Section A 1a—4 教学设计及解析11

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第一篇:Section A 1a—4 教学设计及解析11

Section A 1a—4 教学设计及解析


1.学会用be supposed to...表达看法、陈述观点和介绍风俗习惯。




上面图中出现的礼节分别是发生在哪个国家?__________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


1a What do people do when they meet for the first time? Match the countries and the customs.当人们第一次见面时,他们在做什么?把国家与风俗进行配对。


1.c 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.a

知识点1 You’re supposed to shake hands.你们应该握手。

【讲解】句子中的“be supposed to...”意思是“应该„„;被期望做„„”,其后应跟动词原形。当句子的主语是“人”时,它可以用来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等。在此用法中,它可以用英语解释为“to be expected to do sth.or to have to do sth.”。如:

You’re supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom.如果你要离开教室,应该先问问老师。

We are not supposed to play football on Sundays.不准我们在星期日踢足球。

This is secret and I’m not supposed to talk about it.这是秘密,我不应该谈论。

She is late for class again and she is supposed to say sorry to the teacher.她又迟到了,她应该向老师说对不起。


—In your country, what are you supposed to ______ when you meet someone for the first time?

—Shake hands.A.doing C.did D.done


be supposed to do sth.用来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等时,它相当于情态动词should。




例:Supposing it rains, what shall we do, 倘若下雨了,我们将怎么办?


例:Suppose we go for a swim.我们去游泳吧。

知识点2 bow


Bow to the Queen.向女王鞠躬致敬。

At the end of the play all the actors came onto the stage and bowed.终场时,全体演员都走到台前鞠躬致谢。

He bowed his thanks.他鞠躬致谢。

I can’t agree with you but I bow to your greater experience and knowledge.虽然我不同意你的意见,但我佩服你经验和知识比我丰富。




【解答】此句可用句型be supposed to do sth.和bow这个动词,本句可译为:You are supposed to bow when you meet a Japanese for the first time.1b Listen and check your answers in activity 1a.听录音并检查活动1a中的答案。


Boy 1: What are people supposed to do when they meet in your country, Celia?

Girl 1: Well, do you mean when friends meet for the first time?

Boy 1: Yeah.Girl 1: Well, in Brazil, friends kiss.Boy 1: What about in Mexico, Rodriguez?

Boy 2: In Mexico we shake hands.Boy 1: How about in Japan, Yoshi?

Boy 3: We bow.Girl 2: And in Korea we also bow.Boy 1: Well, I guess in most Western countries we shake hands.参考答案

1.c 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.a


Talk about what people in different countries do when they meet for the first time.Tell about the countries listed above or other countries you know about.谈谈在不同的国家,人们第一次见面时的举动。说说上面所列出的国家或你知道的其他国家。

2b Maria is an exchange student.Last nightshe had dinner at an American friend’s house.Listen and check(√)the mistakes Maria made.玛丽亚是一位交换学生。昨晚她在一位美国朋友家里吃饭。听并在玛丽亚所犯的错误上打√。

知识点3 greet

【讲解】是一个动词,意思是“to welcome or say‘hello’(问候,招呼)”。如:He greeted her by saying“Good morning”.他向她打招呼,说“早上好”。She greeted me with a friendly smile.她向我微笑致意。它还可以用于比喻。如:

As we entered the house we were greeted by the smell of cooking.我们走进房子的时候,迎面而来的是烧饭的气味。

A beautiful view greeted us.美丽的景色呈现在我们面前。




【解答】“打招呼”用greet表示,“热情地”可译为warmly。整个句子可译为: They greeted us warmly.2b Listen again and fill in the blanks.重新听遍录音并填空。


Role play the conversation between Maria and Dan.Use the information from activities 2a and 2b.角色扮演玛丽亚与丹之间的对话,使用活动2a和2b的信息。

Grammar Focus语法重点

What are you supposedto do when you meet someone? 当你跟人见面时,你应该做什么?

You’re supposed to kiss.你应该亲吻。

You’re not supposed to shake hands.你不应该握手。

When were you supposed to arrive? 你本应该什么时候到?

I was supposed to arrive at 7:00.我本应该七点钟到。

You should have asked what you were supposed to wear.你本应该问一下你该穿什么衣服。

3a Read the following opinions of a Colombian and a Swiss student and fill in the chart.阅读下面哥伦比亚和瑞士学生的意见并填表。

知识点4 Where I’m from, we’re pretty relaxed about time.我来的那个地方,人们对时间非常放松。

【讲解】句子中的“Where I’m from”是一个由where引导的地点状语从句,它在句子中作地点状语。引导地点状语从句的连词副词除了where之外,还有wherever。如:

Just stay where you are.就留在你原来的地方。

Wherever you go, you can see new factories and stores, new schools and hospitals.无论你走到哪里,你都能看到新建的工厂、商店、学校和医院。

Wherever you are, you should work for the people heart and soul.无论你在哪里,你都应该全心全意为人民工作。


_______ there is a will, there is a way.A.Wherever B.Where C.When D.What


知识点5 We’re the land of watches,after all!毕竟我们这里是手表王国。


After living in foreign lands for many years, the man went back home.在外国居住了多年之后,这个人回到了自己的祖国。

He died far from his native land.他客死异邦。


We traveled by land until we reached the sea.我们在陆路旅行,一直到大海。

(2)句子中的词组“after all”意思是“毕竟”。如:

So you see I was right after all!你看,毕竟还是我对吧!

You decided to come after all!你毕竟还是决定来了。



【解答】本句可译为:After all,you are a student


Role play a conversation between Teresa and Marc.Talk about the different

attitudes in Colombia and Switzerland.角色扮演特里萨和马克之间的对话。谈论在哥伦比亚和瑞士的不同态度。


A new student from England is going to take classes at your school.Fill in the chart with the things he or she is supposed to do inside and outside the classroom.Then role play a conversation.一位来自英格兰的学生打算去你们学校上课。用他或她课内外应该做的事填表。然后角色扮演这个对话。



Model 1: A: What are people supposed to do in the Brazil when they meet someone for the first time?B:They are supposed to kiss.提示词: In Japan bow 提示词: In China shake hands(1)A: ____________(2)A____________ B: ____________ B: ____________

Model 2: A: What should I say when I meet my teacher in the morning?B: You are supposed to say “Good morning, teacher.”

提示词: in the friend,s birthday party 提示词: phone someone In this.Happy Birthday(3)A: ______(4)A: ____________ B: _________ B: ____________

【实践展示】对话(1)(2)是为第一次与人见面时的礼节所设计的问答练习,训练句型: What are you supposed to do...? 对话(3)(4)主要是练习在不同时间,不同场合与人见面时的问候语,训练句型: What should I say...?



1.He______(鞠躬)before the leader.2.Did he______(吻)her on the cheek or on the mouth?

3.Mr Wang got up from behind his desk to______(同……打招呼)me.4.______(瑞士)is a country famous for clocks and watches.5.We’re the______(国家)of watches______(毕竟).Ⅱ.选择填空

()1.What______you supposed______when you are in Korea?;to do B.are;to do C.are;doing()2.Sir, you should______at the red light.But you didn’t.A.stop B.have stopped C.not have stopped()3.I don’t know______.A.he is how old B.he how old is old is he()4.No one tells______, so I need your should I do B.what should I do to do it()5.The foreigners will______in half an hour.A.reach B.get to C.arrive Ⅲ.根据情景对话,选择正确图片。

()1.A:I often have bananas.I like them very much.B: Me, too.Bananas are nice fruit.()2.A: Are you from England, Mr Black?

B: Yes, I am.()3.A: Excuse me, but have you seen my watch, please?

B: Your watch? Sorry, I haven’t seen it

()4.A: I visited many places on a bike when I was in Beijing.B: It’s really exciting to visit Beijing by bike.()5.A: Look!The dog is watching Lily writing a letter.B: Yes.They are good friends.答案点拨

Ⅰ.1.bows 2.kiss 3.greet 4.Switzerland, after all

Ⅱ.1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.C

Ⅲ.1.B 2.D 3.C 4.E 5.A

D.have;to do D.have to wait old he is D.what to do it D.arrive at

第二篇:九年级英语Unit8 SectionA教学设计


Unit8 It must belong to Carla.第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)

设计人:佛山中学 崔娟(***)


一、教学目标: 1、知识目标

a.识记词汇:whose, truck ,rabbit, attend, valuable, pink, picnic, anybody 短语:must be, at the picnic, belong to, attend a concert, the rest of my friends,pick up b.掌握目标语言:(1)Whose book is this?---It must be Mary’s.J.K.Rowling is her favorite writer.(2)I attend a concert yesterday so it might still be in the music hall.(3)It can’t be stolen.(4)Could it still be in the park?(5)The hair band must belong to Linda.2、能力目标:






难点:正确区别运用belong to 和名词所有格表示所属关系。

三、课前准备: 录音机和一些物品背包,发带和手表


Step 1 Check the students’ preparation Take out the leading paper and check the answers.(1)Work in groups to check the answers and deal with the difficulties.(2)Check in class.(3)Possible mistakes: pick up, the rest of, whose, belong to...(4)Read and try to remember them.Step 2 Presentation(1a)T: Hello, class.Now, look at 1a.There is a picture with many things in it.What can you see in the picture? S: We can see a hat, a T-shirt, a volleyball, a CD, a toy car, a plate, three cups, some books and magazines.T:It is’t hard for us to judge who the things belong to.Read the examples first, and then write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart as soon as possible.Then ask the students to read their answers.T: When we talk about things we are not sure of, we use the words could, might, can’t and must.For example:

(1)It could be Bill’s.(2)It might be Bill’s.(3)It can’t be Maria’s.(4)It must be Lee’s.Make sentences using the information in the chart like this:

A hat must belong to clothing.S: Sure.The hat, the jacket and the T-shirt must belong to clothing.The volleyball, the CD, the toy car, the magazine, and the book must belong to fun things.The plate, the cups must belong to kitchen things.Step 3 Listening(1b)Just now you saw so many things in the picture.Whose thing are they? Why do you think so? Let’s come to 1b.1)Read the instruction together.2)Read each column one by one to make sure if students have any difficulties.3)Listen and match.4)Check their answer.Step 4 Pairwork Do in pairs:----Whose volleyball is this?----It must be Carla’s.It must belong to Carla.1)Read the examples.2)Make their own conversations using the information in 1b or their things.3)Share their conversations in class.Step 5 Listening(2a,2b)and exercises.In 1b, you saw so many things and after listening, you know the volleyball belongs to Carla.Now, I found a backpack in front of your school.What’s in the backpack and whose backpack is that? Let’s come to 2a.1)Read the information together.2)Listen and write down the things in the backpack.3)Check their answers.2b 1)Listen to it again and fill in the blanks.2)Check their answers.3)Listen again , follow and answer “Whose backpack is that?”

4)Read the sentences together and pay more attention to “must”, “might”,“could” and “can’t”.Work in groups: Read the tapescripts in group and discuss when to use “must”, “might”, “could” and “can’t”.Sum up: Just read and try to learn to use “must”, “might”, “could” and

“can’t”.Note: must(100%)might,could(20-80%)can’t(0%)Let’s try: 1)Please do exercises on the screen.2)Check their answers.3)Read these sentences by themselves.Step 6 Reading(2d)Do you want to know whose schoolbag it is? Let’s read 2d and find the answers.1)Read and find out: Whose schoolbag is it? 2)Read again and underline the difficulties.3)Discuss the difficulties in groups,try to understand them.4)Possible difficulties:(1)attend “出席,参加”为正式用语

take part in 参加活动

join 加入组织团体

(2)pick up 拿起,捡起/ 开车接人

5)Role play the conversation, then ask some pairs to act it out in front of the class.Step 7 Do the exercises on the leading paper,explain some points to the students.Homework:



Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section A(1a-2d)

Words: belong, belong to, whose, truck, picnic, rabbit, attend, valuable, pink...Sentence structures:

(1)Whose English book is this? It must be Carla’s.It has her name on it..(2)Whose volleyball is this ?

It could /might be Alice’s.She loves volleyball.(3)Whose pen is this ?

It might belong to Helen.It’s under her chair.(4)Whose T-shirt is this ? It can’t be John’s.It’s too much small for him.Note:must(100%)might,could(20-80%)can’t(0%)(5)It must/could /might be HanLei’s = It must/could/might belong to HanLei.九年级英语

Unit8 It must belong to Carla.第二课时 Section A(3a-4c)

设计人:佛山中学 崔娟(***)


一、教学目标: 1、知识目标

a.识记词汇:noise policeman wolf

短语:something unusual, next-door neighbor, feel uneasy, go away, make

fear, make noise b.掌握目标语言:(1)My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be

teenagers having fun.(2)There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.2、能力目标:





重点:情态动词must, might, could and can’t 表推测的应用


三、课前准备: 一些图片


Step 1 Check the students’ preparation Task1Take out the leading paper and check the answers.(1)Work in groups to check the answers and deal with the difficulties.(2)Check in class.(3)Possible mistakes: pick up, the rest of, whose, belong to...(4)Read and try to remember them.Task2 读生词,纠正发音 Step 2 Leading in Not all of us can meet the strange events in our daily life.And we may think some of them are unbelievable.Let’s read the article quickly And see what happened to he people in the small town.Try to find he answers to the questions.1.What happened to the people in small town ? 2.What might it be ?

3.How does everyone feel? Step 3 Reading(3a)Read for the first time and finish task1 and task2.Task1: Read the article and decide which might be the best title.Task2:你能从3a中找出含有情态动词表推测的句子吗? Task3:Read carefully and find words to match the meanings.(3b)Task4:Read again and write what people think about the strange noises.(3c)Step 3 Listening 跟读和朗读,矫正学生读音,培养学生的语感。Step 4

Explanation(1)Read by oneself,try to understand the article,underline the difficulties.(2)Work in groups, discuss and try to deal with the difficulties.(3)Explain in class.noise 可数/不可数(voice/ sound)

else: What else? Anything else? / other: What other things? have no idea= don’t know There be...doing 有···正在做···

There are some kids watching TV in the living room.(4)Make some sentences with the above points.Write them down in their Own exercise books.Step 5 Practice(4a,4b)Do the exercises by oneself and then check the answers together.Step 6 Exercises Give the students 5 minutes to do the exercises on the leading paper.Then check the answers.Collect the points.Step 7 Homework Look at the picture in 3a.How much can you tell the person who lives here? Is it a boy or a girl? What are his/ her hobbies? Discuss your idea with a parter.Then write you conversation down in your exercise book.板书设计

Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section A(3a-4c)

Words and expressions: Noise, policeman, wolf, something unusual, next-door neighbor, feel uneasy,go away, make fear, make noise Sentence structures:

(1)My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be

teenagers having fun.(2)There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.

第三篇:八年级英语上Unit3 topic1 sectionA教学设计

八年级英语上Unit3 topic1 sectionA教学设计




本节课讲授的内容是仁爱版教材八年级英语(上册)第三单元Topic 1 Section A。这一单元描述hobbies,每个话题都是与学生日常生活息息相关的内容。第一话题I love collecting stamps不单是谈论有关集邮方面的爱好,还有听音乐、做运动等。这极大地丰富了同学们的业余生活,通过谈论彼此的兴趣爱好,既学到了知识。








2、教学难点:used to的用法




①教师简介家人的兴趣爱好My sister likes dancing,but she doesn`t love singing,My brother enjoys skating.He also prefers swimming

②师生对话谈论喜欢做的事情,反复应用What do you lovelikeenjoyprefer doing?巩固用法,增进师生间了解.3、发入学案,预习,小组讨论学习。

4、导入1a:教师拿出部分收集的邮票,边让学生看,边表达,Collecting stamps is my hobby, too.I love collecting stamps.导入Topic 1标题。这样创设情境,自然贴切。(呈现)进行听、读、说的练习。

a.听前,提出听的任务,让学生听录音后回答问题。如:What’s Wen Wei’s hobby? Does he often listen to rock music now?

b.然后,教师通过以旧带新,对比法呈现新pleased, colect, painting, valuable.并且推出used to 通过上下文学生会很轻松猜其含义,借助例句知其用法used to do sth.从而在一定程度上突破了难点,同时也为Section B的学习作了良好的铺垫。




①通过同学们编、演对话表现出的浓厚的兴趣,引出格言Interest is the best teacher。然后对学生说:I hope you can be interested in English.进而呈现新词语,be interested in 由两个例句让学生归纳出它的用法:(板书)

②组织学生运用2a中的图片信息进行看图说话练习,进一步巩固be interested in 的用法。







板书设计: Unit 3 Our hobbies Topic 1 What hobbies did you use to have? Section A Love/like/prefer/enjoy doing sth

please→pleased be interested in sth/doing sth

paint→painting be fond of doing sth





第五篇:仁爱英语八年级下Unit7 Topic2 SectionA 教学设计

仁爱英语八年级下Unit7 Topic2 SectionA 教学设计

仁爱英语八年级下Unit7 Topic2 SectionA 教学设计


本课是仁爱版英语八年级下Unit7 Topic2的第一部分。根据教材内容和学生的实际情况,我拟定了以下教学目标:









新课程强调“课程是经验”,本课紧紧围绕着“How to make fried rice”这一主题,让学生积极体验和参与,大胆实践,形成积极的学习态度,达到学以致用的目的。通过对话的学习与实践,进一步学习体验煮面条的过程。通过小组活动,使学生在心智发展的同时,在情感上也能逐渐成熟起来。






T:Do you still remember Daniel Igali? In Topic1,we know he wants to build a school for his village.Kangkang and his classmaters plan to have a food festival to raise money for him.Now Kangkang is learning to make fried rice(fried rice的图片),Today we will learn Section A,Topic2.Step2.Presentation 1.Group work:

Talk about the ingredients of cooking fried rice.2.Pair work:

Read 1a and answer the question: How to make fried rice? Step3.Consolidation 1.Work alone.Finish 1b.2.Listen to 1a and read after the tape.Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Then find out the difficult points.Step4.Practive 1.Work alone

Read the instructions for cooking noodles carefully and fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.Pay attention to the uses of adverbs.Then do 2b.2.Listening practive

Listen to the passage carefully and choose the best answers.Finish 3.Step5.Project

Write a short passage about how to make fried rice with your own words.

下载Section A 1a—4 教学设计及解析11word格式文档
下载Section A 1a—4 教学设计及解析11.doc


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    4、《火烧云》教学设计 教学目标 1、理解课文内容,了解火烧云的绚丽多彩和美妙奇异,激发学生热爱自然、 观察自然的兴趣。 2、学习作者观察事物和积累材料的方法。3、学习生......


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    背影教学设计4 教学目标: 一 体会本文所表现的父子之间的深厚感情,理解语文与家庭生活的关系。 二 练习划分段落层次,归纳中心意思。 三 揣摩本文的语言特点。 教学设想: 一 安......