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考研研究生入学考试备考复习辅导指导英语篇作文考场范文批改及点评 考研英语作文考场范文:道德滑坡

①Looking at this thought-provoking picture(加“which was”,其中which引导定语从句,修饰picture;was和后面的depicted构成被动语态)symbolically depicted by the drawer, I do realize the urgency to improve the moral standards nowadays.②

A pregnant woman, an old man and his little granddaughter stands(“stands”改为“stand”,该句主语为复数,主谓应保持一致)on the crowded bus, looking at a young man who sits in the seat comfortably with a piece of black cloth covering his eyes, puzzled and indignant(“puzzled and indignant”是用来修饰the yong man, 或是作者“感到困惑和愤怒”,应表达清晰;若要表达作者的情感,可改为:...covering his eyes.I feel puzzled and indignant).①The temporary blind in the picture indicates a serious phenomenon in the modern society that some young people are suffering from moral decline.②The reasons contributing to moral decline are worth pondering.③First, respecting the old and caring the young is abandoned by some modern people, because they only care about their own benefits.④Only if you could provide them with a great outcome(“a great outcome”改为“great outcomes”,和them保持一致), will they lend you a hand(“a hand”改为“hands”,和they保持一致)in exchange.⑤In addition, the educational system is also to blame(“be to blame for”意为“对„„应负责任;应该为某事负责任”,如果要表述“教育体制也应对此负责”,可表达为: the educational system is also to blame for the phenomenon;如若要表述“教育体制也应受到责备”,可表达为the educational system should also to be blamed).⑥It

emphasizes more on high marks at the expense of having few time to teach traditional moral values in school which leads to people’s defect(“defect”为可数名词,此处应改为“defects”和people保持一致)on this issue.①It is high time that we fostered our moral values.②For one thing, schools and governments should play an active role(“an active role”应改为“active roles”,前后主谓保持一致,主语为schools and governments)in advocating moral values and traditional virtues to teach the young.③For another, individuals should learn more about virtues and help people around with a warm heart(“a warm heart”改为“ warm hearts”,前后单复数保持一致).④Only through our joint effort(“effort”应改为“efforts”,前后单复数保持一致), could we recollect the virtues.原作点评



(文章直接描述图画内容,不妥,可加一句图画类作文的开头常用句,如As is vividly depicted in the picture,等)The black man, with a happy and delighted face(改为with a happiness of facial expression), is spending spring festival with a Chinese family.Conspicuously, it is a(改为an)encouraging scene relate to culture

integration between China and west(可改为the west countries), which is a(改为an)excellent offspring of new century.Several factor(改为factors,several意为“几个”,其后名词应用复数形式)weight heavily for this emerging trend illustrate(改为illustrated)in the picture, yet, two kernels suspended on the top of the list which should never be overlooked.To begin with, the Chinese economy has witnessed its unprecedented lever(改为level,unprecedented level表示“前所未有的水平”)of growth in past 30 years, which give an powerful impetus to the publicity of Chinese civilization.What’s more, Chinese culture, though through perpetual wars and turbulence, preserve its vitality and glamour(改为its vitality and glamour are preserved),(加and its)assets appreciated by most foreigners.There are encouraging parallels today, as many westerners in one wave after another making their trip(改为trips)to China to get panorama of Chinese heritage.From my perspective, various measures should be made to foster this integration.Firstly, suitable atmosphere must be created, where our culture and its counterparts can co-exist in

harmonious.,(注意标点的正确使用)by us.Secondly, the authorities ought to lunch various publicity campaigns to make Chinese culture known to(加the)world.The cultural thrive has loomed, and the economic prosperity will not be far away.总体点评




As is indicated in the cartoon above,a big crowded of drivers stay in cars on the road,waiting for their turn to go,with patience almost running up(表达不准确且句子缺成分,根据图片可改为and even some people want to hold the car to go out of the long queue).In fact ,nowadays,this phenomenon reflected by the picture is so widespread,especially in super(super改为big,super表示“超级”,用在此处不

合适)cities.Thanks to the fast development of economy,we have a chance to experience the more(去掉the more,rich为单音节形容词,其比较级直接在后面加-er即可)richer life.As a result of that,(第一句用thanks to表示原因,第二句用as a result of that也表示原因,这样有点繁琐,建议将两句话合为一句话,可改为and)the number of people who own cars is larger and larger.The once wide roads become narrow(汉语式英语,可改为The wide roads before become narrow now).In order to get to destination(改为destinations,每个人的目的地不一样,应用复数形式)on time,people have to set up(改为set out,set up意为“建立,创立”;set out为“出发”,注意短语的正确选择)earlier in case of being blocked.By the way ,discharging too much carbon-dioxide to the air would(改为will)destroy the environment.Therefore,it is imperative for us to take measures to change the fact.The simplest method is to diminish the times(改为time,time在表示“时间”时,为不可数名词,当“次数”讲时为可数名词)of using private transportations.There is no doubt the world would change into a better place for us to live benefited from all the efforts we devote.(汉语式英语,可改为There is no doubt that the world will be better for us to live in as long as all of us devote our efforts.)





The duck mother, who is anxious and energetic, is begging the monkey teacher to teach her children the approach of climbing tree, which give(改为gives)him a fright.Conspicuously, that is a delicious(用词不当,delicious一般用来形容美食,故应去掉)ironic(改为an ironic)depiction concerning blind education,(加and,句子之间用连词连接)a phenomenon(句子缺谓语,加is)pervasive in contemporary

society.This overwhelming, occupy with various kinds of irrational behaviors over children(句子表意不清,建议改为This overwhelmingly various kind of irrational behaviors), led(改为lead,句子时态应保持一致)us to conclude that the blind

education is more of a devastation to children’s faculties than a reasonable practice.This kind of aimless education kids(加are,be exposed to为固定短语)exposed to tend to be in(去掉,be exposed to后面直接跟宾语)domestic situation, by,(此处by是什么意思?)unfortunately, their own parents, who exert great pressure on children’s already over-burdened small shoulder.(改为children’s over-burdened small shoulders)More ridiculously, many parents know that countless flaws are consist in this way of education and yet most did litter(改为little,litter意为“垃圾”)

to change it.There are upsetting parallels today, as parents one wave after another force their little kids(加to,force sb.To do sth.)participate in various kinds of out-class courses(“课外课程”可表达为extra-curriculum courses)(注意句子顺序,改为as parents force their little kids to participate in various kinds of extra-curriculum courses one wave after another), as a result(去掉), their

vulnerable heart become(改为will be)occupied with depression and anxious.The clear message is that we should get moving to protect our children.Firstly,suitable atmosphere must be created, where our kid can grow freely in harmonious, by us, especially the parents(表述不清新,建议将此部分去掉).Moreover, the authorities should charge with the obligation of fashioning the idea that education entails more than simply teach children numerous disciplines.Rather, making full display of children’s advantage and timely adjustment is(改为are)of substantial weight.Only by doing this, can we weather this crisis.总体点评



第二篇:2017考研英语 作文暑期备考指导






从选题范围上看,大作文大都是目前人们最为关注的问题,反映了当前社会的热门话题或可以用热门话题来透视的哲理性问题。通过对近些年的真 题分析,从文体上看,可以划分为说明文和议论文,因为考这类体裁的写作比较符合形势发展的实际需要,在学习、工作和生活中,人们所书写的材料大多也是说明 文或议论文;从出题形式上看,在平稳中逐渐趋于多样化,写作题目易于理解,无论中公考研,让考研变得简单!





































You want to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area.Write a letter to the department concerned, asking them to help find a candidate.You should specify what kind of child you want to help and how you will carry out your plan.Don't sign your own name....“Li Ming” instead.Don't write the address.To whom it may concern,I wish to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area.Having conceived such a plan for a long period, I write this letter to request your help to recommend a candidate.I wonder if it is convenient for you if two things concerning the child are taken into consideration.First, the child should come from Gui Zhou Province because I intend to help a child from my hometown.Second, it will be better if the child is a primary school student.Actually, I am good at teaching mathematics at elementary level.My plan will be carried out as follows.First, I will remit at least 300 yuan in cash every month so as to reduce the financial burden of the family.More importantly, I decide to teach the child math and English in person during my summer vacation, which will surely be more beneficial to the child.I really appreciate your help, and I look forward to your reply as soon as possible.Yours sincerely,Li Ming 感谢信


Your delegation(代表团)has just returned from a visit to a university in Great Britain.And you were warmly treated there by Professor Herthwell.Please write a letter to express your thanks to him for his hospitality and hope for further cooperation.Dear Prof.Herthwell,(告诉了名字,又知道是教授,最好这么称呼)

I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude for your kind hospitality you showed to our delegation during our visit in your university.(写信意图:感谢对方的热情招待)

I am indebted to your generous help to our visit.It was nice of you to introduce me to so many of your famous professors at your university.In addition, we appreciate the accommodation you provided for us.We had a fantastic time in Britain and will never forget it.(感激内容:鉴于这是感谢信,内容发生在过去,在这里套用I would be grateful if you would take …into consideration是不太合适的。用关联词1,2,3也显得呆板。于是调整了一下,大意是:

我感激你的慷慨帮助。你介绍了很多教授给我认识。另外,(IN ADDITION,不用1,2,3了),提供的住宿很好,我们很爽,绝对不会忘记)(注意时态)

Meanwhile, I hope you will someday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on “Modern Western Economics”.(这句是提纲要求 hope for further cooperation.不写的话严重扣分)(或者I would be grateful if you would pay a short visit to our university)If you have interest in our university, please feel free to contact me for more information.Yours Sincerely

Li Ming


1-4-2 总共7句,113字,已经超纲


Directions: You want to study at a certain foreign university.Write a letter to ask about the situation there as regards what qualifications one needs for acceptance, fees, possible scholarships, and accommodation.Dear Sir or Madam,I am a Chinese student who wishes to apply for admission into your prestigious university.My plan is to start my course next term, and I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me with certain essential information.First, what qualifications do I need to follow a course of study at your university? I have already had a bachelor’s degree from Beijing University, but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements.Second, how much are the tuition fees? Although I intend to be self-supporting, I would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships available for international students.Third, what is the situation regarding accommodation?

I look forward to your reply, and to attending your esteemed institution.Yours sincerely,Li Ming [NextPage] 推荐信

To whom it may concern,As the director of Philosophy Department, I am writing to you to recommend one of my best friends, Mark.Eros, to your distinguished department.I would be grateful if you would be interested to know his details via this letter.Firstly, …What’s more….Last but not least……

Therefore, I do not hesitate to recommend him as an ideal candidate for your position.If you have any questions concerning his background, please feel free to contact me for more information.备忘录/报告(MEMO):备忘录在本质上也是书信,一般是写给同事的一种正式而简短的信,常常是有关工作事宜等。它的主体部分和书信几乎一样,只是省略其中的礼貌结尾。同时,MEMO不需要结束语和签名。(但结尾可以写If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me for more information.)


Date: 日期 如September 12, 2001


From: 发件人

Subject:事由,如Faculty Meeting


You are an active member of the student newspaper.The newspaper is currently looking for a journalist for the summer semester.Write a memo that will appear in the newspaper next week describing the position available.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.提纲分析:没有具体的提纲要求,中间完全自己发挥。



1)招聘条件 2)上班时间 3)工作任务 4)薪水待遇 5)培训机会

Date: August 10, 2004

To: All students

From: Li Ming

Subject: Journalist Position Available for the Summer Semester

On behalf of the students newspaper, I am writing this MEMO to inform you that we are going to recruit a new staff.And the details are listed as follows.(写作意图/写此MEMO的目的)(2句,30字)

Firstly, Applicants should currently be studying at the university, and should preferably have at least two years’ writing experience.Secondly, the successful applicant will be expected to write two articles every week on happenings in the city and on campus.Finally, the position will commence at the end of May and will last through to the end of August.(3句,59字)

If you are interested, please send your resume to the campus newspaper office.(OR: If you have any questions concerning the position/application, please feel free to contact me for more information.)(1句,13字)




3.无须称呼结尾礼貌语,但可以写If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me for more information.而且要署名,一般是机构,题目会告之

Your university, Xinhua University, is going to celebrate its 60th anniversary.Write an announcement which covers the following information.1)opening and closing dates of the celebrations,2)celebration activities,3)an invitation to all the past students, and

4)ways to contact.Do not sign your own name at the end of the announcement.Use Xinhua University at the end of the announcement.You should write about 100 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(10 points)



P2: 活动细节 1。时间(提纲1)2。活动(提纲2)(最好自己再发挥一点)



January 19, 2008

A month-long anniversary celebration will be held at Xinhua University, to salute its 60th anniversary.And the details of the activity are listed as follows.Firstly, it will start/commence from September 16th, 2005 and continue to October.15th, 2005.Secondly, seminars, cultural and athletic sports activities, and many other programs are planned to mark this glorious occasion of the university.Finally, our mayor will be present to make a speech too.Hereby(特此,很经典)we sincerely invite all our alumni to be present to share these happiest hours of the school.If you have any questions, you are most welcome to contact us at 010-89766789 or email us at xinhuauniv@edu.com.cn.(OR: If you have any questions, you are most welcome to contact us for more information.)

Xinhua University


P1:活动/事件目的+And the details of the activity are listed as follows.P2:细节的安排 改写提纲+合理扩展 写三点

P3:问题联系方式If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me for more information.Part A范文

Dear Mr.Wang,I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my current position.After two months of work, I find it is inappropriate for me to take the position as an editor here for the following reasons.First and foremost, I have expected the job to be interesting and challenging, which turns out to be the opposite.In addition, the salary has proven to be much lower than you originally promised, and I have a large family to support.Therefore, I have decided to quit the job after much deliberation.Please let me know if there is anything I need to do before my departure.Thank you very much for offering me the opportunity to work with the outstanding staff here.I sincerely hope that you approve of my resignation.I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.Sincerely Yours, Li Ming 译文 王先生:





黄金句型 I am writing to inform you of...我写信是为了告诉您……

I find it inappropriate for me to...我发现我不适合做……

First and foremost...In addition...首要……另外……

Please let me know if there is anything I need to do.如果有什么需要我做请告诉我。

I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.对于可能的不便表示深深的歉意。

Part B 范文

The picture symbolically depicts how three sons and a daughter treat their old, helpless father.They each stand in a different corner of a football field in the middle of which is the old man who is crouching.The eldest son kicks out the father and the other children are prepared to ward him off.It is sad to see none of them is willing to receive their father.The picture is thoughtprovoking, and what it illustrates is a common phenomenon in todays society: many grown-up children refuse to support their aging parents.They regard them as a burden to live with although it is their duty to support parents when they grow up.I think these children have betrayed their own conscience and therefore may subject themselves to social contempt and criticism.It is no doubt that this phenomenon is becoming common in modern society, but it is not a good manner for young people to imitate.Most parents devote all their lives to bring up their children.They give their children everything they have just because of love and hope.It is against nature for us to shirk the responsibility of taking care of our parents when they are old.Rather, we have the duty to pay back their love by making their later years enjoyable and happy.译文





The picture symbolically depicts...这幅图形象地描述了……

It is sad to see...看到……另人很难过。The picture is thought-provoking, and what it illustrates is a common phenomenon in todays society:...这幅图非常发人深思,它说明了当今社会的普遍存在的一个现象:

It is no doubt that..., but...……毫无疑问,但……

It is against nature for us to...做……是不符合天理的。


一、2004年真题解说 Directions:

Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should 1)describe the drawing 2)interpret its meaning, and 3)support your view with examples You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)



1. 认真审题


2. 理解画面的含义


3. 用若干具体事例支持自己的观点


4. 列出提纲和主题句,围绕提纲完成全文。








Write a letter to a friend of yours to

1)recommend one of your favorite movies and

2)give reasons for your recommendation.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address.(10points)


Dear Tom,I am writing, without hesitation, to share one of my favorite movies, Forest Gump, with you, which is not only conducive to your study, but also beneficial to your life.For one thing, the beautiful language in this original English movie may contribute to your study of English in listening, speaking, reading and writing.For another thing,the profound cultural elements implicit in the scene will equip you with foreign cultural background and, above all, enrich your daily life.Would you like to see this movie after my recommendation? Remember to tell me your opinion about the movie.I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Ming


1.用于对陌生的组织或团体负责人的称谓:Dear Madam or Dear Sir

2.用于对认识但是关系很正式的个人、组织或团体负责人的称谓:Dear Ms....or Dear Mr....3.用于对关系亲密的人的称谓:Dear Tom/Lucy(or any other name)


缩进式: 段落之间无空行,每段开头空四个字母。


Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“...”instead.落款时可以使


Yours,Li Ming














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