第一篇:简历课件 英文版本
Resume Writing & Interview
CV(Curriculum Vitae)---―the course of one’s life‖
One or two pages summary of your education, skills, accomplishments and experience.To win an interview
Components of a Resume
Yin Zheng
Department of Foreign Languages, Yuanpei College,900 Chennan Avenue, Shaoxing, China, 312000
0575-64187580, ***
Job/career objective
• What kind of job are you hoping to do?
• e.g.Seeking a position with more opportunities and challenges for self-development The objective should be to the point
• An X position in an organization where Y and Z would be needed(or, in an
organization seeking Y and Z).examples
• To obtain a position of teaching English as a second language where a special ability to
motivate and communicate effectively with students would be needed.•
To obtain an entry-level position within a financial institution requiring strong analytical and organizational skills.Don’t write anything too general or broad,Skills and activities Work experience Education Job/career objective(optional)Heading
• To obtain an entry-level position in a foreign trade company.就业选择
• 外贸业务员或业务助理;商务助理/文秘;外企/民企行政助理;船公司销售或客服;
• 其它
2007.9 – 2011.6Bachelor of Arts in English,Shaoxing University, Zhejiang, China(SXU)
2007-2010Second Prize Winner of Scholarship offered bySXU
Major Courses:
Business EnglishBusiness English WritingBusiness NegotiationCross-cultural communication Experience
Summer 2008Changhong Textile Company, Shaoxing,Zhejiang Province
Responsible for filing documents and
quality control
Sills and activities
Language Skills
English: fluent in speaking, writing, and translating
English.Especially good at …
French: conversational
Computer Skills
Auto CAD, CAD, Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint
July, 2010Volunteer of the 6th Word ChoirGames
Qualification and skills 创业 公务员;事业单位;国企 翻译;教师(国有/民办/培训机构)
English level: CET – 6,ILETS: 6.0
Computer skill: A good command of MS system,including Word, Excel, and PowerPointDriving License: Holder of Type C License
Language Rules
• Use verbs of action to describe your job responsibilities.求职笑话
姓名: 英文的还是中文的?
年龄: 这是私人问题.身高: 这跟工作有关系吗?
体重: 随时改变,饭前饭后都不同.居住地: 那是一个特别的地方,我生命的舞台.电话: 爱立信手机.电子邮箱:只留给漂亮和富有的女孩.上班时间:越短越好.应征职位:不做什么事情,但能被美女包围的职位.学历:毕业于一个你找不到的大学.语言能力:侃大山是专长.兴趣:睡得天昏地暗.经历:游戏人生.曾任职位:高级的或低级的都是一种经历.婚姻状况:正在寻找漂亮和富有的女孩.未来期望:只负责主席台上讲话,并且希望尽早退休.希望待遇:比实际工作量拿的多就行.• 姓名:父母取的。
• 年龄:不小了!身高:很高。体重:中等。居住地:家里。电话:在身上。电子邮件:朋友帮我申请的。上班时间:8小时。应征职位:一位。学历:如果毕业的话有高中学历。语言能力:有。兴趣:很多。生日:还没到吧!经历:刚来的时候摔了一跟头!曾任职位:小学时当过纠察队喔!Don't use “I” in your resume.• 已婚未婚:父母有结婚。
• 未来期望:再找好工作。
• 希望待遇:希望大家都很疼我求职渠道的获取
• 互联网
• 亲戚、朋友、导师介绍 各高校毕业生专场招聘会 应届生求职网(浙江频道)、高校人才网、浙江人才网 51job、智联招聘、中国英才网、文理学院就业信息网 广州一场招聘会上,一家公司把应聘者有微博列入了招聘条件。用人单位觉得微博
Cover letter 求职信/自荐信
• 又叫自我推荐信或自荐信
• 主要表述主观愿望与专业特长
• 投递简历的信箱
• 邮件的形式
• 选择稳定性、可靠性高的邮箱,推荐Gmail,yahoo
• 邮箱的ID要显得专业,成熟并职业化。可采用英文名+中文姓氏;中文拼音+数字(注
• 若出身名校或经验丰富
• 推荐以正文的方式将简历粘贴到邮箱
要求以附件形式发送,则附件命名―应聘的职位+姓名‖ 电话面试 至少要写上应聘的职位和姓名
• 一对一面试 一对多面试 小组面试
• 时间:10-30分钟
• 目的:测试你的精神准备和心理准备 在交谈中注意语速和逻辑,若没有任何准备 Thank you for calling me, Mr.XX.Would you mind calling me again 5 minutes later
since my cell phone does not receive very well here, or you may leave your phone number and I will call you back.注意必要的礼仪、细节,把―谢谢‖挂在嘴边
记笔记 • • •
• 女生
• 庄重典雅的套装—— 《杜拉拉升职记》
• 男生 西装 领带 公文包 中高跟皮鞋
• How are you today? Tell me about yourself.What type of position are you looking for? What is your greatest strength? What is your greatest weakness?
• Why do you want to work for us?
•Son and Daughter 今天下午的 PWC(普化永道)面试晕了。感觉不太好。临走时,想轻松一下,拍拍马
屁。看到了桌上面试官小孩的照片。对他说:How lovely your son is.(你儿子很可爱啊)
他说了一句,我立马倒下:She is my daughter.(她是我女儿)我只好自圆其说:Like a son.(长得挺像儿子的)我觉得自己不再说人话了。别了,PWC
Personal Information: Name: 姓名
Sex: 性别
Date of Birth: 出生日期 E-Mail: 电子邮箱
Mobile Phone: 手机号码 Objective:
Academic Main Courses 主修课程
Computer Abilities 电脑操作能力
English Skills 英语技能
Qualifications 获得的证书
第一章 绪论及基本概念(2课时)
重点讲解:内力、应力和应变的概念和胡克定律。介绍本课程重点内容及学习方法。第二章 轴向拉伸与压缩(6课时)
第三章 扭转(6课时)
第四章 弯曲应力(10课时)
第五章 梁弯曲时的位移(6课时)
第六章 简单的超静定问题(6课时)
第七章 应力状态与强度理论(8课时)
第五章 法律冲突
Relationship between U.S.state and federal law
The relationship between state and federal law in federal courts gives rise to complex
issues in both domestic and international cases.These issues are subject to the so-called
Until the 1930s, the federal courts had followed the rule of Swiff v.Tyson and applied a
general federal common law in diversity cases.Under Swiff v.Tyson, federal courts were generally free to apply state general federal common law, while state courts were at liberty to apply state common law.In Erie Railroad Co.v.Tompkins, however, the Supreme Court narrowly limited the federal court’s authority to fashion general common law rules.Declaring that “there is no federal general common law,” the Court held that, in the absence of valid federal legislation, federal courts must ordinarily apply state substantive law, including state common law rules fashioned by state courts.The Court based its decision in large part on the perceived “mischievous results” that flowed from permitting federal courts to apply federal law, and state courts to apply state law. To redress these perceived defects, Erie established fundamentally new principles governing
the relationship between state and federal law that a valid federal statute, treaty, or regulation preempts inconsistent state law, and must be applied by both state courts and federal diversity and alienage courts.If no valid federal substantive law applies, however, the Erie doctrine provides generally that “procedural” issues in federal diversity actions are governed by federal procedural law, while “substantive” issues are governed by state substantive law.Federal procedural law applies only in federal courts, not in state courts.Relationship between international agreements and U.S.law
The U.S.Constitution permits entry by the United States into “treaties”.In determining the
legal effects of a treaty under U.S.law, U.S.courts distinguish sharply betweenand “have immediate legal effects within the contracting states, without the need for implementing legislation or regulations;a non-executing treaty is not intended to have direct legal effect, but instead contemplates domestic implementing legislation.Whether a treaty is self-executing or non-executing under U.S.law depends on the intentions of the United States in ratifying the treaty. The U.S.Constitution declares that self-executing treaties are the ”Supreme Law of the
Land“.Even without implementing legislation, self-executing treaties are federal law that enjoy essentially the same status in U.S.courts as federal statutes.Self-executing treaties create enforceable rights in U.S.courts and preempt inconsistent state law.In the case of conflict between treaties and federal statutes, a ”last-in-time“ rule applies: a federal statute supersedes prior inconsistent treaties, and conversely, a treaty supersedes prior inconsistent federal statutes.In contrast, non-self-executing treaties lack binding force in U.S.courts until implemented
by congressional statute.As a result, federal law ordinarily prevails over inconsistent non-self-executing treaties.The same result apparently also applies with respect to state statutes and state common law.Relationship between customary international law and U.S law
The status of customary international law in U.S.courts is less clear than that of treaties
and other international agreements.In practice, the direct application of customary international law occurs in relatively few cases, owing principally to the comprehensive
character of U.S.law and the fragmentary coverage of international law.In the absence of any federal law on an issue, U.S.courts will generally give effect to
customary international law.If a subsequent federal statute requires a result contrary to preexisting principles of customary international law, then U.S.courts must give Congress's legislation priority.They must do so even though this will place the United States in violation of international law.Moreover, even when a preexisting federal statute is said to be inconsistent with subsequent international practice, the prior statute will probably prevail.The same result should apply in conflicts between customary international law and rules of federal common law.The effect of a conflict between customary international law and state law is less clear.Because customary international law is federal law, it should in principle preempt both prior and subsequent state law.思考判断
第六章 冲突规范
Concept and types of the conflict rule
The norms indirectly regulating facts of private international law form a special group of statutory provisions called conflict rules.On a broader plane a conflict rule is understood to mean a norm regulating any conflict of law, to wit, determining which of several relevant rules is to be actually applied.Conflict cases may be international, when the choice is between the laws of several sovereign States;the norms resolving such conflicts are called conflict rules of the international type.Conflicts may also arise between differing laws of non-sovereign parts of a sovereign State.These are cases of interregional conflicts which are governed by interregional conflict rules.The structure of the choice-of-law rule
The theory of legislation distinguishes between three structural elements of a legal norm: fact, provision and sanction.The choice-of-law rule(conflict rule)is a legal norm of special structure exhibiting some peculiarity in each of these elements.Its most striking feature consists in never containing sanctions.The consequences of infringement are determined not by the conflict rule itself but by the positive rules of the legal system invoked by it.In this sense every conflict rule is a dependent norm.Some connecting factors at times fail to provide guidance for the judge in the discovery of the applicable law.Nationality, for instance, is a connecting factor which is inapplicable to stateless persons(have no nationality).Some connecting factors(nationality, domicile, residence, seat, location, etc.)are subject to change over time.It is necessary that the point of time relevant to the choice of law should always be defined in the conflict rules.The Need for “connecting factor”
In every legal system there is the need for some kind of link between the forum state and a person in order to determine when that state may exercise its sovereign powers with respect to that person.The particular link needed will often depend on the purpose for which a state wishes to exercise its power over a person.A little link may be needed in order for a state to exercise the power to tax;the fact that revenue was derived from an in-state transaction may be enough.A different, more substantial link to the forum state may be needed when the state seeks to require a person to defend himself in its courts or when the state seeks to impose substantive liability upon a person under the laws of the forum state.For these and many other purposes, legal systems establish “connecting factors.” The United States Supreme speaks, in various contexts, of “minimum contacts,” “significant contacts,” “affiliating circumstances,” and the like.From among the many connecting factors which may be used to establish the necessary link between a person and the forum state, all legal systems will identify one as the most important.It will serve as the connecting factor in virtually all circumstances and for all purposes.Other connecting factors will play a more subsidiary role, being usually restricted to specific situation.The structure, operation, and escape mechanisms of the traditional approach
The traditional approach was based on pre-conceived choice-of-law rules formulated around broad categories barrowed from domestic law, such as torts, contracts, conveyances, successions, status, etc.The process of employing these rules was divided into three distinct mental steps.The first step was to determine which rule was applicable to the problem by fitting that problem into legal category of tort, contract, and so forth.This step is known as characterization, classification, or qualification.The second step was to “localize” the connecting factor, to place it on the map, by determine where the tort or the contract occurred.The third step was to ascertain the content of the law of the state in which the connecting factor was located, to determine “how much” of that law was applicable to the case.Each of these three steps offered different opportunities for “escape” or manipulations.Judges who were dissatisfied with the results produced by an orthodox application of the traditional theory frequently have resorted to these escape.This casuistic and thus unpredictable practice inflicted a serious blow to the traditional theory’s claim of certainty and predictability.思考判断
与一般的法律规范的逻辑结构不同,冲突规范的结构包括”范围“和”系属“两部分。 一般说来,双边冲突规范可以分解成两个对立的单边冲突规范。
选择适用的冲突规范和重叠适用的冲突规范都必须有两个或两个以上的连结点。 连结点是冲突规范中将“范围”和“准据法”联系起来的客观的不变的事实根据。 系属公式都是从双边冲突规范的系属发展起来,并抽象化而形成的。
A 重叠性冲突规范B 有条件的选择性冲突规范C双边冲突规范D无条件的选择性冲突规范
A.单边冲突规范B.双边冲突规范 C.选择适用的冲突规范D.重叠适用的冲突规范 “亲子间的法律关系,依父之本国法;如无父时,依母之本国法”。属于哪种冲突规范?A单边冲突规范 B双边冲突规范 C 重叠型冲突规范 D 选择性冲突规范
A单边冲突规范 B双边冲突规范 C重叠适用的冲突规范 D选择适用的冲突规范
Approaches to choice-of-law problem
When you see a choice-of-law question on your conflict exam, you should write your
answer in terms of the choice-of-law approach the forum court follows.But what approach is that?
(1)If your question tells you which approach is to be used, for example, ”assume that the
forum follows the approach to choice of law suggested by the Restatement(Second)of Conflict,“ then obviously you should answer the question in terms of that(Second Restatement's ”most significant relationship“)approach.(2)But if no approach is specified in the question, you should analyze the question in terms
of several different approaches.The following four approaches, or a combination of them, are used by most American courts today:(a)Traditional, vested rights approach of the First Restatement--the law of the state in which the parties' rights ”vested“ applied;(b)Most significant relationship approach of the Second Restatementthe court considers the underlying policies of the laws of the state involved and the interest of the states in furthering those policies to decide which law should be applied to the particular issue;and(d)Leflar's ”better law“ approach-this approach rejects ”rules“ and ”formulas“ and based on particular consideration, selects the better law.Substance or Procedure
A subset of the characterization problem involves the choice between substance and
procedure.Under the traditional approach, procedural problems(those dealing with the process of litigation)were controlled by forum law;substantive issues(those involving claims of right)were determined by the law of another jurisdiction. The substance/procedure dichotomy arises because the forum has strong reasons for seeing
its law applied to issues concerning pleading, motion practice, the presentation of evidence, and so forth.Forum interest and convenience, therefore, should dictate the classification of an issue as ”procedure.“ Expressed differently, if neither the forum's interest nor judicial convenience is involved, no reason exists to treat the problem as ”procedure." The focus should be on whether the reasons which gave rise to the substance/procedure distinction are involved in the problem, not on the judge's vague intuition or on a precedent which addressed the issue in a different setting and is, therefore of questionable application.思考判断
第八章 冲突法的一般问题
1901年11月,法国法院认为,“经父母同意而缔结婚姻”是属于婚姻能力问 题,依属人法,判决这个婚姻由于未按法国法的要求取得父母的同意而无
上诉法院将结婚是否需父母之同意视作婚姻的方式问题适用缔结地英国 法,而英国法无此限制。因此判决戴安娜前婚有效,支持了原告。1908年7
The “characterization of the cause of action” means the allocation of the question raised by
the factual situation before the court to its correct legal category.Its object is relevant to rule for the choice of law.The rule of any given system of law are arranged under different categories, some being concerned with status, others with succession, procedure, contract,tort and so on.The jurisdiction-selecting rules of the First Restatement required that each case be labeled
in order to determine which choice of law rule applied.If the case were labeled a “contract” problem, then the law of the place of making or performance would be applied;if the case sounded in “tort”, then the system specified application of the law of the place of jury.Obviously, the result could turn on which label the court chose for problem.Although characterization is probably an inescapable part of thinking conceptually about
any problem, its use entails a substantial risk.Such “decision-making by pigeon-hole” avoid the reasoning necessary to explain why a particular pigeon-hole should be chosen.Characterization encourages mechanical choice rather than reflective inquiry into the reasons why a particular result is proper.Characterization plays a less prominent role in modern theories, which have tried to focus
on the policies that legal rules are designed to serve.Interest analyst, such as Currie, have very little regard for this device.Because the Second Restatement employs a number of jurisdiction-selecting presumptions, characterization cannot be avoided when using that system.
Date of Birth:
Present Address: