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Part I Writing(30 minutes)

You should write at least 150 words




The Importance of Reading Classics

11.A)Dr.Smith’s waiting room isn’t tidy.B)Dr.Smith enjoys reading magazines.C)Dr.Smith has left a good impression on her.D)Dr.Smith may not be a good choice.12.A)The man will rent the apartment when it is available.B)The man made a bargain with the landlady over the rent.C)The man insists on having a look at the apartment first.D)The man is not fully satisfied with the apartment.13.A)Packing up to go abroad.B)Drawing up a plan for her English course.C)Brushing up on her English.D)Applying for a visa to the United Sates

14.A)He is anxious to find a cure for his high blood pressure.B)He doesn’t think high blood pressure is a problem for him.C)He was not aware of his illness until diagnosed with it.D)He did not take the symptoms of his illness seriously.15.A)To investigate the cause of AIDS.B)To raise money for AIDS patients.C)To rally support for AIDS victims in Africa.D)To draw attention to the spread of AIDS in Asia.16.A)It has a very long history.B)It is a private institution.C)It was founded by Thomas Jefferson.D)It stresses the comprehensive study of nature.17.A)They can‟t fit into the machine.B)They have not been delivered yet.C)They were sent to the wrong address.D)They were found to be of the wrong type

18.A)The food served in the cafeteria usually lacks variety.B)The cafeteria sometimes provides rare food for the students.C)The students find the service in the cafeteria satisfactory.D)The cafeteria tries hard to cater to the students needs.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19.A)He picked up some apples in his yard.B)He cut some branches off the apple tree.C)He quarreled with his neighbor over the fence.D)He cleaned up all the garbage in the woman’s yard

20.A)Trim the apple trees in her yard.B)Pick up the apples that fell in her yard.C)Take the garbage to the curb for her.D)Remove the branches from her yard.21.A)File a lawsuit against the man.B)Ask the man for compensation

C)Have the mans apple tree cut down.D)Throw garbage into the man’s yard.22.A)He was ready to make a concession.B)He was not intimidated.C)He was not prepared to go to court.D)He was a bit concerned.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23.A)Bad weather.B)Breakdown of the engines.C)Human error.D)Failure of the communications system.24.A)Two thousand feet.B)Twenty thousand feet.C)Twelve thousand feet.D)Twenty-two thousand feet.25.A)Accurate communication is of utmost importance.B)Pilots should be able to speak several foreign languages.C)Air controllers should keep a close watch on the weather.D)Cooperation between pilots and air controllers is essential.Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.26.A)His father caught a serious disease.B)His mother passed away.C)His mother left him to marry a rich businessman.D)His father took to drinking.27.A)He disliked being disciplined.B)He couldn’t pay his gambling debts.C)He was expelled by the university.D)He enjoyed working for a magazine.28.A)His poems are heavily influenced by French writers.B)His stories are mainly set in the State of Virginia.C)His work difficult to read.D)Hid language is not refined.29.A)He grieved to death over the loss of his wife.B)He committed suicide for unknown reasons.C)He was shot dead at the age of 40.D)He died of heavy drinking.Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.30.A)Women.B)Manual workers.C)Prisoners.D)School age children.31.A)He taught his students how to pronounce the letters first.B)He matched the letters with the sounds familiar to the learners.C)He showed the learners how to combine the letters into simple words.D)He divided the letters into groups according to the way they are written.32.A)It can help people to become literate within a short time.B)It was originally designed for teaching the English language

C)It enables the learners to master a language within three months.D)It is effective in teaching any alphabetical language to Brazilians.Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.33.A)The crop’s blooming period is delayed.B)The roots of crops are cut off.C)The topsoil is seriously damaged.D)The growth of weeds is accelerated.34.A)It’s a new way of applying chemical fertilizer.B)It’s an improved method of harvesting crops.C)It’s an creative technique for saving labor.D)It’s a farming process limiting the use of ploughs.35.A)In areas with few weeds and unwanted plants.B)In areas with a severs shortage of water.C)In areas lacking in chemical fertilizer.D)In areas dependent on imported food.Section C

Adults are getting smarter about how smart babies are.Not long ago, researchers learned that 4-day-olds could understand(36)________ and subtraction.Now, British research(37)________ Graham Schafer has discovered that infants can learn words for uncommon things long before they can speak.He found that 9-month-old infants could be taught, through repeated show-and-tell, to(38)________ the names of objects that were foreign to them, a result that(39)________ in some ways the received(40)________ that, apart from learning to(41)________ things common to their daily lives, children don’t begin to build vocabulary until well into their second year.“It’s no(42)________ that children learn words, but the words they tend to know are words linked to(43)________ situations in the home,”explains Schafer.“(44)________________________________ with an unfamiliar voice giving instructions in an unfamiliar setting.”Figuring out how humans acquire language may shed light on why some children learn to read and write later than others, Schafer says, and could lead to better treatments for developmental problems.(45)________________________________.“Language is a test case for human cognitive development,”says Schafer.But parents eager to teach their infants should take note(46)________________________________.“This is not about advancing development,”he says.“It’s just about what children can do at an earlierage than what educators have often thought.”




1、transit n.搬运,运输,载运


2、cherish v.珍爱,珍藏,爱惜


3、obscure a.1、难懂的,费解的


3、偏僻的,昏暗的 vt.使难解,使含糊;遮盖





a.dominant 占优势的,支配的统治;高耸的(05-6)


Bill Gates and Walt Disney are two people America has dominated to be the Greatest American.




abrupt 突然的,意外的;唐突的,鲁莽的 2次

【一男讲词】:ab/rupt。ab-加强语气 +rupt-词根:突、破 =abrupt唐突的,突然的(突然而出)


【同类举例】:r-象“小草”形→rupt-突、破 →r-表义,upt-表音 →解释:似“小草”破土而出

c-象“手抓”形→cept-抓、拿 →c-表义,ept-表音→accept-接受(ac-往里)


【同根扩展】:erupt [i'r8pt] vi.爆发(e-往外 +rupt-突、破[像小草一样破地而出]=火山爆发)

bankrupt ['b16kr4pt] n.破产(bank-银行[本义:财产] +rupt-突、破=破产)

absurd 荒谬的,荒唐的 2次

【一男讲词】:ab/sur/d。ab-不+sur-过、通过 +d-的=absurd-荒谬的(不能通过,不被同意的)

【刨根问底】:怎么记“sur-超过、通过”?由“surpass-超过(sur-超 +pass-过)”反向记。


【同根扩展】:surplus ['s4:pl4s] n.过剩,盈余(sur-超、过 +plus-加=surplus过剩、盈余)

acute 严重的,激烈的;敏锐的;急性的 2次

【一男讲词】:ac/ute。ac-尖角、尖的 +ute-后缀 =acute-尖锐的,敏锐的 【刨根问底】:怎么记住“ac-尖角、尖的”——

已知:从“angle-角度” 提取词根“ang-角,尖角”


因为:记得“an=a=un-非”吧,说明“an”和“a”是可以互换的 又因为:“c”发音类似于“g”——均读[k/g],又一次浊清互变



用“mini-词根:小 +ute-后缀=minute-分钟(一分钟就是一个小份儿)”反记。acknowledge 承认,承认„„的权威;告知收到,确认;5次

【一男讲词】:ac/knowledge。ac-往里 +knowledge-知识,认识 =acknowledge-承认(“承”就是“往里”拿,往里拿一个知识——承认、认知)


acquaint 熟悉,认识。2次

【一男讲词】:ac/qu/aint。ac-往里 +qu-取、获得 +aint-无义=acquaint-熟悉(取得、掌握)


allege 断言,宣称,硬说 2次

【一男讲词】:al/leg/e。al-加强语气 +leg-说 +e-无义 =allege-断言、宣称(就是去说)




ambiguous 模棱两可的 暧昧的, 不明确的 5次(且5次全部是正确答案)


二、两+gu-go +ous-的=ambiguous-模棱两可(两边走)



ambitious 有野心的,雄心勃勃的 2次


二、两 +itious-复合后缀 =ambitious-有野心的(心事二主的)

ascend 渐渐上升,升高;攀登,登上 2次

【一男讲词】:a/scend。a-加强语气 +scend-词根:上升 =ascend-升高

【刨根问底】:为什么“scend-上升”——首辅音字母“sc”是单词“scale-攀登 ”的缩影。



【同根扩展】:descend-下降(de-向底下,scend-攀登)ascribe 把„„归因于,把„„归属于 6次

【一男讲词】:a/scribe。a-加强语气 +scribe-词根:写 =ascribe-归因于(写在„名下)


assert 肯定的说,断言;维护,坚持 2次

【一男讲词】:as/sert。as-加强语气 +sert-插入 =assert-断言(插一杠子、打断别人)



authorize 授权,批准 3次

【一男讲词】:author/ize。author-作者 +ize-动词后缀 =authorize-批准(原作者的允许)

barren 不生育的, 不孕的, 贫瘠的, 没有结果的, 无益的, 单调的 2次

【一男讲词】:bar/r/en。bare-赤裸的 +r-无义双写 +en-后缀 =barren-贫瘠的(光秃的)

bewilder 迷惑,使糊涂 3次

【一男讲词】:be/wild/er。be-是 +wild-狂野的 +er-后缀 =bewilder-迷惑(思想狂野、乱)

bleak 寒冷的, 阴冷的, 荒凉的, 凄凉的, 黯淡的 2次

【一男讲词】:bl/eak。bl-blow-吹 +eak-表音成分 =bleak-寒冷(有风在吹)


blunder 错误,大错 2次


cater 满足需要,迎合;提供饮食及服务,办酒席 2次

【一男讲词】:cat/er。cat-猫 +er-后缀 =cater-迎合(猫是一种很喜欢迎合人的动物)

cherish 珍爱, 怀抱(希望等)3次

【一男讲词】:cher/ish。cher=care-关心、关爱 +ish-后缀 =cherish-珍爱

claim 声明 2次

【一男讲词】:cl/aim。cl=cr-叫 +aim-无义的表音成分 =claim-声明(喊叫)

【刨根问底】:为什么“claim-词根:喊叫”——来自词根“cr-叫、喊”,而“claim-叫喊”中的“cl”正是“cr”的错写版本,关于“r/l”两个辅音字母的近亲关系本人曾多次讲解,比如汉语“乳汁[ru zhi]”经常被北方人错读成“乳汁[lu zhi]”,又如汉语的“人生[ren sheng]” 经常被南方人错读成“人生[len sheng]”。conceive 构想,设想 2次

【一男讲词】:con/ceive。con-全 +ceive-抓、拿 =conceive-构想、构思(从整体上拿到)



conspicuous 有目共睹的,引人注目的,受人注意的 2次

【一男讲词】:con/spic/uous。con-共 +spic-看 +uous-的 =conspicuous-有目共睹的 constrain 强迫,勉强(某人)做某事 5次

【一男讲词】:con/str/ain。con-共同 +str-拉扯 +ain-无义 =constrain-强迫(把不愿在一起的人强硬拉扯到一起)

decorate 装饰,布置 2次

【一男讲词】:dec/orate。dec-词根:美、美化 +orate-复合后缀 =decorate-装饰(就是美化)


【同根扩展】:decade-十年,decimal-十进制的,十进位的 deteriorate 恶化,变坏 3次

【一男讲词】:de/ter/iorate。de-往底下 +ter-to-去 +iorate-后缀 =deteriorate-恶化(往底下去)

dilemma 左右为难,进退两难的窘境,困境 2次

【一男讲词】:di/lem/m/a。di-两 +lemma-leman-情人 =dilemma-左右为难(两个情人)


distinction 差别,不同;区分,辨别;优秀,杰出;荣誉,优待 2次

【一男讲词】:di/stinct/ion。di-两 +stinct-stand-站着 +ion-后缀 =distinction-不同(在两个位


dwell 居住, 踌躇 2次

【一男讲词】:d/well。d-down-底下 +well-井 =dwell-居住(居住在井底)elapse 时间消逝,过去 2次

【一男讲词】:e/lap/se。e-外、出 +lap-腿、走 +se-后缀 =elapse-消逝(往外走、走远)



cl-close-关、合 →clap-鼓掌(也就是合掌)→cl-表义,ap-表音

endeavor 尽力, 努力 2次

【一男讲词】:en/deav/or。en-加强语气 +deav-deaf-聋子 +or-后缀 =endeavor-尽力


endow 资助,捐赠,向„„捐钱;给予,赋予,认为„„有某种特质 3次

【一男讲词】:en/dow。en-加强语气 +dow-down-给、倒 =endow-赠与(倒给他)

eternal 永恒的,不变的 2次 【一男讲词】:e/tern/al。e-外 +tern-turn +al-的 =eternal-永恒的(一直往外旋转的)explicit 外在的, 清楚的, 直率的,(租金等)直接付款的 2次 【一男讲词】:ex/pl/icit。ex-往外 +pl-说 +icit-的 =explicit-直率的(往外说的)


extravagant 过度的,挥霍的,放纵的 2次

【一男讲词】:extra/vag/ant。extra-往外 +vag-走 +ant-的 =extravagant-过渡的(往外走的、走出去的)

fascinate 使着迷, 使神魂颠倒, 入迷, 极度迷人的 2次

【一男讲词】:fasc/inate。fasc-法西斯,束棒,权力的象征 +inate-后缀 =fascinate-迷人


feasible 可行的,可用的,可能的 2次

【一男讲词】:feas/ible。feas-做 +ible-能的 =feasible-可行的(可以做、可以操作的)feeble 虚弱的,虚弱的 3次

【一男讲词】:f/eeble。f-fail-fall-倒下、落下 +eeble-ible-能的 =feeble-虚弱的、要倒的 flutter 鼓翼, 飘动, 悸动, 乱跳, 烦扰 2次

【一男讲词】:flut/t/er。flut-fly +t-无义双写 +er-后缀 =flutter-飘动(飞动)

glitter 闪闪发光, 闪烁, 闪光 2次

【一男讲词】:glit/t/er。glit-词根:闪光 +t-无义双写 +er-后缀 =glitter-闪烁

【造词秘密】:gl-glass玻璃-glow发光-glory-光荣→glit-词根:闪光→gl-表义,it-表音 s-seat座位-sure定→sit-坐 →s-表义,it-表音 homogeneously 类似地;同类地;同性质地 2次 【一男讲词】:homo/gene/ously。homo-相同 +gene-基因 +ously-地=homogeneously-同类的

illusion 幻想 幻觉 错觉,假象:对现实错误的看法 3次

【一男讲词】:il/lus/ion。il-进入 +lus-词根:光 +ion-后缀 =illusion-幻觉(进入光,强光直




image 像, 形象, 印象,映像, 典型 2次

【一男讲词】:im/age。im-in-进去 +age-名词后缀 =image-印象,映像(印进去才有印象,才呈象)


implicit 暗示的, 盲从的, 含蓄的, 固有的, 不怀疑的, 绝对的 2次

【一男讲词】:im/pl/icit。im-里面 +pl-说话 +icit-的 =implicit-含蓄的(在里面说)


impulse 推动, 刺激, 冲动, 推动力 vt.推动 3次

【一男讲词】:im/pulse。im-往里 +pulse-push-推 =impulse-推动 ingenious 有发明天才的,机敏的,灵巧的 3次

【一男讲词】:in/gen/ious。in-内部 +genius-天才 +ious-的 =ingenious-灵巧的(在天才肚子


inherent 固有的, 内在的, 与生俱来的 2次

【一男讲词】:in/her/ent。in-加强语气 +her-继承 +ent-的 =inherent-固有的(遗传来的)


instantaneous 瞬间的, 即刻的, 即时的 2次

【一男讲词】:instant/aneous。instant-瞬间的 +aneous-复合后缀 =instantaneous-瞬间的 【刨根问底】:in-不 +st-stop-停 +ant-的 = instant-瞬间的(不停的,一刻不停的,瞬间的)

integrate 使成整体, 使一体化, 求...的积分, 结合 2次

【一男讲词】:in/teg/r/ate。in-未 +teg-touch-碰 +r-无义 +ate-动词后缀= integrate-使成为整体


t-touch-碰、触→teg-词根:碰、触 →t-表义,eg-表音

integrity 正直, 诚实, 完整, 完全, 完整性 2次

【一男讲词】:in/teg/r/ity。in-未 +teg-touch-碰 +r-无义 +ity-后缀 =integrity-完整(没有碰过)

intensify 加强,加紧 3次

【一男讲词】:in/tens/ify。in-加强语气 +tense-紧的 +ify-后缀 =intensify-加紧、加强


intervene 干涉,干预;干扰,阻挠 3次

【一男讲词】:inter/ven/e。inter-中间 +ven-走 +e-无义 =intervene-干预(走到别人中间)【刨根问底】:为什么“ven-走”——“ven”是“went”的变体。intricate 复杂的, 错综的, 难以理解的,精巧的 4次 【一男讲词】:in/tric/ate。in-内部 +trick-诡计 +ate-后缀 =intricate-复杂的(如诡计一样复杂)


【造词奥秘】:tr-拉扯 →trick-诱导、牵引、哄骗 →tr-表义,ick-表音

l-象“长条”形 →lick-舔(l-舌头)→l-表义,ick-表音

intrinsic(指价值、性质)固有的, 内在的, 本质的 5次

【一男讲词】:intr/ins/ic。intr-inter +ins-inside +ic-de =intrinsic-内在的 intuition 直觉, 直觉的知识 4次

【一男讲词】:in/tu/ition。in-不 +tu-教 +ition-复合后缀 =intuition-知觉(不需要教的东西)



【造词奥秘】:t-teach-教 →tut-词根:讲 →t-表义,ut-表音→tutor-家庭教师


invalid 无效的,有病的,无能力的,无价值的 2次

【一男讲词】:in/val/id。in-无 +val-wealth-财富、价值 +id-的 =invalid-无效的、无价值的

【刨根问底】:为什么“val=wealth”——这是一次关于“v/w”的近亲字母错写现象,比如“victory-胜利”=“win-胜利”,又如:比如汉语“晚上[wan shang]”经常被北方人错读成“晚上[van shang]”。

magnify 夸大,放大,扩大 2次

【一男讲词】:mag/n/ify。mag-大 +n-无义 +ify-动词后缀 =magnify-夸大、放大


manifest 明显的;出现, 表明, 证明 4次

【一男讲词】:man/i/fest。man-词根:手 +i-无义 +fest-触、碰 =manifest-明显的(触手可及 的,能用手碰得到的——明白、明显的)

【刨根问底】:怎么记“man-词根:手”——用熟词“manual-手的;手册”以及熟词“manufacture-手工制造业”来记忆词根“man-词根:手”。mingle(使)混合 4次

【一男讲词】:ming/le。ming=mix-混乱 +le-后缀 =mingle-混乱


notorious adj.恶名昭箸的,声名狼藉的 2次

【一男讲词】:not/orious。note-笔记、标注 +orious-的 =notorious-著名的、臭名昭著的 obscure 暗的, 朦胧的, 模糊的, 晦涩的 vt.使暗, 使不明显 7次

【一男讲词】:ob/sc/ure。ob-不 +sc-看 +ure-后缀 =obscure-模糊的(看不清的)


【造词奥秘】:p-片、平板→pan-平底锅 →p-表义,an-表音 cl-合、并 →clan-家族 →cl-表义,an-表音 sc-看 →scan-扫描、浏览→sc-表义,an-表音 offensive adj.冒犯的,攻击的 2次

【一男讲词】:of/fens/ive。of-出+fense-剑ive-后缀 =offensive-攻击的(出剑、出手)


optimistically 乐观地 2次

【一男讲词】:optim/istically。optim-最佳的 +istically-复合后缀 =optimistically-乐观的 【刨根问底】:怎么记“optim-最佳的”——用熟词“option-选择”知道“opt-选择”,而“optim”原义指的是“选择出来的”,因此有“optim-最佳”的含义

paradox 似非而是的论点, 自相矛盾的话 3次

【一男讲词】:para/dox。para-旁、反 +dox-说 =paradox-自相矛盾的话(反着说)


【再刨再问】:怎么记“dox-说”——用熟词“document-公文、文件(doc-说、文)”来记。permeate vt.弥漫, 渗透, 透过, 充满 vi.透入 4次

【一男讲词】:per/me/ate。per-到处 +me-词根:弥漫 +ate-动词后缀 =permeate-到处弥漫


perspective 透视的 n.展望,透视画法 2次

【一男讲词】:per/spect/ive。per-到处、贯穿 +spect-看 +ive-后缀 =perspective-透视



perpetual 永久的

【一男讲词】:per/pet/ual。per-贯穿、一直 +pet-追求 +ual-的 =perpetual-永久的(一直追求)



permanent 持久的,永久的,不变的 5次

【一男讲词】:per/man/ent。per-一直 +man-词根:手 +ent-的 =permanent-持久的(一直用手拿着的,没有放手的,注意:“持久”的“持”就是用手的意思)


persistent 坚持不懈的,执意的:拒绝放弃或听任的;顽固坚持的 5次

【一男讲词】:per/sist/ent。per-一直 +sist-词根:站立+ent-的 =persistent-不懈的(一直站着)

porch 门廊, 走廊 2次

【一男讲词】:p/orch。p-平的 +orch-表音成分 =porch-走廊(走廊是一段平坦的路)


t-turn-拧→torch-火把(最初火把由杂草拧结而成)→ t-表义,orch-表音

preliminary 初步的,预备的 2次

【一男讲词】:pre/lim/inary。pre-在前 +lim-limit-界限 +inary-复合后缀 =preliminary-初步的预备的(在界限之前的,还没入门的)

premium 额外费用, 奖金, 奖赏, 保险费,(货币兑现的)贴水 2次

【一男讲词】:pre/m/ium。pre-在前 +m-money +ium-后缀 =premium-保险费(事先预留的钱)priority 优先权,重点;优先考虑的事 2次

【一男讲词】:pri/ority。pri-在前 +ority-复合后缀 =priority-优先

prone 倾向于 2次

【一男讲词】:pr/one。pr-向前 +one-无义表音成分 =prone-倾向于(向前倾斜)

reclaim 要回;开垦荒地,回收 3次

【一男讲词】:re/claim。re-往回 +claim-词根:喊叫 =reclaim-要回(往回喊,比如“拿回来!”)

【刨根问底】:为什么“claim-词根:喊叫”——来自词根“cr-叫、喊”,而“claim-叫喊”中的“cl”正是“cr”的错写版本,关于“r/l”两个辅音字母的近亲关系本人曾多次讲解,比如汉语“乳汁[ru zhi]”经常被北方人错读成“乳汁[lu zhi]”,又如汉语的“人生[ren sheng]” 经常被南方人错读成“人生[len sheng]”。


reconcile 使和解, 使和谐, 使顺从 4次

【一男讲词】:re/concil/e。re-又、再 +concil-consult-咨询、开会 +e-无义 =reconcile-使和解


release 释放, 解放, 放弃, 让与, 免除, 发表 2次

【一男讲词】:re/lease。re-返回 +lease-租约、约=release-释放、解放(从约定中出来、脱身)


【造词奥秘】:l-lend-借 →lease-租借、租约 →l-表义,ease-表音 pl-说 →please-请、邀请(用语言相邀)→pl-表义,ease-表音 cr=gr-grow→increase-增长(in-往里、继续)→cr-表义,ease-表音 remedy 治疗,矫正(坏事,缺点)3次

【一男讲词】:re/med/y。re-往回 +med=mend-维修 +y-后缀 =remedy-治疗(往回维修)

retrieve 找回,重新得到 2次

【一男讲词】:re/trieve。re-往回 +trieve-取 =retrieve-找回

【刨根问底】:怎么记“trieve-取”——“trieve”谐音“取”。reproach 责备 2次

【一男讲词】:re/proach。re-往回、折返 +proach-词根:路 =reproach-责备(折返某人的路,使之受挫折)


【造词奥秘】: pr-前-向前 →proach-路(向前延伸的东西)→pr-表义,oach-表音

c-car-车 →coach-马车(马车也是车)→c-表义,oach-表音

l-象“长条”形 →loach-泥鳅(泥鳅是长条形)→l-表义,oach-表音

respectable 可敬的 2次

【一男讲词】:respect/able。respect-尊敬 +able-能的 =respectable-值得尊敬的 respective 各自的,分别的 2次

【一男讲词】:respect/ive。respect-尊敬 +ive-的 =respective-各自的(尊重每一个个体)

respectful 恭敬的 2次 【一男讲词】:respect/ful。respect-尊敬 +ful-的样子 =respectful-恭敬的样子 revenge 复仇;为„报复 2次 【一男讲词】:re/ven/ge。re-往回 +ven-went-走 +ge=age-后缀 =revenge-复仇(走回来,复


【刨根问底】:为什么“ven-went-走”——这是一次关于“v/w”的近亲字母错写现象,比如“victory-胜利”=“win-胜利”,又如:比如汉语“晚上[wan shang]”经常被北方人错读成“晚上[van shang]”。

revelation 泄露,启示 2次

【一男讲词】:revelation revelation revelation

rigorous 严密的,缜密的;严格的,严厉的 2次

【一男讲词】:rig/orous。rig-词根:直 +orous-复合后缀 =rigorous-严厉的(站得笔直)

【刨根问底】:为什么“rig-词根:直”——首辅音字母“r”是“right-正确”的缩影。scratch 抓,挠,搔 2次

【一男讲词】:scr/atch。scr-爪子 +atch-表音成分 =scratch-抓

【造词奥秘】:scr-词根:爪子→scratch-抓 →scr-表义,atch-表音

p-片、成张的 →patch-补丁、布片→p-表义,atch-表音

h-hen-母鸡 →hatch-孵化 →h-表义,atch-表音

scrape 刮,擦 2次

【一男讲词】:scr/ape。scr-爪子 +ape-表音成分 =scrape-刮

【造词奥秘】:scr-词根:爪子→scrape-刮,擦 →scr-表义,ape-表音


simulate 模拟, 模仿, 假装, 冒充 2次

【一男讲词】:sim/ul/ate。sim-same +ul-连接成分 +ate-后缀 =simulate-模拟(所谓“模拟、模仿”就是与之相同)

simultaneous 同时的, 同时发生的 simultaneously同时地 4次

【一男讲词】:simul/tane/ous。simul=same +tane-take place-发生 +ous-的 =simultaneous

skeptical 怀疑的 3次

【一男讲词】:skept/ical。skept-词根:看 +ical-的 =skeptical=怀疑的(怀疑谁会盯着他看)


spontaneous 自发的, 自然产生的 4次

【一男讲词】:spon/tane/ous。spon-跳 +tane-take palce –发生 +ous-的 =spontaneous-自发的


stagger 口吃, 结巴着说出, 结结巴巴地说 2次

【一男讲词】:stag/g/er。stag-词根:站、停 +g-无义双写 +er-后缀 =stagger-结巴(结巴就



subtle 狡猾的, 敏感的, 微妙的, 精细的, 稀薄的 2次

【一男讲词】:subtle subtle subtle

summit 顶点, 最高阶层 2次

【一男讲词】:sum/m/it。sum-sun-太阳 +m-无义双写 +it-后缀 =summit-顶点(太阳是顶点)


suspicious 可疑的, 怀疑的 2次

【一男讲词】:su/spic/ious。su-sub-下面 +spic-看 +ious-的 =suspicious-怀疑的(从低下偷偷看、偷偷瞄对方的脸色——怀疑)


surplus 多余的,剩余的 3次

【一男讲词】:sur/plus。sur-super-超 +plus-加 =surplus-过剩(连超带加)

threshold 开始, 开端, 极限 2次

【一男讲词】:thres/hold。thres=thread +hold-阻挡、阻止 =threshold-门槛(挡门的线、木条)trivial 琐细的、琐碎的,不重要的 6次


三、多 +ivial-复合后缀 =trivial-琐细的、繁杂的 tumble 翻倒,摔倒

【一男讲词】:tum/ble。tum-turn=旋转 +ble-后缀 =tumble-摔倒(翻了、滚了)

turbulent 狂暴的,**的 2次

【一男讲词】:tur/bul/ent。tur-旋转 +bul-公牛 +ent-的 =turbulent-狂暴的(旋转的公牛)

vulnerable 易受伤的,脆弱的 3次

【一男讲词】:vuln/erable。vuln=wound-伤 +erable-复合后缀 =vulnerable-易受伤的 【刨根问底】:为什么“vuln=wound-伤”?这是又一次关于“v/w”的近亲字母错写现象,比如“victory-胜利”=“win-胜利”,又如:比如汉语“晚上[wan shang]”经常被北方人错读成“晚上[van shang]”。

vulgar 粗俗的,平民的 2次


warrant 授权令;正当理由,根据;证明„„是正当的 2次

【一男讲词】:war/r/ant。war-ward-保卫 +r-无义双写 +ant-的 =warrant-授权的(受到保护的)【刨根问底】:怎么记住“ward-保卫、看守”——首字母“w”是“watch-看”的缩影,而


【造词奥秘】:w-watch-看→ward-保卫、守卫、看守 →w-表义,ard-表音

h-high-高 →hard-难(高难)、硬(密度高)→h-表义,ard-表音










(一)Global Shortage of Fresh Water





At present, many people take it for granted that fresh water will never be used up because we can find it not only from the rain, but also in the rivers, lakes and wells.Consequently, it is not necessary for us to worry about global shortage of fresh water.In fact, the situation has become so serious that everyone should be aware of it and take immediate actions.With the world population increasing rapidly year after year, water resources are being consumed at an appalling speed.What's more, with the development of science and technology, modern industry needs much more water than before.Thirdly, pollution is also a worrying problem—water in rivers and wells becomes undrinkable because of industrial wastes.We should take urgent measures to protect fresh water resources.The government should increase the efficiency of water usage by such methods as water recycling and purification of sea water.The people, on the other hand, should form the habit of cherishing every drop of water.Last but not least, pollution must be effectively controlled, if we ever want to improve the quality of life.【点评】



第一段第一句中的take it for granted表示“想当然”,be used up表示“用完,耗尽”。第三段第一点中的efficiency,recycling和purification分别指“效率”、“再循环”和“净化”。预测作文

(二)Why Are There So Many Rural Laborers in Big Cities?




For a number of years, there has been a steady rise in the number of rural laborers who

flood into big cities.Many men work on construction sites, while many women work as dishwashers in restaurants or babysitters for city dwellers.Three reasons, in my mind, can account for this social phenomenon.First and foremost, the limited land can no longer produce enough crops for an ever-increasing rural population.In the second place, there are far more opportunities in big cities—rural laborers dream of earning money through hard work.Last but by no means least, many of them want to live permanently in big cities, because they admire the way of living there, and wish their children to receive good education.I firmly believe that if we try our best to create a healthy social atmosphere, rural laborers will make greater contribution to our nation.【点评】



第一段第二句中的construction site表示“建筑工地”,babysitter表示“帮人看孩子的人”。

第二段第一点中的rural指“农村的”;第三点中的permanently和admire分别指“永久地”和“羡慕”,receive education指“接受教育”。


(三)Silence Is Gold




When we talk of the famous proverb “Silence is Gold”, we should not simply label it as right or wrong, but explore it in depth.This proverb is especially true under several situations.First, if we have made a promise not to let out a secret, we should always keep silent.Second, we should avoid talking over facts or statistics of which we are not sure.Third, whenever we are expressing our ideas, brevity is the soul of wit and talking too much will always lead to faults and mistakes.Nevertheless, there are also some exceptions.If we find out a flaw in other's speaking or writing, we should not hesitate a moment to point it out.And to friends or acquaintances

seeking advice, we should feel free to help them.In a word, we can draw the conclusion that in most cases “silence is gold”, but in certain circumstances, talking is the right choice.【点评】



第一段中的label...as...表示“将……看作……”,而explore...in depth表示“深入探究……”。

第二段第一点中的make a promise表示“允诺”,let out a secret表示“泄露秘密”,keep silent表示“保持沉默”;第三点中的brevity is the soul of wit也是个谚语,表示“言贵简洁”。第三段第二点中的acquaintance指“熟人”。


(四)A Letter of Application





January , 2010

Dear Sirs,I am writing you this letter to show my keen interest in the post of assistant manager which you advertised in yesterday's China Daily for, as is indicated in the enclosed resume, my major and experiences closely parallel your requirement.I have always been a top student in my specialized area, biochemistry.I took several other courses in my spare time and excelled in all of them due to my hard work.I am sure such courses as British and American literature and culture, business management and statistics will lend me an edge in the fierce competition in the job market.Another point I want to draw your attention to is that I have been taking an active part in a variety of campus activities.In the due process teamwork spirit has been enhanced and my interpersonal skills improved.I would like to meet you at your earliest convenience and discuss the possibility of working with your company.Or, if you are too busy these days, you can contact me at 64543575 for further information.Thank you for your favorable consideration.Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Jenny Green



首段中的keen表示“热切的”,parallel这里做动词,表示“与……相当,比得上”。第二段首句中的specialized area表示“专业领域”;第二句中的excel是不及物动词,表示“突出,超常,胜过他人”;第三句中的edge表示“优势”;第四句中的a variety of等于various,表示“多种多样的”;第五句中的teamwork spirit表示“团队精神”,interpersonal skills表示“人际交往的能力”。





From the chart we can see clearly that the number of Internet surfers in our country has increased from 26.5 million in July 2001 to 45.8 million in July 2002, and then to 59.1 million in January 2003.In my mind, the reasons why the Internet surfers are on the rise are as follows.First, the Internet can help us accomplish many tasks, including both work and play—searching for information has become more convenient than ever, and safe online business is no longer a dream.Besides, surfing the Internet is becoming cheaper and cheaper—more and more people can afford it.The negative effects of the Internet are also clear.To begin with, sitting too long before the computers is harmful to our body, especially our eyes.Second, more and more people become indulged in playing video games or chatting online, which are time-consuming.All in all, I should say the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.The key lies in whether we can make good use of it to enhance both work and study.【点评】


第二段首句中的in my mind意思是“依我看,在我看来”;第三段中的be harmful to意为“对……有伤害”,become indulged in意思是“沉迷于”,time-consuming是“浪费时间”的意思;最后一段首句中的outweigh意为“比……重要”。



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