第一篇:英语-八下八年级英语下册 unite sectiona3-3c教学设计
八年级英语下册 unite sectiona3-3c教学设计
1语言技能 生能够通过泛读和路读等技巧获取文章大意或具体信息。
2.学生能够通过关注语言细节,借助所提供的关键信息,在阅读中体会语宫结构的表意 功能,同时为后面的语法归纳与学习打好基础
3.学生能够深层次理解作者写作的意图,发表自己的现点和看法,从而提高自己的文学 素养和人文素养
2学生能够学会正确使用文本中的重点词汇表达,如mark, towards,land,tool,sand 3.学生能找出观在完成时态的目标句型并加以整里、归钠并自然运用到课文故事的述 中去 学习策略
1认知策略:学生能够利用已有知识谈论论并进一步理解文本。对于文本的采层次理解, 本文刻画了一个怎样的人物(鲁滨逊)2资源策略:学生能利用相关文学书籍拓展话题 文化意识
1学生能够通过学习文学片段, 激发其学习英语语言的兴趣。
活动1 【导入】自主先学预习展示
任务一:读一读 1.两人一组朗读単词及词组并说出中文意思
towards gne up not long after that bring back 任务二:写一写(小组内交摘抄含有现在完成时态的句子)然后朗读重点句型(组长领读,组员跟读)
任务二:说一说(与老师可答有关鲁滨逊漂流记这本书)wvho ' s Who is the main character in the book ? Can you say something about robinson ? what do you think of robinson ?
设计意图:设计的前两个子预习任务分别位测了学生对于本课的重要单词短语和观在 态结构句子的预习情况,第三个任务检测了学生对于本文学著作的了解情况。
活动2 【讲授】创设情境,感受语言
i ask two questions.Q 1 r you are going to one of the unknown islands one day , what three thing you want to take wth you most ?
Q 2.if you find some marks of another man ' s feet on the sand , how will you f 设计意图:引入了一个网上顺为流行的荒岛生存海戏,如果你去一个荒岛,只能常 MERA西,你会选择什么?选探这个问题的目的在与一是为了激起学生的思维积性,二是 引导学生对于荒岛求就生话题有所认识和思考,为下一步学习鲁逊流记子一定
the writer of the book ? who is the main character in the book ? Can you say something about robinson ? Wnat do you think of robinson ?
设计意图:设计的前两个预习任务分别检测了学生对于本课的重更单词短语和现在完成时 态结构句子的预习情况,第三个任务检则了学生对于本文学著作的了解情况。
ask two questions Q 1 if you are going to one of the unknown islands one day , what three things do you want to take wth you most a 2 i you find some marks of another mans feet on the sand , how will you feel
设计意图:引入了一个两上断为流行的荒岛生存滴戏,如果你去一个荒岛,只能带三样东 西,你会选择什么?挥这个问题的后的在与一是为了激起学生的思维积性,二是为了 5X引导学生对干能岛求就生话题有所认识和更考,为下一步学习鲁拿逊滑流记做好一定的调.show a passage from bbs and ask the ss to write down some new words with the english explanation 2 what do you think of robinson at first sight 设计意图:引入一篇在论坛上的有关荒岛求生的篇章,是为了引出本课文将要出现的几个 重要单词,用英语解释词汇的方式来让学生填完整篇文章,顺便也是完成了3b中找单词 的任务 活动3【活动】呈现任务,多维操练.fast reading read the passage based on robinson crusoe.then answer the q
uestions(3 a)1)hat does robinson crusoe wait for ?
设计意图:引导学生采用快速读《结合路读)的同读策路来让学生对于文章有个 了解和认识。.listen to the tape and finish 3 c 设计意图:引导学生采用在静下心听课文时采用子读的词读策略来从整体上来认识 編文章,并完成书上的故事情节改错题。lsten and imitate read paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 carefully)1)show the pictures of robinsons actiities and lead students to describe the y robinson wth the present pertect tense 设计意图:利用有关鲁滨逊图片再现故事发展,创设與体语境,帮助学生具体故事线 建构现在完成时述,让学生对完成时态有了更清、明确的理理
2)paragraph 1 the change of robinson ' s feelings hopeless eless Ask the students to nnd out the sentences in the passages according to the reer 设计意图:深入解读文本,利用主人公题上的变化,让学生在词读中找出能合透述 2 why does robinson crusoe call the man friday ?
设计意图:引导学生采用快速读(结合略读)的同读策略来让学生对于文意有个整体上的 了解和认识。
2.listen to the tape and finish 3 c 设计意图:引导学生采用在静下心听课文时采用读的阅读策路来从整体上来认识了解这 篇文章,并完成书上的故事情节改错题。
listen and imitate read paragraph and paragraphe carefully)1)show the pictures of robinsons activities and lead students to descnbe the stor y robinson with the present perfect tense 设计意图:利用有关鲁滨图片再现故事发展,创设具体语境,帮助学生具体故事发展中 建构现在完成时本,让学生对完成时态有了更清画、明确的理解
2)paragraph 1 te change of robinsons feelings hopelessmp Ask the students to find out the sentences in the passages according to the feelin MI 5 X CAMERA 没计意图图:深入解读文本,利用主人公题情上的要化,让学生在读中找出能适描述
滨逊心理变化的句子。在使学生对文章有了进一步地了解的同时,也受到了鲁滨苦难 面前永不放弃的精神。
3)te change of time : a few week agonowtwhat i did 设计意图:时间轴的设计让学生通过几个重要的时间节点认识到了故事的发展历程,对于 文章信息的镜理,一目了然
活动4【活动】合作探究,互助释疑retell paragraph 2 in groups 2 fill in the blanks.wnen he first on this island , i had But he has e ship and a small boat.hes back many things i can use a few weeks ago.he found the or another man ' s feet on the Not long after that , he saw some try ing to kill two men from a them died but the other ran his hou se.he saved the man and him friday because that was the day he him 设计意图;通过闭读学生已经对于鲁滨逊故事有了一定了解,在此基础上以第三人称对于 段大意的的用填空单词的形式能进一步内化文章信息,起到现固的作用。
what do you think of robinson now ? How can you get it ? what can you learn from him ? 设计意图:让学生在学完整篇文章后再次谈论之前布的预习作业,谈该鲁逊是怎么 个人,在人物性格的了解和认识上有何不同,前后呼应,拓展主题。选取鲁滨逊的一句话来作为自己的座右铭,或是在原句上进行改变。
Aithough i have lost i have not lost Although i have nave not 58 计图:最后的任务是通过学生创造一句座右铭来总结自己的所得,既能训字生正确
AMER 现在完成时,又能从深次上去引导学生阅读,在脑中画一个个生动的人物,持 据自己的理解学到若干人生品质和精神。
Group work.分析总结现在完成时和一般过去时的区别从动词的变化和时间状语的 上来总结)Notes 1)本堂课你学会了哪些动词的过去分词 规则变化的动词
Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic1 What a nice coat!Section A
罗定市分界中学 英语科 陈小飞
本教学设计方案内容属于义务教育课程标准实验教科书北京仁爱教育出版社八年级上册Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 1的第一学时。本单元主要是通过学习各种衣服的英语、衣服的材料,以及句型:so...that...引导的是结果状语从句。这节课要掌握的是:结构“so + 形容词/副词+ that 从句”。学会用这个结构造句,如:The cake was so delicious that the boy eat a lot of it.教学目标 1.知识结构: a)To learn the new words of clothes.b)To talk and read about those new words.c)To practice listening, speaking, reading.d)To think about our clothes and learn the structures :“so „ that„”.2.目标语言: 1)What are these clothes in English? They are scarves.2)How do you like the Chinese Tang costume?=what do you think of the Chinese Tang costume? I think it is nice.3)The cotton blouse is so expensive that the girl can’t afford it.3.词汇: cotton,silk,Chinese Tang costume,fashion show,coat skirt,sweater,shirt,scarf,jeans,shorts,raincoat,sunglasses,overcoat,jacket,handbag 4.学习策略: 角色扮演、来自学生实际生活的素材图片、师生配合、互动
1.八年级2班的学生比较活跃,对时尚、对衣服有一定的了解,特别是jacket、sweater、coat、sunglasses等衣服名称,学生在之前就已经掌握了。e.g.:a pair of、jeans、skirt等为学习本单元搭好了平台。2.八年级大部分学生的英语基础比较好;当然少部分男同学的英语基础相对来说比较差,学习这节课的结构“so„ that„”及一些读音比较难读的衣服名称时有一定的难度。
3.“ so + 形容词/副词+ that 从句”是新出现的任务,我班学生在学习过程中一定会有较大的难度,需要对学生细心的引导。
4.我班学生对新授知识的掌握要用2节课,所以so„that 这个句型以及新单词:cotton,silk,Chinese Tang costume是任务的深化和提高,也需要细心的指导。
1、通过学生自己的衣服展示(fashion show)和比赛巩固单词。
1.北京教育出版社 仁爱英语 八年级上册
2.本课件配套的PPT课件,来自校园相关生活的图片、视频和音频 3.学生带回来的时尚服装
五、教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up We can sing many Chinese songs, right ?There is a song to be sung by English, Do you know the Chinese songs? Now, Let’s sing a song.(song and smile)A student sings the song to us.(这首歌很好的活跃了课堂气氛,学生很快就说出了它的中文歌曲!)Step 2 Introduction of new lesson 1.One of my good friends called me yesterday, Let’s listen to what he said.(听学生与教师的电话录音)oh, he will get marry next week, Dear boys and girls, give some suggestion to me ,what kind of clothes should I wear? give me some suggestion, like you are going to attend the wedding,If you can help me, I’ll give you a flower.(take some flowers out)(通过让学生提建议来学习和巩固单词及口语操练)2.学习句型:so...that...引导的是结果状语从句。插入我们学校2010年9.23水灾的素材图片,操练句型,如:The parking lot was so terrible that we couldn’t park our bikes here.„„ Step 3 Presentation 1.Ask several students to take a catwalk,(学生走show的时尚服装都是本节课要学的衣服,每个学生穿着衣服上台,都会用英语介绍服装:this is my cotton overcoat;this is my silk scarf„)2.Ask the other students to read 2 and find out new words...3.Learn 1a, ask more questions, e.g.: How do you like Maria’s Chinese Tang Costume?(老师和学生用英语进行口语交际,然后上升一个层次,能和同伴进行对话练习。)Step 4 Consolidation & Game Look at the picture, Do you know their names?(模仿超级无敌掌门人“你做动作我猜”的游戏。出示图片给予操作上的指导,用上面学生说出的词引出句型Maria’s coat is so beautiful that she likes it very much.理解并掌握本单元的词汇及句型。再次活跃课堂气氛。最后一幅图必须是真实素材图片——水灾中我校学生集队的图片, 为句型There were so much students that the father can’t find his son服务。Step 5 Summary & Exercises
1.从上一句子中,找出“so„that„”,总结出其结构:“so+形+a/an+名+that从句 =such + a/an +形+名+that从句。
2.Do some exercises about the structure :“so „ that„” Step 6 Homework Write a short composition about our fashion show before we have class on your exercise books.(要求:每一个句子尽量写简单句)
八年级英语下册unit1教学设计1 宁夏中卫市海原县三河中学(黒城中学)刘万延 755200 Unit 1 Will people have robots Teaching goals:
1.Words and phrases: robot, paper, less, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc.2.will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答.3.There be 句型的一般将来时.4.more , less , fewer 的用法.5.学习一般将来时态的相关知识,学会对未来进行预测.6.对five years ago ,today ,in five years 简洁回顾与展望的方式,贴近实际符合学生心理,激发学习兴趣.7.通过时间对比复习一般过去时,一般现在时态,一般将来时.Important and difficult points : 1.will构成一般将来时态的句式。2.There be 句型的一般将来时态。3.more , fewer , less 的用法。4.How to make predictions.Period 1
Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in 1.Greetings: Welcome to school.What's the date today ? Who's on duty today ? Do you enjoy your winter holiday ? Do you finish your homework ? Do you want to live on the moon ? Can you guess what will happen in ten years ? Collect the Ss' answers and say something about their predictions.Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 2 ,1a.1.Look at the picture :How will the world be different in the future ,100 years from now ?We're going to talk about sth in 100 years.2.Read each predictions to the class.Explain the new vocabulary.3.Read the instructions.Make sure Ss know what they should do.4.Do it by themselves.5.Talk about the answers with the class.Explain :一般将来时态
构成: will / be going to +动词原形
Step 3 While-task SB Page 2 ,1b.1.Practise reading the six predictions.2.Read the instructions to Ss.Circle the things you hear on the recording.3.Play the tape twice.4.Play the tape a third time.At the same time ,check the answers.SB Page 2 , 1c.1.Pay attention to the dialogues.2.Read the dialogues fluently.3.Pairwork.Work in pairs to make predictions according to the sample.4.Ask several pairs to share their conversations to the class.SB Page 3 , 2a and 2b.1.Read the predictions.2.Read the instructions and point out the sample answer.3.Play the tape twice.Ss circle the word they hear in each sentences: more , less , fewer.4.Check the answers.学生探究: less , fewer 的区别。
Step 4 Post-task 1.Point to the example in the sample dialogue.Practice reading.2.Look at activity 2b.Groupwork:Take turns to make conversations about the predictions.Grammar Focus:
1.Review the grammar box.Ss say the statements and responses.2.Make summaries about “will” ,“fewer” and “less”.Homework: 1.Make predictions about yourself in 10 years.Write down 5 sentences.2.Go over the new words.课后反思:
八年级下册英语全册教案教学设计 unit 1 will people have robots ? 单元教学目标:
1、words&phrases: robot, paper, less, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc.2、will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答.3、there be 句型的一般将来时.4、more , less , fewer 的用法.5、学习一般将来时态的相关知识,学会对未来进行预测.单元重难点:
2、there be 句型的一般将来时态。
3、more , fewer , less 的用法。
4、how to make predictions.第一课时
step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)(导入话题,激活背景知识)what’s the date today ? who’s on duty today ? do you enjoy your winter holiday ?(你喜欢你的寒假吗?)
do you finish your homework(家庭作业)?(你完成你的假期作业了吗?)do you want to live on the moon ?(你想去月球吗?)
can you guess what will happen in ten years ?(你能猜出十年后将会发生什么吗?)collect the ss’ answers and say something about their predictions.step 2 pre-task(任务前活动)sb page 2 ,1a.1.look at the picture :how will the world be different in the future ,100 years from now ?we’re going to talk about sth in 100 years.2.read each predictions to the class.explain the new vocabulary.3.read the instructions.make sure ss know what they should do.4.do it by themselves.5.talk about the answers with the class.explain :一般将来时态
构成: will / be going to +动词原形= step 3 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 2 ,1b.1.practise reading the six predictions.2.read the instructions to ss.circle the things you hear on the recording.3.play the tape twice.(放录音,两次)
4.play the tape a third time.at the same time ,check the answers.sb page 2 , 1c.1、pay attention to the dialogues.2、read the dialogues fluently.3、pairwork.work in pairs to make predictions according to the sample.4、ask several pairs to share their conversations to the class.sb page 3 , 2a & 2b.1、read the predictions.2、read the instructions and point out the sample answer.3、play the tape twice.ss circle the word they hear in each sentences: more , less , fewer.4、check the answers.学生探究: less , fewer 的区别。step 4 post-task(任务后活动)
1、point to the example in the sample dialogue.practice reading.2、look at activity 2b.groupwork:take turns to make conversations about the predictions.grammar focus: 1.、review the grammar box.ss say the statements and responses.2、make summaries about “will” ,“fewer” and “less”.homework(家庭作业)(家庭作业):
1、make predictions about yourself in 10 years.write down 5 sentences.2、go over the new words.教学后记: 第二课时
学生:英语点金教练及相关的学习用具 teaching procedures(教学步骤): step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)(导入)1.greetings and free talk.2.check their homework(家庭作业):ask two or three ss to speak out what they wrote down.(教
师作出适当的评价)step 2 pre-task(任务前活动)
1.go over what we learnt yesterday.(复习昨天所学的知识)2.通过三种时间的对比简略复习一般过去时与一般现在时。step 3 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 4 , 3a.1.point to the three picture and say :this is sally.the first picture is sally five years ago ,the second one is sally now ,and the third one is sally five years in the future.2.read the instructions.4.check the answers.5.practise reading.then ask some ss read them out.sb page 4 , 3b.1.look at activity 3a.make predictions about sally.2.point to the example in the sample dialogue.ask two ss to read the dialogue to the class.3.practise reading.4.pairwork.make their predictions about sally.step 4 post-task(任务后活动)1.write about yourself.with the help of the sample of sally.we can write sth about ourselves five years ago ,today and in five years.3.review the task.ask a few more ss for answers.homework(家庭作业): draw a picture of the city in 20 years.describe it to the class.教学后记: 第三课时
学生:英语点金教练及相关的学习用具 teaching procedures(教学步骤): step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)1.greetings.2.say yourselves :five years ago , today and in five years.3.check the homework(家庭作业).step 2 pre-task(任务前活动)sb page 5 , 1a.1.look at the form and read the headings to the class.make sure the ss know what they mean.2.read the list of seven words.explain the new words.3.write each word in the correct column.check the answers.sb page 5 , 1b.1.read the words already written on the chart.step 3 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 5 , 2a.1.look at the pictures carefully.can you guess what we’ll listen ?talk about them.2.read the instructions.we’ll listen to 3 conversations.number the pictures 1-3.3.play the tape twice.check the answers.sb page 5 , 2b.this activity is easy ,i think.for we know the conversations are talking about alexis 10 years ago ,today and in 10 years.1.read the instructions.2.pay attention to the sentences and the verbs in the box.3.play the tape and correct the answers.step 4 post-task(任务后活动)1.read the instructions.2.pairwork.one is alexis, one is joe.3.point out the example in the sample dialogue.read it to the ss.4.talk about joe’s life now , ten years ago and in ten years.5.ask some pairs of ss to say their dialogues.homework(家庭作业): 1.go over the words.2.写一篇50个单词左右的小短文,预测与展望未来我们的学习和生活。
教学后记: 第四课时 课前准备:
学生:英语点金教练及相关的学习用具 teaching procedures(教学步骤): step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)1.greetings.2.ask two ss to say sth about joe.3.check their homework(家庭作业).step 2 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 6 , 3a.1.read the instructions.2.give ss 3 minutes to read the passage , tick out the new words.3.explain the new words and practice reading.4.point out the chart.read the column headings to the class.5.read the passage again.write words from her answers in the correct columns below.6.check the answers.7.practise reading.sb page 6 , 3b.playing a game :who write it ? 1.ss write about their life in ten years on a piece of paper but don’t write names on the paper.2.put all the ss’ papers together.3.take turns reading the paper.the other ss guess who wrote it.step 3 post-task(任务后活动)sb page 6 , part 4.1.read the questions below.2.ask two ss to read the dialogue.3.answer the questions.4.pairwork.get your partner’s answers.5.share a few ss’ conversations.homework(家庭作业): 1.finish selfcheck as their homework 2.go over the words in this unit.教学后记: 第五课时
学生:英语点金教练及相关的学习用具 teaching contents: reading :do you think you will have your own robot ? teaching procedures(教学步骤): step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)1.greetings and free talk.2.if possible,draw a robot on the bb or put up a picture of a robot.tell :what does it look like ? what can it do ? 3.tell your partner what you know about robots.step 2 pre-task(任务前活动)sb page 8 , 1b.1.read the title of the passage.2.look at the picture together.ask a few ss to describe what they see.3.read the words and phrases in the box.practice reading the words.4.circle the words you think you will read in the passage.step 3 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 8.1.first let ss scan the passage for the main idea.2.explain something.(1)help sb with sth /do sth(2)do the same as ?(3)make sb do sth(4)it takes /took /will take ? 4.read the passage by the ss.step 4 post-task(任务后活动)1.go through the reading again.how many words in 1b did you correctly predict ? 2.go over the structures in sb page 9 , 3b.make their own sentences.homework(家庭作业): 1.to make sure the ss understand the passage.and i want to know whether they’re careful in the class ,let ss translate the passage into chinese.2.go over this unit.3.make their own sentences.4.what ways do you think a robot will help you and your family in the future.write your ideas.教学后记: 第六课时
二、单项选择。(10分)()1.what do you think your life next month? a.likeb.is likec.will like d.will be like()2.—will people live to be 150 years old? —
a.yes, there will b.no, there won t c.yes, they are d.yes, they will()3.do you have any problems in english? 篇二:2014人教版八年级英语下册教案 unit 1 what’s the matter? 教学目标:
短语: have a stomachache, have a cold, lie down, take one’s temperature, go to a doctor, get off, to one’s surprise, agree to do sth., get into trouble, fall down, be used to, run out(of), cut off , get out of, be in control of , keep on(doing sth.), give up 句子: 1 what’s the matter? i have a stomachache.you shouldn’t eat so much next time.2 what’s the matter with ben? he hurt himself.he has a sore back.he should lie down and rest.3 do you have a fever? yes, i do.no, i don’t.i don’t know.4 does he have a toothache? yes, he does.he should see a dentist and get an x-ray.5 what should she do? she should take her temperature.6 should i put some medicine on it? yes, you should no, you shouldn’t.教学难点:掌握情态动词should shouldn’t.的用法;学习have的用法。
section a1 1a – 2d section a2 3a-3c section a3 grammar focus-4c section b1 1a-2e section b2 3a-self check section a 1(1a – 2d)step 1 warming up and new words 1.look at a picture and learn the parts of the body.2.new words and phrases.step 2 presentation 1a look at the picture.write the correct letter [a-m] for each part of the body.___arm___ back ___ ear___ eye___ foot ___hand ___ head ___ leg___ mouth ___ neck ___nose___ stomach ___ tooth step 3 listening 1b listen and look at the picture.then number the names 1-5 listen to the conversations again and fill in the blanks.conversation 1 nurse: what’s the matter, sarah? girl: i ___________.conversation 2 nurse: what’s the matter, david? boy: i _________________.conversation 3 nurse: what’s the matter, ben? boy: i _________________.conversation 4 nurse: what’s the matter, nancy? girl: i _________________.conversation 5 betty: what’s the matter, judy? ann: she __________________.step 4 speaking 1c look at the pictures.what are the students’ problems? make conversations.examples a: what’s the matter with judy? b: she talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water.she has a very sore throat now.a: what’s the matter with sarah? b: she didn’t take care of herself on the weekend.she was playing with her friends at the park yesterday.then it got windy, but she didn’t put on her jacket.now she has a cold.step 5 guessing games guess what has happened to the students by using the important sentences.step 6 listening 2a listen and number the pictures [1-5] in the order you hear them.2b listen again.match the problems with the advice.step 7 speaking 2c make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b a: what’s the matter? b: my head feels very hot.a: maybe you have a fever.b: what should i do? a: you should take your temperature.step 8 role–play imagine you are the school doctor.a few students have health problems.role-play a conversation between the doctor and the students.2d role –play the conversation step 9 language points and summary 1.what’s the matter? 这是人们特别是医生和护士询问病人病情时最常用的问句, 意思是―怎么了?‖其后通常与介词with连用。类似的问句还有: what’s wrong? 怎么啦? what’s wrong with you? 你怎么了? what’s your trouble? 你怎么了? what’s the trouble with you? 你怎么了? what’s up? 你怎么了? 2.have a cold伤风, 感冒, 是固定词组,表示身体不适的常用词组还有: have a bad cold 重感冒 have a fever发烧
have a headache 头痛
have a stomachache 肚子痛, 胃痛 have a toothache牙痛
summary:1.牙疼 have a toothache 2.胃疼 have a stomachache 3.背疼 have a backache 4.头疼 have a headache 5.喉咙疼 have a sore throat 6.发烧 have a fever 7.感冒 have a cold 8.躺下并且休息 lie down and rest 9.喝热蜂蜜茶drink hot tea with honey 10.喝大量水 drink lots of water 11.看牙医see a dentist 12.量体温take one’s temperature 13.看医生go to a doctor step 10 exercises 根据上下文意思填空。mandy: lisa, are you ok? lisa: i _____ a headache and i can’t move my neck.what ______ i do? should i _____ my temperature? mandy: no, it doesn’t sound like you have a fever.what _____ you do on the weekend? lisa: yeah, i think i sat in the _____ way for too long without moving.mandy: i think you should ____ down and rest.if your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a _______.lisa: ok.thanks, mandy.翻译下列句子:1.你怎么了?我头痛。2.他怎么了?他发烧
homework:make up a conversation between a doctor and a patient.section a 2(3a – 3c)step 1 presentation look at the picture.discuss what happened and then what we should do.teacher: what happened in the picture.students: teacher: what should we do to help them? students: teacher: did the bus driver help them? students: step 2 reading 3a read the passage and answer the following questions.did the bus driver help the man and the woman? 3b read the passage again and check the things that happened in the story.1 ____ wang ping was the driver of bus no.26 at 9:00 a.m.yesterday.2 ____ bus no.26 hit an old man on zhonghua road.3 ____ the old man had a heart problem and needed to go to the hospital right away.4 ____ the passagers on the bus did not want to go to the hospital, so onlywang ping went with the woman and old man.5 ____ some passagers helped to get the old man onto the bus.6 ____ the old man got to the hospital in time.step 3 speaking 3c discuss the questions with a partner.step 4 languages points 1....when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.......这时司机看到一位老人正躺在路边。
观察与思考:你能看出―看到某人正在做某事‖的句型吗? see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事
e.g.when i pass the window i see him drawing a picture.see sb.do sth.看见某人做过某事 e.g.i often see him draw a picture.活学活用:
1)我看见他时他正在河边玩。i saw him _______ by the river.2)我看见过他在河边玩。
i saw him _____ by the river.3)我看着他过了桥。
i see him ______ across the bridge.4)我看见她正在洗碗。
i see her _________ the dishes.2.the bus driver, 24-year-old wang ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice.3.he only thought about saving a life.观察与思考:你能看出―without thinking‖、―about saving a life‖ 的共同点吗? 共同点:介词 + doing;介词 + 名词、宾格代词、doing 活学活用:用适当的形式填空。
1)i am fine.what about ____(she)? 2)thanks for ______(tell)me the story? 3)it is a sunny day.how about _____(go)fishing? 4)it is good to relax by ______(use)the internet or _________(watch)game shows.4.but to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him.to one’s surprise 使......惊讶的是,出乎......意料
e.g.to their surprise, all the students pass the exam.much to everyone’s surprise, the plan succeeded.5....because they don’t want any trouble,...当trouble意为―困难;麻烦‖时,是不可数名词。如: i’m sorry to give you so much trouble.(1)be in trouble意为―有困难;陷入困境‖。
如: he always asks me for help when he is in trouble.(2)get sb.into trouble 意为―使某人陷入困境‖。
(3)主语 + have / has trouble(in)doing sth.意为―某人在做某事方面有困难‖。如: i have some trouble(in)reading the letter.当trouble意为―麻烦事;烦心事‖时,是可数名词。如:
she was on the phone for an hour telling me her troubles.【运用】根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。(1)他认为每天吃饭是一件麻烦事。
he thinks that eating every day is _________.(2)你知道你现在为什么处于困境吗? do you know why you _____________ now?(3)我妹妹在学习英语方面有困难。
my sister _____________________ english.6.right away 意为―立刻;马上‖,和 in a minute 意思相近。例如: i’ll be there right away / in a minute.另外,right now和 at once也可表示―立刻;马上‖的意思。
you must start _________________________________________.重点短语
1)看到某人正在做某事see sb.doing sth.2)让某人吃惊的是to one’s surprise 3)下车get off the bus 4)上车get on the bus 5)多亏,幸亏thanks to 6)考虑think about 7)同意做某事agree to do sth 8)造成麻烦get into trouble step 5 exercises 用括号内的词的适当形式填空。
1.What’sthematter(withyou)? /(你)怎么了?
What’syourtrouble? =What’syout rouble?=What’s wrong(with you)?=Is there anything wrong(with you)? =What’s up?
Have a cold(患)感冒have a bad cold重感冒have a sore throat咽喉痛 Have a headache头痛have a stomachavhe 胃痛have a fever发烧
Have a toothache 牙痛have a backache 背痛
回答句型 sb.have/has a+疾病
例句。What’s the matter with you? You look a bit tired.你怎么了?你看上去有些累。I’m not feeling well.I have a headache.我感觉不舒服。我头痛。
He has a stomachache.He shouldn”teat anything.他胃痛,他不应该吃东西。
例句:You have a cold..You stay at home for a few days.(2)作为情态动词,无主语和人称的变化,后跟动词原形。
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