Thank you, Betsy for your warm welcome and for sharing your love of teaching as America's Teacher of the Year.I met Betsy when she came to the White House in April to receive the Teacher of the Year award.In her remarks that day Betsy said, “It's quite overwhelming to be recognized for something that you love to do every day.”
谢谢你,贝蒂,谢谢你的热情欢迎,谢谢你与我们分享了你作为美国本年度最佳教师对教学的挚爱。四月贝 蒂来白宫领取本年度最佳教师奖时,我见到了她。那天贝蒂在致辞中说:“能够因自己喜欢做的事得到表彰是一件感到莫大幸福的事。”
All teachers deserve to be recognized for the contributions they make in our classrooms and in our country.Teaching is the greatest public service and we owe teachers our admiration and respect.Each of the teachers here tonight exemplifies the very best in teachingI decided to be a teacher.I decided this not only because I loved school and writing on the chalk board.I wanted to teach because I loved my second-grade teacher, Mrs.Gnagy and I wanted to be just like her.So I went to college and earned a teaching degree, and after working as a teacher in Dallas, I gained a whole new respect for Mrs.Gnagy.But I loved every minute of it.我知道教学可以多么有意义,多么富有挑战性,一个老师可以对一个孩子一生带来多大的不同。我8岁时做 了一个非常成熟、非常明智的决定---决定做一名教师。我做出这个决定,不仅仅因为我热爱学校,喜欢在黑板上写字,我想当老师还因为我爱我的二年级老师---娜洁太太,我希望做像她一样的老 师。所以我上了大学,获得了教学学位。在达拉斯当了老师后,我对娜洁太太更产生了全新的敬意。我喜欢教学的每时每刻。
Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,今晚很高兴与各位新老朋友相聚,共贺新年。我谨代表外交部并以我个人的名义,向各位来宾致以最美好的 节日祝福,向一年来所有关心和支持非政府组织工作的朋友们表示衷心的感谢!
Tonight, it gives me great pleasure to gather with my friends, both old and new, to celebrate the New Year.I would like to extend, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in my own name, the warmest festive greetings to all of you and heartfelt thanks to all the friends who have been supporting the work of non-governmental organizations.刚刚过去的2010年,对世界和中国人民来说都是不平凡的一年。这一年,世界多极化、经济全球化深入 发展,世界经济总体摆脱金融危机阴霾、步入复苏轨道,气候变化、能源资源安全等全球性问题更加突出,国际和地区热点
问题此起彼伏,世界和平发展面临的机遇 和挑战都前所未有。这一年,面对国际国内环境的复杂变化,中国人民团结一心、开拓进取,战胜青海玉树地震、甘肃舟曲特大泥石流等自然灾害,确保经济平稳较 快发展,成功举办上海世博会、广州亚运会和亚残运会,顺利完成嫦娥二号卫星探月任务,胜利实现“十一五”规划确定的目标任务,得到了世界各国的广泛理解和 认可。
The year 2010 which is just behind us has been an eventful year for the world and Chinese people.In 2010, the trend toward multi-polarity and economic globalization gained momentum and the world economy emerged from the shadow of the financial crisis and embarked on the track of recovery.Global issues including climate change and energy and resources security became more pronounced and international and regional hotspot issues kept flaring up.World peace faced
unprecedented opportunities and challenges.In the face of complex changes in the international and domestic environment, the Chinese people united as one and overcame such natural disasters as the Yushu earthquake and the massive Zhouqu mudslide and ensured steady and relatively fast economic development.We successfully hosted the world Expo 2010 Shanghai, the Asian Games and Asian Para Games in Guangzhou, accomplished the Chang’e-2 lunar probe mission and fulfilled the objectives and tasks under the 11th Five-Year Plan.We have won widespread understanding and recognition from countries around the world.2010年,也是中国境内外非政府组织蓬勃发展、成绩显著的一年。这一年,中国社会组织快速增长。登 记注册的社会组织总数已超过43万,在推进社会发展、改善民生、促进公益事业、实现千年发展目标等方面发挥着积极而独特的作用。这一年,更多的境外非政府 组织来华开展合作,与中方合作单位在教育、卫生、环保、慈善和社会福利等领域开展了大量活动,为中国的经济社会发展发挥了有益的补充作用,进一步加强了中 国与世界的交流。特别值得一提的是,玉树地震和舟曲泥石流灾害发生后,包括救助儿童会等在内的多家境外非政府组织与灾区人民感同身受,为救灾重建做出重要 贡献,所展示出的专业水平、敬业精神和友好情谊,给中国人民留下了深刻印象。The year 2010 also witnessed vigorous development and remarkable achievements of domestic and overseas NGOs in China.In the course of the year, China’s social organizations enjoyed fast development.The number of registered social organizations exceeded 430,000 and they played a positive and unique role in promoting social development, improving people’s livelihood, advancing the cause of social welfare and achieving the Millenium Development Goals.More overseas NGOs came to China for cooperation and carried out many activities with their Chinese partners in the fields of education, health, environmental protection, charity and social welfare.They served as a useful complement for China’s economic and social development and further enhanced China’s exchanges with the world.It is particularly worth mentioning that in the aftermaths of the Yushu earthquake and the Zhouqu mudslide, many overseas NGOs including Save the Children felt the pain of the people in the disaster-affected areas and made important contribution to our disaster relief and reconstruction efforts.The professionalism, dedication and frendship they displayed left the Chinese people with a deep impression.同样也是在这一年,包括外交部在内的中国多个政府部门与境外非政府组织的交往与合作呈现新局面,取得 新进展。去年8月,我们首次以政府部门、学术机构和外国非政府组织三方合作的形式举办了“全球化背景下的非政府组织研讨会”。我们还积极协助有关境外非政 府组织在云南贫困地区开展扶贫合作项目,促成有关非政府组织参加国情社情考察活动。今天,我们又首次举办非政府组织新年招待会,邀请有关部委、外国驻华使 馆、国际组织驻华代表机构、地方外办、国内外非政府组织和学术机构的代表共同参加,充分体现了中国政府对境外非政府组织的高度重视。
In 2010, the interactions and cooperation among chinese ministries and departments, including the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, and overseas NGOs made fresh headway.Last August, we held the seminar on NGOs in Globalization, the first one in the form of trilateral cooperation among the government, academic institutions and overseas NGOs.We provided active assistance for the poverty relief programs of relevant overseas NGOs in poor areas of Yunan Province and facilitated
relevant NGOs’ participation in field trips to enhance their knowledge of china’s national conditions.Today, we are hosting the New Year Reception for NGOs for the first time, and have invited representatives of relevant ministries and departments, local foreign affairs offices, foreign embassies, representative offices of international organizations, domestic and foreign NGOs and academic institutions.This fully show the great importance the Chinese government has attached to overseas NGOs.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen,2011年是新世纪第二个十年的开启之年,也是中国“十二五”规划的开局之年。“十二五”规划确定了 中国未来五年经济社会发展的主要目标和任务,明确提出“要培育扶持和依法管理社会组织,支持、引导其参与社会管理和服务”。在此,我愿重申,中国政府高度 赞赏境外非政府组织的积极作用,欢迎和支持境外非政府组织来华活动。我们衷心希望境外在华非政府组织,能够更加积极地参与到中国政府和人民努力实现“十二 五”规划的进程中来,紧密结合中国经济社会发展的实际需求,遵守中国的法律法规,继续在扶贫、抗灾、环保、教育、医疗、慈善领域与中方合法组织开展务实合 作,为促进中外交流、推动中国经济社会发展作出新的贡献。中国政府也将加大力度为境外非政府组织在华开展友好交流与合作提供便利。
The year 2011 marks the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century and also the first year for the implementation of the 12th Five-Year Plan of China.The 12th Five-Year Plan sets out the main objectives and tasks for China’s economic and social development for the next five years and clearly states that we should “foster and manage according to law social organizations, and support them in participating in social management and services and provide guidance for them”.Here I would like to reaffirm that the Chinese government highly appreciates the positive role of overseas NGOs and welcomes and supports your activities in China.We sincerely hope that overseas NGOs will be more actively involved in the efforts of the Chinese goverment and people to implement the 12th Five-Year Plan in the light of the actual demands of China’s
economic and social development.We hope that overseas NGOs will abide by china’s laws and regulations and continue to conduct practical cooperation with lawful chinese organizations in poverty reduction, disaster relief, environmental
protection, education, medical care and charity, thus making fresh contribution to china’s exchanges with other countries and China’s economic and social development.The chinese government will do more to provide convenience for overseas NGOs to conduct friendly exchanges and cooperation in China.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen,新年伊始,万象更新。我们期待着在新的一年里继续与各位朋友保持良好合作,共同为推动中国经济社会发 展、促进人民福祉作出更大的贡献!
With the beginning of the new year, everything takes on a new look.We look forward to continuing our good cooperation with our friends in the coming year and working together to contribute more to China’s economic and social development and the well-being of the people.现在,我提议:
为世界和平与发展,为中外双方的友好合作,为各位来 宾的健康,干杯!
I now propose a toast,To world peace and development,To our friendly cooperation, and
To your health,Cheers!
晚 宴 致 辞
Thank you so much, Carla, and thanks for your leadership in this undertaking as well as so much else.It’s wonderful to be here at the end of two very busy and productive days of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue.Secretary Geithner and I were privileged to co-lead this effort, and we were especially pleased that Vice Premier Wang and State Councilor Dai were our counterparts.We believe that these very productive conversations have helped to lay the foundation for what both President Obama and President Hu called a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive U.S.-Chinese relationship for the 21st century.非常感谢,卡拉,谢谢你在这项事业和其他众多事务中发挥的领导作用。能在美中战略与经济对话(Strategic and Economic Dialogue)繁忙而富有成果的两天会议结束后来到这里出席晚宴真是令人愉快。盖特纳(Geithner)部长和我十分荣幸地共同主持这一对话,同时,我们也为有王岐山副总理和戴秉国国务委员与我们共同主持对话而感到特别高兴。我们认为,这些极富成果的讨论有助于为发展奥巴马总统和胡锦涛主席所说的21世纪积极合作全面的美中关系奠定基础。
As part of this process, we are enlisting the full range of talent within our governments to tackle problems that spill over not just borders and oceans, but also traditional bureaucratic boundaries, which are sometimes the hardest to overcome, from climate change to trade and investment to poverty and disease.作为这一进程的一部分,我们充分调动了两国政府内部各方面的杰出人才,以便解决气候变化、贸易投资、贫困与疾病及其他各类棘手问题,这些问题不仅超越各国的国境和海域,也超越了政府各部门之间的传统界线,而这种界线有时最难克服。
Just as no nation today can solve the challenges we face alone, neither can government work in isolation.The issues are just are too varied and complex for that.So engaging the expertise, the experience, and the energy of those outside government – including the private sector, and all of you here tonight – is vital to our future progress.正如今天没有任何一个国家有能力独自应对我们面临的各种挑战,政府也不能孤立运作,因为需要解决的问题纷繁而复杂。因此,鼓励政府部门以外的人才——包括民营部门的人才和今晚在场的各位——参与,利用他们的专业知识、经验与精力,对取得未来的进展至关重要。
I also am delighted that we are going to have very soon a new ambassador from the United States to China.Governor Huntsman, who will soon be – maybe even confirmed tonight – Ambassador Huntsman, is looking forward to working not only on behalf of our nation’s policies but really representing the American people to the Chinese people.我也为我们即将有一位新任美国驻华大使而感到高兴。亨茨曼(Huntsman,中文名洪博培)州长,他很快——或许今晚就会被确认——亨茨曼大使不仅期待着为执行我国的政策而工作,而且期待着作为美国人民的代表与中国人民交往。We want the entrepreneurs and the innovators in both of our countries to know that we’re behind their dreams and their efforts.We want people who are working to solve problems in research labs and on the front lines of innovation to know that we’re looking to support their efforts.Because we think public-private partnerships
are a centerpiece of the important work that we are doing to build understanding and create new avenues of cooperation.我们希望美中两国的企业家和创新者们知道我们支持他们的梦想和努力。我们希望在实验室里努力解决问题的科研人员和工作在创新第一线的人们知道我们一心要支持他们的努力,因为我们认为政府和民间结成的伙伴关系是我们为建立相互了解、开辟新的合作途径所从事的重要工作的核心内容。
Now, I understand that Vice Premier Wang said a few words to you about the Shanghai Expo.(Laughter.)And I want to reinforce his message.The theme for the Expo, ―Better City – Better Life,‖ will present a vision of a sustainable, healthy, and prosperous world in the 21st century.It’s anticipated that more than 70 million people will visit and more than 190 nations will participate.Six months ago, it wasn’t at all clear that the United States would be one of those 190 nations, but thanks to a number of you, we are on track to be able to do so.And I salute Vice Premier Wang for his leadership.He was, as some of you know, the chair of the committee for the Beijing Olympics, so if that is any indication of his organizational acuity, I think we can look forward to a very successful Shanghai Expo.我明白王岐山副总理刚才就上海世博会(Shanghai Expo)向你们说了几句话。(笑声)我想加强他要传达的信息。上海世博会的主题,―城市,让生活更美好‖(Better City——Better Life),将展现21世纪一个可持续的、健康、繁荣世界的愿景。预期上海世博会将吸引7000多万人参观,190多个国家参展。6个月前,还完全不清楚美国是否会成为这190个国家中的一个。但由于你们中间一些人的努力,我们将能按期参展。我要向王副总理的领导能力致敬。你们中间有些人知道,他是北京奥运会筹委会主席,如果这能表明他的高度组织能力的话,我认为我们可以期待上海世博会取得圆满成功。
And the U.S.National Pavilion will be informative, educational, and interactive, showcasing American ingenuity, looking at how we can address together global challenges like climate change and clean energy, sustainable agriculture, mass transit, health, and economic development.We are delighted that a number of leading American companies such as GE and Pepsico, Chevron, Marriott, Corning, and others have signed on to be part of putting together this visionary pavilion that will showcase much of what is best about our country.There is, actually, a model of the Pavilion somewhere around here that I urge you to take a look at.This is shameless, I know, but that’s part of the job.(Laughter.)
We have formally signed a Participation Contract.We have a U.S.Commissioner General, Jose Villarreal.My Special Representative for Global Partnerships, Elizabeth Bagley, Ambassador Bagley, is here.We have now raised more than half the funds needed to begin construction.I have told both the Vice Premier and the State Councilor that, if necessary, I will personally build it in order to get it ready by the
May opening.(Laughter.)Commerce Secretary Gary Locke recently traveled to Shanghai for the Pavilion’s groundbreaking ceremony.我们已经正式签署参展合同。我们有一位美国展区总代表(U.S.Commissioner General),名叫费乐友(Jose Villarreal)。我任命的负责全球伙伴关系事务的特别代表(Special Representative for Global Partnerships)伊丽莎白·巴格利(Elizabeth Bagley)大使今天在座。我们现已筹集到开工建馆所需资金的一半以上。我已经告诉副总理和国务委员,如果有必要,我本人将亲自参加施工,以确保在五月份开幕前完工。(笑声)商务部长骆家辉(Gary Locke)刚刚到上海出席了美国馆的奠基仪式。
So we are on task, as they say.And Ambassador Bagley, along with her deputy, Special Representative Kris Balderston, are here tonight, obviously more than willing to answer any questions.因此,如他们所言,我们正在完成任务。巴格利大使和她的副手,特别代表克里斯·鲍尔德斯顿(Kris Balderston)今晚都在座,他们显然非常乐意回答任何问题。
Now, I mention this at some length because we feel very strongly that this partnership between China and the United States for the 21st century needs to be manifest in visible ways.Secretary Geithner, at the conclusion of his discussions with the Vice Premier, announced some very positive findings and commitments of moving forward on our economic recovery efforts.State Councilor Dai and I discussed, literally, every part of the world and have a very good understanding of how we can continue to work together.我之所以比较详尽地谈到这些问题,是因为我们非常强烈地感到中国和美国在21世纪的这种伙伴关系应当以看得见的方式得到体现。盖特纳部长在结束同副总理的磋商时宣布了一些能够推动我们的经济复苏努力的非常积极的结论和承诺。戴秉国国务委员和我进行的磋商涉及全世界几乎所有地区,我们对于如何继续共同努力有着很好的认识。
But this is all about the future.And I’ve told this story before, but I want to end before I have the great privilege of introducing the next speaker.State Councilor Dai and I had a wonderful, relaxing social dinner Sunday night at the Blair House, a very small dinner where we spent time just talking about everything and getting to know each other better.It wasn’t about the business of two great countries trying to determine the best way forward for our people and the world, but it touched on what is important.但这些都是关于未来的事情。我以前已经讲过这个故事,但我要在有幸介绍下一位演讲者之前把它讲完。星期天晚上,戴国务委员与我在布莱尔宾馆(Blair House)出席一个十分美好和轻松愉快的社交晚宴。这是一场规模很小的晚宴,我们交谈的话题可谓天南地北,无所不包,彼此加深了了解。我们谈的不是两个伟大国家的公务——如何努力为两国人民和全世界决定今后走哪条最好的道路,但却关系到一件十分重要的事情。
And what is important is that Councilor Dai had just had a new grandson.And he told me with that wonderful smile that lights up his face, and we were thinking about the significance of what we were to embark on for the last two days.And I suggested that before every meeting we bring pictures of our children and our grandchildren,because truly, that is what this work is all about.That is what should guide us and inspire us and chasten us with respect to the decisions that we make.So that is going to certainly be a principle of participation and commitment that Councilor Dai and I intend to pursue.这件十分重要的事情是:戴国务委员刚刚得了一个孙子。他跟我讲起这件事的时候,脸上绽开灿烂的笑容。我们当时想到这两天的会议所启动的进程的重大意义。我建议每次开会前我们把我们的孩子和我们的孙子孙女的照片带来,因为的确这就是我们这项工作的真正目的。这就是在我们作出决定时应该引导我们、鼓舞我们、鞭策我们的原则。因此它将肯定成为戴国务委员和我打算遵循的参与和承诺的原则。
Because this is part of a new beginning.It is the culmination of a process begun decades ago, when Dr.Kissinger was instrumental in opening the door to the possibility that then came into fruition years, ten years, later of normalized relations.We were so constantly thinking of Henry Kissinger over the last days getting ready for this, because his work, his courage, the risk that he took, has led us in many ways to this evening.因为这是一项新起点的组成部分。这是数十年前开始的一个进程的结果。当年基辛格博士发挥了重要作用,帮助打开了充满机遇的大门,十年后结出硕果,实现了两国关系正常化。我们在为会议做准备的最后日子里经常想到亨利·基辛格,因为他所做的工作、他的勇气、他所承担的风险在许多方面引导我们走向今晚。
And on a personal note, let me say that since taking this job, I’ve relied on the wise counsel of many of my predecessors, and Secretary Kissinger has been among the most generous and thoughtful with his guidance and advice.So once again, we are grateful that he is here with us tonight as we continue to work toward something that he saw on the horizon and convinced others that it was possible to see and move toward a stronger U.S.-China relationship.Please join me in welcoming Secretary – former Secretary Henry Kissinger.(Applause.)