
时间:2019-05-12 18:05:45下载本文作者:会员上传





1.This is the house where Zunyi Meeting was held.This is the house _____ _____ Zunyi Meeting was held.2.There are shops on both sides of the street.There are shops on _____ _____ of the street.3.If there were no water, there would be no life._____ _____, there would be no life.4.Shall we begin our meeting? _____ _____ our meeting, shall we? 5.The church standing on the top of hill was built 100 years ago.The church _____ _____ on the top of hill was built 100 years ago.6.Peter does his homework more carefully than Bob.Bob doesn't do his homework _____ _____ _____ Peter.7.The little girl dare not touch the dog.The little girl _____ _____ _____ touch the dog.8.All the answers are right._____ _____ _____ answers is wrong.9.They made him sell his house contrary to his will.He _____ _____ _____ sell his house contrary to his will.10.She seldom goes out in the evening._____ _____ _____ go out in the evening.11.He has been away from his home town for five years._____ _____ five years _____ he left his home town.12.He took off his shoes because he did not want to wake up his roommates._____ _____ _____ wake up his roommates, he took off his shoes.13.“Will you please speak louder?” she said to him.She _____ _____ _____ speak louder.14.We put off the outing because of the weather._____ _____ because of the weather _____ we put off the outing.15.He insisted that she join us in the game.He insisted _____ _____ _____ us in the game.16.While he was running downstairs, Li Ming knocked into his teacher._____ _____ ________ , Li Ming knocked into his teacher.17.Isn't he clever? _____ _____ _____ man he is.18.I regretted having told her the news.I wish I _____ _____ _____ her the news.19.The article needs shortening.The article needs _____ _____ ________.20.As she was tired with walking, the old woman sat down to have a rest.2 _____ _____ _____, the old woman sat down to have a rest 答案:

1.in which 2.each side 3.Without water 4.Let's begin 5.that stands 6.as carefully as 7.doesn't dare to 8.None of the

9.was made to 10.Seldom does she 11.It is...since 12.Not wanting to 13.asked him to 14.It was...that

15.on her joining 16.While running downstairs 17.What a clever 18.had not told

19.to be shortened 20.Tired with walking


1.We all know that the earth is round._____ _____ _____ to all, the earth is round.2.Being a learned man, Professor Lin is respected by all his students._____ _____ _____ a learned man, all the students respect him.3.I didn't know his address, so I didn't write to him.If I had known his address, I _____ _____ _____ to him.4.I want to see the play too._____ _____ _____ see the play too.3 5.I had never seen him before , so I did not recognize him._____ _____ _____ him before, I did not recognize him.6.Shall we have a break? _____ _____ _____ a break? 7.She is too young to understand all this.She _____ _____ _____ to understand all this.8.He must have passed the exam.He could _____ _____ _____ in the exam.9.Her mother is famous singer, and she is proud of it.She is proud of _____ _____ _____ a famous singer.10.This piece of cloth is three times as long as that one.This piece of cloth is three times _____ _____ _____ that one.11.He passed by, but he didn't notice me.He passed by _____ _____ _____.12.I had hardly come in when the telephone rang._____ _____ _____ I come in _____ the telephone rang.13.He is the youngest boy in the class.He is younger _____ _____ _____ _____ in the class.14.Be careful, or you'll get hurt._____ _____ _____ _____ , you will get hurt.15.New York is more modern than London.London _____ _____ _____ _____ New York.4 16.This story isn't interesting.Nor is that one.This story is _____ _____ ______ _____ that one.17.Both his parents are from Guangdong.His father is from Guangdong and _____ _____ _____ _____.18.It is said that he has invented a new machine.He _____ _____ _____ _____ invented a new machine.19.We didn't stop talking until he returned.We _____ _____ _____ until he returned.20.He was so weak that he couldn't lift the box.He was _____ _____ ______ to lift the box.答案:

1.As is known 2.Professor Lin being 3.would have written 4.I'd like to 5.Never having seen 6.What about having 7.isn't old enough 8.not have failed 9.her mother being 10.the length of 11.without noticing me 12.No sooner had...than 13.than any other boy

14.If you aren't careful / Unless you are careful

15.is less modern than / isn't as modern as

16.no more interesting than 17.so is his mother 18.is said to have 19.kept on talking / went on talking 20.not strong enough


1.She is a lovely girl.They all like to play with her.She is _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ they all like to play with her.2.When did Marx get to London? When did Marx _____ _____ London? 3.In the months that followed, they worked much harder at English.In the _____ _____ , they worked much harder at English.4.Our teacher began to write articles at the age of over twenty.Our teacher began to write articles _____ _____ _____.5.I feel that it is important to do so.I feel _____ ________ to do so.6.His maths has improved greatly.He _____ _____ _____ ______ in maths.7.In the year from 1930 to 1939, he wrote hundreds of short stories._____ _____ _____ , he wrote hundreds of short shories.8.Pick out what you like from these.______ what you like from these.9.Take it easy.Everything will get on well._____ _____ _____ it.Everything will get on well.10.I spent two weeks in writing the article._____ _____ _____ two weeks _____ _____ the articles.11.Neither Tom nor Jack could work out the problem.Tom couldn't work out the problem._____ _____ _____.12.Jenny picked up the wallet at the gate of the school._____ _____ at the gate of the school _____ Jenny picked up the wallet.13.I know nothing about the matter.I don't know the matter _____ _____.14.He wanted to see the words clearly, so he stood on the bench.He stood on the bench _____ _____ _____ see the words clearly.15.We have made up our minds to work harder this year.We have _______ to work harder this year.16.The two balls hit the ground together.The two balls hit the ground _____ _____ _____ _____.17.Did you have a good time at the ball? Did you _____ ______ at the ball? 18.You had better break away from smoking.You had better _____ _____ smoking.19.His whole school education added up to only two years.His whole school education added up to _____ _____ _____ two 7 years.20.The group was set up in 1980.The group was _______ in 1980.答案:

1.such a lovely girl that / so lovely a girl that 2.arrive in 3.following months 4.in his twenties 5.it important 6.has made great progress 7.In the 1930's 8.Choose 9.Don't worry about 10.It took me...to write 11.Nor / Neither could Jack.12.It was...that 13.at all 14.in order to / so as to 15.decided 16.at the same time 17.enjoy yourself 18.give up 19.No more than 20.founded


1.What do you usually do when you are free? What do you usually do _____ _____ _____ _____? 2.He took an active part in sports when he was a child.He _____ _____ _____ sports _____ _____ ______.8 3.I have ten yuan with me in all.All my money with me _____ _____ _____ ten yuan.4.The war lasted four years before the North won.The war didn't _____ _____ the North won four years later.5.I like music most in my spare time.I like music _____ than _____ _____ in my spare time.6.Mr Zhang is not fit to do the work.The work is ______ _____ Mr Zhang.7.Wind is invisible to us.Wind can't ______ _____ by us.8.I had a strong wish to know who won the final game.I _____ _____ _____ know who won the final game.9.I will ask someone to clean the windows this afternoon.I will _____ the windows _____ this afternoon.10.After he undressed himself, we dressed him in a new suit.After he





clothes,we _____ _____ a new suit for him.11.She was so interested in the book that she read it over night.The book was so _____ that she read it _____ _____ _____.12.My aunt wears a new skirt today.My aunt _____ a new skirt _____ today.13.The boss treated the workers cruelly.9 The boss _____ _____ _____ the workers.14.He read and read without stopping till he went to sleep.He _____ _____ _____ till he went to sleep.15.What pleased her was that she found the lost money._____ _____ _____, she found the lost money.16.The girl wearing red clothes is a nurse.The girl _____ _____ is a nurse.17.The nurse is feeding the baby with milk.The nurse is feeding _____ _____ the baby.18.She has been away from home for ten years.It _____ _____ _____ since she _____ home.19.The foreign friend is said to come to our school tomorrow.It _____ _____ _____ that the foreign friend _____ our school tomorrow.20.He couldn't help crying at the sight of the photo.He couldn't help crying _____ _____ _____ the photo 答案:

1.in your spare time

2.was active in...in his childhood.3.adds up to 4.end until/stop until

5.better...anything else / other things 6.unfit for 7.be seen

_____ to 8.was eager to 9.have...cleaned 10.took off...put on

11.interesting...all the night / throughout the night / all night long 12.has...on 13.was cruel to 14.went on reading / kept on reading / didn't stop reading 15.To her pleasure 16.in red 17.milk to 18.is ten years...left 19.is said...will come/is coming 20.when he saw


1.Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear.Crusoe stared at the footprint, _____ _____ fear.2.The dog died.This made him very sad._____ the dog died made him very sad.3.All the doctors can not perform such an operation._____ _____ the doctors can perform such an operation.4.Both of them are not good students._____ of the two is a good student.5.They are mostly teachers._____ _____ _____ are teachers.6.Fujian is connected with Zhejiang on the north.Fujian is _____ _____ Zhejiang on the north.7.Suddenly she let out a cry of anger.Suddenly she _____ _____ _____.8.All the boys don't like football._____ _____ _____ _____ like football.9.Shanghai is the largest city in China.Shanghai is _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ in China.10.Mary was late, which made her teacher very angry.Mary was late _____ _____ _____ her teacher very angry.11.Paper is made from wood.Wood _____ _____ _____ _____ paper.12.Li Wei is shorter than Tom.Tom is _____ _____ _____ the two.13.He did what he could do to calm her.He _____ _____ _____ to _____ her calm.14.“I don't want to be examined.” he answered.He answered that he _____ want any ______.15.We did the experiment in this lab yesterday._____ _____ in this lab _____ we did the experiment yesterday.16.The accident forbade me to arrive there in time.The accident ______ me _____ _____ there in time.17.She has nothing to do with the matter.12 She is _____ _____ _____ the matter.18.The old woman lived happily.The old woman _____ _____ _____ life.19.The only thing I could do was to apologize to her.I could do _____ _____ _____ to her.20.It is by this means that animal hibernates in winter.It is _____ _____ _____ that animal hibernates in winter.答案:

1.filled with 2.That 3.Not all 4.One 5.Most of them 6.joined to 7.cried out angrily

8.Not all the boys/Some of the boys 9.larger than any other city 10.and it made 11.can be made into 12.the taller of 13.tried/did his best...make 14.didn't...examination 15.It was...that 16.prevented/kept/stopped...from arriving 17.not connected with 18.led a happy 19.nothing but apologize 20.in this way


1.After graduation, he went to work on a farm.After _____ _____ , he went to work on a farm.2.When he was a child of eight, he learned to write poems._____ _____ _____ of eight, he learned to write poems.3.I have mastered English by learning it all by myself._____ _____ _____ English I have mastered it.4.He has the habit of running in the morning.He is _____ _____ running in the morning.5.Why did she lose interest in music? Why was she _____ _____ in music? 6.The secret was disclosed only in 1975.Only in 1975 _____ the secret _____.7.Einstein cared little for money, so he was poor.Einstein could _____ _____ _____ if he _____ _____ much for money.8.Walking early in the morning will benefit you.Walking early in the morning will _____ _____ _____.9.The farm is his.The farm _____ _____ _____.10.The teacher sang high praise for our noble deed.The teacher _____ _____ _____ our noble deed.14 11.The imposter seemed anxious to leave.____ _____ _____ the imposter _____ _____ to leave.12.They would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.They would like to watch TV at home _____ _____ going to the cinema.13.People sometimes act as foolishly as a blind man._____ _____ people act as foolishly as a blind man.14.The meeting is very important.The meeting _____ _____ _____.15.He is given practice in playing tennis every day.He _____ _____ tennis every day.16.He was afraid that his father would punish him.He was afraid of _____ _____ _____ his father.17.The teacher would ask the boys questions on the text.The teacher would _____ _____ _____ on the text.18.Why did Tom stay away from school yesterday? Why did Tom _____ _____ yesterday? 19.I found the lost child while I was walking home.I found the lost child _____ _____ _____ _____.20.I was thinking of this when I heard my name called.I was thinking of this when I heard _____ _____ my name.15 答案:

1.he graduated 2.At the age 3.By teaching myself 4.used to 5.not interested 6.was...disclosed 7.have been rich...had cared 8.do you good 9.belongs to him 10.thought highly of 11.It seemed that...was anxious 12.instead of 13.At times 14.of great importance 15.practices playing 16.being punished by 17.question the boys 18.play truant 19.on my way home 20.someone call 第七组

1.I stood at my bench without daring to lift my head.I stood at my bench and _____ _____ _____ my head.2.There is something wrong with your machine.Have asked somebody to repair it for you? There is something wrong with your machine.Have _____ _____

_____ ? 3.I want to start the machine.Please show me the way.Please show me _____ to _____ the machine.16

you you 4.The huge stone is very heavy.We can not lift it.The huge stone is _____ heavy _____ we can not lift it.The huge stone is _____ heavy _____ _____ _____ lift.5.She bought an old bike from Mary.Mary _____ an old bike _____ her.6.Stone will not catch fire.Stone will not ______.7.May I give it back later? May I _____ it later? 8.I ran all the way so that I could get to school on time.I ran all the way _____ _____ to _____ _____ school on time.9.It began to rain as soon as I got home._____ _____ I got home, it began to rain.10.I want to speak to you for a short while.I want to _____ _____ _____ _____ you.11.The teacher asked me to say it again.The teacher asked me to _____ it.12.John's workmates were all friendly to him.John's workmates all _____ _____ _____ _____ him.13.There is no water or air on the moon.There is _____ water on the moon, and there is no air,_____.14.You are not wrong.I am not wrong, either.17 _____ you _____ I _____ wrong.15.If he had hurried, he would have caught the train.He _____ _____ _____, so he _____ the train.16.The child filled the bag with apples.The bag _____ _____ of apples.17.He didn't need to worry about his life.It _____ unnecessary _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ his life.18.What rapid progress Marx made.How rapidly _____ _____ _____.19.They insisted we hold out the hands at the time.They insisted _____ _____ _____ _____ the hands at the time.20.But for your help, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.If you _____ _____ us, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon._____ you _____ us, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.答案:

1.dare not lift 2.had it repaired 3.how...start 4.so...that // too...for us to 5.sold...to 6.burn 7.return 8.so as...get to 9.The moment 10.have a word with 11.repeat 12.got along well with 13.no...either 14.Neither...nor...am 15.did not hurry...missed 16.was full 17.was...for him to worry about 18.Marx made progress 19.on our holding out 20.hadn't helped // Hadn't...helped


1.He joined the army ten years ago._____ _____ ten years ago _____ he joined the army._____ _____ ten years _____ he joined the army.He _____ _____ in the army for ten years.Ten years ______ _____ _____ he joined the army.2.We study not only Chinese but also English.We study English _____ _____ _____ Chinese.We study English and Chinese _____ _____._____ Chinese, we also study English.We study _____ Chinese _____ English.We study Chinese, and English,______.3.Would you mind if I take it to a place of safety.Would you mind _____ _____ _____ to a place of safety? 4.Once I hear from him, I'll let you know._____ _____ _____ I hear from him, I'll let you know.5.It's time to do our homework.It's time _____ our homework.It's time we _____ our homework.6.Mr Wang stopped talking when you came in.Mr Wang _____ _____ _____ until you came in.Mr Wang _____ _____ till you came.7.The announcement is worthy of being studied.The announcement is worthy _____ _____ _____.The announcement is worth _____.8.Though he is a child, he knows a lot._____ as _____ _____ , he knows a lot.9.I suggested calling off the picnic on Sunday.I suggested that _____ _____ _____ the picnic on Sunday.10.Our professor came into the room with a book under his arm._____ _____ _____ , our professor came into the room.11.If you heat water to 100°C, you'll find it changes into steam gradually._____ _____ to 100°C _____ you'll find it changes into steam gradually._____ _____






into steam gradually.20 12.Though it rained heavily, the students still ran round the playground._____ _____ _____ the heavy rain, the students still ran round the playground.No matter _____ _____ it rained, the students still ran round the playground.13.We've never permitted him to do such a stupid thing._____ _____ we _____ him to do such a stupid thing.14.Jane is an eight-year-old girl.Jane is a girl of _____ _____ _____.15.This is the cheapest one.This is the least _____ one.16.If you drive the car fast, you'll probably meet with an accident.The _____ you drive the car, _____ _____ _____ you'll meet with an accident.17.He may come and help you this evening.He _____ _____ _____ come and help you this evening.It _____ _____ he will come and help you this evening.18.Mum left her only a little needle thread bag.Mum left her _____ _____ a little needle thread bag.19.You will miss the plane unless you hurry up now._____ _____ ,_____ you will miss the plane._____ you _____ hurry up, you won't _____ the plane.21 20.It is said that John is a very honest man.John _____ _____ _____ _____ a very honest man 答案:

1.It was...that // It is...since // has been // have passed since 2.as well as // as well // Besides // both...and // too 3.my taking it 4.As soon as 5.for // did 6.didn't stop talking // kept talking 7.to be studied // studying 8.Child...he is 9.we call off 10.Book under arm 11.Heat water // Heating water 12.In spite of // how heavily 13.Never have...permitted 14.eight years old 15.expensive 16.faster...the more probably 17.is likely to // seems that 18.nothing but 19.Hurry up...or // If...don't...catch 20.is said to be




例1 The second book ______I want to read is Business @ the Speed of Thought.A.which B.what C.that D.as 解析 先行词book被序数词修饰时要用that引导定语从句,故选C。例2 I'll never forget the days _____I stayed with you.A.when B.in which C.that D.for which 解析 本题指时间,故选A。

例3 The book______ is sold out at the moment.A.you need B.what you need C.which you need it D.that you need it 解析 B、C、D中的what和it与先行The book相抵触,故选A。例4 Is this the place ______Lincoln once lived.A.that B.which C.where D.when 解析 本题指地点,故选C。

例5 I'm one of the boys [CD#3] never late for school.A.that is B.who are C.who am D.who is 解析 本题中who用作主语,谓语动词与先行词the boys保持一致,故选B。【选讲例题】

例6 Her sister,______ you met at my home, was a teacher of English.A.whom B.that C.which D.who is 解析 非限制性定语从句中,关系代词用which,不用that,但指人时用who或whom.故选A。

例7 These book are for students _____ mother language is not English.A.of whom B.that C.which D.whose 解析 whose引导的定语从句中,whose用作定语,故选D。【课内追踪练习】


(D)1.Is this museum ______they visited last month? A.that B.where C.which D.the one(C)2.Is this the museum [CD#3] they visited last month? A.what B.where C.which D.the one(B)3.The clever boy made a hole in the wall,_____ he could read books at night.A.in which B.through which C.at which D.on which(D)4.____ cleans the classroom can go home first.A.Anyone B.Those who C.However D.The one who(B)5.The man ______ coat is black is waiting at the gate.A.who's B.whose C.that D.of which(B)6.The young man ____ is an engineer of my factory.A.that you just talked B.whom you just talked to C.which you just talked D.who you just talked(C)7.The dictionary _____ I paid one dollar was very interesting.A.that B.which C.for which D.to which 【课外巩固练习】


(B)8.The old man _____ yesterday is a scientist.A.I spoke B.I spoke to C.whom I spoke D.that I spoke to him(D)9.She had two sons,_____ became teachers.A.all of them B.all of whomC.both of them D.both of whom(D)10.The room ____ we do the reading is a reading-room.A.on which B.in that C.that D.where(A)11.The village,______ we spent our holiday last week, is in the south of the province.

A.where B.that C.which D.what(B)12.I won't tell you the reason ______ I'm so excited.A.because B.why C.when D.which(A)13.Is this the shop ________sells children's clothing?

A.which B.where C.in which D.what(C)14.The only language _______ is easy for me to learn is Chinese.A.which B.whose C.that D.it(A)15.September 1 st,1997 is the day ______ we'll never forget.A.that B.when C.on which D.on that


“People which talk and sing to plants are crazy.”A agriculture expert said in the newspaper.“In fact, singing or talking to plants make them grow better.”The reason is quite simple.When we sing or talk to plants, we breath out carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)what plants need to live or grow.Plants take in the carbon dioxide during sunlight hour and produce oxygen which people need to live.Singing and talking are helpful, however, only during the night.16.which talk改成who talk 17.plants are改成plants are not 18.A agriculture改成An agriculture 19.make them改成makes them 20.what plants改成that/which plants 21.to live or grow改成to live and grow 22.hour and produce改成hours and produce 23.are helpful改成is helpful 24.during the night改成during the day















1.通读全文 掌握大意


完形填空的第一句一般是不留空的,并且第一句话很关键。它往往是文章的主题句,所以我们要加以重视。另外在快速阅读时应抓住文章的关键句,比如文章的第一句,段落的第一句和最后一句等。它们往往是全文或全段的主题句,通过它们可以知道文章的题材,大意,时间,人物,事件等。比如2003年福建省福州市中考题中的完形填空的第一句话是:Mr Green was ill and went to the hospital.通过这句话我们可知这是一篇记叙文,主人公是Mr Green,主要内容是到医院看病。






The Thais(44)_______ to eat with their hands and now there are still some people who eat this way…

A.went B.had C.wanted D.used


短语: go to do…, have to do …, want to do…, used to do…, 但结合后半句and now there are still some people who eat this way, 可知答案应该是D。



4.再读全文 局部调整








这种形式的试题比选择形式的试题难度要大,它既考查考生对基础知识 的理解和运用,又考查考生的阅读水平和理解能力。做这类试题时应注意以下几点:





定要注意以下几点:1)可数与不可数名词 2)可数名词的单复数形式 3)形容词和副词的等级变化 4)人称代词, 物主代词, 反身代词之间的转换 5)连词的正确使用 6)各类词语之间的转换






In some parts of the world there are large deserts.There are no trees and(1)____ water there.Travelers must take food and(2)____ with them.The(3)____ animal that can walk through the desert is the camel.(4)___ can go without food and water for a long time.And besides he can carry heavy loads.People call the(5)____ “the ship of the desert”.The camel is very big.He has one or two humps(驼峰)on his back, short ears and a long(6)_____.The camel's humps hold fat, and his stomach holds water in twelve deep pockets.(7)_____ pocket has a mouth which closes, and the food does not mix the water.When the camel(8)_____ some water, he can get it out of the(9)_____.The camel's food is(10)_____ and leaves of trees.()1.A.no B.any C.not D./()2.A.milk B.water C.meat D.grass()3.A.just B.other C.only D.another()4.A.He B.They C.She D.It()5.A.camel B.elephant C.cow D.horse()6.A.mouth B.neck C.leg D.nose()7.A.Either B.Each C.All D.Both()8.A.was wanting B.wants C.is wanting D.wanted()9.A.nose B.pockets C.mouth D.bags()10.A.grass B.meat C.bread D.cake




1.A.并列连词and 连接的两个对等成分,前面是否定的,后面也应是否定的。


3.C.这句话的意思是:唯一能穿越沙漠的动物是骆驼。other, another 是”其他”的意思,文章并没有谈及其他动物。just 做”仅仅”讲时是副词,不能加名词。only 则是形容词,用来修饰名词。




7.B.both 和either 适用于两者之间,根据twelve deep pockets 可以排除这两个选项。all 用于三者之上,且加复数名词。Each 加上单数名词表示”每个”。


9.B.根据上文可知pocket 是骆驼的储水器官。




Do you know the word “brunch”? In the West, many people like to have brunch—late(1)b________ or early lunch.People often have brunch(2)b_____ 10 a.m.and 2 p.m.on Sunday because they prefer to get up(3)l_____ after a week's hard work or want to enjoy brunch with their parents, or friends.That is a relaxing and interesting(4)w______ of eating for most families.Today, brunch has become(5)p______ in big hotels.One can(6)e_____ ask for or cook it himself.To make it(7)l______ like both breakfast and lunch, people choose to have lots of dishes.You may often see the following(8)f______ on the table, meat, eggs, fruit,(9)v_______ , orange juice, tea and bacon.Do you have brunch at(10)w_______? If not, why not try?

这是一篇说明文,文章介绍了近年来在西方流行的brunch(早午餐)。brunch 一词是由breakfast 与lunch 中的字母br和unch 合在一起构成的。

1.breakfast, 由下句“early lunch” 和前面的对应词late 可知 brunch 是比breakfast 要晚,而比lunch 要早。

2.between, 这里的between…and… 是固定搭配。

3.late, 根据句中的状语“on Sunday” 和“after a week's hard work”可知在周末由于人们都在家休息,所以起床会较完。

4.way, 对大部分家庭来说,这种brunch只是一种新的放松有趣的进餐方式。

5.popular, 目前在西方,brunch 已经成为一种时尚,越来越受到人们的欢迎。

6.either, 这是一个等立连词,either…or…,意思是”或者……或者……”。

7.look, 由于brunch介于breakfast 和lunch 之间,所以人们在做起brunch 来,既要像breakfast,又要像lunch。look like 的意思就是”看起来好像”。

8.food, 根据下面所列举的内容可知答案。

9.vegetables, 英语中,以字母v 开头的food 就是vegetables 了。

10.weekend, 根据文章的介绍,brunch 是在周末人们所享用的进餐方式。


A small store sold a lot of jewels and the owner was always careful to prevent people(1)______ stealing them.One day, a thief came and tried to(2)______a beautiful necklace,(3)_______ the owner caught him at once and went to the telephone to call the(4)______.“Please don't do that!” the thief said, “I have a wife and three(5)_______ at home.And I will(6)______ for the necklace.”

The owner felt sorry for the man and he didn't want to have much(7)______ with the police, so he(8)______ the man's offer.He went to prepare a bill for it.But when the owner gave it to him, the thief looked very(9)______ and said, “I didn't mean to get something as expensive as that.Do you have anything(10)________?”


1.from, 这是一个固定短语,prevent(stop, keep)…from doing …,意思是“阻止……做某事”。

2.steal, 小偷来珠宝店的目的就是偷东西的。

3.but, 这是一句并列句,带有转折的含义,当小偷要偷东西时,被细心的店主抓住。

4.police, 由第二段第一句话可知,店主是要给警察打电话的。

5.children, 小偷的家里也有妻子和孩子,这是一般的常识。

6.pay, 这是小偷被抓住之后的解脱方法,就是赔偿,pay for 就表达这一含义。

7.trouble, 店主是在听到小偷的话之后在进行妥协的,而且他自己也不想找麻烦。

8.accepted, 这是店主妥协之后的做法,接受小偷的赔偿的条件。

9.surprised, 店主开出的价格肯定是很高,超出了小偷所想象的范围,这由下句“I didn't mean to get something as expensive as that.”也会得到启示的。所以当小偷看到价格时会感到很吃惊。

10.cheaper, 对应前边的 “as expensive as that” 可知这里应该填cheaper。这也是同expensive 相对比的原因。



sell, little, pleased, make, one, send, home, together, know, but

Jenny has just got a new computer.She is very(1)________ with it because she can use it to(2)_______ E-mails to her friends.This computer was(3)______ by her father at home.His father is not a computer engineer,(4)______ he is a computer fan.He(5)______ a lot about computers.He bought different parts of a computer(6)______ and then put them(7)______ to make a computer.“The home-made computers cost much(8)_______ than the(9)______ which are(10)______ in computer shops, “ said Jenny's father.这是一篇记叙文,文章介绍的是Jenny 的父亲是一个电脑迷,他自己买来零部件在家里组装了一台电脑。并且Jenny 对这台电脑很满意。

1.pleased, 这是一个固定短语,be pleased with… 意思是“对……感到满意”。

2.send, 有了电脑之后,Jenny 可以通过它给朋友们发邮件(send E-mail)了。

3.made, 这里是一句被动语态,这台电脑是由她父亲在家里组装成的。

4.but, 由上句“His father is not a computer engineer”和下句“he is a computer fan”可知一个表示转折含义的词。

5.knows, 由上句“he is a computer fan ”可知他对电脑了解很多,这是主语为单数第三人称形式的一般现在时态。

6.home, Jenny 的父亲是将零部件买回家在家里组装的电脑。

7.together, put…together 的意思是“把……放在一起”,在这里则表示”组装”。

8.less, 组装电脑比商店里出售的电脑便宜,由后面的than还知道这句话中的副词应用比较级。

9.ones, 这是一个替代词,它与前面的“the home-made computers”相对应,因此应该使用复数形式。

10.sold, 这也是一句被动语态,商店的电脑是被出售的。


第四篇:英语同步练习题考试题试卷教案Good morning同步练习


Starter Unit 1

Good morning

Section A Period 1 班级________ 姓名______

组_______ 号_______


1学会使用问候语:Good morning!Hello!Hi!2听说读写字母Aa---Hh 3.激发,培养学习英语的兴趣。




一).Greet people: 问候他人



3).Good morning!小组比比看,看谁读的最好听。小组派代表,读给大家听。







1.齐读下列问候语:Hello!Hi!Good morning!2.英语中共有____个字母,我们今天学习了____个 它们是:






H 小写分别是:(与大写字母对应)





好的,令人满意的 hi

早晨,上午 hello


good morning


班级________ 姓名______

组_______ 号_______


1.学习问候语Good afternoon!Good evening!2.复习8个字母的听说读写。

3.认识8位小朋友:Hellen, Alice, Cindy, Grace, Bob, Dale, Frank, Eric.二.预习检测

中考网www.xiexiebang.com Starter Unit 1

Good morning Section


Period 2

中考网www.xiexiebang.com 通过师生简单问候,复习:Helen!Hi!Good morning!能把它们写出来吗?试试看:



一).问候语 1.Page 1,1a, 看图认识8位小朋友

2.看黑板,学习他们的名字,学做“小老师”到黑板前领读。3.Which do you like best?(你最喜欢哪一个)Boys’ names 男名:Bob 鲍勃

Dale 戴尔

Eric 埃里克

Frank 弗兰克

Girls’ names 女名:Alice 爱丽丝

Cindy 辛蒂

Grace 格蕾丝

Helen 海伦 4.一起向他们一一打招呼。

5、看黑板,由Good morning!学习afteroon, evening.照黑板上的样子,写在你的学案上。下午



7、听力训练P1 1a;P3 4a,4b.二).8个字母





2.P2: 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d

3.趣味字母P3: 3四.归纳整理 写出后请背诵:


中考网www.xiexiebang.com 下午好!晚上好!





b d

c e


G C 2.快速写出下列字母的大或小写形式。





h___ a___




b___ 3.先仿写,然后在练习本上背写3遍。

morningeveninggood afternoonhello



















中考网www.xiexiebang.com Starter Unit 1

Good morning Section


班级________ 姓名______

组_______ 号_______


1.复习8个字母 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh 2.复习:Good morning/afternoon/evening,3.学习:——How are you?

——I’m fine, thanks.How are you?

—— I’m OK.4.通过选英语名字,鼓励学习英语的兴趣。

二.预习检测 1.说出五种问候语

2.P4看Section B,找出另一种问候语,你能读出来吗? 三.共同探究


How are you?

I’m fine, thanks.How are you?

I’m OK.2.把句子拆开,学习单词,并在学案上仿写 how





3.试一试:根据所给汉语,能把对应单词写出吗? 怎样,怎么,如何_______ 你______




(我)是_________(你)是________ 4.综合训练:1)老师说汉语,同学说英语。





8.P5,4:Listen and repeat.听一听,读一读。


5:Listen and sing the song.听一听,唱一唱













—How are you?

—I’m fine, thanks.How are you?

—I’m OK.五.拓展练习

据汉意写出6种问候方法。1)嗨________.2)喂________.3)晚上好___________.4)早上好____________.5)下午好_______________.6)你好吗?_____________________.我很好,谢谢。你好吗_________________________.我也很好_______________________.Starter Unit 1

Good morning


班级________ 姓名______

组_______ 号_______




Good morning/afternoon/evening

并能掌握其中单词 —How are you?

—I’m fine, thanks.How are you?

—I’m OK






1、组内背诵对话 Section A 1a 4b

Section B 1


2、复习人名:Play a game

Which name do you like best?



list→ P6 3

3、复习单词,小组准备5分钟。先派一同学把汉语写在黑板上,互选小组代表把所记住的单词写在黑板上。→P6 4





1)好的、令人满意的().A.hi B.Hello C.good 2)早晨().A.evening B.afternoon C.morning 3)你、你们().A.how


C.are 4)谢谢().A.fine


C.thanks 5)名字().A.name







a.Hi!2)Good morning!

b.Good afternoon 3)Good afternoon


d.Good morning 5)How are you ?

e.I’m fine, thanks.How are you ?










Starter Unit 1

Section A Period 1



Section A Period 2



Good morning



good afternoon


good evening


Goog morning

Good afternoon Good evening

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh


Section B


3、how you I fine


am are



2)Hello 3)Good evening

4)Good morning 5)Good afternoon

6)How are you ? I‘m fine.thanks.How are you ?

I‘m fine, too.单元复习

三、单元检测 1.略

2.C C B C A

3.1)—c 2)—d 3)—b 4)—a 5)—e

4.1)Good evening 2)How are you ?

3)I‘m fine.4)Good afternoo






accident n.事故,意外的事

adventure n.冒险;奇遇 advertisement n.广告

ambulance n.救护车

anxious a.忧虑的,焦急的apologize vi.道歉,谢罪

appearance n.出现,露面;容貌

appointment n.约会

appreciate v.欣赏;感激

audience n.观众,听众

average a.平均的;普通的 n.平均数 baggage n.行李 bamboo n.竹 beard n.(下巴上的)胡须

behaviour n.行为,举止 blame n.& v.责备;责怪

bleed vi.出血,流血

telephone booth 电话亭

boring a.乏味的,无聊的 breathe vi.呼吸

broadcast(broaddcast)vt.广播 businessman n.商人;企业家 camera n.照相机;摄像机

candle n.蜡烛

carrot n.胡萝卜 ceiling n.天花板,顶棚

celebrate v.庆祝

centigrade a.摄氏的 century n.世纪,百年 certificate n.证明,证明书 chain store(s)连锁店

cheek n.面颊,脸蛋

chemistry n.化学

circle n.vt.圆圈将……圈起来

classical a.传统的;古典的 climate n.气候

clinic n.诊所

college n.学院;专科学校

comfortable a.舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的 comment n.评论

communicate v.交际;传达(感情,信息等)compare vt.比较,对照

composition n.作文;作曲 conceited a.骄傲自满的 condition n.条件,状况

conference n.(正式的)会议;讨论

congratulate vt.祝贺

content a.甘愿的,满意的 n.内容

convenient a.便利的,方便的 counter n.柜台,结账处 countryside n.乡下,农村

cousin n.堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹 crazy a.疯狂的 crowded a.拥挤的 curious a.好奇的;奇异的

daily a.每日的;日常的 ad.每天 n.日报

damage n.& vt.毁坏,损害

damp a.& n.潮湿(的)dangerous a.危险的 daughter n.女儿

dawn n.黎明,拂晓

deadline n.最后期限,截止日期 December n.12月

delicious a.美味的,可口的

deliver vt.投递(信件,邮包等)

dentist n.牙科医生

describe vt.描写,叙述

destroy vt.破坏,毁坏 determine vt.决定;决心

develop v.使发展;使发达;使发育;开发vt 冲洗照片 devote vt.把……奉献;把……专用于

diary n.日记;日记簿

dictionary n.词典,字典

dining-room 食堂,饭厅

disadvantage n.不利条件;弱点 disappear vi.消失

disaster n.灾难;祸患

discovery n.发现

disease n.病,疾病

distant a.远的,遥远的 district n.区;地区;区域 disturb vt.扰乱;打扰

divide vt.分,划分 dizzy a.头晕目眩的

download n.& v.下载(计算机用语)

drawer n.抽屉 drunk a.醉的



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