定西市安定区青岚山中心小学 高 健
2、发挥少先队大队部的主导作用,加强未成年人德育教育 少先队大队部要紧紧抓住班会和少先队队会这两块教育主阵 地,对学生开展公民道德规范教育、小学生日常行为规范教育、行为养成教育、思想品德教育等等。一要坚持对学生着装、发型、卫生、文明礼貌、佩戴红领巾、上课纪律等微小行为进行检查监督,发现问题及时纠正。二要耐心细致地做好学生的思想道德教育工作,通过观看教育影片、家访、学生集会、国旗下讲话等多种形式,对学生进行耐心细致的爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义道德教育。
3、发挥升旗仪式的教育功能,激发学生的爱国主义情感 德育教育是学校的教育活动之一,是学校的教育工作者对学生进行政治教育、思想教育和道德教育的总和。我们在积极探讨和实施德育教育的途径、模式,并且逐步形成了每周举行庄严的升旗仪式和学校领导、值周教师、优秀学生在国旗下讲话制度。少先队大队部首先给学生讲清楚升旗的意义,五星红旗是我国的国旗。国旗的升起象征着我们伟大的祖国屹立于世界民族之林,象征着华夏各民族团结在中国共产党的周围,共同奔向新的生活。其次认真组织学生参加升旗活动。升旗时军乐队演奏起雄壮的国歌,全体少先队员行队礼高唱国歌,然后在国旗下宣誓:‚为了祖国我们要做到:‘好好学习,天天向上,锻炼身体,保卫祖国,建设祖国’‛。全体学生振臂高呼,怎能不使爱国主义情感在同学们心中升腾?每次升 旗后,少先队组织学生进行爱国主义讲话,把本周的德育内容注入到学生的思想中、行动中去。在此基础上,应进一步围绕升旗开展一些活动,增强学生的爱国主义情感。如组织《当国旗升起的时候》、《我站在国旗下》等征文活动,开展‚争当升旗手‛的活动,把学生对国旗的尊重,对升旗的向往变成努力学习,为国效力的自觉行动。通过这一系列的活动,‚祖国利益高于一切‛的信念深深地铭刻在学生心中。
二、打造良好的体验教学平台,让学生在实践中接受德育教育 中央电视台有这样一则公益广告:妈妈为奶奶端洗脚水,孩子 受妈妈影响,也为妈妈端洗脚水。这普通的画面,展示了‚母慈子孝‛的人间真情。父母是孩子最好的老师,画面中,母亲没有干巴的说教,而是通过自己的行动来影响孩子,让孩子亲身体验,在那平凡的端水细节中,感受到孝敬的快乐与幸福。今天,我们要培养学生对祖国对社会的爱心和责任心,首先要求老师能够率先示范,给学生以榜样,使他们在生活中体验亲情,在实践中学会感恩,在这一点一滴、一言一行中进行德育教育。
三、积极配合社会、家庭教育,促进未成年人的健康成长 校园环境是社会环境的缩影,和家庭、社会有着千丝万缕的联系。校园周边环境的好坏,直接影响良好校园环境的建设,而且在某种程度上有着不可阻挡的影响和渗透力。因此,校园环境的好与坏,并非学校自己的事,加强和改进未成年人德育教育是全社会的共同责任。学校要积极配合社会、家庭,形成教育合力,积极治理社会文化娱乐环境中的不良现象,加大社会不良因素的治理和监管,发动社会多种力量,营造良好的校园周边环境及学生的生活环 境,不要让学校在教育环节跳独舞。
Taobao 注释:我们五个人采取现场采访的形式,王**作为主持人和采访人,李**是一个淘宝店家,钦**是个淘宝消费者,张**是淘宝老板,马**是经济学权威专家。
Detail: 王**(主持人):Hello everyone welcome to our talk show ,now let's welcome our 4 guests Zhangpengfei ,Liheng ,Qinbo and Mayuhan.2003 is destined to be an extraordinary year;in that year Taobao was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province.As a new born company in China's IT industry, it has began to try to change the predicament situation which the businessmen can just get portal earnings, then it began to hunt for a more realistic business model
In 2008 Taobao get China's 80% market share.As a result, Taobao became the undisputed market leader in mainland China within two years.Its market share jumped from 8% to 59% between 2003 and 2005.Mr.Zhang, as a manager ,can you tell us why can it become so success in such a short time ?
张**(淘宝老板):Reasons for the success
Network increases from the previous 56K cat to the fiber to the home step by step, because of the increasing of network we can not only surf on the Internet play games, read the news it also return to the e-commerce space development.2、Logistics Since entering the new century, the overall size of China's logistics industry increase rapidly , a significant increase in the level of service, the development environment and conditions continue to improve, this laid a solid foundation for the further developing of e-commerce.3、Advertising preconceptions
In taobao's early establishing, it's advertising is very crazy.the street, the bus, the subway, we can see big Taobao everywhere.Taobao is also one of the first several operating e-commerce website in China.Now whenever people talking about online shopping, intuitionly will be linked to Taobao.This is the power of preconceptions.4、Convenient,affordable and Protection of privacy
Taobao 's biggest advantage is low price.the price discount of Designer shoes is big than real shop.This allows many people who want to wear brand-name and do not want to dig into their pockets to meet their needs.Game peripheral products trading can be very good to protect customers' privacy.Customers are able to complete the transaction in the case of do not know each other's account.It's safe and reliable.5、Secure payment system ——Ali-pay
Ali-pay system provides a deeper level transaction security guarantee.This system is the first to use “third-party guarantee trading patterns”.In taobao's trading process, the buyer find goods, can choose to use Ali-pay to give the money to taobao.Getting the message that taobao has gotten the money, seller send goods to buyer.After buyer confirming that the goods has no problem, taobao will put the money to seller's account.Ali-pay provides a complete solution for surveillance of buyer and seller.6、the merchant using real-name
After the merchant using real-name, with the involving of Industrial and commercial administration, Electronic commerce will become more formalized, fraud will also get hit..The consumers' rights will be further ensured.7、The convenience of online sale system Tbaobao provide an online trading platform through e-commerce platform for buyers and sellers.The seller can offer goods online sales and auctions.While the buyer can choose goods for bidding and purchasing.All is No longer restricted by time and space.Widely and conveniently parity, negotiation, bidding process save a lot of marketing communication costs.On the other hand, the participate group is huge, and the scope of the choice is more widely.8、Effective a variety of commodity classification management system
Now, taobao has a effective classification management about the goods.there not only has high-end brand merchandise, but also has second-hand goods.According to the different consumers' different shopping needs, Taobao distinguish the market with store, bazaar, “second-hand” market, “ group purchase market ”, the overseas purchasing market.both the buyer and the seller has a different choice taobao setting up shop process.9、Personalized chat tool-Ali Wangwang Humanized chat communication tools——Aliwangwang.Aliwangwang(Taobao edition)is the free online business communication software designed by alibaba for businessmen.It can easily find customers, distribute and manage trade information, grasp the business opportunities timely, negotiate business at any time.Aliwangwang has six characteristic functions:(1)it can contact customer anytime.(2)it can search huge business opportunities.(3)it can release business opportunities skillfully.(4)it has rich system function.(5)it provide various business negotiation.(6)it has free business services.Personalized aliwangwang is the useful tool for taobao in the competition.Besides,the SMS platform and network mail system, provide the users a variety of ways to transfer the trade information.10、The strong management function In the page design of taobao, mainly uses the bright orange and red.Home page is very neat, organized, orderly and have administrative levels feeling, and embodies the spirit of taobao – simple.When you logging in the web site, through the search engine, you can find what you want directly and easily in taobao, or click on the “advanced search”, it will reduce the search scope, and more convenient to find what you want.You can quickly find what you want through the price, the owner names or the shop names.There is a powerful secondary section in the background, including I want to buy, I want to sell, my taobao, community(namely interaction BBS), transaction security, help center.They can help the buyer and the seller make a quick and convenient transaction.As for the powerful management function, taobao can offer the better service for customers in the face of competitors.11、taobao community
Taobao community let many consumers communicate with shopping experience and some shopping skills.It also can let the businesses talk together.This is a good user experience.王**:So taobao can make such a big success, It is largely due to you and your team's good decision hard work and good management.Li** ,we konw that you have opened a shop on Taobao 2 years ago ,now as a member of Taobao,why did you choose to open a shop on Taobao.Then as a seller ,tell us some advantages and disadvantages about it.李**(店家):Bill Gates say in the 21st century either electronic business, or no business can service.The Internet has a huge consumer group, in which there will be endless business opportunities.Therefore, so many people eagerly want to open online-shop, who do not have enough money to run the Solid Shop.Taobao.com is very successful, so they chose to be sellers on taobao.com.Taobao is a good electronic commerce platform, where the seller can almost freely open online-shop.However , sellers must pay 1000yuan otherwise they can only sell second-handed not new goods through c2c.Of course, for this many sellers do not satisfy.The business information on taobao.com is totally open.Every seller can share it , use it for better profit.Someone may be not good at to run business, but they can run business on taobao by following the information to decide what to sell ,how to price, and so on.Taobao is a community, where many sellers can communicate with each other , with customers.These necessary communications is very helpful for each.Taobao.com provides sellers and customers with Ali-pay and Ali Wangwang.Ali-pay is very safety and convenient.AliWangwang facilities communications between sellers and customers.It is very important for both.Some sellers wish that Ali Wangwang can be compatible with other chat software.Taobao.com has all kinds of promotional activities.During these activities, more people will pay attention to taobao.com.More and more goods are sold.Taobao.com has a clear classification on sellers’ goods, will not let their goods in the improper position.Taobao.com distinguishes the market, this will make the seller have different choices, reduce the competition pressure.王**:Taobao currently has more than 370 million registered users as of the end of 2010,It covers most of China's online shopping buyers And as a consumer , Qin** ,have you ever go shopping on Taobao ?..........Would you please tell us the experience about it ?
钦**(消费者):As a regular online shopping fan, I often go to Taobao.I have often charged calls, buy shoes, clothes, food, and even my mobile phone.OK, I will share my shopping experience.A.Convenient 1.Category: We can buy everything we need, Taobao provide a very rich product varieties just like the car, furniture or pencil.2.You know online shopping does not have the limitations of;we can select the goods in all days at home.We only need to visit the website, choose what we want, and pay for it.3.Taobao mainly provides us four ways to buy things: Taobao, T-mall, ju-Taobao.com as well as the e-Tao.Each of them has its own advantages.For example, On the Taobao, we can buy anything we need at very low prices, although most of them are fakes or the second-hand goods.However, we can save a lot of money.In the T-mall, we can buy the best and new one in a more affordable price.Generally speaking, the stuff in it is much cheaper than in the Shopping Mall.4.Ali.In order to control the fees, EBay or Amazon require the buyer contact the seller after buying, which does not comply with the habits of the Chinese people doing business.While Taobao opened a online chat tools, we call it Ali, just like QQ.Through it, we can convey their ideas to the boss timely and accurate through it.For example, I recently bought a book in the Amazon in a higher price, after three days the boss informed me that he had no new book, he just sell the copy of the book.5.Express, The Taobao provide us a variety of express which can reach almost every corner of China.B.discount Taobao always carry out a variety of promotional activities by the way of avoiding mail, discounts or sending gifts.We can also enjoy more Discounts when holidays such as the Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day.Now I will give you some examples: 1.I often charge calls on Taobao at 95% off 2.My phone bought on Taobao by saving 300yuan, 3.On double 12 of last year, I bought this cloth.It took only 40 Yuan, 100 Yuan less than in the shopping mall C.Safety 1.We are worried about security issues mainly in payment;Taobao has its own pay way---Ali-pay.When we pay for what we buy, we need to enter four different passwords, which can prevent others stealing the money in our credit card.2.All the sellers are in the real-name system of Taobao, We will not encounter a liar when we shopping.D.Sales service 1.If we find some quality problems, the Taobao will replace the same goods for us and we don’t have to pay the postage;
2.If we don’t satisfy with the size or the other problems, the Taobao will replace the same goods, but we have to pay postage;
王**:We can see that Taobao has become a part of our life , after we talk about the history and current conditions ,Ma**,as an economical professor ,how do you think about the future of Taobao ? And can you give us some advices ?
马**(权威专家):As an expert, I have four ideas for future development of Taobao 一.Improve the integrity of transaction through Tb 1.Internet environment factors Strengthen cooperation with identity authentication department.Identify sellers through the public security system.Establish cooperation with ministry of commerce.Its a beneficial supplement for simple registration of the website.Put Internet transaction together with regulatory and service system, it can promote the effectively development of electric business.2.internet sellers factors the low entry threshold of C2C transaction leads to lack of integrity of it.Need to strengthen the integrity monitoring system.二. exploit overseas market On May 11th in 2010,Tb landed on Internet market of Japan through Yahoo, which was regarded as an important step of global expansion action.Cross-border sale is a hot program of Asian Electronic Trading Company.Large enterprises are primary actors of it.If these large enterprises like Tb and Yahoo, provides small companies with a perfect platform, cross-border sale will be much easier, it’s significant to change the traditional international trading form.三. Profit through advertising
Throughout the profit model of the network services, the proportion of advertising revenue has been very high.Baidu search service enterprises rely on advertising revenue, not only to achieve a balanced budget, but also to achieve high profitability.Taobao, as Asia's largest shopping site with hundreds of millions of users, have great attractive on any sales enterprises.1.Keep a voluntary Advertise principle.According to their own needs and economic strength, Taobao give them appropriate advertising spaces.2.Provide advertising positions for the Taobao internal stores.3.attract retail, entertainment and other community enterprises in Taobao advertising 四.Earnings By investing Ali-pay funds
Ali-pay business similar to the business of short-term deposits of the bank, With the daily trading is relatively stable, the payment of treasure in the capital will remain a stable constant flow.C2C platform operators use payment in funds for investment, but this investment activities are also separated from the outside of the financial regulatory system, which will fund a lot of risks even if the illegal investment.Therefore, setting limits on the proportion of capital investment is also an important way to profit.News come, alibank.cn has been acquired by Alibaba, The “Zhejiang Alibaba commercial Banks” has approval by the people's bank of China, Ma Yun is the chairman of the bank.王**:As the vanguard of China's e-commerce, Taobao play the role to ease the employment pressure, and for Profit model, transaction channels as well as technological innovation, Taobao is in front of peers.and no matter how it develops we should believe it.As Ma Yun said: The impact of the Internet in China has just started, the first five years is the opportunity, the same opportunity now!Manage it well, he will create a myth![miθ]
That’s all, thank you!