第5章 Linux内核简介 Linux内核简介
Linux核心的一般结构 Linux核心的一般结构 ? 进程的概念、进程的调度和进程通信 ? 文件系统的构成和管理 ? 内存管理 ? 设备驱动及中断处理 5.1 概 述
Linux系统大致可分为三层: Linux系统大致可分为三层:
靠近硬件的底层是内核,即Linux操作系统常驻内存部分。靠近硬件的底层是内核,即Linux操作系统常驻内存部分。? 中间层是内核之外的shell层,即操作系统的系统程序部分。中间层是内核之外的shell层,即操作系统的系统程序部分。? 最高层是应用层,即用户程序部分
从结构上看,Linux操作系统是采用单块结构的操作系统。从结构上看,Linux操作系统是采用单块结构的操作系统。? 一般说来,可以将操作系统划分为内核和系统程序两部分。
管理等。●内存管理控制内存分配与回收。●文件系统管理文件、分配文件空间、管理空闲空间、控制对文件的访 问并为用户检索数据。●Linux系统支持三种类型的硬件设备:字符设备、块设备和网络设备。Linux系统支持三种类型的硬件设备:字符设备、块设备和网络设备。●核心底层的硬件控制负责处理中断以及与机器通信。5.2 进 程 管 理
5.2.1 进程和线程的概念
1.进程及其状态 ? 简单说来,进程就是程序的一次执行过程。简单说来,进程就是程序的一次执行过程 进程就是程序的一次执行过程。? 进程至少要有三种基本状态。这三种基本状态是:运行态、就绪态和
进程的状态可依据一定的条件和原因而变化 2.Linux进程状态 Linux进程状态 3.进程的模式和类型 ? 在Linux系统中,进程的执行模式划分为用户模式和内核 Linux系统中,进程的执行模式划分为用户模式 用户模式和 模式 ? 按照进程的功能和运行的程序来分,进程划分为两大类: 按照进程的功能和运行的程序来分,进程划分为两大类: 一类是系统进程,一类是系统进程,另一类是用户进程 4.Linux线程 Linux线程 Linux把线程定义为进程的“执行上下文” Linux把线程定义为进程的“执行上下文” ? 具有一段可执行的程序、专用的系统堆栈空间、私有的“线程控制块”(即thread_struct数据结构)线程控制块”(即thread_struct数据结构)
缺少自己的存储空间 5.2.2 进程的结构
1.task_struct结构 task_struct结构 ? task_struct结构包含下列几方面的信息: task_struct结构包含下列几方面的信息: ? ·进程状态 ? ·调度信息 ? ·标志符 ? ·内部进程通讯 ? ·链接信息 ? ·时间和计时器 ? ·文件系统 ? ·虚拟内存 ? ·处理器信息 2.进程系统堆栈 ? 每个进程都有一个系统堆栈,用来保存中断现场信息和进程进入内核
模式后执行子程序(函数)嵌套调用的返回现场信息。? 每个进程的系统堆栈和task_struct数据结构之间存在紧密联系,因而 每个进程的系统堆栈和task_struct数据结构之间存在紧密联系,因而 二者物理存储空间也连在一起
系统堆栈的大小静态确定,用户堆栈可在运行时动态扩展 5.2.3 对进程的操作 1.进程的创建
各个进程构成了树形的进程族系 ? 内核在引导并完成了基本的初始化以后,就有了系统的第
一个进程(即初始化进程,实际上是内核线程)。除此之 外,所有其他的进程和内核线程都由这个原始进程或其子 孙进程所创建。除初始化进程外,其他进程都是用系统调用fork()和 除初始化进程外,其他进程都是用系统调用fork()和 clone()创建的。)创建的。
2.进程的等待 ? 父进程可用系统调用wait3()等待它的任一个子进程终止,也 父进程可用系统调用wait3()等待它的任一个子进程终止,也 可以用系统调用wait4()等待某个特定的子进程终止。可以用系统调用wait4()等待某个特定的子进程终止。wait3()算法如下:)算法如下:
(1)如果父进程没有子进程,则出错返回。(2)如果发现有一个终止的子进程,则取出子进程的进程号,把子进程的CPU使用时间等加到父进程上,释放子进程占用的 把子进程的CPU使用时间等加到父进程上,释放子进程占用的 task_struct和系统空间堆栈,以供新进程使用。task_struct和系统空间堆栈,以供新进程使用。(3)如果发现有子进程,但都不处于终止态,则父进程睡眠,等待由相应的信号唤醒。
3.进程的终止 ? 进程可使用系统调用exit()终止自己 进程可使用系统调用exit()终止自己 ? 其实现算法如下:(1)撤消所有的信号量。(2)释放其所有的资源,包括存储空间、已打开的文件、工作目录、信号处理表等。(3)置进程状态为“终止态”(TASK_ZOMBIE)。)置进程状态为“终止态” TASK_ZOMBIE)。(4)向它的父进程发送子进程终止的信号。(5)执行进程调度。
4.进程映像的更换 ? 改换进程映像的工作很复杂,是由系统调用execve()实现的,它用一个 改换进程映像的工作很复杂,是由系统调用execve()实现的,它用一个 可执行文件的副本来覆盖该进程的内存空间。
ELF可执行文件格式示意图 ELF可执行文件格式示意图
(1)验证文件的可执行性,即用户 有权执行它。(2)读文件头,检查它是一个可装入模块。(3)释放原有的内存空间。(4)按照可执行文件的要求分配新的内存空间,并装入内存。
5.2.4 进程调度
进程调度机制主要涉及到调度方式、调度时机和调度策略 1.调度方式
基本上采用“抢占式优先级”方式 基本上采用“抢占式优先级”
2.调度策略——三种不同的调度策略 调度策略——三种不同的调度策略 —— SCHED_FIFO——短实时进程,对时间性要求比较强 SCHED_FIFO——短实时进程,对时间性要求比较强 ? SCHED_RR——较长时间的实时进程,对应“时间片轮转法” SCHED_RR——较长时间的实时进程,对应“时间片轮转法” ? SCHED_OTHER——交互式的分时进程,这类进程的优先权取 SCHED_OTHER——交互式的分时进程,这类进程的优先权取
决于两个因素:一个因素是进程剩余时间配额;另一个是进 程的优先数nice ——优先数越小,其优先级越高 程的优先数nice ——优先数越小,其优先级越高
后台进程的优先级低于任何交互(前台)进程的优先级 3.调度时机(1)当前进程调用系统调用nanosleep()或者pause(),使)当前进程调用系统调用nanosleep()或者pause(),使 自己进入睡眠状态,主动让出一段时间的CPU使用权。自己进入睡眠状态,主动让出一段时间的CPU使用权。(2)进程终止,永久地放弃对CPU的使用。)进程终止,永久地放弃对CPU的使用。(3)在时钟中断处理程序执行过程中,发现当前进程连续 运行的时间过长。(4)当唤醒一个睡眠进程时,发现被唤醒的进程比当前进 程更有资格运行。(5)一个进程通过执行系统调用来改变调度策略或者降低 自身的优先权(如nice命令),从而引起立即调度。自身的优先权(如nice命令),从而引起立即调度。4.调度算法
5.2.5 shell基本工作原理 shell基本工作原理 ? ? ? ? ? ? 它不属于内核部分,而是在核心之外,以用户态方式运行。其基本功能是解释并 执行用户打入的各种 命令,实现用户与 Linux核心的接口。Linux核心的接口。5.3 文 件 系 统
支持多种不同的文件系统,如:ext, FAT, ext2, ext3, MINIX, MS DOS, 支持多种不同的文件系统,如:ext, SYSV等。目前,Linux主要使用的文件系统是ext3 SYSV等。目前,Linux主要使用的文件系统是ext3。
5.3.1 ext2文件系统 ext2文件系统 ext2文件系统支持标准UNIX文件类型:普通文件、目录文 ext2文件系统支持标准UNIX文件类型:普通文件、目录文
ext2文件系统可以管理特别大的分区。ext2文件系统可以管理特别大的分区。? ext2文件系统支持长文件名,最大长度为255个字符。ext2文件系统支持长文件名,最大长度为255个字符。? ext2文件系统为超级用户保留了一些数据块,约为5%。ext2文件系统为超级用户保留了一些数据块,约为5%。1.ext2文件系统的物理结构 ext2 2.块组的构造 ? 每个块组中包含超级块、组描述结构、块位图、索引节点位图、索引节点表
(1)超级块(Superblock))超级块(Superblock)? 超级块中包含有文件系统本身的大小和形式的基本信息。? 每个块组都一个超级块。? 超级块中包含:幻数、修订级别、安装计数和最大安装数、块组号码、数 超级块中包含: 据块大小、每组数据块的个数、空闲块、空闲索引节点、第一个索引节点
(2)块组描述结构(Block Group Descriptor))块组描述结构(Block Descriptor)? 每个数据块组都有一个描述它的数据结构,即块组描述结构。? 包含以下信息:数据块位示图、索引节点位示图、索引节点表、空闲块数、空闲索引节点数和已用目录数。
3.索引节点(Inode)索引节点(Inode)? 索引节点又被称为I节点,每个文件都有惟一一个索引节点。ext2文件系统 索引节点又被称为I节点,每个文件都有惟一一个索引节点。ext2文件系统
的索引节点起着文件控制块的作用,利用这种数据结构可对文件进行控制 和管理。? 索引节点有两种形式:盘索引节点(如ext2_inode)和内存索引节点(如 索引节点有两种形式:盘索引节点(ext2_inode)和内存索引节点(inode)。inode)。? 盘索引节点包括以下一些主要内容:(1)文件模式,描述文件属性和类型。(2)文件属主信息,包括文件主标志号和同组用户标志号。(3)文件大小,即文件的字节大小。(4)时间戳,包括索引节点建立的时间、最近访问时间、最后修改时等。(5)文件链接计数。(6)数据块索引表。利用多重索引表的结构存放指向文件数据块的指针。? 内存索引节点除了具有盘索引节点的主要信息外,还增添了反映该文件动 态状态的项目 4.多重索引结构 5.ext2中的目录项 ext2 ? 当创建一个文件时,就构成一个目录项,并添加到相应的 目录文件中。一个目录文件可以包含很多目录项,每个目 录项(ext2文件系统的ext2_dir_entry_2)包含的信息有: 录项(如ext2文件系统的ext2_dir_entry_2)包含的信息有: ●索引节点号 ●目录项长度 ●名字长度 ●文件类型 ●文件名字 6.位示图
量(Bit Vector)法。Vector)法。? 设下列数据块是空闲的: ? 2,3,4,5,8,9,10,11,12,13,17,18,25,26,27,„„ 10,11,12,13,17,18,25,26,27,? 则块位示图的表示为:***100111111000„„ 则块位示图的表示为:***100111111000„„ 5.3.2 虚拟文件系统
1.VFS系统结构 VFS系统结构
VFS是建立在具体文件系 VFS是建立在具体文件系 统之上的,它为用户程序 提供一个统一的、抽象的、虚拟的文件系统界面。这 个抽象的界面主要由一组 标准的、抽象的有关文件 操作构成,以系统调用的 形式提供给用户程序
2.VFS超级块 2.VFS超级块 ? 每个安装的文件系统都有一个VFS超级块,其中包含以下 每个安装的文件系统都有一个VFS超级块,其中包含以下 主要信息: ●设备标识符 ●索引节点指针 ●数据块大小 ●超级块操作集 ●文件系统类型 ●文件系统的特殊信息 3.VFS索引节点 VFS索引节点 ? VFS中每个文件和目录都有一个且只有一个VFS索引节点 VFS中每个文件和目录都有一个且只有一个VFS索引节点
4.Linux文件系统的逻辑结构 Linux文件系统的逻辑结构
5.文件系统的安装与拆卸 ? 根文件系统一旦安装上,则在整个系统运行过程中是不能卸载的 ? 其他的文件系统(例如,由软盘构成的文件系统)可以根据需要(如从硬盘 向软盘复制文件),作为 子系统动态地安装到 主系统中
6.VFS索引节点缓存和目录缓存 VFS索引节点缓存和目录缓存 ? 其基本思想是,VFS索引节点在数据结构上被链入不同的散列队列,其基本思想是,VFS索引节点在数据结构上被链入不同的散列队列,具有相同散列值的VFS索引节点在同一队列中。设置一个散列表,其 具有相同散列值的VFS索引节点在同一队列中。设置一个散列表,其 中每一项包含一个指向VFS索引节点散列队列的头指针。散列值是根 中每一项包含一个指向VFS索引节点散列队列的头指针。散列值是根 据文件系统所在块设备的标志符和索引节点号码计算出来的目录缓存也采用散列表的方法
进行管理。表中每一项都是一 个指针,指向有相同散列值的 目录缓存队列。散列值是利用 文件系统所在设备的号码和目 录名来计算的
7.数据块缓冲区 ? 采用多重缓冲技术,来平滑和加快文件信息从内存到磁盘的传输 ? 一个缓冲区由两部分组成:存放数据的缓冲区和一个缓冲控制块 ? 缓冲区和缓冲控制块是一一对应的。系统通过缓冲控制块来实现对缓
所有处于“空闲”状态的buffer_head 都链入自由链中,它只有一条。所有处于“空闲”状态的buffer_head 具有相同散列值(是由设备的标志符和数据块的块号生成的)的缓冲 区组成一条散列队列,可以有多个散列队列。5.4 内 存 管 理
Linux系统采用了虚拟内存管理机制,就是交换和请求分 Linux系统采用了虚拟内存管理机制,就是交换和请求分
页存储管理技术 5.4.1 请求分页机制
1.分页概念 ? 逻辑空间分页
页面和内存块的大小是由硬件确定的 ? 逻辑地址表示 ? 内存分配原则 ? 页表 2.请求分页的基本思想 ? 请求分页提供虚拟存储器 ? 在每一个页表项中增加一个状态位表示一个页面是否已装入内存块 ? 如果地址转换机构遇到一个具有N状态的页表项时,便产生一个缺页 如果地址转换机构遇到一个具有N 中断
3.Linux的多级页表 Linux的多级页表
Linux进程的虚存空间 Linux进程的虚存空间 ? Linux系统采用三级页表的方式 Linux系统采用三级页表的方式
4.内存页的分配与释放 ? Linux系统采用两种方法来管理内存页:位图和链表 Linux系统采用两种方法来管理内存页:位图和链表 ? 页组中内存页的数量依次按2的倍数递增 页组中内存页的数量依次按2 5.4.2 内存交换
内核的交换守护进程kswapd 内核的交换守护进程kswapd :有自己的进程控制块task_struct结构,有自己的进程控制块task_struct结构,它与其他进程一样受内核的调度。但是,它没有自己独立的地址空间,只使用系统空间,所以也把它称为线程。它的任务就是保证系统中有 足够的空闲内存页。? 当系统启动时,交换守护进程由内核的init(初始化)进程启动。被 当系统启动时,交换守护进程由内核的init(初始化)进程启动。被 定时唤醒。
跃状态;清理不活跃的“ 跃状态;清理不活跃的“脏”页面,或者回收一些内存页,使之成为 空闲的内存页。? 作为交换空间的交换文件实际就是普通文件,但它们所占的磁盘空间 必须是连续的 5.5 进 程 通 信 5.5.1 信号机制
1.信号概念 ? 信号(signal,称为软中断)机制是在软件层次上对中断机制的一种 信号(signal,称为软中断)机制是在软件层次上对中断机制的一种
(1)信号的分类、产生和传送。(2)对各种信号预先规定 的处理方式。(3)信号的检测和处理。2.信号分类
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 信号号码 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 19 30 符号表示 SIGHUP SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGILL SIGTRAP SIGIOT SIGBUS SIGFPE SIGKILL SIGUSR1 SIGSEGV SIGUSR2 SIGPIPE SIGALRM SIGTERM SIGCHLD SIGSTOP SIGPWR 含义 远程用户挂断 输入中断信号(Ctrl+C)输入中断信号(Ctrl+C)输入退出信号(Ctrl+ 输入退出信号(Ctrl+)非法指令 遇到调试断点 IOT指令 IOT指令 总线超时 浮点异常 要求终止进程(不可屏蔽)要求终止进程(不可屏蔽)用户自定义 越界访问内存 用户自定义 管道文件只有写进程,没有读进程 定时报警信号 软件终止信号 子进程终止 进程暂停运行 电源故障 3.进程对信号可采取的处理方式 ? 进程彼此间也可用系统提供的系统调用(如kill())发送信号 进程彼此间也可用系统提供的系统调用(如kill())发送信号 ? 普通进程只能向具有相同uid和gid的进程发送信号或向相同进程组中 普通进程只能向具有相同uid和gid的进程发送信号或向相同进程组中的其他进程发送信号
(1)忽略信号。进程可忽略收到的信号,但不能忽略SIGKILL和)忽略信号。进程可忽略收到的信号,但不能忽略SIGKILL和 SIGSTOP信号。SIGSTOP信号。(2)阻塞信号。进程可以选择对某些信号予以阻塞。(3)由进程处理该信号。用户在trap命令中可以指定处理信号的程序,)由进程处理该信号。用户在trap命令中可以指定处理信号的程序,从而进程本身可在系统中标明处理信号的处理程序的地址。当发出该 信号时,就由标明的处理程序进行处理。(4)由系统进行默认处理。如上所述,系统内核对各种信号(除用户自 定义之外)都规定了相应的处理程序。在默认情况下,信号就由内核 处理,即执行内核预定的处理程序。
4.对信号的检测和处理流程 ? 信号的检测与处理的过程如图所示。图中的①~⑤标出处理流程的顺
序。从图中可以看出,信号的检测是在系统空间中进行,而对信号的 处理却是在用户空间中执行。
5.5.2 管道文件
一个管道线就是连接两个进程的一个打开文件 ? 由系统自动处理二者间的同步、调度和缓冲。管道文件允许两个进程
按先入先出(FIFO)的方式传送数据,而它们可以彼此不知道对方的 按先入先出(FIFO)的方式传送数据,而它们可以彼此不知道对方的 存在每个管道只有
一个内存页面用 做缓冲区,该页 面是按环型缓冲 区的方式来使用 的。Linux系统也支持 Linux系统也支持 命名管道
5.5.3 System V IPC机制 IPC机制
Linux系统也支持UNIX System V版本中的三种进程间通信 Linux系统也支持UNIX V版本中的三种进程间通信 ? ? 机制,它们是: 消息通信 共享内存
5.6 设 备 管 理 5.6.1 设备管理概述
所有设备都作为特别文件,从而在管理上就具有下列共性:(1)每个设备都对应文件系统中的一个索引节点,都有一个文件名。(2)应用程序通常可以通过系统调用open()打开设备文件,建立起与目标设)应用程序通常可以通过系统调用open()打开设备文件,建立起与目标设 备的连接。(3)对设备的使用类似于对文件的存取。(4)设备驱动程序是系统内核的一部分,它们必须为系统内核或者它们的子 系统提供标准的接口。(5)设备驱动程序利用一些标准的内核服务,如内存分配等。另外,大多数 Linux设备驱动程序都可以在需要时装入内核,不需要时卸载下来。Linux设备驱动程序都可以在需要时装入内核,不需要时卸载下来。
5.6.2 设备驱动程序和内核之间的接口
1.可安装模块 ? 可安装模块是可以在系统运行时动态地安装和拆卸的内核模块,即经
过编译但尚未连接的目标文件(后缀为.o)。过编译但尚未连接的目标文件(后缀为.o)。? 设备驱动程序或者与设备驱动紧密相关的部分(如文件系统)都是利 用可安装模块实现的。
2.字符设备 ? 用户对字符设备的使用就和存取普通文件一样。在应用程序中使用标
3.块设备 ? 对块设备的存取与对文件的存取方式一样,其实现机制也与字符设备
5.7 中断、异常和系统调用 5.7.1 中断处理
1.中断响应 ? 一般说来,中断响应顺序执行下述三步动作:
(1)中止当前程序的执行;(1)中止当前程序的执行;(2)保存原程序的断点信息(主要是程序计数器PC和程序状态寄存器(2)保存原程序的断点信息(主要是程序计数器PC和程序状态寄存器 PS的内容); PS的内容);(3)从中断控制器取出中断向量,转到相应的处理程序。(3)从中断控制器取出中断向量,转到相应的处理程序。
2.中断处理 ? 核心对中断处理的顺序主要由以下动作完成: ⑴ 保存正在运行进程的各寄存器的内容,把它们放入核 心 栈的新帧面中。⑵ 确定“中断源”或者核查中断发生,识别中断的类型 确定“中断源”(如时钟中断或者是盘中断)和中断的设备号(如哪个磁 盘引起的中断)。系统接到中断后,就从机器那里得到一 个中断号,它是检索中断向量表的位移。中断向量因机器 而异,但通常都包括相应中断处理程序入口地址和中断处 理时处理机的状态字。⑶ 核心调用中断处理程序,对中断进行处理。⑷ 中断处理完成并返回。中断处理程序执行完以后,核心 便执行与机器相关的特定指令序列,恢复中断时寄存器内 容和执行核心栈退栈,进程回到用户态。如果设置了重调 度标志,则在本进程返回到用户态时做进程调度。
5.7.2 系统调用
系统调用象普通C函数调用那样出现在C程序中。只发生在 系统调用象普通C函数调用那样出现在C ? ? ? 用户空间。能把进程的状态从用户态变为核心态,Linux的系统调用 能把进程的状态从用户态变为核心态,Linux的系统调用 是通过中断指令“ 是通过中断指令“INT 0x80”实现的。Linux内核在系统调 0x80”实现的。Linux内核在系统调 用时是通过寄存器而不是堆栈传递参数。所有的系统调用都集中在系统调用入口表中统一管理。系 统调用入口表是一个函数指针数组(大小为256),以系 统调用入口表是一个函数指针数组(大小为256),以系 统调用号为下标在该数组中找到相应的函数指针,进而就 能确定用户使用的是哪一个系统调用。当CPU执行到中断指令“INT 0x80”时,硬件就作出一系列 CPU执行到中断指令“ 0x80” 响应,其动作与上述的中断响应相同 5.8 网 络 系 统
在Linux网络中,网络数据从 用户进程传输到网络设备需 要经历四个层次 5.8.1 socket 一个套接字就是与网络的一个连接 ? socket在逻辑上有三个特征(或要素): socket在逻辑上有三个特征(或要素):
(1)网域。它表明一个插口用于哪一种网络。(2)类型。它表明在网络中通信所遵循的模式。网络通信 中有两种主要的模式,一种称为“有连接” 中有两种主要的模式,一种称为“有连接”模式,一种称 为“无连接”模式。无连接”(3)协议。它表明具体的网络规程。
5.8.2 网络分层结构
第二篇:大学体验英语综合教程2 第三版 Unit 2 电子教案
Unit 2
Jobs and Careers Objectives:
★ first listen, and then learn to ask about job opportunities and go for job interviews
★ read about online job applications and dream jobs
★ write about how to find a potential job
★ practice the use of unreal conditions
★ write your own résumé
★ visit Culture Salon to learn to tell the difference between job and career
I Passage A
Your Dream Job: A Click Away 1.Summary
Since most students will choose to work after graduation, job-hunting is of great importance to them.They will write plenty of résumés about their education and send them to the companies they want to work for.It takes both time and energy to do so.Now, thanks to the development of the Internet, job-hunting has become much easier.Job-hunters can find a job just by clicking a mouse on the computer.Many of them make their dream come true through the Internet.This article describes the experiences of five people who used online sources to look for new jobs.Theresa Smith used the JOB-TRAK website to find an administrative assistant’s job at a university.Steven Tools used the CareerBuilder website to find a marketing management position.Madeline Gragg used Yahoo!to find a job teaching English in Japan.Nedzad Dozlic used a newspaper website to find a driver’s job with a car dealership.Wendy Mello used CareerBuilder to find a position in human resources for a media-information-services company.Mello also used another website to calculate the cost of living in her new location and to decide what salary to request.All these are typical examples of online job searches, since many different types of jobs can now be found this way.2.Language Points
1.career: a job or profession for which one is trained and which one intends to follow for the whole of one’s life
There are many more careers open to women now than fifty years ago.Florence Nightingale made nursing her career.2.refer to: 1)send(someone or something)to(usually someone else)for decision or action Examples:
The Local Court has referred the whole case to the High Court.The dispute between the two countries was referred to the United Nations.2)mention;speak about Examples:
Don’t refer to the matter again.The speaker referred to his past experience.3.criteria:(pl.)an established rule, standard, or principle, on which a judgment is based Examples:
What criteria do you use when judging the quality of a student’s work?
There are several criteria of a good school.4.salary: fixed(usually monthly)pay for regular work Examples:
My father draws his salary at the end of every month.Don’t spend all of your salary.Try to put something away each month.5.resident: a person who lives(in a place)and is not just a visitor Examples:
The local residents were angry at the lack of parking spaces.The residents of the town are proud of its new library.6.come across: meet or discover, especially by chance Examples:
I have just come across a beautiful poem in this book.She came across some old letters in the course of her search.7.curious: eager to know or learn Examples:
The boy was curious about everything he saw.Miss Matfield threw a curious glance at her.8.fill out / in: put in(whatever is needed to complete something)Examples:
After Tom passed his driving test he filled out an application for his driver’s license.The policeman filled out a report of the accident.9.fill up: make or become completely full Examples:
The room soon was filled up with people.The rain has filled up the ditches again.10.available: able to be got, obtained, used, etc.Examples:
A limited number of seats are still available.There were no tickets available for Friday’s performance.11.elevate: make better, higher, or more educated Examples:
The clerk was elevated to a managerial position.The government is trying to elevate the living standards of the people.12.scan: look through quickly Examples:
He scanned the newspaper while having his breakfast.He scanned the articles that might give the information he needed.13.procedure: an action or set of actions necessary for doing something Examples:
Writing a check is quite a simple procedure.We have worked out a new set of procedures for using this machine.14.spot: pick out, recognize, see(one person or thing out of many)Examples:
He was the first to spot the danger.We spotted the winner of the beauty contest the moment she appeared.15.variety: number or group of different things Examples:
Everyone arrived late at the party for a variety of reasons.The college library has a wide variety of books.16.potential: that can or may come into existence or action Examples:
Although this area is very poor now, its potential wealth is great.We should always be on the lookout for potential dangers.17.learn of: become informed of Examples:
How did you learn of our product? Was it through our advertisement?
I learned of your new address from your parents.18.via: by means of;using Examples:
I’ve read this French play via an English translation.I sent a message to Mary via her sister.19.annual: of one year Examples:
The annual farm output was to be increased by 4 to 5 percent.Mr.White’s annual income is $36 000.20.financial: connected with money Examples:
In that case they would receive financial aid from the state.They are now confronted with a serious financial crisis.21.current: of present time Examples:
They suggested measures to overcome current difficulties.In some schools children study current affairs as a subject.22.flash: show for a moment Examples:
The news flashed on television.He flashed a $10 note at the man by the door.23.detailed: with a lot of facts given Examples:
He gave me a detailed account of his work.He kept a detailed diary of the meetings.3.Important sentences 1.The career placement center referred the liberal-arts major to JOB-TRAK, an Internet site listing 45 000 entry-level positions.The career placement center advises the student majoring in liberal arts to visit JOB-TRAK, a website containing 45 000 jobs for new workers.2.Smith is one American who clicked her way into a job.Smith is one American who found a job online.3.“The Internet is like hiring a personal assistant,” says Tools.“Effortlessly you can become aware of opportunities that may elevate your career.”
The Internet is like a personal helper.It presents you with information about possible chances to improve your career.4.Most major newspapers and trade publications have online versions of their classified listings, enabling job-seekers to scan for work available across town, in another state, or around the world.Most major newspapers and specialist journals have their job advertisements online, to help jobseekers quickly spot job vacancies anywhere in the world.5.A refugee of the war in Bosnia, Dozlic had had a variety of jobs but was now ready for something new.Dozlic, who escaped from the war in Bosnia, had done several different jobs but was now ready to find a new one.6.To find out more about the company, she clicked on to Artitron’s home page and that of its parent company, Ceridian Corp., where she reviewed an annual report and the company’s financial performance.To learn more about the company she entered its website and the website of its headquarters, and studied the company’s yearly report and financial situations.7.By accessing an online real estate service, she saw color photos of rental properties...Through an online real estate site, she saw pictures of homes which a person can rent rather than buy...4.Practical Writing
Reference Key
There are several things you cannot ignore when tracking down information on job openings.First, you should consult your friends, relatives, or neighbors, who may offer information unavailable elsewhere.Second, you should read the classified section in the newspapers often.Next, remember to register with two or three recruitment agencies.Finally, don’t forget to make use of the Internet.In today’s society the Internet is a quick and cost-effective method for employers to announce their employment needs.Therefore, if you log onto the Internet, you just might find your dream job.II Passage B
Dream Jobs: College Students Make Their Picks 1.Summary For recent college graduates, finding a job is a lot like finding a match when dating.In its annual survey of U.S.college students, the research firm Universum USA asked its more than 60 000 respondents to identify the characteristics they associate with dream employers, and broke down the results into seven personality types: careerists, entrepreneurs, explorers, harmonizers, hunters, idealists and leaders.Google continued to rank as the big favorite, taking the No.1 spot in five of the personality types and taking a top three spot in all seven.Apple was in the top three with six of the personality types, and Disney was in the top three for five, including idealists, who ranked it No.1 ahead of Google.Banks, oil companies, and the Big Four accounting firms lost some of their luster among business students, but government and nonprofit employers had a good year among careerists.Disney and Apple, perceived as offering dynamic, challenging work settings, gained ground in this year’s survey with several personality types.Petter Nylander, chief executive of Universum, says it’s clear that young people want employers who share their values and are a good fit for their personality.“What you see is young employees selecting companies that confirm their views of themselves,” he says.Language Points
1.personality: characteristics and qualities of a person seen as a whole Examples:
Parents have great influences on the development of a child’s personality.I’m deeply impressed both by your personality and talent.2.genuine: authentic;sincere Examples:
I was shocked to know that such an expensive painting was not genuine.Having been working here for 20 years, I do have a genuine love for the campus.3.connection: relationship Examples:
My conclusion is that there is no connection between the two incidents.We can see a clear connection between one’s attitude and one’s performance.4.arm candy:(informal)a sexually attractive person who accompanies another at social events Examples:
Tony usually had two pretty girls accompany him to parties as arm candy.She’d already had mini-roles in eight movies when she turned up as George Sanders’ arm candy in the party scenes of this film.5.survey: investigation using a pool or questionnaire Examples:
A recent survey found that 36% of the women asked did not feel safe walking alone at night.They ran a survey of the most popular television programs.6.identify: recognize or distinguish(as being the specified person or thing)Examples:
This is a course that teaches us to identify plants and flowers.Can you identify your umbrella among this lot?
7.characteristic: distinguishing feature Examples:
A person of your characteristic is sure to be popular with young people like college students.Generosity is one of his nicest characteristics.8.associate: connect in thought, memory or imagination Examples:
Whisky is usually associated with Scotland.People will always associate the name of Steve Jobs with Apple.9.break(something)down(into): be divided or divide into parts Examples:
Expenditure on the project breaks down as follows: raw materials $1m, equipment $2m, wages $2m.Water is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen.10.prestigious: having or bringing prestige;having high status Examples:
Yale University is one of the world’s most prestigious universities.Only the most prestigious scholars deserve such a title.11.recruit: enroll(someone)as a member or worker in an organization;enlist Examples:
The coach recruited nine boys for the baseball team.Our university recruited more staff this year than last year.12.assignment: a duty or piece of work that is given to someone to do Examples:
Five staff members have agreed to take on the one-year assignment in Africa.This is a difficult assignment for him, but he has made up his mind to complete it.13.balance: a state in which opposite or competing forces are evenly matched or given equal importance Examples:
She tried to keep her balance but still fell off the bike.Maintaining a favorable balance of trade is a difficult task for the country.14.secure: feeling safe, stable, and free from fear or anxiety Examples:
Many young people today don’t feel secure about their future.His position in the company is quite secure.15.employment: a person’s trade or profession Examples:
According to the report, 85% of the college graduates have found employment.The newly-built factory can provide employment for many people.16.competitive: of or involving competition;able to do as well as or better than others Examples:
This supermarket offers more competitive prices, so its business is very good.The country boasts a car industry that is competitive with any in the world.17.prospect: picture in the mind or imagination, especially of a future event;the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring
He is so excited by the prospect of having his own house in such a big city.When he thinks of the prospect of a holiday abroad, he feels motivated to work hard.18.earnings: money which is earned by working Examples:
The husband has to give most of his earnings to his wife every month.After a month’s work my earnings are just 1800 Yuan.19.ethical: of morals or moral questions;morally correct Examples:
This is an ethical issue that we should never neglect.His behavior is not ethical.20.designate: mark or point out clearly;choose(someone / something)for a special purpose Examples:
The boundaries between the two countries are designated on the map.The eastern part of the city has been designated as a development zone.21.overall: total;general Examples:
My overall impression of him is that he is very talkative.Can you tell me the overall cost of the project?
22.favorite: a person or thing that is loved above all others Examples:
Hollywood blockbusters are my favorites.He is a favorite with his grandfather.23.rank: give(someone or something)a rank or place within a grading system Examples:
Almost all the schools rank the students according to their grades.I rank Google higher than Apple.24.diversity: variety Examples:
There was a diversity of opinions on whether a nuclear plant should be built near the city.The tolerance of diversity is the key to the survival of the world in the 21st century.25.critical: of or at a crisis;decisive;crucial Examples:
The unemployment problem in that country is very critical at present.At the critical moment he jumped into the river and saved the boy.26.reflect: embody or represent(something)in a faithful or appropriate way Examples:
Her remarks at today’s meeting reflected her personality.The article reflected the author’s opinion on the matter.27.belief: something one accepts as true or real;a firmly held opinion or conviction Examples:
Nothing can shake my belief in his integrity and honesty.He has a strong belief in that country’s higher education.28.ethnicity: state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition Examples:
We welcome all talent, regardless of their background, gender and ethnicity.In this university you must learn to get along with people of different ethnicities.29.attractive: having the power to attract Examples:
The mountain is very attractive at this time of year.He has got three very attractive job offers.30.for starters: first of all, to start with Examples:
For starters, we don’t have enough time.He is not suitable for the task.For starters, he hasn’t got any experience in dealing with emergency.31.luster: soft brightness of a smooth or shining surface;glory, distinction Examples:
She couldn’t eat, and her hair lost its luster.Brave deeds add luster to one’s name
32.consequence: a result or effect of an action or condition;importance Examples:
Drunk driving can have very bad consequences, so make sure that you never violate the law.This is an issue of tremendous consequence for the country.33.in addition: as an extra person, thing, or circumstance Examples:
In addition, there is a severe drought in many provinces in the country.The international language school teaches English and mathematics in addition.34.account for: make up(a specified amount or proportion)Examples:
The local people just account for 1/3 of the workers in the factory.Food and clothing account for a large portion of the family’s monthly expenditure.35.category: a class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics Examples:
The books fall into two categories: those of social sciences and those of natural sciences.We can divide the products of the company into three categories.36.appealing: attractive, charming, interesting Examples:
The film is not appealing to me.The actor’s voice makes him very appealing to his fans.37.achievement: something successfully finished or gained, especially through skill or hard work Examples:
The scientist was rewarded by the government for his great achievement in rice hybrids research.The successful launch and return of the manned spacecraft was a great achievement of our country’s manned space program.38.further: help the development of(something);promote Examples:
This is a good opportunity for you to further your career.The aim of this activity is to further our cause of helping the disabled.39.significant: of noticeable importance Examples:
The annual report of the company is significant for the public.Your success in this position will be significant for your future.40.network: interact with other people to exchange information and develop contacts, especially to further one’s career Examples:
He shows great skill in networking with people of different personalities.For your self-development, you should learn how to network with your boss.41.come in: finish in the stated place in a race or competition Examples:
George came in third in the 100-meter race.Where did our team come in — second or third?
42.likely: probable;that is expected Examples:
I think it likely that we will win the match.The likely outcome of the negotiation is a compromise made on both sides.43.as well as: in addition to Examples:
There are young trees as well as flowers in his garden.He is hard-working as well as intelligent.44.reputation: the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something Examples:
The doctor has a reputation for being very patient.The expert has lost his good reputation because he often speaks for the privileged.45.executive: a person with senior managerial responsibility in a business organization Examples:
He is one of the company’s senior executives.As the chief executive he spends much time on decision making.46.confirm: reinforce someone in(an opinion, belief, or feeling);make definite Examples:
The information provided by Mr.White confirmed my judgment of the company’s financial status.The couple’s joint statement in today’s newspaper confirmed the rumor that they had divorced each other.47.identity: the fact of being who or what a person or thing is Examples:
Show me your identity card, please.The reporter concealed his identity so that he could make the investigation smoothly.48.build(something)on(something): base(something)on(something);use something as a foundation for making further progress Examples:
Your accusation is not built on evidence.The company drew the conclusion by building on its own survey.2.Sentence Explanation 1.Everybody wants a genuine connection, and a little arm candy doesn’t hurt.Everybody wants a true and sincere relationship, a good match to their personality in locating a job, but it is not bad to have something to help make you look more appealing when “dating”.2.The employees must refl ect our users.Our employees must be people with a diversity of beliefs, background and ethnicity to refl ect our users, who are people of diverse cultural backgrounds.3.For starters, banks, oil companies, and the Big Four accounting fi rms lost some of their luster among business students.First of all, banks, oil companies, and the Big Four accounting firms are not as excellent and appealing as before in the eyes of business students.4.“What you see is young employees selecting companies that confirm their views of themselves,” he says.“What you see is young employees selecting companies that recognize and reinforce their views,” he says.5.“Your identity today is built on where you work.It sends a strong message about who you are.”
“Your identity today is recognized according to where you work.Where you work tells people a lot about your social position, your economic status, etc.”
III General Writing: Unreal Conditions To make predictions, you may find unreal conditional clauses useful.Unreal conditions are either impossible or unlikely to be realized.In unreal conditional sentences, a contrary-to-fact condition exists.Examples: Present Time:
If this was allowed to happen, the dam would collapse.If the dam collapsed, many acres of good farmland would disappear.Past Time:
If this had not been allowed to happen, the dam would not have collapsed.Past Time with Present or Future Result:
If they had passed the law, the economy would be in better shape now.
第三篇:机电专业英语第2版电子教案Unit 2
Unit 2 Machine Elements I.Lead in Information related to the text Do you know what is referred to as a machine element? Which elements are associated in pairs? Can you give an example? What is the most common machine element? How can the supporting structure be assembled? Why does the individual reliability of machine elements become the basis for estimating the overall life expectancy of a machine? Maybe you have seen and you are much interested in some machine elements, of course also interested in these questions.In this unit, you’ll learn some machine elements and know how they are widely used in industry.Now, let’s study new words and phrases together.II.Word Study 1.individual [,indi'vidjuəl] adj.个别的n.个人,个体 1)These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.这些式样均可改动以适应个人不同的爱好.2)Who was the individual champion? 谁是个人项目的冠军?
3)Am I a Business or Individual account? 我采用企业帐户还是个人帐户? 2.dismantle [dis'mæntl] v.拆除...的设备, 分解
1)To dismantle or raze;tear down.拆除,毁坏:拆除,摧毁;拆毁 2)Before mounting, You can not dismantle the plug of port in case the dirty entering.装机前不得将各油口堵塞拆掉,以防脏物进入。
3)The pressure test is over.Now decrease the pressure , dismantle the pipe and check the inside of the pipe.压力试验通过了,把压力放掉,拆开管子,检查管子内部。3.perform [pə'fɔ:m] v.执行,表演,做
1)Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays.现在激光可以用来做手术。
2)To perform operations on data in a process.对一个过程﹝进程﹞中的数据进行操作。
3)Able to assemble and disassemble molds and perform mold repair work as instructed.能够组装和拆卸注塑模具,并按规定进行模具维修工作。
4.associate [ə'səuʃieit] n.同伴, 伙伴
v.联合, 联想
adj.副的 1)I don't want to associate myself with them any more.我不愿再和他们交往了。
2)She associated happiness with having money.她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。
3)We should associate ourselves with the large firm.我们应该和这家大公司联合。
4)Medias associate tightly with the society, closes to personal life, people can touch the pulse of the community.传播媒介于社会联系密切,与人民生活息息相关,人们可感觉到社会的脉搏。
5.evolve [i'vɔlv] v.进展,进化,展开
1)The American constitution was planned;the British constitution evolved.美国宪法是精心制定的, 英国宪法是约定俗成的.2)No one can process and evolve for another.没有人能为别人推移和进化。
3)Your raising of consciousness through love and responsibility nourishes us, replenishes us, and expands our consciousness so that we may evolve further.通过爱和责任滋养我们、补充我们,我们意识提升,并且扩展我们的意识以便我们能进一步进化。
6.expectancy [ik'spektənsi] n.期待(公算)1)A quiver of expectancy ran through the audience.全场引颈以待, 群情鼎沸.2)Women have a higher life expectancy than men.女人比男人的预期寿命长.3)Greatly increased life expectancy and control board system reliability.大大提高控制线路板寿命和系统可靠性。
III.Language points
1.However simple, any machine is a combination of individual components generally referred to as machine elements or parts.译文:无论怎样简单的机床,都是由通称为机械零件或部件的单一元件组成的.说明:“be referred to as” means “be known as” or “be regarded as”(称为、叫作),e.g.1)PMO can also be referred to as a “program management office, ” “project office, ” or "program office.项目管理办公室也可以叫作“计划管理办公室”或“计划办公室”。
2)Including credit cards, debit cards, online payment gateway and all other non-cash, to pay the bills, should be referred to as electronic payments.包括信用卡、借记卡、线上网关支付等一切非现金、票据支付的方式,都应该称为电子支付。
2.If a machine is completely dismantled, a collection of simple parts remains such as nuts, bolts, springs, gears, cams and shafts—the building block of all machinery.译文:如果把机床完全拆开, 就可以得到像螺母,螺栓,弹簧,齿轮,凸轮及轴等简单零件—所有机器的组合元件.说明:“dismantle” means “take sth.to pieces”(拆开, 拆除)
“a collection of ” means “a group of ” e.g.1)Installation & Dismantle: 展台搭建和撤展,常简称为“I &D”。2)The new government dismantled their predecessors' legislation.新政府废除了前任政府的立法。
3)Trouble is, after the inspection, people take down the fences or dismantle the alarms.问题是,在通过检查后,人们会拆掉护网或警报器。
3.A machine element is, therefore, a single unit designed to perform a specific function and capable of combining with other elements.译文:因此,机械零件就是用来设计可以执行某一特定功能,且能与其它零件配合的单一元件。
分析:“designed to perform a specific function and capable of combining with other elements” is a past participle phrases used as attribute to modify “a single unit”, it has the same function as an attributive clause.说明:“perform” means “carry out”(执行,完成)e.g.1)When to perform update, progress input is control by process, not software.何时执行更新,进度输入是过程控制,不是软件控制。2)You can also perform a test.你也可以进行一个测试 3)Perform other tasks as required.完成要求的其他任务; “be capable of” means “be able to do”
A teacher must be capable of great patience.This is largely a matter of self-training.一名教师必须具有极大的耐心,在很大程度上这是个个人修养问题。4.The most common example of a machine element is a gear, which, fundamentally, is a combination of the wheel and lever to form a toothed wheel.译文: 机器零件中最常见的是齿轮,它实际上是由轮子和杆组成的带
分析:which introduces a nonfinite attributive clause to modify gear.The infinitive phrase “to form a toothed wheel” is used as adverbial to express result.5.Other fundamental machine elements have evolved from wheel and lever.译文:其他基本机械零件是由轮子和杆逐渐发展而来的.说明: “evolve from” means “develop from”
evolve [i'vɔlv] vt.发展,进化;进化;使逐步形成;推断出 vi.发展,进展;进化;逐步形成 e.g.1)Strategic goals evolve from the mission of the organization.策略的目标从组织的任务进展。
2)Great historical achievements often evolve from simple concepts.历史上的壮举,往往是从朴素的概念演变过来的。
3)No one can process and evolve for another.没有人能为别人推移和进化。
6.standardize ['stændədaiz] v.标准化,使合于标准
1)Should perfect administration further to hearing system, make it standardized and legal.应当进一步完善行政听证制度,使其规范化、法定化。
2)This paper aims at building different types of software fault models to manage and standardize these faults.这篇文章旨在建立不同类型的故障模型,以便于管理和标准化这些故障。
7.establish [is'tæbliʃ] v.建立,确立,创办
1)Our company was established in 1994.我们的公司成立于1994年。2)We wish to establish business relations with you.我们希望能和你们建立业务关系。
3)Prices branch, only prices branch has the right to establish the price.物价部门,只有物价部门有权利制定价格。
IV.Translating Skills
英汉两种语言都有一词多类、一词多义的现象。一词多类是指一个词往往属于多个词类,具有几种不同的意义。如display一词,既可做名词“显示(器)”,又可以作形容词“展览的、陈列用的”,还可做动词“显示、表现”等意思。一词多义是说同一个词类中,往往有几个不同的词义。如power 一词,做名词时,其汉语意思为“电力、功率、次方”等。在英汉翻译过程
Here, you have the option of defining your own display variants.这里,你有权定义你自己的显示变式。(display为名词)Often, it is best to display materials on an information table.通常,最好是把资料放在提供各类资讯的桌子上展示。(display为动词)
The reverse side of a control panel, display panel, or the like: the side with the interconnecting wiring.(display为形容词)
英语中同一个词,同一类词,在不同的场合,往往具有不同的含义。此时,必须根据上下文的联系及整个句子的意思加以判断和翻译。例如as 这一连词:
Wear resistance improves as cutting tool hardness increase.当切削刀具的硬度越高时,其耐磨性就越好。(as引导时间状语从句)
As heat makes things move, it is a form of energy.因为热能使物体运动,所以热是能的一种形式。(as引导原因状语从句)
The fifth power of two is thirty-two.二的五次方是三十二。(数学)With the development of electrical engineering, power can be transmitted over long distances.随着电气工程的发展, 电力能输送得非常远。(电学)Friction can cause a loss of power in every machine.摩擦能引起每一台机器功率的损耗。(物理学)
同一个词与不同的词搭配,可以产生不同的词义。如: make contact 闭合电路
make metals熔炼金属 make good
make a circuit接通电路
make up
make over转让,移交
英语中有些名词的单数或复数表达的词义完全不同。例如: 名词
设施,工具 charge
费用 spirit
酒精 Although they lost, the team played with tremendous spirit.那队输是输了,但却表现了极其顽强的精神。Whisky, brandy, gin and rum are all spirits.威士忌、白兰地、杜松子酒和朗姆酒都是烈酒。
V.Key to Exercises of the text.I 1.A machine element is a single unit designed to perform a specific function and capable of combining with other elements.The most common machine element is a gear.2.Other fundamental machine elements have evolved from wheel and lever.3.In the automotive industry only fasteners, bearings, bushings, chains, and belts are standardized.II.1.F
6.F III.1.最常见的机械零件是齿轮,实际上是由轮子和杆组成的跌有齿的轮子。
4.这些零件是以大批量、高规格和降低成本的条件下生产的。Key to Exercises of the reading 1.The most important properties of cutting tools are hardness at high temperature, wear resistance, and impact strength.2.The hardness of the tool and the degree to which it remains its hardness at high temperature are important in the selection of a cutting-tool material.Because all metal cutting tools begin to lose hardness when heated to sufficiently high temperatures.3.The various materials from which most metal cutting tools are made can be classified under the following principal headings: Carbon tool steel,High-speed steel, Cast alloys, Cemented carbides, Ceramics, Diamonds.4.In order to detect the time when a cutting tool should be changed.VI.阅读材料参考译文
第四篇:大学体验英语综合教程2 第三版 Unit 4 电子教案
Unit 4
Calamities and Rescues Objectives:
★ first listen, and then talk about traffic accidents ★ read about calamities and rescues
★ write to describe how an airplane crash takes place ★ practice the use of subject clauses ★ write to apply for holiday insurance ★ visit Culture Salon for an introduction to the Red Cross
I Passage A
Death of a Dream
In 1961 the 18 members of the US figure skating team boarded a plane to travel to Belgium on their way to the world championships in Czechoslovakia.As the plane approached Brussels, the weather was good, but something was wrong with the plane.Twice it descended as if to land but pulled up and ascended again.The second time it exploded and crashed to the ground.All 72 people on the plane were killed and there were ten families that had lost at least two dear members.The crash site was a scene of total destruction.Later three pairs of melted skates were found dangling from one of the wings.The competition in Prague was canceled to honor the dead.Never before had such a terrible tragedy occurred in the sport of skating.2.Language Points 1.championship: a competition held to determine the champion;position of a champion Examples:
An American team won the pairs championships.They won the men’s and women’s singles championships respectively.2.beam: smile brightly and happily Examples:
He is beaming with delight.He beamed inside.3.dazzling: showing skill, qualities or beauty Examples:
She gave him a dazzling smile.She has a dazzling diamond.4.senior: older in years;higher in rank, authority, etc.Examples:
Mr.Gray is a senior officer in this bank.He is too senior to try for a young man’s job.5.bound: ready to start, having started(for)Examples:
They were on the New York express, bound for Maine.That ship is bound for South America.6.distress: a state of danger or great difficulty Examples:
If the storm continues on the mountain, the climber will be in distress by morning.The lifeboat went out to rescue a ship in distress.7.signal:
(n.)something intended to warn, command, or give a message Examples:
A red light is often used as a danger signal.American Indians used to occasionally send smoke signals.(v.)send a signal or signals to Examples:
The general signaled to his officers for the attack to begin.She was signaling wildly, waving her arms.8.contact: get in touch with somebody Examples:
I shall contact you by telephone.I must contact my lawyer before I make my fi nal decisions.9.lower: move or let down in height Examples:
Lowering the window shade will keep out the sun.He sat quite still, with his gaze lowered to the carpet.10.approach:(n.)movement towards or near to something Examples:
Our approach drove away the wild animals.With the approach of the Spring Festival the weather turned cold.(v.)come near or nearer Examples:
Walk softly as you approach the bed.I saw a figure approaching towards me.11.collision: an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions Examples:
The liner is reported to have had a collision with an oil tanker.The two cars were broken into pieces in the collision.12.in any case: whatever happens Examples:
In any case, I shall return in a day or two.In any case, I would insist upon your being paid.13.crash:
(n.)a violent vehicle accident Examples:
There have been a lot of crashes lately.All the passengers were killed in the plane crash.(v.)fall or strike suddenly, violently and noisily Examples:
I heard the dinner tray crash to the floor.Standing on the beach, I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks.14.rear: raise;lift up Examples:
A lion suddenly reared its head from among the tall grass.The skyscraper rears above the neighboring buildings.15.explode: burst or cause to burst violently and noisily Examples:
The boiler exploded and many people were injured by the hot steam.He pumped the ball up too much and it exploded.16.scatter: separate or cause to separate widely Examples:
A flock of birds scattered when the shot was fired.The government scattered the factories instead of concentrating them in a single area.17.stun: shock into helplessness Examples:
He was stunned by the unfairness of their judgment.She was stunned by the news of her father’s death 18.tragic: very sad;unfortunate Examples:
The tragic accident took eight lives.The driver of the car made a tragic mistake.19.comb through: search something thoroughly Examples:
The students spent many hours in the library, combing through old books looking for facts they wanted.He combed through the files searching for evidence of fraud.20.wreckage: the broken parts of a destroyed thing Examples:
After the accident, the wreckage of the cars was removed from the highway.The shore was covered with the wreckage of the destroyed ship
1.championship: a competition held to determine the champion;position of a champion Examples:
An American team won the pairs championships.They won the men’s and women’s singles championships respectively.2.beam: smile brightly and happily Examples:
He is beaming with delight.He beamed inside.3.dazzling: showing skill, qualities or beauty Examples:
She gave him a dazzling smile.She has a dazzling diamond.4.senior: older in years;higher in rank, authority, etc.Examples:
Mr.Gray is a senior officer in this bank.He is too senior to try for a young man’s job.5.bound: ready to start, having started(for)Examples:
They were on the New York express, bound for Maine.That ship is bound for South America.6.distress: a state of danger or great difficulty Examples:
If the storm continues on the mountain, the climber will be in distress by morning.The lifeboat went out to rescue a ship in distress.7.signal:
(n.)something intended to warn, command, or give a message Examples:
A red light is often used as a danger signal.American Indians used to occasionally send smoke signals.(v.)send a signal or signals to Examples:
The general signaled to his officers for the attack to begin.She was signaling wildly, waving her arms.8.contact: get in touch with somebody Examples:
I shall contact you by telephone.I must contact my lawyer before I make my fi nal decisions.9.lower: move or let down in height Examples:
Lowering the window shade will keep out the sun.He sat quite still, with his gaze lowered to the carpet.10.approach:(n.)movement towards or near to something Examples:
Our approach drove away the wild animals.With the approach of the Spring Festival the weather turned cold.(v.)come near or nearer Examples:
Walk softly as you approach the bed.I saw a figure approaching towards me.11.collision: an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions Examples:
The liner is reported to have had a collision with an oil tanker.The two cars were broken into pieces in the collision.12.in any case: whatever happens Examples:
In any case, I shall return in a day or two.In any case, I would insist upon your being paid.13.crash:
(n.)a violent vehicle accident Examples:
There have been a lot of crashes lately.All the passengers were killed in the plane crash.(v.)fall or strike suddenly, violently and noisily Examples:
I heard the dinner tray crash to the floor.Standing on the beach, I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks.14.rear: raise;lift up Examples:
A lion suddenly reared its head from among the tall grass.The skyscraper rears above the neighboring buildings.15.explode: burst or cause to burst violently and noisily Examples:
The boiler exploded and many people were injured by the hot steam.He pumped the ball up too much and it exploded.16.scatter: separate or cause to separate widely Examples:
A flock of birds scattered when the shot was fired.The government scattered the factories instead of concentrating them in a single area.17.stun: shock into helplessness Examples:
He was stunned by the unfairness of their judgment.She was stunned by the news of her father’s death 18.tragic: very sad;unfortunate Examples:
The tragic accident took eight lives.The driver of the car made a tragic mistake.19.comb through: search something thoroughly Examples:
The students spent many hours in the library, combing through old books looking for facts they wanted.He combed through the files searching for evidence of fraud.20.wreckage: the broken parts of a destroyed thing Examples:
After the accident, the wreckage of the cars was removed from the highway.The shore was covered with the wreckage of the destroyed ship
3.Important sentences
1.This was going to be the time of their lives.This was going to be their most important and memorable experience.2.The crash site was a scene of total destruction.The place where the plane crashed was completely covered with wreckage.3.The crash stunned skaters and figure skating fans around the globe.The crash shocked figure skaters and their fans everywhere in the world.4.All that remained as rescuers combed through the wreckage were three pairs of melted skates dangling from one of the wings.When rescue workers carefully looked through the wreckage, the only things they found(to remind them of the skaters)were three pairs of melted skates suspended from one of the wings.II Passage B
In the Nick of Time
As Katie Pritchard unloaded some groceries from her car, she thought her two sons were playing safely nearby.But they had wandered onto a railroad track and into the path of an approaching train.The train’s engineer and its conductor saw them on the track but could not stop the train in time.The boys ignored the train’s whistling horn and screeching brakes.So the conductor, Tony Falzo, a former gymnast, hung from the front of the train, jumped at exactly the right moment, and rescued the two boys from the moving train, which barely missed crushing them before it finally stopped.One of the boys had a minor cut and the other was unharmed.The mother said she could find no word in a dictionary to express her gratitude to Tony.2.Language Points
1.unload: remove(a load)from(something)Examples:
They unloaded the books from the car.The plane unloaded the passengers at the terminal.2.wander: move about without aim or purpose Examples:
After tea I wandered alone about the town.What peculiar pleasure it is to wander through a strange city.3.cluster: a number of things of the same kind growing or being close together in a group Examples:
Many flowers grow in clusters.Here and there in the suburbs are newly built houses in clusters.4.put away: place something tidily Examples:
The letters were all put away in numbered files.If you have finished with those tools, I wish you’d put them away.5.roar: a deep loud continuing sound Examples:
She was frightened by the lion’s roars.The roar of airplane engines announced a coming air aid.6.kneel: go down or remain on the knee(s)Examples:
She knelt down to pull a weed from flower-bed.He went into the church, knelt(down)and began to pray.7.head for: move toward Examples:
— “Where are you heading for?”
— “I’m heading for London.”
It’s not clear how many of them will be heading for Shang hai.8.slam: push, move hurriedly and with great force Examples:
He slammed the book down on the table and angrily walked out.She slammed on the brakes and the car came to a stop.9.steer: direct the course of(as a ship or vehicle)Examples:
He steered the car skillfully through the narrow streets.He steered the boat between the islands.10.screech: a harsh, piercing sound Examples:
The girl’s screeches brought the police.The forest seemed full of monkeys’ screeches.11.pound: beat repeatedly Examples:
With a madly pounding heart he took the steps three a time.Her heart began to pound and new life came into her limbs.12.leap: jump over Examples:
When the bus slowed down the man leaped off.He leaped six meters in the broad jump.13.scoop: take up or out Examples:
He scooped his books off the floor.She scooped the baby up in her arms and ran from the flame.14.crush: press with great force so as to break, hurt Examples:
Don’t crush this box;there are flowers inside.Several people were crushed to death as they tried to escape from the burning theater.15.beneath: below Examples:
They sheltered themselves beneath their umbrellas.She concealed the bottle beneath her mattress.16.instant: a moment of time Examples:
Not for an instant did I believe he had lied.Mr.Carey considered the question for an instant.17.giant: very large Examples:
He bought giant Christmas trees last year.The giant packet gives you more for less money.18.stride: a long step in walking Examples:
In a few strides he crossed the room.He reached the house several strides before us.19.tuck: put into a convenient narrow space for protection, safety, etc.Examples:
The bird tucked its head under its wing.Jack tucked a napkin under his chin.20.perch:(cause to)go into or be in the stated position(especially unsafely, or on something high)Examples:
He would take out his spectacles and perch them on the end of his nose.The little village perches high among the hills.21.everlasting: lasting for ever;endless Examples:
What is the key to everlasting happiness?
Their contributions to science have earned them an everlasting place in history.22.appreciation: grateful feeling Examples:
He showed no appreciation of my help.How can we express our appreciation for your help?
3.Sentence Explanation 1.Just over a slight rise to the west, a 19-car freight train slowly made its way up the incline.On the other side of a small hill to the west, a 19-car freight train slowly climbed up the slope.2.Falzo knew right away that the train was going too fast to stop in time.Falzo quickly realized that the train was going too fast to stop before it hit the children.3....Falzo knew he couldn’t outrun it....Falzo knew he couldn’t run faster than the train.4.With one child tucked under each arm, he pressed Todd and Scott down into the roadbed gravel.He held the two kids one under each arm and pushed them down into the roadbed gravel between the rail tracks 1.This list goes on, and it is expanding every day.he list of different kinds of advertisements is very long, and it is getting longer and longer.2.Without them acting as sponsors we would not be able to stage international sporting events.Large companies provide the necessary financial support needed for international sporting events, and in return they get to advertise their products at these sporting events.3.As useful as it is, advertisements are sometimes abused by unscrupulous people.Although advertisements have many advantages, some people use them in a dishonest way, usually for a bad purpose.4.Yet these advertisers blatantly ignore facts and promote their products nonetheless.Though these advertisers are consciously aware of the harm of smoking, they choose to overlook the obvious facts and keep on advertising cigarettes.5.Besides giving us a mental jolt they methodically numb and abuse our minds until we watch them without actually seeing and hear their chatter without actually listening.Not only do advertisements surprise us and distract us from the middle of an exciting program, they also attack us mentally to such an extent that we simply feel we don’t see or hear anything when the same advertisements are being repeated.6.Presently advertisement on television is based on hard-selling and relentless assault on the viewers.Now advertisers usually promote their products by putting viewers under extreme psychological pressure and attacking them with repetitive advertising of the same prod
III General Writing: Subject Clauses Subject clauses, which are introduced by that, what, why, whether, who, which, how and so on, are dependent clauses used as a subject in a complex sentence.Example: What you intend to do is interesting.
5.连续两问的加减法特殊问题专项卷 一、仔细推敲,选一选。(每空4分,共20分)1.根据算式选择合适的问题。
①绘画社团有多少人? ②绘画社团和书法社团一共有多少人? ③书法社团男生有多少人? ④书法社团男生和女生相差多少人? 2.王老师买了16支钢笔,买的铅笔比钢笔多6支。____________?下面问题中,可以解决的是()。
A.王老师买了多少支铅笔 B.王老师买了多少块橡皮 C.王老师一共买了多少支笔 D.王老师买的铅笔比彩笔少多少支 ① A和B ② A和C ③ B和C ④ C和D 二、认真审题,填一填。(每空3分,共18分)1.花坛里的菊花开了,黄菊花有28朵,白菊花比黄菊花多8朵。白菊花有()朵,两种菊花一共有()朵。
如果被借走 25本,图书角还剩()本书。
三、聪明的你,答一答。(共62分)1.月月家下午接了多少个订单? 月月家今天一共接了多少个订 单?(12 分)2.两个班一共借走了多少个篮球? 二(3)班需要借25个篮球,剩下的篮球够吗?(12分)3.__________,苹果树比梨树少25棵。李叔叔一共种了多少棵树?(14分)从下面选择一个合适的信息,在括号里打“√”,再列式计算。
① 李叔叔养了36只鸡()②李叔叔种了36棵枇杷树()③ 李叔叔摘了36箱梨()④ 李叔叔种了36棵梨树()4.二(1)班有30个男生,女生比男生多3人,二(1)班一共有多少人?(12分)5.根据给出的信息提出相应的问题,并解答。
(12分)(1)提问:______________________ 算式:____________________(2)提问:______________________ 算式:____________________ 答案 一、1.③①④② 2.② 二、1.36 64 2.75 50 3.79 21 三、1.28+9=37(个)37+28=65(个)口答:月月家下午接了37个订单,月月家今天一共接了65个订单。
2.36+38=74(个)95-74=21(个)21<25 口答:两个班一共借走了74个篮球,剩下的篮球不够。
5.(答案不唯一)(1)文文做了多少道口算题? 36 - 5 = 31(道)口答:文文做了31道口算题。
(2)小刚做了多少道口算题? 31 - 12 = 19(道)口答:小刚做了19道口算题。
课题:100以内的加法和减法(二)第一课时 不进位加法 教学内容:
(板书:35+2)师:你是怎样算的? 先尝试写竖式,再讨论列竖式应注意的问题。
讨论:为什么要这样摆,它有什么好处? 小结:单根的小棒和单根的小棒对齐,也就是个位和个位对齐,整捆的小棒单独放在前面。
(5)计算 让学生看刚才写出的竖式,想想应该如何进行计算。
两位数与两位数的不进位加 1.出示教材第13页例2图。
二(1)班和二(2)班一共有多少名学生? 35+32= 2.让学生独立尝试在练习本上列出竖式计算。
讨论:为什么要这样摆,它有什么好处? 小结:整捆的小棒和整捆的小棒上下对齐,也就是十位上的数和十位上的数对齐,单根的和单根的对齐,也就是个位数和个位数对齐。即相同数位对齐。
提问:根据用小棒摆的竖式,可以怎样算,有几种算法? 小结:有两种算法。一种是从个位算起。个位上,5个一加2个一是7;
4.讨论:两位数加两位数的竖式计算顺序是怎样的? 5.小结:两位数加两位数(不进位),可以先从个位加起,也可以先从十位加起。
【课堂作业】 1.课本第12页“做一做”的第2题。
(1)17+20=19(2)50+26=76(3)42+3=72 答案:1.2.(1)错(2)对(3)错 【课堂小结】 提问:这节课你有什么收获?你还有哪些问题? 小结:这节课我们初步学习了两位数与一位数的不进位加法,在写竖式时,要把十位上的数与十数上的数对齐,个位上的数与个数上的数对齐 【课后作业】 请完成教材第12页“做一做”第1题。
【教学板书】 第1课时 不进位加 课后反思:
不退位减 课题 不退位减 课型 新授课 设计说 明 1.充分发挥主题图的作用,创设情境,让学生体会数学来源于生活并应用于生活。
学习目 标 1.理解并掌握两位数减两位数(不退位减)的计算方法,并会正确地计算。
学习重、难点 1.进一步理解相同数位对齐的含义,探索并掌握两位数减两位数(不退位减)的方法。
学 前准 备 教具准备:PPT课件 学具准备:小棒 圆片 课 时 1课时 教 学环 节 导 案 学 案 达标检测 一、情景导入,激发兴趣(6分钟)。
1.出示主题图——奥运金牌榜,组织学生观察情境图,说说你从图中了解到哪些信息,从什么地方看出中国赢了?你有什么感受? 2.出示例1中的统计表,引导学生根据统计表提出问题。
生1:我了解到:___________________ 生2:因为中国获得的金牌数最多,作为中国人我很自豪。
问题1:美国和俄罗斯一共获得了多少枚金牌? 问题2:美国比俄罗斯多多少枚金牌? 3.学生自主解决加法问题,并思考老师提出的问题。
3.讨论:你们知道竖式计算时,应该注意什么吗? 4.应用练习,加深理解。
3.柳树比杨树多多少棵? 杨树32棵 柳树47棵 47-32=15(棵)答:柳树比杨树多15棵。
3.学校体育器材室有35副羽毛球拍,借走了24副,还剩下多少副? 师:这节课你有什么收获? 1.学生自己完成后全班交流。
小刚做了多少朵花? 答:小刚做了32朵花。
四、课后总结,拓展延伸。(4分钟)1.这节课你动手实践了吗?你对自己的表现满意吗? 2.这节课你又学会了什么知识?还有不懂的地方吗? 1.学生自评。
五、教学板书 1.方法一:分合法(1)。
六、教学反思 《教学课堂标准》指出,数学教学必须建立在学生的认知发展水平和已有的知识经验基础之上,有了一定的学习基础,此类题大多学生都会算。所以我们要把主动权交给学生,让他们借助已有的知识经验自己去探究,去发现解决问题的方法。作为教师不要去为学生设计“过渡题”“样板题”,否则容易把学生带入教师预设的方法中。应该放手让学生自己去比较,分析,选择适合自己的计算方法或书本上相对较好的方法。此节课,我也深深的感到,作为一名教师要有耐心,要把机会让给每一个学生,让每一个孩子在启发中互相创新,在启发中激起探究的热情。
聪明的小亨利 小亨利家境贫寒,他每天放学后到街头给人擦皮鞋,挣钱补贴家用。
一天,一辆轿车停在小亨利的旁边,车上下来一个胖老板。小亨利迎上前去,对胖老板说:“先生,您只要花10美分,我就可以把您的皮鞋擦亮。”胖老板白了他一眼:“不需要。”小亨利眼睛一眨,想出了主意。“先生,我愿意为您免费服务一次。”“这样啊,我接受。” 当小亨利擦完一只皮鞋后,胖老板立即把另一条腿伸了过来。小亨利对胖老板伸出两根手指:“第二次服务20美分。”“那就算了吧。”胖老板气哼哼地站了起来,低头一看,发现自己的两只皮鞋一只亮一只不亮。胖老板出于无奈,不得不重新坐下:“我答应付20美分,你快点把另一只皮鞋擦亮。” 第一、二单元达标检测卷 一、仔细推敲,选一选(将正确答案的序号填在括号里)。
① 口罩 ②《新华字典》 ③ 数学书 ④ 1元硬币 2.下面量法或说法错误的是()。
① 80-54 ② 72-38 ③ 28+16 ④ 8+24 4.明明做一道计算题,本应该减16,而他却加了16,这样算出的结果比正确的结果大()。
① 16 ② 32 ③ 20 ④ 48 5.大约是25米的是()。
① 爸爸的身高 ② 共享单车的长度 ③ 树苗的高度 ④ 一节动车车厢的长度 6.1米长的绳子和10厘米长的铁丝相比,()。
①绳子长 ②铁丝长 ③同样长 ④无法比较 7.李老师买了39本笔记本,43本图画本。____________?下面问题中,不能解决的是()。
① 一共需要多少钱 ② 笔记本比图画本少多少本 ③ 一共买了多少本 ④ 图画本比笔记本多多少本 8.下面各题先算减法的是()。
①31+26-27 ②93-(17+46)③47+(60-20)9.观察右边的竖式,下面说法正确的是()。
A.三个“6”都表示6个一 B.76中的“7”表示7个一 C.笔算减法时,先算个位,再算十位 D.60中的“6”表示6个十 ① A和B ② A和C ③ B和C ④ C和D 二、认真审题,填一填。(每空1分,共23分)1.量长度。
树叶大约有()个 4.在里填上“>”“<”或“=”。
41-735 54+862 43+1752+7 25+832 40-838 63-1342+18 5.在括号里填上合适的数。
1米=()厘米()厘米=6米 200厘米=()米 1米-30厘米=()厘米 6.先计算14+6=20,再计算70-20=50,写成一个算式是()。
7.数一数,下面的图形中各有几条线段? 8.二(1)班国庆节要剪90颗☆,第一次剪了28颗,第二次剪了34颗。两次一共剪了()颗,还需要剪()颗。
三、细心的你,算一算。(共26分)1.口算。(每小题1分,共10分)59-6= 27+3= 20+55= 5+23= 65-60= 45+13-30= 64+15-9= 72=()-8()+5=48 2+18=()-6 2.列竖式计算。(前2小题每题2分,其余每小题3分,共16分)22+27= 82-46= 36+4=(先填一填,变成进位加法,再计算)74-26+25= 98-(50-27)= 75+(36-18)= 四、动动手,画一画。(共6分)1.在距离小兔子2厘米处画一根萝卜,5厘米处画一朵小花。(2分)2.先估一估,再用尺子量一量。(4分)五、聪明的你,答一答。(共27分)1. 小熊要买门票吗?为什么?请写出理由。(6分)2.周末,龙岩小学开展了爱心义卖活动。乐乐义卖了多少钱?东东和乐乐一共义卖了多少钱?(6分)3.购物满80元立减10元。
(1)一副乒乓球拍比一个文具盒贵多少钱?(5分)(2)买一副乒乓球拍和一个篮球能立减10元吗?为什么?(5分)(3)根据算式“23+8=”结合上面的信息提出一个数学问题。(5分)①数学问题:__________________________________________ ②23+8=()(元),可以怎样付钱? 答案 一、1.③ 2.① 3.② 4.②【点拨】从题中分析,本应该减16没有减,就多了16,却又加了16,那么算出的结果就比正确的结果大了16+16=32。
5.④ 6.① 【点拨】1米=100厘米,100厘米>10厘米。
7.① 8.③ 9.④ 二、1.7 5 【点拨】既要看量的“起点”,也要看量的“终点”,列式是9-4=5(厘米)。
2.米 厘米 米 3.5 6 4.< = > > < < 5.100 600 2 70 6.70-(14+6)=50 7.6 3 12 8.62 28 三、1.53 30 75 28 5 28 70 80 43 26 2. 【点拨】第3题答案不唯一,里填4~9都可以。
四、1. 2.略 五、1.小熊不需要买门票。因为小熊的身高只有90厘米,还不到1米。
(2)23+65=88(元)88>80 口答:能立减10元。
(3)①买一副乒乓球拍和一个魔方一共多少钱? 【点拨】不能自己随意编,要根据给出的算式来提。
② 31 可以付3张10元的和1张1元的。
儿歌比赛 数学学校举行儿歌比赛,大象老师做裁判。
小猴聪聪第一个举手。聪聪清了清嗓子,开始朗诵道:“进位加法我会算,数位对齐才能加。个位对齐个位加,满十要向十位进。十位相加再加一,得数算得快又准。” 聪聪刚刚说完,小狗佳佳举起手,说:“我的儿歌和聪聪的很相似。”大象老师说:“好!那我们听听你的儿歌。”佳佳大方地走上台,朗诵道:“退位减法并不难,数位对齐才能减。个位数小不够减,要向十位借个一,十位退一是十,退了以后少个一。十位数字怎么减,十位退一再去减。” 大家为他们的精彩表演鼓掌。大象老师说:“他们的儿歌使我们明白了进位加法和退位减法,所以,我们觉得他们两个人都得冠军,好不好?”大家同意老师的意见,高兴地鼓掌祝贺他们俩。
还有几个球 天平板上放有大小相同的乒乓球,左边有14个,右边有14个,天平板恰好平衡了。现在拿掉了5个,天平板上还有几个球? 有些小朋友可能会这样想:14+14=28,原来天平板上有28个乒乓球,拿掉5个,还有28-5=23(个)球。其实,这个问题非常有趣,思考时要联系我们的生活实际。
加减混合运算和带小括号的运算 教学内容:
课本P28例3、例4 教学目标:
实物投影、主题图 教学过程:
一、创设情景引入新课 小朋友们,你们在乘坐公共汽车过程中发现了哪些与数学有关的问题,说给同学听一听。
二、合作交流,掌握算法 1、教学例3。
四、课堂总结 今天我们学习了什么知识?你又学会了什么?计算加减混合运算时需要注意什么问题?教师引导梳理。
五、布置作业 减法 数学课上,教师对一位学生说:“你怎么连减法都不会?例如,你家里有十个苹果,被你吃了四个,结果是多少呢?” 这个学生沮丧地说道:“结果是屁股被打了十下!” 老猎人的故事 一位老猎人常教导他的三个儿子要有勇有谋。一次,老猎人在盘子上放了四个大苹果,让三个儿子用最少的箭射掉全部苹果。
大儿子比划了一下:“我要用三支箭。“ 二儿子一听,急忙说:“那我只要用两只箭。” 小儿子先想了一下,说:“我觉得一只箭就足够了。”老猎人听了很高兴,夸奖小儿子聪明,让大儿子和二儿子向小儿子学习,不仅要有技术,还要善于开动脑筋。大儿子与二儿子听了不服气,认为小儿子在说大话。
于是小儿子一箭射出,四个苹果全部落地。你知道他是怎样射的吗? 连加、连减 教学内容:
课本P27例1、例2 教学目标:
实物投影、主题图 教学过程:
7+6+5 8+9+13 24-10-7 20+30+10 2、揭示课题:今天我们将继续研究三个数的加减法。
(2)出示表格。学生根据表格了解信息并提出问题。在小组内交流你想到的问 题,并解答出来。
(3)怎样求一共摘了多少个南瓜?学生回答,教师板书算式28+34+22,这道题怎样计算呢? 学生试算并在小组内交流计算方法。学生汇报,展示算法。
课题:两位数加两位数(进位加)教学内容 教材第14页例3、“做一做”,第15页练习二的3~7题。
情感态度与价值观 在学习过程中,培养学生解决问题的能力及与人合作、与人交流的能力。
一、复习引入 笔算下列各题。
25+42= 36+21= 24+35= 指名回答,笔算不进位加法要注意什么? 二、探究新知 知识 进位加 1.学习第14页例3(1)出示课本第14页例3图。
二(1)班和二(3)班一共有多少名学生? 35+37=(2)指导学生活动:用小棒竖着摆出35+37。
(5)组织讨论:用竖式计算怎样写?应该怎样算?(6)交流汇报、小结 2.比一比 提问:比较35+32与35+37的笔算有什么相同点和不同点? 教师在黑板上书写讲解两式的竖式计算。
二(1)班和二(3)班一共有多少名学生? 经过计算35+37=72(人),所以二(1)班和二(3)班一共有72名学生。
【课堂作业】 1.课本第14页“做一做”。
2.猜一猜代表什么数? 可同桌交流思路,教师对有困难的学生给予指导。
答案:1.2.5 3 2 3.第3题:(1)31+22=53(枚)(2)14+10=24(枚)第4题:
第6题:26+48= 74 39+14=53 60+39=99 37+12=49 54+16=70 45+8=53 第7题:25+63=88 76+5=81 37+38=75 45+47=92 32+18=50 9+56=65 【课堂小结】 提问:这节课你有什么收获?你还有什么问题? 小结:本课时学习了100以内的两位数与两位数的进位加法,在竖式计算时要注意把相同数位对齐,从个位加起,个位满十向十位进一。
【课后作业】 1.课本第16页练习二的8~11题。
1.加法 第3课时进位加 课后反思:
求比一个数多(少)几的数 课题 解决问题 课型 新授课 设计说明 1.放手让学生自主探究,拓展思维空间,培养动手能力。
学习目标 1.理解并掌握解决“求比一个数多几的数是多少”的实际问题的思路和方法,能运用所学知识解决生活中的一些简单问题。
学习重、难 点 1.掌握解决“求比一个数多(少)几的数是多少”的实际问题的方法。
学前准备 教具准备:课件 学具准备:小棒 课时安排 1课时 教学环节 导 案 学 案 达标检测 一、情景导入,激发兴趣。(6分钟)1.拿小棒游戏。
(1)教师拿了3根小棒,同学们比教师多拿2根,同学们拿几根?(2)教师拿9根,同学们比教师少拿3根,同学们拿几根? 2.拍手游戏。
(2)□□□□□□□□ ■比□少3个,■有(5)个。
师:计算两位数减两位数退位减法时需要注意什么问题? 3.引导学生解决例4(2)题。
2.我会选择。(把正确答案的序号填在括号里)(1)有18个,比多2个,有多少个?(A)A.18+2=20(个)B.18-2=16(个)(2)二(1)班有女生28名,男生比女生少6名,男生有多少名?(B)A:28+6=34(名)B:28-6=22(名)3.小丽有多少钱? 32-8=24(元)答:小丽有24元。
4.二年级同学去看电影,买了80张票,后来退了6张,二年级有多少名同学去看电影? 80-6=74(名)三、巩固练习,提高能力。(10分钟)1.完成教材第24页“做一做”。
3.谁会编类似的问题? 1.学生独立做,点名汇报,集体订正。
四、课堂 小结。
(4分钟)你积极思考了吗?这节课你又学会了什么? 学生交流表现和收获。
五、教学板书 六、教学反思 这节课中,我主要引导学生自主思考,自主解决问题,让学生知道可以用多种方法解决同一问题,使学生能分析两步应用题的数量关系,找出中间问题,确定先算什么,再算什么。因此,在练习中我创设了与练习中相应的情境,通过学生自主选择活动内容自由组合成学习小组,将静态的书本情境搬到了教室里,使学生有身临其境的感觉,有效的激活了学生的原有认知结构,同时拉近了数学与生活的距离,使学生感受到学数学、用数学的乐趣。
生命的加减法 新的一年开始了。
有人说:“我们又少了一年。” 有人说:“我们又多了一年。” 这就是生命的加减法。有人用的是减法思维,所以越减越少,使人的一生充满危机,充满压力:
“减法”给我们带来了压力,使我们明白了人生苦短,岁月无情。我们看看周围,有多少佼佼者已走到了前面,我们能不奋起直追? “加法”给我们带来了希望,使我们增添了阅历,积累了财富。时光老人对每个人都是公平的,哪怕你历尽坎坷,遭遇挫折,也都是一种经历的积累。这种积累令我们更加聪明、理智。有了这种积累,新的一年里,我们的步伐就会更矫健,更加沉稳,更加自信。
退位减法教案 课 题:两位数减两位数(退位减)教学内容:教材第19页例2、例3及相应的“做一做”、练习三第6题。
知识与技能 使学生理解笔算两位数减两位数(退位减)的算理,掌握算法,并能正确地进行计算。
设疑激趣 多媒体出示教材第17页情境图,你能提出什么问题? 美国比俄罗斯多多少枚金牌是我们上节课学过的问题,谁能回忆一下两位数减两位数(不退位减)的笔算法则? 51-36=? 探索新知 学习例2。
思考:为什么要拆开一捆呢? 多媒体演示摆小棒过程,老师跟随画面讲解。
个位上的“1”减“6”不够减,怎么办? 十位上算法:十位上被个位借1之后还剩下几? 多媒体课件再现。
积累运用 完成教材第19页“做一做” 完成练习三第6题。
总结提升 通过本节课的学习,你学会了什么?如何进行两位数减两位数的退位减? 板书设计:
两位数减两位数(退位减)51-36=15 5 1 5 1 5 1 - 3 6 -3 6 -3 6 课后反思:
蜗牛何时爬上井? 一只蜗牛不小心掉进了一只枯井里,它趴在井底上哭起来,一只癞蛤蟆过来,翁声翁气的对蜗牛说:“别哭了,小兄弟,哭也没用,这井壁又高又滑,掉到这里只能在这里生活了。我已经在这里生活了许多年了。”蜗牛望着又老又丑的癞蛤蟆,心里想:“井外的世界多美呀!我决不能像它那样生活在又黑又冷的井底里。”蜗牛对癞蛤蟆说:“癞大叔,我不能生活在这里,我一定要爬出去,请问这口井有多深?”“哈哈哈……,真是笑话,这井有10米深,你小小年纪。又背负着这么重的壳,怎么能爬出去呢?” “我不怕苦不怕累,每天爬一段,总能爬出去!” 第二天,蜗牛吃得饱饱的,开始顺着井壁往上爬了,它不停地爬呀爬,到了傍晚,终于爬了5米,蜗牛特别高兴,心想:“照这样的速度,明天傍晚我就可以爬出去了。”想着想着不知不觉睡着了。早上,蜗牛被一阵呼噜声吵醒了,一看,原来是癞大叔还在睡觉,他心里一惊:“我怎么离井底这么近?”原来,蜗牛睡着以后,从井壁上滑下来4米,蜗牛叹了一口气,咬咬牙,又开始往上爬,到傍晚又往上爬了5米,可晚上,蜗牛又滑下来4米。就这样,爬呀爬,滑呀滑,最后坚强的蜗牛终于爬上了井台。
小猴过生日 明天就是小猴明明的生日了,明明准备请他的小伙伴来家里玩。为了欢迎小伙伴们的到来,小猴明明就和爸爸、妈妈商量,准备去森林采摘一些水果来招待他的小伙伴们。
用数学 课题 解决连续两问 的实际问题 课型 新授课 设计 说明 1.创设情境,引导学生在观察中获取数学信息,提出问题。
学习目标 1.掌握用加、减法计算来解决连续两问的实际问题的方法。
学习重、难点 1.掌握用加、减法解决连续两个问题的方法。
学前 准备 教具准备:PPT课件 课时 安排 1课时 教学 环节 导 案 学 案 达标检测 一、谈话导入、引入新知。(5分钟)1.师:同学们,谁能告诉我你们都参加了哪些兴趣小组吗? 2.出示教材第32页情境图,提问:你们知道画面中的小朋友在做什么吗? 3.教师适当启发引导:你能提出什么问题? 1.学生畅所欲言,都说了各自最喜欢的兴趣小组。
学生1:男生有多少人? 学生2:一共有多少人? 1.12元 42元 一本字典比一个书包便宜多少元? 42-12=30(元)二、小组合作、探究新知。
师:这两个问题你会解答吗? 2.如果把刚才的两个问题合并到一道题里,你会做吗?(课件出示例5)美术兴趣小组有14名女生,男生比女生少5人。男生有多少人?美术兴趣小组一共有多少人? 3.讨论:可不可以直接求出第二个问题?为什么? 师追问:解决连续两问的问题,最关键的是什么? 4.师生共同总结解题方法。
学生1:要求男生有多少人,就是求比14少5的数是多少? 14-5=9(人)。
2.小青蛙捉了多少只害虫? 32-6=26(只)3.9+16=25(元)4.猜猜我是谁。
5.一本书有80页,小军昨天看了25页,今天看了32天,现在还剩多少页没看? 80-25-32=23(页)三、巩固练习,提高能力。(8分钟)1.引导学生完成教材第32页“做一做”。
四、课堂小结。(5分钟)1.今天你表现积极吗? 2.学习了连续提两个问题的应用题,你有什么收获? 1.学生畅所欲言。
五、教学板书 六、教学反思 在课的开始,通过提问“你发现了什么数学信息?”吸引学生看图搜集主题图中的数学信息,再通过提问“根据这些信息你能提出什么数学问题?”让学生自主提出问题,促使学生在真实的情境中较好地理解和掌握解决问题的想法,及时解决生活中的实际问题。课堂上通过提问“你有不同的解决方法吗?”“你又是怎样想的?”让学生充分交流研讨,畅谈自己的想法,然后着重说明自己解决问题的思路。同时让学生在解决问题的过程中充分体验解决问题策略的多样化,激励和尊重学生多样化的独立思考的思维方式。这样让学生积极主动的经历“发现问题——提出问题——解决问题”的全过程,有效地培养学生解决简单现实问题的能力,让学生获得成功的学习体验。
第2单元达标检测卷 一、用心思考,正确填空。(每空1分,共25分)1.列竖式计算加法和减法时,都要把相同()对齐,从()位算起。
35+1257 45-855-18 70-625+35 32+4587 6+3460+4 36-936-12 4.里最大能填几? 60->30 70>20+ 5.按规律填一填。
()+26=50 70-()=18()-37=48 7.计算32+(80-29)时先算()法,再算()法,结果得()。
① 53+4 ② 45+3 ③ 34+5 ④ 54+9 2.下面算式的结果最接近80的是()。
① 36+57 ② 95-27 ③ 48+33 ④ 54+36 3.计算64-38时,个位上的4不够减8,从十位退1,个位上要用()减8。
① 10 ② 24 ③ 14 ④ 4 4.二(1)班图书角借出20本书后,还剩15本书,其中故事书有5本。图书角原来有多少本书?正确的列式是()。
① 20-15 ② 20+15 ③ 20-5 ④ 20+5 5.苹果有32个,苹果比梨多9个,苹果和梨一共有()个。
① 73 ② 55 ③ 41 ④ 23 6.小红有45本书,小刚给她14本书后,两人的书就一样多了。小刚原来有()本书。
① 31 ② 59 ③ 73 ④ 52 三、认真审题,精确计算。(共26分)1.看谁算得又对又快。(8分)15+25= 42-4= 36+30= 78-8+6= 5+43= 60-7= 50+34= 87-(40-3)= 2.列竖式计算。(18分)56+29= 92-78= 70-37+28= 100-76= 81-79= 86-(45+26)= 四、看图列式计算。(每题2分,共4分)1.2.()=()=()五、联系生活,解决问题。(共33分)1.菲菲有多少元?(4分)2.新星超市原来有56台冰箱,上个月卖了38台,这个月又购进43台,现在新星超市有多少台冰箱?(5分)(1)红红家交水费多少元?(3分)(2)军军家交水费多少元?(3分)4.涛涛看《故事书》,第一天看了32页,第二天看了36页,两天一共看了多少页?如果他第三天看30页,能看完吗?(5分)5.亮亮家的书柜里有98本图书。下层有多少本图书?(用两种方法解答)(6分)6.三明某超市举行十周年店庆活动,满50元减5元。
(1)小芳买一个小熊娃娃和一个订书机,带50元够吗?(3分)(2)你还能提出一个数学问题并解答吗?(4分)答案 一、1.数位 个 2.199783 3.< = > < < > 4.29 49 5.(1)42 49 56(2)58 54 50 6.24 52 85 7.减 加 83 二、1.③ 2.③ 3.③ 4.② 5.② 6.③ 三、1.40 38 66 76 48 53 84 50 四、1.80-(35+5)=40(个)2.57+16=73(棵)五、1.70-26=44(元)答:菲菲有44元钱。
4.32+36=68(页)68+30=98(页)98<100 答:两天一共看了68页。如果他第三天看30页,不能看完。
6.(1)27+28=55(元)55>50 55-5=50(元)50=50 答:小芳买一个小熊娃娃和一个订书机,带50元够。
(2)答案不唯一,如:要买上面三种物品各一件,需要多少钱? 27+28+42=97(元)97>50 97-5=92(元)答:需要92元钱。
《加减混合运算》说课稿 今天我说课的内容是人教版小学数学第三册第二单元混合运算的这部分知识。本课指导学生在解决具体问题的过程中,理解运算顺序,掌握简单的加减混合运算的技能。在认真学习《数学课程标准》,深入钻研教材,充分了解学生的基础上,我准备从以下六方面进行说课:
一、领悟课程标准新理念 《数学课程标准》中明确指出:应该从学生的生活经验和已有的知识出发,给学生呈现“现实的、有意义的、富有挑战性的”材料,提供充分的数学活动和交流的机会,引导他们在自主探索的过程中获得知识和技能,尽力实际问题抽象成数学模型并解释与应用的过程。、教材及学情分析 “加减混合运算”是是在学生已经掌握100以内加减法,两步连加连减运算的基础上进行教学的。这部分内容是今后继续学习四则混合运算和解决稍复杂问题的基础。教材通过上下车的情景展开对简单加减混合运算知识的学习。本节课的设计依然遵照以解决问题为框架,在解决问题的过程中理解混合运算的顺序。这样安排,一方面,可以利用现实的素材帮助学生理解运算顺序。另一方面,有助于学生体会运算的价值。
三、教学目标及教学重、难点 教学目标:1、探索并初步掌握100以内数加减混合运算的方法。
四、教法设计及学法指导 为突出重点、突破难点,设计教法及学法如下:
六、教学过程 《数学课程标准》提倡以“问题情境——建立模型——解释、应用与拓展、反思”的基本模式展现内容。为了让学生经历“数学化”和“再创造”的过程,基于以上想法,教学过程我设计了以下几个环节:在本课教学中,我遵循了学生的认知规律,以素质教育思想为指导,学生主动参与为前提,自主学习为途径,合作学习为形式,培养创新精神和实践能力为重点,设计了以上教学环节。由于水平有限,其中定有许多不当之处,恳请各位老师给予批评指正,谢谢!)2.100以内加减法的计算专项卷 一、仔细推敲,选一选。(每小题2分,共6分)1.小明在计算两位数加两位数时,个位上算5+2=7,十位上算3+3=6,这道题是()。
① 25+33 ② 53+23 ③ 35+32 ④ 23+35 2.下面能正确表示图意的算式是()。
① 5+7=12 ② 35+37=72 ③ 37-35=2 ④ 5+5=10 3.用竖式计算“48+6”时,8和6要对齐,是因为()。
① 8和6比较大 ② 比较好算 ③ 8和6比较接近④ 8和6都表示几个一 二、认真审题,填一填。(第4小题6分,其余每空2分,共32分)1.笔算加减法时,要把相同的数位(),从()位算起,计算退位减法时,个位不够减向()位借“1”当“10”。
3. 一个数是43,另一个数是34,这两个数的和是(),差是()。
5.括号里最大能填几? 36>()+27()-8<4263>35+()25-()>16 33<70-()45>30+()三、细心的你,算一算。(共62分)1.直接写出得数。(每小题1分,共12分)42+8= 35-7= 26+30= 75-40= 40+17= 9+24= 80-6= 65-60= 91-8= 56-30= 72+5= 40+28= 2.列竖式计算。(每小题3分,共18分)(1)3+26=(2)54-1=(3)64-7+16=(变成不进位加法)(变成退位减法)(4)90-27=(5)46-18=(6)85-(12+39)= 3.耐心地计算下面各题。
(1)算式接龙。(每空2分,共8分)(2)花儿开了。(每空2分,共20分)4.在里填上合适的数。(每小题2分,共4分)答案 一、1.③ 2.② 3.④ 二、1.对齐 个 十 2.7 51 3.77 9 4.× 改正:
× 改正:
× 改正:
5.8 49 27 8 36 14 三、1.50 28 56 35 57 33 74 5 83 26 77 68 2.(1)(2)((1)(2)题答案不唯一)(3)64-7+16=73(4)90-27=63(5)46-18=28(6)85-(12+39)=34 3.(1)50 24 69 33(2)4. 3.求比一个数多(少)多少的数的专项卷 一、仔细推敲,选一选。(每小题3分,共9分)1.下面不能列式为“55-37”的是()。
① 55比37多多少 ② 比55少37的数是多少 ③ 55与37的和是多少 ④ 55与37相差多少 2.男生比女生多3人,也就是说()。
① 女生人数减去3人与男生人数一样多 ② 女生比男生多3人 ③ 男生人数加上3人与女生人数一样多 ④ 女生人数加上3人与男生人数一样多 3.学校足球队有23人,________________,田径队有多少人?要求“田径队有多少人”,可以补充的信息是()。
A.田径队比足球队多3人 B.田径队比羽毛球队多3人 C.乒乓球队比足球队少3人 D.田径队比足球队少3人 ① A和B ② B和C ③ C和D ④ A和D 二、认真审题,填一填。(每空3分,共30分)1.比39多47的数是(),比90少18的数是()。
(1)上图表示的意思是什么?请在括号里画“√”。(10分)① 白兔采了14个蘑菇,灰兔比白兔多采了3个,灰兔采了多少个蘑菇?()② 白兔采了14个蘑菇,灰兔比白兔少采了3个,灰兔采了多少个蘑菇?()(2)列式解决问题。(10分)4.请你根据下图编出一道含有两个信息和一个问题的数学题。(11分)答案 一、1.③ 2.④【点拨】要先明确男生和女生谁多谁少。
3.④ 二、1.86 72 2.7 21 65 【点拨】分析要求的数是用加法还是用减法计算。
3.59 4.和铅笔同样多的部分 比铅笔多的5支 5.12 12 三、1.(1)56+9=65(元)(2)50-18=32(本)2.50-15=35(米)35-3=32(米)口答:明明游了32米。
4.小丽做了14颗星星,小红做得比小丽少5颗,小红做了多少颗星星? 4.连加、连减、加减混合运算的计算方法专项卷 一、仔细推敲,选一选。(每小题3分,共9分)1.下面各组算式得数相等的是()。
① 数位没有对齐 ② 没有满十进1 ③ 没有退位 ④ 没有按正确的运算顺序计算 3.东东看一本87页的课外书,第一周看了34页,第二周看了29页,还剩多少页没有看?下面算式错误的是()。
①87-(34+29)②87-(34-29)③87-34-29 ④87-(29+34)二、认真审题,填一填。(每空2分,共30分)1.按规律填数。
(1)19,23,27,(),(), 39,()。
三、细心的你,算一算。(共61分)1.直接写出得数。(每小题2分,共18分)45+40+7= 68-4+9= 82-20-6= 56-(60-4)= 43+(31-9)= 79-9-5= 98-(60+8)= 45-5+36= 88-18-9= 2.列竖式计算。(每小题4分,共16分)36+57-45= 82-33-29= 40+19+8= 53+(46-16)= 3.下面的计算对吗?把不对的改正过来。(每小题3分,共6分)(1)80-46-18=26(2)82-28+35=99 4.按箭头所指的方向算一算。(每空3分,共12分)5.(1)三明市阳光花店原有鲜花73枝,卖掉46枝,后来又运来20枝。现在店里有鲜花多少枝?(5分)(2)超市有90箱苹果,上午卖掉15箱,下午又卖掉15箱,现在还剩多少箱苹果?(4分)答案 一、1.④ 【点拨】前面是加号,后面可以直接添上小括号,得数不变。
2.③ 3.② 二、1.(1)31 35 43(2)46 28 19 2.减 加 74 3.加 减 20 4.59 21 80-(39+20)=21 【点拨】注意不能写成80-59,要表示出59是39与20的和。
三、1.92 73 56 0 65 65 30 76 61 2.36+57-45=48 82-33-29=20 40+19+8=67 53+(46-16)=83 3.(1)× 改正:80-46-18=16(2)× 改正:82-28+35=89 4.75 80 18 27 5.(1)73-46+20=47(枝)口答:现在店里有鲜花47枝。