
时间:2019-05-12 17:55:29下载本文作者:会员上传




1、Do you know how much hot water ? A.Mum is needed B.does Mum need C.Mum needs D did Mum need

2、Can you tell me ? A.where he is B.where is he C.he is where D.what is he

3、I didn’t know how to London? A.would they go B.are they going C.they would go D.they are going

4、I want to know how long A.has he been back B.has he come back C.he has been back D.he has come back

5、Do you know ? A.what the news are B.what is the news C.what the news is D.what are the news

6、He said he would help me with my maths if he free.A.was B.will be C.would be D.is

7、He will write to you as soon as he to Shanghai.A.gets B.is getting C.will get D.shall get

8、Father music when he young

A.liked…was B.liked…is C.likes…was D.likes…is

9、I liked sports I was young.A.so much as B.so much that C.very much when D.very much because

10、mother got home, I was tidying my room.A. After B.When C.As soon as D.Before

11、The teacher didn’t begin her class the students stopped talking.A.until B.because C.after D.when

12、If it tomorrow, we’ll go to the Great wall.A.doesn’t rain B.won’t rain C.not rains D.isn’t rain

13、Could you tell me we get to the plane? A.how B.whether C.where D.what

14、When they got to the cinema the film for ten minutes.A.had been on B.has begun C.began D.had begun

15、The teacher says she will leave a message on the headmaster’s desk.A.if B.who C that D.what

16、Lucy looks stronger Lily.A.than B.as C.then D.not as

17、I know nothing about it he told me.A.because B.since C.until D.after

18、You must make your new house clean and safe you move in.A.because B.when C.before D.until

19、I was tired I couldn’t walk on.A.so…that B.too…to C.very…that D.very…to

20、I thought he to see his mother if he ______ time.A. will go…has B. will go …will haVE C. would go …would have D. would go …had


1、I won’t return the book to the library because I(not finish)reading it.2、As soon as he saw me, he to speak to me.(stop)

3、I hope he(come)back in a week.4、It(rain)hard when I got to the factory this morning.5、The old man told the children(not walk)in the rice fields.6、He told me he(help)her with her maths the next evening.7、She said they(know)each other for quite some time.8、If it(not rain)tomorrow, we(visit)the Palace’s Museum.9、John(write)something when I(go)to see him.10、Our teacher told us that light(travel)much faster than sound.11、When I got to the cinema, the film(begin)

12、Mike asked me if we(ask)any questions the next class.13、Will you come and stay with us for a while when you(finish)doing your homework?

14、Comrade Wang didn’t know if there(be)an English evening that day.15、Please tell me if she(come)again next time.




例题 I didn’t manage to do it _____ you had explained how.A.unlessB.untilC.whenD.since 分析 时间状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示主句动作发生的时间。引导这种从句的词有after, before, as, when, while , till , until, since, once;连接副词immediately 等;起连接作用的短语as soon as, by the 不能用形容词such.例如:

● Soon there were so many deer that they ate up all the wild roses.4.so+ adj.(adv.)+that+从句●The boy is so old that he can go to school.5.so + adj.+ a(an)+单数名词

●He is so good a student that we all like him.time, hardly…when, no sooner…than等。例如: ● I was writing a letter when he came in.● She did not go to bet until she(had)finished her homework.● It is nearly six years since we began to learn English.● Once you begin, you must go on.● By the time I arrived at the station, the train had left.时间状语从句中谓语动词的时态用法,应注意下面两点: 1. 要用一般现在时替代一般将来时,例如: ● I’ll let him know when he comes.2.要用一般过去时替代过去将来时,例如: ●He said he would wait here until I came back.例题的意思是:“直到你说明怎么办之后,我才设法把这件事做好。”根据题意,须由until 引导此例的时间状语从句,所以正确答案应为B。


例题 When you read the book , you’d better make a mark _____ you have any questions.A.at whichB.at whereC.the place whereD.where

分析 地点状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示主句的动作发生的处所或方向,这种从句通常用连接副词where,wherever(无论在哪里,无论到哪里)引导。例如: ● Where there is oppression, there is struggle.例题的意思是:“你看书时,最好在有问题的地方做一个记号。”此复合句中的从句是个地点状语从句,须用连接副词where 引导,所以正确答案应为D。


例题 She told us _____story that we all forgot about the time.A.such an interestingB.such interesting aC.so an interestingD.a so interesting

分析 结果状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示主句的动作所引起的结果。这种从句由such…that, so…that, so that等引导。其用法举例如下: 1. Such +a(an)+(adj.)+单数可数名词+ that+从句

● He left in such a hurry that he forgot to lock the door.2.such+(adj.)+复数可数名词+从句

●He had such long arms that he could almost touch the ceiling.3.such+(adj.)+不可数名词+that+从句

●He made such rapid progress that he did very well in the mid-term exam.在“such+ adj.+ n.+that+ clause”这个结构中,其中名词由many, much, few, little 修饰时,须用副词so,例题中的结果状语从句由“such+ an + adj.+单数可数名词+that”引导。属于第一种情况,所以正确答案应为A。


例题 I hurried____ I wouldn’t be late for class.A.sinceB.so thatC.as ifD.unless 分析 目的状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示主句的动作发生的目的。这种从句用连词so that, in order that 等引导。目的状语从句的谓语动词中常有情态动词may/might, can/ could, will/ would 和should.例如:

● He is working hard so that he may pass his examination.例题中有一个目的状语从句,所以正确答案应为D。


例题_____he comes, we won’t be able to go.A.WithoutB.UnlessC.ExceptD.Even 分析 条件状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示主句的动作发生的条件、假定等。条件状语从句通常由连词if, unless和起连接作用的短语so/ as long as(只要),so far as(就…),suppose(that)(假定)等引导。例如:

● If it rains tomorrow, we’ll stay at home.● He will not come unless he is invited.● Suppose he is absent, what shall we do?

● As long as we don’t lose heart , we’ll find a way to overcome the difficulty.例题的选项中只有unless 可以引导一个条件状语从句,所以正确答案应为B。


例题 _____, he doesn’t study well.A.As he is cleverB.He is as cleverC.Clever as he isD.As clever he is

分析 让步状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示某种不利的情况或障碍,但这些因素并不能阻止主句的动作的发生。这种从句通常用连词although, though, as, however等;连接代词whatever, whoever等;起连接作用的短语even if though, no matter how what who 等引导。例如: ● Although/ Though the task was difficult, they managed to complete it in time.● Young as he is, he knows a lot.用as 引导让步状语从句时,常用倒装语序,如上面例句所示。● Nobody believed him no matter what / whatever he said.● He will never succeed.however/no matter how hard he tries.● Even if/ though an icy wind blew from the north, we always slept with our windows open.例题中有一个as 引导的让步状语从句,故从句中的表语clever 须放到as 前面去,所以正确答案应为C。



1.Have you decided ________for Australia? A.when will you leave B.when do you leave C.you will leave when D.when you will leave 2.Can you tell me _________ ? A.where does Tom live

B.where Tom lived C.Tom lives where D.where Tom lives 3.The old man asked me ________.A.where was the cinema B.where is the cinema C.where the cinema was D.where was the way to the cinema 4.I think _______ you will like him.A.that

B.if C.why D.how 5.I didn‟t know _______ he will come or not.A.that B.whether C.weather D.how 6.I wonder _________.A.how much cost these shoes

B.how much do these shoes cost C.how much these shoes cost D.how much are these shoes cost 7.She asked me _________.A.who he was B.who was he C.who is he D.who he is 8.Ask him _________.A.whose cup this is B.whose cup is this C.this is whose cup D.whose is this cup 9.I don‟t know _________.A.what time the movie starts B.what time starts the movie C.the time to start the movie

D.the movie what time starts 10.The doctor asked me how long ________.A.was I ill B.have I been ill C.I have been ill D.I had been ill 11.The weather forecast doesn‟t say _________.A.if it rains tomorrow B.if does it rain tomorrow C.if it will rain tomorrow D.if will it rain tomorrow 12.Do you know _________? A.whose pen is this

B.whose pen this is C.whom does the pen belong to

D.whom the pen belong to 13.Could you tell me where _________? A.the tape was B.was the tape C.the tape is D.is the tape 14.They want to know _________? A.where is the hospital B.how old are you C.when the train will leave D.why is the boy crying 15.Tony wanted to know _________.A.what had Father Christmas put in his stocking B.when Father Christmas had put in his stocking C.what Father Christmas had put in his stocking D.where Father Christmas had put in his stocking 16.No one knows _______ the professor will come to our school tomorrow to give us a talk or not.A.when B.whether C.where D.if 17.July didn‟t know_________.A.where is Tim‟s father B.when was the first watch made C.who the old man is D.what was wrong with her watch 18.No one told us _________, so we need your help.A.how should we do B.what we should do C.what to do D.what should we do 19.We don‟t know _________ with the rubbish and it pollutes out land and sea.A.how do it B.how to do C.what do it D.what to do 20.He asked me _________.A.whether I find out the sender of the money B.whether did I find out the sender of the money C.whether the sender of the money found out D.whether I found out the sender of the money 21.Did you hear ______? A.what did I say B.what I said C.I said what D.what I say 22.Can you tell me ________? A.which class you are in B.which class are you in C.you are in which class D.are you in which class 23.---Excuse me.Could you tell me _______?---Certainly.A.when can I get to the station B.I can get to which station C.which station can I get to D.how I can get to the station 24.Could you tell me where _______ yesterday? A.did you go B.you go C.you have gone D.you went 25.Tom asked me ________.A.whose shirt was this B.whose shirt this was C.who shirt was this D.who shirt this was 26.Excuse me, could you tell me _______? A.where‟s the teachers‟ office B.where‟s the bus station C.what‟s she doing D.where the post office is 27.I want to see Mrs.Wang , but I don‟t know _______.A.she lives where B.she where lives C.where she lives D.where does she live 28.---Go and ask Mr.White for help.---But I don‟t know _______.A.where does he live B.where he lives C.where is he living D.he lives there 29.---Can you tell me ______?---Yes, he lives in a small town.A.where he lives B.who is singing C.when he will leave D.what he said 30.Have you decided ______ for London? A.when will you leave B.when you will leave C.when are you going D.when you are going 31.Excuse me.Could you tell me ______our tickets? A.where do we show B.where shall we show C.where did we show D.where we shall show 32.---What are you interested in about cooking food?---We are all interested in ______.A.how egg is fried B.how is egg fried C.how egg fries D.how does egg fry 33.Do you know _______? A.what it is B.what is it C.who is he D.whose name is it 34.Do you know _______? A.whose book is this B.whose book this is C.this book is whose D.who‟s book this is 35.I don‟t know ______ now.A.where is my cat B.my cat is where C.where my cat is D.where my cat 36.Does he know ______? A.what‟s your name B.what name is your C.what your is name D.what your name is 37.Do you know ______? A.which floor he lives B.which floor he lives on C.he lives on which floor D.which floor does he lives on 38.Can you tell me where _______? A.is the hospital B.the hospital is C.is hospital D.hospital is 39.He hasn‟t decided _______.A.if he‟ll go on a trip to Wuxi B.when will he go on a trip to Wuxi C.if he goes on a trip to Wuxi D.when does he go on a trip to Wuxi 40.Can you see ________? A.what he‟s reading B.what is he reading C.what does he read D.he reads what 能力提高练习

1.I don't know _________ he will come tomorrow._________ he comes, I'll tell you. A.if;Whether B.whether;Whether C.if;That D.if;If 2.I don't know _________ the day after tomorrow.A.when does he come B.how will he come C.if he comes

D.whether he'll come 3.Could you tell me _________ the nearest hospital is? A.what B.how C.whether D.where 4.Could you tell me _________ the radio without any help? A.how did he mend

B.what did he mend C.how he mended

D.what he mended 5.I want to know _________.A.whom is she looking after B.whom she is looking C.whom is she looking D.whom she is looking after 6.Do you know where _________ now? A.he lives B.does he live C.he lived D.did he live 7.Do you know what time _________? A.the train leave B.does the train leave C.will the train leave D.the train leaves 8.I don't know _________.Can you tell me, please? A.how the two players are old

B.how old are the two players C.the two players are how old

D.how old the two players are 9.The small children don't know _________.A.what is their stockings in B.what is in their stockings C.where is their stockings in D.what in their stockings 10.I can't understand _________.A.what does Christmas mean B.what Christmas does mean C.what mean Christmas does D.what Christmas means 11.I don‟t know _____ he will be back home.A.who B.what C.when D.where 12.Could you tell me ___________? A.where do you live

B.who you are waiting for C.who were you waiting for

D.where you live in 13.Do you still remember _______? A.that he said B.what he said C.did he say that D.what did he say 14.I can‟t understand ______the boy alone.A.why she left B.why did she leave C.why she had left

D.why had she left 15.She told me the sun ______ in the east.A.rise B.rose C.rises D.had risen 16.They tried to find out ______ the new train ________.A.how far/ had gone B.how long/ has gone

C.how far/ went D.how far / had run 17.The manager came up to see __________.A.what was the matter B.what the matter was C.what the matter is D.what‟s the matter 18.Can you tell me ___________? A.what are you doing

B.where do you study C.what you were doing

D.what to do it 19.He asked his father _______.A.where it happens B.where did it happen C.how it happened D.how did it happen 20.No one tells us______,so we need your help.A.how we should do B.what should we do C.how to do it D.what to do it 21.Could you please teach me _______ the computer.A.how check B.to check C.how to check D.to how checking 22._______ he„ll come or not isn„t important.A.Why B.If C.Whether D.What 23.Would you like to know _______they will do it or not.A.if B.that C.whether D.why 24.─Where do you think _____ he ____ the TV set? ─ Sorry,I‟ve no idea.A./;bought B.has;bought C.did;buy D.did bought 25.Our homework has changed a lot.Who can tell _____ it would be like in _____ five years.A.how;another B.what;more C.how;other D.what;another 26.─ Could you tell me ______? ─ Yes.He ____ to the USA.A.where is he/ has been

B.where he is/ has gone C.where was he/ has been

D.where he was/ has gone 27.─Mike wants to know if ____ a picnic tomorrow.─Yes.But if it _______,we‟ll visit the museum instead.A.you have;will rain

B.you will have;will rain C.you will have;rains

D.will you have;rains 28.I don‟t know if he ______tomorrow.If he ________,I‟ll meet him.A.will come;comes B.comes;comes C.will come;will come D.comes;will come 29.I really don‟t know if she _______ it when she ________.A.finds;arrives B.finds;will arrive C.will find;will arrive D.will find;arrives 30.Can you make sure the gold ring? A.where Alice has put B.where had Alice put C.where Alice had put D.where has Alice put 31.---When are the Shutes leaving for New York?--Pardon?---I asked _______.A.when are the Shutes leaving for New York B.when the Shutes are leaving for New York C.when were the Shutes leaving for New York D.when the Shutes were leaving for New York 32.Could you tell me ______? I have something interesting to tell him.A.where is Li Hong B.where Li Hong is C.where was Li Hong D.where Li Hong has been to 33.---Could you tell me _______? A.how many people have been out of hospital B.when is Thanksgiving C.which animal does he like best D.what time will the dolphin show start 34.I want to know _______.A.what is his name B.what‟s his name C.that his name is D.what his name is 35.He asked me ________.A.if she will come B.how many books I want to have C.they would help us do it D.what was wrong with me 36.Do you still remember ______ at the meeting? A.that Jim said B.what Jim said

C.did Jim said that

D.what did Jim said 37.---Excuse me, ______ to the nearest bookshop, please?---Go straight and take the second turning on the left.A.where the way is B.which the way is C.where is the way D.which is the way 38.---Can I help you?---Yes.I‟d like a ticket to Mount Emei.Can you tell me ______take to get there? A.how soon will it

B.how soon it will

C.how long it will

D.how long will it 39.---I hear we‟ll have a new teacher this term.---Really? Do you know ______? A.what subject does he teach B.what subject will he teach C.what subject he teaches D.what subject is he going to teach 40.He asked his teacher _______.A.if there was a monster in Loch Ness

B.when was Albert Einstein born C.how would the scientists find out the result

D.where could he find the library 41.Do you know ______ over there? A.what happens B.what was happened C.what is happening D.what did happen 42.---Do you know ______ we will arrive at your hometown?---This afternoon.A.when

B.why C.if

D.where 43.Could you tell me ______ to Mount Putuo tomorrow? A.how you will go B.how will you go C.how you have gone D.how have you gone 44.Could you tell me ______? A.which room he lives

B.which room he lived C.which room did he live in D.which room he lives in 45.---Do you know ______ he is?---He says “1.75 meters”, but I‟m not sure.A.how many B.how old C.how far D.how tall 46.She said she _______ me five letters in one month.A.has written

B.will write

C.had written

D.wrote 47.Can you tell me ______ she is waiting for? A.why B.whose C.whom D.which 48.I don‟t know ______ he still lives here.A.where B.what C.when D.whether 49.---Be careful!Don‟t break the bottles.Do you hear ______ I said, David?---Yes, mum.A.what B.that C.why D.if 50.I‟d like to know ______.A.when will he give back the tape B.whether has he received higher education C.that he has been busy

D.whether she will join in our English evening 51.Could you tell me _______? A.when shall we start B.who are you waiting for C.where the bus station is D.why were you late 52.---Do you know _______? I‟m going to see him.---Sorry, I don‟t know.A.where does Mr.Li live B.where did Mr.Li live C.where Mr.Li lives D.where Mr.Li lived 53.He asked me ______.A.who did kick the first goal in the World Cup B.when was the APEC meeting held C.when China became a member of the WTO D.where will the 2008 Olympics be held 54.She wanted to know _____ her mother liked the present.A.which B.that C.if D.what 55.Could you tell me _______? A.who is she

B.where‟s the nearest fast restaurant

C.if he will come tomorrow D.which way is to the underground station 56.Do you know if ______ back next week? If he ______ back, please let me know.A.he comes, will come B.will he come, comes C.he will come, comes D.will he come, will come 57.---Can you tell me why ______?---Because I want to help the people there.A.do you go to Tibet B.did you go to Tibet C.are you going to Tibet D.you are going to Tibet 58.---Where does he come from?---Pardon?---I asked where ______.A.did he come from B.he came from C.he comes from D.does he come from 59.You must remember _______.A.what your teacher said B.what did your teacher say C.your teacher said what D.what has your teacher said 60.Lily likes _____.A.what her twin sister like B.what her twin sister does C.what is her twin sister like D.what does her twin sister do 61.---Excuse me.Could you tell me ______ get to the plane?---Certainly.Go straight along here.A.how can we

B.how we can

C.when can we

D.when we can 62.Do you know what time _______? A.does the train leave B.leaves the train C.the train leave D.the train leaves 63.---I don‟t know _____ Mr.Green will come to see us?---He will help us with our English.A.why B.when C.how D.where 历年中考真题

1.Some of my friends are interesting in science, but none of them can tell.A.when UFOs will appear next time

B.why do horses know the way C.where was this kind of plant found

D.how do elephants communicate 2.---What time will Mr.Brown be back to China?----Sorry.I don‟t know.A.when did he go abroad

B.why he is going abroad C.how soon will he be back

D.how long he will stay abroad 3.---May I come in ? I‟m sorry I am late.----Come in, please.But could you please tell me ? A.why you are late again

B.what were you doing then

C.who you talked with

D.how do you come to school 4.---Could you please tell me ?----Bus No.32 will take you right there.A.where is Henan Museum

B.what Henan Museum is like

C.how can I get to Henan Museum D.which bus I shall take to Henan Museum 5.Peter says that the Whites are on holiday, but no one knows.A.where they have been B.where are they

C.where are they from D.where they have gone 6.---Do you know the Capital Museum?---Next Friday.A.when will they visit

B.when they will visit

C.when did they visit

D.when they visited 7.He wanted to know the English party.A.when will we have

B.when we will have

C.when would we have

D.when we would have 8.I want to know.A.when we should arrive at the airport B.when should we arrive at the airport C.when the airport we should arrive at D.when the airport should we arrive at 9.---David, look at the man in white over there.Can you tell me ?----He is a doctor.A.who is he

B.who he is

C.what is he

D.what he is 10.---Could you tell me ? He is wanted by the head teacher.---Sorry, I‟ve no idea.But he here just now.A.where Tim;was B.where is Tim;was C.where Tim is;was D.where Tim is;is 11.---Did Mrs.King leave a message?---Yes.She wanted to know this Sunday.A.who you would go shopping

B.if you would go shopping with her C.that you will go shopping

D.when will you go shopping with her 12.---I‟m a teenager‟s mother.Sometimes I don‟t know.----Love and understanding.A.what my son needs most

B.what does my son want to get C.why my son gets annoyed very often

D.why does my son get annoyed very often.13.---I wonder without water.----About a week.A.how long man can live

B.how long can man live

C.when man can live

D.when can man live 宾语从句基础练习参考答案

1.参考答案D 你决定什么时候去澳大利亚了吗?宾语从句用陈述语序。2.参考答案D宾语从句用陈述语序,where作从句的宾语。3.参考答案C宾语从句用陈述语序,where表示地点。4.参考答案A if表示选择,我想你是否将喜欢他。5.参考答案B 有or not,所以用whether.6.参考答案C 宾语从句用陈述语序.7.参考答案A宾语从句用陈述语序,who 作从句的宾语。

8.参考答案A whose是所有格,所以后面要有一个名词,整体做从句的宾语。

9.参考答案A 宾语从句用陈述语序。

10.参考答案D 主句是过去时,从句也要用过去相应的时态,医生问我之前我已经病了,所以用过去完成时态。

11.参考答案C if连接宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述语序。

12.参考答案B whose是所有格,所以后面要有一个名词,整体做从句的宾语。13.参考答案C 宾语从句用陈述语序。


15.参考答案C 主句用一般过去时,从句要用过去相应的时态,因为圣诞老人是之前就把礼物放进袜子里了,所以用过去完成时态。16.参考答案B 有or not就用whether.17.参考答案D 宾语从句用陈述语序, 主句用一般过去时,从句要用过去相应的时态。

18.参考答案B 没有人告诉我们应该做什么,所以我们需要你的帮助。宾语从句用陈述语序,如果选B就是没有人做什么,us后面是宾语从句,而us是宾格不能作从句的主语,所以 C选项缺少宾语从句的主语,应选B.19.参考答案D 我们不知道用垃圾做什么,并且垃圾污染陆地和海洋。What做to do 的宾语。20.参考答案D 宾语从句用陈述语序,他问我是否我能找出寄钱的人,主句用过去时态,从句用过去相应的时态。

21.参考答案B 宾语从句用陈述语序,what作从句的宾语。

22.参考答案A宾语从句用陈述语序,哪一个班,所以用which class.23.参考答案D 你能告诉我怎样可以去车站,当然可以。宾语从句用陈述语序,怎样用how.24.参考答案D宾语从句用陈述语序。

25.参考答案B宾语从句用陈述语序,谁的衬衫用表示所有格的whose,后面需要跟名词。26.参考答案D宾语从句用陈述语序,邮局在哪儿,需用表示地点的where.27.参考答案C 我想去看王夫人,但是我不知道她住在哪里。宾语从句用陈述语序。28.参考答案B宾语从句用陈述语序


30.参考答案B 你还没有决定什么时候去伦敦吗?宾语从句用陈述语序,因为是你打算去伦敦,现在并没有在伦敦,或是已经去过了,所以从句用一般将来时。31.参考答案D 不好意思打扰了,你能告诉我,我们将在哪儿检票呢?宾语从句用陈述语序,主语是第一人称,所以可以用shall+动词原形。

32.参考答案A 鸡蛋是怎样被煎的,所以用被动语态,宾语从句用陈述语序。33.参考答案A宾语从句用陈述语序。

34.参考答案B 你知道这是谁的书吗?宾语从句用陈述语序,谁的书用所有格whose ,后加名词book..35.参考答案C 我现在不知道我的猫在哪里。宾语从句用陈述语序。36.参考答案D 他知道你的名字是什么吗?宾语从句用陈述语序。

37.参考答案B 你知道他住哪层楼吗?哪层楼用which floor, live是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,只能加一个介词之后,在跟宾语,在哪一层楼,on the floor, 所以介词用on.38.参考答案B 你能告诉我医院在哪儿吗?宾语从句用陈述语序。

39.参考答案A 他还没有决定他是否将去无锡旅行。因为有hasn’t decided得知,还没有决定,所以不可能是打算去,宾语从句用陈述语序。

40.参考答案A 你能看见他现在真正读什么吗?宾语从句用陈述语序,主句是现在时态,从句根据事实来决定用什么时态,你能看见是说现在,所以应该是问现在正在读什么。能力提高练习参考答案



4.参考答案C 宾语从句用陈述语序,已经说了是修理录音机,所以不用what, 而用how.5.参考答案D宾语从句用陈述语序,whom作照顾的宾语。

6.参考答案A 主句用现在时态,从句不受限制,住在哪里用一般现在时,宾语从句用陈述语序。7.参考答案D宾语从句用陈述语序,从句是客观事实,用一般现在时。8.参考答案D宾语从句用陈述语序。

9.参考答案B宾语从句用陈述语序,what在从句中做主语。10.参考答案D 宾语从句用陈述语序,what在从句中做宾语。

11.参考答案C.因为后面的从句是说他将回家,所以前面应该是我不知道他什么时间回家。12.参考答案B.B是陈述语序,D可以用where you live或which you live in.13.参考答案B.宾语从句用陈述语序,what在宾语从句中做said的宾语。


16.参考答案D.距离多远一般用how far,go是个瞬间动词,所以应该用可以表示持续动作的动词。



19.参考答案C.宾语从句用陈述语序,主句是一般过去时态,从句也用过去时态。在哪里买的电 视,肯定是买回来了,所以应该用一般过去时,主句用现在时,从句可用任何时态。

25.参考答案D.又20.参考答案C.因为不知怎样做,所以需要你的帮助,如果是不知道做什么,会有人告诉你做什么的。如果对主语提问,则特殊疑问句的语序不变。21.参考答案C.如果对主语提问,则特殊疑问句的语序不变。22.参考答案C.后面有or not时,前面只能用whether.23.参考答案C.后面有or not时,前面只能用whether.24.参考答案C.一个五年之后,应用another.它将会变成什么样子,所以应用what.26.参考答案B.宾语从句用陈述语序,has gone to表示已经去了,现在还在那里,has been to表示曾经去过,现在句用陈述语序,主句用现在的时态,从句根据事实选择时态。

31.参考答案D 主句用一般过去时,所以从句的时态必须是过去的相应时态,宾语从句用陈述语序。

32.参考答案B 宾语从句用陈述语序,后面的时态是一般现在时,所以从句的时态也可以是一般现在时态。

33.参考答案A how many people在从句中作主语,宾语从句用陈述语序。

34.参考答案D 我想知道他的名字是什么。His name作主语,what在从句中作宾语。宾语从句用陈述语序。

35.参考答案D 他问我,我怎么了。What在从句中作主语,with me 作伴随状语,宾语从句用陈述语序。

36.参考答案B 你还记得在会上的时候,吉姆说什么了吗?what作从句的宾语。宾语从句用陈述语序。

37.参考答案D 用where就不用the way了,所以排除A、C。which作从句的主语,宾语从句用陈述语序。

38.参考答案C 用多久时间一般都用how long提问,it在从句中作形式主语,真正的主语是to get there.宾语从句用陈述语序.39.参考答案C 你知道他教什么科目吗?宾语从句用陈述语序。

40.参考答案A 主句是一般过去时,所以从句只能是过去的相应时态,宾语从句用陈述语序。

41.参考答案C 你知道那里发生什么了吗?不可能一只发生,也不可能是被发生,所以只能是正在发生,宾语从句用陈述语序。

42.参考答案A 由后面的答语可知,问的是时间,所以用when.43.参考答案A 宾语从句用陈述语序。后面有时间状语tomorrow,所以从句用一般将来时。




30.参考答案A.宾语从他住在哪里是表示状态的,所以用一般现在时态,又因live是不 及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,必须加个介词才可以,in the room, 所以后用介词in.45.参考答案D 由1.75 meters得知,是问他有多高,所以用how tall.46.参考答案C 主句用一般过去时态,从句要用过去相应的时态,因为在说话的时候,已经写了信,动作发生在过去的过去,所以应该用过去完成时态。

47.参考答案C 宾语从句中缺少waiting for 的宾语,所以应该用宾格whom..48.参考答案D 我不知道他是否还住这里。因为不确定,所以应该用whether.49.参考答案A what在宾语从句中做said的宾语。

50.参考答案D 宾语从句用陈述语序,如果选C的意思就是我非常想知道他一直被忙,不应用被动语态,D选项是合理的。

51.参考答案C 宾语从句用陈述语序。52.参考答案C 宾语从句用陈述语序。53.参考答案C 同上。

54.参考答案C 她想知道她妈妈是否喜欢这个礼物。Which表示哪个她妈妈,that只起连接作用,她想知道她妈妈喜欢这个礼物,想知道就应该是不确定,what已有the present,所以不对,if是否。

55.参考答案C 宾语从句用陈述语序,D选项太中式话了,可用where 或how 来提问。56.参考答案C 因为有next week, 所以应用一般将来时,宾语从句用陈述语序,后面有if条件状语从句表将来,所以用主将从现。57.参考答案D 宾语从句用陈述语序。

58.参考答案B 主句用一般过去时态,从句要用过去的相应时态,宾语从句中用陈述语序。59.参考答案A 宾语从句用陈述语序,主从句需要连接词连接两个句子,不能选C。

60.参考答案B 莉莉喜欢她的双胞胎姐姐喜欢的。因为主句中已有表示一般现在时态的likes, 后面就不能重复,并且她的双胞胎姐姐作主语也是第三人称单数,所以用does.宾语从句中用陈述语序。61.参考答案B 宾语从句用陈述语序。62.参考答案D 宾语从句用陈述语序。



2.参考答案 D.布朗先生什么时候回中国?抱歉。我不知道他会在国外待多久。宾语从句应该用陈述语序。


4.参考答案 D.你能告诉我怎样到河南博物馆(我坐几路车能到河南博物馆)吗?宾语从句应该用陈述语序。

5.参考答案D.彼得说怀特一家正在度假,但没有人知道他们去了哪里。宾语从句应该用陈述语序。They have been to他们去过某个地方,现在已经回来了;they have gone to他们去了某个地方,现在还没有回来。6.参考答案B.你知道他们什么时候参观首都博物馆吗?下周五。宾语从句应该用陈述语序。7.参考答案D.你想知道我们什么时候举办英语联欢会。当主句是一般过去时态的时候,宾语从句用相应的过去时态,宾语从句应该用陈述语序。



10.参考答案C.你能告诉我蒂姆在哪里吗?班主任在找他。对不起,我不知道。但是他刚才在这里。动词tell后接的宾从应用陈述语序,just now提示应该用was.11.参考答案B.金太太留口信了吗?是的,她想知道这个周日你是否跟她一起去购物。12.参考答案A.我是一个青少年的妈妈。有时我不知道我的儿子最需要什么。爱和理解。宾语从句应该用陈述语序。Love and understanding.故用what.13.参考答案A.我想知道,没有水人能活多久。大约一周。About a week知询问应用how long,宾语从句应该用陈述语序。



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1。She is a careful girl.The teacher said a careful girl.2。Will they win?

I wonder.3。Does the plane stop on the way?

Could you tell me the plane on the way or not?

4。What does he want?

Mother asked me.5。He has bought the dictionary.He said that he the dictionary.6。What is his name?

The teacher asked me.7。What is wrong with your computer?

Mr.Wang knew with your computer.8。I asked, “Are you doing your homework, Meimei?”

I asked Meimei doing homework.9。The baby asked Mother, “Why does the sun rise from the east?”

The baby asked Mother why from the east.10。“Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?” the driver said to the policeman.The driver asked the policeman get to the post office.Key:

1.she, was 2.if, they, will, win 3.whether, stops 4.what, he, wanted 5.had, bought 6.what, his, name, was 7.what, was, wrong 8.if she, was, her 9.why, the, sun, rises 10.how, he(she),could








1.连词that,只起连接作用,在从句中不作句子成分,也无词汇意义,在口语中常被省略。eg.I am afraid(that)you are right.2.连词if、whether,它们起连接作用,在从句中不作句子成分,作“是否”解,在口语中多用if。

eg.Tom don't know if/whether his grandpa liked the present.He asked me whether or not I was coming.一般情况下,if 和whether可以互换,但以下3种情况只能用whether:

①在不定式前:Whether to go there or not hasn't been decided.②在介词前:It depends on(依靠)whether it is going to rain.③与or not连用:They are talking about whether to go there or not.④宾语从句放在句首表示强调时,只能用whether。

Whether they can finish the work on time is still a problem.3.连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which,连接副词when, where, why, how,它们起连接作用,作句子成分,各有自己的意义。eg.1.He asked ______________________________.(谁能回答这个问题)

2.Do you know__________________________.(他们在等谁)

3.He asked ____________________________________________.(谁的书法是班上最好的)

4.Please tell me ____________________________.(我们什么时候开会)

5.Can you tell me ______________.(他在哪儿)

6.Could you tell me ____________________________.(我该怎么去站)

7.Would you tell me ____________________.(为什么火车迟到了)



Can you tell me who(m)do we have to see?(╳)

Can you tell me who(m)we have to see?(√)

The teacher asked the students what they were doing.(思考: what在从句中的成分)

陈述句变为宾语从句时,要注意人称和时态的变化,语序不变。eg.She said, “I will leave a message on the desk.” → She said she would leave a message on the desk.四、宾语从句的时态呼应


eg.I thought(that)you are free today.(╳)

I thought(that)you would be free today.(√)


eg.The teacher told us(that)the earth moves around the sun.五。其他需要说明的问题


eg.I heard she had been to the Great Wall.Can you tell me which bus I should take?


在“Do you think /believe/suppose----?等”结构中,宾语从句如果是由疑问词引导的,则要用“疑问词+ do you think/believe/suppose +正常语序?”

如:What has happened to him? Do you think? What do you think has happened to him?


在think, believe等动词后面的宾语从句,如果从句的谓语动词表示否定意义,一般要将否定词not移到主句的谓语动词上面去,即通过否定主句的谓语动词来否定从句的(意义)谓语动词。此时变反意疑问句时仍将宾语从句视为否定,反意疑问部分用肯定形式。如:

1、I don't think he will come.2、I don't think he will come, will he?

3、I think he will come, won't he?


1、当主句的谓语动词是hope, decide, wish, agree等,其后接宾语从句,并且从句主语与主句主语一致时,可以简化成动词不定式结构。

如:Wei Hua hopes that she will be back soon.Wei Hua hopes to be back soon.2、当know, learn, remember, forget等动词其后接宾语从句,并且从句主语与主句主语一致时,可以简化成“疑问词+不定式”结构。

如:I don't know what I should say.I don't know what to say.3、当tell,learn,show,teach等动词其后接宾语从句,并且从句主语与主句的间接宾语一致时,可以简化成“疑问词+不定式”结构。

如:Could you tell me how I can get there?(句子中的 me 和I指的是同一个人)可以改写为:Could you tell me how to get there?



1.-Could you please tell me ___ to do in your spare time?

A.what do you like

B.what you like

C.how would you like.-Could you tell me ___ ?

-He lives in London Street.A.Where Tony lives B.Where does Tony live C.Where did Tony live

3.-I wonder _____for this school trip next Sunday.Can you tell me?

A.where shall we go B.where we shall go C.when we shall go

4.-What did Maria ask just now?

-She wondered ___.A.where Tony lived B.where Tony lives C.where doesTony live

5.-Mr.White ,what did my mom talk with you just now?

-Oh,she wondered ___.A.if you study hard at school

B.how you study at school

C.What did you study at school


-I wonder___this morning.A.how do you come here B.how did you come here

C.how you came here

7.Could you tell me _____? A.when does the train arrive

B.when the train arrives

C.when arrives the train

8.-We never know _____ the old man is.-They say he is a teacher.A.what B.who C.which

9.Could you tell me ___? A.when will Tom come back B.when does Tom come back

C.when Tom will come back

10.Do you know __ during the coming summer holiday?

A.what will Tom do B.what did Tom do

C.what Tom will do



1.In the bookshop, a reader asked the shopkeeper ___ Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book.A.that B.how C.what D.if

2.-I don't know ___ Mr.Green will come to see us.-He will help us with our English.A.why B.when C.how D.where

3.-We never know __ the old man is.-They say he is a teacher.A.what B.who C.which D.where

4.I was told ___ Bill Gates was thirteen he began to play with computers.A.that how B.how that

C.when that D.that when

5.-Do you know ___? I'm going to see him.-Sorry, I don't know.A.where does Mr.Li live

B.where did Mr.Li live

C.where Mr.Li lives

D.where Mr.Li lived

6.-Where do you think __ he __ the computer?

-Sorry, I have no idea.A./; bought B.has;bought

C.did;buy D.does;buy

7.-Where is Jack?

-He is away to spend his holiday.He's gone either to Hangzhou or to Wuhan, but I'm not sure _____.A.that B.which

C.where D.there


1.These flowers are from Guangdong.He said.He said _______ these flowers _______ from Guangdong.2.Light travels faster than sound.My teacher told me.My teacher told me _____ light _______ faster than sound.3.There will be a meeting in five days.Jack didn't know.Jack didn't know _____ there _____ ____ a meeting in five days.【复习小结】





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宾语从句根据其引导词的不同可分为三种类型:1.由连词that引导的宾语从句,如:He said(that)it was Sunday yesterday.2.由连词if/whether引导的宾语从句,如:

Could you tell me if /whether there will be a test next week? 3.由 which, when等连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句,如:I don’t know how I can get there.二、理顺三个步骤



宾语从句永远是陈述句语序。若原句是疑问句式,则应将它调整为陈述句语序。如:1)Is he going to the shop?I want to know.(改为含宾语从句的复合句)I want to know if/whether he is going to the shop.2)When does he get up?Do you know?(改为含宾语从句的复合句)

Do you know when he gets up?3.变换时态


1)He says(that)he will finish the work tomorrow.2)I think(that)they have already gone to Beijing.B.若主句谓语动词是一般过去时,则宾语从句动词的时态用过去时的某种形式(如:一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成时、过去将来时等)。如:1)She asked if/whether he was leaving for Shanghai soon.2)He said(that)they had a very good journey.另外,还需考虑标点的使用和人称的变化。


1)When do we arrive?We don’t know.(改为含宾语从句的复合句)We don’t know when we arrive.2)What time does the ship leave?Do you know?(改为含宾语从句的复合句)Do you know what time the ship leaves?


1)Shall I go there? He asked me.(改为含宾语从句的复合句)He asked me if/whether he would go there.2)Will you go there? He asked me.(改为含宾语从句的复合句)

He asked me if/whether I would go there.3)Will she go there? He asked me.(改为含宾语从句的复合句)

He asked me if/whether she would go there.三、加强三点注意



The earth goes around the sun.The teacher said.(改为宾语从句)The teacher said(that)the earth goes around the sun.2.“两副面孔”

if和when等既能引导宾语从句,又能引导状语从句。因此,碰到此种情况要认真分析看它们属于“两副面孔”的哪一种。当从句表示将来时, 若引导的是宾语从句,它们的时态常用一般将来时;若引导的是状语从句,它们的时态常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。如:1)I don’t know if/when he will come tomorrow.(宾语从句)2)If/When he comes, he’ll tell you about it.(状语从句)3.从句的简化

A.当主句谓语动词为hope, wish, decide, choose, agree等,且主句与从句主语相同时,从句可简化为不定式结构。如:

He agreed that he could help me with my English.→He agreed to help me with my English.B.当主句谓语动词为hear, see, watch等感官动词时,从句常简化为“宾语+宾补”结构,宾补为不带to的不定式或v-ing形式。如:

I heard that some children sang / were singing some songs.→I heard some children sing/singing some songs.C.在连接代/副词引导的宾语从句中,当从句主语与主句主语或间接宾语相一致时,宾语从句可简化为“连接代/副词+不定式”结构。如:I don’t know what I should do.→I don’t know what to do.宾语从句专项练习题


1.He said ________ she would leave the message on the headmaster's desk.A.thatB.whereC.whichD.what

2.In the bookshop, a reader asked the shopkeeper ________ Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book.A.thatB.howC.whatD.if

3.A: Could you tell me ________ she is looking for?B: Her cousin, Susan.A.thatB.whoseC.whoD.which 4.I want to know________.A.what is his nameB.what's his nameC.that his name isD.what his name is5.Could you tell me________?

A.when did Tom come backB.when does Tom come backC.when Tom will come backD.when Tom comes back 6.A: Could you tell me ________?B: I'm not sure.A.how many people have been out of hospitalB.when is Thanksgiving Day

C.which animal does he like bestD.what time will the dolphin show start7.Mr.King didn't know ________ yesterday evening.A.when does his son come homeB.when his son comes homeC.when did his son come homeD.when his son came home8.The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 ________ Christmas Day.A.isB.wasC.has beenD.which9.I wonder ________ you would like to come to my birthday party.A.thatB.whetherC.that ifD.that whether10.A: I'm waiting for the mail.Do you know ________ it will arrive?B: Usually it comes by 4:00.A.howB.whereC.whenD.what11.Do you know ________ during the coming holiday?

A.what will Tom doB.what did Tom doC.what Tom will doD.what Tom did 12.The teacher told us that light ________ much faster than sound.A.travelsB.traveledC.would travelD.had traveled

13.Do you know if ________ back next week?If he ________ back, please let me know.A.he comes, will comeB.will he come, comesC.he will come, comesD.will he come, will come


1.Jim said: “The fastest way to travel is by plane.”

Jim said _________ the fastest way to travel _________ by plane.2.The teacher said to us: “Spring comes after winter.”

The teacher _________ _________ _________ spring _________ winter.3.He can’t work out the problem.I believe.I _________ _________ _________ _________ work out the problem.4.How can we get to the plane? I don’t know.I don’t know _________ _________ _________ get to the plane.5.Where did you find the book? Could you tell me?

Could you tell me _________ _________ _________ the book? 6.Who has left for Haikou? Nobody knows.Nobody knows _________ _________ _________ _________ Haikou.7.Will you go there by bus? Have you made a decision?

Have you decided _________ _________ _________ there by bus? 8.Please tell me your idea about Hainan Island.Please tell me _________ you _________ _________ Hainan Island.9.Mrs White told Tom that he shouldn’t throw paper on the ground.Mrs White told Tom _________ _________ _________ paper on the ground.10.We noticed that they were playing football when we went home.We noticed _________ _________ football when we went home.11.I can’t decide whether I’ll buy that kind of computer.I can’t decide _________ _________ _________ that kind of computer.12.The teacher told the boys how to do it.The teacher told the boys _________ _________ _________ _________ it.13.-----He will join us in cleaning the school this Saturday afternoon.-----He won’t do that, I’m afraid.-----He will join us in cleaning the school this Saturday afternoon.-----_________ ________ ________.14.The soldiers want to know what place they will go to.The soldiers want to know _________ _________ _________ _________.15.Li Lei remembered that he had closed all the windows of the classroom.Li Lei _________ _________ all the windows of the classroom.16.We think that it’s important for us to learn English well.We think _________ _________ _________ __________ English well.17.I don’t know why they are standing there.I don’t know _________ they are standing there _________.18.I wish I were a bird.I wish _________ _________ a bird.完成句子


I don’t know _______________________________ the party yesterday.2.你记起我上次所告诉过你的话了吗?

Have you remembered ______________________________ last time? 3.你知道这是谁的字典吗?

Do you know _____________________________________? 4.请告诉我他们在等谁。

Please tell me ______________________________________.5.他想知道那是正确答案吗。

He wanted to know __________________________ the right answer.宾语从句练习题 一.单项选择The girls asked if they ____ some food and drink with them.A.tookB.takeC.takesD.will take2 Catherine said that she ___ to Guangzhou.A.has never gone B.had never gone C.has never been D.had never been 3 The students want to know whether they___ dictation today.A.hadB.has.C.will have D.are4 She asked Linda if___ go and get some.A.could she B.she could C.she can D.she may5 Linda said the moon___ round the earth.A.travelled B.has travelled C.travells D.had travelled 6.Can you tell me___ you were born, Betty? A.who B.what C.when D.thatI don't know ___ they have passed the exam.A.what B.if C.when D.whereI hardly understand.___ he has told me.A.that B.what C.which D.who9.She didn't know___ back soon.A.whether he would beB.if would he beC.he will beD.if he will come 10.I don't know _____ he still lives here after so many years.A.whether B where C.what D.when

11.Do you know _____ they listened to yesterday evening? A.what B when C why D how

12.He asked me _____told me the accident.A whomB whichC whoD whose

13.They don't know _______their parents are.A thatB whatC whyD which 14.Please tell me ______what last year.A.where does your sister workB.where did your sister workC where your sister worksD.where your sister worked 15.She asked me if I knew ______

A.whose pen is it B.whose pen it was C.whose pen it is D.whose pen was it 16.You must remember ________.A.what your mother saidB.what did your mother say

C.your mother said whatD.what has your mother said 17.Did you know ____?

A.who he was looking afterB.who was he looking forC.who he is looking forD.who he is looking after 18.Could you tell me ___?

A.when will they leave BeijingB.when would they leave BeijingC.when they will leave BeijingD.when did they leave Beijing 19.Could you tell me________?

A.where do you liveB.who you are waiting forC.who were you waiting forD.where you live inA.has he been backB.has he come back C.he has been backD.he has come back A.what the news areB.what is the news C.what the news isD.what are the news 22.I don't know ________ up so early last Sunday.A.why did he getB.why he getsC.why does he getD.why he got 23..He said _________ there was going to be a meeting that evening.A.whatB.ifC.thatD.how 二.句型转换。

1).How does he get on with his new classmates? Could you tell me?(改为含有宾语从句的复合句)

Could you tell me how ______ _____ on with his new classmates?

2).What is he doing there? Mother didn't know.(改为含有宾语从句的复合句 Mother didn't know what _______ ______doing there.改错)4)What's his name? I asked him.(改为含有宾语从句的复合句)I asked him what _______ _______ _______.5)Why didn't he look happy? Could you tell me?(改为含有宾语从句的复合句)Could you tell me why _______ ______ look happy?

6)Does he still live in that street? I don't know(改为含有宾语从句的复合句)I don't know ______ he still _______ in that street.7)Whose children is the old woman looking after?Did you find out?(改为含有宾语从句的复合句)

Did you find out whose children the old woman ______ _______ after? 8)The moon moves round the earth.My sister told me.(同上)My sister told me ______ the moon_______ round the earth.9)I think it is not going to snow tomorrow.(改错)

10).“Do you want to try something new。” Tom's mother asked him.(同义句转换)Tom's mother asked him________ ________ ________to try something new.宾语从句专项训练


1.I don't know _________ he will come tomorrow._________ he comes,I'll tell you.A.if;Whether B.whether;WhetherC.if;That D.if;If

2.I don't know _________ the day after tomorrow.A.when does he come B.how will he comeC.if he comes D.whether he'll come

3.Could you tell me _________ the nearest hospital is?A.what B.how C.whether D.where

4.Could you tell me _________ the radio without any help?A.how did he mend B.what did he mendC.how he mended D.what he mended5.I want to know _________ .

A.whom is she looking after B.whom she is lookingC.whom is she looking D.whom she is looking after6.Do you know where _________ now?

A.he lives B.does he live C.he lived D.did he live7.Do you know what time _________ ?A.the train leave B.does the train leaveC.will the train leave D.the train leaves

8.I don't know _________ .Can you tell me,please?

A.how the two players are old B.how old are the two playersC.the two players are how old D.how old the two players are9.The small children don't know _________ .

A.what is their stockings in B.what is in their stockingsC.where is their stockings in D.what in their stockings10.I can't understand _________ .

A.what does Christmas mean B.what Christmas does meanC.what mean Christmas does D.what Christmas meansII.按要求转换句型。

1.Does Mr.Brown enjoy living in China?Could you tell us?(改写句子)→Could you tell us _________ Mr.Brown _________ living in China?2.“Does the girl need any help?”he asked me.(变为复合句)→He asked me _________ the girl _________ some help.3.Jim is not a student.Tom is not a student,either.(合并为一个句子)_________ Jim _________ Tom is a student.4.When does the train leave?I want to know.(改为含宾语从句的复合句)I want to know _________ the train _________ .

5.They went home after they had finished their homework.(用not...until改写)They _________ go home _________ they had finished their homework.6.Did Peter come here yesterday?Li Lei wants to know.(改为含宾语从句的复合句)Li Lei wants to know _________ Peter _________ here yesterday.



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