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《 现 在 进 行 时 》


李 纬 纬 ? 篇二:现在进行时态教学设计


一.教学内容:冀教版七年级上册lesson 28 1.词汇:carry, eat, make, paint, put, „.2.句型:what are you doing? i’mwe’re ?.what are they doing? they’re „.what is heshe doing? he’sshe’s „.二.教学目标:





1.重点:能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写五个表示动作的单词stand, sit, sleep, jump, run, walk;掌握句型what are you doing? i’mwe’re ?.what are they doing? they’re ?.what is heshe doing? he’sshe’s ?.四、教学准备:多媒体课件、单词卡片、习题卷


step 1 : warming up 1.greetings t: class begins!good morning, boys and girls.s: good morning, miss miao.t: how are you this morning? s: fine , thanks.and you ? t: i’m very well.because i have many new friends here, you make me very happy.thank you.sit down ,please!

t: boys and girls, wh 2.free talk i’m happy, i like singing.please listen.师唱“you are my sun shine, my only sun shine ?” i like singing.what do you like? s1: i like swimming.t: oh, a brave boy!i can’t swim.t: do you like swimming? s2: no, i don’t.i like dancing.t: you like dancing!can you dance for us? s2:yes.(该生简单跳几个动作)t: excellent!(教师带领其他学生鼓掌)t: what do you like? s3:i like „.t: by the way, do you like me? s3:yes, i do.t: thank you.3.revision a.课件出示一组动词及其“+ing”形式: look and read: sing singingread reading do doing write writing dance dancing make making jog jogging swim swimming shop shopping

i 直接在动词后加“s”.ii去词尾“e”加“s”.iii双写词末字母加“s”.(设计意图:教师以诙谐流畅的语言和学生就爱好方面进行“寒暄式”交流,贴近学生生活实际,避免强制、机械地操练。

1.课件一一出示照片(教师课前抓拍的授课班级学生课间活动场景)photo1:a boy is reading a story book.t: who’s he? ss: he’s xxx.(学生兴奋地指向该同学)t:hi, xxx.what are you doing?(反复两遍,张贴句子卡片至黑板)

photo2:a girl is dancing.t: who’s she? ss: she’s xxx.(学生兴奋地指向该同学)t:hi, xxx.what are you doing? s1:引导回答“i’m dancing.”

t:boys and girls.what is she doing?(反复两遍,张贴句子卡片至黑板)

photo3:two boys are playing chess.t: are they dancing reading ? ss: no , they aren’t.t:hi, the boy(照片中人).what are you doing? s1:引导回答“we’re playing chess.”板书在i’m下面添上we’re?.t:boys and girls.what are they doing?(反复两遍,张贴句子卡片至黑板)(设计意图:以授课班级内学生有趣的活动照片导入现在进行时态的教学,一下子便抓住学生的兴奋点与注意力。


there is a halloween party.the pandas_____ _________(eat)a very big cake on the bed.the pigs _____ _________(make)pumpkin lanterns.the rabbit ____ _______(cook)in the kitchen.look!the bears_____ ________(dance)over there.they look so funny.t: good job!the story is so funny.how lovely the animals are!(设计意图:在学生对现在进行时态的构成、语意、现在分词的构成及读音有了一定认识后,以有趣的童话故事作为载体帮助学生进一步建构自己的所学。5.t: do you like this story and these lovely animals? s:yes.t: do you like sports? pe lessons? shall we see a movie about a pe lesson? and please listen to my questions carefully.“ what are they doing?”

t:教师适时暂停并问“what are they doing?”引导学生答they’re walking.they’re running.they’re jumping.they’re standing.they’re sitting.step 3:consolidation 1.课件出示:look and guess(屏幕上出示本节课所学单词的首字母c、m、e、p)

s:根据首字母猜测“what is the boy doing?(课件链接揭示答案,比谁最幸运)t:ok!let’s do some exercises again.2.课件出示:练习题(课堂情景再现)now, we ______ _______(have)an english class.the english lesson is so interesting(有趣的).look, this is a family picnic.bob ___________(carry)a big basket of food..mom __________(make)a salad.jenny___________(put)the food and drinks on a tablecloth.their dog rover ___________(eat)the meat.bob and lynn ___________(paint).they are quiet.father______________(make)sandwiches.oh.they are really happy today.t:shall we check the answer?(指名朗读核对答案)let’s read it together.(学生齐读)



它有两个缺一不可的条件:①助动词 be(am / is / are),②现在分词(动词+ing).如: i’m reading english.su yang isdancing.they ’re playing football.step 3:goodbye & homework t: the bell is ringing.class is over.“goodbye, boys and girls!” s: goodbye,miss gao!homework:


在本节课探究式学习过程中,学习的内容通过贴近学生生活实际的材料来呈现,如抓拍的授课班级学生课间生活场景。并以问题的形式what are you doing? what are they doing? what is heshe doing?引导学生去感知、去体验,从而自主地发现知识的存在。并进一步探究,通过朗读、比较,去领会、寻找其中的规律。


关于英语课堂的导入 2009-07-29 23:49:02| 分类: 教学工作 | 标签: |字号大 中

小 订阅















进贤县罗溪中学 杨洪国

一. 教学内容分析teaching contents 本节课的教学内容为人民教育出版社新目标七年级go for it unit 5 i’m watching tv的section a部分,本节课主要感知和学习时态the present

课堂教学内容主要围绕what are you doing?i’m watching tv.what is he/she doing?she’s/he’s running.的话题展开引出现在进行时,并围绕本时态


二. 教学目标teaching aims 1.语言目标:

⑴短语:eating dinner, reading, talking on the phone, doing homework, watching tv, cleaning.⑵句型:what are you doing?i’m watching tv.what is she doing?she is cleaning.what are they doing?they are writing.3.情感目标:通过小组学习和合作学习,提高学生的自主学习和总结能力,发现

三. 教学重点important points

四. 教学难点difficult points

五.教学设备teaching aids tape recorder, photos, pictures 六.教学过程设计teaching procedures step 1: warm up 1.show students some photos, ask and answer:(学生通过句型复习五个已学 过的动作)

––what are you doing? —i’m doing the dishesdrawing picturescooking dinneranswering the phonereading a book.(学生边说边做)2.students ask and answer in pairs.(同桌间互问互答)step 2.presentation 1.t: what do you usually do on the weekend? s: i usually„„(通过对话,直接引出词组)

t: but i usually listen to music.i like listening to music very much.look, i have a radio.now i’m listening to music.2.learn to say and spell ―listening to music‖.(学生跟读词 组,并拼写词组)3.show the photos, ask and answer:(从what are you doing?句型引出what is he doing?句型)

——what’s he doing? ——he’s listening to music.4.learn to say the following four phrases and write down the phrases on the blackboard:(继续引出其余四个词组,并将词组写在黑板上,为学生以后的活动做准备)

washing the clothes cleaning the room writing a letterwriting an e-mail step 3.explanation



2、时间状语:now, look, listen,it’s ?o’clock.3、现在分词的构成方法:

1.一般的动词在词尾加-ing: visit-visiting,study-studying 3.以重读闭音节或r音节结尾的动词,末尾只有一个辅音字母的词,要双写这个辅音字母再加-ing: begin-beginning, swim-swimming, prefer-preferring , run-running step 3.drill and practice: 1.look at the photos, ask and answer:(通过cai课件中的模糊画面,让学生猜一猜他们在干什么,巩固词组)

practice the sentence patterns: ―what are you doing?‖

―what is he doing?‖

step 4.consolidation and extension: 2.write and say: we a re so busy!(仿造例子写自己一家正在干什么,并以对话的形式表演出来)1)choose the activities the family member’s doing.write them down and read it out.2)make a short dialogue according to the chart.3)act out the dialogue.step 5.homework 现在进行时练习:

1.what are you _________(do)now? i ___________(eat)bread.2.it’s nine o’clock.my father_______________(work)in the office.3.look, the boy____________(put)the rubbish into the bin.4.__________he__________(clean)the classroom? no, he isn’t.he____________(play).5.where is mark? he___________(run)on the grass.6.listen,who____________(sing)in the music mary_____________(sing)there.room? oh, 七.板书设计blackboard design unit 5 i’m watching tv.section a 1a-1c doing homework what are you doing ? watching tv i am watching tv.cleaning what is he/she doing? eating dinner he/she is reading.talking on the phone 现在进行时结构:主语 + am/ is / are+ 动词的现在分词.八.教学反思teaching reflection 本节课通过设计不同形式的情景训练,让同学们对“现在进行时”进一步

熟悉和了解,并从 “现在进行时”的定义、如何判断、如何使用“现在进行时”等方面,进行巩固和复习,真正达到掌握“现在进行时”的目的。

第二篇:现在进行时 教学设计

《The Present Continuous Tense》


罗峪口中心校 尹燕燕

Teaching Aims:

1.Review unit5;

2.Review the present continuous tense.Teaching important point:

How to use The Present Continuous Tense correctly。StepⅠ Revision

Say“what are you doing?”(talk about this topic with students)Step II Lead in

(Show sonme pictures)Look at these pictures and answer the question“what are they doing?”

Step III Language focus

Pay attention to the sentences,and say how to use The Present Continuous Tense.用法:

(1)现在进行时态表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。Eg.The students are listening to the teacher.He is watching TV now.(2)现在进行时态还可以表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正发生的事情。如: Eg.We are working on a farm these days.I am writing a book this month.Point out the form of the Present Continuous Tense:

be(am/is/are)+doing 肯定式结构:主语+be+doing+其他.否定式结构:主语+be+not+doing+其他.一般疑问结构: Be+主语+doing+其他? 特殊疑问结构: 疑问词+(be+主语+doing?)How to change verbs’v-ing:

1)一般动词后直接加-ing.如:reading, watching, seeing 2)以不发音的e结尾的词去掉e再加-ing.如: make—making write—writing 3)以重读闭音、单辅音字母结尾的词,双写这个辅音字母,再加-ing.如: get-getting, swim-swimming,put-putting,run-running Practice v-ing:

draw drink speak eat think read talk clean watch run swim write skate dance come 口诀教你学doing:

进行时很好记,be加动词-ing; 直加双写去哑e,分词构成须仔细;别说 be 无词义,主语和它最亲密;变疑问 be 提前,否定 not 在后添;何时要用进行时,look,listen,now标志.StepⅣ Pairwork

Guessing game:What’s he/she doing? He/she is „ Talk about the pictures:What are they doing? Step V Practice Correct the mistakes:

1.look!Simon and I having a birthday party.2.There are many friends at our party.Millie and Kitty is sitting on the floor.3.They are play with Eddie.Some of my friends is singing and danceing.4.Daniel is chating with Simon about football.5.Here comes Mr Wu.He are giving Simon and me some presents.6.Now I is standing at the table with all my friends.There is a big birthday cake on it.7.Now, Simon and I am each making a wish.Ask and answer(show some pictures to talk)Make sentences(肯,否,疑):

Look at three pictures and make sentences(practice the form of the Present Continuous Tense)

Compare the tense:The simple present tense and the present continuous tense Show four pictures,look at them and finish the sentences.Small test:

1.My parents are _____ TV now.A.reading B.looking C.watching D.seeing 2.Listen,someone _________(sing)in the classroom.3.Don’t talk here.Grandparents ____.A.sleep B.is sleeping C.are sleeping D.sleeping 4.They are doing their homework.(变为一般疑问句)5.Kate is looking for her watch.(改为否定句)StepⅥ:Summarize StepⅦ:Blackboard Design The Present Continuous Tense 用法:


构成:be(am/is/are)+doing Step Ⅷ:Homework:

一、用所给动词的适当形式填空.1.Look!The cat____________(run)up the tree.2.The twins__________(have)breakfast.3.----___he ________(clean)the blackboard?----No,he isn’t.4.Tom__________(play)the piano in the room.Please ask him to come here.5.Listen!They____________(sing)in the classroom.二、句型转换

1.I am watering the flowers.(否定句)2.She’s jumping now.(一般疑问句)3.The boys are playing cards.(划线提问)4.He is doing his homework.(复数句)

三、Complete the diary : 15 December We are on the plane.We _____(fly)back to London.I _____(have)some presents for my family.The football cards are for my father and the shoes are for my aunt.The shoes are very pretty.They ____(match)my aunt’s dress very well.I know my sister ____(love)Hello Kitty so these Hello Kitty T-shirts are for her.Now I _____(write)in my diary.Mum ______(watch)a film.Many people _____(sleep).Some people _____(work)on their computers.Bye Beijing.I will be back again some day.




1.能够听懂会说“What is she/ it doing ? She/ It’s running / ……” 并能在情景中运用。


1.本课的教学重点是句型“What is she/ it doing? She/It’s running/ ……”.。2.本课的教学难点是在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。



2.教师准备若干动物卡片和动作卡片。3.教师准备Zoom 和Zip的头像。4.学生准备动物卡片和动作卡片。四:教学步骤 Step1: Warm—up(1)Greetings.(2)T: This class I will divide you into 2groups, this group is zoom /zip group(分别同两组同学打招呼).(3)T: Before class , Let’s warm-up ,clap your hands and chant.(设计意图:用chant引入,愉快了英语学习气氛,同时也帮助学生进一步感知现在进行时。)Step2: Preview

T: Stand up and do as I do.Walk walk walk I’m walking now.Run run run I’m running now.Jump jump jump I’m jumping now.Fly fly fly I’m flying now.Swim swim swim I’m swimming now.(设计意图:通过作动作,不仅复习了上一课时的知识,提高了学生学习英语的兴趣,也为下一步做Let’s try做了铺垫。)Step3: Presentation(1)T: I’m walking now,(出示幻灯片),Look at these animals what are they doing ? Do you want to know what are they doing? Ok, Let’s listen and match.播放录音连线

Check answers.(2)T: Do you like nature park?

Ss: Yes.T: I like nature park too, Let’s go to nature park today。(播放自然公园的图片)。

(设计意图:通过进入nature park引入新课,学生会比较感兴趣。)

T: We are in the nature park now.Look at it, what can you see in the nature park?

S;I can see a bird.T: What is the bird doing?

S: The bird is flying.T: Yes.The bird is flying.What is the bird doing? We can say: What is it doing? It’s flying.板书并领读

T:What else can you see in it?

S: I can see a tiger.T: What is it doing?

S: It’s walking.T: Here comes two elephants , Look at the big one ,she is mother elephant, the small one is baby elephant.What is the mother elephant doing?

S: It’s walking.T: Yes.The mother elephant is walking.We can say: What is she doing? She is walking.(板书领读)What about the baby elephant ?

S: It’s running.(设计意图:通过对自然公园里动物的观察,师生一问一答交流中引出本课主句型 :What is she /it doing? She/it’s …….出示陈洁放风筝的图片:

T: What is she doing? Who can answer?(哪一组的同学先回答上来,他们组就上一个新的台阶。)She is flying kites.Zoom group asks : What is she doing? Zip group answer: She is flying kites.出示鸭子游泳的图片练习What is it doing? It’s……

(设计意图:通过对两副图画的讨论,练习并巩固本课主句型。)出示张朋弹钢琴的图片: T: What is he doing?

S: He is playing the piano.(区分she和he 的使用。)(3)Practice the sentences.用自己准备的图片在小组内交流。

(设计意图:学生之间互相操练本课的主要句型,提高练习的密度。)(4)Show practice.看看哪组表现的好。

(5)T: Amy and Chen Jie is go to nature park too, Let’s listen What are they talk about?(仔细听录音,培养学生的听力。)

(6)Listen and repeat.(模仿磁带的声音,有利于学生形成良好的语音语调。)(7)Read the dialogue with partner.(学生结对朗读,培养合作精神。)Step4 Consolidation and extension(1)出示一幅自然公园的图片

T: I’m happy to see this beautiful park.Look at the duck, What is it doing? S: It’s swimming.Talk about the nature park in groups.运用所学句子,展示讨论的结果。

(设计意图:巩固练习,呈现一幅自然公园的图画,让学生自由选择动物来编对话,以充分发挥学生的主体性,提高他们学习的积极性。)(2)T: Do you like animals? Ss: Yes , I like animals very much.T: Animals are our friends, we should protect them.Time is up , Bye.Ss: Goodbye.






能用现在进行时态描述正在进行的动作 三 教学过程 1 Lead in

Teacher asks,“我们在做什么?”并回答”We are having an English class.”然后教师用多媒体向学生展示这个句子,让学生观察这个句子的特征,谓语部分是怎样构成的。


教师叫几个学生上台做几个动作,自己进行示范问答,What is he doing? He is writing.What is she doing? She is running.让学生对这个时态进一步加深印象

3.Work in groups.学生三人一小组进行练习,一个人做动作,另外两人进行问答练习。用我们熟悉的动作。E.g.What is he doing? He is reading.Is he reading ? Yes, he is.Is he writing? No,he isn't.4.Practice




6.Discuss in groups 学生以小组为单位,讨论并总结现在进行时态的构成和用法。7.Homework.对教学活动的有效性分析:





七年级英语第二单元语法复习教学设计 1 2 篇二:现在进行时教学设计

《 现 在 进 行 时 》


李 纬 纬 ? 篇三:现在进行时教学案例



【教材分析】module 1以不同地方人的生活为话题,描写了处于不同时区的人们在同一时间的活动,从时间和空间上给学生搭建起了一个立体框架,使学生读起来更有兴趣,仿佛置身其中;本模块主要呈现的语言点是现在进行时,通过听、说、读、写等语言活动来呈





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    初一英语现在进行时教学设计 一、教学目标 teaching objet 通过教学,使学生在轻松愉快的环境中,夯实基础,完成现在进行时的复习,并且培养学生学习英语的乐趣,启发诱导学生将所学......


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    初一英语现在进行时教学设计 一、教学目标 teaching objet 通过教学,使学生在轻松愉快的环境中,夯实基础,完成现在进行时的复习,并且培养学生学习英语的乐趣,启发诱导学生将所学......