
时间:2019-05-14 06:45:11下载本文作者:会员上传



介于……事实,我们应该……wecan’tignore……,a seriousproblemthatwehavetoface.我们不能忽视……,这个严重的问题我们不得不面对。thephenomenonhasdrawpublicattention/hasbroughtintofocus/hasbeenahottopicamongthepublic.这个现象引起了人们的关注Onlyinthiswaywecan………

只有用着种方式我们才能……peopleingrowingnumbersshowtheirincreasingconcernabout…… 人们对……越来越关注……isplayingacrucialroleinourlives





从我的角度看Thereareavarietyofreasonsforthisproblem , ofwhichI wanttomentionthemostimportantoneis……


11Tothephenomenonpeople’sattitudesdiffersharply.对于这个现象,人们意见大不相同。……willmakeourlifemoreenjoyable,thatistosay……canaddcolortothedullroutineofeverydaylife.……可以使我们的生活更有趣,那就是说……可以为我们枯燥的生活增加些色彩。personally, Ibelievethatbothsideshavesomethingright.soweshouldnotgotoextremes.Rememberthefittestisthebest.个人来说,我相信两面都有对的地方,因此我们不应该走向极端,记住合适是最好的。wecangivealotofexamplesbutIthinkthestoryof+sb +ismostfamiliartoallofus.我们可以给出很多例子,但我认为sb的例子大家最熟悉。withasharpincreaseof+sth

随着sth 快速发展。Nowadays, +现象,whichhastouchedoffaheatedcontroversy/whichhascausedagreatdealofcontroversy/whichhasstimulatedaheateddiscussion.17 Itishightimeweconsideredwhetherweshould……












27so +adj+be动词+sb/sth+that




﹢Technology helps to

the increase/enhance/promote

efficiency in people’s study and work, making our/their activities more economical and less time-consuming.﹣The youngsters are more likely to/tend to/ incline to be overly dependent on technology, even getting addicted to it.﹣Technology could make/render city-dwellers slaves to high

technology, alienating people from one another.﹣Technology deprives the citizens of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life.素材二:Mind, soul

﹢enable the students to grasp their subjects better, helping them to broaden their horizons.﹢relax their bodies and ease the minds.﹣The citizens are more likely to be monotonous and un-motivating.﹣The youngsters might even suffer from mental diseases/illnesses, such as depression.素材三:Society

﹢promote the development of society

﹢keep the society safe and stable ﹣increase the already high crime rate


﹣The proliferation of non-biodegradable rubbish(such as disposable plastic bags)poses a

threat to environment and humanity.how We should not develop economy at the expense of environment.素材五:Employment, competition ﹢create more job opportunities

﹢enable the students to find jobs more easily

﹣The competition in modern society is increasingly fierce, which alienates the city-dwellers from one another and makes them cold and cruel.素材六:Culture globalization ﹢It is manifest that globalization can bring numerous benefits to human.﹢promote/enhance the cultural communication and interaction between people from different countries/ethnic minority.﹣create tension and conflicts between…


﹣Youngsters today tend to be

money-oriented and are likely to fall prey to materialism and egoism.﹣It is wrong to equate happiness with making more money and living in a spacious house.

第三篇:六级下册作文 我的童优秀作文素材










1首先辨别是租房还是买房:For lease, for rent出租与for sale出卖

2房子的类型有:公寓flat, apartment,学生宿舍dormitory(dorm),学生旅店student hostel 青年旅店youth hostel,留宿当地居民家里home stay.3设施及其他物品有:Furnished:意为配备了家具 炉子stove,冰箱fridge,微波炉microwave oven,洗衣机washing machine,空调air-conditioner,电风扇electric fan,冷却器电暖炉radiator,电炉electric stoves,枕头pillow,枕套和被单pillow case and bed linen,被单被褥sheet,床垫mattress,毯子blanket, towel手巾毛巾,窗帘curtain,地毯carpet 4房子位置:Road(Rd.), Street(St.), lane小路巷, Avenue大道

5门厅的叫法:hall, lobby, porch阳台balcony,睡房bedroom,厨房kitchen,6租房的规律为:离市中心越近,房价越高,位置稍偏,价钱会比较有吸引力;但便宜的房子一般有不理想的地方:not near the center, not near the railway station, far from the bus stop, near the airport,noisy, shared kitchen, insects,a stranger in the next bed, have no privacy,have to prepare some repellant令人厌烦,insects haunting.闹昆虫 类别2==图书馆场景

catalogue(under titles/authors/subjects)目录classification分类category种类temporary card临时借书卡regular card正式借书卡reader’s/library card借书证 reference stacks书库in circulation在书库里call slip借书单loan desk借书处out circulation借走了lend / borrow / check out借书renew续借

out on loan借出的closed reserved只读不借not for circulation不外借

reference book参考书periodical(magazines and journals)定期刊物

hard cover精装版 paper back edition简装版 back issue过期刊物 current issue现刊 date slip/deadline/date of expiry期限overdue and pay a fine过期并交罚款

held in the closed reserved闭馆保存的inter-library loan馆际互借

interlibrary service图书馆际服务open/closed shelves开架/闭架书库


1度假地的选择,交通工具的选择,住处的选择make a reservation预定confirm a reservation确认预定book a room/table预订房间/饭桌cancel one's reservation取消预定first come, one-way ticket单程票round-trip ticket往返票

2出行方式: VIP/first class头等舱business class商务舱economy class经济舱 Express way高速公路,express train高速列车free way免费高速公路 flyover人行天桥overhead轻轨 confirm the flight确认航班

类别4==银行场景policy存单balance余额 deposit存款 interest利息 credit信用 loan贷款overdraft透支receipt收据mortgage抵押checkbook支票簿statement对帐单open an account开户 joint account联名帐户 open a student account开个学生帐户

checking/savings account活期/储蓄帐户 deposit account定期存款帐户 money order电汇credit card信用卡the current rate汇率 pin number/password/code密码 draw/withdraw money提款service charge服务费apply for a personal loan.申请个人贷款 current account现金帐户 traveler’s check旅行支票


1学校分类:public school公立学校private school私立学校religious school教会学校

2学校:president校长dean院长professor教授lecturer讲师coordinator管理员 doctor博士 master硕士bachelor 学士 freshman大一新生sophomore大二学生junior大三学生senior大四学生

3新生报到会,一般由Admission office的Counselor来向新生介绍,新生入学及入学后大致过程:register/enroll(登记、报到)一般会到student union office,opening ceremony 开学典礼orientation meeting(介绍会)指学校综合情况 orientation week(初到校)适应周 lecture(教师作的)讲演,报告 tutorial(学生发言的)讨论课

4选课:选择级别:fundamental/elementary , intermediate , advanced 选课的时间,日期Time and date 申请人:applicant, enrolment,admission office

5课程分类:Optional course选修课Required course必修课 Day course白天的课Evening course晚上的课

6考试:Final exam期终考试middle exam期中考试make up补考test测验quiz测验 oral test口试draw on / in sight of / draw nearly考试临近delay / be off / defer / hold up / postpone / put off / suspend考试延期或取消

类别6=看病场景clinic诊所 mental hospital精神病医院 send for a doctor请医生see a doctor看病 have an operation动手术make an appointment预约take one's blood pressure量血压 surgeon外科医生 psychiatrist/shrink心理医生 physician/internist内科医生 oculist/eye doctor眼科医生dentist牙医 feel one's pulse量脉搏 tablet药片 have a stomachache胃痛have a fever发烧 have a cough咳嗽 have a headache头痛 symptom症状flu流感 feel dizzy头晕 feel chilly觉得发冷 have/catch a cold感冒 have a sore throat嗓子痛have a toothache牙痛 vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐cold cure感冒药take one's temperature量体温pills药丸 medication药物 injection注射


1信息来源 a.classified ads分类广告help and wanted section供求关系栏b.bulletin board公告栏c.flyer传单make a phone call Is the position still available?工作职位还仍然空缺吗?

3resume个人简历 fill out= fill in = fill up填表格certification学历证, ID身份证, qualification资历, recommendation letter推荐信

4interview面试 job vacancy有空缺职位,letter of application求职信,resume简历, resume包括:basic / personal info.基本信息/个人资料,academic background教育背景offer聘用信work overtime加班 allowance津贴 annual income年收入sick leave病假promotion升职 work experience工作经验 certificates证书ask for a raise加钱wage周薪 salary日薪bonus奖金 类别8==购物场景 department store百货公司 Shopping centre/shopping mall购物中心shop assistant/clerk店员 Discount/off折扣 for free免费 out of stock脱销 Bargain便宜货

Exchange/return找零 special offer/ on sale打折 a clearance sale清仓甩卖 supplies生活用品 price tag价格签bargain便宜货 sport’s goods体育用品 clothing store服装店supermarket超市 cart手推车cashier收银员appliance家用电costume服装formal dress/casual dress正式着装/休闲服 uniform制服 suit西装 down-jacke

一、购物: 服装没有完全合适的.1.The color of the suit is not appropriate.,2.The man will not find shorts in a different style.3.Look at pants made of different color.买的衣服号小去换4.Exchange the sweater for a bigger one.天冷应该穿羽绒服可没有5.She does not have a down jacket with her.对衣服有好品位(a good taste)6.Bill is very particular about his clothing.买到便宜衣服很开心 7.He is pleased with his purchase.物品打折扣才买 8.She could afford the sneakers because of a discount.衣服质量差要求refund9.The man should try to get his money back

染色用漂白水10.Use bleach on his socks.二、娱乐: 音乐会好票难买,电影和书不好看,11.She also find Peter’s Performance attractive.12.She also thinks that the performance is excellent.13.They’re really looking forward to the concert.14.They will probably not be able to get the ticket.15.The ticket will sell out quickly.三胶卷用光,没换电池,曝光 16.There is no film in her camera 17.She forget to change the battery inside the camera 18.The film hasn’t been processed yet 19.Aviod facing the light when taking pictures.四、生日20.He expects to hear from hid brother.21.The woman didn’t buy a sweater for Debbie.五、食品:咖啡不喝,但大量买22.She’d had to eliminate coffee from her diet.23.They should buy a lot of coffee.节约所以不浪费食品24.She’ll eat the toast anyway.甜食25.She wants to take another bite from the man’s pizza.26.He doesn’t want any chocolate pudding.六、剪发找便宜的,但不理想27.The woman previously cut off too much of his hair.28.She knows of a less expensive hair salon

七、建议旅行,但要改期29.The man may have to reschedule his trip.八、对朋友的宠物过敏:30.He doesn’t want to go to Cindy’s.(allergic)

九、借书31.The woman doesn’t have to pay any fines.十、旅行:坐不起飞机32.He can’t afford to spend that money by air.33.The plane ticket was expensive做什么34.She plans to visit her relatives.十一、去Party带巧克力蛋糕35.Bring dessert.去餐会穿便装就可以36.Casual dress will be appropriate.十二、租房:续租很容易37.The man will easily find a place to live later.喜欢自己住38.She likes to live by herself.十三、邮局:39.Pay the extra postage.40.Wrapping a parcel to be mailed.寄送物品希望少邮资41.She doesn’t know the postage for a package to Australia.十四、丢东西捡东西都去失物招领处 42.Take the briefcase to the reception desk.43.Ask about the book at the information desk.44.Ask the ticket seller about the umbrella.45.To find out who the wallet belongs to.十五、生病要马上看,检查报告转天才能拿 46.Schedule an eye exam without delay.47.The result might be ready tomorrow.48.They should wait till the next day.病了不要其他人照顾49.He doesn’t like to bother people

十六、点餐 50 Take the woman’s order.51.He’ll take their order soon.52.She made a mistake with the man’s order

十七、学校:有噪音找管理员53.Discuss the situation with the person in charge of the dormitory.奖学金交房租54.He has decided how he’s going to spend the prize money.论文题目导师必须同意55.Advisors must approve research topics.56.He(导师)is too busy to read the thesis proposal57.Ask the graduate assistant for help.笔记不借是因为撩草58.Her handwriting is illegible.学习去图书馆59.She spends a lot of time in the library.经过允许才可以上课60.To ask for special permission to take a class.讲座61.Eat breakfast at the presentation

十八、帮助题中:男多数时候不帮女,女会帮男 借钱62.Take the man to the bank.63.Lend some money to the man.64.He can’t lend the woman any money搭车多互相不给搭65.That they not ask Peter to drive them66.She can’t give the man a ride.借东西不借的原因(坏了或正在用)

67.Someone else borrowed his calculator.68.Ask Alice if the man can borrow the novel.69.Her camera can’t work well now.70.It’s not far for her to carry her package.71.She can’t lend the man the dictionary until later.十九、风会刮坏植物/植物需要光72.Move the plants away from the window.73.He wants his plants to get plenty of light.74.The plants may need more light.二十四、工作忙,任务多75.Warn George that his attendance problem is serious.76.He’s been putting off his work.77.She is too busy with her work and can not go.78.He is very busyrecently.二

十五、取代79.She doesn’t want the man to replace the platter.80.No one can take her place.t羽绒服large/medium/small大号中号小号 style/size/color款式、大小、颜色

词汇:1-abundant丰富的,充足的2-accelerate(使)加快,增速 3-accidentally偶然的,意外的4-accumulate积累5-advertise为...做广告6-authority权威7-arbitrary武断的8-anniversary周年纪念日9-anticipate预料10-appetite胃口11-appreciate欣赏;感谢12-appropriate适当的13-apparent表面的,外观的14-attractive有吸引力的15-architecture建筑16-beneficial有益的17-boost促进,提高18-boundary边界19-budget预算20-conquer征服21-conscious有意识的,有知觉的22-corporation公司23-contribute捐献,贡献24-considerate考虑周到的25-ceremony典礼仪式26-challenge挑战27-capacity能力,容量28-category种类,范畴29-characteristic特征30-circumstance情况31-collapse崩溃32-commercial商业的33-comprehensive广泛的,综合的34-consequence后果35-contemporary当代36-convenience方便37-criminal罪犯38-committee委员会39-competition竞40-demonstrate展示,说明41-discipline纪律42-distinct清楚的43-decorate装饰44-deserve应得,值得45-executive执行的,行政的46-essential必要的,必不可少的47-eventually最后48-enterprise企业49-emergency紧急情况50-entertainment娱乐51-emphasize强调52-exaggerate夸张53-fundamental根本的54-focus中心,聚焦55-forbid不许,禁止56-fatal 致命的;重大的57-generate生成,产生58-genius天才,天赋59-glorious光荣的,极好的60-generous慷慨的,大方的61-hostile敌对的,敌意62-hestiate犹豫63-influence影响64-inspire鼓舞,激起65-intimate亲密的66-identity身份67-investigate调查68-judgement审判,判断69-jealous妒忌的70-sketch草图;梗概71-liberal慷慨的;丰富的72-manufacture制造73-maintain维持,保持74-marvelous奇迹般的,惊人的75-motivate激励,激发76-negotiate谈判77-nuisance讨厌的东西78-neutral中立的,中性的79-optimistic乐观的80-opponent敌手,对手

81-permanent永久的82-psychological心理的83-prejudice偏见84-primitive原始的,早期的85-passion激情86-prospect前景,景象87-prosperity兴旺,繁荣88-significance意义;重要性89-subsequent随后的,后来的90-security安全,保障91-suspicious怀疑的,可疑的92-splendid a.极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的93-tendency n.趋向,趋势94-tedious乏味道,单调的,95-tremendous巨大的;精彩的96-temptation诱惑,引诱97-voluntary 自愿的98-ultimate极端的99-virtual实际上的,事实上100-variable易变的,可变的大学英语听力常见词伙70组1)alienate from=separate from隔离,疏离2)acquaint with=be familiar with熟悉,了解3)account for=explain解释4)allergic to =oversensitive to sth.对…过敏

5)after all=on earth毕竟,终究;到底6)associated with=connected with=related to与…有关

7)be aware of=conscious of意识到8)at ease=relaxed放松,轻松9)agree with= accustomed to(food/climate)适应...10)a poor memory=forgetful健忘11)back up=support支持12)based on(upon)=on the basis of在…基础上13)book up=sold out(票)订光了14)by means of=with the help of通过…方式15)be bound to do sth.=certain to do sth.肯定会做某事16)be around= appear出现,露面17)be fond of=keen on喜爱18)bring sb up to date on sth.=help sb.to catch up帮助某人(在学习,工作)赶上19)bring in=turn in上交20)chip in=contribute money捐献,做贡献21)concentrate on sth.=pay all attention to sth.专心致志做某事22)contribute to

sth.=give help to sth.帮助,增强23)come out of…alive=survived从...中幸存24)cope with = deal with=handle应付,对付25)count on =depend on=rely on依靠,指望26)control the

conversation=carry on conversation滔滔不绝地说27)call off=cancel取消28)dog tired=run down特别累29)do sb.a favour=give sb.a hand帮某人一个忙30)delay=postpone=put off推迟,延迟31)decide on doing sth.=make up one’s mind下决心做某事32)die out=disappear消失,灭绝33)drive sb.up the wall =drive sb.out of one’s mind让某人发疯34)do sb.good=bring benefits to a person给某人带来好处35)food for thought = thought-provoking令人思考的东西36)fill one's shoes=take one’s place很好地顶替;令人满意地替代37)full of=(be)filled with装满,填满38)fed up with=tired of厌倦39)get nowhere=make no progress毫无进展40)get over= recover from(病/情绪)恢复41)get a real bargain=buy sth.cheap买到便宜货42)give rise to=lead to引起,导致43)give sb.a ride=give sb.a lift让某人搭车44)at one’s convenience=sb.free在某人方便的时候45)at no charge =for nothing免费46)have intention of doing sth.=plan to do sth.打算做某事47)hear from=receive a letter from sb.收到…来信48)have one’s hand full with sth.= be busy doing sth.忙于做…49)have an impact on sth.=have an influence on sth.对…产生影响50)interfere with=affect影响51)justify in doing sth.=have a good reason to do sth.有理由52)keep in touch with sb.=correspond with sb.与…保持联系53)keep out =borrow借出54)keep one eye on= take care of照顾,照看55)let out=stop结束56)lay off=fire sb.=let sb.go解雇57)look forward to doing sth.= be eager to do sth.渴望做某事

58)lose heart=lose confidence失去信心59)make a living=earn a living谋生60)meet one’s needs=supply sb.with sth.满足某人的需要61)on behalf of=representing =in one's place=fill in for sb.代表62)originate from=start from起源于…63)proud of=take pride in为…感到自豪64)run out of= use up用光,用尽65)reside in=live in居住在…66)rule out=get rid of排除,除掉

67)raise money=pool money集资68)slip one’s mind=forget忘记69)stand=bear=put up with容忍,忍受70)under the weather=unwell身体不好

Follow Sunny版==英语写作环节词汇presumably

1表示强调的修饰副词:apparently, certainly, undoubtedly, obviously, especially

2表示并列的同行词汇:similarly, in the same way, in the meanwhile,3表示对比的转折词汇:on the contrary,by contrast, in contrast.4引出解释:consequently, in conclusion,5引出例子:for instance, to illustrate

6排列顺序:to begin with, in addition, last but not the least first of all, what is more, finally first,Follow Sunny版==写作素材词汇

(一)关于青少年与家庭single-parent family单亲家庭 minors未成年人 adolescent青春期的 immature不成熟的peer pressure同辈人的压力 foster= raise= bring up a child抚养孩子 spoil溺爱=indulge放纵 run wild撒野 go astray走上歧途 juvenile delinquency青少年犯罪 obesity肥胖症depression抑郁症 bullying恃强凌弱 absenteeism=truancy逃学(play truant)parents are obliged to do…父母有责任、义务去做… give proper guidance父母的引导 set examples for children为孩子树立榜样 encourage鼓励motivate鼓舞 help build up confidence帮助建立信心 discipline their children约束孩子 well-bred有教养的 act properly行为得体


1学习的好处:learn skills学习技能 acquire knowledge学习知识 enrich knowledge丰富知识 widen horizon开阔视野 inspire interest激发兴趣 stimulate interest激发兴趣lay a solid foundation for the future为将来打下坚实的基础

2学习上的问题:lack discipline缺少约束力/persistence毅力 test-oriented education应试型教育 quality education素质教育 cram for examinations突击考试 rote learning死记硬背 Test-taking techniques应试技巧

3学习的坏处: discourage critical thinking打击评判性思维 students stop questioning what they are being taught学生们不去质问他们学习的东西 conduce to academic performance有助学习表现 Adversely influence负面地影响(动作)Exert adverse/unfavorable influence on对。。产生负面影响 Creativity创造性 Come at the expense/cost of creativity以牺牲创造力为代价 Lower/raise the standard of…降低了。。的水平

(三)关于工作adapt oneself to …使自己适应… flow of personnel人才流动 mechanism of personnel flow人才流动机制 survival of the fittest适者生存 a sense of accomplishment成就感potentiality潜能 company philosophy企业文化 team-work spirit团队合作精神 a harmonious interpersonal relationship和谐的人际关系 a sense of responsibility责任感

material gains物质待遇 promising future光明的前途 a challenging job一份具有挑战性的工作 get advanced in the society出人头地 a decent job一份体面的工作 chance of promotion升迁机会 stability and satisfaction稳定感和满足感 balance work and life平衡工作和生活 realize the value of life实现人生价值 seek for personal development追求个人发展 display one’s talent展示才能 a sense of self-fulfillment自我实现感promotion opportunity提升机会 meet one’s personalized needs满足某人个性化需求define one’s role确定自己的角色 social recognition社会认可

(四)关于交通automobile industry汽车工业 pollution-free fuel无污染燃料 popularization of cars汽车普及 observe traffic regulations遵守交通规则 break traffic regulations违反交通规则 get struck in traffic遇上堵车 ease the traffic pressure缓解交通压力 bottleneck交通堵塞地区 settle down effective laws制定出积极有效的法律 enhance the quality of life提高生活质量 pay a heavy price付出惨痛的代价 promote the development of relative industries促进相关产业发展 traffic engineering交通运输工程 the number of car ownership汽车拥有量 traffic accidents交通事故 energy-saving节能的(五)关于环境保护urbanization城市化 centralization集中化 imbalance不平衡 infrastructure基础设施 tertiary industry第三产业 commercialization商业化 water scarcity水短缺 the environmental pollution环境污染 over-industrialization过度工业化 over-crowdedness过度拥挤 social instability社会动荡 urban construction城市建设 population explosion人口激增 a rising crime rate犯罪率上升 drain of energy and resources能源和资源消耗stress-related illnesses与压力有关的疾病 social welfare社会福利 urban sprawl城市扩张 convenient

transportation means便捷的交通工具 better medical services更好的医疗服务 pressure of modern life in city城市生活压力 pollutant污染性物质 waste disposal废物处理 suffer heavy losses遭受重大损失 vicious cycle恶性循环 a feasible measure一种可行的措施 city planners城市规划者

(六)关于媒体mass media大众媒体 entertainment娱乐 journalism新闻业 the latest news最新消息exclusive news独家新闻 news block out新闻封锁 news censorship新闻审查

freedom of the press新闻自由 coverage新闻报道 newsworthy值得报道的 live broadcast直播 quiz show智力竞争节目 game show游戏节目 variety show综合节目 talk show脱口秀 sitcom情景喜剧 soap opera肥皂剧 movie star电影明星 celebrity名人 fame名声 fan粉丝 invade one’s privacy侵扰了…的隐私 misleading误导性的 cheating欺骗性的 popularity知名度 scandal丑闻 sensational轰动的 audience ratings收视率 propaganda宣传 be abducted by受…诱导 purify one’s soul净化心灵 meet different tastes满足不同口味 follow the fashion blindly盲目追逐时尚 right to know知情权


CET-6 常用表达

1、Does anyone hold the same attitude towards this issue ?Definitely not,actually,opinions vary from person to person.(陈述现状段)

2、Given all the factors I have outlined,I strongly commit to the notion that(重申个人观点)


1、Recently there is a rather loud voice that„„

2、Nowadays, more and more attention is being drawn to„„

3、It has become a common social phenomenon that„„

4、This is the topic debated heatedly among the public recently.„„

5、Nowadays, the significance of „„ is gaining increasing recognitions among people around the world.6、„„has won the increasing support of a great many„„

7、„„has been gaining popularity recently.二、表示“不同人有不同观点”或“观点引起争议”(常用于第一段最后一句或第二段第一句)

1、However, concerning this phenomenon, opinions vary from person to person.2、People’s attitudes to this issue vary greatly/differ sharply.3、There are several elements attributing to/accounting for this phenomenon.4、There are various reasons responsible for this embarrassing situation.5、However,this phenomenon has aroused much controversy.三、表示“毫无疑问地”“确定地”


2、It is beyond reproach that„„

3、It is not an unusual sight that„„

4、No one would deny that„„

5、There is no doubt/denying that„„


1、For one thing,„„.For another„„.2、To begin with,„„.In addition,„„.Besides,„„.3、First and foremost„„.Moreover„„.Last but not least„„.4、Those advocating this newly-arisen trend claim that„„.Yet, people rejecting this trend also have their own reasons.„„,as they argue,„„

5、Some people aim that„„.However, some others consider/hold/maintain/argue that„„.Moreover, there are those who„„

6、As for such a question, different people hold different views.Some believe that„„.While there also sounds an opposite voice, which claims„„.For instance,„„.7、There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of „„.People who favor the practice maintain that „„.They point out that„„.While those who criticize the move contend that„„.What’s worse, „„.五、表示“个人观点”(用于第三段第一句)

From my personal perspective/As for me/As far as I am concerned/To my mind/Frankly speaking/In my suggestion


1、All in all/Considering all the above-mentioned points 总结上文

2、play a crucial/significant role in 在„„中扮演重要角色

3、impose an extra burden on 增加额外负担

4、be passed on from one generation to another 代代相传

5、a common feeling of oppression arising from unfamiliarity and dislocation 没有亲密感带来的压抑

6、under no circumstances should you „„ 你决不能

7、Public opinions label them as having less responsibility and an inclination to indulge in pleasure-seeking.人们一般认为他们(富二代)缺乏责任感,贪图享受。

8、Chances are that„„ „„是可能的

9、on the verge/edge of extinction 濒临灭绝

10、attribute„„to/credit to 将„„归因于

11、be negative in 对„„有负面影响

12、„be in direct /inverse ratio to/with 与„成正比/反比

13、The first nut for us to crack is„ 我们首先要解决的是„„

14、Supposing„„, it is likely that„.假设„, 那么很可能„

15、Only in this way can we„„.(结束句常用)



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