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2005/04/05 10:2

3国家安全生产监管总局局长 李毅中
















国家禁毒委员会常务副秘书长、公安部禁毒局局长 杨凤瑞

Speech by Yang Fengrui


Ladies and gentlemen,大家上午好。现在我向大家通报中国禁毒人民战争情况和《中华人民共和国禁毒法》颁布实施情况。

Good morning, everyone.I'd like to take this opportunity to brief you on China 's “People's War on Drugs” as well as adoption and implementation of the Narcotics Control Law of the People's Republic of China


I.About the people's war on drugs over the past three years


In April 2005, China National Narcotics Control Commission launched the nationwide “People's war on drugs” in accordance with the important instructions of President Hu Jintao and other central leaders.The war focuses on solving the heroin problems, and is aimed to blocking drug source, reducing drug harms and preventing new drug abusers from emerging.It consists of five campaigns-drug prevention and education;drug treatment and rehabilitation;drug source blocking and interdiction;“strike hard” drug law enforcement;and strict control and administration.Over the past three years, related departments in different areas relied on the masses, mobilized all available social strengths and promoted the five campaigns simultaneously, which has made notable achievements and met all planned targets.一是大力开展禁毒预防战役,全民识毒、拒毒、防毒、禁毒意识明显提高。坚持预防为本,认真贯彻《全民禁毒教育实施意见》,广泛开展“不让毒品进校园”、“青少年远离毒品”、“不让毒品进我家”、“职工拒绝毒品零计划”等活动,大力宣传吴光林、罗金勇、罗映珍等英雄事迹,连续两年评选、表彰全国十大民间禁毒人士,推动禁毒宣传教育进学校、进社区、进家庭、进场所、进单位、进农村,全民识毒、拒毒、防毒、禁毒意识普遍提高。目前,全国禁毒志愿者已达100多万名;仅云南省根据群众举报就破获毒品案件5000多起,缴获毒品近5吨。

1.Great efforts are placed on the campaign of drug prevention and education, greatly raising public awareness on drug recognition, drug resistance, drug prevention and drug control.The Chinese Government has been attaching great importance to the drug prevention, worked hard to implement the Opinions on Carrying out Nationwide Civil Drug Control Education, launched a series of programs, including “Keep Drugs Away From Campus”, “Keep Drugs Away From Youth”, “Keep Drugs Away From My Home” and “No Drugs to Employees Plan” on an extensive scale.The government made great efforts to publicize the heroic deeds of Wu Guanglin, LuoJinyong, LuoYingzhen and other outstanding figures, and selected and praised top ten outstanding civilian drug control figures for two years.It expanded drug control publicity and education into schools, communities, families, companies and organizations as well as rural areas.As a result, drug recognition, drug resistance, drug prevention and drug control awareness of the general public has been enhanced considerably.At present, China has over one million drug control volunteers.In Yunnan Province alone, more than 5,000 drug-related cases were cracked and nearly 5 tons of drugs were seized thanks to information provided by the masses.二是大力开展禁吸戒毒战役,挽救吸毒人员、遏制毒品危害工作取得明显进步。坚持以人为本的戒毒理念,提出创办戒毒康复场所这一新的重大举措,创新完善集生理脱毒、心理康复、回归社会于一体的戒毒康复新模式,建成以种植、养殖、手工加工等为主要项目的戒毒康复场所38个,安置自愿留所和返所康复学员近5000名。创新建立吸毒人员动态管控机制,见面排查吸毒人员95.6万名,运用信息化手段推动管理方式从手工向网络、从静态向动态转变,解决了吸毒人员底数不清、现状不明的突出问题。全面加强戒毒治疗工作,累计强制戒毒80.8万人次,劳教戒毒33.3万人次,自愿戒毒35.8万人次;美沙酮社区维持治疗人员从1200名增至9.8万名;落实社会帮教的有15.8万名,巩固3年以上未复吸的有6.7万名。

2.Great efforts are placed on the campaign of drug treatment and rehabilitation, making great progress in saving drug abusers and curbing drug's harm.The Chinese Government, adhering to the human-centered drug treatment and rehabilitation policy, introduced the model of drug treatment and rehabilitation center, a new and profound means that innovated in and improved drug rehabilitation model to incorporate physical detoxification, mental rehabilitation and social integration.38 drug treatment and rehabilitation centers, focusing on crop cultivation, breeding and handicrafts work, have so far been established to accommodate nearly 5,000 persons who stay voluntarily or return for rehabilitation.An innovative and dynamic drug abuser management and monitoring system has been established with 956,000 screened drug abusers.Information technology-based measures have been adopted to shift the previously manual and static management approaches to a computer-besed dynamic network, which effectively identified the number and conditions of drug abusers, previously a long-standing and prominent problem.Intensified efforts were made to improve drug treatment and rehabilitation work, treating 808,000 person-times in the compulsory drug treatment centers, 333,000 person-times in reeducation-through-labor drug treatment centers and 358,000 person-times in the voluntary treatment centers.The number of drug abusers who have undergone methadone maintenance treatment(MMT)increased from 1,200 to 98,000.158,000 person-times have benefited from social help and 67,000 treated drug abusers stayed away from drugs for over three years.三是大力开展堵源截流战役,堵截境外毒品渗透能力明显提升。坚持四禁并举、堵源为上,按照突出西南、强化西北、兼顾东南和东北的要求,在重点地区建立查缉站点,配备查缉设备,形成了覆盖主要陆路、海路、空路、邮路的立体防控体系,推动堵源截流工作从依托云南公开查缉扩展到四个方向共同堵截,从单一部门查缉发展为相关部门分兵把守、协同作战,从边境陆路堵截发展为陆海空邮全方位堵截,从单纯依靠人力发展为利用人、机、犬等多种手段特别是科技手段查缉,有效提升了堵源截流能力。三年来,云南省共查获“金三角”海洛因12.9吨、冰毒9.3吨、鸦片4.5吨,分别占全国的75%、55%、87%;新疆、广东、上海、北京等地共查获“金新月”海洛因507千克、大麻4.8吨。

3.Great efforts are placed on the campaign of drug source blocking and interdiction;and the ability to block and interdict foreign drugs has been improved significantly.The Chinese Government has been adhering to the principle of “enforcing the ‘Four Prohibitions' at the same time and highlighting the importance of blocking drug source”.In accordance with the requirements of “giving top priority to the southwest, attaching great importance to the northwest and keeping a close eye on the southeast and northeast areas”, the government set up inspection stations in key areas, equipped inspectors with advanced equipment and developed a multi-pronged prevention and control system that covers main land routes, sea routes, air routes and mail routes, reinforcing the drug source blocking and interdiction from Yunnan-based public inspection to simultaneous inspection in four directions, from a single department's effort to coordinated work of all related departments, from blocking and interdiction along the border and land routes to thorough blocking and interdiction that monitor land routes, sea routes, air routes and mail routes, from solely depending on human labor to resorting to a variety of means, including human, machine and drug canine, especially technology-based means.As a result, the blocking and interdiction ability was greatly enhanced.Over the past three years, Yunnan Province has seized 12.9 tons of heroin, 9.3 tons of ice and 4.5 tons of opium from the Golden Triangle, accounting for 75 percent, 55 percent and 87 percent of the total seizures nationwide respectively.507 kilograms of heroin and 4.8 tons of cannabis have been seized in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Guangdong , Shanghai , Beijing and other places.四是大力开展禁毒严打战役,制贩毒品犯罪活动受到严厉打击。坚持严打方针不动摇,以打击制贩毒集团、网络和毒枭为重点,完善多警种参战机制,组织开展了打击境外大毒枭的“拔钉子”行动、打击外流贩毒团伙的“天网行动”、以打击幕后组织策划者为重点的治理特殊人群贩毒问题专项行动等一系列专项行动,保持了对毒品犯罪的严打高压态势,三年共破获毒品犯罪案件14.4万起,抓获毒贩17.4万名,打掉贩毒团伙2544个,缴获海洛因17.5吨、冰毒及其片剂19.7吨、鸦片5.2吨、摇头丸500万粒、氯胺酮10.5吨。特别是成功抓获了刘招华、韩永万等80多名境内外大毒枭和重要毒贩,有力打击和震慑了贩毒分子的嚣张气焰。

4.Great efforts are placed on the campaign of “strike hard” drug law enforcement, severely cracking down on drug production, trafficking and other drug-related crimes.The Chinese Government sticks to the severe crackdown policy unswervingly and focuses on eradicating drug trafficking groups, drug trafficking networks and drug kingpins.It has improved the mechanism of coordinated operation among different police troops and organized a series of special operations, including the Operation “Nail Eradication ” aimed at cracking down on notorious overseas drug dealers, Operation “Sky Net” that combats outbound drug trafficking group, and special operation aiming to control special group drug trafficking problem focusing cracking down on behind-the-scene organizers, thereby maintaining the high-pressure crackdown on drug-related crimes.Over the past three years, the government cracked a total of 144,000 drug-related criminal cases, arrested 174,000 drug traffickers and dealers, and eradicated 2,544 drug trafficking groups, seized 17.5 tons of heroin, 19.7 tons of ice and its tablets, 5.2 tons of opium, 5 million pills of ecstasy and 10.5 tons of ketamine.In particular, over 80 important domestic and overseas drug dealers including Liu Zhaohua and Han Yongwan were arrested.All these are heavy blows and powerful deterrence to drug dealers.五是大力开展禁毒严管战役,易制毒化学品和麻醉药品、精神药品流失势头得到有效遏制。坚持从严管理方针,组织开展易制毒化学品和精麻药品专项治理行动,规范和加强生产、销售、运输、储存、使用和进出口等环节管理,严厉打击走私、非法买卖易制毒化学品犯罪活动,有效遏制了易制毒化学品大量流失的势头。三年来,共破获易制毒化学品犯罪案件913起,查处行政违法案件5427起,缴获易制毒化学品4456吨,通过国际核查阻止出口4746.6吨。

5.Great efforts are placed on the campaign of strict control and administration, effectively curbing the diversion of precursor chemicals, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.The Chinese Government has been adhering to the policy of stringent management.It has organized special operations to regulate precursor chemicals, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, standardized and strengthened the administration over production, sales, transportation, storage, use, import and export and cracked down on smuggling and illegal transaction of precursor chemicals, thereby successfully putting under control the diversion of precursor chemicals.Over the past three years, the government has cracked a total of 913 precursor chemical-related criminal cases, punished 5,427 offense cases seized 4456 tons of precursors and stopped 4746.6 tons of precursor chemicals from being exported illegally through pre-export notice system.六是大力开展禁毒国际合作,境外禁种除源工作取得明显成效。坚持把实施以替代发展为核心的境外除源战略作为禁毒国际合作重点,认真落实国务院《关于在缅甸老挝北部开展罂粟替代种植发展替代产业的批复》精神,在缅甸、老挝累计落实替代发展资金1亿多元,替代种植面积超过100万亩;向禁种烟农提供1万吨粮食和药品援助,缓解其生计困难;连续三年开展遥感监测和实地踏查,有效监控和准确掌握缅北罂粟种植情况。同时,积极务实地推进多领域禁毒国际合作,加大与有关国家在情报交流、执法办案、人员培训和设备援助等方面的合作力度,联合破获了“邵春天案”、“蔡爱山案”等一大批具有国际影响的跨国毒品大案。

6.Great efforts are placed on international drug control cooperation;and remarkable achievement has been made in opium poppy eradication and drug sources elimination overseas.In international drug control cooperation, the Chinese Government has been giving high priority to the strategy of eliminating foreign drug sources in the form of alternative development, carefully practicing the spirits specified by the State Council on the alternative development in Northern Myanmar and Laos.It appropriated over CNY100 million for the alternative development activities in the two countries, helping to cultivate over 1 million mu of substitute crops, donated 10,000-ton rice and a certain amount of medicines to farmers who gave up poppy cultivation to help them to get alternative livelihood.It also conducted satellite remote sensing and field survey to efficiently monitor and stay informed of the opium poppy cultivation situations in North Myanmar.In the mean time, it spared no efforts deepening international drug control cooperation with related countries in intelligence sharing, case investigation and law enforcement, training, equipment assistance and other fields in a pragmatic way, cracking “Shao Chuntian Case”, “CaiAishan Case” and other major international drug-related criminal cases of international influence.经过三年禁毒人民战争,有效遏制了毒品来源、毒品危害和新吸毒人员大量滋生,控制了海洛因问题快速发展的势头,扭转了一些地方毒情严重的状况,禁毒斗争形势整体上有了明显好转。实践充分证明,开展禁毒人民战争,是充分发挥中国社会主义制度优势,调动各方面力量,整合各方面资源,发挥各方面积极性,依靠社会力量解决毒品问题的有效办法,是具有中国特色的行之有效的禁毒工作基本经验,是禁毒工作需要长期坚持的有效形式和指导思想。

After three years of people's war on drugs, we have successfully blocked drug sources, curbed drug harm, prevented new drug abusers from emerging in large numbers, put the rapidly worsening heroin problem under control, turned serious situations in some areas, and the overall drug control situation has improved significantly.All these facts have proved that the people's war on drugs is an effective way to give full play to the advantages of China 's socialist system, mobilize strengths of all walks of life, integrate all resources and encourage the enthusiasm of all parties to solve drug-related problems.It is also a proven basic experience in drug control work with Chinese characteristics as well as an effective long-term approach and guiding principle for the work.尽管我国禁毒斗争形势有了明显好转,但受全球毒品问题持续泛滥的大气候影响,境外毒品对我国多头渗透的局面尚未改变,境内制贩毒品活动屡禁不止,海洛因成瘾人员复吸率高的问题还未从根本上得到解决,新型毒品问题日益突出,毒品危害在短期内还难以彻底消除,禁毒工作任务仍很繁重艰巨。近日,胡锦涛总书记等中央领导同志对禁毒工作作出重要批示。我们将认真贯彻落实中央领导同志的重要批示,以贯彻实施《禁毒法》为主线,以巩固和扩大海洛因治理成果、遏制新型毒品发展蔓延为目标,全面推进禁毒人民战争向纵深发展,努力实现我国禁毒斗争形势持续好转,在新的起点上开创中国禁毒工作的新局面。

While positive changes have taken place in China's drug control combat, under the influence of the continuously rampant global drug problems, the fact that multiple overseas drug sources are trying to enter China remains unchanged, domestic drug production and trafficking activities cannot be stopped completely, the problem that a high percentage of heroin abusers get addicted again after treatment has not yet been solved fundamentally, new-type drugs become an ever more severe problem in China , drug harms cannot be thoroughly cleared in the foreseeable future, and the drug control work and task remain arduous.Recently, President Hu Jintao and other central leaders gave important instructions on the drug control work.We will conscientiously implement these instructions, center our work on all-around enforcement of the Narcotics Control Law of the People's Republic of China, commit ourselves to fortify and magnify the achievement in controlling heroin and stop new drugs from spreading, continue to push forward the people's war on drugs, ensure that the situation of China's drug control combat keep improving and open a new chapter in China's drug control work.二、《禁毒法》颁布实施的主要情况

II.The promulgation and implementation of the Narcotics Control Law of the People's Republic of China


The Narcotics Control Law of the People's Republic of China , which was adopted at the 31st meeting of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December 29, 2007, came into force as of June 1, 2008.It is the first law intended to regulate China 's drug control work and a fundamental law to guide the country's drug control work.Its adoption and enforcement testify the consistent stand and firm resolution of Chinese government to strictly practise drug control, improve China 's legal system to prevent and punish drug-related crimes and is of profound significance to advancing China 's drug control cause in all aspects.It is an important milestone in China 's drug control history.《禁毒法》共7章71条。主要包括六个方面内容:

The Narcotics Control Law of the People's Republic of China , consisting of 7 chapters and 71 articles, contains mainly 6 aspects:


1)Provisions on leading system, working mechanism and guarantee mechanism for drug control work.According to the Law, the State Council establishes China National Narcotics Control Commission(NNCC), which shall take charge of organizing, coordinating and guiding the drug control work of the whole nation.Local governments at or above the county level may, in light of the local needs on drug control, establish drug control committees to organize, coordinate and guide the drug control work of its administrative areas.It specifies the working mechanism for drug control wok that features “central leadership of the government, clear responsibilities of relevant departments and extensive participation of all walks of life”.The law also prescribes that local governments at or above the county level shall include the drug control work into national economic and social development plan and include drug control expenses into local budget;


2)Provisions on the guidelines of “giving priority to prevention, practicing all-round control, and banning planting, production, trafficking and abuse of drugs simultaneously”;


3)Provisions on the type, scope, measures and methods for the administration of narcotic drugs, psychotropic drugs and precursor chemicals;


4)Provisions on drug treatment and rehabilitation system and measures;


5)Provisions on measures to deepen international drug control cooperation;


6)Provisions on legal responsibilities for violating the Narcotics Control Law of the People's Republic of China and related laws and regulations.我们相信,随着《禁毒法》的深入实施,中国禁毒工作必将进入依法全面推进的新的历史阶段。

We believe that, with the implementation of the Narcotics Control Law of the People's Republic of China , China 's drug control cause will usher in a new era of all-around and lawful advancement.























一是,大力增加普通住房供应,加大住房供应结构调整力度,坚持落实好“两个70%” 以及限价房政策,重点发展中低价位、中小套型普通商品住房,稳定房价。



Speech on the Press Conference of the State Council Information Office

August 30, 2007

Qi JiVice Minister

Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China

Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning.According to the arrangement of the state press office, I will first brief you the work of drafting Opinions on Solving Housing Difficulty for Urban Low-Income Families.I.The drafting process, guidelines and principles

The CPC and State Council place high emphasis on the people’s housing problems.Since the reform and opening-up, the urban housing system reform has been carried out, and most residents’ housing conditions has been greatly improved.Still some urban low-income families face housing difficulty.This year’s work report of the government stressed, we should help them solve housing difficulty by adopting more supportive policies such as finance and tax.The State Council appointed Ministry of Construction and other relevant departments to draft the Opinions on the basis of full investigation and study.On August7, the Opinions have been put into effect, which is a significant decision aiming to solving people’s living problems by the State Council.On August 24, the State Council convened National Housing Working Conference, giving guidance on the implementation.On that meeting, Vice Premier Mr.Zeng Peiyan made an important speech.The Opinions requires that we view the work of solving housing difficulty for urban low-income families as the major component of protecting people’s interests and the housing system reform, and as an important responsibility of the government’s public service.We should speed up to establish the policy system of focusing on the low-rent housing system and solving housing difficulty for urban low-income families by multiple channels.The Opinions clarifies the following basic principles.The first one is to base on the national conditions and to satisfy the basic needs of residents.The second one is to make integrated plan and to proceed by steps.The third one is government-leading and social participation.The fourth one is to unify the policies and to consider local special conditions.The fifth one is that the provincial government takes the overall responsibility and the city and county government put into execution.II.The main policy provisions

First, the coverage of low-rent housing security should be expanded.By the end of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, the policy would have covered the low-income families.By the end of 2007, all the cities with districts should guarantee the housing of the low-income families who apply for low-rent housing subsidies and meet the related requirements.By the end of 2008, all the counties should make it as the cities do.Meantime, by the end of 2008, the eastern area and other advanced developed areas should incorporate the low-income families into the low-rent housing system.Second, the provisions on the low-rent housing system should be perfected.The selection criteria for beneficiary and standards of the security should be rationally identified.The specific standards should be formulated by the city and county government based on a certain percentage of the local average income and housing level.The rental subsidy should be supplemented by the supply of rental housing to form a complete low-rent housing mode.The stock of low-rent housing should be created by multiple channels, such as newly built, purchased, or rebuilt by the government or donated by the society.In those areas in which small rental-apartments are in shortage and housing rents are high, the government should build more housing for rent.The newly built low-rent housing could be scattered in the affordable housing district and common commercial housing district, or be built as a cluster.Third, the capital for low-rent housing security should be ensured.The local finance should incorporate it into the annual budget.The net income of the Housing Provident Fund should totally be used to low-rent housing construction.No less than 10% of the net income of the land transfer should be expensed to guarantee low-rent housing.The central government will earmark special fund to support the middle and western areas.Fourth, the affordable housing system needs to be improved and regulated.The beneficiaries of the affordable housing are low-income families.The building area per apartment should be limited to around 60 square meters.The affordable housing can only be on sale 5 years after the purchase.A part of the sale price will be compensated to the government as the land revenue based on a certain percentage of the price gap between the economically affordable housing and the common commodity housing at the sale time.In those areas with unbalanced housing structure and surging housing price, the development scale of economically affordable housing should be expanded.In addition, the fund-raising cooperative housing development should be carried out on the regulations of the affordable housing.Fifth, the living conditions of the shantytown, old resident districts, and migrated workers’ temporary housing should be gradually improved.The city government should make redevelopment plan for the shantytown based on the local conditions.In the old residential districts, the housing should be repaired and maintained, the associated facilities should be constructed, the environment should be improved and the energy-saving renovation should be launched.To improve the living conditions of the migrated worker, we should practice on the principles of unified planning, employers’ accountability and governments’ policy guidance.III.Perfect housing security working system

First is to put in place the economic policy and land policy.The housing development for security purpose will be exempted from administrative fees and government fund.The land will be prioritized and ensured in the annual land use plan and supplied by direct transfer.Meanwhile, the administration on the planning and design will be intensified to ensure the projects’ quality and functions.Second is to perfect the working system.The investigation on the housing conditions of the

low-income families should be conducted right away and the files of the low-income families with housing difficulty should be created by the end of this year.The objectives, the development plan and the annual plan need to be worked out, and the capital and land need to be ready.The system of application, review and examination, and publicity for the low-rent housing and affordable housing should be improved, the investigation and examination on the applicants’ family income and housing conditions should be strictly conducted, and the exit system should be in place.Third is to identify roles and responsibilities.The provincial governments take the overall responsibilities, manage by objectives, strengthen the supervision and guidance, and appraise the performance of the city governments.The city governments need to enhance leadership, improve the working institution, and report to the people’s congress of the same level through the annual government work report.The relevant departments of the State Council will speed up to work out the associated policies concerning the capital, land providing, tax and finance, and intensify the inspection and supervision.IV.Strengthen the macro-regulation on the real estate market

In recent years, the regulation and control on the real estate market has obtained positive results.However, commercial housing market supply structure is still unreasonable.The gap between the housing demand and supply in some areas is remarkable, and since this year, the housing prices increase in an accelerated trend in some cities, especially the coast big cities in east China.We should make every effort to execute the regulation and control policy on the real estate market made by the State Council.Besides increasing the supply of the low-rent housing and affordable housing, we will focus on the following three aspects:

First is to increase the supply of common commercial housing, and to adjust the housing supply structure.We should stick to the policy of two 70% and price ceiling, put more stress on the development of low-and-middle price housing and medium-and-small-size apartment, and stabilize housing prices.Second is to influence the housing demand.By adopting the differentiated tax policy and credit policy, we should crack down on the speculative action, restrain the housing purchase on investment purpose, and regulate and control the demand of large-size apartment, which will contribute to a rational housing consumption.Third is to rigorously stop the illegal actions in the process of housing development and sale.We should strengthen the supervision and administration on all the process, check and punish the illegitimate behavior such as illegal planning, false advertisement and contract fraud, particularly the actions of stocking up lands, bidding up price, dishonest publicity, speculating on housing prices, etc.Now, I am glad to take your questions on the “Opinions” and National Housing Working Conference.




Statement by Vice Minister of Commerce Fu Ziying

At the Press Conference of the State Council Information OfficeApril, 201


Ladies and Gentlemen,大家上午好!很高兴出席今天的新闻发布会,与大家就中国的对外援助的一些情况和问题进行交流。

Good morning.It gives me much pleasure to attend today’s press conference and brief you about China’s foreign aid.中国开展对外援助已经有60个年头,新中国成立以来,中国在致力于自身发展的同时,始终坚持向其他经济困难的发展中国家提供力所能及的援助,承担应尽的国际义务。中国的对外援助对帮助其他发展中国家改善社会经济发展条件,提高自主发展的能力,增加就业和收入,消除贫困,都产生了积极的作用。同时,也促进了中国与其他发展中国家的友好关系和互利互赢。中国同其他发展中国家同甘苦、共患难,树立了南南合作的典范,受到了国际社会的广泛好评。

It was 60 years ago that the People’s Republic of China began to provide aid to other countries.Since the founding of the People’s Republic, while committing to its own development, China has always provided aid to other developing countries facing economic difficulties as its capacity permits and fulfilled its due international obligation.China’s aid has helped other developing countries improve conditions for economic and social development, enhance their capacity of independent development, increase employment and income, and reduce poverty.At the same time, it has strengthened China’s friendship and win-win cooperation with other developing countries.China and other developing countries have gone through thick and thin together in development and set an example of South-South cooperation, which is widely recognized by the international community.我们首次发布《中国的对外援助》白皮书,目的是全面、客观地介绍中国对外援助的基本情况,让社会各界更好地了解中国的对外援助。我们也希望通过发表援外白皮书,向国际社会


China’s Foreign Aid, the whitepaper we release today, aims to give a comprehensive and objective picture of China’s aid to other developing countries in order to increase the public’s understanding of this issue.Through this paper, first ever of its kind, we hope to publicize at home and abroad China’s basic experience and the achievements it has made in foreign aid, and demonstrate China’s commitment and resolve in global efforts to reduce poverty and promote development.援外白皮书介绍了中国对外援助的基本政策、资金方式、项目类型和主要领域,还介绍了中国对外援助的行政管理机制和开展国际交流与合作的基本情况。综合起来,白皮书主要阐明了以下几个观点:

The white paper gives an overview of the basic policies, financing modes, project types, main areas of China’s foreign aid, as well as its administrative mechanism and international exchanges and cooperation.In summary, the white paper sets forth the following points:


1.China’s foreign aid falls into the category of South-South Cooperation, and is a kind of mutual assistance among developing countries.二、中国对外援助的宗旨是帮助受援国提高自主发展的能力。

2.The purpose of China’s foreign aid is to help recipient countries enhance the capacity of independent development.三、中国对外援助坚持不附带任何政治条件,坚持平等互利、共同发展等基本原则。

3.China never attaches any political conditions to its foreign aid, and always adheres to the basic principle of equality, mutual benefit and common development.四、中国对外援助资金配置灵活,项目方式多种多样,以尽量满足受援国多样化的发展要求。

4.China’s foreign aid features flexible financing modes and various project types, which can best satisfy recipient countries’ diverse needs in development.五、中国对外援助的重点是低收入发展中国家。援助项目主要集中在工业、农业、教育、医疗卫生、基础设施等民生和经济社会发展等领域。

5.The priority of China’s foreign aid is low-income developing countries.The projects mainly focus on areas related to people’s livelihood and economic and social development, such as agriculture, education, medical care & health, and infrastructure.六、中国的对外援助是开放式的,坚持与时俱进、改革创新。

6.China pursues an open foreign aid policy, always keeps abreast with the time, and is committed to reform and innovation.和平与发展是当今世界的主题。中国的发展已与世界各国的发展紧密联系在一起。当前,全球发展环境依然十分严峻,如期实现联合国千年发展目标面临巨大考验。中国虽然经济总量已位居全球第二,但人均收入仍排在世界100位之后,仍有1亿多贫困人口。中国将继续坚持量力而行、尽力而为,积极推进南南合作,并随着经济的发展和国力的增强,逐步增加对经济困难发展中国家的援助,为全球范围内消除贫困做出自己应有的贡献。

Peace and development are the defining feature of today’s world.China’s development has been closely linked with the rest of the world.In this very tough environment for global development,it is a huge challenge to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals on time.China has become the world’s second largest economy, but on per capita terms it still ranks behind 100th in the world as more than 100 million people in China are still caught in poverty.China will continue to do its utmost to promote South-south cooperation and gradually increase its aid to other developing countries facing economic difficulties as China’s economy and capacity grow, thus making its due contribution to eradicating poverty in the world.



国务院新闻办公室门户网站 www.xiexiebang.com | 发布:2011-07-07





























































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