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个 人 简 历

Department of Information and Electronic Engineering Zhejiang University

Tel: *** Email: zjucy@263.net 浙江大学玉泉校区 1089#信箱(310027)

姓名:陈渝 性别:男 籍贯:浙江海宁 出生日期:1979 年 9 月 6 日 专业:电子工程

学习能力: 学习能力: 以认真的态度刻苦完成基础知识的学习,成绩良好,对于本专业的课程以及计算机 方面的相关知识有浓厚的兴趣,如信号与系统,通信原理,数字信号处理,多媒体制作 等,并在学习的过程中找到了适合自己的学习方法,具备了一定的自学能力和研究能力。个人技能: 个人技能: 独立的熟练的完成了微波技术,电子线路,信息物理学等课程的试验 在短学期中制作并调试了音频功率放大器。用 ISP Synario 软件和同学合作进行小规模电路的设计和演示。参加了彩色电视机维修培训 熟悉单片机和 dsp。熟练运用 OFFICE 软件 系统学过软件基础知识,掌握了 C/C++,VFP 的程序设计。会使用 Matlab,多种 EDA 等软件进行专题的研究与设计,目前正在用 Authorware 等软 件进行多媒体课件的制作。语言能力: 语言能力: 通过了国家大学英语四级考试,能流利的用英语进行交流。具备一定的英语阅读能力。社会活动: 社会活动: 大学期间曾在海南养生堂杭州市场部工作,做过一段时间的市场调查。个人素质: 个人素质: 诚实,正直,有正义感。善于自学,能自我激励,有创新精神,有积极乐观向上的精神。肯钻研,有强烈的好奇心,富有挑战竞争意识,对研究和开发有兴趣。守信用且具有良好团队合作精神,好的领导组织与沟通协调能力。爱好广泛,除本专业之外还喜欢足球,音乐等。

Name: Chen Yu
Mailbox 1089#, Zhejiang University Hangzhou, Zhejiang, P.R.China, 310027 Email:zjucy@263.net Tel:***

Bachelor’s degree in Information Science and Electronic Engineering

Academic Excellence:
Good at English.Good at computer operating systems and program languages such as C/C++,VFP.Knowledgeable of many EDA softwares such as DSCH、EWB、VHDL、Pspice、ISP Synario.Knowledgeable of Matlab, Authorware.Good at ISP and DSP subjects study.

Honest, perseverant, determined and self-confident.Active thinking: good at finding problems and solving them and always have good, fresh ideas.Curious about everything, can face to challenge and competition.Self-encouragement, working hard, good at studying by myself.Teamwork spirit, can get along well with people from different places, with different backgrounds and different cultures.


电子工程系电子工程专业,即将于 2002 年 7 月毕业。现向贵单位应聘。大学四年的学习生活,培养了我严谨的思维和良好的自学能力,教我学会了 如何运用所学去解决实际问题。课堂上的学习,使我掌握了本专业所必须具备的 基本知识;通过实验,进一步将理论与实践相结合,加强了动手能力。大学期间 参加的各种社会工作,使我明白了一个人不畏艰辛去奋斗的重要性,任何时候,都要学会与他人密切合作,共同解决问题。每一个人都生活在这个世界上,我一直认为人不是为了活着而活着的,待人 真诚,热情大方,朋友是我的最大的财富,成功才是我活着的最大的梦想,我相 信,一个只有根正苗红,宅心仁厚的人,才能真正的发展,才会被社会所认同。对自己,我有信心。贵单位优秀的企业文化和广阔的发展前景让我憧憬,希望能有机会加入贵公 司,尽自己所能,贡献自己的力量,与公司共同发展。我有足够的勇气和信心面 对挑战,完成贵公司交给我的各项工作。期待能有一次与您见面的机会。谢谢。此致 敬礼!







Dear leaders:


First of all, thank you for your busy schedule in my recommended reading materials for students who enthusiastically want to open a door, I called XX, is a forthcoming in July 20xx and graduated from XXXX College of Business English students.I like to engage in foreign trade, I am well aware of the importance of foreign trade, this is a need for more responsible and careful work to complete.I am Chinese entry speed above 100 words per minute;than good social activities, I work in earnest, patient, willing to work hard learning, meticulous work, and has a strong sense of responsibility and initiative, and the exchange of love.Rather than written words, not permit, but I know that a youth can continue to improve their own learning, can prove himself in practice.Distinguished leadership, I am a do anything people are passionate, if I can happily appreciate you, I will dutifully action to prove to you.I will live by every good-looking matter.the company's future, I would like to dedicate my life-long effort and sweat.I again extend my most sincere thanks!




Respect of sir/miss:

Hello!please forgive disturb.I am a just from xx college business English majors of college.I'm honored to have the opportunity to you in my personal information.In all social occasion, in order to find the accord with his professional and interested in the job, better use of their talents, to achieve their life values, and extend to all the leaders made a recommend ourselves.As a business English major students', I love my professional and for its input and a huge enthusiasm and energy.In the three-year study life, I have studied included business outside the basic knowledge to use as many aspects.Through analyzing the knowledge of study, I in this area have related knowledge of a certain extent of understanding and mastering, the profession is a tool and the ability to use the tool is the most important in and curriculum synchronism of relevant practice and practice, is certain to actual operation ability and technology.In the school work, strengthening exercise the ability to get, learning management knowledge, absorb management lessons.I know of computer and network is the future tool, in study of the profession of computer premise, I made a huge interest in and read many of the related books, Windows 98/20xx, Visual Foxpro program design, medium and high-grade office automation, computer primary tutorial.proficient in using Word, Excel, powerpoint, Windows and other office software.In my life is in a period of energetic, I wanted a broad world to expose their own talent, and I'm not satisfied with current level of knowledge, the expectations in practice get exercise and improved, so I hope I can join your company.I'll do dependably belongs to own a job, does utmost of work to achieve good results.I believe that through own diligence and struggling, certainly will make due contribution.Just thank you in spite of being very busy giving my attention, wish your company business, and prises, wish your career white foot pole head, further!

I am enclosing a resume, such as an opportunity to meet with you, I'd be very grateful.Even if your company thought I was still not compatible with your condition, I also will continue to focus your company's development, and on this my most sincere wishes.this



Dear Sir,In reference to your advertisement in the newspaper of for a playground director,I believe that I have the qualifications to fit your position.I hold a degree in Physical Education from the University of South Dakota.Along with my physical education courses, I also selected many courses in psychology and child managedirector in several suburban areas surrounding the university.In the summer of 1983, I was an assistant in charge of organized sports for younger boys in Walton, south Dakota.The year after that, I was placed in charge of a large summer program for under privileged children in the large city of Millon, South supervisor during this time was William Johnson.He has consented to act as a reference for me.My additional experience includes working as a City Park Recreation Director in Rockford, South Dakota for the years of 1985 to the present time.In this position I am responsible for the programs in all the city park, including all organized recreation and night-time sports.If you feel that I am suited for the job that you have in mind.please inform me of the time convenient for an interview.I hope to hear from you in the near future.Sincerely yours.


Dear Sir or Madam:

I am very interested in working for your company.After speaking with you on 14th, January, I am very keen to apply for the position in your company.I appreciate your time and consideration in interviewing me.I am especially keen to work in the role because it matches exactly what I am looking for.I am excited about the prospect of working for your company.There are a lot of reasons why I hope to join the company.The first one is your exciting innovation in the software world, your care for employees and your outstanding services toward your customers.I want to be one member of such a dynamic company.I feel it will be great to work in this environment and I really long to be a part of your team.I have noticed that your company is a company with strict working rules and performance-oriented, but being humanistic.From the above information and the data on your company’s website, I can conclude that your company is an innovative, customer-oriented, and a company in pursuit of excellence.I appreciate it very much and like to work here.As you will see from my attached resume, my educational qualifications and experience demonstrate a solid grounding which certainly prepare me for making contribution to your company.Having completed a Bachelor of Business English degree, I have a good grasp of English and I am able to show a number of key skills that you are looking for.We have internship period each semester.From the practice, especially the language practice this summer, I have learnt a lot.My capability for self-control, adaptability, translating and professional skills has been greatly ://

My study result was excellent.Though there are many criteria to judge a good student, I think that the result is important while in the university.The other aspects, including ethics, team spirits and experience are essential as well.I did well in these aspects.For instance, I ever organized some activities while in the Student Association, and which exercised my team spirit and organizational skills.As for me, I describe myself as a friendly, easy-going, sincere and optimistic person who enjoys working with a team.The biggest advantage that I have is I am responsible.I am a conscientious person who likes to do the best I can with my given

potential to fulfill my promises.A major weakness is that I am inexperienced now that I am a new comer to the society.I have a lack inexperience, but I can make it up by my diligence.Besides, I am good at learning.I have been trying to find any possible chance to expose myself to various kinds of experience.And I think that is what I am going to do all my life.I believe I will get great improvement as long as I am open-minded to study and endeavor to dig my advantages.I am confident that I will adapt to the new environment in the shortest time and I could do an excellent job in the position.I am sure you will not be disappointed if you give me a chance.I am very interested in working for your company and I am looking forward to hearing from you once the final decisions are made.Please feel free to contact me at any time.I can be contacted by phone or e-mail as quoted above.As requested, I have attached my resume.Thank you again for your time and consideration.Yours faithfully,










Dear Sir,I have learned that you are looking for a clerk who was had some general experience in business and I desire to apply for that position.I am twenty-five years old and a graduate of the Shiu Yan College of the class of 198X.For the past three years I have been in the employ of King's Trading Co.,Ltd.in Aberdeen.I desire to get a position in Tsuen Wan, hoping to save time in the traffic.I am enclosing my resume and a recent photo.If you care to give me an interview, I shall be pleased to call any afternoon except Monday.Yours very respectfully,编辑:xiexiebang





























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