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升旗仪式上,学生代表“敬礼娃娃”郎铮、基层干部代表曲山镇党委副书记唐祖华、群众代表北川震兴生猪养殖农民专业合作社理事长龚兴兰先后发言,共同表达了灾区人民自强不息,感恩奋进,努力为建设美丽新北川,为灾区的发展振兴,同圆 “中国梦”贡献力量的信心和决心。






在纪念四川汶川特大地震一周年活动上的讲话 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席 胡锦涛

Address by President Hu Jintao At the Commemorative Event Marking the First Anniversary of The Devastating Wenchuan Earthquake

2009年5月12日 四川省汶川县映秀镇


同志们,朋友们,Comrades and Friends, 今天我们在这里隆重集会,纪念四川汶川特大地震一周年,向在地震灾害中不幸罹难的同胞们,向为夺取抗震救灾斗争重大胜利而英勇献身的烈士们,表达我们深切的思念。

Today, we are gathered here on this solemn occasion to mark the first anniversary of the devastating Wenchuan earthquake.At this moment, our thoughts are with those compatriots who fell victim to the earthquake and those heroes who gave their lives for the remarkable success of the rescue and relief operation.2008年5月12日14点28分,我国发生了震惊世界的四川汶川特大地震,受灾地区人民生命财产和经济社会发展蒙受巨大损失,面对空前惨烈的灾难,在党中央、国务院和中央军委坚强领导下,全党全军全国各族人民众志成城,迎难而上,以惊人的意志、勇气、力量,组织开展了我国历史上救援速度最快、动员范围最广、投入力量最大的抗震救灾斗争。最大限度地挽救了受灾群众生命,最大限度地减低了灾害造成的损失,夺取了抗震救灾斗争重大胜利,表现出泰山压顶不弯腰的大无畏气概,谱写了感天动地的英雄凯歌。

At 14:28 on 12 May 2008, a massive earthquake struck Wenchuan of Sichuan Province.It was an earthquake that shocked the world.It caused heavy casualties and property damage, and inflicted enormous losses on local economic and social development.In the face of the unprecedented natural disaster, the whole Party, armed forces and people of all ethnic groups in China rallied behind the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission, and worked as one to fight the disaster with great determination, courage and strength.We launched a rescue and relief operation which was faster in response and mobilized more personnel and resources than ever before in China's history.We made the utmost effort to save lives and minimize the damage, and achieved major success in the fight against the disaster, demonstrating the indomitable and unyielding spirit of the Chinese people and writing a touching and heroic chapter in the history of our nation.我们按照以人为本,尊重自然,统筹兼顾,科学重建的原则,科学制定灾后恢复重建规划,迅速出台一系列支援灾区的政策、措施积极开展对口支援,迅速组织开展灾后恢复重建工作,在中央大力支持,灾区广大干部群众艰苦奋斗,全国人民大力支援下,城乡居民住房重建,学校医院等公共服务设施重建,基础设施恢复重建,产业重建和结构调整,历史文化保护,生态修复等方面均取得显著成绩。灾后恢复重建取得重要阶段性成果,灾区人民正大踏步走向新生活。

In the aftermath of the earthquake, we made scientific plans for rehabilitation and reconstruction, promptly introduced a host of policies and measures to support the quake-hit areas, energetically organized one-to-one assistance programs, and swiftly launched rehabilitation and reconstruction work in accordance with the principles of putting people first, respecting nature, making coordinated plans and carrying out reconstruction in a scientific way.Thanks to the strong support of the CPC Central Committee, the strenuous efforts of the local officials and people and generous assistance from the rest of the country, notable progress has been made in the reconstruction of urban and rural homes, schools, hospitals and other public service facilities, the rehabilitation and reconstruction of infrastructure, the rebuilding and restructuring of industries, the preservation of places of historical and cultural interest, as well as in ecological rehabilitation.With these major preliminary successes, the people in the quake-hit areas are now marching toward a new life.All this has laid a solid foundation for the complete success of our relief and reconstruction endeavor.这一切为夺取抗震救灾斗争全面胜利奠定了坚实基础。在抗震救灾和灾后恢复重建中,举国上下同心协力,海内外同胞和衷共济,充分展现了中华民族团结奋斗的民族品格和风雨同舟的强大力量。抗震救灾和灾后恢复重建取得的成绩,必将鼓舞全国各族人民满怀信心地把改革开放和社会主义现代化事业继续推向前进。

The concerted efforts of the entire Chinese people in the relief and reconstruction operation – from leaders to the ordinary people, from compatriots within China to those from abroad – are the best expression of our national character of solidarity and hard work and fully demonstrate the enormous strength we can have if we all stand together in times of adversity.The success we have achieved will further inspire the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to carry forward the cause of reform, opening-up and socialist modernization with full confidence.在这里,我代表党中央、国务院和中央军委向在抗震救灾和灾后恢复重建第一线英勇奋战的广大干部群众、人民解放军指战员、武警部队官兵、民兵预备役人员和公安民警,向大力支持抗震救灾和灾后恢复重建的全国各条战线的广大干部、群众,各民族党派、工商联和无党派人士、各人民团体以及社会各界,向踊跃为灾区提供援助的香港同胞、澳门同胞、台湾同胞以及海外华侨华人致以崇高的敬意!

On behalf of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission, I hereby pay high tribute to all the officials and people, officers and men of the People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police, the militia and the reserve force, and the public security officers and policemen who have fought heroically in the forefront of disaster relief and reconstruction;to all the officials and people, personnel of various democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce and people without party affiliation, people's organizations and various sectors of the society who have given strong support to the relief and reconstruction efforts;and to our compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and overseas Chinese communities who have offered assistance to the quake-hit areas.我们的抗震救灾和灾后恢复重建,得到了众多国家的领导人、政府、政党、社会团体和驻华使馆、联合国有关组织和一些国际机构、外资企业,以及国际友好人士的真诚同情和宝贵支持,在这里,我代表中国政府和中国人民再一次向他们表示衷心地感谢!

In fighting the disaster and rebuilding the quake-hit areas, we have received deep sympathy and valuable support from leaders, governments, political parties and social organizations of many foreign countries and their embassies in China, from relevant United Nations agencies and international organizations, and from foreign enterprises and friends.On behalf of the Chinese Government and people, I wish to once again express our sincere thanks to them all.同志们,朋友们,Comrades and Friends,当前,我国正处在应对国际金融危机冲击,保持经济平稳较快发展的关键时刻,在前进道路上,我们要以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,大力弘扬伟大抗震救灾精神,全面推进社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设,以及生态文明建设和党的建设,奋力夺取抗震救灾斗争的全面胜利,为实现党的十七大描绘的宏伟蓝图而团结奋斗。

China is now at a crucial juncture in its effort to tackle the impact of the international financial crisis and maintain steady and relatively fast economic growth.On the way forward, we will continue to follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, fully apply the Scientific Outlook on Development, and vigorously advocate the great spirit displayed in the earthquake rescue and relief effort.We will promote all-round progress in socialist economic, political, cultural and social development, in fostering a conservation culture and in Party building, strive for the complete success of the disaster relief endeavor, and work in unity towards the grand goals outlined at the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.我们要继续扎扎实实推动经济社会又好又快发展,改革开放以来,我国不断增强的综合国力是我们战胜四川汶川特大地震灾害的坚实物质基础,也是我们应对各种困难和挑战的坚实物质基础,我们要牢牢坚持“发展是硬道理”的战略思想,把保持经济平稳较快发展作为经济工作的首要任务,认真落实进一步扩大内需,促进经济平稳较快发展的一揽子计划,全力做好保增长、保民生、保稳定的各项工作,努力夺取经济社会发展的新胜利。

We will continue to make earnest effort to promote sound and fast economic and social development.Since reform and opening-up, China's comprehensive national strength has improved consistently.This has served as a solid material foundation for us to prevail over the devastating Wenchuan earthquake and to overcome other difficulties and challenges.We will be committed to the strategic thought that development is of overriding importance and always keep steady and relatively fast economic growth on the top of our economic agenda.We will carry out the package plan to further boost domestic demand and achieve steady and relatively fast economic growth in real earnest and do all we can to ensure economic growth, improve people's livelihood and maintain social stability so as to score new progress in economic and social development.我们要继续扎扎实实推进灾后恢复重建工作。做好灾后恢复重建工作,关系灾区群众根本利益,关系灾区长远发展。当前,灾后恢复重建任务仍十分繁重,我们要全面落实中央关于灾后恢复重建的方针政策和工作部署,加大力度,加快速度,攻坚克难,力争用两年时间基本完成原定三年的目标任务。要坚持以人为本,以解决民生问题为重点,优先恢复群众基本生活条件和公共服务设施,确保受灾群众早日住上永久性住房。全面恢复和提高教育、医疗卫生、文化体育等公共服务水平,大力提高基础设施保障能力,积极促进特色优势产业发展,努力建设人民安居乐业、城乡共同繁荣、人与自然和谐相处的幸福美好新家园。要继续全力做好对口支援工作,同时要坚持自力更生、艰苦创业,引领灾区广大干部群众,依靠自己的双手,创造美好生活。要加强对抗震救灾和灾后恢复重建资金、物资的监管,确保工程建设质量。

We will continue to make earnest effort to push forward post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction.To ensure smooth progress in post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction concerns the fundamental interests of the affected people as well as the long-term development of the quake-stricken areas.We are faced with arduous tasks in this regard.We will comprehensively implement the policies, guidelines and programs of the CPC Central Committee regarding post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction.We will step up effort and speed up the pace to overcome difficulties with a view to basically achieving within two years the targets originally set for three years.We will continue to put people first and focus on solving issues related to people's well-being.We will give priority to restoring people's basic living conditions and public service facilities and ensure that the affected people will move into permanent houses at an early date.We will restore and upgrade the level of public services in education, medical care, culture, sports and other fields, improve the quality of infrastructure facilities and promote the development of industries with distinctive local features and advantages so as to build a beautiful new homeland where the people live and work in contentment, urban and rural areas enjoy common prosperity and man and nature coexist in harmony.While continuing to provide one-to-one assistance, we will also advocate the spirit of self-reliance and making pioneering effort and encourage the officials and people in the quake-hit areas to build a better future with their own hands.We will intensify the oversight of the use of materials and funds for disaster relief and post-quake reconstruction and ensure the quality of construction projects.我们要继续扎扎实实加强防灾减灾工作。提高防灾减灾能力是保护人民生命财产安全的必然要求,也是人类社会共同面临的重大课题。要坚持兴利除害结合,防灾减灾并重,治标治本兼顾,政府社会协同,全面提高对自然灾害的综合防范和抵御能力。要加强防灾减灾领域及国际人道主义援助等方面的国际交流、合作,为人类防范和抵御自然灾害作出积极贡献。

We will continue to make earnest effort to strengthen disaster prevention and mitigation.To enhance disaster prevention and mitigation capacity is essential for protecting people's lives and property.It is also a major task facing the whole mankind.We should create favorable conditions to fend off natural disasters, give equal importance to disaster prevention and mitigation, address both symptoms and root causes and coordinate governmental and non-governmental efforts in order to improve our comprehensive capacity in preventing and withstanding natural disasters.We should intensify international exchanges and cooperation in disaster prevention and mitigation and in international humanitarian assistance so as to make positive contributions to mankind's endeavor to prevent and withstand natural disasters.同志们,朋友们,Comrades and Friends,抗灾救灾和灾后恢复重建的伟大实践再一次告诉我们,团结就是力量,拼搏才能胜利。全党全军全国各族人民要更加紧密地团结起来,勇敢战胜前进道路上的一切困难和风险,全面做好各项工作,以优异的成绩迎接新中国成立60周年!

Our achievements in this great earthquake relief and reconstruction endeavor have once again demonstrated that unity is strength and hard work leads to victory.The whole Party, the armed forces and people of all ethnic groups in China should unite together even more closely, courageously overcome all difficulties and dangers on the way forward, strive for the success of our work on all fronts and greet the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China with outstanding achievements.










2008年5月12日发生的汶川特大地震,是新中国成立以来破坏性最强、波及范围最广、救灾难度最大、灾后重建任务最重的一次地震,给我们造成了巨大的生命财产损失。但在党中央、国务院和各级党委、政府的坚强领导下,在区委、区政府的统一指挥下,全区各级党组织和广大群众临危不乱,攻艰克难,万众一心,众志成城,创造了伟大的抗震救灾精神,书写了旌阳发展史上的新篇章,这是极为宝贵的精神财富,是加快我区又好又快发展的精神动力。编纂《汶川特大地震抗震救灾志》是党中央、国务院站在战略全局上作出的英明决策,编纂好《汶川特大地震旌阳抗震救灾志》,全面、客观、系统地 1















举行升国旗、唱国歌仪式是庆祝新中国成立62周年的 1






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