骆志勇,男,汉族,1975年3月出生,安徽户籍 1996年毕业、专业:服装设计与工程,在校期间曾担任学生会宣传部部长,其中毕业设计作品《紫烟》、《北海之恋》获省青年服装大赛“优秀奖”。并在毕业后留校任教,所担任的课程项目为服装工艺、设计、结构。三项主打课程。
1996至1998年5月担任安徽省合肥市兴鹏职业技术学院服装结构与工艺教师,并兼任安徽合肥春鹤服饰有限公司的服装设计板师,并在该年度代表该公司参加“上海08服饰流行”服装大赛作品《回归》获得最佳创意奖。其中曾多次在各大报纸、杂志发表个人的设计作品和专业学术论文。1998年6月至2000年6月,上海服装公司(日资企业)。1999年11月到2000年5月期间公司委派去日本,在日本大阪岛田美服饰公司担任服装设计。2000年8 月至2001年7 月任安徽皖深科技学院服装教研部副主任兼服装结构设计主讲教师。2001年至2003间,又随着西部的发展与变动来到中国西南部广西,并在广西华南学校和广西民族学院担任服装设计、服装结构、服装缝纫刺绣等课程的教师。2005年-2009年6月,在江西服装学院任教期间,多次指导学生参加全国服装大赛,学生的作品先后在“中华杯”、“润华杯”“真维斯杯”等大型服装设计比赛中入围并获奖。在教学中,本人主要担任的课目是男装结构、女装结构、服装工业制版等主讲教师。因在教学中以独特的讲学方式,抽象的理解、全方位的思维理念,受到学院领导和学生的一致好评。2009年7月至今 东莞虎门高培服装职业培训学校担任教学部长 主要讲授课程:
个人获奖: 1995年毕业设计作品(萌动我心)荣获安徽省大学生艺术创意作品大赛金奖。1996年设计作品〈狂日冰夏〉被安徽服装艺术设计协会活动指定使用服装。1998年代表日资企业设计作品〈东方神日〉荣获日本第九界“神武杯”三等奖。2000年设计作品〈情迷广岛〉荣获“汉帛杯”银奖。
2002年广西“华南杯”服装设计大赛作品〈尚〉荣获金奖。2003年广西华南区域青年服装设计大赛作品〈民族魂〉金奖 2005年江西省优秀教师评选为“最佳园丁”奖 2006年设计作品〈紫烟〉荣获“中华杯”江西分赛区一等奖。2007年设计作品〈时尚奥运〉荣获“润华杯”二等奖。2007年内衣设计作品〈瑕〉荣获“真维斯杯”银奖 2008年6月被评为学院最佳设计指导老师。2008年12月参加江西省教师组教学成果大赛,作品《梦回唐朝》荣获二等奖。2009年礼服设计作品〈我心依旧〉荣获“名瑞杯”最佳市场潜力“奖 2010年毛纺服装织设计作品〈呈现空间〉荣获大朗杯最佳创意及最好人气大奖。2011年毛纺服装织设计作品〈帝国时代〉参加大郎全国毛纺织设计比赛并获奖。作品发表杂志: 《上海服饰》《东莞服饰》《时尚》《教育交流》《华章》〈南派服饰〉等。主要社会实践活动:
2001国家纺织品流行趋势发布会设计师。2004江西“梦尼坦”形象设计总指导。2006上海国际时装模特大赛特聘造型指导。2008江西旅游小姐总决赛特约造型师,服装设计师。2009 东莞“时尚淘”活动艺术总指导。2010东莞大学生促进会形象设计大赛艺术总监。2011东莞大学生促进会第三界形象设计大赛艺术总监。2009-2011连续三届虎门“沃格杯”服装设计大赛总指导。
《女装结构设计》主编 江西科技出版社
《服装缝纫与刺绣》 主编 安徽美术出版社
《服装立体裁剪》主编 江西师范出版社
《服装工业制版》副主编 中国纺织出版社 《服装结构与工艺》副主编 江西科技出版社
《服装画技法》参编 江西科技出版社
《服装色彩学》参编 江西科技出版社
《服装图案学》参编 江西科技出版社
《服装设计手册》主编 虎门高培教材
《服装工程手册》主编 虎门高培教材
2003年广西华南学院、民族学院、纺织工程学院等各艺术系设计大赛评委。2005年“中华杯”服装设计大赛江西赛区评委 2006年 江西服装学院“润华杯”服装设计大赛评委。2008年江西大学生设计作品展发布工程类赛区技术评委。2009年东莞虎门uck形象设计大赛主评委。2009年虎门高培“沃格杯”服装设计大赛评委。2010年虎门“欧尚杯”服装设计大赛评委。2010年东莞时尚淘活动形象设计、服装搭配评委。2011年虎门“高培杯”形象设计大赛主评委。2012年 首届“创业杯”服装设计大赛复赛、总决赛评委。
1、《纺织教育》第25卷第一期发表“高职服装专业的模块化教学方式” 国际标准刊号:issn 1000-615x国内统一刊号:cn 31-1013/g4
2、《纺织教育》02期发表学术论文:《服装工程“模块化”教学探讨》国际标准刊号:issn 1000-615x国内统一刊号:cn 31-1013/g4
8、《教育交流》09年第一期发表论文:《谈服装设计人才培养》刊号issn 1004-2377。全国论文评比一等奖。9《教育交流》09年第2期发表论文:《谈服装结构设计》刊号issn 1004-2377。
12、《教育交流》09年第一期发表论文:《谈服装设计教学中学生创造力的培养》刊号issn 1004-2377。
个 人 简 历 篇三:简历封面大全
学 院:
专 业:
姓 名:
电 话:
学 校:西北师范大学知行学院 专 业: 会 计
姓 名:王 佳 钰
电 话:*** 姓 名: 学 院: 专 业:
电 话:篇四:中国57位开国上将名单及简历
中国57位开国上将名单及简历!2011-10-06 18:54:53| 中国57位开国上将名单及简历!
姓名 军衔 授衔时年龄 最高任职
王平上将 48 中国人民志愿军政委,军事学院政委,炮兵政委,武汉军区第一政委,总后勤部政委
王震 上将 47 铁道兵司令员兼政委,副总参谋长,中央军委常委,中央政治局委员,国家副主席
王宏坤 海军上将 46 海军第二政委
王建安 上将 49 沈阳军区副司令员,福州军区副司令员
王新亭 上将 47 济南军区代司令员兼第二政委,副总参谋长,中央军委副秘书长,军事科学院政委
韦国清 上将 42 总政治部主任,中央军委副秘书长,中央政治局委员
乌兰夫 上将 49 副总理,国家副主席,中央政治局委员
邓华 上将 45 中国人民志愿军代司令员兼代政委,副总参谋长,沈阳军区司令员,军事科学院副院长
叶飞 上将 41 福州军区司令员兼第一政委,交通部长,海军司令员兼第一政委 甘泗淇
上将 52 中国人民志愿军副政委兼政治部主任,总政治部副主任 吕正操 上将 50 铁道部代部长,中央军委军事运输司令员,铁道兵政委 朱良才 上将 55 北京军区政委 刘震 空军上将 40 空军副司令员,沈阳军区副司令员,新疆军区司令员,军事科学院副院长
刘亚楼 上将 41 空军司令员,国防部副部长
许世友 上将 49 副总参谋长,国防部副部长,南京军区司令员,广州军区司令员,中央军委常委,中央政治局委员
苏振华 海军上将 43 海军第一政委,中央军委副秘书长,上海市委第一书记,中央政治局委员
李达 上将 50 中国人民志愿军参谋长,国防部副部长,副总参谋长
李涛 上将 50 军委作战部部长,总参三部政委
李天佑 上将 41 广州军区代司令员,副总参谋长
李志民 上将 49 中国人民志愿军政委,高等军事学院政委,福州军区政委
李克农 上将 56 中共中央社会部部长,外家部副部长,军委总情报部部长,副总参谋长
李聚奎 上将 54 高等军事学院院长,后勤学院院长,政委,石油工业部部长,总后勤部政委
杨勇 上将 43 中国人民志愿军司令员,北京军区司令员,副总参谋长,中央军委副秘书长
杨至成 上将 52 武装力量监察部副部长,军事科学院副院长,高等军事学院副院长 杨成武 上将 41 北京军区司令员,代总参谋长,中央军委副秘书长
杨得志 上将 42 总政治部主任,中央军委副秘书长,国防部副部长,总参谋长,中央政治局委员
肖华 上将 39 总政治部主任,中央军委副秘书长
肖克 上将 47 训练总监部部长,军政大学校长,国防部副部长,军事学院院长,政委 宋时轮 上将 48 总高级步校校长兼政委,军事科学院院长
张宗逊 上将 47 副总参谋长,总后勤部部长
张爱萍 上将 45 副总理,中央军委副秘书长,国防部长
陈士榘 上将 46 工程兵司令员
陈再道 上将 46 武汉军区司令员,铁道兵司令员
陈伯钧 上将 45 高等军事学院院长
陈明仁 上将 52 二十一兵团司令员
陈奇涵 上将 58 军事法院院长,最高人民法院副院长
陈锡联 上将 40 炮兵司令员,沈阳军区司令员,北京军区司令员,副总理,中央政
周桓 上将 46 沈阳军区政委
周士第 上将 55 防空军司令员,训练总监部副部长兼外军训练部部长
周纯全 上将 50 总后勤部第一副部长兼政委,武装力量监察部第一副部长
赵尔陆 上将 50 第一机械工业部部长,国防科工委长务副主任 洪学智 上将 42 总后勤部部长,中央军委副秘书长
钟期光 上将 46 军事学院政委,军事科学院副政委
贺炳炎 上将 42 成都军区司令员
郭天民 上将 50 训练总监部副部长
唐亮 上将 45 南京军区政委,军政大学政委,政治学院院长,政委
陶峙岳 上将 63 新疆军区副司令员兼第22兵团司令员
阎红彦 上将 46 昆明军区第一政委
董其武 上将 56 23兵团司令员 彭绍辉 上将 49 训练总监部副部长,军事科学院副院长,副总参谋长
韩先楚 上将 42 副总参谋长,福州军区司令员,兰州军区司令员
傅钟 上将 55 总政治部副主任
傅秋涛 上将 48 中央军委人民武装部部长,总参队列部部长、动员部部长
赖传珠 上将 45 北京军区政委
黄永胜 上将 45 总参谋长兼军政大学校长,中央政治局委员,军委办事组组长 谢富治 上将 46 昆明军区司令员兼政委,公安部部长,副总理,北京市委第一书记,北京军区第一政委,中央政治局委员
勋章是综合记录将帅的革命资历、政治素质、战功、级别和职务的最好载体。57名开国上将中,有52名是老红军,乌兰夫是早年参加地方工作的老党员,吕正操是抗日战争时期参加八路军的老战士,董其武、陶峙岳、陈明仁是解放战争中率部起义的原国民党军将领。1955年和1957年两次授勋的情况是:49人荣获一级八一勋章,51人荣获一级独立自由勋章,57人均荣获一级解放勋章。具体细节如下: 1955年9月授予一级八一勋章、一级独立自由勋章、一级解放勋章35人:王宏坤、王新亭、王震、甘泗淇、朱良才、刘亚楼、李克农、李达、李聚奎、李涛、宋任穷、宋时轮、陈再道、陈伯钧、陈奇涵、陈锡联、周士第、周桓、洪学智、张宗逊、张爱萍、郭天民、许世友、彭绍辉、贺炳炎、傅秋涛、傅钟、叶飞、赵尔陆、阎红彦、赖传珠、谢富治、钟期光、萧克、萧华。1955年9月授予一级八一勋章、一级解放勋章,1957年6月授予一级独立自由勋章2人:刘震、周纯全。1955年9月授予一级八一勋章、一级解放勋章,1957年6月授予二级独立自由勋章2人:李天佑、杨至成。1955年9月授予一级独立自由勋章、一级解放勋章,1957年6月授予一级八一勋章6人:杨成武、王平、陈士榘、杨勇、杨得志、邓华。1955年9月授予一级独立自由勋章、一级解放勋章,1957年6月授予二级八一勋章1人:苏振华。1955年9月授予一级独立自由勋章、一级解放勋章1人:吕正操。1955年9月授予一级解放勋章,1957年6月授予一级八一勋章、一级独立自由勋章3人:韩先楚、李志民、黄永胜。
1957年6月授予一级八一勋章、一级独立自由勋章、一级解放勋章1人:王建安。1955年9月授予二级八一勋章、一级独立自由勋章、一级解放勋章2人:唐亮、韦国清。1955年9月授予一级解放勋章4人:乌兰夫、陈明仁、陶峙岳、董其武。由于上将是军队建设中的骨干力量,所以,被授予上将军衔的57人,在中国人民解放军各重要部门均担任主要或重要职务,它们涵盖了各总部、各军兵种、各军区、各重点院校: 萧克任国防部副部长兼训练总监部副部长,李达任国防部副部长兼训练总监部副部长,张宗逊任副总参谋长兼训练总监部副部长,李克农任副总参谋长,王震任副总参谋长兼铁道兵司令员、政治委员,许世友任副总参谋长兼南京军区司令员,邓华任副总参谋长兼沈阳军区司令员,彭绍辉任副总参谋长兼训练总监部副部长,张爱萍任副总参谋长,杨成武任副总参谋长兼北京军区司令员兼防空军司令员,韩先楚任副总参谋长,李涛任总参谋部第三部部长,傅秋涛任总参谋部队列部部长,王平任总参谋部动员部部长,吕正操任总参谋部军事交通部部长,傅钟任总政治部副主任,萧华任总政治部副主任兼总干部部副部长,甘泗淇任总政治部副主任,宋任穷任总干部部副部长,赖传珠任总干部部副部长,洪学智任总后勤部副部长,周士第任训练总监部副部长兼外军训练部部长,郭天民任训练总监部副部长兼军事出版部部长,周纯全任武装力量监察部第一副部长,杨至成任武装力量监察部副部长,陈再道任武装力量监察部副部长、武汉军区司令员兼湖北军区司令员,陈奇涵任军事法院院长,王宏坤任海军副司令员,苏振华任海篇五:安徽省正地厅级干部简历
丁海中,1951年4月生,江苏宿迁人,1975年6月入党,1968年12月工作,合肥工业大学机械一系长度计量及仪器制造专业毕业,大学普通班学历。1968年12月至1970年10月泾县白华公社下放知青;1970年10月至1973年9月芜湖市晶体管厂工人;1973年9月至1976年11月,合肥工业大学学生;1976年11月至1983年11月任芜湖市起重运输机器厂技术员、车间副主任、副厂长(其间:1980.09-1982.07合肥工业大学管理工程研究班学员);1983年11月至1989年12月任芜湖市计委副主任(其间:1985.09-1986.02挂职担任广东省江门市恩平县计委副主任);1987年9 月至1988年7月在中央党校中青年干部培训班学习;1989年12月至1993年3月任芜湖市轻工业局局长、党委副书记;1993年3月至1995年5 月任芜湖市轻工业局局长、党委副书记;1995年5月至1995年11月任芜湖市人民政府市长助理,市计委主任、党组书记;1995年11月至1998年 6月任芜湖市人民政府市长助理、党组成员,芜湖经济开发区管委会主任(副厅级)、党工委副书记;1998年6月至1999年8月任芜湖市委常委,市人民政府常务副市长、党组副书记;1999年8月至2001年4月任安徽省发展计划委员会副主任、党组成员;2001年4月至2001年5月任马鞍山市委副书记、代市长;2001年5月至2002年1月任马鞍山市委副书记、市人民政府代市长、党组书记;2002年1月至2003年4月任马鞍山市委副书记、市长、党组书记;2003年4月至2003年6月任马鞍山市委书记,市人大常委会党组书记;2003年6月任马鞍山市委书记、人大常委会主任、党组书记。2008年1月当选为马鞍山市人大常委会主任。2009年8月任中共安徽省委副秘书长。
郎 涛,安徽桐城人。曾任安徽省桐城市委书记;2000年3月任安徽省广播电影电视局党组书记、局长;2004年9月任中共安徽省委宣传部副部长。
安徽省纪律检查委员会 吴秀兰,女,1954年6月生,安徽桐城人,中央党校函授本科学历,中共党员1970年10月参加工作。历任安徽省铜陵铜官山铜矿工人,共青团铜官山区委副书记,铜陵市铜官山区环卫站站长、城建办副主任、副区长,铜陵苎麻纺织一厂党委副书记兼纪委书记,铜陵市苎麻一厂党委书记,铜陵市纪委副书记,铜陵市纪委书记,铜陵市委常委、市纪委书记,铜陵市委副书记,安徽省纪委副书记、省人大常委会委员。安徽省政法委员会
安徽省委党校 刘长功,1953年8月生,安徽灵壁人,大学本科学历,中共党员,1973年2月参加工作。历任宿县地委宣传布工作人员、副科长,共青团宿县地委书记,原宿州市市委副书记、市长,宿县地区行署教委主任、党组书记,宿县地委秘书长,宿县行署副专员,中共宿县地委副书记、宿州市委书记,中共滁州市委书记。现任中共安徽省委党校副校长。
张国富,1955年8月生,安徽合肥人,大学文化程度。1973年12月至1980年12月步兵73师218团战士、排长、政治处干事;1980年12月至1983年8月任城西湖农场政治部组织科干事;1983年8月至1986年6月任南京军区后勤部政治部秘书;1986年6月至1988年1月任安徽省委老干部局办公室干部;1988年1月至1990年4月任安徽省委老干部局办 公室巡视员(副科);1990年4月至1991年1月任安徽省委老干部局办公室巡视员(正科);1991年1月至1992年11月任安徽省委老干部局办公室副主任;1992年11月至1994年8月任安徽省委老干部局办公室主任;1994年8月至1999年2月任安徽省委老干部局副局长(正处级);1999年2月至2002年7月任安徽省委老干部局副局长(副厅级);2002年7月至2002年9月任宿州市委副书记;2002年9月至2008年4月任中共安徽省宿州市委副书记、党校校长;2008年4月任中共安徽省直属机关工作委员会书记。
黄 红,女,1957年生,安徽肥东人;大学文化,工学学士。历任冶金部 马鞍山 钢铁设计研究院团委副书记、书记、院党办副主任;马鞍山团市委书记;团安徽省委副书记;香港黄山有限公司副董事长、副总经理;安徽省粮食局党组成员、副局长。2008年5月任安徽省妇女联合会主席、党组书记。
王 宏,女,1970年2月生,安徽马鞍山人,大学学历。1990年7月毕业于南京邮电学院光纤通信专业分配至马鞍山市邮电局工作,历任市邮电局传输机房机务员,团委书记,特种业务服务中心主任,电信管理科副科长(正科);1997年5月调任马鞍山团市委工作,历任团市委副书记、书记、党组书记;2001年10月挂任市开发区工委副书记;2002年1月任团安徽省委副书记;2006年12月任团安徽省委书记。省政府直属厅局正职
方 宁,1955年7月生,安徽金寨人,中央党校在职研究生学历,中共党员,1973年2月参加工作。历任安徽省政府办公厅秘书、副处长、正处级秘书、处长、副主任、党组成员,1997年7月任宣城地委副书记;1998年6月任宣城地委副书记、行署副专员;1999年5月任宣城地委副书记;2000年11月任宣城地委副书记、行署专员;2001年1月任宣城市委副书记、市长;2003年6月任市委书记、市长;2001年1月任宣城市委副书记,市长,2003年6月任安徽省宣城市委书记、市长。2006年9月任安徽省宣城市委书记;2003年10月任宣城市委书记、市人大常委会主任;2008年2月任安徽省政府党组成员、秘书长。
张武扬,1955年生,安徽寿县人,生于湖北武汉,1982年安徽大学中文系毕业。历任安徽省政府法制办公室主任、党组书记;2008年6月任安徽省政府副秘书长、办公厅党组成员(正厅级)。吴 行,1958年5月生,江苏南京人,大学学历,中共党员,1977年2月参加工作。历任合肥客车厂政治处干事,安徽省政府办公厅人事处科员、副主任科员、主任科员,安徽省委组织部干部一处帮助工作,安徽省政府办公厅人事处副处长、处长、主任助理,1998年6月任安徽省人民政府办公厅副主任;安徽省蚌埠市委副书记、市委党校校长;2006年4月任安徽省广播电影电视局副局长、党组成员; 2007年4月任安徽省委、省政府副秘书长、省信访局局长、党组书记。
刘 奇,历任中共安徽省委政策研究室副主任;安徽省委政研室主任;中共安徽省委副秘书长;2008年6月任安徽省人民政府副秘书长、省扶贫开发领导小组办公室主任(正厅级)。
陈 翔,曾任安徽省政府办公厅副主任,2007年4月任安徽省人民政府副秘书长。程中才,1963年11月生,中共党员,研究生学历,高级工程师。历任安徽省政府秘书二室;2003年10月任安徽省水利厅副厅长、党组成员;2008年6月任安徽任省人民政府副秘书长。
贺 凌,1951年生,安徽界首人,大学学历,中共党员。1972年5月就读于西北电讯工程学院雷达工程专业。1975年12月—1978年2月任六机部七院七二三厂研究所和四机部国营八八○厂技术员;1979年9月—1984年3月任阜阳地区计划委员会助理工程师、地区行署办公室助理工程师、办公室秘书科副科长。1991年4月任阜阳地区行署办公室副主任、党组成员、高级工程师;1993年4月任阜阳地区行署副秘书长、行办党组成员,兼任阜阳电厂筹建处主任。1995年11月任安徽省电子工业局副局长。2000年4月任安徽省人大常委会财经工委副主任。2003年2月起任安徽省信息产业厅党组书记、厅长。2009年5月任安徽省经济和信息化委员会党组书记、副主任。
安徽省科技厅 徐根应,历任合肥工业大学副校长;2000年3月任安徽省教育厅副厅长;安徽省科技厅厅长。
安徽省国家安全厅 周成方,中学就读于浙江省奉化江口中学,大学本科毕业于西南政法学院,1984年参加工作,原任职于国家安全部,2008年6月任安徽省国家安全厅厅长、党委书记。
刘 健,1955年12月生,江苏铜山人,出生于安徽五河,1978年9月入党,1973年6月参加工作,研究生学历。1973年6月任安徽省五河县新集园艺场知青;1975年11月任安徽省蚌埠肉联厂团委副书记;1979年6月任共青团安徽省蚌埠市委办事员、学少部长、办公室主任;1984年12月任共青团安徽省蚌埠市委副书记;1988年4月任共青团安徽省蚌埠市委书记;1989年6月任共青团安徽省蚌埠市委书记、党组副书记;1991年4月任安徽省蚌埠市工商行政管理局局长、党组副书记;1993年3月任安徽省蚌埠市工商行政管理局局长、党组书记;1995年11月任安徽省工商行政管理局副局长、党组成员;2000年6月任中共安徽省亳州市委常委、市政府筹备组常务副组长;2000年9月任中共安徽省亳州市委常委、市政府副市长;2001年1月任中共安徽省亳州市委副书记、市政府副市长;2003年5月任中共安徽省亳州市委副书记、市政府副市长、代市长;2003年11月任中共安徽省亳州市委副书记、市政府市长;2006年6月任中共安徽省淮南市委副书记、市政府代市长2007年1月任中共安徽省淮南市委副书记、市政府市长。2008年2月任安徽省民政厅党组书记、厅长。
◆Name:Wei HongGender:MaleNative Place:Nan Jing.Jiang SuDate of Birth:1986-10-12 Recent State:StudentQualification:MasterMajor:Mechanical and Electronic Engineering
Address:Soochow UniversityNO.1 ShiZi Street SuZhou City ◆Education Background
Qualification: BachelorMajor:Mechanical Engineering.School:Nantong UniversityGraduate Date: 2008/07
Qualification: MasterMajor:Mechanical Engineering.School:SooChow UniversityGraduate Date: 2012/07◆Honors / Awards:
The Third Prize Scholarship、Excellent Student Cadre、Excellent League Member、Outstanding League Cadres.◆Computer Skills
Skilled in use of Microsoft Office System and kinds of software, such as AutoCAD、Pro/E、ANSYS, etc.◆Work Experience
During the undergraduate, did the visit practice in SIMON ELECTRIC Co.Ltd.、NanTong BOILER Plant ,etc.Being in Suzhou university, do production practice in Jiang Yuan Precision Machinery Co.Ltd.Participated in the projects “Polymer microfluidic chip transmission laser welding equipment and technologies”, have some research and development experience.As a monitor and a leader of the department under the Student Association , have organized many activities, own much skills on organizational and communication.◆Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a pressure environment.Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit.Work hard and honesty are my greatest strengths.
I never thought I would be addressing you, the esteemed members of the Oxford Union, without a guitar or an erhu, without my crazy stage hair and costumes, but I did perform in the O2 Arena in London last week.I’m not sure if any of you [x]…
But in many ways that is similar to what I’m talking about today, that is, introducing Chinese pop music.See, I’m actually an ambassador for Chinese pop, whether I like it or not, for both music and movies, and today I’m here to give you a State of Union address.It’s not the Oxford Union, it’s the union of East and West.I want to frankly and openly and honestly talk about how we’ve done a good job, or how we’ve done a bad job, of bringing Chinese pop to the West.And I also want to impress upon all of you here today the workings of that soft power exchange and how each of us is involved in that exchange.Soft power, a term I’m sure you’re all familiar with, coined by Rhodes Scholar and Oxford alumnus Joseph Nye, is defined as the ability to attract and persuade.Shashi Tharoor called it, in a recent TEDTalk, “the ability of a culture to tell a compelling story and influence others to fall in love with them”.I like that definition.But I want to put it in collegiate term for you students in the audience.The way I see it, East and West, are kinda like freshmen roommates.You don’t know a lot about each other aside that you’re living with each other in the same room.And each one is scared the other’s gonna steal his shower time or wants to party when the other wants to study.It has the potential to be absolute hell.We all have horror stories of that roommate, we all heard about those stories.I know a lot of students here in Oxford have their own separate bedrooms.But when I was a freshman at Williams College [crowd interjects] You’re kidding!Woohoo!Well I had a roommate.And he was that roommate.Let’s just call him Frank.So Frank was my roommate and Frank liked nothing more than to smoke weed.[laughter] And he did it every day.And Frank had a 2-foot long bong under his bed that was constantly being fired up.For those Chinese speakers in the audience, Frank would 火力全开 on that bong.So I guess I was kinda the opposite of Bill Clinton, who tried marijuana but didn’t inhale: I didn’t try marijuana but I did inhale.Every single day.Second hand.And strangely enough, every time I go into our bedroom, I mysteriously end up being late for class.I was like, dude is it already 10 o’clock?
So, how many of you have lived with that Frank, or be a Frank? Having a roommate can be a recipe for disaster, but it also can have the potential of being the greatest friendship you’ve ever had.See, Frank, he didn’t make it to second year.And I got two new roommates instead: Stephan and Jason, and these days the three of us are the best of friends.So going back to my analogy, East and West, as roommates, do we want to be Frank, or do we want to be Steph and Jason, and I think in this day and age, in 2013, we should all be striving for the latter.I’m assuming we all agree that this is the goal that we all strive for.Now, let’s look at where we are in reality, in recent headlines, in the media include, Foreign policy [maybe?], China’s victim complex, Why are Chinese leaders so paranoid about the United States or the [AP, the Associated Press?], Human rights in China worse than US.Bloomberg says, on the cover of this magazine, Yes, the Chinese army is spying on you [laughter] And it’s such a great one that I want to show you the cover of the magazine [laughter][Ed:check out the photo on the right!] Yes, be very afraid![laughter]
There’s actually an extremely high amount of negativity and fear and anxiety about China, Sinophobia, that I think is not just misinformed and misleading and ultimately dangerous.Very dangerous.And what about how Westerners are viewed by Chinese? Well, we have terms for Westerners.The most common of which are gwailo, in Cantonese which means “the old devil”, laowai, meaning “the old outsider” in Mandarin, ang moh, which means “the red hairy one” in Taiwanese, and the list goes on and on.So are these roommates heading for a best friend relationship? I think we need a little help.And as China rise to power, I think it is more important than ever for us to more discerning about what we believe because after all, I think, that’s the purpose of higher education, and that’s why we are all here, to be able to think for ourselves and make our own decisions.China’s not just those headlines.The burgeoning economy with unique politics.It is not just the world’s factory or the next big superpower, it’s so much more, a billion people with rich culture, amazing stories, and as a product of both of those cultures, I want to help foster an understanding between the two.And [x] that incredible relationship, because knowing both sides of the coin, I really think that there is a love story waiting to be told, ready to unfold.And I’m only half joking when I said love story because I believe it is the stories that will save us and bring us closer together.And my thesis statement for today’s talk is that the relationship between East and West needs to be and can be fixed via pop culture, and I’m going to try and back it up.Now, the UN Sec-Gen Ban Ki Moon said, “There are no languages required in the musical world.That is the power of music.That is the power of heart.” Through this promotion of arts we can better understand the culture and civilisation of other people.And in this era of instability and intolerance, we need to promote better understanding through the power of music.The UN Sec-Gen thinks that we need more music, and I think that he is right.Music and arts have always played a key role in my life, in building relationships, replacing what once were ignorance, fear and hatred, with acceptance, friendship and even love.So I have a strong case for promoting music between cultures because it happened to me early in my life.I was born in Rochester, New York, I barely spoke a word of Chinese.I didn't know the difference between Taiwan or Thailand.[laughter] I was as American as apple pie, until one day on the 3rd grade playground, the inevitable finally happened: I got teased for being Chinese.Now every kid gets teased or being made fun of in the playground, but this was fundamentally different and I knew right then and there.So this kid let’s call him Brian [x].He started making fun of me, saying “Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these!” [laughing] We’re laughing now but it hurt!
I could still remember how I felt, I felt ashamed, I felt embarrassed.But I laughed along with everyone.And I didn't know what else to do.It was like having an out of body experience.As if I could laugh at that Chinese kid on the playground with all the other Americans because I was one of them, right? Wrong, on many levels.And I was facing the first and definitely not the last time the harsh reality was that I was minority in Rochester, which in those days had an Asian population of 1%.And I was confused.I wanted to punch Brian.I wanted to hurt him for putting me in that situation but he was faster than me, and he was stronger than me, and he would kick my butt and we both knew that, so I just took it in.I didn't tell anyone or share with anyone these feelings, I just held them in and I let them fester.And those feelings would surface in a strangely therapeutic way for me through music, and it was no coincidence that around at that time I started getting good with the violin, and the guitar and the drums.And I’d soon discovered that by playing music or singing that the other kids would for a brief moment forget about my race or color and accept me and then be able to see me for who I truly am: a human being who is emotional, spiritual, curious about the world, and has a need for love just like everyone else.And by the sixth grade, guess who asked me if I would the drummer of their band? Brian.And I said yes.And that’s when we together formed an elementary school rock band called… Nirvana.I’m not kidding, I was in a rock band called Nirvana before Kurt Cobain's Nirvana was ever known… So when Nirvana came out, Brian and I were like, hey he’s stealing our name!But really what attracted me to music at this young age was just that, and still is what I love about music, is that it breaks down the walls between us and shows us so quickly the truth that we are much more alike than we [think?].And then in high school, I learned that music wasn’t just about connecting with others, like Brian and I were connected through music.It was a powerful tool of influence and inspiration.Sam [Nguyen?] was my high school janitor.He was an immigrant from Vietnam who barely spoke a word of English.Sam scrubbed the floors and cleaned the bathrooms of our school for twenty years.He never talked to the kids, and the kids never talked to Sam.But one day before the opening night of our school’s annual musical, he walked up to me holding a letter, and I was taken aback and I was thinking, why is Sam the janitor approaching me? And he gave me this letter that I’ve kept it to this day, it was scrawled in shaky hand written in all capitals and it read, in my all years working as a janitor at Sutherland, you were the first Asian boy to play the lead role.I’m going to bring my 6-year-old daughter to watch you perform tonight because I want her to see that Asians can be inspiring.And that letter just floored me.I was 15 years old and I was absolutely stunned.That was the first time I realized how music was so important.With Brian, it helped two kids who were initially enemies to become friends, but with Sam, music went beyond the one-on-one.It was an even higher level;it influenced others I didn’t even know, in ways I could never imagine.I can’t tell you how grateful I am to Sam to this day, he really is one of the people who helped me discover my life’s purpose, and I had no idea that something I did could mean more than ever imagined to an immigrant from Vietnam who barely even spoke English.Pop culture, music, and the other methods of storytelling, movies, TV dramas, they are so key, and they do connect us, like me and Brian, and do influence us, and inspire us.Then let’s take another look at this state of union, the East and West union, with this soft power bias.How is the soft power exchange between these two roommates? Are there songs in English that have become hits in China? Sure.How about movies? Well, there are so many that China has had to limit the number of Hollywood movies imported into the country so that local films could even have a chance at success.What about [x], well, [inaudible exchange with an audience member], yeah, and movies, well there was Crouching Tiger [Hidden Dragon], that was 13 years ago.Well, I think there’s a bit of an imbalance here.It’s called “soft power deficit”, that is to say the West influences the East more than vice versa.Forgive me for using “East” and “West” kinda loosely, it’s a lot easier to say than “English-speaking… language” or “Asian-speaking… language/Chinese”, I’m making generalisation and I hope you can go with me on this.And it’s just intrinsically a problem, this imbalance in pop culture influence.And I think so.In any healthy relationship, friendship, marriage, isn’t it important for both sides to make an effort to understand the other? And that this exchange needs to have a healthy balance? And how do we address this? As an ambassador for Chinese pop music and movies, I have to ask myself a question: Why does this deficit exist? Is it because Chinese music just [is lame?].Do you want me to answer that? [laughter] Yeah I think I see some of you are like, stop complaining and write a hit song!Psy did it!But there’s truth in that.The argument being that, the content that we’ve created just isn’t as internationally competitive.But why shouldn’t it?
Look at Korean pop, look at K-pop for example.Korean is an export-based economy and they are outward looking and they must be outward looking.Chinese pop on the other hand can just stay domestic, tour all over China, stick in territories and comfortably sustain.So when you’re that big and powerful, with over 160 cities in China with a million or more people, you tend to kinda turn inward and be complacent.So this certainly can be made an argument made for Chinese pop not being marketed with international sensibilities, but the other side of the argument I think is more interesting and thought provoking and even more true, is that Western ears aren’t familiar with and therefore don’t really understand how to appreciate Chinese music.Ouch!
The reason I think that the argument holds water though is because that’s exactly what I went through, so I happen to know a thing or two about learning to appreciate Chinese pop as a Westerner.'Cos I was 17 years old when I went from being an Asian kid in America to being an American kid in Asia, and the entire paradigm suddenly got flipped on its head.I grew up listening to Beastie Boys, Led Zeppelin, Guns and Roses, and I found myself in Taiwan listening to the radio and thinking, where’s the beat? Where’s the screeching guitar solos? Here I am as an American kid in Asia listening to Chinese music for the first time and thinking that “this stuff is lame.I don’t like it!” I thought it was cheesy, production value was low, and the singers couldn’t belt like Axl Rose or Mariah Carey.But then one day, I went to my first Chinese pop concert, and it was Harlem Yu performing at the Taipei Music Centre, and as he performed, I looked around the audience and I saw their faces and the looks in their eyes and their response to his music, and it was clear to me finally where the problem lay.It wasn’t that the music that was lacking, it was my ability to appreciate it and to hear it in the right way.The crowd, they would sing along and be totally immerse in his music, and I thought that it was significant, that I was missing the point and from now on, I was going to somehow learn how to get it, I was gonna learn how to hear with both ears, and I deconstructed and analysed what it was that made Chinese audiences connect with certain types of melodies, and rhythms, and song structures, and lyrics, and that’s what I’ve been doing for the past almost twenty years, and it took me a long time and I am still learning but at some point, I not only began to be able to appreciate the music but I started being able to contribute to it and create my own fresh spins on the tried-and-true.And I think this happens to everyone, really, who is on the outside looking in.It always looks strange if you looked at things from your perspective, you’re always going to think that these people are weirdos, what’s wrong with them, why are they listening to these stuff? And I’m saying that you can make the effort [x], it can be done, and I’m living proof of that.And as an ambassador of Chinese pop, I’m trying to get people to open up to a sound that they may not feel is palatable on the first listen.So what else can we do to reduce this imbalance in our popular cultures? Well, maybe we could talk a lot, tour more outside of China? But seriously, actually I think the tides have already started to change, very slowly, very cautiously, almost calculatedly.You see more cross-cultural exchange now, more interest in China, definitely a lot of joint ventures, a lot of co-productions in recent years, Iron Man 3, Transformers, [53?][laughter], Resident Evil, really it’s beginning to be kinda like a world pop, and that’s what I’m looking forward to and focusing on these days.There’s J-pop, there’s K-pop, there’s C-pop, and there’s like this W-pop that’s kinda starting to emerge.It’s world pop, and I love that idea.It’s not World Music.There used to be section in HMV called World Music, and I was like Ethnomusicology class in college.But world pop is more about breaking and tearing down age-old stereotypes, the artificial confines that have kept us apart for way too long.It’s a melting pot, and it’s mosaic, that even if we looked up close, we’d still see the colours and flavours of each culture in detail.And where can we go to listen to world pop? I don’t think there’s a world pop station or magazine, unfortunately, there are none--there should be.There is the internet, and YouTube has proven to be a driving force for world pop.Britain’s Got Talent made Susan Boyle the hottest act in the world, and she achieved that not through the record labels or the networks, but through grassroots sharing.Gangnam Style is another great world pop, and how that just took over became huge worldwide world pop phenomenon.So world pop as it suggests is a worldwide pop culture is something that can be shared by all of us and gives us a lot of common ground.So today, what’s my call of action? I’ve already proven multicultural exchange between the East and West, I think I have made that clear, but how? I think… you can all become pop singers, really, I think that’s the [x], unless that’s what you really want to.My call of action is this: build and protect that roommate relationship between the East and West.Value this relationship and take ownership of it.Don’t come to Oxford as an exchange student from Taiwan and only hang out with other Chinese students.Why would you do that? You could do that in [x] or Nanjing or wherever you came from.Don’t buy into the headlines or the stereotypes or in the hypernationalism.Think for yourselves, and this goes for the East and the West, both.Get to know one another and think for yourselves and don’t believe the hype.For just a moment, if we could just disregard the governments and what the media are saying, just for the sake of the argument, with our own tools of critical thinking, can we build relationships that actually see one another as individual human beings and not faces or members of a particular ethnicity or nationality? Of course we can do that.And that’s the goal and dream, I think of the romantic artists and the musicians, I think it’s always been there.And that’s what I reach for, and that makes music so powerful and so true, that breaks down instantly and disintegrates all the artificial barriers that we create between each other, government, nationality, black, brown, yellow, white, whatever colour you are, and shows each other our hearts, our fears, our hopes, our dreams, and it turns out in end that the East isn’t that far after all, and the west, well the west, ain’t so white.And through understanding each other’s popular cultures, we gain insight into each other’s heart and true selves.And for those of you who are just beginning that journey, the West and East, I want to invite you today on this amazing journey with me, and I, as an experienced traveller on this road, on this West and East road, I’ve prepared a mixtape for all of you today, of ten songs that I love.There, that’s a C-pop mixtape that you can check out.I was gonna bring you all CDs but my publicist reminded me lovingly that that would be illegal, that as a professional recording artist, I shouldn’t do that.But I still think that it works out nicely because you get to see the music videos as well on a lot of these songs.These ten songs are songs that I love and ten different Chinese artists to start you off on getting to know and love Chinese pop and I think these guys are awesome.I just want to wrap up by saying that being here on the Oxford campus really makes me nostalgic for my days at Williams.And when I look back on those four years, some of my fondest memories are spending time with my roommates Stephan Papiano and Jason Price.In fact Jason is here in the audience today, and made a special trip from London just to see me.And I suppose in the beginning we were strangers, we didn’t know much about each other, and sometimes we did compete for the shower and there were times we did intrude on each other's privacy, but I’ve always loved listening to Stephan’s stories about growing up in a Greek family and his opinions about what Greek food really was.Or Jason’s stories, about wanting to make violins and to live in Cremona, Italy like Antonio Stradivari and he did do that, and I will never forget many years later when I played a Jason Price handmade violin for the first time, and how that felt.They were always attentive and respectful when I told them what it was like for me growing up in a Chinese household with strict parents who always made me study.So we shared stories, but the strongest bonds between us were formed just sitting around and listening to music together.And I really do see that as a model for East and West.So I really want to share Chinese music with you today because it’s the best way I know how to create a lasting friendship that transcends all barriers and allow us to know each other truly, authentically and just as we are.
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