奥巴马在父亲节的致词 Hi, everybody. This Sunday is Father’s Day, and so I wanted to take a moment to talk about the most important job many of us will ever hav
奥巴马在父亲节讲话 “在我们建立我们生活所依附的岩石中,今天我们要记起来的是,最重要的岩石是家庭。我们须要认识到并予以肯定的是,每位父亲对这个基础能起多么关键的作用。
Hi, everybody. Sunday is Father's Day. If you haven't got Dad a gift yet, there's still time. Just barely. But the truth is, what we give our fathers can never
美国总统奥巴马2014年父亲节讲话Hi, everybody.Sunday is Father’s Day.If you haven’t got Dad a gift yet, there’s still time.Just barely. But the truth is, what
奥巴马每周演讲2013-06-15:Celebrating Father's Day Weekend 演讲稿中英对照:Hi, everybody. This Sunday is Father’s Day, and so I wanted to take a moment(升调) to tal
Obama Father’s Day Speech••• Hi, everybody. This Sunday is Father’s Day, and so I wanted to take a moment to talk about the most important job many of us w
父亲节演讲稿 Today, this day reminds us that we depend on to create the cornerstone of life, the most important thing is family. We must recognize, and certainl
2013奥巴马父亲节演讲稿_奥巴马父亲节致辞hi, everybody. this sunday is father’s day, and so i wanted to take a moment to talk about the most important job many
篇一:奥巴马父亲节演讲稿 obama father’s day speech ? ? ? hi, everybody. this sunday is father’s day, and so i wanted to take a moment to talk about the most im
奥巴马父亲节演讲稿 hi, everybody. this father’s day weekend, i’d like tospend a couple minutes talking about what’s sometimes my hardest, but always mymost r
Hi, everybody. This Sunday is Father’s Day, and so I wanted to take a moment to talk about the most important job many of us will ever have – and that’s bein
hi, everybody. this sunday is father’s day, and so i wanted to take a moment to talk about the most important job many of us will ever have – and that’s bein
Hi, everybody. This Father’s Day weekend, I’d like to spend a couple minutes talking about what’s sometimes my hardest, but always my most rewarding job – b
THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Everybody have a seat. First of all, let's give thanks that it's not raining, because we thought it might be and we were worrie
奥巴马在父亲节讲话 (原文及翻译)
奥巴马在父亲节讲话 中英文对照稿 [align=center][size=5][color=black]此中文翻译稿转自译言[/color][/size][/align][align=center][size=5][color=#ff0000][/color][/siz
奥巴马每周电视讲话(2月19日) 大耳朵英语http://www.xiexiebang.com 2011-02-19 22:55:01 【打印】 Remarks of President Barack Obama As Prepared for Delivery Febr
核安全峰会(Nuclear Security Summit)于4月13日上午在华盛顿举行全体会议,美国总统奥巴马在开幕式上致辞。 Remarks by President Obama at the Opening Plenary Session of t