学院:城乡建设学院专 业 班 级:给水排水工程0801班学号:学 生 姓 名:指导教师姓名:元红英指导教师职称:高级工程师
2012 年 5 月 31 日
龙源期刊网 http://.cn
摘 要:给水排水工程专业毕业设计是培养具有实践能力和创新意识的给水排水工程专业人才的重要教学实践环节,是体现专业教学理念及成果的最终环节。本文提出了给水排水工程专业毕业设计环节存在的问题,分析了造成问题的原因,针对性的提出了毕业设计的改革措施,改革选题内容,建立毕业设计指导组制度,改革指导模式等,通过改革提高学生的兴趣和主动性,提高毕业设计教学效果。
中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2011)04(b)-0082-02
Reforms on Undergraduate Thesis for Specialty of Water Supply and Sewerage EngineeringMA Xiao-yan
(Municipal Engineering of Architecture Engineering College,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310014,China)
Abstract: For tertiary institutions, undergraduate thesis is the important teaching term in which applied talents are cultivated,and in which teaching methodology and result is reflected.In this paper,problems in undergraduate thesis were put forward,and reformation advice such as thesis selection reform,the mode of tutoring improvement through establishing tutor group were also put forward.By the way of reformation,interest and initiative of students can be improved,thus quality of undergraduate thesis will be enhanced.Key words:Specialty of water supply and sewerage engineering,undergraduate thesis,reformation毕业设计是高等院校培养面向生产、建设的应用型人才的最后一个教学环节,是体现专业教学理念及成果的最终环节,是衡量高校教育质量、办学水平的一项重要评价内容。给水排水工程专业毕业设计是集综合性、探索性和实践性于一体的教育教学活动,是学生独立进行科学研究或工程实践的重要环节,目的在于培养具有实践能力和创新意识的给水排水工程专业人才。
2.1 合理选题,实现先进性,科学性和实践性的统一
2.2 整合资源,构建指导教师团队
2.3 学主教辅,改革指导模式
2.4 强化实践平台,完善人才培养体系
2.5 规范体制,完善毕业设计环节的管理
[1] 崔福义.从法国调研情况谈我国对水工业人才的需求[J].中国给水排水,1998,14(1):39~41.[2] 李定龙.给排水工程学科发展方向与人才培养叫[J].化工高等教育,2004(1):8~11.[3] 杨平,王志萍,李平.论大学毕业设计的“被应付”之风[J].中国电力教育,2010(25):41~43.[4] 孙权,吴秋云.高校本科毕业设计存在的问题及对策分析[J].当代教育论坛,2008(11):63~64.[5] 夏友桦,金友功,葛乐.基于情感交互的毕业设计远程教学方法研究[J].中国电力教育,2010(22):136~137.“本文中所涉及到的图表、公式、注解等请以PDF格式阅读”
1.人文社会科学类课程 35学分
(1)“两课”5门 14学分
10610193 思想道德修养与法律基础
中国近现代史纲要 马克思主义基本原理 3学分(秋)3学分(春)4学分(秋)毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和‘三个代表’重要思想概论”4学分(春)
(4)文化素质课13学分 必修课程1门,1学分 000500
必修课 10学分 10420743 10420753 10420684 10420764 10420692 10420243 10420803 10420854(2)物理9学分
10430205 10430782 10430792
微积分(1)微积分(2)几何与代数(1)微积分(3)几何与代数(2)随机数学方法 概率论与数理统计 数学实验 物理学导论 物理实验A(1)物理实验A(2)
选修课 在下列课程中选修不少于6学分
必修课6学分 20440314 无机与分析化学 20440532 无机与分析化学实验B 选修课在下列课程中选修不少于4学分 30450014 生物化学原理 10450012 现代生物学导论 30450114 分子生物学
3.专业相关课程 71学分
必修课可以在同类课中选更高档次课程,但多出的学分不记入学分要求。(1)工程技术基础课 9学分
必修课7学分 20130433 20220044 20740042 20740073
机械设计基础B(1)电工与电子技术 计算机文化基础 计算机程序设计基础
20740033 必修课 32学分 20440333 20440513 20440441 20310314 30030234 20040083 20040122 30050032 30050053 40050013 30050174
计算机信息管理基础 3学分(春、秋)
(2)专业基础课 36学分
有机化学B 物理化学B 物理化学实验c 工程力学A 工程结构 流体力学⑴ 流体力学⑵ 环境学导论 环境工程监测 环境工程微生物学 环境工程原理
20440201 有机化学实验B 40440122 仪器分析B 40440011 仪器分析实验B 30050162 生态学原理 30050152 环境化学 30050182 环境土壤学(3)专业课26学分
限定选修(11学分):从B类课中任选不少于2门、C类课中任选不少于1门 选修课(10学分): 从B、C、D类课中任选不少于10学分(3-5门)(同一门课不得重复计算学分)
限定选修(4学分):从B类课其它课程中任选不少于1门、选修课(10学分): 从B、C和D类课中任选不少于10学分(3-5门)(同一门课不得重复计算学分)专业课程设置
A类(核心专业课、各专业必修)40050455 水处理工程(含实验)
「公共、水、给」5学分(春)B类(主干专业课、限定选修)40050414 城市与建筑给排水工程[给」
40050424 固体废物处理处置工程(含实验)「固」40050444 大气污染控制工程(含实验)「气」40050434 环境数据处理与数学模型 「规划」 C类(设计课、限定选修)40050473 给水排水工程设计 「给」40050523 固体废物处理处置设施 「固」40050463 大气污染控制工程设计 「气」40050483 数据库与信息技术
D类(选修课)40050332 给排水与环境工程施工 「公共」 40050492 环境工程技术经济和造价管理 「公共」 30050092 专业外语 「公共」 40050532 环境物理性污染与控制 「公共」 30050192 水资源利用工程与管理 「水、给」40050502 环境评价与工业环境管理 「规划」 40050512 环境管理与环境社会学方法 「规划」 30050202 流域面源污染控制与生态工程 「公共」 40050542 环境中有害化学物质的迁移、归宿及去除注∶各学科方向/专业缩写如下:水污染控制理论与技术 「水」大气污染控制理论与技术 「气」固体废弃物污染控制与资源化 「固」环境规划与管理 「规划」给水与排水专业 「给」各学科方向/专业公共平台课缩写为 「公共」
4.实践环节 17学分
12090043 军事理论与技能训练 3学分(夏)10640852 大一外语强化训练 2学分(夏)40050202 认识实习2学分(夏)40030282 测量
2学分(夏)21510082 金工实习C(集中)2学分(夏)40050401 校园环境质量监测 1学分(夏)40050222 生产实习
2学分(夏)40050343 水处理工程设计
5.综合论文训练 15学分
目 学生姓名 专业班级 学
号 院(系)指导教师 完成时间
2009年06 月 05日
Inverter 1 Introduction An inverter is an electrical device that converts direct current(DC)to alternating current(AC);the converted AC can be at any required voltage and frequency with the use of appropriate transformers, switching, and control circuits.Solid-state inverters have no moving parts and are used in a wide range of applications, from small switching power supplies in computers, to large electric utility high-voltage direct current applications that transport bulk power.Inverters are commonly used to supply AC power from DC sources such as solar panels or batteries.There are two main types of inverter.The output of a modified sine wave inverter is similar to a square wave output except that the output goes to zero volts for a time before switching positive or negative.It is simple and low cost and is compatible with most electronic devices, except for sensitive or specialized equipment, for example certain laser printers.A pure sine wave inverter produces a nearly perfect sine wave output(<3% total harmonic distortion)that is essentially the same as utility-supplied grid power.Thus it is compatible with all AC electronic devices.This is the type used in grid-tie inverters.Its design is more complex, and costs 5 or 10 times more per unit power The electrical inverter is a high-power electronic oscillator.It is so named because early mechanical AC to DC converters were made to work in reverse, and thus were “inverted”, to convert DC to AC.The inverter performs the opposite function of a rectifier.2 Applications 2.1 DC power source utilization An inverter converts the DC electricity from sources such as batteries, solar panels, or fuel cells to AC electricity.The electricity can be at any required voltage;in particular it can operate AC equipment designed for mains operation, or rectified to produce DC at any desired voltageGrid tie inverters can feed energy back into the distribution network because they produce alternating current with the same wave shape and frequency as supplied by the distribution system.They can also switch off automatically in the event of a blackout.Micro-inverters convert direct current from individual solar panels into alternating current for the electric grid.They are grid tie designs by default.2.2 Uninterruptible power supplies An uninterruptible power supply(UPS)uses batteries and an inverter to supply AC power when main power is not available.When main power is restored, a rectifier supplies DC power to recharge the batteries.2.3 Induction heating Inverters convert low frequency main AC power to a higher frequency for use in induction heating.To do this, AC power is first rectified to provide DC power.The inverter then changes the DC power to high frequency AC power.2.4 HVDC power transmission With HVDC power transmission, AC power is rectified and high voltage DC power is transmitted to another location.At the receiving location, an inverter in a static inverter plant converts the power back to AC.2.5 Variable-frequency drives A variable-frequency drive controls the operating speed of an AC motor by controlling the frequency and voltage of the power supplied to the motor.An inverter provides the controlled power.In most cases, the variable-frequency drive includes a rectifier so that DC power for the inverter can be provided from main AC power.Since an inverter is the key component, variable-frequency drives are sometimes called inverter drives or just inverters.2.6 Electric vehicle drives Adjustable speed motor control inverters are currently used to power the traction motors in some electric and diesel-electric rail vehicles as well as some battery electric vehicles and hybrid electric highway vehicles such as the Toyota Prius and Fisker Karma.Various improvements in inverter technology are being developed specifically for electric vehicle applications.[2] In vehicles with regenerative braking,the inverter also takes power from the motor(now acting as a generator)and stores it in the batteries.2.7 The general case A transformer allows AC power to be converted to any desired voltage, but at the same frequency.Inverters, plus rectifiers for DC, can be designed to convert from any voltage, AC or DC, to any other voltage, also AC or DC, at any desired frequency.The output power can never exceed the input power, but efficiencies can be high, with a small proportion of the power dissipated as waste heat.Circuit description
3.1 Basic designs
In one simple inverter circuit, DC power is connected to a transformer through the centre tap of the primary winding.A switch is rapidly switched back and forth to allow current to flow back to the DC source following two alternate paths through one end of the primary winding and then the other.The alternation of the direction of current in the primary winding of the transformer produces alternating current(AC)in the secondary circuit.The electromechanical version of the switching device includes two stationary contacts and a spring supported moving contact.The spring holds the movable contact against one of the stationary contacts and an electromagnet pulls the movable contact to the opposite stationary contact.The current in the electromagnet is interrupted by the action of the switch so that the switch continually switches rapidly back and forth.This type of electromechanical inverter switch, called a vibrator or buzzer, was once used in vacuum tube automobile radios.A similar mechanism has been used in door bells, buzzers and tattoo guns.As they became available with adequate power ratings, transistors and various other types of semiconductor switches have been incorporated into inverter circuit designs 3.2 Output waveforms The switch in the simple inverter described above, when not coupled to an output transformer, produces a square voltage waveform due to its simple off and on nature as opposed to the sinusoidal waveform that is the usual waveform of an AC power supply.Using Fourier analysis, periodic waveforms are represented as the sum of an infinite series of sine waves.The sine wave that has the same frequency as the original waveform is called the fundamental component.The other sine waves, called harmonics, that are included in the series have frequencies that are integral multiples of the fundamental frequency.The quality of output waveform that is needed from an inverter depends on the characteristics of the connected load.Some loads need a nearly perfect sine wave voltage supply in order to work properly.Other loads may work quite well with a square wave voltage.3.3 Three phase inverters Three-phase inverters are used for variable-frequency drive applications and for high power applications such as HVDC power transmission.A basic three-phase inverter consists of three single-phase inverter switches each connected to one of the three load terminals.For the most basic control scheme, the operation of the three switches is coordinated so that one switch operates at each 60 degree point of the fundamental output waveform.This creates a line-to-line output waveform that has six steps.The six-step waveform has a zero-voltage step between the positive and negative sections of the square-wave such that the harmonics that are multiples of three are eliminated as described above.When carrier-based PWM techniques are applied to six-step waveforms, the basic overall shape, or envelope, of the waveform is retained so that the 3rd harmonic and its multiples are cancelled History 4.1 Early inverters From the late nineteenth century through the middle of the twentieth century, DC-to-AC power conversion was accomplished using rotary converters or motor-generator sets(M-G sets).In the early twentieth century, vacuum tubes and gas filled tubes began to be used as switches in inverter circuits.The most widely used type of tube was the thyratron.The origins of electromechanical inverters explain the source of the term inverter.Early AC-to-DC converters used an induction or synchronous AC motor direct-connected to a generator(dynamo)so that the generator's commutator reversed its connections at exactly the right moments to produce DC.A later development is the synchronous converter, in which the motor and generator windings are combined into one armature, with slip rings at one end and a commutator at the other and only one field frame.The result with either is AC-in, DC-out.With an M-G set, the DC can be considered to be separately generated from the AC;with a synchronous converter, in a certain sense it can be considered to be “mechanically rectified AC”.Given the right auxiliary and control equipment, an M-G set or rotary converter can be “run backwards”, converting DC to AC.Hence an inverter is an inverted converter.4 4.2 Controlled rectifier inverters Since early transistors were not available with sufficient voltage and current ratings for most inverter applications, it was the 1957 introduction of the thyristor or silicon-controlled rectifier(SCR)that initiated the transition to solid state inverter circuits.The commutation requirements of SCRs are a key consideration in SCR circuit designs.SCRs do not turn off or commutate automatically when the gate control signal is shut off.They only turn off when the forward current is reduced to below the minimum holding current, which varies with each kind of SCR, through some external process.For SCRs connected to an AC power source, commutation occurs naturally every time the polarity of the source voltage reverses.SCRs connected to a DC power source usually require a means of forced commutation that forces the current to zero when commutation is required.The least complicated SCR circuits employ natural commutation rather than forced commutation.With the addition of forced commutation circuits, SCRs have been used in the types of inverter circuits described above.In applications where inverters transfer power from a DC power source to an AC power source, it is possible to use AC-to-DC controlled rectifier circuits operating in the inversion mode.In the inversion mode, a controlled rectifier circuit operates as a line commutated inverter.This type of operation can be used in HVDC power transmission systems and in regenerative braking operation of motor control systems.Another type of SCR inverter circuit is the current source input(CSI)inverter.A CSI inverter is the dual of a six-step voltage source inverter.With a current source inverter, the DC power supply is configured as a current source rather than a voltage source.The inverter SCRs are switched in a six-step sequence to direct the current to a three-phase AC load as a stepped current waveform.CSI inverter commutation methods include load commutation and parallel capacitor commutation.With both methods, the input current regulation assists the commutation.With load commutation, the load is a synchronous motor operated at a leading power factor.As they have become available in higher voltage and current ratings, semiconductors such as transistors or IGBTs that can be turned off by means of control signals have become the preferred switching components for use in inverter circuits.5 4.3 Rectifier and inverter pulse numbers Rectifier circuits are often classified by the number of current pulses that flow to the DC side of the rectifier per cycle of AC input voltage.A single-phase half-wave rectifier is a one-pulse circuit and a single-phase full-wave rectifier is a two-pulse circuit.A three-phase half-wave rectifier is a three-pulse circuit and a three-phase full-wave rectifier is a six-pulse circuit。With three-phase rectifiers, two or more rectifiers are sometimes connected in series or parallel to obtain higher voltage or current ratings.The rectifier inputs are supplied from special transformers that provide phase shifted outputs.This has the effect of phase multiplication.Six phases are obtained from two transformers, twelve phases from three transformers and so on.The associated rectifier circuits are 12-pulse rectifiers, 18-pulse rectifiers and so on.When controlled rectifier circuits are operated in the inversion mode, they would be classified by pulse number also.Rectifier circuits that have a higher pulse number have reduced harmonic content in the AC input current and reduced ripple in the DC output voltage.In the inversion mode, circuits that have a higher pulse number have lower harmonic content in the AC output voltage waveform.逆变器 简介
固定的逆变器没有移动部件,其应用范围极其广泛,从小型计算机开关电源,到大型电力公司高压直流电源应用,运输散货。逆变器通常用于提供从诸如太阳能电池板或电池直流电源转换的交流电源..逆变器有两种主要类型。对修改后正弦波逆变器输出是一个类似方波输出,输出去除了一时间为零伏特,然后才转到正或负。它的电路简单而且成本一般较低,并与大多数电子设备兼容,除了敏感或专用设备,例如某些激光打印机。纯正弦波逆变器产生一个近乎完美的正弦波输出“(<3%的总谐波失真),它本质上与公用事业电网提供的相同。因此它与所有的交流电子设备兼容。这是网逆变器配合使用的类型。它的设计更为复杂,成本5人以上每单位功率。[1]电逆变器是一种高功率电子振荡器的10倍。它是如此命名是因为早期机械AC到DC转换器的工作作了相反,因此是“倒“,转换成直流到交流。变频器的整流执行相反的功能 应用
2.1 直流电源利用率
2.2 不间断电源
2.3 感应加热
2.4 高压直流输电
2.5 变频驱动器
2.6 电动汽车驱动
2.7 一般情况下
3.1 基本设计
3.2 输出波形
3.3 三相逆变器
三相逆变器是用于变频驱动应用以及诸如高压直流输电高功率传输。一个基本的三相逆变器由三个单相开关每个连接到三个负载接线端子之一的逆变器组成。对于最基本的控制方案,对三个开关运作协调,以便在每一个开关输出波形的基本操作60度点。这将创建一个线到线输出波形有六个步骤。六步之间有一个波形的方波的正面和负面的部分零电压一步,这样的谐波,是三个被淘汰上述倍数。当载波脉冲调宽技术技术应用到六步波形时,在整体上基本形状,或着波形的包络将被保留,以使三次谐波及其倍数被取消 历史
4.1 早期的变频器
机动电子逆变器一词解释了学术上逆变器的来源。早期的交流到直流转换器使用的感应或同步交流电动机直接连接到一台发电机(发电机),使发电机的整流子扭转在正确的时间来产生直流电。一个后来的发展是同步转换器,其中电机和发电机绕组组合成一个电枢,一个滑环在电枢一端,整流子在另一端,只有一帧。这样的结果是交流输入,直流输出。随着设置,直流电可以被认为是分开的出现的交流电;具有同步转换器,在一定意义上讲,它可以被认为是“机械纠正交流“。只要有了正确的辅助和控制设备,设置或旋转转换器可“向后跑“,转换直流到交流。因此,逆变器是一个倒置的转换器。4.2 整流逆变器控制
4.3 整流器和逆变器脉冲数
整流电路通常是每周期的交流输入电压流入的直流侧的直流帧数来分类。单相半波整流是一个脉冲电路和单相全波整流是双脉冲电路。一个三相半波整流是三脉冲电路和 三相全波整流是一个六脉冲电路。对于三相整流器,有整流器两个或两个以上,有时串联或并联以获得更高的电压或电流额定值。整流器输入,提供从供应特种变压器移相输出。这具有倍增效应阶段。6个阶段分别从两个变压器,从十二相从三个变压器等。相关的整流电路为12脉冲整流器,18脉冲整流器等。