
时间:2019-05-14 18:57:51下载本文作者:会员上传


简历是关于自己经历的资料性文件。简历的主要特点是它的附属性,它不单独发文,而只是以附 件(enclosure)的形式出现。它可以帮助接收学校或招聘单位了解申请人的基本情况,因 此写好简历有利于自己很好地抓住到来的各种机会。一 简历的写作格式及主要内容标准的英文简历的写法及内容一般包括以下各项。(一)标题简历的标题即在正文正上方写上“RESUME”字样即可。简历标题的英文写法还有Curriculum、Vitae等。以“Resume”最为常用。(二)写简历的日期一般在标题下一行,靠右边写上写作简历的具体日期。如“Dec.12,2000”月份可以缩写,月日同年之间要用逗号。(三)个人的姓名、住址和电话号码个人的姓名、住址写在信纸的左边,从简历写作日期的下一行开始,要分行写出,上下排列 整齐。一般先写姓名,姓名下写自己的门牌号码,所在的路或街道名,再下一行写出所在的 区(州)或城市名。必要时还需写上所在省或国别名。关于姓名的写法,如果是寄到国外的简 介,一般将姓放在名字后面,中间加逗号,如“Shaohua,Zhang.”或把姓放在前面,但姓 和名字之间也需加逗号,如“Zhang,Shaohua”;如果只是寄往国内的则直接写出姓名即可,不必加逗号,如“Zhang Shaohua”。电话号码可写在地址下面,也可以写在信纸的右边,同姓名写在一行,或同地址写在一行。这里需说明的是个人的姓名、住址和电话号码也可全部写在信纸的右边,其位置相当于一般 书信的信头的位置。(四)申请的工作(position)申请的工作是那些作为应聘的、求职的简历必须有的,一般要写上自己希望做的工作。位置 在左边,同上边地址要排整齐。(五)个人求学的经历(Education)求学的经历,即一般从中学开始,写出自己曾就读的学校名称、地点、在校的年限,大学 的名称、所在的科系、所学的专业,取得学位的情况,以及所学的主要课程内容、年限、成 绩等。参加过在职训练或培训班的也可列出。(六)个人工作的经历(Experience)同求学经历一样,该项要求写出曾经工作过的单位名称、地址,工作的性质、职位、起讫日 期等。(七)个人资料(personal Data)个人资料包括出生的日期、年龄、出生地点、身高、体重、健康状况、婚姻状况、爱 好、有何特长等。(八)推荐人或证明人的情况(Reference)应将推荐人或证明人的姓名、地址、电话、职位、头衔等写出来,有时也可省掉不写。而写 上“Available on request”(来信即附)字样。以上各项内容要排列整齐,给人一种一目了然的感觉。


1.Resume / CV(Curriculum Vita英国)2.Objective/Desired position3.Transcript

4.Cover Letter5.Intern experiences6.Skills / Strengths7.Academic activities

8.Application form9.Social practice10.working experiences11.Publications

12.Educational history13.Social activities14.Honors and Awards15.Certificates

16.Graduation thesis / Senior design project 17.minor 18.major 19.curriculum 20.Recommendation

21.specialized courses 22.special training23.off-job training 24.in-job training 25.academic year

26.courses taken / courses completed27.refresher course28.semester29.term

30.marks/ grades31.pass32.fail

简历申请表 求职信 求职意向/目标学历成绩单实习经历工作经历主要技能 社会实践学术活动社会活动荣誉和奖励 毕业设计 证书作品推荐信

课程 主修 辅修 专业课程 所学课程 特别训练 脱产培训在职培训 进修课程


1.Degree2.doctor/Ph.D3.bachelor4.B.E./ Bachelor of Engineering5.graduate student

6.post doctor7.master8.M.E./ Master of Engineering.9.BA/ bachelor of arts business analyst

10.abroad student 11.foreign student12.returned student 13.auditor /guest student 14.summer jobs

15.government-supported student16.commoner 17.extern18.day-student19.graduate20.Intern21.vacation jobs

学位 博士后 博士 硕士 学士 工学学士 工学硕士文学学士业务分析 研究生 留学生回国留学生 外国留学生旁听生旁听生(美)/(英)公费生自费生 走读生走读生 毕业生暑期工作假期工作实习

1.student council2.commissary in charge of study3.commissary in charge of entertainment

4.commissary in charge of sports 5.commissary in charge of physical labor 6.Party branch secretary 7.League branch secretary8.commissary in charge of organization9.commissary in charge of publicity 10.Scholarship11.excellent graduate12.excellent League member

13.excellent leader14tutor 15.moral, academic and physical excellence of academic year16.extracurricular activities 17.recreational activities

学生会学习委员文娱委员体育委员 劳动委员 党支部书记 团支部书记 组织委员 宣传委员 奖学金 优秀毕业生 优秀团员优秀干部三好学生家庭教师









暂居住地:北京宣武区广安门外大街 小红门北站

电 话:***



学 历:大专

专 业:酒店管理

学 校:河北工业职业技术学院




工作性质: 全职







09年9月—10年7月 任旅游管理类班级班长 年9月—11年4月 任班级外教口语教师助理 年至今任酒店管理班团委 年至今校学生会—学术部成员,英语学社成员
































Chinese Name: Li Zhankun

English Name: Dragon Li


Political Standing:Probationary Party member

Height: 175cm

Weight: 65kg

Date of Birth: Dec.24,1988

Presentaddress: Guang Anmen street of Xuanwu district

Tel: ***


Native Place: Nan Xinzhuang Village, Qiu Town, Qiu County, Handan City, Hebei Province

Education: Associate

Major: Hotel Management



Job Objective

Job Application: Receptionist/assistant of manager

Job Nature: Full-time

Working Place: Bei Jing

-------------------------Educational Background

From Sep.2009 to nowHEBEI COLLEGE OF INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY My academic record is among the top three in my class.I actively organized and participated in various beneficial activities, repeatedly praised by students and teachers.From Sep.2009 to July 2010class monitor of Tourism management

From Sep.2009 to April 2011oral English teacher’s assistant

Since 2010secretary of Communist Youth League

Since 2009member of academic department and English club in school In 2011studying computer level II access by myself

From Sep.2006 to July 2009QIU COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLgood's student

At school, I served as class monitor, class representative of the math, commissary in charge of sports and the head of dormitory ,working steadfast and actively.Major Courses: Hotel English/ Oral English/ The front office room service and management/ Hotel Introduction to Psychology/ Hotel Marketing/ Hotel services and management/ Hotel Information Management/ Dishes and Wine Knowledge/ Food service and management


June 21, 2011senior lobby card

Sep.1, 2010college English test level A certificate

June 1, 2010the computer level 1 card

Nov.2010the second award of class scholarship

Nov.2011C-type driving license

Nov.18, 2009blood donation certificate

May 2010college’s excellent League member certificate

Nov.26, 2009association prize second in College’s Drama Competition

May 30, 2010our group won the third employment knowledge contest third

In 2009 our dormitory won the second place in our department’s dormitory culture match April 2010personal growth files design competition award for design excellence May 8, 2010Youth Day speech contest third

-------------------------Social experience

From April 15, 2011 to Oct.15, 2011 Receptionist and Cashier of Beijing Lafayette castle hotel

Winter holiday in 2009Recreational depatment water of Beijing LafayetteWinter holiday in 2010waiter in Russian restaurant of Beijing LafayetteSummer holiday in 2009I got a part-time job at HUAYUANSILI in Beijing.Summer holiday in 2010I got a part-time job at JIN DI LEI YAhotel.-------------------------Self-introduction

1.I did a year of monitor and more than a year of Youth League Communist secretary at school, let me have a strong organizational ability, leadership,communication skills and strain capacity.What’s more, I master Office software.2.Half a year's practice of being receptionist in the four-star hotel, and a part-time job’s experiences, I am familiar with the front desk of the business process and I learned how to deal with various of guests problems, learned about the hotel each department and the department of the relationship between the knowledge of the business, a strong team spirit.3.Ability show:

I made class cadres group together to lead all students to study the computer level 1.In 2010 year, I assisted our department’s minister to organize the school sports.Lead part of students participate in voluntary blood donation activity in 2009 year.Several times in the award-wining speech ,drama and debate competition.During my internship in 2011, I received the letters of commendation customers because of my enthusiastic and thoughtful service attitude.4.Hobbies: I’m interested in playing Chinese chess, swimming and playing ping-pong.5.Weakness: About myself's and others' requirements sometimes too harsh, too perfect.

第四篇:Resume Sample简历





2002.9 ~ 2006.7XXXXXXX


 XXXXXXX优秀学生工作奖(1次)获奖比例: 1/212

 XXXXXXX优秀学习奖学金 三等奖(2次)获奖比例: 10%

 XXXXXXX三好学生(1次)获奖比例:2%

2005.9 ~ nowXXXXXXX大学汽车系

 为本系唯一1名由导师推荐的本科生,参加清华汽车系“智能交通系统(ITS)”课题组,研究开发日本某知名汽车公司的投资项目——“车道保持系统”

 担任项目经理,指导北航ITS兴趣小组的5名学生学习“车道保持系统”的相关原理


 目前独自一人负责第二期项目的图像预处理部分

2005.7 ~ 2005.8XXXXXXX银行柳州市分行

 使用MX Dreamwaver开发中国人民银行柳州市分行网站,负责网页界面设计

 提议组建“排球宝贝拉拉队”,成功号召各个部门、不同年龄段的将近50名银行女职


 本次实习通过学校综合评定,等级为良好

2004.7 ~ 2004.9XXXXXXX

 组建4人开发小组用VB.NET开发教务管理系统,仅用两星期的时间掌握VB.NET

 使用Microsoft project制定项目计划表,并严格按照项目计划实施,定期组织召开小组


 沟通讨论设计方案,交流开发经验,团队协作精神和专业技能大大提高

学校活动2003.5 ~ 2003.6XXXXXXX科技竞赛

 担任XXXXXXX软件学院的总策划,领导协调会场布置组、海报展板组、宣传手册组、文化衫设计组、记者组和竞赛项目组织组将近20人,成功完成本次赛事的筹备工作

 创意性的提议采用播放DV形式活跃展场气氛,并与1名同学合作策划、拍摄、剪辑制


 组织2名同学,讨论设计本次活动的文化衫,前后修改方案共达10次,最终因为创意


 因宣传组织活动开展有序,在众多参赛学院中表现突出,软件学院荣获本次竞赛“优


曾任职务2004.9 ~ nowXXXXXXX学院文艺委员、团支书

2002.9 ~ 2003.7XXXXXXX校学生会文艺部干事

2002.9 ~ 2004.7宣传委员



第五篇:英文IT简历resume Thomas_Griffith

Thomas R.Griffith 817.709.16318104 Mansanillo Ct, Arlington, TX 76002trgriffith@gmail.com

Information Technology Management Executive with Tremendous Leadership Experience

⍟ Business Process Automation⍟ Service Delivery⍟ IT Architecture⍟ IT Project Management

Creative, customer service focused technology strategist that solves complex business problems by determining

needs and architecting a cost effective and efficient solution.Confident and determined leader with proven expertise in leading technology professionals focused on teamwork, measured goals and coordinated actions.Technical Leadership Competencies

Strategic IT Planning… Standards Development… Technology Rightsizing… High Availability Planning… Change Management…

Business Intelligence Solutions… SLA Creation & Adherence… Application & Web Development Standardization Technology Summary Certifications:

Operating Systems:


Languages: Servers:

Software:A+, MCSE+I, Dell Certified Server/Desktop/Laptop Windows 9X/NT/2000/2005/2008/XP Pro/2K3/Vista & Windows 7, CentOS, Linux, Unix MS SQL 2003/2005/2008 & MySQL SQL, HTML, ASP, CSS, PHP, Flash Action Script MS Active Directory, Exchange, MS SQL, IIS, Apache, Altiris, Symantec Endpoint, VMWare, BlackBerry MS Project/ Visio/Office, Radiant Aloha, Adobe, Timberline, HEAT, Siebel, Cognos, Backup Exec, Pivotal,Cisco, Watchguard, DNS, DHCP, Avaya & Nortel Telephony Systems, LAMP, WAMP

IT Experience

IT Director ⦁ 413 HOLDINGS, LLC ⦁ Ft Worth, TX ⦁ Nov08 – Nov09(450 Employees, 4 Offices Nationwide)

Assimilated 5 companies’ technical assets into one centralized, standardized IT Department that acted as a Service Provider.Selected Contributions:

 Ensured SLA of 99.99% uptime on non-standard equipment by implementing Change Management and by placing critical

applications on virtualized servers running like hardware. Reduced loss rate from undetermined to less than.5% a quarter by implementing Altiris Total Management Suite and a standard asset tracking process integrated into the employee lifecycle process. Reduced IT costs by 25% combining hardware and software vendor to Dell Medium Business sector and implementing a standard hardware platform for all servers and end-user computing needs. Increased available bandwidth and decreased monthly transfer costs by implementing Watchguard device that filtered web

content, enabled protocol control and reduced SPAM, virus and spyware.IT Director ⦁ CREDIT SOLUTIONS OF AMERICA ⦁ Addison, TX ⦁ Oct06 – Nov08(1200 Employees, 3 offices in DFW)

Successfully led the IT Business Unit, which consisted of 3 departments(65 people);IT Systems(Network, Systems, Business

Intelligence), Development(Web & Application Development, Quality Control)and Technical Support.Selected Contributions:

 Reduced downtime from daily firefighting and reaction based support to proactive management by implementing Change Management and Emergency Response Procedures. Decreased delivery time of development projects by 65% by implementing a standardized the Software Development Life Cycle along with a standard Object Oriented Code base and by enforcing Quality Control measures. Improved customer service rating for internal technical support team by 35% by creating a roving Desktop Support team that acted as personal technical trainers and champions of change to the end user environment. Increased communication and morale within the department by holding monthly motivational and information exchange departmental meetings, allowing a free environment to exchange ideas, disseminate updates on projects and

recognize achievements.http:///in/trgriffithThomas R.Griffith Resume Pg 1http:///people/Thomas-Griffith

Director of IS Services ⦁ TRAMMELL CROW RESIDENTIAL ⦁ Dallas, TX ⦁ Apr02 – Oct06(2500 Employees, 25 Offices Nationwide)

Stabilized IS Services group by creating and implementing polices and procedures that improved internal customer service ratings,decreased downtime of customer facing associates and ensured fast and accurate support of critical business systems.Selected Contributions:

 Increased internal customer service ratings by 65% by researching, writing business case and then negotiating and

implementing a help desk ticketing and customer management system. Revolutionized the support of the main mission critical business system by identifying the need for industry experienced personnel and training them on the technology instead of trying to train technical people on the nuances that experience

teaches.This is now a standard in the multi family housing industry and most of the original team-members are now running departments for other companies. Reduced IT asset loss rate to 1% per year by implementing Asset Control Policies and an Asset Inventory Control system. Decreased downtime and raised customer awareness of IS Systems’ status by authoring and implementing a Change

Management policy.Enterprise Systems Manager ⦁ DATARETURN CORP ⦁ Irving, TX ⦁ Mar99 – Mar02(1250 Employees, 4 DataCenters worldwide)

During tenure quickly rose from Lead IIS Support Engineer to Enterprise Systems Manager due to tenacity and anything is possible attitude.Go-To guy for executive management when special or crucial projects MUST be accomplished correctly.Selected Contributions:

 Managed first project aimed at attempting to host corporate infrastructure systems.This was during the time that only

websites and SQL databases were hosted outside of the corporate infrastructure.Successfully hosted Domain, Exchange & File Servers over the internet when Microsoft told us it could not be done. Completed, 2 months ahead of schedule, a Dedicated Support Team supporting high end customers, including build out of all equipments, staff, training and policies. First Technical Account Manager & Dedicated Server Engineer for world’s largest free on-line learning center for ASP. Reduced IT budget by 20% by standardizing corporate PC assets by job requirements.Outlying Site Administrator ⦁ SOUTHLAND CORP ⦁ Dallas, TX ⦁ Sep98 – Mar99

Traveled around the country to regional offices managing IT servers and software.Acted as on-site Desktop Engineer while on-site.Started out as Project Lead for Point Of Sale replacement project in all 7-11 stores nationwide.Selected Contributions:

 Cut travel costs by 50% by reorganizing maintenance travel plan and schedule.IT Director & Webmaster ⦁ KAIZEN SOLUTIONS ⦁ Pensacola, FL ⦁ Jun96 – June98

Managed network infrastructure, web-site design and technical support of ISP and Web Dev firm.Selected Contributions:

 Held first ringside on-line blow-by-blow chat session on RoyJonesJr.com(1997)

 Recognizing the revenue potential and website loyalty by introducing on-line socialization, created an on-line community where members could post to each other’s pages and communicate back and forth, this was 6 years prior to MySpace.Intelligence Specialist ⦁ US NAVY ⦁ San Diego, CA ⦁ Aug92 – Jun96

Ensured that the Commander of the US Navy’s Third Fleet received daily briefing of intelligence matters that pertained to his area of responsibility and key world events by researching, analyzing and condensing intelligence collection data.Selected Contributions:

 Key Technical member of project to create a federally secure encrypted wide area network between surface, subsurface and

shore stations to be used by joint intelligence community.http:///in/trgriffithThomas R.Griffith Resume Pg 2http:///people/Thomas-Griffith



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