教案-商务英语阅读-Unit 13-叶兴国
Unit 13 Teaching Objectives: 1. To remember and use new words and expressions; 2. To learn how to deal with marriage frictions; 3. To learn what is the differen
教案-商务英语阅读-Unit 5-叶兴国
Unit 5 Teaching Objectives: 1. To remember and use new words and expressions; 2. To have general ideas of “financial management”; 3. To review some basic read
教案-商务英语阅读-Unit 1- 叶兴国
Unit 1 Teaching Objectives: 1. To introduce the teaching contents and teaching plan; 2. To have a general idea of the New International Style of Management; 3.
教案-商务英语阅读-Unit 8-叶兴国
Unit 8 Teaching Objectives: 1. To learn how to live and how to plan our life; 2. To learn how to beat retirement blues; 3. To know about the memorial methods to
教案-商务英语阅读-Unit 10-叶兴国范文
Unit 10 Teaching Objectives: 1. To remember and use new words and expressions; 2. To learn Why people say attitude is everything and how you can be happy; 3. T
教案-商务英语阅读-Unit 11-叶兴国
Unit 11 Teaching Objectives: 1. To remember and use new words and expressions; 2. To learn how businesses publicize their ideas of environmental protection; 3.
教案-商务英语阅读-Unit 2- 叶兴国
Unit 2 Teaching Objectives: 1. To have general ideas of the three texts; 2. To remember and use new words and expressions; 3. To be clear about how fast you can
教案-商务英语阅读-Unit 6-叶兴国
Unit 6 Teaching Objectives: 1. To remember and use new words and expressions; 2. To learn how managers get ideas from many people to make better decisions; 3. T
教案-商务英语阅读-Unit 12-叶兴国(合集五篇)
Unit 12 Teaching Objectives: 1. To remember and use new words and expressions; 2. To learn how we can save time to do what we really want; 3. To learn how much
教案-商务英语阅读I-Unit 4-叶兴国五篇范文
Unit 4 Teaching Objectives: 1. To remember and use new words and expressions; 2. To have general ideas of “personal brand”; 3. To learn how to polish up one’
兴国简介邮编:342400 代码:360732 区号:0797 拼音:Xīng Guó Xiàn 英译:Xingguo County 兴国县位于江西省中南部、赣州市北部,平固江上游。东接宁都县、于都县,南连赣县,西邻万安
——人才改革开放以来,我国经济社会取得巨大进步,但人口多、基础差、经济落后、发展不平衡、现代化水平低等基本国情尚未根本改变。另,新世纪新阶段,我国 -
关于兴国县红色资源的调研 (江西科技师范大学 经济管理学院 12工管2班 陈林)20125715 摘要: 兴国县是全国闻名的将军县、红军县、苏区模范县和全国对外开放县,这里走出了共和国
暑假伊始,我作为山东师范大学历史与社会发展学院“情系东明”社会实践服务队的队员之一,通过对山东省菏泽市东明县菜园集镇祥寨村的走访调查,令我感受最深 -
【商务英语】述职报告范文 2012/10/31 10:44:06 浏览过 4565 次 作者:zhibs 分享到 【商务英语】述职报告范文,珠海IBS英语学校编辑接下来会给大家介绍不同场合情况下
公司介绍McDonald's Corporation
随着西方习俗和文化对亚洲的渗入,西方的快餐业也大量融进中国市场。其中麦当劳就是最成功的快餐行业中的例子。 现在麦当 -
商务英语之商务交际英语口语集锦 久仰! I ve heard so much about you. 好久不见了! Long time no see. 辛苦了! You ve had a long day.Youve had a long flight. 尊敬的朋
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