
时间:2019-05-13 04:12:52下载本文作者:会员上传



范文1 自我介绍(Unit 1)

Dear Kate,My name is Jack.I’m 13 years old.And my birthday is January 2nd.I’m from China.I think China is a great country.I speak Chinese and a little English.And I like reading books very much.I want to be a reporter when I grow up.And here is my photo.I’m short and a little bit heavy.I have short straight black hair.And I have two big eyes.I often wear a pair of glasses.I’m not very cool, but I think I’m friendly.I live in Ruian now.It’s a beautiful city.In my neighborhood, there is a school and near the school, there is a supermarket.It’s a good place to go shopping.I often go shopping with my mother.Next to the supermarket, there is a small but beautiful park.I usually read books there in the morning.Welcome to Ruian.Can you write to me soon?

Best wishes,Jack

范文2 介绍一个地方(Unit 2)

Welcome to the Chaoyang District

Chaoyang District is a good place to have fun.It’s on Chaoyang Street.It’s a very busy but clean street.There is a nice school, a clean park, a beautiful garden, a big supermarket, a quiet library and a good restaurant.In front of the school is a garden.The garden is small but very beautiful.There are many flowers in it.If you are hungry, you can buy some food in the supermarket.The supermarket is very busy because the things are very cheap.Across from the supermarket is a restaurant.It’s quiet now but in the afternoon it’s very busy.Near the supermarket is a beautiful park.The park is very quiet in the afternoon, but in the morning and evening, it is very busy.In the morning, people play sports in it.In the evening, after supper, some old people take a walk through it.Next to the park is a library.There are a lot of books in it.Many people read books there because books are our good friends.Welcome to the Chaoyang District.范文3招聘广告(请参考P23-3a)(Unit 4)

Dear Sir/Madam,I am a good P.E.teacher.I can speak many languages: Chinese, English, French and Japanese.I’m 27 years old.I can play a lot of sports, but tennis is my favorite sport.It’s interesting.I can play it very well.I can also play soccer and volleyball.They’re interesting, too.I think I’m a good teacher.I can help kids with sports.I’m very good with them.I think your school is good, but a good school needs many good teachers.Please let me join you.Yours,Scott1

范文4 看图描写(场景描写):现在进行时描写(Units 5-6)

Look!This is a very beautiful park.And the weather is sunny and hot.Some boys are playing soccer on the grass.Others are playing games.They look happy.And some girls are watching them.Look at this group of boys playing basketball.They look cool!How about that short and thin boy? He is running.I’m surprised he can run in this heat.But I think it’s good for his health.What are they doing on the chair? Let me see.A woman is reading an English book.She is studying English.And another woman is eating an apple.The man is talking to them.Everyone is having a good time.范文5 日记(旅游、假期描写):一般过去时(Units 9-10)

Sunday, May 15th

Today the weather was cloudy all day.It was good for a trip, so I got up early and went to the mountains.I saw many animals, flowers and trees there.A rabbit ate grass and it was really relaxed.Later I found a tree.I was very surprised that the tree was so tall and big.At about 9:30, I went to a lake.There were some fish playing in the water.Then I had a picnic under a tree.I ate some apples and bananas.They were delicious.In the afternoon, I visited a museum.There were many interesting things.I saw some foreigners(外国人).They were friendly and I said “Hi” to them.That made me feel very happy.At night, I went to the hotel.I had great fun enjoying the nice music.And I talked with my friends about my trip.It was a really fantastic day.I enjoyed it very much.I hope I can have a good time every day.范文6 规则(Unit 12)

Don’t play on the street.Don’t play computer games on school nights.Don’t go out at night.Do your homework after class.Practice English with your classmates every day.I’m not happy, because we have too many rules at school.We can’t play on the street or go out at night, because it’s dangerous.We can’t play computer games on school nights because it’s bad for our study.After class, we have to do homework and practice English with our classmates every day.It’s boring but it’s good for our study.I never have any fun, but I still have to fight for my dream.Dear Dr Know,I’m tired because there are many rules in my life.In the classroom, I can’t play chess or listen to music.I can’t eat in class.I have to listen to teachers carefully.We have to be in the classroom by 7:05.And I have to hand in(上交)homework on time.In the dormitory, I have to get up by 6:30 and be in bed by 9:00.We can’t talk

loudly or go to other dormitories.We have to clean the dormitory every day.We have a lot of homework, and we have to finish homework on time.So we’re tired.I feel very sad and unhappy now.I never have any fun.What can I do?


范文8 广告(Unit 8)

Porridge House

Come and try our new specials!Fish porridge is great.It’s good for babies and is just RMB 8.Special 2 has mutton and beans.It’s RMB 12.Special 3 is porridge with beef and carrots.It’s RMB 16, and you can enjoy a free drink!

Any take-away please call us at 87314546 right now!

范文 9谈论观点TV Shows(Unit 11)

My friend Mary loves English because she thinks it’s really interesting.She likes Chinese and music because she thinks they are kind of relaxing.She doesn’t like math because she thinks it’s difficult.She doesn’t mind science.She can’t stand P.E.because she thinks it’s difficult and boring.范文 10人物描写(Unit 7)

He’s short and of medium build.He has short straight black hair and a black beard.He always wears a green sweater, blue pants and brown shoes.He likes to tell jokes and he never stops talking.Look!He is telling a joke now.He is very old, but he is still very healthy and happy.范文10.How to make friends

It’s hard to make friends if you stay alone all the time.It’s easier to make friends when you have similar interests.Don’r be afraid to show people what you are really good at.Talk about the things you like and do best.Look at people in the eyes when you talk to them.Be a good listner.Let people talk about themselves before talking about yourself.Be friendly to a lot of people.Try to help your friends when they are in trouble because a friend in need is a friend indeed.That way you’ll have a bigger group to choose from and have more chances to make friends.范文11.My view on television

Television has come into our life for many years.We can’t live happily without television.Jt can give us the latest information and news.It can open up our eyes and enlarge our knowledge.We can get happiness from the plays on television.We’ll be boring all day if there is no television.Television programs are attractive.After a whole day’s hard worlk we can sit before the television and drink a cup of tea.How wonderful it is!

Television is also bad for people’s health.It’s bad for you to watch TV too long,especially bad for your eyes.It is true that watching TV can influence our behavior.However, it depends on what we do.范文12My view on school uniform

At our school , we have to wear uniforms every day.The problem is that all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly.We think young people should look smart and so we would like to wear our own clothes.Our teachers believe that if we did that.We would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies.We disagree.We should feel more comfortable and thate is good for studying.If we can’t do that, we should be allowed to design our own uniforms.We also think everyone should be different from others.That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy.范文13.My opinions on volunteering

We are middle school students and we are busy with our lessons.So some people think we should concentrate more on our studies.If we volunteer to help others, it’s a waste of time.But I think volunteering is great.I not only feel good about helping others but also get to spend time doing what I love to do.And from volunteering I have learned many things that I have never learned in class.So if I have an oppoutunity, I’d like to visit old people’s home to clean up for them.I’d also like to help sick kids in hospital.I love kids and I plan to put my love to good use by working in hospital.In a word, I’d like to help people who need help.If everyone helps out a bit, the world will be more colorful.范文14.Small kinds

Human beings are advanced animals in the world.Some animals are very kind.For example , if you are kind to a dog , it will shake.It will tail to you.So if you are kind to others, they will also be kind to you.You have lots of chances to give your small kindness if you see a disabled person working in the street.You can help him to cross the street.If you meet a stranger, you can show him the way.If he or she asks you questions, you should be kind to answer them.That is you give small kindness to others.Maybe it seems to you a piece of cake, but it is very important to people in need.If you do this, the others will do it to you.Be kind to others, and they will be kind to you.范文15.My opinion on Internet

Hello, everyone!As you know, many students like to work on the Internet.Of course, it can bring us many good things.We can learn more knowledge outside our books, practice our spoken English with someone else and look up some useful information.At the same time, it can bring us some bad things as well.Some students have made too many friends, seen some bad information that is not good for us and spent too much time on it.We should know what to do and what not to do.That’s my idea.Thank you for listening!

范文7.Internet shopping

Internet shopping is a new way of shopping.It offers a lot of advantages.The most important one is convenience.You can shop whenever you like because the online shops are open 24 hours a day.And you don’t have to queue with others.And it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet and it is also easy to find what you are looking for.There are some disadvantages, too.You can not see the products or check their qualities.Besides you can not enjoy walking around the shops and talking with your friends.


Seeing a Doctor_初中生英语作文

Last Friday afternoon, when I was playing football with my friends, it began to rain.We were so interested in playing that nobody was willing to go back home.The next day, I had a bad headache and had to lie in bed.In the afternoon, I got a high fever.My mother took me to the hospital.The doctor gave me some medicine and advised me to drink more water and have a good rest.He told me not to play in the rain any more.I took the doctor's advice and now I feel much better

My Future Is Not a Dream_初中生英语作文

Last term, I got poor marks in maths.I felt very sad.My parents weremuchworriedaboutme.Duringthewinter holidays, my class teacher came to visit us and talked to my parents about my future.My teacher said, though I was not good at maths, I was good at basketball.My P.E.teacher said I would be a promising basketball player in the future if I tried hard.They encouraged me to study hard in order to be an educated sports man.Now I know clearly what I will be.I said,“I will never lose heart.I will do my best to catch up with my classmates in maths.” Now I am making progress in every subject with the help of my teachers.I'm sure my future is not a dream.New Years Day_初中生英语作文

January 1st is New Year's Day.It's a great day for all the people throughout the world.As the saying goes, “A good beginning is half the battle”.So, many people go all out to celebrate the important day.On that day, I went to the Book City with my classmates.We bought a lot of useful reference books and interesting story books.I believe “Knowledge is power”.I hope I can learn a lot from these books and improve my study.In the evening, my family had a big dinner party.All

the members in my family wished me a good luck in the new year.A New Neighbourhood_初中生英语作文

I live in a new neighbourhood now.My family moved here a year ago.From then on more and more people became our neighbours.A big supermarket and more than twenty different shops have been set up since last year.An underground nearby is under construction.It seems that our life gets more and more convenient.It is said that many tall buildings around here will be put up.It is reported that a new park in the north of our neighbourhood will be built soon.What a green and nice neighbourhood ours will be!

Relax Ourselves_初中生英语作文

Recently, we have little time to keep close contact with nature.We spend too much time on study or working.We almost forget that how green the grass is, how beautiful the flowers are, and how sweetly the birds are singing outside our windows.A saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.It means that we need to relax ourselves and go out to breathe more fresh air.We can also climb a hill in the suburbs.It's good for our health.Let's go outing.The Underground_初中生英语作文

These years you can see many underground railways are being built in some big cities.Underground railway is both convenient and fast.The underground railway is also called “the tube”,“the subway'or ”the underground".There're lifts for you togoupordown.Thetrains'doorsopenandclose automatically.In Shanghai, during rush hours the underground arrives at the station every two minutes.But with too many people takingtheunderground,peoplefinditreallytoo crowded.Maybe Shanghai needs more underground railways.Good Habit_初中生英语作文

When we have formed the good study habit, we learn things quickly and remember things easily.Do you sometimes copy other's homework? It is not good.No matter how difficult the homework is, you must try to do it yourself and finish it on time.If you practice again and again, nothing will be difficult.When you are having lessons, don't forget to make notes.Every evening you must take out the notes and review what you have learned today.Before doing homework, do not forget to clean your desks.A clean desk will make you feel comfortable.A Good study habit is the key to success.Studying Abroad_初中生英语作文

It's not surprising that some students prefer to study abroad.Studying abroad has both advantages and disadvantages.The biggest disadvantage is that they will have difficulty in adapting themselves to a different pace of life.After a period ofstudy, they'll miss their family and friends.But studying abroad also has advantages.They can learn more about the culture and customs in other countries.They can make more friends and improve their

spoken English.A Nice Film_初中生英语作文

The day before yesterday, I saw a film named Ring King It is said the film has won the Oscar award.Before filming, the director spentsevenyearsplanning.Thereareaboutone thousand actors and actresses taking part.The film is about a powerful ring which affects the fate of the beings.In their fight for peace, many people lost their lives.But in the end, justice defeated the evil.The film tells us that persistence and courage are the source of success.With persistence and courage, you are sure to win no matter how weak you are.I enjoyed the film very much.It's

worth seeing although it's very long.China Has Won!_初中生英语作文

China has succeeded in bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games.Beijing is going to host the Games: Beijing has won!China has won!

We still remember the night when the news was declared.China has risen like a huge dragon in the east.We Chinese people now have more confidence to hold the successful games.China has experienced great changes.()ur society is more stable than ever before.The Chinese people are in high spirits.We will contribute a lot to the development of the Olympic Games.The Olympic Games will certainly be a great success.By then, China will surely reveal to the world her splendour and beauty.本篇作文版权归原作者所有。转载时必须以链接形式注明作文网(zuowenwang.com.cn)。


Seeing a Doctor_初中生英语作文

Last Friday afternoon, when I was playing football with my friends, it began to rain.We were so interested in playing that nobody was willing to go back home.The next day, I had a bad headache and had to lie in bed.In the afternoon, I got a high fever.My mother took me to the hospital.The doctor gave me some medicine and advised me to drink more water and have a good rest.He told me not to play in the rain any more.I took the doctor's advice and now I feel much better

My Future Is Not a Dream_初中生英语作文

Last term, I got poor marks in maths.I felt very sad.My parents weremuchworriedaboutme.Duringthewinter holidays, my class teacher came to visit us and talked to my parents about my future.My teacher said, though I was not good at maths, I was good at basketball.My P.E.teacher said I would be a promising basketball player in the future if I tried hard.They encouraged me to study hard in order to be an educated sports man.Now I know clearly what I will be.I said,“I will never lose heart.I will do my best to catch up with my classmates in maths.” Now I am making progress in every subject with the help of my teachers.I'm sure my future is not a dream.New Years Day_初中生英语作文

January 1st is New Year's Day.It's a great day for all the people throughout the world.As the saying goes, “A good beginning is half the battle”.So, many people go all out to celebrate the important day.On that day, I went to the Book City with my classmates.We bought a lot of useful reference books and interesting story books.I believe “Knowledge is power”.I hope I can learn a lot from these books and improve my study.In the evening, my family had a big dinner party.All

the members in my family wished me a good luck in the new year.A New Neighbourhood_初中生英语作文

I live in a new neighbourhood now.My family moved here a year ago.From then on more and more people became our neighbours.A big supermarket and more than twenty different shops have been set up since last year.An underground nearby is under construction.It seems that our life gets more and more convenient.It is said that many tall buildings around here will be put up.It is reported that a new park in the north of our neighbourhood will be built soon.What a green and nice neighbourhood ours will be!

Relax Ourselves_初中生英语作文

Recently, we have little time to keep close contact with nature.We spend too much time on study or working.We almost forget that how green the grass is, how beautiful the flowers are, and how sweetly the birds are singing outside our windows.A saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.It means that we need to relax ourselves and go out to breathe more fresh air.We can also climb a hill in the suburbs.It's good for our health.Let's go outing.The Underground_初中生英语作文

These years you can see many underground railways are being built in some big cities.Underground railway is both convenient and fast.The underground railway is also called “the tube”,“the subway'or ”the underground".There're lifts for you togoupordown.Thetrains'doorsopenandclose automatically.In Shanghai, during rush hours the underground arrives at the station every two minutes.But with too many people takingtheunderground,peoplefinditreallytoo crowded.Maybe Shanghai needs more underground railways.Good Habit_初中生英语作文

When we have formed the good study habit, we learn things quickly and remember things easily.Do you sometimes copy other's homework? It is not good.No matter how difficult the homework is, you must try to do it yourself and finish it on time.If you practice again and again, nothing will be difficult.When you are having lessons, don't forget to make notes.Every evening you must take out the notes and review what you have learned today.Before doing homework, do not forget to clean your desks.A clean desk will make you feel comfortable.A Good study habit is the key to success.Studying Abroad_初中生英语作文

It's not surprising that some students prefer to study abroad.Studying abroad has both advantages and disadvantages.The biggest disadvantage is that they will have difficulty in adapting themselves to a different pace of life.After a period ofstudy, they'll miss their family and friends.But studying abroad also has advantages.They can learn more about the culture and customs in other countries.They can make more friends and improve their

spoken English.A Nice Film_初中生英语作文

The day before yesterday, I saw a film named Ring King It is said the film has won the Oscar award.Before filming, the director spentsevenyearsplanning.Thereareaboutone thousand actors and actresses taking part.The film is about a powerful ring which affects the fate of the beings.In their fight for peace, many people lost their lives.But in the end, justice defeated the evil.The film tells us that persistence and courage are the source of success.With persistence and courage, you are sure to win no matter how weak you are.I enjoyed the film very much.It's

worth seeing although it's very long.China Has Won!_初中生英语作文

China has succeeded in bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games.Beijing is going to host the Games: Beijing has won!China has won!

We still remember the night when the news was declared.China has risen like a huge dragon in the east.We Chinese people now have more confidence to hold the successful games.China has experienced great changes.()ur society is more stable than ever before.The Chinese people are in high spirits.We will contribute a lot to the development of the Olympic Games.The Olympic Games will certainly be a great success.By then, China will surely reveal to the world her splendour and beauty.


初中生活 Life in Middle School

Before I entered the middle school, I felt so worried about the life in middle school, because my cousin told me that I would have to compete with so many excellent students.Now I get used to the life, I learn many subjects from Monday to Friday.Though I always meet the difficulties in learning the new knowledge, I get help from my teachers and classmates.I am not afraid of the middle school life again;I am so excited to learn new things every day.In the future days, I will meet many challenges;I believe I can get over them.Life in middle school has happiness and sorrow, they fulfill my life.在我进入初中以前,我很担忧初中的生活,因为我的表姐告诉我我将要和很多优秀的学生进行竞争。如今我适应了初中生活,我从周一到周五学习很多科目。虽然我总是在学习新知识时遇到困难,但是我得到了老师和同学的帮助。我不再害怕初中生活了,我对于每天学到新知识感到兴奋。在将来的日子里,我将会遇到很多困难,我相信我能克服他们。初中的生活有快乐也有忧伤,它们充实了我的生活。

最佳的目标 The Best Goal I remember once upon a time, when I was running 800meters, I felt there seemed to be the impossible mission for me, I wanted to give up, then my teacher told me that I should not think about the 800meters, I should set up 100meters for myself, then I wouldn’t be so tired.I did as he told me, indeed, every time when I finished the small goal, I was happy, in the end, I finished the running.I learn the lesson that we need to set up the best goal, it means we can make the small goals, which are so easy for us to realize.Then every time we finish the small goal, we will close to our final destination.我记得有一次,当我跑800米的时候,我觉得这对于我来说是不可能的任务,我想要放弃,然后我的老师告诉我不应该想着800米,我应该为自己定下100米的目标,这样才不会那么累。我按他说的去做,每次我完成了小目标,我就很开心,最后,我完成了跑步。我学到了东西,我们需要定下最佳的目标,这意味着我们可以定下小目标,对我们来说容易实现。每次我完成了小目标,就会离最终的目的地近了一步。

朋友的到访 Friend’s Visiting

Last week, a friend of mine came to visit me, I felt so surprised, because we lose touch for many years, he was my classmate when I was in primary school, now five years has passed, both of us have entered college.My friend told me that he was doing a research, he remembered my home address, so he came to visit me.We talked many things in primary school, it was a beautiful memory, both of us were naughty at that time, but we loved sport, we played the basketball match and won the first place.When the time he left, we made the deal to be gather for the next time.上周,我的一个朋友拜访我,我觉得很意外,因为我们已经很多年没联系了,他是我初中时候的同学,如今五年过去了,我们两个都已经进入了大学。我的朋友告诉我他正在做一个调查,他记得我的家庭地址,因此他来拜访我。我们谈论了很多在初中的事情,那是一段美好的回忆,我们当时都很淘气,但是我们都喜欢运动,我们打了篮球赛,并且赢得了第一名。当他离开的时候,我们都约定好了下次见面的时间。

拍照 Taking Pictures I like to take pictures so much, when I go to the different place, I will ask my parents to take picture for me.Taking picture helps me record my life.I want to see what has happened to me when I look back at my life when I grow up.I want to record the beautiful moment.When I see these pictures in the future, I will be smiling.All of these wonderful memories will fulfill my life.My mother has bought me a camera, so that I can take pictures any time.I am so thankful to her, I hope I can use this camera to record the happy time of my family.我很喜欢拍照,当我去到不同的地方时,我会叫父母帮我拍照。拍照能让我记录生活。在我长大了,当回顾我的生活的时候,我想要看看发生了什么事情。我想要记录下美丽的瞬间。在将来我看到这些照片的时候,我会笑得很开心。所有的这些美好的回忆会充实我的生活。我的妈妈给了买了一台相机,这样我就能随时拍照。我很感激她,我希望我能使用这台相机去记录我们家庭的快乐时光。

我的早期偶像 My Early Idol When I was in middle school, I heard the English song Baby One More Time.Then I saw the music record, the girl was so sweet and pretty.She danced so well in the record, she was full of energy.Since then, I fell in love with Britney Spears, every girl wanted to be her.She was not only beautiful, but also could sing and dance so well.Britney Spears was my early idol, her energetic image attracted me so much.I was so crazy about her at that time.I believe that in every teenager’s dream, they will have an idol.当我上初中的时候,我听到了一首英文歌曲叫《宝贝再爱我一次》。然后我去看了音乐录影带,里面的女孩是那么的甜美和漂亮。在录像中,她舞跳得很好,充满了活力。打从那时候起,我就爱上了布兰妮斯皮尔斯,每一个女孩子都想要成为她。布兰妮不仅长得好看,而且她能歌善舞。她是我早期的偶像,她充满活力的形象让我留下了很深的印象。那时候我是那么的为她痴迷。我相信在每个青少年的梦里,都会有一个偶像。

刺激的电影 The Exciting Movie Last week, I went to the theater with my friends, we wanted to see the hot movie, The Fast and the Furious7, many of my friends suggested me to see, they said it was so awesome.I was looking forward to seeing it.As the plot went into further, the cars drove so fast, the characters fought so strongly with the bad guys.I was very impressed by the fighting scenes, especially the characters drove their caring dropping off the airplane.The technology was such developed, the director and his team shot the good movie, which caught people’s eyes.I never see cars can flying in the sky, the movie broadens my vision.上周,我和朋友们去电影院,我们想要去看热门的电影——速度与激情7,我的很多朋友都建议我去看,他们说电影棒极了。我很期待看到。随着剧情的深入,车开得很快,里面的人物和坏人斗得如此激烈。对于里面斗争的场景,我印象深刻,特别是演员们开着车从飞机上跳下来。科技是如此的发达,导演和他的团队拍出了一部好电影,吸引着人们的眼球。我从来没有看到车子在空中飞,电影开阔了我的视野。

快乐的周末 Happy Weekend Since I was small, I was so curious about the beach, because in my home, I never have the chance to see the real beach.It happens to me that my friends planned to go to Beihai this weekend, so I was so excited to join them.It took us four hours to arrive in Beihai, I saw the beach when I was in the busy, the water was so clean and there were so many people walked in the beach.When we found the hotel and dropped everything down, we went to the beach and had the barbecue, I played with my friends so happily.I realized my dream and have a happy weekend.打从我小时候起,我就会海滩和好奇,因为在我家,我从来没有机会看到真正的海滩。很巧发生在我身上,我的朋友计划在这个周末去北海,因此我很兴奋能加入他们。我们花了四个小时到达北海,当我在汽车上的时候,我看到了海滩,水是那么的清澈,很多人在海滩上散步。当我们找到旅馆,放下一切东西以后,我们走到海边,一边烧烤,我很朋友们玩得很开心。我实现了自己的梦想,并且度过了一个愉快的周末。

兴趣是最好的老师 Interest Is the Best Teacher When I learned English, I felt so hard, because no matter hard I tried, I just could not understand the grammar.One day, my sister asked me why was I so confused with English, I told her I did not know, I was so afraid of it.Then she asked me to watch English movie and listened to the English songs.At first, I fell in love with these songs, I learned to sing them, I found I could remember more and more words.I also felt very interested in the movie, I could learn the local words.With interest, I make great progress, I am not afraid of English any more.Interest is the best teacher.在我学英语的时候,我感到很困难,因为无论我多么努力去尝试,我就是无法理解语法。一天,我的姐姐问我为什么对英语感到困惑,我告诉她我也不知道,我就是很怕英语。然后她叫我去看英语电影和听英语歌曲。刚开始,我爱上了英语歌,我学着去唱,我发现我能记住越来越多的词。我也对电影很感兴趣,我能学到本土的词汇。有了兴趣,我进步很大,再也不害怕英语了。兴趣是最好的老师。

暑假难忘的一件事 An Unforgettable Thing in Summer Holiday July 2 is my grand father's birthday.On that day, all of my families will get together to celebrate his birthday.This year was the same.My uncles and aunt came back from other cities.It was so alive that my grand parents were very happy.This year, I made a surprise for my grand father.I cooked a dish for him.As I never cooked before, he was so surprised as well as exciting.My grand father said that it was the best birthday gift he received.I was glad to make grand father happy.Actually, I had practiced for several days before that day.My mum was my cooking teacher.She supported me to prepare this gift to grand father.7月2号是我爷爷的生日。那一天,全家人聚在一起给他庆祝生日。今年也一样。我的叔叔和婶婶从其他城市回来。生日很热闹,我爷爷很高兴。今年,我给爷爷制造了一个惊喜。我给他做了一道菜。因为我以前从来没煮过,他既惊讶又高兴。我爷爷说这是他收到过的最好的生日礼物。能使爷爷开心我感到很高兴。事实上,在那天之前我已经练习了好几天了。我妈妈是个烹饪老师。她支持我给爷爷准备这份礼物。



My Family

Everyone has a family.We live in it and feel very warm.There are three persons in my family, my mother, father and I.We live together very happily and there are many interesting stories about my family.My father is a hard-working man.He works as a doctor.He always tries his best to help every, patient and make patients comfortable.But sonetimes he works so hard that he can't remember the date.My mother is a woman with a bad memory.She always does a lot of housework, but sometimes she makes mistakes out of carelessness.For example, one day, she washed clothes in the washer, after the washer finished the work, she found she hadn't filled the washer with water.Now let me tell you a funny thing: one day, father wanted to get up early as usual, buthe wasn't able to do that, because he hadn't set the alarm clock the night before, so when he got up, he did everything in a hurry.After father left, mother said to me mysteriously, “He will come back soon.” “Why?” I was greatly surprised.“Because today is Sunday, his holiday!” Just as mother said, father came back home soon, and went to bed again--he was too tired.You see, what an interesting family have!I hope that you will have one like mine, too.我的家庭


我爸爸工作认真。他是一名医生,他总是尽他最大的努力 去帮助每一位病人,尽力使他们感觉舒服。有的时候,他工作太认真以致于忘了日期。




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