高三完型+语法填空专项练习 15(含答案)

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第一篇:高三完型+语法填空专项练习 15(含答案)



Robby was 11 years old when his mother dropped him off for his first piano lesson.Ithat students begin at an earlier age, which I explained to Robby, but Robby said that it had been his mother’sto hear him play the piano.So I took him as a student.Hard as Robby tried, he the basic sense of music.However, he persisted(坚持), and at the end of each weekly day.” But it seemed.He just did not have any inborn(天生的)ability.I only knew his mother from a distance as sheRobby off or waited in her old car to pick him up.She always and smiled but never visited my class.Then one day Robby stopped coming to our lessons.He telephoned me and said his mother was

Several weeks later I was preparing my students for the upcoming recital(独奏会)when Robby came and asked me if he could be in the recital.“Miss Hondorf… I’ve just got to

The night for the recital came.The high school gymnasium was packed with parents, friends and relatives.The recital went off well.Robby came up on stage.I waswhen he announced that he had chosen Mozart’s Concerto(协奏曲)No.21 in C Major.I was not prepared for what I heard next.His fingers were light on the keys.He played so that everyone rose to applaud him.In tears I ran up on“Well, Miss Hondorf… I kept on practicing at home.Remember I told you my mom was sick? Well, she had cancer and passed away this morning.And well…she was born deaf, so tonight was thetime she ever heard me play…”










10.A.SuddenlyB ThenC.FinallyD.Later






第二节 语法填空

Over years, I’ve been teaching children about a simplepowerful concept—the ant philosophy.They have an amazing four-part philosophy.First, ants never quit.They’ll climb over, they’ll climb under, and they’ll climb around.They keep looking for another way.What a neat(了不起的)philosophy, to never quit17(look)for a way to get18you are supposed to go.Second, ants think winter all summer.That’s(幼稚的)as to think summer will last forever.So ants are gathering their winter food in the middle of summer.It’s important to be1

and sun.Think ahead.The third part is ants think summer all winter.During the winter, they remind, “This won’t last long;we’ll soon be out of here.” Andthe first warm day, the ants are out.If it(turn)cold again, they will dive back down.Last, how much will an ant gather during the summer to prepare for the winter? All he(possibility)can.Never give up, look ahead, stay positive and do all you can.第三节 阅读理解


Ten students have stopped complaining about gas prices.Instead, they’re competing in a nationwide contest to redesign the cars.Final competitors were chosen from a field of 60 applicants.“The schools were selected to find technology that will help our country reach the needs for energy sources, so we don’t have to depend on other countries to provide fuel.” Pickering said.He is vice chairman of the US House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee.The teams received $ 10,000 and a Chevrolet Equinox which would be used as a starting place forEach team can also get $ 25,000 in parts and software from GM and other sponsors.The cars will be taken to the GM proving grounds for a national competition.It’s the finale(结束曲)of a three-year competition.In the first year, students designed and worked out their plans.“At the end of the first year, our plans for the hybrid(混合动力系统)were approved and we received our own Chevrolet Equinox to begin construction.” said Amanda McAlpin, leader of the outreach team.In the second year, the students’ goal is for their hybrid to exceed the factory Equinox’s fuel efficiency by 50 percent.“Our goal is to place in the top five but increase in the areas we lacked in.” McAlpin said.“If we can maintain this strategy, we should be able to obtain our goal.”

In the final competition this year, GM technicians would examine the cars to approve the safety and make sure they meet all contest rules.“We would like to be in the top half of each event, but they are all different.Every team has their own strategy to win.” said a computer engineering major.“By hosting the competition, GM really gets the cream of the crop(优秀毕业生)from the top engineering schools across the country.” McAlpin said, “Many of our recent graduates who have worked on the car have received jobs with GM.” And Pickering agreed, “Their brainpower will give us firepower and horsepower for the future.”

41.How long does the contest last?

A.One year.B.Two years.C.Three years.D.Four years.42.The underlined word “modifications” in the second paragraph means _____.A.designB.changesC.approvalD.examination

43.What’s the real purpose for GM to sponsor this contest?

A.To reduce the consumption of fuels.B.To sell its Chevrolet Equinox.C.To make advertisements.D.To find excellent graduates and employ them.44.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A.Sixty students competed in the final contest.B.The team could get nothing but $35,000 from the sponsors.C.It was GM technicians who decided which team was the best.D.Ten teams in all took part in the contest.45.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

A.Students Building Better HybridB.A Competition for Redesigning Cars

C.An Energy-saving CompetitionD.GM and the Redesigned Cars

语言知识及应用综合训练36 答案

第一节 完形填空:

1-5 ADBBD6-10 CACCC11-15 ADCDB

第二节 语法填空




第一节 阅读理解

26-30 CDBDA

36-40 ACCAC

31-35 CDCAD 41-45 CBDCA3




Every year students in many countries learn English.Some of these students are children, __1__ students are young people.Why do all these people want to learn__2__? It is not__3__to answer this question.Many boys and girls learn English at school.It is one of their __4__.Many people learn English because it is__5__in their work.Some young people learn English__6__their higher studies because some of their books are__7__English.Other people learn English because they want to __8__newspapers in English.Some people learn Englis h because they want to __9__ in the USA, England or Australia.English is very__10__in our life(生活).1.A.all B.the otherC.both D.other

2.A.English B.ChineseC.maths D.Japanese

3.A.hard B.easy C.good D.nice

4.A.books B.classes C.schools D.subjects(科目)

5.A.good B.useful(有用的)C.fine D.pleased

6.A.for B.of C.to D.from

7.A.in B.with C.at D.of

8.A.look B.see C.look at D.read

9.A.go B.work C.like D.come

10.A.help B.helping C.helps D.helpful

1.选B。some...other(s)...意思是“一些……另一些(泛指)”;some...the other(s)...意思是“一些……另一些(特指)”。由语境可知,在学英语的学生中,除一部分是孩子外,剩余的是青年人(特指)。






7.选A。in English是习惯搭配。

8.选D。“读报”英语习惯说read newspapers。

9.选B。根据语境及句子结构,有些人学习英语或想出国(go to a country)或想在这些国家工作(work in a country)。


(二)The population problem may be the 1 one of the world today.The world's population is growing 2.Two thousand years ago, there were only 250 million people the earth.Four hundred years ago, the number 500 million.But at the beginning of century, the world's population was about 1,700 million.In 1970, this number was 3,600 million.In 1990, the number was five billion.report says that the world population will six billion by the end of the 20th century.This is just ten it billion.People say that by the year 2010, may be seven billion.1.A.greatB.greaterC.greatestD.greating

2.A.faster and fasterB.fast and fastC.fastest and fastestD.faster and fast









KEY(答案): 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.D

(三)Fire can help people in m any ways.But it can also be very harmful(有害的).Fire can keep your house __1__, give light and cook food.But fire can burn things __2__.Big fire can burn, trees, houses, animals or people.Nobody knows how people began to use fire.But there are __3__.interesting old stories about how a man or woman started a fire.One is __4__ a man.The man __5__ a very long time ago.He went up the sun and __6__ fire down.Today people know how to make a fire with matches(火柴).Children sometimes __7__ to play with them.But matches can be very dangerous.One match can burn a piece of paper.and __8__ it could burn a house.A small fire can turn a big fire.very quickly.So you __9__ be careful with matches.Be careful with fire, and it will __10__ you.But if you aren’t careful with fire.and it may hurt you.1.A.warmB.warmerC.coolD.cooler



4.A.overB.aboutC.a littleD.no

5.A.worked B.studiedC.learnedD.lived


7.A.enjoy B.likeC.don't like D.become

8.A.after B.lateC.yetD.then



答案: 1.C2.C3.D4.C5.A6.B7.D8.A9.B10.D

(一)English names and Chinese names are quite different in some 1 ways, but it's not hard for us to know.Unlike Chinese, most English people have 2 names.One is their family name, both of the other names are given names.Their family name is 3 the given name.They use Mr, Mrs or Miss with the 4 name, but they never use 5 with the first name.For example, we can 6 a man named James Allan Green Mr Green, 7 we can't call him Mr James or Mr Allan.People usually use Jim 8 James.Jim is short for James because it's 9 to remember.But Chinese n ames are the opposite.A girl with the name Han Limei 10 her family name Han first.Of course, she can be called Ah Mei for short in China if you wish.1.A.anotherB.otherC.othersD.the others







8.A.instead ofB.for longC.so farD.next to


10.A.putB.puttingC.putsD.was put

答案: 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C

(二)Every day some people are killed while they are crossing the roads.1 of these people are old people and children.Old people are often killed because they can't see or 2 very well.Children are killed because they are not 3.They forget to look and listen before they 4 the roads.A car or a bus can't stop 5.If a car is going very fast, it will travel many metres 6 it stops.Some people don't always understand this.They think a car can stop 7 a few metres.It is difficult to 8 how fast a car is moving.The only way to cross the roads safely is to look 9 ways, right and left.Then if the roads are 10 , you can cross them.1.A.MuchB.MostC.More

2.A.hearB.to hearC.hearing









答案: 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.B

(三)Miss Zhao is one of the most popular teachers in the school.Yesterday she came into the 1 with a big smile on her face.She said to her 2 that she was 3 to see they did well in the sports meeting.But 4 was not pleased to see the classroom last Saturday not as 5 as usual.She hoped they would clean the classroom every day.Wei Hua was on 6 yesterday.She said everyone was at 7 except Lin Tao.Then she told Miss Zhao about their 8 to the Great Wall last Sunday.Luckily the weather was 9.They played games and had a picnic there.After Wei Hua 10 her talk,Miss Zhao began her lesson.1.A.shopB.classroomC.parkD.office










答案: 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C



A Now more and more Chinese children find life more difficult without their parents.They don’t know how(1)_______________(do)housework because their parents do almost everything for them at home.This is(2)_______________ big problem.Cindy is 14 years old.One day(3)_______________(she)parents went to work, so she had to stay at home alone.At first she(4)_______________(think)she would be happy.She could do everything she liked(5)_______________ her parents were not in.When it was six o’clock(6)______________ the afternoon, she felt hungry.“Oh, it’s time to have supper.Where can I get my food?” she said to herself.Later she found some food in the fridge, but she(7)_______________(not know)how to cook.At that moment, she missed her parents very much.At last she could only go to the super market(8)_______________(buy)some food to eat.Many(9)_______________(child)have the same problem as Cindy does.So I think they should learn some basic life skills, like cooking, cleaning their rooms or(10)_______________(dress)themselves.They shouldn’t depend too much on their parents.B

Do you like shopping? Do you know anything about the way of shopping in(1)_______________(west)countries? Most people like to go to the supermarkets(2)_______________ they can get almost everything in one supermarket.And the things in supermarkets are much(3)_______________(cheap).When they get into the supermarket, they carry a basket.Then they put the things they want in(4)_______________basket.After-getting everything they want, they pay for the things.Most people go to the supermarket(5)_______________(one)a week.But in America, most shoppers enjoy(6)______________(shop)in the shopping malls.A mall is a group of many shops.(7)_____________(usual), the mall is under one roof, so the shoppers don’t get cold(8)_____________ wet from rain, wind, or snow.After shopping, they may get(9)____________(tire).They can walk into the sitting rooms for a short rest.(10)____________ they go into the dining rooms in the malls, they can have a good meal.Now more and more Americans like to go shopping there.C

Will it matter if you don’t have your breakfast? Many people in the USA, aged from 12 to 83, took part(1)_______________ a test a short time ago.During the test, these people had different(2)_______________(kind)of breakfast, and sometimes they didn’t have breakfast at all.Scientists wanted(3)_______________(see)how well their bodies worked when they had different kinds of breakfast.It shows that if a person eats a good breakfast, he or she(4)_______________(work)better than those without breakfast.If a student has fruit, eggs, bread and milk before(5)_______________(go)to school, he or she will learn more quickly and listen more(6)_______________(careful)in class.Many people think that they can be thinner(7)_______________ they don’t have breakfast.But they are wrong.This(8)_______________(be)because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch.They will not lose weight(9)_______________ get weight.You will lose more weight if you reduce(减少)your other(10)_______________(meal).That is, if you don’t eat much for lunch or supper, you may lose weight.D

Mr Green works in New York.He(1)_______________(bring)his family to China last year.They visited many places of(2)_______________(interesting)and had a good time there.Before they left for New York, the Greens climbed the Great Wall.It was one of(3)_______________(great)buildings over two thousand years ago.They took a lot of(4)_______________(picture)there.Unluckily, it began to rain and they ran to the car.(5)_______________ they returned to the hotel, they couldn’t find their camera.They were all sorry for it.That evening they didn’t have supper.Mr Green hoped(6)_______________(make)others happy, so he said, “Let me tell you a story.(7)_______________ old man lived in a sixty-storey building.One day he fell down from it but he didn’t hurt himself.Do you know why?” Others waited(8)_______________ the answer.“Because he lived on the(9)_______________(one)floor.” They all began to laugh when two(10)______________(policeman)with a bag came in.They said a Chinese boy found the camera under a big tree.The Greens felt very happy.E

My name is Sam.I have(1)_______________ uncle.He is fifty-eight years old now.His eating habits(2)_______________(be)not good.He likes eating meat very much,(3)_______________ he doesn’t like eating any fruit.He doesn’t like(4)_______________(vegetable)as well.So he is very fat.He doesn’t like(5)_______________(play)sports.After work, he often sits on the sofa and(6)_______________(watch)TV.Today is his birthday.His son and daughter come and they buy some gifts for him.“Dad, I buy a soccer ball for you.If you like, you can play it(7)_______________ me on weekends,” his son Tom says.My uncle is very happy.Then his daughter says, “Dad, here is a pet dog for you.You can take it for a walk after dinner.It is good for(8)____________(you)health,” his daughter Cherry says.Hearing(听到)these(9)______________(word), my uncle is very happy.He(10)______________(real)wants to play some sports to keep healthy.语法填空专项训练(二)根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。

A People talk with words.Do you think you can talk(1)_______________ words? A smile on your face shows that you are happy and(2)_______________(friend).Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad.When you put up your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something(3)_______________ ask questions.You shake your head, and people know you are(4)_______________(say)“no”.Other(5)_______________(thing)can also give some information.For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus(6)_______________(take).A sign on the wall of your school helps you find the library.Signs on doors tell you(7)_______________ to go.People talk to each other in many other ways.An artist(8)_______________(use)his pictures to tell about the blue sea, the beautiful mountains and many other things.(9)_______________(write)write books to tell you about all wonderful things in the world and also about people and(10)_______________(they)ideas.They all help us know what is going on in the world.B

Mary is a very good student.She studies hard at school.She is good(1)_______________ all of her subjects.This morning, Mary’s class had(2)_______________ English test.After the test, the teacher checked the(3)_______________(student)papers and then she gave them back to the students in the afternoon.Mary looked at her paper.She wasn’t(4)_______________(happily)about her mark of 95.The answer to the third question in the paper(5)_______________(be)wrong.After class, all the students went out to play,(6)_______________ Mary didn’t.She wanted to stay in the classroom(7)_______________(work)on the third question again.After a short while, she got a new answer.Then she(8)__________(give)the new answer to the teacher.When the teacher saw the answer, she smiled.This time, Mary’s answer was right.When the(9)__________(other)got back, one of them asked Mary, “(10)_______________ did you do the exercise again? You know you can’t get a new mark.” “I don’t study for marks only!” Mary answered.C

Linda is a good girl.Her mother’s birthday is coming soon, so she buys a purple hat for her mum.It is the(1)__________(one)hat she buys for her mother.The hat is nice, and she(2)___________(take)it with 25 She puts it in(3)_______________ beautiful box and gets on the bus.(4)_______________ when she is ready to get off the bus, she can’t find it.It is lost.She begins(5)_______________(cry).The people on the bus ask her the reason, and she(6)_______________(tell)them.“Don’t worry.You can tell(7)_______________(we)your address(地址), and we’ll send it to you if we find it,” they say.The next day, her mum(8)_______________(be)very happy when Linda goes back home from school.“Thank you(9)_______________ your gift, Linda.But I don’t know why you buy so many hats for me.I get ten in different(10)_______________(colour)!” her mum says.D

I was very sleepy in the morning, so I didn’t go running as usual.(1)_______________ nine o’clock, Tom called me to join in a basketball game with him.He said that Jack and other(2)_____________(boy)would also be there.I(3)______________(finish)my homework and had nothing else to do, so I agreed.Tom told me(4)_______________(go)to the basketball club at ten o’clock.On the way there, I bought a little cake.When I got to the basketball club, I was(5)_____________(surprise)to see Tom and Jack fighting.Later on, I learnt that they fought because both of them wanted to start throwing the ball(6)_______________(one).I shouted to them to stop the fight,(7)_______________ they would not listen.Then two men came and stopped them from(8)_______________(fight).Then I asked them to go to the coffee shop for(9)_______________ drink.At the coffee shop, I brought out my little cake and it was good to see Tom and Jack sharing the cake and(10)_______________(laugh)again.E

Dear Peter, I’m glad you ask me for advice.It’s not easy for me to give you some good advice without(1)_______________(know)more about you.But(2)_______________(one), I am sure that you are wrong.You said that nobody would care if you left home.What about(3)_______________(you)parents? They always love you and worry about you.It seems that you are very sad.You’d better go to see a doctor or talk to your parents.They will be able(4)_______________(help)you.Second, I’m sure there(5)_______________(be)someone else in your class feeling lonely, too.You never know(6)_______________ other people feel.Try to make(7)_______________(friend)with your classmates.And you could also take part(8)_______________ club activities to meet new people and make friends.(9)_______________(final), you need to find happiness in yourself.So my last advice is to write(10)_______________ list(清单)of all the good things about yourself and learn to like yourself, and then others will like you, too.Yours, Cindy A.1.to do 4.thought 10.dressing B.1.western shopping 7.Usually 10.If C.1.in 4.will work 7.if

10.meals D.1.brought 2.interest 4.pictures 7.An 10.policemen E.1.an 4.vegetables 7.with 10.really

A.1.without 4.saying 7.where 2.friendly




6.to take 9.Writers 2.are 5.playing

3.but 6.watches


3.the greatest

9.first 5.When6.to make 8.is 2.kinds

3.to see


6.carefully 9.but




3.Cheaper 4.the






7.didn’t know 8.to buy 9.children 8.your 9.words 10.their B.1.at 4.happy 7.to work 10.Why C.1.first 4.But 7.us 8.is 2.takes


5.to cry

6.tells 9.for 2.an 3.students’

6.but 9.others


8.gave 10.colours D.1.At 4.to go 7.but 10.laughing E.1.knowing 4.to help 7.friends 10.a 2.boys 5.surprised 8.fighting

9.a 2.first 3.your 5.is

6.how 8.in 9.Finally

3.finished 6.first





















知道了自己的弱点,就要力求扬长避短,采用正确的方法和技巧来克服弱点,攻克完形。针对以上弱点,绝招如下: 绝招一:细读首末句把握文章方向 绝招二:上下文找信息提示词




在寻找信息提示词的时候一定要注意一种现象,那就是词汇的“复现”,即词汇的重复出现。一般说来,词汇的“复现”在语篇中是不可避免的,它包括:原词复现、同义词/近义词复现、反义词、同源词复现等。很多时候它就是提示点或暗示点的所在.如长沙市2009中考完形填空第39题,Because of this smart __39__,they can use their phones to talk and send short messages in the rain.文章前面有一句话,An American named Alan Kaufman and his company spent 6 years inventing a hand-free umbrella.答案就是invent的同源词invention。有时甚至答案是“复现”的结果。如长沙市2009中考完形填空第32题,But it’s not easy to hold an umbrella if there is heavy rain and __32___ wind.而在文章的另一段就出现了„even in the strong wind.答案就是strong.五、实战---解题“五步曲”

了解完一些必要的方法和技巧后,让我们来理清一下思路。假如现在一篇完形填空摆在你面前,你将如何开始?下面给大家介绍我认为比较科学的五个步骤: 1.细读首末句:透过首末句来预测文章的中心内容,把准方向。因为一般来说,文章的首句和尾句是不带空格的完整句子,而且大多是全文的主题句、关键句,往往是了解文章全貌的“窗口”,对抓住文章主旨有重要提示作用。2.跳读全文:快速跳过空格,扫读全文,领略大意

3.看完一段做一段:边做边推测下文内容,在上下文中找信息提示 4.推敲难题:简单的都解决后,对拿不准的题千万不要凭感觉。如果一旦跟着感觉走了,就说明你离正确答案越来越远了。其实,再难的题,也能在上下文中找到提示或暗示点。难就难在这个提示或暗示点比简单的题目更隐密和更难以发现,但这并不代表没有,只是需要多费点功夫寻找,不然怎么能叫“推敲”呢?所以,在没有找到信息提示或暗示点时,一定不能放弃,被“感觉”牵着鼻子走,否则,很容易就会被“牵”到错误答案上去了。






5.在平时的阅读中注意逻辑思维的训练,多观察和积累一些表示逻辑关系的过渡性词语或句子,如表递进关系的in addition, furthermore,besides等,表因果关系的 therefore, thus, as a result等。这对理顺逻辑关系,进行综合分析、判断和概括能力的提高都是一种促进。





Mazu is the most worshipped(崇拜)sea goddess in China’s costal areas, 1_______

(especial)in the south-east and Taiwan islands.Many people in China’s south-eastern coastal 2 _______(area)and Taiwan Island live by 3_______

(fish).They sail 4 ______ the turbulent(汹涌的)sea, which is very dangerous.Fishermen all hope 5 _______(return)safely with 6________

big catch every time they set out.So, they created a sea goddess for blessing and 7 _______(protect).The goddess is Mazu, 8____

is also known as “Heavenly Queen”.Every year, on the 23rd day of the 9______

(three)lunar month, fishermen go to the Mazu temple to worship the goddess.That day 40 ______(say)to be the birthday of Mazu.2.语篇填空

When I was young, I read many kinds of books1.__________(include)fairy tales.In those books, heroes described were handsome and heroines were beautiful.So, I believed I had to be beautiful if I wanted to become a great person.As I 2.________(grow)up, I began to realize outer beauty was not so important to make someone excellent.I remember a friend of 3.________(me).She believed that she could do everything she wanted because she was so beautiful, but she lost friends one by one.My poor friend!4 ________she learned was that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty.Whenever I see TV 5.____________(advertisement), I feel that they make us believe beauty is very important ,6__________(especial)physical attractiveness.Although we say that inner beauty is more valuable, we often look for plastic surgery(整容手术)7_______(make)us more beautiful.There seems to be a boom in plastic surgery.It is surprising to realize 8._____number of people who try it is increasing day by day.We know good-looking guys usually get 9_______(high)scores on job interviews than others.So, what is real beauty? I want to say that it is inner beauty that makes one look 10 _______a really beautiful person.3.语篇填空

One day, a man's dog died and he decided to buy a new pet.Once in the pet store ,he 1.______(ask)the manager, “Do you have any pets 2._______can do everything for me? My dog has just passed away 3._______I want something to replace him.”The manager looked around, “I'm afraid I only have this centipede(蜈蚣)here.” The man looked 4.________(puzzle), but finally bought it.After getting home, the man tested 5.________centipede.“Go and prepare a bath for 6_____(I), ”he said.The centipede did as he asked.Then the man said, ”Go to the shop 7_______(quick)and buy me a newspaper.“ An hour 8._______(late), the man got out of the bath, to find the centipede 9 _____(sit)at the bottom of the stairs, so he said, ”I think I have told you to go to the shop.The centipede replied, “Give me a chance 10_____(get)my shoes on!


In the past, human activities 1 ________(have)little effect on glabal warming, but now they have caused the rise of the earth temperature.All scientists agree that the increase in the temperature results 2 ______the burning of fossil fuels.One of some byproducts 3_______(call)greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide which can trap more heat energy in the atmosphere.Over the last 100 years, the temperature of the earth 4_______(increase).The 5________(attitude)towards this rise are completely different.Some are positive 6 __________others are negative.Some scientists think that without the green house gases the earth would be 7______(cool)than it is,8 _______would not be suitable to live on.Others think the rise of the earth temperature would cause severe storms, floods, droughts and so on.9.________(actual), greenhouse gases will continue to build up in the atmosphere.Luckily, we human beings are doing what we can 10_______(reduce)greenhouse gases.More importantly, individuals can make a difference.语篇填空 _____video of several famous singers performing the same song, A-mei s Listen to the Sea, appeared on weibo's hot post rankings soon after South Korean artist The One 2 ______(take)his version on the stage at Hunan TV’s I’m a Singer on March 6.Now we can thank Sing My Song for 3 _____(offer)music fans more choices to add to their play lists.There have been many singing competitions 4 _______Super Girl started the craze(热潮)in 2005.Among them is The Voice of China, 5 _____aims to find the singer with the 6_______(strong)vocal abilities.I'm a Singer provides a platform for veterans(老兵)to discover their passion(热情)for music and challenge 7_______(they).Super Girl and Super Boy are intended to find the next super idol for the show business.The8_______(win)don’t need to be the best singer but their personality must be 9_______(difference)from others That is to say, they must have a distinct personality.According to The Hollywood Reporter, the UK’s ITV has created a British version of Sing My Song, 10 ______(mark)the first time a Chinese format(版本)talent show has been exported abroad.6语篇填空

The hostess was to have a party and entertain guests at home.She busied herself so early in the morning, cleaning the house.She was so tired 1 ________she felt pain in her waist and on the back.Drops of sweat fell from her forehead.She did not finish 2______(clean)the house until dusk.3 _________(look)at the clean and tidy drawing room, she released a sigh with a smile on her face.The guests were coming!Entering the drawing room,they4______(attract)by the fresh flowers.Surprisingly pleased, they cheered in praise,” Oh, 5_______ beautiful flowers!” “ How colorful and fragrant!”

“Just have a look at it, and life is full of 6_________(excite)!Then they went on to express their thanks to the hostess for her 7________(care)arranged flowers.With an embarrassed smile, the hostess said, ”I am glad you like it.Thank you for your praise.I was8 _______bit surprised about it.I did make detailed arrangements for your honor.I was busy the whole day cleaning and 9_____(mop).As to the flowers in the vase, it is a piece of cake.Now you are unaware of my hard work and praise 10______(I)highly for my easiest effort.It is beyond my expectation.答案:第一篇:1.especially 2.areas 3.fishing 4.on 5.to return 6.a 7.protection/ protecting 8.who 9.third 10.is said 第二篇:1.including 2.grew 3.mine 4.What 5.advertisements 6.especially 7.to make 8.the 9.higher 10.like 第三篇:1.asked 2.that/which 3.so 4.puzzled 5.The 6.me 7.quickly 8.later 9.sitting 10.to get 第四篇:1.had 2.from 3.called 4.has increased 5.attitudes 6.but 7.cooler 8.which 9.Actually 10.to reduce 第五篇:1.A 2.took3.offering 4.since 5.which 6.strongest 7.themselves 8.winners 9.different 10.marking 第六篇:1.that 2.cleaning 3.Looking 4.were attracted 5.What 6.excitement 7.carefully 8.a 9.mopping 10.me

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