江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语上册《Unit1 Friends》英语描写人的相貌体型之常用词文章素材 牛津版(大全五篇)

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第一篇:江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语上册《Unit1 Friends》英语描写人的相貌体型之常用词文章素材 牛津版


外貌 Physical Appearance

在描写人时, 通常会描写其外貌特征, 如: 年龄, 身材, 体形, 头发(长短, 颜色, 发型), 脸型, 肤色, 眼睛, 衣着, 表情, 情趣, 爱好, 个性等, 但不必面面提到, 一般要抓住某人比较明显的特征来描述。在描写人的外貌时, 用一般现在时。


tall, small, short, of medium height …


fat, thin, slim, big, small, of medium build, strong等。


beautiful, pretty, good-looking, charming, sweet, handsome, funny, ugly, peculiar, rough, ill-looking


fat 肥胖的;thin 瘦的;slim 苗条的;overweight 超重;slight 瘦小的;well-built身材魁梧


medium height 中等身材;

average height 一般身材;

below average 低于平均身高;

tall 高的;short 矮的;tallish 有些高的;

middle-sized 身高中等的;

of medium height 中等身材;

1.78 meters 身高1.78米。



round 圆的;thin 瘦的;long 长的;square 方的。


(1)发型(hair style):

straight 直的;curly 卷发的;pigtails 辫子;crew cut平头;bald秃头的。

(2)发色(hair color):

jet-black 乌黑的;fair 金色的;blonde 淡黄色的;golden 金黄色的;dyed 染色的;brunette 浅黑色的;mousey 灰褐色的;chestnut 栗色的。



smart 潇洒的;scruffy 邋遢的; well-dressed 衣着华丽的;casual 随便的;conservative 不显眼的;elegant 优雅的;fashionable 时髦的;suave 文雅的;untidy 不整洁的。



bright 欢快的;broad 无所顾忌的;charming 可爱的;cunning 狡猾的;faint 不明显的;happy 高兴的;pleasant令人愉快的;sad 伤心的;sweet 甜蜜的;pleased 满意的;grinning 露齿而笑的;smirking 傻笑的;friendly 友好的;warm 温暖的,热情的;cold 不热情的。





外貌 Physical Appearance

对人物外表描写。同时,肖像的描写并不是一次性的,注意人物经过时间的推移、环境的变迁,或与人接触后,其外貌可能发生的转变。例文1 Robert is 21 years old.He is about 5 feet ,9 inches tall.His face is long and narrow.His eyes are green.His hair is light brown.He doesn't look very Italian.He smiles a little and usually has a friendly look on his face.He isn't fat and he isn't thin.His build is average.译文


注释1 当我们描写一个人的体型的时候,我们也可以分为以下两个部分:(1)体格(build): fat 肥胖的;thin 瘦的;slim 苗条的;overweight 超重;slight 瘦小的;well-built身材魁梧。

A.She is a slim girl, while her boyfriend is well-built.她很苗条,她的男朋友很魁梧。

B.She is a little overweight, so she decided to lose weight.她有一点超重,所以她打算减肥。(2)身高(height)

medium height 中等身材;average height 一般身材;below average 低于平均身高;tall 高的;short 矮的;tallish 有些高的;middle-sized 身高中等的;of medium height 中等身材;1.78 meters 身高1.78米.A.He used to be middle-sized, but when he is getting old , he is becomeing short.他原本是中等身材,但随着年龄的增长,她变矮了。

注释2 在描写面部容貌的时候,可以从脸型、头发、五官入手。1.脸型(face): round 圆的;thin 瘦的;long 长的;square 方的。

A.She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round.她最近吃得太多了,所以她的脸变圆了。2.头发(hair):(1)发型(hair style):

straight 直的;curly 卷发的;pigtails 辫子;crew cut平头;bald秃头的。A.Her hair is brown and curly.她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发。(2)发色(hair color): jet-black 乌黑的;fair 金色的;blonde 淡黄色的;golden 金黄色的;dyed 染色的;brunette 浅黑色的;mousey 灰褐色的;chestnut 栗色的.A.She is a beautiful girl with fair hair.她是一个金发美女。3.五官:

(1)眼睛(eye): deep-set 深陷的;sunken 凹陷的;bulging/protruding 凸出的;eyelashes 睫毛;eyebrows 眉毛.A.His eyes are deep-set because he has worked till midnight for a long time.他的眼睛深陷,因为他这段时间经常工作到深夜。B.He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.她有一双我从未见过的漂亮蓝眼睛。(2)鼻子(nose): long 长的;straight 挺直的;big 大的;small 小的;flat 扁平的;hooked 钩状的.A.He was born a hooked nose.他天生是鹰钩鼻。

B.His nose is very big, so he doesn't like it.他的鼻子很大,所以他不喜欢它。(3)嘴部(mouth): tooth 牙齿;even 整齐的;uneven 不整齐的;chin下巴。A.When he laughs, we see his even teeth.当他笑的时候,我们看见他有一口整齐的牙齿。B.She has a double chin.她有双下巴。

注释3 一个人的服饰也是外貌的重要组成部分,所以对服饰的描写也很重要。服饰(dress): smart 潇洒的;scruffy 邋遢的; well-dressed 衣着华丽的;casual 随便的;conservative 不显眼的;elegant 优雅的;fashionable 时髦的;suave 文雅的;untidy 不整洁的.A.He looks casual just wearing a tweed suit.他穿了一件花格子衬衫,看上去很随便。

注释4.另外,人的神情也能体现一个人的形象。笑容(smile): bright 欢快的;broad 无所顾忌的;charming 可爱的;cunning 狡猾的;faint 不明显的;happy 高兴的;pleasant令人愉快的;sad 伤心的;sweet 甜蜜的;pleased 满意的;grinning 露齿而笑的;smirking 傻笑的;friendly 友好的;warm 温暖的,热情的;cold 不热情的.A.Because of his high scores, he smiles brightly.因为他得了高分,所以笑得很灿烂。

B.A friendly smile will help you to win others heart.友好的笑容能帮助你赢得别人的心。C.She is charming when she smiles.她笑起来的时候很可爱。

第三篇:江苏省永丰初级中学2013-2014学年八年级英语下学期期末复习测试题 牛津版


一.选择题()1.I want to watch the news on TV._______ , please.A Turn on itB.Turn it on.C.Turn off it.D.Turn it off.()2..---Do you mind my smoking here ?

---________ , Look at the sign.It says “ No Smoking!”.A.It doesn’t matterB.No , not at allC.You’d better notD.Never mind

()3.-NICEF is part of the United Nations.It wants to make a better place for ________.A.animalsB.plantsC.childrenD.adults

th()4.The 30 Olympic Games_______ in London in2012

A.has been hadB.will be heldC.holdD.will be happened

()5..People in Nanjing ______ taking the underground now.A.used toB.were used toC.didn’t use toD.are used to

()6.How long have you ___?A.bought the bookB.borrowed the dictionary

C.left our schoolD.none of the above

()7.London is _______ the biggest cities all over the world.A.ofB.inC.betweenD.among

()8.----______ was the show?----It was a big success.A.WhatB.WhenC.WhyD.How.()9.I found _____ difficult to organize a big event.But slowly, everything became a little


()10.He had _____ a good idea ____ we all agree with him.A.so;thatB.such;thatC.too;toD.either;or()11.Last Friday I saw some boysbehind Daniel,the computer games.A.sit, watchingB.sitting, watchC.sit, watchD.sitting, watched()12.Thank you forTomwith us.A.letting, staysB.letting, stay C.letting, stayingD.let, stay()13.All the drivers drive carefully to prevent the traffic accident.A.happenB.to happenC.from being happenedD.from happening()14.Thanks for your.You’re soto me.A.kind, kindlyB.kindly, kindC.kindness, kindD.kindful, kindness()15.Since he joined the swimming team.He hasto swim across the wide river.A.ableB.couldC.canD.been able

()16.The disabled people feel grateful _______ you ________ your help.A.for;toB.to;forC.for;forD.to;to

()17.Your pocket money can be used to ________ charity, you used to _________ a lot on snacks.A.supporting;spendB.support;spending C.support;spendD.supporting;spending

()18.The hospital has been open_________.A.for ten years beforeB.since ten years agoC.since ten yearsD.ten years ago

()19.Don’t make him _________ all the time.Tell him _________ a rest.A.to work, to haveB.work , haveC.to work, haveD.work, to have()20.The music sounds really.I like it very much.A.terribleB.boringC.beautifullyD.beautiful


Not long ago ,I made up my mind to read a lot of books to get more knowledge.So I went to the library and1happily with several books.But after a few days ,I felt impatient(没耐心).The2of finishing all of them seemed impossible,because I always found it3to calm down to read a whole book.I didn’t know what to do with it.Then4one day I thought of “Why not make reading fun?”.It gave me5again.Reading is a journey of spirit.Every time we read a book,we are actually talking6 the writer.I tried to put all my effort(努力)into his or her books ,7I could feel all of his or her happiness and suffering(痛苦).Now books have become a part of my life.See?Attitude(态度)can make a great8.Someone once said, “Even though the situation(情形)is bad,people still have one freedom(自由)to9their attitude.”So,don’t complain about study or work.It helps10.Try to see things from a different way.Believe me,this will1

change the situation and help you a lot.()1.A.sangB.jumpedC.returnedD.danced











Nearly all our food comes from the soil(土壤).Some of us eat meat, of course, but animals live on plants.If there were no plants, we would have no animals and no meat.So the soil is very necessary for life.The top of the ground is usually covered with grass or other plants.There may be dead leaves and dead plants on the grass.The waste matter(粪)from animals also falls on it.All soil needs food.If we do not give it any, the plants will be weak.Farmers found that animals’ waste is the best food for the soil, but chemical fertilizers(化肥)are also very useful.The same crop(庄稼)should not be grown in the same place every year;it’s better to have a different crop.A change of crop and the use of a good fertilizer will keep the land good.()1.Which of the following is true ?

A.All our food comes from the soil.B.Most of our food comes from the soil.C.None of our food comes from the soil.D.All our food comes from animals.()2.What does the writer tell us in the first paragraph(段落)?

A.Leaves, plants, grass and waste live on each other.B.There would be no animals without meat.C.There would be no plants without animals.D.People, animals, plants and soil live on each other.()3.Which is the best food for soil in the field?

A.Chemical fertilizers.B.Plants and grass.C.Animals’ waste.D.Different crops.()4.Why do we often grow a different crop in the same place every year?

A.Because w can keep the soil rich this way.B.Because we don’t have enough land.C.Because we want to have a different food.D.Because we do this as a habit(习惯).()5.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Soil and WasteB.Plants and Animals C.Food and Waste D.Soil and Food


These days many students like to make friends on line.Most of them think it's interesting to know an unknown person through the Internet.So, many students like to use computers to talk with those friends.And they spend too much time on it.Some of them can not do well in their school work.Their parents often don’t think the children are as good as before.So many teachers and parents are worried about their children.In fact, only very few of them can get real good friends in this way.Most of them were cheated by those unseen friends.And some of the students did wrong things on line.It’s terrible for students to use too much time to make friends and talk on line.So we should be careful of making friends on line and should not spend too much time on it.We’d better pay more attention(注意)to study.We will be happy when we do well in school and at home.()6.Many students like to make friends on line because __________________.A.they are interested in itB.they can learn better in this way

C.they always get real friends in this wayD.they are friendly to each other

()7.Many teachers and parents are worried about their children because _______________.A.the students don’t work so hard as before

B.the students spend too much time chatting with online friends

C.the students think lessons are less interesting than before

D.all of above

()8.____________ of the students can get real friends on line.A.AllB.ManyC.SomeD.Few

()9.Most of them were cheated by those unseen friends.Here “cheated” means_________.A.聊天B.欺骗C.恩惠D.鞭打

()10.Which of the following is right?

A.We should never make friends on line.B.It’s necessary for us to talk with our online friends every day.C.It’s really happy that we students do well in school and at home.D.Making online friends is more important than study.四、词汇运用。

1.you ever(write)a letter in English?

2.The harder you study , the more k_____________(understanding in the mind)you will get.3.Many patients are so poor that they can’t a_________(have enough money to buy)

to travel to hospital.4.I think the book is______(mean).No one wants to buy it.5.You can’t get a point if you answer a question________(correct).6.Look!The boy(lie)on the grass at the moment.7.Car made in Japan(sell)well in China.8.I’m sure it’ll be(success)because we have tried our best.9.After(hear)the good news, the children jumped excitedly.10.They couldn’t stop ________(take)photos when they saw the mountain.11.It’s very(please)to play Chinese chess with you.12.The important words should be _____________(做标记)in bright red.13.Smoking is h___________ to your health.You should try to give it up.14.Blindness __________(影响)45 million people around the world.15.Doctors on ORBIS planes are used to __________(做手术)operations for poor people.16.There are many p________ in the doctor’s waiting room.五.缺词填空


When Mr.David retired(退休), he bought a small house in a village near the sea.He liked it and hoped to live a q1life in it.But to his great s2___, many tourists came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most interesting building in the village.From morning to night there were tourists o __3the house.They kept 14into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into Mr.David' s garden.This was too much for Mr.David.He decided to d5the visitors away.So he put a notice o6the window.The notice said: “If you want to satisfy your curiosity(好奇心), came in and look r7.Price: twenty dollars.” Mr.David was sure that the visitors would stop coming,b8he was wrong.More and more visitors came and Mr.David had to spend every day s9them around his house.“I came here to retire, not to work as a g10.” he said angrily.In the end, he sold the house and moved away.1.q2.s3.o4.l5.d6.o7.r8.b9.s10.g_______



2、她的丈夫过去很健康,现在偶尔他看上去不健康 _____________________________





某英文报举办“家乡的变化”主题征文,请你根据下列提示,以The Changes in My Hometown为题用 英语写一篇80词左右的短文。




3、生词:方便: convenient




一 1-5 B C C B D6-10 D D D C B11-15A B D C D16-20 B C B D D



三1-5B D C A D6-10A D D B C

四 1.Have written2.knowledge3.afford4.meaningless5.incorrectly6.is lying7.sell







1.His parents have been married for twenty years.2.Her husband used to be very healthy but now he looks unhealthy from time to time.3.More and more people have realized /realize that we must try to reduce all kinds of pollution.4.Li Lei’s parents didn’t come back until he finished doing his homework.5.--Have you heard from your parents recently?—Yes,I received a letter yesterday.书面表达

The Changes in My Hometown

In the past, my hometown was very small, People lived a poor life.The houses were old and small.Pollution was very serious and there was rubbish everywhere.The traffic was not convenient.Very few visitors came here.Now great changes have taken place in my home town.The environment has become more beautiful.The mountains have turned greener, the rivers clearer and the sky bluer.The houses are large and bright.Many people have their own cars.Every year, thousands of people from all over the world come to visit our city.I’m sure my hometown will become more and more beautiful in the future.


Unit 3 Online tours 3.To know the main topic of this unit.Teaching steps: Step 1 Learning targets and New words Present the learning targets.Show some pictures of new words.Get the students to read them follow the teacher.Step 2 Free talk What do you usually do when you are free? Learning about computers Annie, Simon’s cousin, wants to learn about the different parts of a computer.Look at the picture below and help her write the correct answers in the boxes.keyboard main unit mouse screen Lead the students to say something about the computer.Show the picture of a computer, revise the names of each unit.Continue to lead: What else can we do with a computer? Step 3 Presentation Present some pictures of different uses of computers.chat with friends play games send and receive emails do word processing search for information watch videos Step 4 Listen and answer Play the tape recorder and let the students listen and answer the following questions: 1 What does Simon usually use his computer for? Why? He usually uses it to search for information.Because it’s fast and easy.Step 5 Practice Simon and Daniel are talking about the different uses of computers.Work in pairs and ask each other what you use a computer for.The ideas in the box may help you.Use the conversation below as a model.chat with friends do word processing play games search for information sending and receive emails watch videos The teacher act the dialogue with a student and then get the students to practice with their partners.A: What do you usually use your computer for? B: I usually use it to...A: Why? B: Because...A: How often do you use your computer for this? B:...Step 6 Presentation Get the students to talk about this question: Do Eddie and Hobo know well about computers? Step 7 Listen and answer Listen to the recording and answer the questions: What do Eddie and Hobo think the computer look like? They think it looks like a TV.Do you know what “the remote control” really is? It is a mouse.Step 8 Read the dialogue and act it out!Give the students some time to practice the dialogue with their partners and then ask some groups to come to the blackboard to perform for the rest.Step 9 Homework 1.Read the text book and learn the new words and phrases by heart.2.Do the exercises in the workbook.Reading I Teaching aims: 1.To know some famous places in New York.2.To grasp the main idea of this article according to the key words and context.3.To grasp some basic skills of reading.Teaching steps: Step 1 Revision Fill in the blanks.1.Daniel keeps two white _____(mouse)as pets.2.I ________(receive)an email from my cousin two days ago.3.I ________(see)this movie before.4.They used a knife ______(open)the door.5.This old man can use a computer _____(do)word processing.6.I don’t like watching football games.Let’s ______(change)a channel.Answers: 1.mice 2.received 3.have seen 4.to open 5.to do 6.change Step 2 Free talk Do you like travelling? Do you know these places? Present a world map, teach the words of Asia, Africa, Europe, etc.Step 3 New words Teach the new words.guide n.导游,向导 icon n.图标 click v.点击 world-famous adj.举世闻名的 trade n.贸易 international adj.国际的 gather v.聚集,集合 huge adj.巨大的 darkness n.黑暗 island n.岛屿 several det.几个,数个 lawn n.草坪 relax v.放松,休息 hard adj.艰难的 musical n.音乐剧 bottom n.底,底部 Step 4 A fun way to travel Daniel does not know the meanings of some words on the web page.Help him match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.Write the correct letters in the blanks.1.trade 2.international 3.gather 4.huge 5.several 6.relax 7.century 8.musical a.a play filled with many songs 3 b.rest after work c.come together d.a period of 100 years e.more than two f.the activity of buying and selling g.two or more countries taking part in something h.very large Answers: f, g, c, h, e, b, d, a Step 5 Skimming Skim the article and find the answer to the question: Where do we visit following the guide? How many places are mentioned(提到)in the article? Step 6 Intensive Reading Part 1 Pre-travelling Answer the questions: 1.What's the guide's name? 2.How can we start out tour? 3.How long will it take us to travel around the world? 4.Where are we going to visit? Answers: 1.Robin.2.Click on the “Tour” icon at the top of the page.3.In eight hours.4.New York, the biggest city in the USA.Part 2 While travelling 1.What places of interest are mentioned in this article? 2.Where is the Wall Street?

3.What can we see in Wall Street? Why? 4.What will happen in Times Square on New Year's Eve? 5.What's in the park? 6.What can people do in the Central Park? 7.What is the Broadway famous for? 8.How long has it been famous? 9.Where does the famous song “Memory” come from? 4 Answers: 1.Wall Street, Times Square, Central Park and Broadway.2.It is at the southern end of Manhattan Island.3.We can se many big companies and international banks.Because it is the world-famous trade centre.4.Thousands of people gather there and they feel excited when they see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness.5.Several lakes, hills and a large green lawn.6.Relax.7.It is famous for its theatres.8.Since the early twentieth century.9.It comes from the famous Broadway musical Cats.Part 3 Post travelling How can we start out new tour? Step 7 Exercises Do Section B2 and check the answers.Daniel is introducing the website to Millie.Millie is trying to find out what people can see in New York.Help her fill in the blanks.Finish Section B3 and check the answers.Amy is also interested in travelling around the world.She is telling her mum about the website.Check whatever she says is correct or not.Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.1.The website helps people buy tickets to different places.2.There is a “Tour” icon at the bottom of the page.3.New York is also called “the Big Apple”.4.Wall Street is at the northern end of Manhattan Island.5.A big apple falls from the sky on New Year’s Eve at Times Square.6.There are no hills or lakes in Central Park.7.The song “Memory” comes from the musical Cats.8.Click on the “Back” icon and you can start a new online tour.Complete Section B4 and check the answers.Kitty also wants to know the website.She is asking Daniel about it.Complete their conversation below.Kitty: Daniel, what's the website called? 5 Daniel: It’s called “(1)_____________________________”.K: It gives people(2)_____ tours, right? D: Yes.It can show you cities in(3)____, Africa,(4)______, America and other places.K: Can we find more information about a city? D: Of course.Look, here’s New York, and here’s Wall Street.K: I see.Wall Street is on Manhattan Island.There are many big(5)_________ and(6)__________________ there.D: Yes, and Times Square is another great place to visit.Every year, many people gather there to welcome the(7)______.K: That sounds great.Look!That’s Central Park.People like to(8)____ there after work.D: Yes, and don’t miss Broadway.It has been famous for its theatres since the early(9)_______________.Step 8 Enjoy the beauty of New York.Homework 1.Read aloud the article and underline the difficult parts.2.Remember the new words in this lesson.Reading II Teaching aims: 1.To know some famous places in New York.2.To grasp the main idea of this article according to the key words and context.3.To grasp some basic skills of reading.Teaching steps: Step 1 Revision Ask some questions of the article 1.What places did we visit on the website in last lesson? Wall Street;Times Square;Central Park and Broadway.2.Where would you like to go after a day's work? Central Park 3.What's Broadway famous for? It's famous for its theatres.6 Step 2 Language points 1.Have you noticed the “Tour” icon at the top of the page? at the top of...在„„的顶部

e.g.山上有座塔。There is a tower ____________ the hill.2.Just click on it, and you can visit Asia, Africa, „ click on...点击„„

e.g.点击这个图标。_____________ this icon.3.Wall Street, the world-famous trade centre, is here at the southern end of Manhattan Island.1)world-famous世界著名的,举世闻名的

e.g.姚明是世界著名的篮球运动员。Yao Ming is a ________________ basketball player.2)at the southern end of...在„„的南端 I.south(n.)+ ern = southern(adj.)

以此类推:north + ern = northern west + ern = western east + ern = eastern at the end of...在„„的尽头,末尾;后接时间、地点名词。

e.g.这个月末 at the end of this month 在路的尽头 at the end of the road 4.Further on is Times Square.further on 更进一步,再向前

e.g.再向前一英里 a mile further on further 是far的比较级,除了表示“更远”以外,还可以表示“进一步”。e.g.深造 further study 进一步的信息 further information 5.Every year, thousands of people gather here on New Year’s Eve.1)gather vi.聚集


A lot of people ____________ at the gate of the hospital.2)on New Year's Eve 在新年前夕 e.g.在平安夜 on Christmas Eve 6.It’s exciting to see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness.1)It's exciting to see...看到„„很激动 It's + adj.+ to do sth.做某事怎么样 e.g.对我来说按时完成这么多的工作很困难。

It's ___________ me _______ so much work on time.2)see sb.doing 看见某人在做某事


I _______ many children __________ basketball on the playground just now.感官动词

see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel + do 表示动作的完整性,真实性;+doing 表示动作的连续性,进行性。

e.g.I saw him work in the garden yesterday.昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。(强调“我看见了”这个事实)I saw him working in the garden yesterday.(强调“我见他正干活”这个动作)

昨天我见他正在花园里干活。3)through the darkness 穿过黑暗

through 意为“穿过”,通常指从物体或事物的“内部”穿过。

e.g.穿过隧道 through the tunnel 穿过雨林 through the rainforest 7.„ it’s a good place to relax after a hard day’s work.a hard day's work 一天的辛苦工作 hard 的用法: 用作形容词(adj.)1)表示“硬的”

The ground is as hard as stone after the long drought.长期干旱之后,土地硬得就像石头一样。2)表示“困难的,艰难的”

It's very hard to work out this maths problem.算出这道数学题非常困难。用作副词(adv.)1.)表示“努力地,勤奋地”

Most importantly, you must work hard to catch up.最为重要的是,你必须努力学习,迎头赶上。2)表示“强烈地”

The wind is blowing hard outside.外面风正呼呼地刮。

8.It has been famous for its theatres since the early twentieth century.8 be famous for 因„„而著名 e.g.苏州因为它的园林而闻名。

Suzhou ____________________ its gardens.<辨析> 与be famous as 的区别

be famous as 作为„„而著名


Mark Twin _____________ a children-story writer.这个地区以产绿茶而著名。

This area _________________ its green tea.2)since 自从„„

I.since + 过去一个时间点

e.g.I have been here since 1989.自从1989年以来我就在这里了。II.since + 一段时间+ ago e.g.I have been here since five months ago.我五个月前就在这里了。III.since + 从句

e.g.Great changes have taken place since you left.自你离开后这里发生了巨大的变化。IV.It is + 一段时间 + since从句

e.g.It is two years since I became a middle school student.我成为一名中学生已经快两年了。

9.Have you ever heard of the song “Memory”? hear of 听说,得知。如:

Have you ever _________ him(this)? 你听说过他(这件事)吗? 10.There’s a “Black” icon at the bottom of the page.at the bottom of 在„„的底部 如:

寻找在列表底部的图标。Look for the icon _______________ the listing.Step 3 Exercises 1.I heard some children _________(sing)when I pass the room.2.Mr.Green ___________(work)in the company since he ______(leave)school.3.I have never________(hear)of him before.4.It is impossible for him ____________(solve)the problem.5.她住在这个城市的南端。

She lives ____________________ the city.9 6.对汤姆来说早起是不可能的。

It's __________ for Tom ____________ early.7.今天的课到此结束。

_________________today's lesson.8.从1970年开始我爷爷就住在这里了。My grandfather _________here _____1970.Step 4 Homework Recite the article and important phrases in this lesson.Grammar Teaching aims: 1.To understand the differences between the simple past tense and the present perfect tense.2.To grasp the expressions with the present perfect tense.3.To grasp the expressions with the simple past tense.4.To understand different uses of the present perfect tense.Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision 完成句子。


Beijing _____________ the Great Wall.2.这条河是个钓鱼的好地方。

This river is a __________________ fishing.3.我三天前听说过这件事。

I _____________ this _______________.4.自从2000年起,他就在上海工作了。He __________ in Shanghai ______ 2000.Step 2 Presatation Teach the new words.dream vi.& vt.做梦,梦想 dream about/of 想象;梦想 e.g.Do you often dream at night? 你在夜里经常做梦吗?

I sometimes dream about my parents.10 我有时梦见我的父母。

I dream of becoming a teacher.我一心想当个教师。Step 3 Grammar explanation Translate some sentences.Daniel 两年前去了北京。

(Daniel went to Beijing two years ago.)Daniel 已经在北京居住两年了。

(Daniel has lived in Beijing for two years.)Tell the students the difference between the simple past tense and the present perfect tense.Difference: We use simple past tense to tell what happened in the past.We use the present perfect tense to talk about an action that started in the past and continues to the present.Exercises: 1.三年前他养了只猫做宠物。

He ______ a cat as pet three years ago.2.这只宠物猫他养了三年了。

He _________ the pet cat for three years.Daniel 上个月买了台新电脑。

Daniel bought a new computer last month.Daniel已经买了台新电脑。

Daniel has bought a new computer.(Daniel has a new computer now.)Differences: We use the simple past tense to tell what happened in the past.We use the present perfect tense to talk about the result of an action.When the action happened is not very important.It may have just happened or happened some time ago.Exercises: 1.我上个星期去参观了那个新动物园。I _______ that new zoo last week.2.我已经参观过那个新动物园了。

I ______________ that new zoo.吴老师2010年和2011年访问过加拿大。Mr Wu visited Canada in 2010 and 2011.吴老师已经去过加拿大两次。Mr Wu has been to Canada twice.Differences: We use the simple past tense to tell what happened in the past.We use the present perfect tense to tell how many times an action has happened till now.Exercises: 1.我上周看过这部电影。I _____ this movie last week.2.我已经看过这部电影很多次。I __________ this movie many times.Step 4 Exercises A.Amy is showing Millie some pictures.Complete her sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.I_______(visit)the Palace Museum with my grandparents the other day.I _________(climb)Mount Huang last Summer.______ you______(try)the famous Tianjin Baozi? I am happy that I ___________(learn)to swim.B.Mr Wu is asking the students to make sentences with the correct tenses.Help them complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.1.I __________________(finish/ just)my homework.Millie _________(finish)her homework 20 minutes ago.2.I ______(write)an email to my friend yesterday.Daniel _________________(write/ already)two emails.3.I ______(be)in Hainan last week.Some of our classmates _____________(not be)to Hainan yet.4.I ___________(live)in Sunshine Town since I was born.Daniel ______(live)in Nanjing in 2007.C.Millie has never been to Nanjing.She is asking Simon about the city.Complete their conversation with the correct forms of the words in brackets.12 Millie: ___________________(you/be/ever)to Nanjing? Simon: Yes.I(2)____________(be)there three times.Millie: When(3)____________(you/go)there last? Simon: Last summer.I(4)______(spend)a week there.Millie:(5)____________(you/like)it? Simon: Oh yes.I(6)_____(have)a great time there.I(7)______(visit)many places of interest and(8)_____(eat)lots of local food.Millie: Lucky you!I(9)_______________(be/never)there.D.Millie is writing about the USA in her diary.Help her complete her diary entry with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.Saturday, 15 March Have you ever dreamt of travelling around the world without a passport? Yes, you can realize your dream by taking an online tour.Yesterday Danniel(1)_________ me an online tour of the USA.I(2)_____ never _____ so many wonderful pictrues before.Last week, I(3)_____ a book about the places of interest in the USA.I(4)_________ 20 pages already.It's really interesting.My dad(5)_____ just _________ from the USA, but I(6)______ never_______ there.I hope I can visit the USA some day.Step 5 Notice 1.We often use these time expressions with the present perfect tense: already up to now ever until/till now just so far recently(not)yet 2.some day 和 the other day 的区别:

the other day 相当于a few days ago,意为“几天前、某天、那天、不久前”,句中用一般过去时。如:

I met her in the street the other day.几天前我在街上碰见过她。I bought the watch the other day.这手表我是几天前买的。

some day指将来“总有一天、有朝一日、终将、(日后)某一天”,谓语动词用一般将来时.如: Your wishes will come true some day.13 总有一天你的愿望会实现的。

Some day you’ll have to pay for what you have done.总有一天你要为你的行为而付出代价的。Step 6 Summary 1)一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情,强调动作;现在完成时为过去发生的,强调过去的事情对现在的影响,强调的是影响。


一般过去时的时间状语:yesterday, last week,„ago, in1980, in October, just, now等,皆为具体的时间状语。

现在完成时的时间状语:for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till/until, up to now, in past years, always等,皆不确定的时间状语。

共同的时间状语:this morning, tonight, this April, now, already, recently, lately 等。

3)现在完成时可表示持续到现在的动作或状态,动词一般是延续性的,如live, teach, learn, work, study, know。

一般过去时常用的非持续性动词有come, go, leave, start, die, finish, become, get married等。

句子中如有过去时的时间副词(如yesterday, last, week, in 1960)时,不能使用现在完成时,要用过去时。

(错)Tom has written a letter to his parents last night.(对)Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night.Step 7 Exercises 1.Mother ____me a new coat yesterday.I _______ it on.It fits me well.A.had made„have tried B.made„have tried

C.has made„tried D.made„tried

2.We __________ trees last Sunday.So far we _______ over 3,000 trees there.A.planted; planted B.planted; have planted C.have planted; planted D.have planted; have planted 3.I _______ the way.I ________ here for quite many years.A.knew„have lived B.knew„live

C.know„have lived D.know„live Step 8 Homework 14 Finish off the exercises in workbook.Integrated skills Teaching aims: 1.To listen and get useful information from the tape recording.2.To grasp some listening skills.3.To talk to your partners about the problems you may have.4.To know some basic information of Sydney.Teaching Steps: Step 1 Revision Translation 1.几天前我在街上遇见了一位老朋友。2.我已经很久没有看电影了。3.我希望有一天能去欧洲游览。

4.你有没有曾经梦想过不用护照环游世界? 5.你真幸运!我还从未去过香港。Step 2 Free talk 1.Do you like travelling? 2.Where would you like to visit if possible? 3.How can we go travelling if we don't have enough money? Step 3 Travelling at home 1.Daniel and Peter are planning an online tour of Sydney, Australia.Listen to their conversation and help Peter complete his notes.How to use the website The website takes you to different places around the world.To learn about a city, just find it in the menu(1)________ of the page and click on it.If you click on the “(2)_________” icon, you will see some(3)_________ of the city first.Further down at the(4)_______ of the page, you can also find other information about the city.2.Check the answers.3.Peter took some notes of Sydney.Listen to Daniel and Peter's second conversation.Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.1.Sydney is on the north-east coast of Australia.15 2.Sydney is the largest city in Australia.3.Sydney is near a lake.4.The Sydney Opera House looks like a ship with many sails.5.It takes about 30 minutes to climb the Harbour Bridge.6.In April, it is spring in Australia.4.Check the answers.5.Peter is writing about the online tour.Listen to their second conversation again and help him complete his article.Today Daniel and I took an online tour on the website “Around the World in Eight Hours”.Sydney is on the(1)_________ coast of Australia.It is the(2)_______ city in Australia.On the website, we saw lots of pictures of Sydney.Sydney is near the(3)_______.There are many beautiful(4)_______ there.We also saw a wonderful building called the(5)__________________.It is a(6)_________ and looks like a(7)______ with many sails.Near the Sydney Opera House is the famous(8)_______________.People can climb it.It takes about(9)___________.It is really cool!Australian seasons are the opposite of ours.For example, in April, it is(10)_________ in Australia!6.Check the answers.Step 4 Speak up 1.Sandy is asking for Millie's help with the online tour.Listen to their conversation and answer these questions.• How can we start the online tour? • If I want to see some pictures of the city, how should I do? • Can we print the pictures out? 2.Read follow the recording.3.Talk to your partner about the problems you may have.Use the conversation as a model.4.Act it out.Step 5 Language points 1.Sydney is on the north-east coast of Australia.16 on the north-east coast of Australia 位于澳大利亚的东北海岸 e.g.太平洋位于北美洲的东海岸。

The Pacific Ocean is __________________ North America.2.The Sydney Opera House looks like a ship with many sails.a ship with many sails 一艘有很多帆的船

此处with表示“带有或拥有”,例如:白宫是一个带有大花园的美丽建筑。The White House is a beautiful building with a big garden.3.Australian seasons are the opposite of ours.the opposite of 与„„相反/相对

e.g.他们的观点与我们的相反。Their ideas ________________ ours.4.Would you mind showing me how to 句型 Would you mind...? 可用于客气

start this online tour? 地请人做某事。

e.g.Would you mind explaining the sentence again? 你再解释一下这句话行吗? mind doing sth.介意做某事 e.g.你介意帮我搬这张书桌吗?

Do you ____________ me carry the desk? “介意某人做某事”用mind one's doing sth.,例如: 你介意我在这儿抽烟吗? Do you _________________ here? Step 6 Exercises 1.进一步向下在这一页的底部,你还能找到关于这个城市的其他信息。2.三亚位于中国的南海岸。3.澳大利亚的天气正好和中国相反。4.科学家们花了三天的时间穿过这片雨林。5.你介意我把收音机的音量调高吗?

6.— 谢谢你能来我的生日聚会。— 我的荣幸。Step 7 Homework Recite the key phrases and expressions in the lesson.Study skills Teaching aims: 1.To know how to make charts 2.To understand the uses of charts 17 3.To use charts to make notes of a piece of writing Teaching Steps: Step 1 Present the learning targets Step 2 Revision 1.你介意为我们唱首歌吗? 2.上海位于中国的东海岸。3.— 谢谢你的帮助。— 我的荣幸。4.步行到学校要花费我半个小时。5.我的看法和他正好相反。Step 3 Free talk How do you know about Sydney? Step 4 Making charts We can use charts to organize our ideas when we write.This helps us see and understand the ideas better.We can also use charts to make notes of a piece of writing.We can use the following chart to show people what the website “Around the World in Eight Hours” is about.Tip When we make charts, we do not need to use complete sentences.Step 5 Exercises Millie is making a chart to introduce an online course to her classmates.Help her use the chart to organize her ideas.Write the letters in the boxes.a an online course b asking the way c booking tickets and hotels d Daily English e ordering meals f seeing a doctor g shopping h using English in daily communication 18

b a


e d


f g

Step 6 Make your own charts!Step 7 Homework Remember the words and expressions.Preview the next lesson.Task Teaching aims: To use charts to organize ideas To know how to write an introduction Teaching steps Step 1 Present the learning targets Step 2 Introducing a country Amy wants to introduce the UK to her friends.She collected some information on the Internet and made a chart.19

Step 3 Free talk Get the students to talk about the UK.Q: How much do you know about the UK? Give some famous pictures about the UK.Step 4 Amy has written an introduction to the UK.Listen to her article and answer the questions.Q1.Which city is the capital of the UK?(London.)Q2.When is the best time to visit the UK?(From May to September.)Step 5 Read again and answer more questions.Q1.What is the full name of the UK?(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.)Q2.Which countries is the UK made up of?(It is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.)Q3.Where is one of the most famous place in the UK?(Buckingham Palace.)20 Q4.What has the UK always been famous for?(It has always been famous for its museums.)Q5.How is the weather in the UK?(It changes often.It is sunny one minute, but rainy the next.)Step 6 Language points 1.It is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.be made up of 由„„组成/构成 e.g.生活是由琐事构成的。

Life is ________________ little things.<拓展> be made of 由„„制成(看得出原材料)be made from 由„„制成(看不出原材料)be made in 在某地制造

2.It has been the home of kings and queens for a long time.be the home of...是/成为„„的家


Nature reserves _________________ of many rare birds.3.The UK has always been famous for its museums.be famous for意为“因为„„而出名”。当主语是人时,常表示以某种技能或特征而出名;当主语是地点名词时,常表示以某个名胜古迹或特产而出名。e.g.伦敦因大本钟而著名。

London is ___________ Big Ben.[拓展] be famous as 意为“作为„„而出名”。当主语是人时,常表示以某个身份而出名;当主语是地点名词时,常表示作为某种东西的产地而出名。如: His uncle is famous as an actor.This area is famous as a green tea producing place.【运用】根据句意选用for或as填空。1)George is famous ________ a writer.2)France is famous ________ its wine

and food.4.The best time to visit the UK is from May to September because its winter is wet and cold.句中的to visit the UK是动词不定式短语作后置定语。

e.g.The best time to travel in the city is in May.the best time to do sth.做......最好的时间 e.g.春天是放风筝最好的时间。

Spring is the _____________ kites.5.It is sunny one minute, but rainy the next, so prepare for it before you go there.prepare 用作动词,意为“准备”,后面常跟名词、代词、不定式作宾语。prepare还常与for搭配构成短语prepare for, 表示“为„„作准备”。e.g.期末考试要到了,你最好做好准备。

The final exam is coming.You'd better _____________it.Step 7 Exercises 1.我们班有15个男生和12个女生。

(Our class is made up of 15 boys and 12 girls.)2.白金汉宫已经成为国王和女王的家很久了。

(Buckingham Palace has been the home of kings and queens for a long time.)3.英国还有很多自然美景的地方。

(The UK also has many places of natural beauty.)4.这一分钟是晴朗的,下一分钟就会有雨。(It is sunny one minute, but rainy the next.)5.春天和秋天是旅游的最好时间,因为既不太热也不太冷。

(The best time to go travelling is spring and autumn because it is not too hot or too cold.)Step 8 Writing 1.Get the students to divide the article into three parts and find out the main idea of each paragraph.Para 1 Introduce the country simply Para 2 Introduce the views of the country Para 3 Introduce the climate of the country 2.Pick a country that interests you and make a chart to organize your ideas.Then write an introduction.Useful expressions: It is a/an...country...., the capital, is big and modern / beautiful.22 It has always been famous for...There are/is...on / in...The best time to visit...is...The weather often / seldom changes...Step 9 Homework 1.Finish the exercises in workbook.2.Revise the whole unit.23

第五篇:江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语上册《Unit 2 Colour》课文问答 牛津版

《Unit 2 Colour》课文问答

【实例】 Green can give you energy, as it is the colour of nature and represents new life and growth.【疑问】 请问,这句话中的as是表示“作为”的意思吗? 【解答】 不是。分析句子结构,我们可判断


Lucy is worried because she hasn’t heard from her mother for a long time.露西很焦虑,因为她很久没有收到妈妈的来信了。

—Why doesn’t he come here with you?


—Because his father is ill in hospital.因为他爸爸生病住院了。

As it is raining outside, you’d better take a taxi there.由于外面正在下雨,所以你最好乘出租车去那儿。As all the seats were full, he had to stand there.由于所有座位都满了,所以他不得不站在那。

下载江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语上册《Unit1 Friends》英语描写人的相貌体型之常用词文章素材 牛津版(大全五篇)word格式文档
下载江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语上册《Unit1 Friends》英语描写人的相貌体型之常用词文章素材 牛津版(大全五篇).doc


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