英语写作练习:Chinas Wealth Drain(同等学力申硕英语写作练习及答案)

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第一篇:英语写作练习:Chinas Wealth Drain(同等学力申硕英语写作练习及答案)











China's Wealth Drain

From the information above, we may clearly feel that more and more rich Chinese love to go abroad by so-called “investment emigration”.The phenomenon reminds people of “brain drain” in the past 30 years of China, so we may call it “wealth drain”.As far as I’m concerned, “wealth drain” does more harm to our country even than “brain drain”.Firstly, most of the rich people who want to emigrate are talented and industrious.Their going abroad is a kind of “brain drain” as well as a great loss for China.Secondly, according to the report, about 60% of people who either consider emigration through investment overseas or have already completed the process are real rich persons possessing more than 10 million Yuan worth of individual assets.It is sure for them to bring most of the assets to abroad, which will otherwise be of great significance to the economic construction of China.Thirdly, with the money and talents from China, our international competitors will be more powerful and competitive.Fourthly, some corrupted official may make use of the policy to avoid domestic punishment.So why are wealthy Chinese so eager to leave their country? The simplest answer is that there are a lot of things in China that even the richest cannot buy, such as laws and regulations, the

education system, social welfare, inheritance tax, quality of air, investing atmosphere, food safety, and so on.Besides the material reasons, there are emotional ones.Emotional reasons behind rich people's emigration are generally linked to the lack of a sense of personal safety, including safety of personal wealth, as well as fear about an uncertain future.Therefore, in order to curb the trend, we should make more efforts to improve the comprehensive situation in China.In addition, the government should lay some regulations to control rich people’s investment emigration.


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在目前常见的作文题目中,内容切题一般包括两个方面。一是写作内容要围绕题目规定的话题展开。二是根据题目所给提纲书写文章内容。2013年同等学力申硕考试的作文题目是The possibility of using mobile phone to study English(or any other subject)给定了写作提纲,1 我认为手机(不)可以用来学习英语或其他知识。2 理由是…… 3 结论。这就是这篇短文所给提纲,考生要从出题人给定的提纲出发,从三方面来写自己的作文,不能偏离轨道。




文章的层次要分明,条理要清楚,上下文之间、词与词、句与句之间要上下连贯,前后 呼应,才能使文章结构严谨,思路清晰、有条理。


一般现在、一般过去、一般将来、现在进 行、过去进行、现在完成、过去完成、现在完成进行、过去将来时,主要就是别出现时态语态和常用搭配上的错误。



That’s in the office building.At 10:35, a man finishes his job, and comes into his wife’s office.He wants to make a date with his wife to eat lunch together soon.And his wife also finishes her job, she is very glad to keep an appointment.That’s in the career center.Some persons are looking for a good job from computer, and a man want to find a good job from the service of center.A attendant is introducing a good job to the man.The woman is the three children’s mother;she is supervising and urging the boy who is squatting on the chair to do the homework.


The girl who is sitting on the chair is talking to the boy, and the dog behind the girl is looking at the boy.Hodgson further interest for a capital that rent, not only use it together with rent for the original form of surplus value, and make it and rent.Marcie declared interest is only part of the profit margins are determined to occupy surplus labor is provided.Smith's contribution in his first affirmation is a basic social capitalist class, profit for society of a basic income, which can begin to see as a capital occupies industrial profit of the earliest form of surplus value, and for the general form of the surplus value, and the rent and interest on assigned to explain the capitalist industry jointly possessed surplus value of each class of branching.


Picture 1:

The weather is very hot.In this house, the air

conditioning is not working, so the man can only use ice to lower the temperature, and his husband can only run the fan to lower the temperature.The dog is relaxing in cool place.Picture 2:

After work, the man and his wife who live in apartment 8G come home very late.So they are very tired, and they want to sleep right now.Picture 3:

That’s a dinner with candle light, looks like very romantic.Dan and his wife are eating beefsteak very happily, and there are many clothes around them.

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