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Unit 01 School life

单位01学校生活 Clip 1 Healthy eating 夹1健康饮食

Woman 1: The schools are doing it because they’ve got to promote healthy eating and I think it’s the right message.But I think really they should target the parents beforehand, because I think it’s quite sad for the children to have things in there and then to take them away.女人1:学校正在做它,因为他们必须促进健康饮食,我认为这是正确的信息。但我真的认为他们应以父母事先为目标,因为我认为它很悲伤的孩子在那里,然后拿走。

Woman 2: I think it’s a good idea.I think children should eat healthy while they’re at school.Treats should be at weekends or after school.女士2:我认为这是一个好主意。我认为孩子们应该吃健康,而他们在学校。治疗应该在周末或放学后。

Man 1: So what is allowed in children’s lunch bags? Well, here I have an array of food.Good and bad.男士1:允许孩子们的午餐袋是什么呢?好吧,在这里我有一个数组的食物。好的与坏的。Man 2: Sandwiches, pasta, fruit and nuts are fine.Sweets, crisps, fizzy[1] drinks and chocolate though are set to be taken away.男人2:三明治、面条、水果与坚果都很好。[1]糖果、薯片、碳酸饮料与巧克力虽然将被带走。

Clip 2 Grants for school buildings 夹2资助学校建筑

Voice-over: The building work continues but for how much longer? They’re ready to start a second phase of refurbishment here, but the college may have to send the builders home.画外音:建设工作持续多久?他们准备开始第二阶段的翻新,但大学可能送回家的建筑商。Woman 1: We’ve just come up onto the roof of the old building and as you can see there, that is the new building we’ve been working on for two years and we’re just about to move into the refurbishment of this great two-lifted building.女人1:我们刚到旧建筑的屋顶,正如你所看到的,这是我们的新建筑了已经工作两年了,我们即将进入这个伟大的two-lifted建筑的翻新。

Voice-over: The principal of South Thames College told me what would happen of she doesn’t get the money for the new building project.画外音:南泰晤士学院的校长告诉我将会发生什么她不把钱的新建筑项目。

Woman 1: I will have already committed six and a half to eight million pounds that will then be the College’s debt.And this building would no longer work because the services would be cut off and this will have to be muffled.女人1:我将已经承诺六个半至八百万英镑,将高校的债务。与这个建筑将不再工作,因为服务被切断,这将会是低沉的。

Voice-over: From hair dressing to forensic science—over 20,000 students and adult learners come here.Some classes are in the old listed building.But the basement floods and the heating breaks down and that’s why they wanted to give it a refurb.画外音:从头发穿着法医科学杂志20000名学生与成人学习者来这里。一些类是列出的老建筑。但地下室洪水与加热分解,这就是为什么他们想给它一个refurb。Clip 3 The increasing tuition fee 夹3增加学费

Voice-over: University fees paid by these students are capped at around 3.000 pounds a year.But the government is due to review the situation and the body representing the bosses of England’s universities has a suggestion, to increase fees to 5,000 or even 7,000 pounds a year.画外音:大学学费支付的这些学生不超过每年约3.000英镑。但政府将审查情况与身体代表英格兰的大学有一个老板的建议,费用增加到5000甚至7000英镑一年。

Woman 1: We have a world-class reputation that needs to be maintained.Students, I think quite rightly, expect a very high-quality higher education.And that has to be paid for.女人1:我们有一个世界级的声誉,需要维护。学生,我认为不错,期待一个非常高质量的高等教育。,必须支付。

Woman 2: Today’s second-year students will leave university with debts of more than 17,000 pounds on average.Under one of the schemes being discussed today, that amount will increase to more than 26,000 pounds, a sum that could take quite a few years to pay off.The question is, would this increase actually put young people off from applying to university in the first place.女士2:今天将离开大学二年级学生平均拥有超过17000英镑的债务。下一个计划正在讨论今天,数量将增加到超过26000磅,一笔,可能需要好几年时间还清。问题是,这将增加实际上把年轻人从申请大学的首位。

Man 1: Potentially yes.Yes, I would have to assess my personal situation at that time.But I think it will put a lot of people off as it’s a huge amount of money.男士1:可能是的。是的,我将会评估我的个人情况。但我认为这将使很多人,因为它是一个巨大的数量的钱。

Woman 3: I’m doing a history degree so I have about eight hours of contact a week.So as for my money being wasted, whereas medical students have lots of labs and lots of money on them, so I think it would kind of cause me to think twice about going to university and which university I go to and where.女3:我正在做一个历史学位,所以我一周大约有八个小时的接触。所以我的钱被浪费,而医学生有很多实验室与很多钱,所以我认为它会使我的考虑上大学,大学我去何地。

Man 2: Well I think it is breathtakingly arrogant of university vice chancellors to be talking about doubling the level of tuition fees and the level of graduate debt in the middle of a recession.I think they need to get out of their ivory tower to look at what is going on with the economy now.Students are in increasing hardship already and leaving tens of thousand of people graduating with even bigger amounts of debts is reckless and irresponsible.男人2:我认为这是惊人的傲慢的大学副校长谈翻倍的学费与研究生水平的债务水平的衰退。我认为他们需要走出象牙塔,看看现在的经济。学生已经越来越困难,造成成千上万人毕业与更大的债务是鲁莽与不负责任的。

Voice-over: Introducing tuition fees in the first place was controversial and difficult so the government is unlikely to rush to increase them now.Annabel Roberts.ITV News.画外音:首先引入学费有争议与困难,政府不太可能急于增加。安娜贝利·罗伯茨。英国独立电视台新闻。

Clip 4 Graduates facing difficult time 夹4毕业生面临困难时期

Voice-over: Students setting out on life’s journey are feeling the economic strain before they’ve even secured their first job.For as the economy contracts, graduates vacancies have fallen for the first time in three years.画外音:学生设置了生命的旅程感到经济压力之前,他们已经获得了第一份工作。随着经济合同,毕业生的职位空缺三年来首次下降。

Woman 1: Most of the other people that I know in my degree, in my course, they’re still struggling to find jobs.女人1:大部分的人,我知道在我的学位,我的课程,他们仍在努力找工作。

Voice-over: Diphian Serran is a final-year student hoping for a first-class degree and praying for a good job.So far, despite numerous interviews and an impressive CV, she’s had bad luck.画外音:Diphian Serran是一流的学位与毕业学生希望祈求一份好工作。到目前为止,尽管大量的访谈与一个令人印象深刻的简历,她的坏运气。

Woman 1: Very bad luck.Unfortunately.I’ve gone through the interview stage of many, so to the final stage.But once I reach there, I often get, either get rejected or it’s, you know, “we’ll let you know”.女人1:很坏运气。不幸的是。我经历了许多的面试阶段,所以到最后阶段。但是当我到达那里,我经常收到,会拒绝或者是,你知道,我们将让你知道。

Voice-over: The downturn in manufacturing and the meltdown in the financial services mean that nearly half of the employers expect to hire fewer graduates this year.That means the competition on campus has ever been tougher.画外音:制造业的衰退与金融服务的崩溃意味着将近一半的雇主希望雇佣毕业生今年少了。这意味着校园竞争更严格。

Woman 2: This is the generation of university students who were born and bred in the economic boom.But they are graduating in the economic bust.Recruitment’s down, salaries are frozen.This is crunch time in every sense.女士2:这是一代的大学学生生于斯,长于斯的经济繁荣。但是他们毕业经济萧条。招聘的,工资冻结。这是关键时刻在每一个意义。

Man 1: These times are a lot tougher than they had been the last 10, 15, possibly even 20 years.But employers are still recruiting.The brains of today are the profits of tomorrow.The question is whether the graduates are able to adjust their expectations to the realities of the labor market.男士1:这段时间有很多比他们过去10,15日,甚至20年。但雇主仍在招聘。今天是明天的利润的大脑。问题是毕业生是否能够调整他们的预期的现实劳动力市场。

Voice-over: For this final year engineering student, the reality is still great.Vacancies in the engineering and public sectors are on the rise.Will’s found a job in a bank.His starting salary is 42K.画外音:这最后一年工程学生,现实仍然是伟大的。工程与公共部门的职位空缺在上升。将在银行找到了一份工作。他的起薪是42公里。

Man 2: There are still opportunities down there for people being smart or, kind of risk savvy enough to get them so it’s just, you know, it’s more difficult but it’s not impossible.男人2:仍有机会在那里人聪明,或者这种精明的风险足以让他们只是,你知道,这是更困难,但这不是不可能的。

Voice-over: The generation who never had it so good as children may find the economic realities harder as adults.Penny Marshall.News at Ten.Warwick University.画外音:一代从来没有这么好的孩子会发现经济现实困难的成年人。马歇尔。十点钟新闻。华威大学。

Clip 5 Value of a degree 夹5学位的价值

Voice-over: ‘Tis the season when 400,000 bright young things write off hoping their dreams will come true.Not a letter to Santa, but a university application form.The government wants half of all our young people to experience the wonderful world of the undergraduate.The joy of learning, of student life, the thrill of graduation, the invitation to high-powered, exciting careers.画外音:“在这个季节400000年轻有为的人写希望他们的梦想成真。不是写给圣诞老人的信,但大学申请表。政府希望我们一半的年轻人经验本科的美好的世界。学习的乐趣,学生生活,毕业的兴奋,邀请的,令人兴奋的职业。

The reality can be rather different.A few years ago these telesales staff would have been school leavers.Today this publishing firm employs only graduates.Same job, similar salary, different qualifications.现实可能相当不同。几年前,这些电话销售员工是毕业生。今天这家出版公司只雇佣毕业生。相同的工作,类似工资,不同的资格。

Man 1: Fifteen years ago we would’ve probably said the basic requirements would be A-levels.Because that would be the benchmark we would’ve expected our new employees to have achieved.You know now we see the benchmark is being the degree.So I think the very fact that there are far more students leaving university looking for jobs, enables us to specify a degree today whereas we wouldn’t have done 15 years ago,男士1:15年前我们就可能已经表示将高级水平的基本要求。因为这将是基准我们已经将我们的新员工会实现。你知道现在我们看到了基准的程度。所以我认为的事实有更多学生离开大学找工作,使我们能够指定一个学位今天而15年前我们不做了, Voice-over: Thirty-five per cent of graduates enter the world of work in a job that doesn’t need a degree.And many get stuck in careers they don’t like.Asked what they did want to do, 47% hoped for jobs in media, advertising or PR.Other popular careers include design—favored by 21% of women—and computing, picked by 23% of men.But over 10% of media studies graduates are currently unemployed.It’s the same for design studies.And even worse in computing.Unpopular careers include engineering.Only 9% of students mention that.And yet unemployment amongst civil engineering graduates is only 2.9%.画外音:百分之三十五的毕业生进入职场的工作并不需要学位。与许多困在他们不喜欢的职业。问他们做想做的事情,47%希望工作在媒体、广告或公关。其他受欢迎的职业包括design-favored妇女的21%计算,得到了23%的男性。但超过10%的媒体研究毕业生目前处于失业状态。这是相同的设计研究。甚至更糟的是在计算。不受欢迎的职业包括工程。只有9%的学生提到。然而,失业率在土木工程毕业生只有2.9%。

At today’s graduate recruitment fair, thousands of students were searching for jobs.But engineering stands were typically deserted.And those that did enquire often lacked relevant qualifications.The engineering industry believes in encouraging yet more school leavers to go to university may be an expensive indulgence.今天的毕业生招聘会上,成千上万的学生找工作。但是工程通常是空无一人。与那些询问常常缺乏相关的资格。工程行业相信鼓励更多的中学毕业生上大学可能是一个昂贵的嗜好。Man 2: Universities argue that we are not training, we are educating.We are creating people who can think.Now, if we are just producing philosophers and thinkers, I don’t think we are going to resolve the economic needs of this country.I mean, that would be absolutely silly, quite frankly.男人2:大学认为我们不是训练,我们是教育。我们在创建能想到的人。现在,如果我们只是生产哲学家与思想家,我不认为我们要解决这个国家的经济需求。我的意思是,这将是绝对愚蠢的,坦白地说。

Voice-over: There are now 60,000 different degree courses in Britain.The biggest increase in so-called cheap degrees, usually humanities or social sciences, which don’t require equipment or laboratories.Universities get money for how many students they have and extra cash if they can woo school leavers from poor and deprived backgrounds.Students are saddled with debts, justified by government on the basis that across a lifetime, a degree is worth an extra 400,000 pounds.But is it?

画外音:在英国现在有60000个不同的学位课程。所谓便宜的度,最大的增加通常人文科学或社会科学,不需要设备或实验室。大学获得的钱他们有多少学生与额外的现金,如果他们可以吸引毕业生来自贫困与贫困家庭。学生背负债务,政府合理的基础上,在有生之年,一定程度上是值得额外的400000英镑。但真的是这样吗? Man 3: There are two flaws in the government’s figures.Firstly they’re based on the percentage of graduates going through our education.Those figures were in a small per cent.In a couple of years’ time one in every two people will go through higher education of that age group.The second big fundamental problem is they were based on an employment market where there was a job for life, Things have changed.人3:在政府的数据有两个缺陷。首先他们基于比例的毕业生经历我们的教育。每分钱。这些数据是在一个小几年的时间每两人将经历一个年龄组的高等教育。第二大根本问题是他们是基于一个就业市场那里有一份工作,事情发生了变化。

Voice-over: Here at this plumbing school in North London, about 20% of the class are graduates who’ve decided to retrain.Many come from just the kind of backgrounds government wants to encourage into higher education.But their experience is hardly an advert.画外音:在这管道的学校在伦敦北部,约20%的类毕业生已决定重新培训。许多来自背景的政府希望鼓励高等教育。但他们的经验并非一个广告。

Man 4: By the time I graduated I would say there weren’t the jobs there.So in hindsight, it probably was a waste of time, yeah.人4:我毕业的时候我想说没有工作。事后看来,它可能是浪费时间,是的。Man 5: So how much money do you reckon you can earn as a plumber?

人5:所以你认为你能挣多少钱作为一个水管工呢? Woman1: Well, they say between 50 to 75 thousand in about 10 years’ time.女士一:好吧,他们说在50到7.5万之间大约10年的时间。Man 5: 75 grand[2]? 人5:75大[2]吗? Woman 1: Approximately, yes.女人1:约,是的。

Clip 6 School disciplines(David Cameron’s speech, 31 July 2007)夹6学校学科(大卫•卡梅伦的演讲,2007年7月31日)So going back to my question, how do we translate our values into action? To reprise[3] those values, families as the origin of society, the role of schools in backing up and adding to the lessons of home, the need for clear boundaries and for rules of behavior, the diversity and the differentness of children, the obligation to help the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.所以回到我的问题,我们如何将我们的价值观转化为行动?重获新生[3]这些价值观,家庭是社会的起源,学校在备份的作用,增加家里的教训,需要清晰的界限与规则的行为,多样性与与芸芸众生的孩子,义务帮助最脆弱与弱势群体。

Earlier this month I spoke about families.Most of all, we need to encourage stable parental relationships for example, as has been suggested, through removing the bias through against cohabitation in the benefits system and using the tax system to support married couples.本月早些时候,我谈到的家庭。最重要的是,我们需要鼓励稳定的父母的关系为例,有人建议,通过消除偏见对同居的福利制度与利用税收制度来支持已婚夫妇。

Yesterday I spoke about special educational needs.We need to radically reform the statementing process to give parents what they need, including a more sensitive and flexible system of categorising special needs.Parents need greater choice between specialist schools and mainstream schools.And until the system is properly balanced, we believe we need a moratorium[4] on the closure of special schools.昨天我谈到特殊教育需求。我们需要从根本上改革声明过程给父母他们所需要的东西,包括一个更加敏感的与灵活的特殊需要进行系统的分类。父母需要更多的选择之间的专业学校与主流学校。直到系统适当的平衡,我们认为我们需要暂停[4]在特殊学校的关闭。

Today I want to explain something of what we'll do to improve behaviour in the mainstream schools.今天我想解释的东西我们会做些什么来改善主流学校的行为。

Sometimes people who discuss education give the impression that some sort of incredibly complex alchemy.It isn’t.We know what works because we see it, in our own country and oversees.The best schools, whether they are private schools, academies, grammar schools, comprehensives, have some simple things in common.Most of all, they have an independent ethos and clear rules on acceptable behaviour.有时人讨论教育给人的印象,一些极其复杂的炼金术。它不是。我们知道工作因为我们看到它,在我们自己的国家与监督。最好的学校,无论他们是私立学校,学院,文法学校,综合学校,有一些简单的共同点。最重要的是,他们有一个独立的精神与明确的规则在可接受的行为。

Schools should be places where teachers teach and children learn7克或更多的午餐。Woman 1: And for supper?

女人1:与吃晚饭吗? Woman 2: About 1 gram of salt probably in the fish and chips, but that’s without any salt added, so if you add salt at the table then you will obviously be increasing that.Bread and butter pudding 0.6 grams of salt.So a total for supper could be 2 grams or more.女士2:约1克盐可能鱼与薯条,但这是没有任何盐补充道,所以如果你加盐在餐桌上你就会明显增加。面包与黄油布丁0.6克的盐。所以总共吃晚饭可以2克以上。Voice-over: Bringing the day’s total to over 10 grams of salt.画外音:当天的总数超过10克盐。

Clip 5 Exercises help you keep fit 夹5练习帮助你保持健康

Voice-over: No one wants to end up as an oversized cardboard cut out.But this is what could happen if you don’t get a grip on those Christmas excesses PDQ.Today, a succession of poor souls who dragged themselves back from lard猪油 land, were congratulated by their guru, Rosemary Conley, on losing anything from 6 to 10 stones.Losing another person, in effect.画外音:没有人希望最终作为一个超大号的纸板剪下。但这是会发生什么,如果你不把握这些圣诞过度PDQ。今天,一个接一个的可怜的灵魂拖着自己从猪油猪油土地,被他们的大师,祝贺迷迭香康利,失去任何东西,从6到10的石头。失去另一个人,实际上。

Woman 1: I feel so proud of them and it is the highlight of what we do.It’s what we’re about.But usually it’s some event like you’re going off to Alton Towers and you get stuck in a ride or you see yourself on video or a photograph.Those are often triggers that make you thinks: This is it;I’m not going to go there.I’ve had enough of being big and now I’m going to do something about it.女人1:我感到很自豪,这是我们所做的亮点。这就是我们。但通常是一些事件像你去奥尔顿塔,你困在一程,或者你看到自己在视频或照片。那些经常被触发,使你认为:就是这样,我不会去那里。我已经受够了被大,现在我要去做点事情。Voice-over: But becoming healthy obviously has to be a lifestyle change for good, which is why ITV is campaigning to get Britain on the move and make walking, rather than driving, the choice.Today, Karen Church has launched her Round Britain Great Walk, which we can join in at any stage.画外音:但成为健康显然是一种生活方式的改变,这就是为什么英国ITV是竞选活动在这一举动,让走路,而不是开车,选择。今天,凯伦教会发起了她轮英国伟大的走,我们可以在任何阶段加入。

Woman 2: I just think that, you know, to get out, to be able to do something with your family, and at the same time raise money for charities or causes close to your hear, you know, that’s just a positive way to start 2005, I think.女士2:我只是觉得,你知道,离开,能够做一些与你的家人,同时为慈善机构筹集资金或原因接近你听的,你知道,这只是一种积极的方式开始2005,我想。

Voice-over: Now is the time of year to take out your gym membership, buy a stunning workout suit and never go again.But this year will be different.Make a personal trainer happy and see it through for once.每年的画外音:现在是时候拿出你的健身会员,买一个惊人的运动套装,再也不会去了。但今年将有所不同。让一个私人教练快乐,通过这一次看到它。

Man 1: While you come into the gym and having a good workout around, it actually boosts your whole metabolism.So that when you’re going away, you’re gonna be burning extra energy while you’re away from the gym at the same time.And it can also take you into a fat burning energy system at the same time as well.So, there’s a lot of benefits from just coming to the gym.男士1:当你进入健身房与有一个好的锻炼,它实际上提高你整个的新陈代谢。所以,当你要离开时,你会燃烧额外的能量在你离开健身房在同一时间。,它还可以带你进入一个脂肪燃烧能源系统在同一时间。所以,有很多的好处从健身房。

Woman 3: The thing is about going to the gym, or working out in any way, no matter how much you hate it—and believe me, I do—it’s always worth it afterwards.You feel great and you look an awful lot better.女人3:问题是去健身房,或以任何方式工作,不管你有多恨——相信我,我做的总是值得的。你感觉很好,你看起来很好。

Woman 4: I wouldn’t have looked in the shop window.I would have even not trained thought that people won’t sit next to me because I’m big.I’m fat.There’s no room next to me.Now, at first I started doing a bit of double take...Who’s that, rather than it was me.And yesterday I went to buy a pair of Gap jeans size 12 and the buzz.And my husband bought me some lingerie女内衣 for Christmas and it was too big, because he bought me a size 14.And I was like, gosh!And he even he was like.Oh right, OK, fine.It’s great.女人4:我也不会看了看橱窗。我甚至不会训练认为人们不会坐我旁边,因为我大了。我很胖。我旁边没有房间。现在,起初,我开始做一些双把…那是谁,而不是我。与昨天我去买一双牛仔裤尺寸差距12与兴奋感。与我丈夫给我买一些内衣女内衣为圣诞节,它太大了,因为他给我买了14码。我就像,天啊!甚至他他就像。哦,好,好。这是伟大的。

Man 2: Since I’ve lost loads of weight, I’ve taken on motorbike racing quite seriously, a bit of road racing, lots of motor cross and I’ve got me a bit of an expert status at motor cross, which has just been one of my dreams for a long time, which is fantastic.But there’s lots of other things, like I can fit on fairground游乐场 rides, where I couldn’t fit in them before.And I can just do things with my daughter and just be more active.I go cycling.I go to the gym without feeling embarrassed about being at the gym.As I would never have done anything like that before.人2:因为我已经失去了很多体重,我承担的摩托车赛车很严重,公路自行车赛,很多汽车十字,我有我的专家地位在电动机十字架,刚刚是我的一个梦想很长一段时间,这是奇妙的。但是有很多其他的事情,比如我可以在游乐场游乐场游乐设施,我无法融入他们。与我与我的女儿可以做事情,只是更加活跃。我去骑自行车。我去健身房不感觉尴尬在健身房。我不会做任何事情之前。

Voice-over: Liz Wickham.London Tonight.Kensington Roof Gardens.画外音:利兹韦翰。今晚伦敦。肯辛顿屋顶花园。Clip 6 Stress reducers


Voice-over: The first stop on my quest for celebrity stress beating tips was the Cabinet office.I’ve been told that Mo Mowlam had interesting methods.Although nothing prepared me for what I was about to discover inside her office.画外音:第一站在我追求名人压力击败技巧是内阁办公室。我已经告知莫Mowlam有趣的方法。虽然我是什么,我一点准备都没有发现她的办公室内。

Woman 1: I have a lot of those little stress balls, which you get given at conferences, which I don’t use.I throw them at people when I have absolute stress.女人1:我有很多这些小压力球,这在会议,我不使用它。当我我扔在人绝对压力。Woman 2: Have you actually done that?

女士2:你真的做到了吗? Woman 1: Oh yes.My servant is quite used to it.女人1:哦,是的。我的仆人很适应它。

Woman 2: During the Northern Ireland peace talks, did you ever throw it at people?

女士2:北爱尔兰与平谈判期间,你有没有把它扔在人? Woman 1: Oh no, no, no.I do it more here now.In the Northern Ireland you wouldn’t, it was too serious.You just kept going.女人1:哦,不,不,不。我现在在这里。在北爱尔兰你不会太严重。你只会不断。

Voice-over: But Mo’s secret weapon for fighting stress is hidden in a cupboard in the corner of her office.画外音:但Mo的秘密武器战斗压力是藏在一个柜子里在她办公室的角落里。

Woman 1: You see, I have a dartboard and I don’t put faces up.I have numbers attached to people when I get frustrated.女人1:你看,我有飞镖靶,我不要把脸。我有与人当我沮丧。Woman 2: Oh.And can you give us any...女人2:哦。你能给我们任何… Woman 1: NO.女人1:没有。

Woman 2: You couldn’t tell us which number the Prime Minister is? 女士2:你不能告诉我们哪个首相数量? Woman 1: If you ask me one more question it may be yours.女人1:如果你问我一个问题,它可能是你的。

Woman 2: But which moments though, give me an example when you’ll be tempted to have a game of darts? 女士2:但时刻,给我一个例子,当你想要有飞镖的游戏吗? Woman 1: I’m done now.I’m off to my next meeting.I think you’ve got enough.Okay chaps, see you later.女人1:我现在做的。我要去参加我的下一次会议。我认为你有足够的。好的家伙,再见。Voice-over: I made a hasty retreat before Mo could use me for target practice.画外音:我做了一个匆忙撤退之前,莫能使用我为目标的实践。

Woman 2: Now I’m off to meet Sir Alastair Morton, who used to run the Euro tunnel and now he runs the Shadow Strategic Rail Authority.And rail as we know is a pretty stressful business to be at the moment.So I’m here because I think he’s going to have some top tips.女士2:现在我去满足阿拉斯泰尔•莫顿爵士曾经运行欧元隧道,现在他跑影子战略铁路局。与铁路业务我们所知道的是一个相当大的压力。所以我在这里,因为我认为他会有一些提示。Man 1: It’s much better to cut down on the amount of stress that is developing than it is to try and vent the consequences of the stress.You’ve had the stress into you by that time.And I know that over the years cumulatively I’ve undoubtedly felt the effects of stress.There’s no doubt about that.When I left Euro tunnel after nearly 10 years of considerable difficulty, I pretty well had enough;I mean that is a fair statement.I would say I have a really good personal assistant, who in effect is your manager and is paid to be your manager, to manage the logistics of your life, the access to your time and so on.And frankly to help you in a million and one ways in the cause of the day.That makes a lot of stress off if you’re not trying to do the small changes of life as well as the more important things.男士1:最好是减少的压力正在开发比发泄压力的后果。你的压力了。我知道多年来累计我无疑感到压力的影响。毫无疑问。当我离开欧元隧道经过近10年的相当大的困难,我很好有足够的,我的意思是这是一个公平的声明。我想说我有一个非常好的私人助理,实际上是你的经理,是谁支付你的经理,管理你的生活的物流,访问你的时间等等。坦白说在一百万零一种方法帮助你的原因。使一个很大的压力如果你不努力生活的微小的变化以及更重要的事情。Voice-over: Of course you can always try autogenic[13] training, which is what Shebah Ronay—actress and former star of Holly oaks—does when life gets on top of her.画外音:当然,你总是可以试着自生训练[13],这是就给Ronay-actress、冬青oaks-does前明星当生活上得到她。

Woman 3: You try and rid your mind of all the annoying things that just keep coming in.I mean ten minutes is actually really a long time to concentrate on not nothing, but on yourself and on your body and on just observing yourself.You can have little messages that you can give yourself like, “I’m calm” or ”I’m happy” or “there’s nothing to worry about” or whatever it is that you want or even something based on something that might be putting you stressed later in the day.Like “I won’t have any problem having this interview”.女人3:你试着与你的头脑摆脱烦人的事情继续进来。我是说十分钟实际上是真的很长时间集中精力,但在你自己与你的身体与只是观察你自己。您可以没有消息,你可以给自己喜欢的,“我平静”或“我很高兴”或“没有什么可担心的”或任何你想要的,甚至一些基于一些,可能会把你强调当天晚些时候。“我不会有任何问题在这次采访”。


There is a hole in my heart.我总觉得惭愧不已!

Maybe we should just not pretend anymore.我们应该坦诚相待。Personally I respect that he called things as he saw them.个人而言,我敬重他的直率坦白。High school unquestionably sucks ass.高中生活确实不简单。But living hell has its upside.塞翁失马焉知非福。

Point being, it’s not about how others look at me ,it’s about I look at myself.问题是,无需计较他人的看法,自己的看法才是重要。Get off my back.你也别管我。

The thinking thing killed.努力想还真有用。

You still don’t think about anyone but yourself.你仍然是个自私鬼。Just not totally losing myself.不会完全迷失自我。I have a crush on you.我对你有一点动心。

You know I believe that we were meant to be.深信你我天生一对!We just keep on getting better.我们携手共进!You’re really stressing me out.你快把我逼疯了!Bold choice gentlemen.胆子不小啊,先生们!

We all must have the courage to discover ourselves.我们必须有探索自身的勇气。All right guys let’s go back up to the top.好吧,伙计们,我们从头再来一遍。Oh I thought I heard you.我就觉得听到你的声音了。Hey what’s right is right.事实就是事实。It’s now or never.做就做到最好。

How long have you been up there? 你在上面呆多久了? I know.I heard that too.我知道,我也听说了!Don’t panic.别紧张。

I don’t think we have the choice.我们别无选择。It’s the night of our nightmares.我们的恶梦之夜。It’s the night of our dreams.我们的美梦之夜!It’s too late to back out of it.太晚了,不能退缩。Been waiting all my lives for you.用尽我一生来等你。What should I do with my hair? 我应选择什么发型?

It’s gonna be the night to last forever.这将是一个永不消失的夜晚。She has a secret crush on you.她暗恋你。

I did not mean to break it to you.我不是有意冒犯你的。

I’m throwing a going-away party for you.This is huge!我要为你办个离别晚会,这太重要了。

You can’t get rid of me that easy.你别想那么容易就把我打发了。How prestigious.真是难得的机会。

I got a lot of things I have to do.我有太多的事要做。Our future is coming soon.未来已摆在我们眼前。

No matter where life takes us.Nothing can break us apart.不论人生中的起起伏伏,我们永不分离。

What is your point? 你想说什么?

I just want my future to be my future.我只想创造自己的未来。Take it back to the place when you know it all began.回想当初。

Together making history.一起来刷新历史。

Tearing down the walls any time we want.随意粉碎阻挡我们的高墙。I’m sure that you know ba now.我想你们现在该明白了。That’s not what I wanted to hear.我最讨厌你这么说。

I realized I haven’t offered my congratulations.我还没向你祝贺呢。Okay this is a little awkward.这是有点尴尬。

You don’t have to say anything else.你什么都不需要说。

I have had a ton of practice.我可是下过苦工做过练习的。

All right everyone!Attention please!Listen up.好了,大家,都注意了,听好了。We’re all pros here.我们都是专业人士。

She still coming down for prom? 她还会参加舞会吗? How’s that big show going? 演出准备得怎么样? He would get over it.他会缓过来的。Gorgeous!太帅了!(衣服)

I can’t be a little adult right now.现在我还无法做主。

You’re supposed to be on a plane right now.现在你本该在飞机上了。Why do you keep saying goodbye? 为何你总说再见呢? She’s not coming back at all.她再也不回来了。It’s gonna be with you.非你莫属!

That is so gross.太恶心了!

You’re on my mind you’re in my heart.我的思绪中满是你的影子。

Nothing can break us apart.我们永不分离。

All that I wanna do is to be with you.我只想和你在一起。

But most of all I choose the person who inspires my heart.但最重要的是我选择了我心灵的伴侣。

Why the secrecy? 为什么要保密?

Without even giving us a chance? 一次机会都不给我们?

We’ll prove, once and for all, what we can do.我们会证明,无论何时,我们都能发挥作用。First mission jitters, I guess.我觉得首战有点紧张。Do you want to abort? 你想放弃吗? I just spotted my way in.我只是在探路。Don’t drop a pellet.小心眼珠子掉下来。

Good thing I took shop.我买到了好东西。Nothing will be the same.全是独一无二的。

I’m going upstairs for a drink.我要到楼上喝点东西。We leave no rodent behind.我们后面没有追兵。

We should celebrate over dinner.我们应该吃个晚餐庆祝下。What’s the situation? 情况怎么样?

They got the whole lab surrounded.他们包围了整个实验室。Is this the frying pan or the fire? 我么就坐以待毙了吗?

Let’s all agree right now.None of this goes on our resume.我们现在得达成一致,这些我们都没预料到。

They’ll never take us seriously.他们永远都不会拿我们当回事。The mice will agree to anything.老鼠们根本没有主见。

He’s very sensitive.他很敏感。

There is no way that we are related,so just get that through your head.我们不可能有关系的,所以忘掉这些吧。

What is going on in there? 他在里面干嘛? You drove me to this!你逼我这么做的!So long.再会了。

I have a status report.我有个情况要向你汇报。I’m calling a hunger strike.我绝食抗议。

That’s what I’m talking about!这才是我想要的。

One more word and I”ll turn you into a small side of bacon.再废话我就揍扁你。You are sizzling hot!你真得很辣耶!You are fine china!你真的美爆了!

I can’t believe you’re getting so excited about cake.没法想象你对蛋糕如此着迷。There’s nothing you could have done.你也无能为力。

I still believe in us, even if nobody else does.即使别人不相信我们,我信。Suck in your gut.收腹。

We are counting on you.我们都指望你了。

I have been so looking forward to this moment.这一刻我等得太久了。I wondered when you might show up again.为什么你总是神出鬼没。It is not I who keeps showing up.It’s you.神出鬼没的人不是我,而是你。I practically live off the stuff.我还是不碰为好。

Would you excuse me for a moment? 我得离开一会了。

Well executed, but completely redundant.干得好,但多此一举。I’m gonna sit in the flat.我还是顾影自怜吧。

I have no idea what you’re talking about.我不知道你在说什么。

Words can hardly express just how much we appreciate everything you have done.对你所做的一切,言语无法表达出我的感激之情。It’s just a twenty-four hour bug.只是小毛病。

We take the short cut or the scenic route? 我们抄近路还是走景观路? You’re acting all skittish.你魂不守舍的。You’re exaggerating.你太夸张了吧。I’m sugar-coating it.我说的够委婉了。The cuss you are!你真是冥顽不灵!The kid’s a natural!这孩子简直是天才!I’m speechless.我目瞪口呆。

Are you listening to me? I look into your eyes and I can’t tell whether you’re getting anything I’m saying.你在听我说话吗?从你的眼睛,我看不出来,你是否听懂了我所说的话。

I would have never let you down.我一定不会让你失望的。

I would like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride.我建议为我美丽的新娘举杯。No measure of time with you will be long enough.与你共度的时光,多久都不够。There’s a first time for everything.什么都有第一次嘛。She’ll confirm everything I’m telling you.她会确认我所有的话。I don’t think I’m going your way.我们不顺路。

Who the hell do you think you are? 你自以为了不起吗? This is more like it.这件还差不多。You’re impulsive.你太冲动了。

I charged your batteries for you.我帮你充了电。What the hell is wrong with you? 你脑子有毛病啊? You and I take point.你我当前锋。

What the hell are those things? 这是什么鬼东西? I am gonna keep you safe.我会保护你。

You’re doing pretty well for a first-timer.对第一次来说你已经做得很不错了。You can’t hold on to them forever.你不能总守着她一辈子。

I really believe you’re jumping to conclusions.我真觉得你的决定太草率了。That’s very aggressive.太暴力了。

There is nothing to be done.这也是没办法的事。

I don’t have to be putting up with all this!我没必要看你脸色。That is a very noble quest.这是个非常高尚的追求。

You are getting that big promotion today, right? 你今天不是要升职吗,对吧? In certain situations、、、在某种情况下、、、You got that right.你说的没错。I got off work early.我今天早下班。Landscape design.园林设计

I’m going to show people what I can do.我要让大家看看我的本事。

You should try to see things from my point of view.你应该试着从我的角度考虑考虑。You don’t have to do me any more favors.你不用再可怜我了。Yeah, I am a real catch.嗯,我这样的人最吃香了。Would you stop staring at me? 别再盯着我看了。

It’s freaking me out.吓死我了。

What am I supposed to do? 我该怎么做?

Don’t think about sucking me into this with you.别把我扯进来就行了。I think our hands just made a baby.我想我的手不愿意松开。You always had my back in high school.高中是你老是罩着我。We should just keep an eye on each other.我们要彼此照应。She’d never go out with me.她不会和我约会的。I feel sorry for you.我很同情你。You are a bully.你只会欺负弱小。We’ll take the check.结账。Now we’re even.现在扯平了。We deserve a break.值得休息一下。If it’s any consolation、、、如果这么说可以安慰你的话、、、、It’s time to move on.该往前看了。

Got a little inside info for you.内部消息。

In a time before many can remember、、、在大家都以往的很久以前、、I will avenge him.我会替他报仇的。

Everything happens for a reason.凡事都是注定的。One wish will be granted.会实现一个愿望。Don’t ruin this moment.不要破坏气氛。You’re afraid of everything.你什么都害怕。I’m a little nervous about this.我有点紧张。Whatever you say.随便你。

Would it be out of line if I asked at this juncture、、、不介意的话,我想知道、、Do you or don’t you? 记不记得?

Just cancel my appointments for the week.取消我这周的预约。I am a dead man.我死定了。

I am gonna slice you up.我就把你剁成肉酱。They are getting away!他们逃了。So do I clip her or not? 要我骗她吗?

Why don’t you mind your own business.你干嘛多管闲事。I have always had a little crush on you.我一直对你有点着迷。Don’t even think about it.你想都别想。This is my good luck charm.这是我的护身符。I am going to check in.我去订房间。Be sensible.理智点。

I am going to get drunk.我要去大醉一场。

He sees all things and small.他洞察一切。

I don’t think God is keeping an eye on your sperm.上帝对你的精子不感兴趣。What the hell is going on here? 这里到底怎么啦? Eventually, nobody gives a shit.终究会没人鸟你。I should not have come home.我不该回来的。

It’s the only way I will make it through.只有这样我才能撑下去。Why did not he go for me? 为什么他不喜欢我? You always have a motive.你总是有个目的的。

You are in no position to question me.你没资格来问我。

I think you have the wrong person.我想你认错人了。

Haw can I deny what’s right in front of me? 我要怎样否认眼前的事实?

All I ever wanted was for him to leave me alone.我最大的愿望就是他能离我远点。Just you wait.别急嘛。

Let’s see what’s inside.我们进去瞧瞧。

How did I get into this mess? 我怎么会这么倒霉?

However, my troubles were far from over.可是,我的麻烦还远未结束。School would not be a sanctuary.学校也不是一方净土。I was branded for life.我的一世清名毁了。I hatched the plan.我想出了个主意。

Things were unfolding quite nicely.事情进展的异常顺利。That’s fascinating.太有趣了。

I would give him plenty of opportunity to get over his shyness.我要给他许多机会来克服害羞。

By the sixth grade, I’d learned to control myself.到了六年级,我收敛了不少。My solution was to ignore her.我的对策就是无视她。She did not take it well.她很生气。

He started being nicer to me.他对我的态度好多了。That girl has an iron backbone.那姑娘很有骨气。

I have never been a huge fan of eggs.我一直对蛋没什么特别的感觉。

I tried to be casual about it, but it did not take.我是试图保持淡定,但不太成功。I have never been one to dwell.我总得不到大家的垂青。Right on schedule.真准时。

My dad did not think it was worth the risk.我爸觉得不值得冒风险。I could not stop looking over there.我忍不住往那边看。

She had always find some way to duck me.她总能想办法避开我。Everything was back to normal.一切都恢复正常了。

You have developed quite a soft spot for her, huh? 你还挺关心她的嘛。What the hell does that have to do with anything? 怎么会扯上这个? It’s going to be a sit-down dinner.是正式晚宴。He’s got a big crush on you.他非常迷恋你。

The apple does not fall far from the tree.上梁不正下梁歪。You are a coward.你是个懦夫。

He tried to plaster on a smile now and then.他时不时想挤出点笑容。Don’t be so naive.别那么天真。

I became furious all over again.我又一次怒不可遏。It felt good to take charge.掌握主动权的感觉不错。Sold for $15.十五美元成交。

What was she laughing about? 她在笑什么?

I don’t know what came over me.我不知道我当时怎么了。

It was like I was possessed or something.我好像是被附身了一样。I should not even be thinking about him.我都不应该想起他。

On the morning of the auction, I was on edge.在那个拍卖会的早晨,我左右为难。I would leave temptation with it.我就不会胡思乱想了。I want to stay around you.我想和你一起厮守。

冰河世纪4 Easy warden, she’s not on lockdown.放松,监狱长,她又不是一级重犯。

Peaches sneak off maybe 15 or 20 minutes ago.小桃大约15到20分钟前溜走了。It’s just where the kids hang out.那就是个孩子们玩耍的地方。You are overreacting.你反应过度了。

That’s what worries me.那正是我担心的。

You can’t spend your whole life playing it safe.你总不能一辈子都不冒点险吧。You know how I feel about you going to the falls.你知道我对你去瀑布那里的态度。You don’t count.你不算。

There’s nothing you can throw at me that I can’t handle.就你那点招数,没一样能难倒我。That is nasty.实在太臭了。

Could that really be you? 真的是你吗?

This pumpkin’s ripe for picking.这南瓜熟了可以摘了。

She could use a nap.她该睡觉了。

A lot has happened since the last time I saw you.上次见你后发生了许多事。And Granny is just dead weight.奶奶超重了。She tends to wander.她常常走失。

What if your finds out? 你老爸发现了怎么办? It’s such a strong word.这词用得有点过。

“Okay” does not even begin to cover it.“还好”远远不足以表达。That’s intense!真有激情。

You’re even better-looking up close.凑近看你更帅了。Just move back a bit.后退一点。

It’s not the end of the world.天还没塌下来呢。I’ll come to you.我走你们那边。

You never would have made it.你不能做到的。What if I never see him again? 我再也见不到他怎么办? Settle down.Don’t panic.冷静下来,不要惊慌。

There’s a rainbow around every corner.风雨之后总会看见彩虹的。You don’t leave a friend behind.你不会丢下朋友的。Just keep your eye on the horizon.盯紧地平线。

We’re going to get to him.我们正要去见他。

At this pace, we’ll stay ahead of the wall.我们跑不赢那堵墙的。We’re still heading away from home.我们还在往相反方向飘着。What more can they hit us with? 还能有什么打击。There’s your proof.看来是真的的。(这就是你的证明)Eyeballing me like a rump roast.别一脸馋样的盯着我。She’ll outlive us all.她会比我们都长寿的。Nor any drop to drink.没有一口能喝的。Ripe for the taking.手到擒来。

What a terrible turn of events.真是形势严峻啊。Am I hallucinating.是我眼花了吗?

Get ready to slice and dice.准备大开杀戒吧。Knock it off.闭嘴。

Has anyone seen it? 谁看见了?

Nothing gets by you, does it? 真是什么都瞒不过你啊,是吧? Help me out.配合我一下。

I don’t want to gloat.我不愿幸灾乐祸。

Let me give you a visual aid.我让你看明白。



The boys attempted to leave for camping, but were stopped by their parents.2、学生们对这种新的教学法的反映就是他们变得更自信了。(react to)

The students’ reaction to the new teaching method is that they become more confident.3、没人接电话意味着一家人都外出了。(imply)

The fact that nobody answered the telephone implied the family were out.4、我们必须日夜兼程才能准时到达目的地。(on time)

We must travel day and night to reach the destination on time.5、虽然他被敌人包围着,但是他并不害怕。(as)

Surrounded as he was by the enemy, he was not afraid.6、是否就是他抢劫了银行还有待证明。(remain)

It remained to be proved whether it is he who has robbed the bank.7、你应该找他看牙齿,他被认为是城里最好的牙医。(think of…as)

You ought to see him, for he is thought of as the best dentist in the city.8、从孩子出生起,她的父母就分居了。(be separated from)

The child’s parents have been separated from each other since she was born.9、即使你不成功,我们仍然支持你。(even if/even though)

Even if you lose, we’ll still support you.10、有十个人申请这份兼职工作。(apply)There are ten people who applied for the part time job.11、从这里到学校至少要二十分钟。(at least)It takes at least twenty minutes to get to school from here.12、他的想法跟我的不一致。(conform)His ideas don’t conform to mine.13、当她读这个故事时禁不住哭了。(can’t help)She couldn’t help crying when she was reading the story.14、我们走了就没人欣赏你的这些幽默故事了。(appreciate)Nobody would appreciate your funny stories if we leave.15、这个产品在质量上比那个产品好多了。(superior)This product is superior to that one.16、他父亲的去世让他伤心之极。(overwhelm)He was overwhelmed by his father’s death.


With an elevation of more than 2000 meters, Lily bulbs, planted by cooperatives,is found in Er’yin mountains of Guan mountain, which is the provenance belonged to Lan Zhou reserve and in the east of Yong Jing county, Gan Su province.Owing to the unique geography in Guan mountains, the period of Lily growth is five years, therefore, all the products here are characterized by white color luscious taste,and full petals.Lily contains so much nutritional goodness such as amylum, proteide, fattiness, sweets, calcium, phosphorus,iron, colchicin and other alkaloids.Besides, the dietary property and the officinal value of this flower are extremely high.This flower could also bring the positive effects:antipyretic, antidotal, moistening lung, improving looks, relieving cough and reducing sputum, calming the nerve.Lily has been the superb cuisine among commons as well as in the state banquet from the ancient times;known as “the superb in cuisine, the panax in dishes”, Lily is the first for junketing and presenting.



English video script


班级:1021142 编辑:张文飞、杨贵龙 指导教师:孙俐玲

摄像:刘洋 后期处理:张文飞 参与拍摄人数:2 视频剧情:3 拍摄时间2011-12-4 拍摄地点:北京信息职业技术学院





《打电话》视频拍摄地点:图书馆 简介:接了电话之后发现是很久不见的朋友,我们聊得火热,老朋友也希望见到我。并参观我生活的地方!







Y:Hello,May i speak to Zhang sir.Z:Please? Y:Yes.This is Yang sir!Z:Oh ,Hao are you ?What's going on with you Y:Fine!Thank you.will you be free this weekend? Z: Yes, I have time Y:Can i visit your school? Z:Of course you can.Y: Ok,We can see the weekend Z:OK Looking forward to your coming Y:Thank you.Bye!Z:Bye!NO.2《接待》


Z:Hello Yang sir!Welcome you come to our school Y;We haven't seen you for ages Z;Yes, there are a few years Y:You are getting fat Z:You also get taller Y:Yes ,We have changed.Your school is very beautiful Z:Yes Our school afforest is better.Y:I see Z:DO you want to eat dinner together? Y:Yes ,I want

Z:I will give you a surprise Y:I hope NO.3《聚餐》

两个人进入餐馆!~ Z: Would you like to order now? B: Yes.I'll have the pie to start.A: What drink do you want? B: I'll have a cup of coke Z:OK!please wait waiter!Come here please W:Hello ,do you want to order? Z:Yes ,we want to eat pie ,a chicken and two cup of coke W:OK!please wait.the two men.this is your food Z:OK Thank

Y:The food Tastes Good X:yes this Restaurant is very good Y:Yes ,i think so 寄语!


编辑于2012年12月4日凌晨 张文飞



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