
时间:2019-05-14 04:24:05下载本文作者:会员上传


强度量:intensive properties do not depend on mass(e,g,p,ρ,ν=1/ρ,u and h),extensive properties depend on the total mass of the system(e,g,V,M,U,and H).Uppercase letters are usually used for extensive properties.准平衡:equilibrium:states of a system are most conveniently described when the system is in equilibrium, i.e.it is in steady-state.Often we will consider process thatchange “slowly”-termed quasi-equilibrium or quasi-static process.A process is quasi-equilibrium if the time rate of change of the process is slow relative to the time it takes for the system to reach thermodynamic equilibrium.It is necessary that a system be quasi-equilibrium before applying many of the thermodynamics relations to that system.热力学第一二定律:In simplest terms,the law of thermodynamics dictate the specific for the movement of heat andwork.Basically,the First Law of Thermodynamic is a statement of the conservation of energy-the Second Law is a statement about the direction of that conservation-and the Tired Law is a statement about reaching absolute Zero.The first law of thermodynamic is a statement of the principle of conservation of energy.It can also be considered as defining a property,the internal energy.The Second law of Thermodynamic states that in all energy exchanges,if no energy enters or leaves the system,the potential energy of the state will always be less than that of the initial states.This is also commonly referred to as entropy.举例说明热力学定律应用:a cup of hot coffee left on a table eventually cools,but a cup of cool coffee in the same room never gets hot by itself.The high-temperature energy of the coffee is degraded(transformed into a less useful form at a lower temperature)once it is transferred to the surrounding air.An ordinary house is,in some respects,an exhibition hall filled with womders of thermodynamics.Many ordinary household utensils and applicances are designed,in whole or in part,by using the principles of thermodynamics.Some examples include the electric or gas range,the heating and air-condition systems,the refrigerator,the humidifier,the pressure cooker,the water heater,the iron,and even the computer,and the TV.On a large scale,thermodynamics plays a major part in the design and analysis of automotive engines,rockets,jet engine,and conventional or nuclear power plans,solar collectors,and the design of vehicle form ordinary cars to airplanes.绝热系统:isolated systems:not exchangeing heat,matter or work with their environment.开口系统:exchanging energy(heat and work)and matter with their environment.闭口系统:exchangeing energy(heat and work)but not matter with their environment.孤立系统:rigid boundary :not allowing exchange of work.辐射换热:The mechanism in this case is electromagnetic radiation.We shall limit our discussion to electromagnetic radiation which is propagated as a result of a temperature difference;this is called thermal radiation.对流传热:when a fluid at rest or in motion is in contact with a surface at a temperature different from the plate ,energy flows in the direction of the lower temperature as required by the principle of thermodynamics.we say that heat is convected away ,and we call the process convection heat transfer.对流传热的方式:There are two convection modes :forced convection and natural convection.If a heated plate were exposed to ambient room air without an external source of motion ,a movement of the air would be experienced as a result of the density gradients near the plate.We call this natural ,or free ,convection as opposed to forced convection ,which is experienced in the case of the fan blowing air over a plate.传热学:Heat transfer is the science that seeks to predict the energy transfer that may take place between material bodies as a result of a temperature difference.传热学和热力学的区别:Thermodynamics teaches that this energy transfer is defined as heat.The science of heat transfer seeks not merely to explain how heat energy may be transferred ,but also to predict the rate at which the exchange will take place under certain specified conditions.The fact that a heat-transfer rate is the desired objective of an analysis points out the difference between heat transfer and thermodynamics.Thermodynamics deals with systems in equilibrium;it may be used to predict the amount of energy required to change a system from one equilibrium state to another;it may not be used to predict how fast a change will take place since the system is not in equilibrium during the process.Heat transfer supplements the first and second principles of thermodynamics by providing additional experimental rules which may be used to establish energy-transfer rates.As in the science of thermodynamics ,the experimental rules used as a basis of the subject of heat transfer are rather simple and easily expanded to encompass a variety of practical situations.影响辐射传热的因素:To take account of the “gray” nature of such surface we introduce another factor into

Equation ,called the emissive ε:which relates the radiation of the “gray”surface to that of an ideal black surface.We must take into account the fact that not all the radiation leaving one surface will reach the other surface since electromagnic radiation travels in straight lines and some will be lost to the surroundings.热能与动力工程thermal energy and power engineering 能量转化energy-transfer 比例常数proportionality constant 比例系数proportionality factor 活性中心active center 对流传热convection heat transfer 电磁辐射electromagnetic radiation 角系数view factor 准静态过程quasi-static process 准平衡quasi-equilibrium 静态平衡static equilibrium 强度参数intensive property 广延参数extensive property 燃烧机理combustion mechanism平均分子运动average molecular motion 热反应堆thermal reactor 热力学性质 thermodynamic property 摩尔热容molar heat capacity 动能kinetic energy 压缩因子compressibility factor 温度传感器temperature sensor 测量电路measurement circuit 电压输出voltage output 静电荷electrostatic charge 励磁电源excitation power 内能internal energy 能量原理energy principle 能量平衡energy balance 能量守恒conservation of energy 剪切应力shear force/stress 角速度angular velocity 速度梯度velocity gradient 温度梯度temperature gradient 一维one-dimensional 机械能mechanical energy 内能internal energy 动能kinetic energy 势能potential energy 凝固/硬化take a set 流体动力学fluid dynamic hydrodynamics 蒸汽发生系统steam generating system 辅助设备auxiliary equipment 空煤比the air-coal ratio 质量作用定律the law of mass action 阿伦尼乌斯定律arrhennius law 活化分子active molecule 活化分子碎片active molecule fragments 活化能activation energy

自由价free valency 支链反应定律the law of branched chain reactions 化学反应方程式stoichiometric equation 活化中心active centres 能级energy levels 甲烷methane ch4 压缩机compressor 冷凝器condenser 膨胀阀expansion valve 可逆reversible 绝热adiabatic 等熵isentropic 余隙容积clearance volume 比容specific volume 压力损失pressure loss 溶液给水温度liquid feed temperature 体积流速the volume flow rate 液压头liquid head 成比例的proportional 成反比例的inversely proportional 热力学定律principles of thermodynamics平衡温度equilibrium temperature 相变phase change 导热性thermal conductivity 传热系数heat transfer coefficient 强制对流forced convection 自然对流natural convection 外表面external surface 焓enthalpy 熵entropy 对流传热convection heat transfer 牛顿冷却公式Newton law of cooling 流体物性properties of the liquid 质量流量比mass flow ratio 电磁辐射能electromagnetic energy 热辐射thermal radiation 净辐射量net radiation 流体力学fluid mechanics 热力学性质thermodynamic property 牛顿粘性定律Newton law of vosicosity 温熵图temperature-entropy diagram 回转式发动机rotary engine 汽轮机steam turbine 光化学烟雾photochemical smog 核电站nuclear power plant 流化床燃烧fluildized bed combustion 余热锅炉a heat recovery builer 表面积surface area

强度量:intensive properties do not depend on mass(e,g,p,ρ,ν=1/ρ,u and h),extensive properties depend on the total mass of the system(e,g,V,M,U,and H).Uppercase letters are usually used for extensive properties.准平衡:equilibrium:states of a system are most conveniently described when the system is in equilibrium, i.e.it is in steady-state.Often we will consider process thatchange “slowly”-termed quasi-equilibrium or quasi-static process.A process is quasi-equilibrium if the time rate of change of the process is slow relative to the time it takes for the system to reach thermodynamic equilibrium.It is necessary that a system be quasi-equilibrium before applying many of the thermodynamics relations to that system.热力学第一二定律:In simplest terms,the law of thermodynamics dictate the specific for the movement of heat andwork.Basically,the First Law of Thermodynamic is a statement of the conservation of energy-the Second Law is a statement about the direction of that conservation-and the Tired Law is a statement about reaching absolute Zero.The first law of thermodynamic is a statement of the principle of conservation of energy.It can also be considered as defining a property,the internal energy.The Second law of Thermodynamic states that in all energy exchanges,if no energy enters or leaves the system,the potential energy of the state will always be less than that of the initial states.This is also commonly referred to as entropy.举例说明热力学定律应用:a cup of hot coffee left on a table eventually cools,but a cup of cool coffee in the same room never gets hot by itself.The high-temperature energy of the coffee is degraded(transformed into a less useful form at a lower temperature)once it is transferred to the surrounding air.An ordinary house is,in some respects,an exhibition hall filled with womders of thermodynamics.Many ordinary household utensils and applicances are designed,in whole or in part,by using the principles of thermodynamics.Some examples include the electric or gas range,the heating and air-condition systems,the refrigerator,the humidifier,the pressure cooker,the water heater,the iron,and even the computer,and the TV.On a large scale,thermodynamics plays a major part in the design and analysis of automotive engines,rockets,jet engine,and conventional or nuclear power plans,solar collectors,and the design of vehicle form ordinary cars to airplanes.绝热系统:isolated systems:not exchangeing heat,matter or work with their environment.开口系统:exchanging energy(heat and work)and matter with their environment.闭口系统:exchangeing energy(heat and work)but not matter with their environment.孤立系统:rigid boundary :not allowing exchange of work.辐射换热:The mechanism in this case is electromagnetic radiation.We shall limit our discussion to electromagnetic radiation which is propagated as a result of a temperature difference;this is called thermal radiation.对流传热:when a fluid at rest or in motion is in contact with a surface at a temperature different from the plate ,energy flows in the direction of the lower temperature as required by the principle of thermodynamics.we say that heat is convected away ,and we call the process convection heat transfer.对流传热的方式:There are two convection modes :forced convection and natural convection.If a heated plate were exposed to ambient room air without an external source of motion ,a movement of the air would be experienced as a result of the density gradients near the plate.We call this natural ,or free ,convection as opposed to forced convection ,which is experienced in the case of the fan blowing air over a plate.传热学:Heat transfer is the science that seeks to predict the energy transfer that may take place between material bodies as a result of a temperature difference.传热学和热力学的区别:Thermodynamics teaches that this energy transfer is defined as heat.The science of heat transfer seeks not merely to explain how heat energy may be transferred ,but also to predict the rate at which the exchange will take place under certain specified conditions.The fact that a heat-transfer rate is the desired objective of an analysis points out the difference between heat transfer and thermodynamics.Thermodynamics deals with systems in equilibrium;it may be used to predict the amount of energy required to change a system from one equilibrium state to another;it may not be used to predict how fast a change will take place since the system is not in equilibrium during the process.Heat transfer supplements the first and second principles of thermodynamics by providing additional experimental rules which may be used to establish energy-transfer rates.As in the science of thermodynamics ,the experimental rules used as a basis of the subject of heat transfer are rather simple and easily expanded to encompass a variety of practical situations.影响辐射传热的因素:To take account of the “gray” nature of such surface we introduce another factor into

Equation ,called the emissive ε:which relates the radiation of the “gray”surface to that of an ideal black surface.We must take into account the fact that not all the radiation leaving one surface will reach the other surface since electromagnic radiation travels in straight lines and some will be lost to the surroundings

热能与动力工程thermal energy and power engineering 能量转化energy-transfer 比例常数proportionality constant 比例系数proportionality factor 活性中心active center 对流传热convection heat transfer 电磁辐射electromagnetic radiation 角系数view factor 准静态过程quasi-static process 准平衡quasi-equilibrium 静态平衡static equilibrium 强度参数intensive property 广延参数extensive property 燃烧机理combustion mechanism平均分子运动average molecular motion 热反应堆thermal reactor 热力学性质 thermodynamic property 摩尔热容molar heat capacity 动能kinetic energy 压缩因子compressibility factor 温度传感器temperature sensor 测量电路measurement circuit 电压输出voltage output 静电荷electrostatic charge 励磁电源excitation power 内能internal energy 能量原理energy principle 能量平衡energy balance 能量守恒conservation of energy 剪切应力shear force/stress 角速度angular velocity 速度梯度velocity gradient 温度梯度temperature gradient 一维one-dimensional 机械能mechanical energy 内能internal energy 动能kinetic energy 势能potential energy 凝固/硬化take a set 流体动力学fluid dynamic hydrodynamics 蒸汽发生系统steam generating system 辅助设备auxiliary equipment 空煤比the air-coal ratio 质量作用定律the law of mass action 阿伦尼乌斯定律arrhennius law 活化分子active molecule 活化分子碎片active molecule fragments 活化能activation energy 自由价free valency

支链反应定律the law of branched chain reactions 化学反应方程式stoichiometric equation 活化中心active centres 能级energy levels 甲烷methane ch4 压缩机compressor 冷凝器condenser 膨胀阀expansion valve 可逆reversible 绝热adiabatic 等熵isentropic 余隙容积clearance volume 比容specific volume 压力损失pressure loss 溶液给水温度liquid feed temperature 体积流速the volume flow rate 液压头liquid head 成比例的proportional 成反比例的inversely proportional 热力学定律principles of thermodynamics平衡温度equilibrium temperature 相变phase change 导热性thermal conductivity 传热系数heat transfer coefficient 强制对流forced convection 自然对流natural convection 外表面external surface 焓enthalpy 熵entropy 对流传热convection heat transfer 牛顿冷却公式Newton law of cooling 流体物性properties of the liquid 质量流量比mass flow ratio 电磁辐射能electromagnetic energy 热辐射thermal radiation 净辐射量net radiation 流体力学fluid mechanics 热力学性质thermodynamic property 牛顿粘性定律Newton law of vosicosity 温熵图temperature-entropy diagram 回转式发动机rotary engine 汽轮机steam turbine 光化学烟雾photochemical smog 核电站nuclear power plant 流化床燃烧fluildized bed combustion 余热锅炉a heat recovery builer 表面积surface area

第二篇:热能与动力工程专业英语重点 原版

1.开口系统:与外界既有物质交换又有能量交换,把研究对象控制在某个空间。---定容积系统 An Open system(or a control volume 控制体积)is a properly selected region in space.Both mass and energy can cross the boundary of a control volume.such as, A Water heater, a turbine and acompressor, etc

2.闭口系统:系统与外界只有能量(功量、热量)的交换而无质量交换。——定质量系统A Closed system(a control mass控制质量)consists of a fixed amount of mass, and no mass can cross its boundary.That is, no mass enters or leave a closed system.such as, Piston-cylinder device(汽缸-活塞装置)

3.绝热系统:系统与外界只有功量和质量的交换,而无热量的交换。Adiabatic system is that no heat cross the boundary or heat is negligible compared with work cross the boundary

4.孤立系统:系统与外界既无能量交换又无质量交换,即系统与环境不发生任何作用。Isolated system is a special case that no mass and energy cross the boundary.5.热力学第一定律:自然界一切物体都具有能量,能量有各种不同形式,它能从一种形式转化为另一种形式,从一个物体传递给另一个物体,在转化和传递过程中能量的总和不变。The first explicit statement of the first law of thermodynamics:“In all cases in which work is produced by the agency of heat, a quantity of heat is consumed which is proportional to the work done;and conversely, by the expenditure of an equal quantity of work an equal quantity of heat is produced.”


Second law of thermodynamics: Impossible to heat from low temperature to high temperature object object does not produce other effects;not possible from a single heat source heat so completely converted into useful work and does not produce other effects;irreversible thermodynamic entropy in the process of the incremental volume is always greater than zero.7.锅炉:锅炉利用热量使水转变成蒸汽以进行各种利用。Boilers use heat to convert water into steam for a variety of applications.8.汽轮机:将蒸汽的热能转换为机械能的叶轮式旋转原动机。

Steam Turbine is the impeller rotating prime moverthatthe thermal energy of the steam is converted to mechanical energy。

9.省煤器:省煤器(英文名称Economizer)就是锅炉尾部烟道中将锅炉给水加热成汽包压力下的饱和水的受热面。The economizer(Name Economizer)is the rear of the boiler flue of the boiler feed water is heated into steam drum pressure saturated water heating surface。

10.空预器:空气预热器就是锅炉尾部烟道中的烟气通过内部的散热片将进入锅炉前的空气预热到一定温度的受热面。The air preheater through the fins of the internal heating surface will enter the air is preheated to a certain

temperature in the boiler before the flue gas in the rear of the boiler flue.11.反动度:蒸汽在动叶栅中的等熵焓降与级的等熵焓降之比

The degree of reaction is steam Rotor Cascade isentropic enthalpy drop class isentropic enthalpy drop ratio.12.状态:某一瞬间热力系所呈现的宏观状况

State: it reveals the physical condition of a system.13.状态参数:描述系统宏观物理状况的物理量,简称参数Properties are used todepictanycharacteristic of a system.14.比体积:单位质量的物质所占有的体积,用v表示。

Specific volume is the reciprocal of density and is defined as volume per unit mass.15.真空度:表示绝对压力低于大气压力的量值

Vacuum pressure(真空度):Pressures below atmosphere pressure.It is the pressure difference between atmospheric and system pressure when system pressure is lower than atmospheric And it is denoted as PVAC or H.16.如果两个系统分别与第三个系统处于热平衡,则两个系统彼此必然处于热平衡。

If two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.17.平衡状态:所谓平衡状态就是指在没有外界影响的情况下,系统的状态不随时间而发生变化。

A system in equilibrium experiences no changes with time when it is isolated from its surroundings.18.热力系统经过一系列变化回到初态,这一系列变化过程称为热力循环。

A system is said to have undergone a cycle if it returns to its initial state at the end of the process

12.A turbine cylinder(汽轮机汽缸)isessentialapressurevesselwithit’sweightsupportedateachend onthehorizontalcenterline.19.热力系统的定义(Definition)

系统就是指被选做研究对象的物体或空间。(A quantity of matter or a region in space chosen for study.)

20.热平衡(Thermal equilibrium)

If the temperature is the same throughout the entiresystem.

第三篇:热能与动力工程 - 副本


题目学校学院班级姓名学号学科导论结课论文 浅谈热能与动力工程专业的就业前景




关键词能源 热能与动力工程专业 就业















学制:高中起点专科2.5年 专科起点本科2.5年









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