
时间:2019-05-14 13:04:52下载本文作者:会员上传


A:Good evening, my honored teachers.Good evening, fellow students.B: 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学,大家好.A: Today we are very happy to gather here to hold the second English speaking competition.B: 今晚我们怀着愉悦的心情相聚一起, 举行我校第二届英语演讲比赛.A: I'm very honoured to be the host for today's competition.I’m *** from class No.***.(我很荣幸担任本次大赛的主持.我叫...来自...班.)(其他主持一次介绍自己)

A: Our teacher once toldus language is more like a window, through which you can see more beautiful sceneries outside.B: 我记得我们的老师曾告诉我们, 语言就像一扇窗户, 透过它我们可以看见外界更美丽的风景.A: We have learned English for 3 to 5 years.And during the process, we stick to it and enjoy it.And now is the time to show.B: 我们已经学习英语3 到5 年了, 在这过程中,我们为之努力,也为之喜悦.而现在, 是我们展示自我的时候了.A: I sincerely hope that all of us in the near futher will use English to look out , move out and standout to be outstanding.B: 我真诚的希望,我们能用英语在不久的将来,开拓视野,全力以赴,展示出最优秀的自己.A: Ok, now, let's warmly welcome our hourable judges: they are...B: 现在让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎我们今晚的评委们: 他们是...A: Welcome.Now let me introduce the procedures and rules.B: 现在请允许我为大家讲解大赛流程和细则.(主持人最好轮流作介绍)A: Clear,everyone? Let the second English speaking competition begin!

B: 大家都明白了吗? 现在就让我们的第二届英语演讲大赛正式开始吧!

A: Now, let’s give a warmly welcome to the first contestant No.1 *** His Her topic is “:”.Welcome.B: 现在,让我们用热烈的掌声有请___号选手______,他的话题是_________.A: Contestant No.** please get ready.请____号选手______准备。

A:thank you!These No: * contestant gives us a perfect show.Let’s welcome ourjudge---Miss Chen to give the contestant some advice.B: 谢谢,_号选手我们展现了一个精彩的演讲, 现在有情评委**老师点评.(这一段在中间介绍环节可反复使用)

A:At last, Welcome contestant No.____ ______.His/ Her topic is “______”.Welcome!


A:Wonderful!These 12 contestants give us a wonderful show.Now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s get down to thejunior show.B:初中部的12名选手的演讲实在是太精彩了.现在,朋友们请休息一会儿,我们马上进入高中部的比赛

A:Let’s welcome the first group to come onto the stage.They are:______.B:首先有请第一组选手上台,他们是:________(中间衔接环节使用)

A:excellent, isn’t it?

B: 很精彩,不是吗?

A: now let’s have a break.Our judges will havea disscussion on the result.B: 好了, 朋友们.让我们休息一会儿, 静静等待大赛的结果.A: Ok.After our judges’ discussion, now the result has come out.B: 经过我们评委们的讨论之后,我们的比赛结果终于揭晓了。

A、First, I would like to announce the third winners:

B、首先我们要揭晓的是我校第二届英语演讲比赛的第三名得主,A:They are *** from class *** and *** from class *** congratulations!B: 他们是来自___班的___和来自___班的___ 祝贺!

A: And then, the second winners:

B: 第二名得主是:

A:They are *** from class *** and *** from class *** congratulations!

B: 他们是来自___班的___和来自___班的___ 祝贺!

A: They are *** from class *** and *** from class *** congratulations!B: 他们是来自___班的___和来自___班的___ 祝贺!

A: my dear friends ,can you feel the most exciting moment?

B: 亲爱的同学们,你们感觉到这令人紧张的气氛吗?

Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winners:

B: 现在我要宣布的是我校第二届英语演讲比赛的第一名得主

A: He | she is...from class...congratulations!

B: 来自__班的___ 祝贺.A: now,let’s welcome the third winners to come onto the stage.B: 有情获奖者上台

A :And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners

B: 热烈欢迎我校领导为获奖者颁奖.A : Congratulations to the winners!


A : what an exciting show!

B: 多么令人兴奋的比赛呀!

A: Pity is that i have to say good bye.B: 但遗憾的是就要和大家说再见了.A: Many thanks to our teachers and thank you all for coming.B: 衷心感谢各位老师,也感谢各位同学的参与!

Together: Good bye everyone.Good bye!

PS: 王老师,中文部分我自己乱写的,用词不当之处希望您修改一下!(^_^)...


首届归宗小学生英语口语演讲比赛主持稿 开场白:

1: Dear teachers.2:亲爱的老师们

1:Dear students.2:亲爱的同学们。

1:Good afternoon.2:大家下午好

1: 今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行归


2: 英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。

1: 有了英语,我们可以认识全世界不同的国家,地球那端的人,他


2: 今天的比赛总共有23名选手,他们来自不同的班级,但是大家都


1: 今天的比赛总共有两部分,第一部分为五六年级,第二部是三四年级。在此,我预祝这次的小学生英语口语比赛圆满成功。



2: 接下来,让我们用最热烈的掌声欢迎评委老师的到来。1:下面我们将进入今天的比赛环节。









2:感谢所有选手的精彩表演,感谢评委和工作人员的辛勤劳动。合:Thank you very much.1:最后,请杜校长为获奖选手颁奖。




1: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.2:Good morning, fellow students.1: Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holdingthe First Cengshan Primary School English speaking competition.2: 今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行层


1: English is such a beautiful language.We can use it to travelaround the world.2: 英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。

1: By learning English we can know the people in the other sideof the world.What are they like? What are they talking?What are they thinking?

2: 有了英语,我们可以认识全世界不同的国家,地球那端的人,他


1: In today's show, there are 16 contestants.They come fromdifferent classes of different schools.But they have the same aim,that is to practice English.2: 今天的比赛总共有16名,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但是大


1: In today’s show, we have two rounds.The First Round, includingtwo parts.One is One-minute introducing yourself.The other isFree Show.In the end of free show, our judges will give eachcontestant one or two questions.the Second Round is readingshow,then answer the judge two questions..And I would like totake this opportunity to wish this English speaking competitioncan be a perfect success.2: 今天的比赛总共有2轮,第一轮分为2个环节,第1环节是一分钟自我介绍,第2环节是自选内容展示。我们的评委将对每个选手提问。第2轮是抽签朗读一段英文材料,然后回答评委提问。(接评分办法)在此,我预祝这次的小学生英语口语比赛圆满成功。

1: First, let’s warmly welcome our headmaster.Mr.Zhou.give us ashort speech.2.首先,让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎周校长为我们讲话。Thanks our headmaster’s wonderful speech.非常感谢周校长的精彩讲话。

1:Next, let’s warmly welcome Mr.Fu.give us a short speech.2:接下来,让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎付校长为我们讲话。We’re really grateful to Mr.Fu’s wonderful speech.Thanks again.十分感谢付校长的精彩讲话。

1: Next,let me introduce our judges.They are


2: 接下来,让我来介绍我们的评委老师,他们是-------------------------.让


1:My friends, It's time for our players to have their performance.2:朋友们,下面我们将进入今天的比赛。

1.Now,let's warmly welcome contestant No._____________, Her/His topic is “________”and contestant No.________,get ready ,please.2:现在,让我们用热烈的掌声有请___号选手______,他的话题是_________.请____号选手______准备。

1: The next will be No.____ ______.His/Her topic is “______”andcontestant No.______get ready ,please.2:接下来有请___号选手______,他的话题是_________.请____号选手______准备。

1: Now, It’s time for No.____ ______.His/ Her topic is “______”andcontestant

No.______get ready ,please.2:下面有请___号选手______,他的话题是_________.请____号选手______准备。

1:.Welcome contestant No.____ ______.His/ Her topic is “______” and contestant No.______get ready ,please.2:下面有请___号选手______,他的话题是_________.请____号选手______准备。


1:At last, Welcome contestant No.____ ______.His/ Her topic is “______”.Welcome!

2:最后,有请___号选手______,他的话题是_________.大家欢迎。1:Excellent!These 16contestants give us a wonderful show.2:太棒了!感谢这16位选手给我们带来的精彩表演。


1:Excellent!These 41contestants give us a wonderful show.Now, my friends, let’s go to

the Second Round ,reading show.2:太棒了!感谢这41位选手给我们带来的精彩表演。朋友们,现在让我们进入第二环节—朗读一段英文材料并回答提问。

.Now.let's warmly welcome contestants No.______,Contestants No.__ __ __get ready ,please.现在,我们用热烈的掌声欢迎,___ _____号选手,请__ __ __号选手准备。

2.The next will be No.__ __ __,Contestants No.__ __ __get ready ,please.接下来有请___ _____号选手,请__ __ __号选手准备。

2.Now, It’s time for No.___ ___ ___, Contestants No.__ __ __getready , please.现在有请___ _____号选手,请__ __ __号选手准备。

3.Welcome contestants No.____ ______, Contestants No.__ __ __ get ready , please.现在有请___ _____号选手,请__ __ __号选手准备。

5.At last, Welcome contestants No.___ ___ ___, Welcome!最后,有请__ __ __号选手,大家欢迎。


1:At last, I just want to express my sincere thanks to all of you,to all the contestants for their wonderful performances.to all thejudges and all the teachers for their hard work,2: 最后,感谢所有选手的精彩表演,感谢评委和工作人员的辛勤劳动。

合:Thank you so much.Bye,bye!


2014 Shandong Provincial Vocational Students Skills Competition Spoken English Contest Dear students,this contest is begining, please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation.Good morning,ladies and gentlemen,welcome to 2014 Shandong Provincial Vocational Students Skills Competition Spoken English Contest.This competition organized by Shandong Education Departments and four other govermental departments,hosted by Rizhao polytechnic.And sponsored by Higher Education Press.I wish the contest a complete success.First, Let’s give a warm welcome to our honorable leaders, distinguished judges, coaching teachers, and contestants.Now I announce the begining of 2014 Shandong Provincial Vocational Students Skills Competition Spoken English Contest.Let’s welcome contestant No.1.Time is up,Thanks for your performance.Please judges score for contestant No.1 Let’s welcome contestant No.2.Time is up,Thanks for your performance.Please judges score for contestant No.2.Let’s welcome contestant No.3.Time is up,Thanks for your performance.Please judges score for contestant No.3.And now I announce the score of contestant No.1 to contestant No.3 Contestant No.1 is-----Contestant No.2 is-----Contestant No.3 is-----Congratulations.And now welcome contestant No.4.Repeat.Once again,congratulation everybody.You are really excellent.Thanks for your outstanding performance.Ladies and gentlemen,now the semifinal is ending.I know you are all deeply impressed by the----contestant.Let’s give them a big round of applause.And I think our distinguished judges who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause too.Thanks for your time.See you!




开场白: 邓湘蓉: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.I’m… 吉晨境: Good evening, boys and girls.I’m…

邓湘蓉: Today we are very happy and excited, because we are

here, holding “ Happy English”speaking competition.吉晨境: 今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行长沙市麓谷中心小学“快乐英语”英语口语比赛。

吉晨境: English is such a beautiful language.We can use it to

travel around the world.邓湘蓉: 英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。邓湘蓉: By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world.吉晨境: 有了英语,我们可以认识全世界不同的国家的人。邓湘蓉: In today's show, there are 10 contestants.They come from different classes.But they have the same aim, that is to practice English.吉晨境: 今天的比赛总共有参赛选手名,他们来自不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。

邓湘蓉: In today’s show, we have two rounds.The First Round is free show.In the end of free show, our judges will give each contestant one or two questions.And I would like to take this opportunity to wish this English

speaking competition can be a perfect success.吉晨境: 今天的比赛由自由展示环节和评委提问组成。在此,我预祝这次的小学生英语口语比赛圆满成功。

邓湘蓉: First, let’s warmly welcome our dear Mrs.Cao give us a

short speech.吉晨境.首先,让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎曹主任为我们讲话。邓湘蓉:Thanks for Mrs.Liu’s wonderful speech.吉晨境:非常感谢曹主任的精彩讲话。

邓湘蓉: Next,let me introduce our judges.They are Mrs Lin, Mrs Yao, Mrs Jiang, Mrs Yuan, Mrs zou.Welcome!吉晨境:林琛老师



袁金钰老师 邹艳老师,让我们用最热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。

吉晨境:My friends, It's time for our contestants to have their performance.邓湘蓉:同学们,下面我们将进入今天的比赛。Now,let's warmly

welcome contestant No.1肖腾.contestant No.2黄毓轩 李兴宇 陈坤豪 陈宇航。get ready ,please.吉晨境:现在,让我们用热烈的掌声有请1号选手肖腾_,请2号选手黄毓轩 李兴宇 陈坤豪 陈宇航准备。

吉晨境: The next will be No.2 黄毓轩 李兴宇 陈坤豪 陈宇航.contestant No.3 周俊行get ready ,please.邓湘蓉:接下来有请2号选手黄毓轩 李兴宇 陈坤豪 陈宇航.。请3号选手周俊行准备。

邓湘蓉: Now, It’s time for No.3周俊行_.Contestant No.4彭雨航

get ready ,please.吉晨境:下面有请3号选手周俊行_,请4号选手彭雨航准备。吉晨境:.Welcome contestant No.4 彭雨航and contestant No.5 邓湘蓉get ready ,please.邓湘蓉:下面有请4号选手彭雨航请5号选手邓湘蓉准备。吉晨境: The next will be No.5邓湘蓉.contestant No.6邓湘蓉

彭米熙 周琅璐 彭钰家 李兴宇 张荣东 唐凤仪 易昱辰 钟梓璜 唐梦妮get ready ,please.邓湘蓉:接下来有请5号选手邓湘蓉.。请6号选手邓湘蓉 彭米熙

周琅璐 彭钰家 李兴宇 张荣东 唐凤仪 易昱辰 钟梓璜 唐梦妮准备。

邓湘蓉: Now, It’s time for No.6邓湘蓉 彭米熙 周琅璐 彭钰家 李兴宇 张荣东 唐凤仪 易昱辰 钟梓璜 唐梦妮.Contestant No.7玛格塔丽

get ready ,please.吉晨境:下面有请6号选手邓湘蓉 彭米熙 周琅璐 彭钰家 李兴宇 张荣东 唐凤仪 易昱辰 钟梓璜 唐梦妮.,请7号选手玛格塔丽准备。

吉晨境:.Welcome contestant No.7玛格塔丽and contestant No.8 唐源璟get ready ,please.邓湘蓉:下面有请7号选手玛格塔丽,请,8号选手唐源璟准备。吉晨境: The next will be No.8唐源璟 No.9倪卓get ready ,please.邓湘蓉:接下来有请8号选手唐源璟。请9号选手倪卓准备。邓湘蓉: Now, It’s time for No.9倪卓.Contestant No.10杨喻童

get ready ,please.吉晨境:下面有请9号选手倪卓,请10号选手杨喻童准备。吉晨境:.Welcome contestant No.10 杨喻童and contestant No.11 吉晨境get ready ,please.邓湘蓉:下面有请10号选手杨喻童请11号选手吉晨境准备。吉晨境: The next will be No.11吉晨境

contestant No.12易欣妮

周迦昊 廖乐妍 谢瑞 易裕凯 陈子梁 周乐贝 沈佩儒get ready ,please.邓湘蓉:接下来有请11号选手吉晨境.。请12号选手易欣妮 周迦昊 廖乐妍 谢瑞 易裕凯 陈子梁 周乐贝 沈佩儒准备。

邓湘蓉: Now, It’s time for No.12易欣妮 周迦昊 廖乐妍 谢瑞

易裕凯 陈子梁 周乐贝 沈佩儒.Contestant No.13邵轶


ready ,please.吉晨境:下面有请12号选手易欣妮 周迦昊 廖乐妍 谢瑞 易裕凯 陈子梁 周乐贝 沈佩儒.,请13号选手邵轶准备。

吉晨境:.Welcome contestant No.13吉晨境and contestant No.14赵周达get ready ,please.邓湘蓉:下面有请13号选手吉晨境,请14号选手赵周达准备。吉晨境: The next will be No.14赵周达.contestant No.15唐顺麟 get ready ,please.邓湘蓉:接下来有请14号选手赵周达.。请15号选手唐顺麟准备。邓湘蓉: Now, It’s time for No.15唐顺麟.Contestant No.16吉晨境

谢卓伦 彭雨航 黄雅轩 刘永圣 马子杰 陈清峻 戴泽世 汪岩 彭雄 李柯鑫

get ready ,please.吉晨境:下面有请15号选手唐顺麟_,请16号选手吉晨境 谢卓伦

彭雨航 黄雅轩 刘永圣 马子杰 陈清峻 戴泽世 汪岩 彭雄 李柯鑫准备。

吉晨境:.Welcome contestant No.16 吉晨境 谢卓伦 彭雨航 黄雅轩 刘永圣 马子杰 陈清峻 戴泽世 汪岩 彭雄 李柯鑫and contestant No.17黄思妍get ready ,please.邓湘蓉:下面有请16号选手吉晨境 谢卓伦 彭雨航 黄雅轩 刘永圣 马子杰 陈清峻 戴泽世 汪岩 彭雄 李柯鑫请17号选手黄思妍准备。


邓湘蓉:At last, Welcome contestant No.17黄思妍


邓湘蓉:Excellent!These 17contestants give us a wonderful show.吉晨境:太棒了!感谢这17 位选手给我们带来的精彩表演。

邓湘蓉: At last, I just want to express my sincere thanks to all of you, to all the contestants for their wonderful performances.to all the judges and all the teachers for their hard work,吉晨境: 最后,感谢所有选手的精彩表演,感谢评委和工作人员的辛勤劳动。

合: Thank you so much.Bye,bye!



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