he had seen the film before.他告诉我他以前看过这场电影。

15、agree on;agree to;agree with agree on作“就……取得一致意见”解。例如:

The building of a new car factory was agreed on last month.


agree to有两层含义和用法:


例如: My father agreed to buy a new pen for me. 父亲答应给我买支新钢笔。


They have a greed to our plan.他们已同意我们的计划。

agree with作“同意某人的意见”解,其后可跟表示人的名词或代词,也可跟表示“意见”或“说的话”的名词或从句。例如:

He agreed with my opinions. 他同意了我的意见。

We agreed with what he said at the meeting. 我们同意他在会上讲的话。

16、alive, living, live

alive 指虽有死的可能,但仍活着,一般只作表语。


17、almost, nearly 一般说来,almost比nearly 表示的意思更接近“开始”、“完成”(目标)等。

在all, every, always 前,两者都可用。如:He is almost(nearly)smoking.(他几


almost可同never, no, nobody, none, nothing 连用,而nearly却不能。如:Almost no one believed her.(几乎没人相信他。)

18、alone, lonely

alone只表“独自”的客观状态,没有感情色彩,只作表语;lonely表“孤独”,:“寂寞”,能作定语和表语。如:When she is left alone, she feels lonely.(剩下她一人时她就感到寂寞。)

alone, only均可表“只有”,但alone须置于被修饰词之后,only往往置于被修饰词前。如:He alone(Only he)can remember the story.(只有他才能记起这段经历。)

19、altogether, all together altogether总计,总共。如:Altogether there are six of us.(我们总计六人。)

all together 全都在一起。如:We played the game all together.(我们大家都一起来玩游戏吧。)



状语从句由although, though或as引导,主句之前不可有but, and, so, however等并列连词,但可有yet或still等副词。although与though常可互换。例如:

Although/Though he believes it, yet he will not act. 他虽然相信它,但却不肯有所行动。


Young as/though he is, he knows a lot. 他虽然年纪不大,却懂得很多。


Child as/though he is, he can speak two foreign languages. 虽然他是个孩子,但他会说两门外语。


They said they would come;they did not, though. 他们说他们会来,可是他们


although只用来陈述“事实”,不能表示“假设”。因此可以说even though“即使”以及as though“好像(=as if)”,不能说even although或as although。例如:

I believe you are on duty—even though you’re in plain clothes. 尽管你穿着便衣,我相信你是在值勤。[外语


21、among, between

among 在……中间(三者或三者以上之间)。如:Our house is hidden among trees.between在两者之间。如:It is easy to distinguish between a Japanese and a Chinese.

22、answer, reply, respond




与to连用。如:He has replied to my letter.(他回答了我信中提的问题。)

respond作“回答”解,用得较少,也同to 搭配。如:He quickly responded to the question.(他很快就回答了问题。)


23、approve, prove

approve(1)赞成,同意。如:I don’t approve of wasting time.(我不赞成浪费时间。)(2)批准,通过。如:The minister approved the building plan.部长批准了建筑计划。


24、arise/rise/raise/ arouse


rise是一个不及物动词,意思是“上升”,该词是不及物动词:rise, rose, risen raise是一个及物动词,意思是“举起”。

arouse的意思是“引起,导致”。Black smoke rose from the chimney.He is too weak to raise that heavy box.Accidents usually arise from carelessness.A crisis has arisen in their marrige.Matt’s behavior was arousing the interest of the neighbors.

25、as(so)far as;as(so)long as as(so)far as的意思是“就……而言(所知)”,as(so)far as sth.is concerned是其中一种具体用法,意为“就某事而言”;as(so)long as意为“只要”,引导条件状语从句。如:

As far as I know, more than 10 million laid-off workers have found their new jobs.


There is nothing that we can’t do so / as long as we keep on trying to do it.


As far as the tourism of China is concerned, there is a long way to go.


26、as though;even though;though as though(=as if),意为“好像;似乎”,引导方式状语从句或表语从句。如:

He spoke as though(as if)he had been here before.他说话的口气好像他以前来过这里。

It looks as if(as though)it is going to rain.看起来好像要下雨。

even though(=even if),意为“即使”,引导让步状语从句。though也引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然”;even though有退一步设想的意味,与though不同。though引导的句子所说的是事实,even though引导的句子所说的则不一定是事实。例如:

He will not tell the secret even though(even if)he knows it.即使他知道这个秘密,他也不肯说出来。

He will not tell the secret though he knows it.他虽然知道这个秘密,但他不会说出来。

27、assure, ensure, insure

assure的意思是“使(某人)确信”,一般用作:assure sb.of /that…,后面不能直接跟that从句。



He assured me that it was true.We can’t ensure you a good post.My house is insured against fire.

28、at the beginning;in the


at the beginning 在……初;在……开始的时候。常与of连用。例如: Students usually have a study plan at the beginning of term. 学生们在开学初制定学习计划。in the beginning 相当于at first,表示“起初、开始”时,含“起初是这种情况,而后来却不是这种情况”之意,不与of连用。例如: In the beginning,some of us took no interest in physics. 起初我们有些人对物理不感兴趣。

29、at the time;at that time;at one time;at a time

at the time通常用于过去时句子中,指某件事情发生的“当时”、“那时”。例如:

Many people saw the strange thing happen at the time. 当时,许多人都看到了这件奇怪的事情的发生。

有时,at the time的后面可接“of...”短语。这时,它表示“在(某事态)发生的时候”或“在……的时代”。例如:

Were you in San Francisco at the time of the big earth quake in 1989﹖


at that time 则通常指前文明确提到的某个时期、时候。通常其后不带“of...”短语。例如:

In the 17th century much corn was grown in Tibet and Sichuan.At that time(=At the 17th century)the land along the Changjiang River was becoming very crowded.

at one time=during a period of time in the past意为“过去有一段时期”,“曾经”。例如:

They used to be good friends at one time. 他们曾经是好朋友。

at a time则意为“一次”,表示一个时间单位。它常与表示数量的词语连用,表示频率。例如:

Don’t speak all at once.One at a time, please. 不要同时一起说。一次只一个人说。

Take the medicine three times a day and three pieces at a time. 这些药每天服三次,每次服三粒

31、await, wait

await是及物动词。如:I await your further instructions.wait“等”、“等候”,是不及物动词,后常接介词for。如:I will wait for you at the school gate.

32、award, prize, reward

award, reward作动词。award意为“授予(奖品,奖金等)”,后面可跟双宾语;reward意为“报酬”,“酬谢”,只能跟人或以人的行为作宾语。

award, prize, reward作名词时,award




如:We stayed at home because it rained.因为下雨我们呆在家里。


As he was not feeling well,I decided to go there alone.由于他身体欠佳,我决定独自去那里。Since everyone is here,let's start.既然大家都到了,咱们就开始吧。


There must be nobody in the classroom,for the light is off. 教室里一定没有人,因为灯灭了。(推测性理由)

34、beat, win beat表在比赛和战斗中打败对手,后接对手作宾语。

Win作及物动词时,其宾语为游戏、比赛、战斗、奖金等名词。如:He has won the race.(他赢得了赛跑的胜利。)

35、beside, besides beside在……旁边。如:Come and sit beside me.besides除……之外。如:I have two other umbrellas besides this one.

36、besides;except;but 三者都可以用作介词。用于肯定句中时,except/but意为“除……外(不再有)”;besides意为“除……外(还有)”。请比较:

All of them have seen the film except/but Wu Dong. 除了吴东外,他们都看过了那部影片。

All of them have seen the film besides Wu Dong. 除了吴东看过那部影片外,他们也都看过了。


I’ll do everything except/but cook. 除了做饭,我什么事情都干。

This window is never opened except in summer. 除了在夏天,这个窗子从不打开。用在否定句中,三者可以互换。如:

There aren’t any other people to do the work except/but/besides you.


37、be known as; be known for;be known to; be known in be known as 意为“作为……而著名”,其后的名词表示一个人的身份、职业等。如: Liu Huan is known as a singer.刘欢作为一个歌手而出名。

We’re sure you’ll be well-known as an artist.我们相信你会成为一位著名的画家。

be known for 意为“因……而著名”,其后所接内容表示某人或物的特点、特长等。如:

Guilin is known for her beautiful mountains and rivers.桂林因其美丽的山水而闻名。

Mr Geldof is well-known for organizing two big pop concerts on the same day.


be known to “为……所了解/知道”,其后接表示人的词语。“(人们都)知道”,其后接动词原形。如:

He is known to all in our village.村子里的人都了解他。

He was known to have invented many things.=It was known that he had invented many things.


38、borrow, lend

borrow借入。如:Can I borrow your pen for a moment

lend把……借给。如:Can you lend me your bike






The ball went over the fence and one of the players asked a boy to fetch it.The city’s underground carries more people than the buses.You had better take an umbrella with you in case of rain.Waiter, bring me a bottle of beer please.40、cause, reason

cause 指造成某一事实或现象的直接原因,后接of sth./doing sth

reason用来解释某种现象或结果的理由,后接for sth./doing sth.the reason for being late


















Comparethiscarwiththatone,andyouwillfi ndthedifferencesbetweenthem.











45、compose,consist,constitute compose为常用词,常用被动语态,如用主动语态,主语应用复数形式。如:Twelvemencomposeajury.(十二人组成陪审团。)




46、considerable,considerate considerable相当多的,可观的。如:Hemetaconsiderableamountoftrouble.(他遇到了许多麻烦。)
















































54、dependent,independent dependent依赖的,依靠的(on,upon)。如:Successisdependentonyourhardwork.Independent不依靠的,独立的(of)。如:Johnwasindependentofhisparentswhenhewasstillachild.

55、discover,invent discover发现。如:Acoalminehasbeendiscoveredinthatarea.invent发明,创造。如:Akindoftoothbrushhasbeeninventedtorelievetoothache.

56、doubt/suspect doubt意为怀疑某事是不可能或不真实的,肯定句中常跟whether或if引出的宾语从句,否定句和疑问句常跟that引出的宾语从句。翻译成“不相信”比较恰当。而suspect意为怀疑或认为某件事是真的。常跟that引起的宾语从句。翻译成“猜想…是真的”比较恰当。试比较:


Doyoudoubtthatheisagenius? 你怀疑他是个天才吗? Isuspectthatheisagenius.我猜想他是个天才。










59、electric,electrical,electronic 三词都与电有关






61、everyday, every day

everyday每日的,日常的(作定语)。如:This morning exercise has become my everyday routine.every day每天(作状语)。如:She gets up early every day.62、endure, bear, stand,tolerate, withstand 都表忍受,忍耐。

bear忍受,容忍,指忍受使人悲痛、烦恼或痛苦的事情。如:It is hard to bear to be laughed at.(被人取笑是难以忍受的。)

endure忍耐,书面语,指长时间经受痛苦而不屈服。如:It takes patience to endure hardships.忍受苦难需要耐力。)

stand忍受,与bear同义,但较口语化。如:She can’t stand having nothing to do.(没事干,她受不了。)

tolerate容忍,容许,指自我克制的态度,对于令人反感的事没有任何抗议。如:I can’t tolerate him if he goes on like that.(他如果继续这样下去的话,我决不会容忍他。)

withstand经受,承受,指顶住外来的压力和攻势。如:They have withstood all test.(他们经受了一切考验。)

63、error, mistake, fault,shortcoming


error是通用词,指任何错误,“犯错误”可以说commit /make an error。

mistake指判断或理解方面,或指因考虑不周而造成的错误,搭配是make a mistake。

fault表示“过失”,可与error通用,现多用来指缺点,特指缺乏某要素因而不完美。如:There is a fault in this machine.(这台机器有一处毛病。)构成短语 find fault with挑剔,找毛病。

shortcoming 缺点,可指人或事物的本质上不足之处(常用复数)。如:In spite of his shortcomings, I still like him.(尽管他缺点多,我仍然喜欢他。)

64、especially, particularly,specially


especially一般表示某事物在意义、程度、重要性性超过其他事物。如:I love Italy, especially in summer.(我喜欢意大利,尤其在夏天。)

particularly往往着重说明与同类事物不同的个别事物。如:The visitors admired his paintings, but particularly the portrait of his daughter.(来访者赞赏他所有的绘画,特别是他女儿的画像。)

specially 多表示“专门地”,“为特别目的的地”,如表“不寻常”,“过分”等,可与especially通用。如:I made chocolate cake specially for you.(我特地为你做了巧克力蛋糕。)

65、fast, quickly

fast侧重于指人或物体具有运动速度快的特点,quickly侧重指某事完成或发生的快 run fast, answer the question quickly

66、fit/suit 两者都是及物动词,表示“适合”。他们的区别在于,前者指的是尺寸大小的适合;而后者表示的是样式、风格、程度的适合。例如:

This straw hat does not fit me;it’s too big.Her blue coat suits her fair skin.67、formally, formerly formally正式地。如:We were required to dress formally for the party.formerly从前。如:Formerly he worked in a factory, but now he is a teacher.68、gaze, stare, glance, glimpse






[注意]一般表示“看”的单词大多同at搭配构成短,但glimpse却有catch(have)a glimpse of这一搭配。

69、hanged, hung hang, hanged, hanged吊死。如:He hanged himself when he failed.Hang, hung, hung悬挂。如:His pictures were hung in the museum.70、hard, hardly hard努力地。如:Take it easy.You’ve been working too hard.hardly几乎不,简直不。如:The children can hardly wait to hear the news.71、home, house

home家。如:East or west, home is best.House房子,住宅。如:Our new house is quite near the station.72、equal, equivalent,identical, same


equal相同的,相等的,特指“数量,价值等”相同。如:Their ages are equal.equivalent相等的,特指“价值,效力,意义”等相同的。如:This sentence is equivalent to that.identical相同的,相等的,侧重于某一细节上完全相同。如:She wore the identical dress on both occasions.identical相同的,相等的,侧重于某一细节上完全相同。如:She wore the identical dress on both occasion.(她在两种场合穿同样的衣服。)


或意义上相同,而实际上有差异。如:He is of about the same age as you.73、for a moment, for the


for a moment片刻,一会儿,for the moment暂时,一时Thinking for a moment, he agreed.74、imaginable, imaginary,imaginative


imaginable可以想象得到的。如:This is the only solution imaginable.(这是惟一想得出的解决办法。)

imaginary假想的,虚构的。如:an imaginary character in a story(故事里的虚构人物)

imaginative富于想象力力的。如:an imaginative artist(想像力丰定的艺术家)

75、in the way; in a way; in no

way; on the way

in the way意为“挡道;妨碍(某人)”。如:

Tell the boy not to stand in the way.叫那个男孩别挡道碍事。

in a way意为“用某种方法(做某事)”。名词way前面常有形容词或this/that修饰。如:

He worked out the problem in a simple way.他用简单的方法算出了这道题。In this way over several days the artist and his mouse became good friends.


注意:如果in a way单独使用,way前不加任何修饰语,意为“在某种程度上;在某些方面(某一点上)”。如:The article is well written in a way.从某种程度上来说,这篇文章写得不错。in no way意为“决不;一点也不”,常用来加强语气。如:

They are in no way similar to each other.他们毫无相似之处。

on the way意为“在途中”,其后常接to,表示“在去某地或做某事的路上”。如:

He lost his ticket on the way to the cinema.他在去电影院的路上把票弄丢了。

76、indifferent, different

indifferent冷漠的,不关心的,同to搭配。如:He was indifferent to his personal appearance.(他从前不注意自己的外表。)

different跟……不一样,同from搭配。如:This book is different from that one.(这本书跟那本不一样。)

77、industrial, industrious

industrial工业的,产业的。如:Italy is becoming an industrial nation.(意大利逐步成为工业国。)

industrious勤劳的,勤奋的。如:He is an industrious student.(他是个用功的学生。)

78、influence, effect


influence可作动词、名词,指对某人的思想行为、性格等产生影响。如:She was influenced by her middle school teachers.(她受中学时的老师影响。)

effect用作动词意为“造成”,“产生”,用作名词强调由于影响而产生特殊效果。如:The effects of the medicine are very good.(药效很好。)

79、last, latest, final, ultimate last最后的,与first相对,还可指“上一次的”。如:My seat is in the last row.latest最近的,指时间上。如:the latest news(最新消息)

final最后的,指在一系列的事物中是最后的,而且是结论性的,决定性的。如:The judgment has become final.(这已是最后的判断。)

ultimate最终的,最后的,用于正式场合,含有最高的和最有权威的结果。如:He never considered the ultimate result of his action.(他从未考虑其行为的后果。)

80、late;lately;later;latest late可作形容词或副词,意为“迟(的);晚(的)”。如:He often comes late for school.他上学常迟到。They were late for the film.他们看电影迟到了。

lately是副词,意为“最近;近来”相当于recently,常与现在完成时连用。如:I haven’t heard from him lately.我最近没收到他的来信。

later为late的比较级,意为“较迟的(地)”。另外,还可用作副词,意为“后来”。如:He goes home later than anybody.他回家比谁都晚。See you later.回头见。

latest为late的最高级,意为“最迟的(地)”;也相当于newest,意为“最新的”。如:I go to bed latest in the family.我是家里睡觉最迟的。Here is the latest news from a broad.下面是来自国外的最新消息。

81、lie, lay lie(vi.躺,说谎)和lay(放置)两者无论在意义上还是在词性上都有很大的差别。值得注意的是他们常常由于过去式、过去分词和现在分词形式的异同而引起误用。试比较:

原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词

lie(躺)lay lain lying


谎)lied lied lying lay(放

置)laid laid laying


Mr.Brown lay down to take a rest.He laid his hand on my shoulder.82、literal, literary, literate

literal文字上的,字面的。如:a literal interpretation of a passage(对一段文章的字面解释)

literary文学的。如:literary works(文学作品)

literary有文化的(反义词是illiterate),如:people applying for the job should be computer literate.(申请这份工作的人应会使用电脑。)

83、much, very




very much是much的加强语,因此,能用much的地方,都能用very much。




place/break out


以上各词均是不及物动词,因此不可接宾语。但可以用作:sth.occur to sb.或者sth.happen to sb。但两者的意思有所不同,sth occur to sb.或者it occurs to sb that…的意思是“某人想到了…例如:

The possibility that she might be wrong never occurred to him.Didn’t it occur to you that your husband might be late?

happen to的意思是“某人遇到/被卷入…”例如:

A traffic accident happened to Tom

last night.A strange thing happened to me on my way home yesterday.注意:英语中表示出现的词,如:appear, emerge, turn up, show up等也都是不及物动词,而在汉语中,表示上述两种意思的词有时候可以跟宾语,而英语中是不可以的。例如:


译文:Many changes have taken place in my hometown.on the way, in the way

on the way在前往…的路上,in the way挡路The chair is in the way.85、one another;each other

两者均表示“互相;彼此”,为代词,仅作动词或介词的宾语,不作其它成分。两者虽可换用,但each other多用于两者之间的关系,one another多用于三者或三者以上之间的情况。例如:We both see each other at the office every day.我们俩每天在办公室碰面。The six blind men couldn’t agree with one another.这六个瞎子各执己见。They hate each other/one another.他们互相憎恨。

86、out of question, out of the


out of question毫无疑问的,out of the question不可能的

87、persist, insist

persist坚持,后面常接介词in。如:He persisted in carrying on his work in spite of great fatigue.(他虽然疲倦极了,可仍坚持工作。)

insist坚持,后面接介词on,也可直接连用that引导的名词从句。如:He insisted on my going there with him.(He insisted that I should go there with him.)

88、persuade sb.to do sth.;

advise sb.to do sth.; try to persuade sb.to do sth.

persuade sb.to do sth.意为“说服某人干某事”,其结果是成功的(即成功地说服某人干某事)。如: Tom persuaded his father to give up smoking at last.汤姆终于说服他父亲戒烟了。

advise sb.to do sth.意为“劝说某人干某事”,其结果可能是劳而无功(即“说”而未“服”)。如:

She advised her parents to give up smoking, but they wouldn’t listen.她劝她的父母戒烟,但他们不愿听。

try to persuade sb.to do sth.意为“尽力说服某人干某事”,相当于advise sb.to do sth。如:

I tried to persuade him to continue his study, but I failed.我尽力劝他继续学习,但没有成功。

89、prefer…to…;prefer to… rather than…

两个动词短语均可作“喜欢……而不喜欢……”或“宁愿……而不愿……”解,其后均可接名词。例如:I prefer volleyball to basketball(=I prefer to volleyball rather than basketball).我喜欢排球而不喜欢篮球。

主要区别在于:prefer…to…之后接动词时,均用-ing形式。例如:He prefers walking to cycling.他宁愿步行而不愿骑自行车。

而prefer to…rather than…之后接动词时,均要用动词原形。例如:Liu Hulan preferred to die rather than surrender before the enemy.刘胡兰在敌人面前宁死不屈。Xiao Wu prefers to work rather than sit idle.小吴喜欢工作而不喜欢闲坐。

90、preserve, conserve, reserve preserve坚持,后面常接介词in。如:The ship is equipped with special refrigerating devices to preserve food for the whole voyage.(船上设有特殊冷藏设备,在整个航程中保存食物。)

conserve保存,储藏,强调采取措施精心保护某物,防止不必要的浪费,损失或变化。如:He is conserving his energy for the last twenty-meter dash.(他正在为最后20米冲刺保存实力。)

reserve留存(在资金,人力,原料等),保留(权力等)。如:Reserve enough money for your home fare.(留足你回家的路费。)

91、probable, possible, likely

probable很可能的,大概的,语气较possible强。如:It is probable that the cost will be greater than we think.(花费很可能比我们料想的要多。)

possible强调客观上可能性,但常带有“实际可能性很小”的暗示。如:It’s possible, though not probable, that he will accept these terms.(他有可能接受这些条件,但希望很小。)

likely暗示从表面迹象来判断“有可能的”。如:It is likely that he will come.(他多半会来。)



Does he realize his error yet?

We must work hard to realize the plan.He recognized his long lost brother at a glance.I recognized his voice through telephone though we have not seen for many years.Can you identify your own baggage among the hundreds of others?

93、respectable, respected,respectful, respective 都是形容词。

respectable可尊敬的,值得尊重的。如:His parents were poor but respectable.(他父母虽穷却令人尊敬。)


respectful指“充满敬意的”,是主动性的尊重他人。如:The students were very respectful towards the great man.(这些学生对这位伟人十分敬仰。)

respective表“各自分别的”,修饰名词时,名词一般用复数。如:They went back to their respective houses.(他们回了各自的家。)

94、say, speak, talk, tell




Tell表示告诉,有时兼含“嘱咐”,“命令”等。Tell the truth说真话,tell a lie说谎,tell a story讲故事等为固定搭配。Tell是及物动词,但其后不跟that从句。

95、senseless, sensible, sensitive


Sensible懂事的,明智的。如:He is a sensible child.(他是个懂事的孩子。)

Sensitive有感觉的,敏感的。如:Eyes are very sensitive to light.(眼睛对光敏感。)


(1)so修饰形容词或副词;such修饰名词,例如,My brother runs so fast that I can’t follow him.我弟弟跑得那么快以至于我跟不上他。

He is such a boy.他是一个这样的孩子。

(2)so修饰的形容词后可以有一个单数的可数名词,其结构是“so+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数”.such可以修饰可数名词单复数和不可数名词,名词前可以有形容词作定语,其结构是“such+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数”,“such+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词”,例如,He is so clever a boy.=He is such a clever boy.他是一个如此聪明的孩子。It is such cold weather.这么冷的天气。(正)

It is so cold weather.(误)

They are such good students.他们是那么好的学生。(正)

They are so good students.(误)(3)如果可数名词复数前有many,few或不可数名词前有much,little修饰,用so不用such.例如,so many(如此多的);so few(如此少的)可以加可数名词复数

so much(如此多的);so little(如此少的)可以加不可数名词

97、sometime,sometimes,some time, some times sometime:某一时间,某一时刻,可指将来时,也可指过去时

sometimes:有时,不时的some time:一段时间

some times:几次,几倍

例如,We’ll have a test sometime next month.下个月的某一时间,我们要进行一次测试。

Sometimes we are busy and sometimes we are not.有时我们很忙,有时不忙。

He stayed in Beijing for some time last year.他去年在北京呆了一段时间。

I have been to Beijing some times.我去过北京好几次。

98、sometimes, some time, sometime, some times 词形相近,但意义和用法不同。

sometimes有时。如:I sometimes play tennis.(我有时打网球。)

some times有几次。如:I have been to the Great Wall for some times.(我去长城有好几次了。)

sometime某个时候,指过去或将来的不确定时间。如:I will buy a car sometime in the future.(将来我会买车的。)

some time一段时间。如:I have been a teacher for some time.(我当老师已有些年头了。)

99、submit, surrender, yield 都有“让步,屈服”之意。




100、free, vacant, empty free空的,指清除了或缺少了某物,与of或from连用。如:She is free from anxiety.(她无忧无虑。)She is free of him.(她摆脱了他。)

empty空的,指里面什么东西都没有。如:The case is empty.(这是个空箱子。)

vacant空闲的,指地方没有被占用。如:One day, man can make full use of vacant space.(将来,人们会充分利用浩瀚的天空。)

empty,vacant和相同的名词连用时,含义不同。如an empty house指房子里既无家具也无人,空荡荡的。而a vacant house指房子没有被人占用,里面可有家具,也可无家具。[外语@教育网……www.xiexiebang.com]

101、pay, salary, wage

pay薪金,泛指对付出劳动给予的报酬,不分发放对象,只用单数,尤指军队的军饷。如:They are asking for equal pay for equal work.他们要求同工同酬。

Salary工资,指按月或年支付给脑力劳动者的工资。如:The family lives on his salary.(全家人靠他的工资生活。)

Wage工资,指定期支付给体力劳动者或临时工的工资,常用复数。如:He works at wages of ten dollars a week.(他每周工资10美元。)


sit是不及物动词,意思是“坐”,又是不规则动词,变化形式为:sit, sat, sat.seat是及物动词,意思是“使…坐”。例如:

The baby sits at the table.The baby is seated at the table.103、warn sb.of, warn sb.against

warn sb.of提醒某人注意某事,warn sb.against提醒某人不要做某事warm him against swimming in that part of the river

104、weather, climate

weather一天内具体的天气状况,climate长期的气候状况The climate here is not good for you.105、work, job

二者均指工作。work不可数,job可数a good job

106、wear, put on, dress

wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in, put on表动作It's cold outside.Put on your warm clothes.107、worth, worthless,worthwhile, worthy

worth值……钱,值得……的。如:This house is worth a lot of money.(这房值很多钱。)The radio program is worth listening to.(这广播节目值得听。)

worthless无价值的,无用的(可作定语和表语,无比较级)。如:These stamps are worthless.(这些邮票无价值。)Don’t read worthless books.(不要读些没用的书。)

worthwhile值得的(可作定语和表语)。如:That is a worthwhile program.(那是一个值得听的节目。)So few movies are worthwhile nowadays.(当今有价值的电影很少。)

worthy(1)有价值的,可尊敬的(常作定语)。如:The teacher was a worthy man.(那位老师是可尊敬的人。)(2)值得的(常作表语)。如:The man is worthy of praise.(这人值得称赞。)它的动词句式是be worthy to be done(be worth doing).108、zone, district, area, region,belt

zone地带,地区,区域,指某一特定的地方或区域。如:Most of China is in the temperate zone.(中国的大部分地区在温带。)

district区,行政区,指一国家或城市按行政区的划分。如:the economic development district(经济开放区)

area面积,范围,一般用语,没有明确的外围界限,也可指占地面积。如:The factory covers an area of 500 mu.(这工厂占地50亩。)

region地区,指较大范围内的区域,一般按自然条件和自身特点划分。如:an autonomous region(自治区)

belt地带,通常指狭长的地带。如:The northern part of the country is usually regarded as the wheat belt.(这国家的北部通常被看作小麦种植地带。)


一、六级词组、coincide in 在…方面一致

2、coincide with 与…相符,与…一致

3、conceive of 想象;考虑

4、conceive of...as...认为…是…

5、in essence 本质上,基本上

6、of the essence 极其重要的,必不可少的

7、be flushed with 因…脸红

8、be flush with 与…齐平

9、take it for granted 想当然地认为

10、take...for granted 视…为理所当然

11、by analogy 用类推的方法

12、on the analogy of 根据…类推

13、endow...with 赋予;向…捐钱(或物)

14、be endowed with 有…的特质,被赋予…

15、be indignant with sb.对某人愤怒

16、be indignant at/about/over sth.因某事而愤怒

17、linger over one’s work 磨洋工

18、linger on(人)苟延残喘

19、on tow(车辆等)被拖着走 20、in tow 紧跟在后

21、transition from...to...由…过渡到…

22、in transition 转变中的

23、be affiliated with/to 隶属于…

24、affiliate oneself to 成为…的会员

25、with assurance 充满信心地

26、give sb.an assurance that...向某人保证…

27、of/to no avail 毫无用处的

28、avail oneself of 利用

29、be in circulation 在流通的,在传播的 30、put...into circulation 使…流通,使…传播

31、lay claim to 声称对…有权利

32、make a claim for(damages)要求赔偿(损失)

33、complaint and claims 抗议与索赔

34、abate/stir up discontent 和/煽动不满情绪

35、voice one’s disconten 说出心中的不满

36、be discontented with sb.对某人不满

37、make an expedition to...去…探险

38、go on an expedition 去远征(或探险、考察)

39、expenditure on education 教育经费 40、grope for 摸着找

41、grope one’s way 摸着走

42、admit/confess one's guilt 认罪

43、deny one’s guilt 否认罪行

44、prove/establish sb’s guilt 证明某人的罪行

45、send/give/hand in one’s resignation 提出辞呈

46、accept sb’s resignation 准予辞职

47、withdraw one’s resignation 撤回辞呈

48、golden opportunity 绝好的机会

49、let an opportunity slip 坐失良机

50、take the opportunity to do sth.乘机做某事

51、as/so far as...be concerned 就…而言

52、be concerned with 与…有关

53、have no concern with 同…无关

54、concern oneself about 关心,挂念

55、be concerned about 关心,挂念

56、show concern for sb.关心某人

57、maintain one’s famil 养家

58、maintain oneself 自立

59、maintain...onto...把…固定在…上 60、at risk 处境危险

61、live in misery 过悲惨的生活 62、liveamiserable life 过悲惨的生活 63、exclusive of=excluding 不计…在内 64、exclusive to 为…所独享,独有 65、have an insight into 对…具有洞察力 66、gain an insight into 了解,熟悉;看透,识破 67、inspire sb.with sth.激励某人做某事 68、inspire sth.into sb.激励某人做某事 69、interpret for 为…当译员 70、interpret...as 把…理解为 71、by all means 当然可以 72、by any means 无论如何 73、by means of 借助于,用 74、by no means 决不,一点都不 75、in reserve 备用的

76、without reserve 无保留地;无条件地 77、resolve to do sth.下决心做某事

78、resolve on(doing)sth.决定、下决心干某事 79、sacrifice oneself/one’s life for 为…而牺牲 80、at the sacrifice of 牺牲…

81、come to one’s senses(昏迷后)苏醒过来;(喻)醒悟过来,恢复理性 82、in a sense 从某种意义上说

83、make sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理 84、talk sense 说话有理 85、in stock 有现货的,有库存的 86、out of stock 无现货的,脱销的 87、take stock of 对…估价,判断

88、place/put sth.on the agenda 把某事提上议程 89、provisional agenda 临时议程 90、on the alert 戒着,密切注意着 91、deny oneself 克制,克己;舍弃

92、a musical entertainment 音乐演奏会 93、hold a farewell entertainment 举行欢送会 94、entitle sb.to do 给某人做…的权利 95、entitle sb.to sth.使某人有权享受… 96、in error=by mistake 错误地 97、amend one’s error 改过自新 98、make a proposal(of marriage)求婚 99、offer proposals for/of 提出…建议 100、the exploiting class 剥削阶级 101、the exploited class 被剥削阶级

102、exploit every opportunity 利用每一个机会 103、do the hono(u)rs 尽地主之谊 104、in hono(u)r of 为了向…表示敬意

105、on/upon one’s hono(u)r 以名誉担保 106、impress sb.with...给某人留下…印象

107、impress sth.on/upon one’s mind 把…印在脑子里 108、be under the impression that 以为,认为 109、on impulse 一时冲动,一时心血来潮

110、have an irresistible impulse to do sth.有一股不可抵抗的冲动去做某事

111、be a match for 可以和…相匹配

112、match against with 使较量;和…相配,使相称 113、to strike a match 划火柴

114、owe obligations to=be under obligations to 对…承担义务 115、be obliged to do sth.被迫做某事 116、be obliged to sb.(for sth.)(因某事)感激某人 117、on occasion(s)有时,间或 118、on the occasion of 值…之际 119、by occasion of 由于,因为 120、reconcile...with 使…与…和解

121、comprehensive knowledge 渊博的知识 122、comprehensive mind 宽大的心胸 123、be comprehensive of 包含… 124、in confirmation of 以便证实… 125、full confirmation 完全确认

126、deceive sb.into doing sth.骗某人去做某事 127、be deceived in sb.看错某人(指受骗)128、dependence on 依靠 129、dependent on 依靠的

130、enroll sb.in 使某人加入、注册、登记 131、enroll sb.as 某人以某身份加入、注册、登记 132、in excess of 超过 133、to excess 过度,过分,过量

134、an excess of expenditure over income 支出超过收入 135、gamble away 赌掉,输光 136、take a gamble 冒风险 137、gamble on 对…打赌 138、by instinct 出于本能 139、on instinct 凭直觉

140、be located=be situated in=lie in 落于,位于 141、come/go into operation 施行,实行,生效 142、put/bring...into operation 实施,运行 143、in operation 工作中,运转着;生效,实施 144、at one’s option 随意 145、leave to one’s option 任意选择 146、make one’s option 进行选择 147、develop originality 培养创意 148、lack originality 缺乏创意

149、display/show originality 表现创造力 150、overcome difficulties 战胜困难

151、overcome one’s shortcomings 克服缺点 152、be overcome with liquor 喝醉 153、in particular 特别,尤其

154、be particular about 对…讲究,对…挑剔 155、be particular to 为…所特有 156、proceed to do sth.继续做某事 157、proceed with sth.继续进行某事 158、the rank and file 普通士兵,普通成员 159、rank among 属于…之列 160、rank...as 把…看作

161、people of all ranks 各阶层人民 162、give first rank to 把…放在第一位 163、reckon on 靠,指望

164、reckon with 估计到,预料到;处理,对付

165、renew the heart and mind 使精神面貌焕然一新 166、renew one’s youth 恢复青春 167、restrict...to=limit...to 把…限制在… 168、be restricted to(doing)sth.只有…的权限 169、smash the record 打破纪录 170、smash into a wall 猛撞在墙上 171、scrape by 勉强维持生计,艰难度日 172、scrape through 勉强通过(考试)173、scrape together/up 费力地获得 174、(start)from scratch 从零开始,从头做起 175、up to scratch 合格,处于良好状态

176、settle down 定居,过安定的生活;平静下来 177、settle in/into 在新居安顿下来;适应新环境(新工作)178、settle on/upon 选定,决定 179、settle up 付清(欠账等),结清(账目)180、shield...from...保护…免于… 181、resign one’s position 辞去职务 182、resign oneself to one’s fate 听天由命 183、resign oneself to extinction 束手待毙 184、shrink from doing 畏缩不敢做… 185、shrink away 退;退缩 186、shrink back 退(畏)缩,害怕 187、in spite of=despite 不顾,不管 188、out of spite 为泄愤,为出气 189、on the spot 在场,到场;马上,当场 190、a spot on one’s fame 名誉上的污点 191、a scenic spot 风景胜地 192、a historic spot 古迹 193、submit to 服从…

194、submit...to 将…呈交给

195、feel sympathy for=have sympathy for 同情 196、in sympathy with 同情;赞成 197、be absorbed in 全神贯注于… 198、be absorbed by 被…吞并;为…所吸收 199、absorb sb’s attention 吸引某人注意 200、be adequate for …充足

201、be adequate to(doing)sth.胜任(做)某事 202、leave alone 不打扰,不惊动 203、let alone 更别提

204、leave sb.alone 别打扰某人 205、ask for comments 征求意见 206、make comments on sth.评论某事

207、be compatible with 与…和睦相处;与…兼容 208、compensate sb.for 因…而赔偿某人 209、compensate for 弥补

210、red alert 紧急警报

211、white alert 解除警报

212、yellow alert 预备警报

213、beyond debate 疑义,无可争辩

214、debate upon/on 讨论(问题)

215、suffice it to say(that)只要说…就够了

216、suffice for 足够

217、to all appearances 就外表看来,根据观察推断

218、at first appearance 乍看起来

219、by appearances 根据外表

220、make an appearance 到场,出场;出头露面 221、make a good appearance 显得一表人才 222、compel sb.to do sth.强迫某人做某事 223、be compelled to(do)不得不(做)224、compete with/against 与…竞争

225、come to/arrive at/reach/draw a conclusion 得出结论 226、make a conclusion 下结论 227、bring...to a conclusion 使…结束 228、in conclusion 最后

229、confront difficulties 面对困难

230、be confronted with difficulties 遇到困难 231、confront sb.with 使…面临;使…与…对质 232、in the habit of 有…的习惯 233、fall into the habit of 染上…的习惯 234、form the habit of 养成…的习惯 235、cope with 有效地或成功地应付 236、deal with 付,对付

237、there's no denying...无可否认… 238、deny sb.sth.239、deny doing二、四级词组

1、a bid to do sth.2、above all

3、act out

4、after all

5、aim at

6、all but

7、as well as

8、at a time

9、at heart

10、at home

11、at the moment

12、at the same time

13、at work

14、all in all

15、all manner of

16、all over

17、all the time

拒绝给予某人某物 否认做(为争取某物而作出的)努力 首先,尤其是

将……表演出来;用行动来表现(情绪)毕竟,终究 目标是;瞄准,对准

几乎,差不多;除了……外全部都 也

每次,逐一,一次 内心里,本质上

在家里;无拘无束;在本国;(比赛)在主场此刻,目前 同时

在工作;在起作用,在运转 总的说来

各种各样的,形形色色的 到处,处处 一直,始终

18、all the way

19、along with 20、anything but

21、as a result

22、as far as

23、as for/to

24、as good as

25、as if/though

26、as it is/was

27、as it were

28、as soon as

29、be about to do sth.30、be addicted to

31、be based on

32、be better off

33、be in doubt

34、be involved in

35、be made up of

一直,完全地;一路上 除……以外(还),与……同样地 绝不,根本不 结果,因此

到……程度;就……而言 至于,关于 几乎,差不多 好像,仿佛 实际上,照现状 可以说,在某种程度上 尽快

即将、正要做某事 沉溺于

根据,以……为基础 有较多钱,比较宽裕 不肯定,不确定 牵涉到,涉及;参与 由……组成,由……构成

36、be/keep/get in touch with 和……保持联系

37、be critical of

38、be destructive of

39、be doomed to 40、be economical of

对……挑剔,对……吹毛求疵 对……有破坏作用 注定 节俭;节省

41、come about 发生,产生

42、come across 偶然遇见,碰上;被理解

43、come along 出现,发生;进步,进展

44、come apart 破碎;崩溃

45、come around/round 拜访;改变观点;苏醒,复原

46、break through 突围,冲破;取得突破性成就

47、break up 打碎;终止,结束;(with sb.)与某人绝交

48、bring about 导致,引起

49、bring around/round 使恢复知觉(或健康);说服 50、bring down 使落下;击倒;降低,减少

51、bring forth 产生,提出

52、bring forward 提出,提议;提前

53、bring off 使实现,做成

54、bring on 引起,助长,促进

55、bring out 出版,推出;使显出;激起,引起

56、bring through 使(病人)脱险,使安全渡过

57、bring to 使恢复知觉

58、bring up 养育,教养;提出

59、brush aside 不理,不顾 60、brush up 重温,再练 61、cut back 削减,缩减

62、cut down 削减,减少;砍倒,杀死 63、cut in 插嘴,打断;超车抢挡 64、cut off 切断,阻断;使分离,使隔绝 65、cut out 切去,删去;戒除,停止服用 66、cut up 切碎

67、cut across 抄近路穿过,对直通过 68、cut away 切去,剪去 69、face up to 勇敢地面对 70、fall apart 破碎,破裂;崩溃 71、fall back 后退,退却 72、fall back on 依靠,借助于 73、fall behind 落后,落在……的后面

74、fall for 对……信以为真,受……的骗;对……倾心,迷恋 75、fall in with 同意,赞成

76、fall on/upon 袭击,攻击;由……承担 77、fall out 脱落 78、fall out with 吵架,失和 79、fall through 落空,成为泡影 80、fall to sth.开始、着手做某事 81、far and wide 到处

82、far from 远远不,完全不

83、grow up 长大,成长;逐渐发展,形成 84、hand down 把……传下去 85、hand in 上交,提交

86、hand in hand 手拉手地;密切相关 87、hand out 分发,散发 88、hand over 移交,交出 89、hang about/around 闲荡

90、hang on(电话)不挂断,等待片刻;有赖于,取决于;(to)坚持,不放 91、hang on to 紧紧抓住;保留(某物)92、go into 进入,参加;调查,研究;开始从事 93、go off 不再喜欢;爆炸,开火;(电等)中断,停止 94、go on 继续,接着;进行,发生;(时间)过去 95、go out(潮)退;(灯)熄;过时;外出;公布 96、go over 仔细检查,察看;反复研究

97、go through 经历;详细研究;被批准;(with)将……干到底 98、go under 失败,破产;沉没

99、go up 增长,上涨;爆炸,被烧毁;(楼房)建造起来 100、go with 跟……相配;附属于 101、get ahead 获得成功,取得进展 102、get along 前进,进展;过活

103、get around/round to 抽出时间来做(或考虑)104、get at 够得着,触及;查明;指责

105、get away 走开,离开;逃脱;(with)做了……逃脱责罚 106、get back 回来,回到;恢复;(at)对……报复 107、get by 通过;过得去,(勉强)过活 108、get down(从……)下来;写下;使沮丧

109、get down to sth.开始认真处理某事,着手做某事

110、get into 进入(尤指难进的地方);到达;被录取

111、get off(从……)下来;结束(工作),下班;动身,出发;逃脱惩罚 112、get on 骑上,登上;进展,过活;(to)转入(某一话题);


113、in advance 在前面;预先,事先 114、in all 总共,合计

115、in a moment 立刻,马上

116、in a way 在某种程度上,从某一点上看 117、keep on 继续进行,继续下去

118、never mind 不用担心,别管;不要紧,没关系 119、no matter what 不论……,无论……,不管…… 120、no way 无论如何不,决不

121、on(the)one hand...on the other hand 一方面……,另一方面…… 122、on average平均,一般水准 123、on earth 究竟,到底 124、on hand 在手头,在近旁 125、on one's own 独自 126、on one's way to 去……的途中

127、on the move 在活动中,在行进中;在旅途中 128、on the part of 就……而言 129、on the point of 正要……之际,就要……之时 130、on the run 忙碌,奔波;躲避 131、on time 准时

132、keep to 遵守,信守;坚持

133、keep up(使)继续下去;保持;使居高不下 134、keep up with 跟上,(与……)并驾齐驱 135、kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕 136、lay off 解雇

137、lend sb' a hand 帮助某人,协助某人 138、lie in 在于,存在 139、live off 依赖……生活

140、live on 以……为生,以……为食物 141、in between(时间或空间上)介于……之间 142、in confidence 私下地,秘密地

143、in hand(工作等)在进行中,待办理;在控制中 144、in no way 决不

145、in one's hands 在某人控制下 146、in one's heart of hearts 在内心深处 147、in order to 为了,目的是 148、in part 部分地

149、in particular 尤其,特别 150、in place 在合适的位置 151、in place of 代替,取代 152、get out 离开;泄露;生产,出版

153、get over 从……中恢复过来;克服(困难),解决(问题);将……讲清楚

154、get through 干完,完成;渡过;(使)通过(考试),(使)获得通过;打通电话

155、give off 发出,放出(气味、热、光等)156、give up 放弃,认输 157、give way 让路;后退;塌陷,倒塌 158、go about 着手做(某事);做(某事)159、go after 追赶,追求

160、go against 反对,违背;对……不利 161、go ahead 开始;进行

162、go along 进行,进展;(with)和某人观点一致 163、go around/round 流传;习惯于(某种行为或穿着)164、go at 攻击;拼命干,卖力干

165、hold back 踌躇;阻挡,抑制;隐瞒,保守(秘密等)166、hang together(人)团结,同心协力;(言论等)一致,相符 167、hang up 挂断(电话);终止使用某物 168、have/take a hand in 参与,介入 169、have it in mind to do sth.打算做某事 170、have one's hands full 忙得腾不出手来 171、fill in 填写(表格等)172、fill out 填写;变丰满 173、find out 查明,查清;识破 174、for a while 一会儿,片刻 175、for all 尽管,虽然 176、for example 例如 177、for fear of/that 唯恐,以免

178、for one's part 就个人来说,至于本人 179、for the moment 暂时,目前

180、from(the bottom of)one's heart 从心底,真诚地 181、gain ground 变得更强大;有进步 182、gain on 接近,逼近183、get a move on 赶快,加紧 184、get about 走动;(消息等)传开 185、get across(使)被了解,将……讲清楚 186、go back on 违背(诺言等)187、go by(时间)过去;遵守,遵循,依据

188、go down 下降,减少;(船)沉没;(飞机)坠落;(日)落;(with)生……病 189、go for 选择,想要获得;袭击;适用于;努力争取 190、go in for 参加(考试或竞赛);喜欢



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