牛津高中英语模块9 Unit 3 词汇讲解以及同步练习M9 U3 Reading(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)2940

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第一篇:牛津高中英语模块9 Unit 3 词汇讲解以及同步练习M9 U3 Reading(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)2940

牛津高中英语模块9 Unit 3 词汇讲解以及同步练习M9 U3 Reading(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)同步练习一

I.Reading comprehension: A)Choose the right answer according to the text: 1.The national flag is very important and meaningful to a country because________.A.there are many different colors on the flag.B.from the flag we can know everything of the country.C.it symbolizes the origin of that country, along with its values, beliefs and culture.D.The colors on the flag mean different things to different countries.2.French Tricolore has become one of the most influential nationals in history because________.A.there are three different colors on the flag.B.the French Revolution influenced many countries, especially those in Asia.C.France was a strong country in history.D.the French Revolution influenced many countries, some of which choose to substitute flags with tricolor flags.3.Which of the following statements about USA national flag is NOT true? A.The flag is usually called the „Stars and Stripes‟.B.The flag has a close connection with its history.C.The symbolic meanings of the colors on the flag are the same as those on the „Tricolore‟

D.Each year on 4 July, the flag can be seen all over the country.4.Which of the following statement is NOT an explanation of the meaning of the colors of Indonesia? A.Red stands for blood, while white represents the spiritual.B.Colors have a link with food.C.Red colors on the flag symbolize the fire that comes from volcanoes.D.Red and white are the favorite colors of the Indonesia people.5.What kind of information can we get from a national

flag? A.history and population

B.culture and politics C.economy and language D.history and culture

B)Complete the following after reading it: Country France The USA Indonesia Name Tircolore Stars and(1)__________

Time It was first used in 1789, at the(2)_________________ the French Revolution.On 4 July 1776, the Declaration of Independence was(3)_________________ Indonesia‟s flag became(4)_____________ on 17 August, 1945, three days after the(5)___________ of World War II.Red Red shows the bravery, revolution,(6)____________ and blood of the French.Red represents strength And(7)_____________ Red stands for Blood, or Things that are(8)_________________

White White represents peace and(9)__________________.White means purity and Innocence.White represents the spiritual.Blue Blue stands for liberty and justice.Blue stands for hard work and(10)______________

C Fill in the blanks National flags, colours and cultures.Today, every independent country has a flag that gives it a _______identity.These flags are more than just _________pieces of cloth and __________sewn together.A flag tells us something about the country it _________ and often symbolizes the _________of that country, along with its ________, beliefs and culture.Sometimes colours mean the same thing in various _______ , but they can often mean __________things to people from different countries.France The French flag, sometimes called the “Tricolor”

(tricolour), was first used in 1789, at the ______ of the French Revolution.The colours red, white and blue used on the flag are a visual _______of the motto of the Revolution---Liberty, _______and fraternity.Red shows the _______, revolution, strength and blood of the French.Blue stands for liberty and ________.White represents peace and ___________.The French Revolution was ____________in ridding society ______inequality, which had a great _________ on many other countries, particularly those in Europe.The USA The USA was also born from __________, and its flag, the “Stars and Stripes”, symbolizes this.Some colonists were ___________with the bureaucratic way that Britain ________the country, and were quite ___________about this.On 4 July 1776, the Declaration of Independence was _________.The colours red, white and blue ,and the stars and stripes on the American flag are all _________.Red represents strength and bravery.White means ___________and innocence.Blue stands for _________work and justice.Indonesia Indonesia‟s flag became _______on 17 August 1945.The flag is a red _____over a white one, and is based on was a national flag in the 13th century that had nine red and white stripes.There are many ____________for the meaning of the Indonesian national flag.The most __________ explanation is that red stands for blood, or things that are physical, while white represents the ______________.Another suggestion is that red ______________ the colour of sugar and white looks like rice.Other people say red stands for the brave and ____________nature of the Indonesian people.It can also symbolize the fire that comes from Indonesia‟s ___________or the fact that the ______________goes through the country.White is _________as a symbol of purity.II.Complete the following sentences with the first letter given according to the sentence.1.Every independent country has a flag that gives it a u___________ identity.2.Nowadays clothes s___________ by hand are more expensive than those by machine.3.The m_____________ of the Olympics is “Faster, Higher, Stronger.”

4.She r___________ her sister in looks.5.She is always o____________ in her remarks, not in a roundabout way.6.I won‟t t______________ such behavior in this way.7.Further measures will be taken to r__________ our streets of crime.8.She answered all my questions with her usual h____________.9.He is a man of high i____________, so he can deal with it easily.10.The children all have very different p__________.11.There is growing ___________(动荡局面)throughout the country: protests, strikes, quarrels and even fights 12.Kids have a natural sense of ____________(公正).They have the ability to judge what is fair and what is unfair.13.I think we should start by ___________(选举)a new chairman.14.Although she was not a professional politician, her views were ___________(有影响力的)in shaping government policy.15.Many people think that this defence project is simply a waste of __________(纳税人)money.16.Nigeria gained ______________(独立)from Britain in 1960.17.The Congress finally issued a ___________________(宣言)of war on Iraq.18.The test scores are usually ______________(象征)of how hard a student has been working.19.Jack is an artist.He thinks painting helps fill a ______________(精神上)need for beauty.20.It was very ____________(体贴)of you to let us know you were going to be late.III.Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.Change the form where necessary: have a b bad effect on substitute…with have a link with remind…of rid…on

take the place of stand for correspond to put up with relate…to

resign oneself to have a say in return make up along with 1.We must ______________ a new chair _______ the broken one.2.The picture ___________ me _____ the days we spent in the faraway countryside.3.His laziness _____________________ his study.4.We had to _______________________ the fact that we made

a loss on the sale.5.I offered the beggar a meal and he sang a song ____________.6.What I said just now ____________________ the answer, so try to find it.7.I am not going to ____________________ their smoking any longer.8.PRC _____________ the People‟s Republic of China.9.If Miss Wang is ill, I will _____________________ her.10.On that island, women ____________ only a small proportion of the total population.11.The description of these events ___________________ closely ______ other accounts written at the time.12.Group work helps children learn to share things and _____________ each other.13.Many countries have made a promise to ______ their countries ______ nuclear weapons.14.Don‟t you think children can ___________________ on important family matters.15.It took over nine months to do it, but the murder was caught at last _________________ his two helpers.IV.Translate the following: 1.从革命中挺生__________________ 2.从英国中分出来______________________ 3.为自由而战_____________________ 4.有发言权___________________________ 5.听任…….____________________ 6.一个国家的起源______________________ 7.追溯到期 ____________________ 8.穿越全国 __________________________ 9.独立国家 ___________________ 10.独特身份 ___________________________ 11.死于饥饿 ___________________ 12.根本性变化 _________________________ 13.形象提示 ___________________ 14.清除社会不平等 _____________________ 15.用…替换 ___________________ 16.构成 ______________________________ 17.对…不满 ___________________ 18.与…有联系 _________________________ V.Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given in the brackets: 1.In the decision-making process, the workers usually _________________________________

(没有发言权)in how the factory will be run.2.They have been friends for ages.Their friendship _____________________(基于相互的理解/ 尊重之上).3.The flavor of the wine ___________________________(进一步提高)during the aging period.4.________________________(会议结束时), little progress had been made.5.Three hundred people showed up for the lecture, about 50 more than ___________________(我们原先计划).6.The local residents ________________________(反对建造化工厂), saying that it will damage the environment.7.The square, __________________(由30,000支蜡烛照亮), attracts visitors from fan and wide.8.Amanda kept all those photos ___________________________(作为对在农场度过的那些 欢快日子的回顾)9.There is an old temple in my hometown, which ________________________________(历史 可追溯到13世纪).10.He refused to help me, despite __________________________________(我请求过他好几次)。

M9 U3(reading)同步练习一 I.A)CDCDD B)1.Stripes 2.start 3.signed 4.official 5.end 6.strength 7.bravery 8.physical 9.honesty 10.justice II.1.unique 2.sewn 3.motto 4.resembles 5.outspoken 6.tolerate 7.rid 8.honesty 9.intelligence 10.personalities 11.unrest 12.justice 13.electing 14.influential 15.taxpayer 16.independence 17.declaration 18.symbolic 19.spiritual 20.considerate III.1.substitute…with 2.reminded…of 3.has a bad effect on 4.resign ourselves to 5.in return 6.had a link with 7.put up with 8.stands for 9.take the place of 10.make up 11.corresponds…to 12.relate with 13.rid…of 14.have their say 15.along with IV.1.be born from revolution 2.split from Britain 3.fight for freedom 4.have a say 5.resign oneself to 6.the origin of a country 7.date

back to 8.go through the whole country 8.an independent country 10.a unique identity 11.die of starvation 12.fundamental changes 13.a visual reminder 14.rid society of inequality substitute … with 16.make up 17.be unhappy with 18.have a link with V.1.have no say 2.is based upon mutual understanding and respct 3.is further improved 4.As the conclusion of the meeting 5.we had originally planned 6.oppose the building of the chemical factory 7.lit by 30,000 candles 8.as a reminder of the happy days spent on the farm 9.dates back to the 13th century 10.the fact that I saked him several times.

第二篇:2015年高中英语 Unit3 The secret of success Reading教案 牛津译林版选修11

Unit3 The secret of success Reading Teaching Aims: 1.Learn and master the words and expressions in the text: 2.Train the students’ reading ability.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn to use the words and expressions in the text: 2.Train the students’ reading ability.Teaching Difficult Points: How to help the students understand the text exactly, especially the following sentences: Teaching Methods: 1.Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.2.Careful reading to get the detailed information.3.Asking-and-answering to help the students understand the text exactly.4.Pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids: 1.the multimedia 2.a tape recorder 3.the blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step Ⅰ Greetings Greet the whole class as usual.Step II Lead in 1.When was Clive Sinclair born? 2.What was Clive’s first job? 3.What society was Clive chairman of? Step III Skimming Read the text quickly and decide which of the following can best express the main idea of the text.A.Sir Clive’s stories.B.Sir Clive’s mini inventions.C.How Sir Clive ran his company.D.Sir Clive Sinclair’s life and inventions.Reading Strategy: Understanding the topic sentence or theme.精确地概括全文,防止外延太大或以偏概全。如上题中的A项:Sir Clive’s stories.外延太大;B项 Sir Clive’s mini inventions.和C 项How Sir Clive ran his company 是本文当中的具体事例,为以偏概全。只有D选项,能够精确地概括全文。.Step V Language points 1.In 1961, Sinclair resigned from his job and founded his own company, producing pocket-sized radios.resign v.辞职,放弃,抛弃(权利等);让出(工作等)

“That’s why I decided to leave Afghanistan and resign from my job,” he said.菲特拉特表示:“这就是我之所以决定离开阿富汗并辞职的原因。”

I regret having to resign from my position.I wish you and ABC the best of luck and future success.很遗憾我不得不辞职。祝您和ABC公司好运相伴,未来更加兴旺发达。resign oneself to 听任;只好(做某事)No resign oneself to being defeated.不甘心于失败。

2.The man providing the money to start the company pulled out of the project at the last minute.pull out(1)拔(牙等)(2)把船划出;(车,船等)开出;(人)出发


So instead of trying to pull out of the stall, the US economy will simply have to absorb whatever blow is coming.因此,美国经济没有试图摆脱这种停滞,而是将被迫接受可能来临的一切打击。

They were so deeply involved in the matter that they found it hard to pull out.他们在那个问题上陷得太深,难以自拔。3.„ put out advertisements for his radio.put out(1)伸出;取出;出版(2)关掉,熄灭;扑灭(3)伸;拉出;射出;发送;放出

Leaders are expected to put out a communiqué of recommendations Saturday.预计,与会领导人将在周六公布相关的提议公报。Put the light out before you go to bed.你睡觉之前请把灯关掉

The doctor told him to put out his tongue.医生要他伸出舌头。put 短语:

put away 收拾起来,存起来 put down 记下,写下,镇压 put off 延期,推迟 put on 穿上,戴上,上演 put out 扑灭

put „ into

把„„译成 put up with 忍受

put up 搭起,架起,安装,住宿,张贴,盖起 put „ through 接通电话

4.„ demand was high and the business simply took off.take off(飞机)起飞;出去, 动身, 腾飞

Fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again.幸好什么也没发现,五小时后,我们又能起飞了。

He always sits on the very edge of his chair when he is working, as though about to take off.他工作的时候,总是坐在椅子边上,好像随时都会跳起身来的样子。His career finally took off at his forties.他的事业在他四十岁的时候终于腾飞了。take 短语:

take away 拿走,使消失 take back 拿回,收回 take „ for 误以为„„是

take down 记下,记录 take on 雇用,呈现(新面貌等)take notice of 注意

take in 接纳,吸收,改小 take over接管,接替

take up 开始学,从事,占据

take a photo of 拍 „„ 照片

take the place of 取代

5.Sinclair had tired of his various businesses, and was throwing his energy into British Mensa.throw „ into 投身于,献身于,积极从事

I receive many advertisement letters every day, which I throw into the garbage bin without reading them.我每天都收到很多广告信件,但我看都不看就扔进废物筒里。

They throw themselves into climbing down the banisters in the boldest, bravest fashion.他们以最英勇无畏的架式,爬上楼梯扶手往下溜。

Our teachers throw themselves heart and soul into their work of bringing up a new generation.我们的老师为培养新一代而呕心沥血。

6.„ a bicycle that can be folded up small enough to fit into a bag.fold up 折起

I fold up the bedding and put it in the closet.我折叠寝具把它放在柜子里。

Fold up the tablecloth and put it away, please.请把桌布叠好收起来。.Step V Homework Finish Exercise in the workbook..

第三篇:英语周报高中英语 Unit3 Protecting ourselves Project教案2 牛津译林版选修10

Unit3 Protecting ourselves Project 2 Thoughts on the design:

本节课是在上一节课的理解Project 内容的基础上,做一个海报,以提醒、警告人们(包括学生在内)远离毒品,并让学生把自己的成果展示给大家看。Teaching aims: 1.Get the Ss to review the passage about drugs.2.Enable Ss to make a poster about the dangers of drugs.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision The reasons/causes for taking drugs: 1.Because they are curious.2.To rebel against their families or society.3.To be accepted by friends who are drug users.The effects or results of taking drugs: 1.The effect of uppers: increase …;make … 2.The effect of downers: decrease …;

3.The effect of drugs like LSD: cause …;increase …;


Step 2 Presentation

Present the questions in Part B • 1.What are the different types of drugs? • 2.What are the effects of drugs on the body or mind? • 3.How do you think drugs affects the users’ family? • 4.What are the legal punishments for carrying drugs? 【设计说明】教师通过问Part B 中的问题,让学生明白什么应该被包括在他们要做的海报中。

Step 3 Discussion Now let’s discuss what our poster will focus on and what we will need to do in preparation.• 1.Will your poster focus on the effects on the users, the users’ families or the legal punishments for carrying drugs? • 2.Will you focus on drugs in general or a specific type of drug? • 3.What title will you use for you poster? • 4.Who will do each task in your group? 【设计说明】教师通过与学生讨论,让学生明白如何设计海报。

Step 4 Practice Work in groups, making a poster about the dangers for your School Health Week.PlanningPreparing Producing  Presenting It’s time for us to make our own posters for our school Health Week.【设计说明】给学生讨论和设计的时间,让他们充分表现自己的思想。

Step 5 Presentation Show their poster to the whole class, and the teacher should make some comments on them.【设计说明】让学生展示他们的海报,老师进行评论,表扬“先进”,鼓励“进步”的学生。

Step 6 Proverbs ● Life is the most priceless gift that nature ever gives to you.● Life means struggle against every kind of enemy, including drugs.● Fight against drugs, fight for life.【设计说明】这一步骤旨在教育学生远离毒品,珍惜生命。

Step 7 Homework 1.Finish the workbook exercises.2.Perfect the poster about the dangers of drugs.





1.accent 2.Attack 3.altitudes 4.C 5.C V.短语练习

1.blown up 2.come true 3.A 4.B 5.C 第二天


1.cruelty 2.command 3.disadvantages 4.D 5.D V.短语练习

1.is equal to 2.am determined to 3.As far as I am concerned 4.A 5.B 第三天


1.expression 2.graduated 3.fluently 4.exactly 5.frightened 6.D V.短语练习

1.to be exact 2.flow into 3.are grateful to 4.graduated from 5.are faced with 6.gave out 7.C 第四天


1.identity 2.ignore 3.insurance 4.nationality 5.identify 6.latter V.短语练习

1.in league with 2.are meant for 3.judged from 4.took the trouble to 5.in order to 6.join in 第五天


1.reliable 2.recognize 3.quality 4.B V.短语练习

1.recover from 2.on purpose 3.rescued;from 4.is recognized as 5.In principle 6.keep pace with 第六天


1.shock 2.scheduled 3.settle 4.B 5.C V.短语练习

1.served his sentence 2.a series of 3.set down 4.B 5.D 第七天


1.affect 2.vote 3.viewed 4.B 5.A V.短语练习

1.been admitted to 2.In addition to 3.was trapped into 4.got upset 5.might just as well 6.D 第八天 IV.词汇练习

1.analysed 2.applying 3.attraction 4.anyhow 5.B V.短语练习

1.pay attention to 2.was amazed at 3.C 4.A 第九天


1.competition 2.certain 3.character 4.charges 5.B V.短语练习

1.deal with 2.broke down 3.broken up 4.is decorated with 5.C 第十天


1.earned 2.dipped 3.distant 4.download 5.ending 6.explode V.短语练习

1.died down 2.die out 3.dreamed of 4.with excitement

第五篇:dying to be thin 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高一)

dying to be thin 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高一)

Subject: unit3 reading: dying to be thin… Teaching aims: 1 Students are able to grasp the main point of the three e-mails.2 Students are able to know that nothing is more important than health.3 Students are able to express their own opinions about the topic.Important points & difficult points: 1 finding the main points in the three e-mails and express them 2 understanding the reading material Teaching methods and means: fast reading, detailed reading, group work, discussion Teaching aids: computer, ppt, pictures, blackboard, chalks Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Lead-in T: Today we are going to learn the reading material of Unit 3.At first, I want to show you some pictures.(showing pictures)T: Is she beautiful?(showing the picture of Audrey Herben)Ss: Yes.T: Yes.She’s very beautiful and she has an attractive figure.What about the second picture?

Ss: Wow.He’s so fat.T: Yes.He’s so fat.T: What about this guy? Ss: Wow.He’s handsome.T: Yes.He’s handsome and he has also an attractive figure, too.T: Now you have watched the four pictures.And can you tell me what kind of figure you prefer? The left ones or the right ones? Ss: The left ones.T: Obviously we will choose the left ones.Discussion: Suppose you are a little overweight, how would you lose weight? Ss: take weight-loss pills, eat vegetables, do exercise, and do operation.T: Yes.In order to lose weight, we will exercise in the gym, take weight-loss pills, receive plastic surgery and have a diet.(showing the pictures)T: Now let’s analyze the reading material and find out how the character---Amy, loses weight.Now, please turn to page 42.Step 2: Pre-reading Predict: dying to be thin…?

Q: can you tell me the possible meaning of the title? Or can you give me your explanation to this title?

A: dying to be thin: 1 Amy wanted to be thin very much.2 Amy nearly died because she had taken weight-loss pills to lose weight.Skimming: Skim the three e-mails and find out the main point of each e-mail.T: I’ll give you 3 minutes to skim the whole lesson.Main point: Subject-Dying to be thin: in order to lose weight, Amy takes weight-loss pills and becomes slimmer and slimmer.Subject-Recovering : Amy is recovering from liver failure.Subject-Re: recovering: Zhou ling is sorry to hear about Amy’s problems and hopes that she and other people who’d like to lose weight will value the importance of health.Step 3: Detailed reading: 1 finish C1(page 44)2 fill in the blanks Amy’s emotions Reasons for losing weight Results happy


hopeful Looking good is important.be shamed of her body prepare for a new TV show Have lost 7 kg Feel tired and weak Become slimmer Reasons for frustration Reactions to illness Be in hospital Liver failure Regret taking pills Realize the importance of health Reasons for hope Lessons Amy has learnt Getting better Don’t damage your health for a slim and attractive figure.Zhou Ling’s Reply: Zhou’ emotions: from sorry to glad Zhou’s opinions: 1 We shouldn’t be embarrassed about our weight.2 Nothing is more important than health.Reading strategy: Understanding sentences with ‘however’ or ‘but’ underline all the sentences that have ‘however’ or ‘but’ 2 analyze the following two sentences: 1 I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I don’t work out any more.2 I’ve lost 7 kg in the last two months.However, sometimes I don’t feel so energetic.Question: What’s the difference in meaning between the sentences before and after ‘however’ and ‘but’?

Answer: The two sentences usually express something different and opposite.The feeling expressed before ‘however’ or ‘but’ and the feeling after them are usually opposite.We can use a comma after ‘however’.Step 4: Post-reading Discussion: suppose you are Amy’s best friend.If you’re going to write an e-mail to her, what will you say to her?

Conclusion: we can’t choose the appearance, but we can spread our smiling.Health is priceless.Homework: 1.finish D1,D2,E.2.preview word power.

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下载牛津高中英语模块9 Unit 3 词汇讲解以及同步练习M9 U3 Reading(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)2940.doc


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