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Module 7 Unit2 I will be home at seven o’clock.教学目标:

1.能够识别单词:quarter,worry,to 2.学习目标语句: I will be home at seven o’clock.Will you be home at seven o’clock? Yes, I will.3.能够了解感字母组合ch, tch, ck, kn,在单词中的发音,并能够熟练朗诵本课chant.4.进一步复习巩固一般将来will+动词原形

教学重点 :

1.掌握单词:quarter,worry,to 2.学会运用句型: I will „at „ o’clock.来说明将要发生的事情。


1.一般将来式 will 的用法,will + 动词原形。2.用to 表达时间。

教学用具:VCD,PPT,单词卡片 教学过程: Step1 Warm-up 1.师生之间相互问候 2.Ask and answer : What will you do tomorrow? I’ll„„

Will you„„? Yes, I will./No,I won’t.Step2 Presentation 1.教师询问学生:What time is it? 并引导学生:It’s eight o’clock.It’s half past nine.It’s a quarter to seven.归纳时间的表达法。

2.Ask and answer:

What time do you get up? I get up at„„.What time does he/she get up? He/She gets up at„„.Step3 New teaching 1.教师播放VCD,让学生了课文的内容。

2.教师分析课文,并提问:What time will Mr Smart be home? 3.教师总结本课句型并板书:Will you be home at seven o’clock? I will be home at seven o’clock.教师讲解:一般将来时的用法,通过时间状语(at seven o’clock)进行理解。

4.教师带领学生完成课文活动2,用所学句型:Will you be home at seven o’clock? He She will be home at „ o’clock.5.教师带领学生分析课文活动3中的字母以及字母组合 ch, tch, ck, kn在单词中的发音 , 然后让学生跟读录音,感知发音。

教师把单词“chair, watch, black, back, know, knee”随意写在黑板上,让学生按照读音进行分组。

6.教师播放VCD,学习Part 4 的chant “,并配上表情、动作,使课堂气氛再次得到升华。

Step4 Practice 让学生把自己日常生活的习惯用 I will „at „ o’clock.描述出来。(注意 will 的用法)

Step5 Summary and homework.1.Summary 今天我们学习本课重点句型:Will you be home at seven o’clock? I will be home at seven o’clock.2.Homework 完成练习册,并能掌握will 的用法。


Module 7 Unit2 I will be home at seven o’clock.Will you be home at seven o’clock? chair, black, know I will be home at seven o’clock.watch back knee 一般将来时 will + 动词原形

第二篇:It’s two o’clock教学设计

It’s two o’clock教学设计

临潼铁路小学 郝红艳


1、感知、识别整点时间,熟悉其英语表达方法.2、熟练掌握基本句型:What‘s the time? It’s...o’clock.Is it„o’clock? No, it isn’t.并能够进行运用。(二)能力目标

1、使学生能够在生活中灵活运用本课对话、What‘s the time? It’s...o’clock.Is it„o’clock? No, it isn’t.2、培养学生自主探究学习的能力,并提高学生语言的实际运用能力.(三)德育目标



2、通过小组合作培养孩子乐于与人合作的意识, 通过交流,加深对同学的了解.促进学生健康人格的发展,达到人文教育和素质教育的双重目的.(五)、学习策略目标


2、充分利用教材所提供的学习资源,实现自由参与与创新,能主动与他人交流。教学重点:学习What‘s the time? It’s...o’clock.谈论时间。教学难点: 能够应用所学知识与别人进行简单的交流 教学资源主要为多媒体课件、钟表、喜洋洋等自制钟表,贴画。教学过程: ⅠWarming up 1.Greeting Hello!Boys and girls / How are you? Nice to meet you 2.Free talk 教师微笑着用眼睛扫视全般,与同学们展开对话:Hello!/ How are you? / What’s your name? / How old are you? / 3.On duty: Who is on duty? Is everyone here? [设计意图] 师生之间的简短问候,不仅练习了口语,而且亲切的问候拉近了师生之间的距离,创设一个民主和谐的英语课堂气氛。同时让孩子们快速进入英语学习的状态。Ⅱ.Revision 1.Sing a song : 《 ten little Indian boys》多媒体播放歌曲视频,学生边做动作边跟唱。2.活动“比眼力”。



[设计意图] 歌曲热身,不仅把学生带入一个轻松快乐的英语世界,为学生创设一个良好的语言环境,调动他们学习英语的积极性,同时复习numbers1-10也为新课时间的表达进行基础知识的铺垫渲染。Ⅲ.Presentation 1.Leading.多媒体课件依次呈现1至12数字,边出现生边读,并围成一圈,让生猜What is it?引出clock。并认读。

[设计意图] 导课自然流畅,在复习数字的同时引出了本课的主题,使学生的思维紧跟课堂节奏,有利集中其注意力。


[设计意图] 采取多种方式认读,避免,单一枯燥的跟师读操练形式,而且适当的转换、新鲜的尝试,能够激发学生的表现欲。

4、整点时间的问答:What’s the time? It’s...o’clock.1)老师把画有喜羊羊,等卡通图的钟表图片挡住自己的脸扮演喜羊羊和同学们打招呼,介绍自己。Hello.Boys and girls, I am a clock;my name is Xiyangyang.I can tell you the time, but you must say: What’s the time? 引导学生询问时间。同时板书语言知识What’s the time? It’s...o’clock.Ss: What’s the time? T:It’s two o’clock.(对于表现好的学生教师要及时的肯定表扬,并给予stickers奖励,同时high five 击掌祝贺。师生,生生之间的评价贯穿于整堂课中。)


S1: Hello.Boys and girls, my name is Meiyangyang.Guess, What’s the time? Ss: It’s...o’clock.其他生猜时间练习时间的问答。

在问答的过程老师再反问示范Is it„o’clock? No, it isn’t.[设计意图] 为了激发学生的兴趣,我制作了一面画着钟表另一面画着学生们喜欢的喜羊羊等卡通人物的钟表道具。运用学生喜欢的卡通人物调动他们学习的积极性,激发了兴趣,避免了枯燥的师教生跟读简单机械的重复形式。同时在玩中突破了教学重难点。Ⅳ.Practice 1.Drill.多媒体课件呈现钟表,采取师问生答,生问生答,生问师答等多种形式进行操练。

2、in pairs.同桌两人一组用自制的钟表进行时间问答。在此之前,师和一生可进行示范以便学生更好的操练。

[设计意图] 这个环节能使平时不敢发言举手的同学也大胆、放心、兴奋地踊跃参加,是一个增强信心,鼓励进取的一个好机会。Ⅴ.Production Game guess, what’s the time?

1、再次呈现画有喜羊羊等卡通人物的钟表让学生猜时间。引导学生用Is it„o’clock? No, it isn’t.来进行游戏。首先师持图片让学生猜,师说guess, What’s the time? 生猜Is it„o’clock?然后让一学生到讲台前面与其他生进行游戏。学生的学习兴趣和语言应用伴随着游戏的进行达到了另一个高潮。

2、再让一学生到讲台前,其他生问What’s the time? 此生猜时间Is it„o’clock?


[设计意图] 此游戏重视了对学生思维能力、观察能力的培养,特别是对学生合作学习能力的培养,让学生们在师生,生生,小组等不同的合作方式中,学会倾听,学会评价,为学生的终身学习奠定基础。Ⅵ Summary and Homework


Time is money.(时间就是金钱或一寸光阴一寸金)Time flies.(光阴似箭,日月如梭)Time has wings.(光阴去如飞)

Take time by the forelock.(把握目前的时机)Tomorrow never comes.(明天无尽头,明日何其多)




板书设计 Unit 1 It’s two o’clock What’s the time? It’s...o’clock.Is it„o’clock? No, it isn’t./Yes, it is.教学反思

本课的教学重点是掌握并灵活运用What’s the time? It’s...o’clock.难点是在生活中灵活运用。通过一节课的学习,学生基本上能熟练运用句型进行交流,询问时间,达到了教学目标要求,同时突出了重点,突破了难点。纵观本节课的教学过程,有收获,也有少许遗憾。

收获一:导课自然。好的开头等于成功的一半。因此精心研究导课的方法,是每个教师值得重视的首要问题。在本课课堂教学中多媒体课件依次呈现1至12数字,边出现生边读,并围成一圈,让生猜What is it?引出clock点题。通过旧知识的“温故”,巧妙的引出新课,使学生的思维紧跟课堂节奏,有利于其注意力的集中。



收获四:评价方式多样。不仅口头及时表扬,运用丰富的表扬用语,如在学生收获成功时,师说Give me five.和学生击掌祝贺,使其感受到成功的喜悦。而且给学生奖励stickers,鼓励该生的同时也激发其他学生的表现欲。






实验四 页面置换算法






2)输入请求序列:输入一个作业页号访问请求序列,依次占用相应页框,直至全部占用; 3)Clock算法:当页框全部占用后,对于后续新的页号访问请求,执行Clock算法,淘汰1个页面后装入新的页号。







主函数流程: STEP1:输入分配的页框数,页面访问次数和要访问的页面号序列 STEP2:内存页面初始化。内存中页面的数据结构为单循环链表,含有页号值yehao和访问位值a。开始时页号均为-1,访问位为0.STEP3:测试数据。具体算法是依要访问的页面号,调用find()函数查找是否已经存在于内存中。若存在,则修改其访问位为1.若不存在,触发缺页中断,调用tihuan()函数。最后,打印当前内存状态。如此循环直至测试串都访问完毕。3)主要函数实现






输入分配的页框数 3 输入页面访问次数 15 输入要访问的页面号序列 3 4 2 6 4 3 7 4 3 6 3 4 8 4 6 输出(仅最后一项):


以下是clock算法对应输入页面号序列3 4 2 6 4 3 7 4 3 6 3 4 8 4 6的分析表



2.在时钟内存结构的代码实现上,我使用了自建的单循环链表,对其进行顺序地遍历即可实现时钟指针的移动。另外通过全局变量node *r(时钟)node *start(开始页面项)node *r_prev(时钟指针的前驱)的设置,方便了有关算法的实现。



[1](美)Stanley B.Lippman 等 著 李师贤 等 译.C++ Primer中文版(第4版).人民邮电出版社, 2006-03-01 [2] 蒋爱军,李师贤,梅晓勇 著.C++ Primer习题解答(第4版).人民邮电出版社, 2007-02-01 [3] 塔嫩鲍姆(Tanenbaum.A.S),陈向群,马洪兵 著.现代操作系统(原书第3版).机械工业出版社, 2009-07-01 [4] 张尧学,史美林,张高.计算机操作系统教程.清华大学出版社, 2006-10-01 [5] 王晓东 著.数据结构(STL框架).清华大学出版社, 2009-09-01

第四篇:教案Project2 A magic clock

Project2 A magic clock(第一课时)Step1.Free talk 1.T: Hello, boy.What’s your name?

S: My name is …

T: Oh, My name is Luna.Nice to meet you,..S: Nice to meet you,too.T;Thank you.2.T: Hi,girl,What’s your name?

S: My name is …

T: How are you today ,..?

S: I’m Fine, thank you, and you?

T: I’m fine, too.How old are you?

S: I’m ten.T: Can you guess How old am I?


T:oh,I’m30.3.T: Hi, boy.how old are you?

S: I’m …

T:I like apples.What fruit do you like?

S:I like …

T: Yes, the …is sweet.It’s yummy.I like it, too.Thanks.4.T: Hi , girls.Do you like oranges ? S: Yes, I do.T: And What animals do you like? S: I like….T:Do you like monkeys? S:yes.Step2.presentation T: I like monkeys, too.Because they are very Clever.Look, do you know this monkey’ s name? S:Boots.T: oh,you got it.You are so clever.And Boots has a good friend , Who’s this girl? S: She’s Dora.T:Bingo.This girl is Dora, she’s a lovely and helpful girl.She likes adventure.Boots and Dora are good friends.情景介绍:

T:Do you want to know more about Dora? Today I have a magic clock.(出示做好的钟)It will take us into Dora’s magic world.(评价)And today the girls are Dora ,the boys are boots, we will Pk with each other.Who gets more stars(出示星星),who is winner, Understand? S:Yes.T: Boys and girls ,Look, this is my magic clock, you should say :” clock , clock, What time is it ?”, then it will open the door and you can go into Dora’s world.Are you ready? S: Yeah.T: Ok.Here we go.Task1.魔钟带我们进入朵拉的房子

T: Let’s say it together.S: clock, clock, What time is it? T: have a try, What time is it? S: It’s 8 o’clock.T: All right.It’s 8 o’clock.It’s time to go to Dora’s house.Let’s count T: Look, In Dora’s house, there are many family member in it.They are a big family.How many people are there in Dora’s family? Let’s count together, ok? One….T: Nice, you did it.Let’s listen T: Now, Dora will tell you something about her.Look, this is Dora’s information card(信息卡).This time, Please take out you paper and pencils, Write down Dora’s Age, telephone number And QQ number.Are you ready? S: Yes,T: Ok, Let’s begin.Who got it?(注意评价加星)Let’s Talk T: All right, We know a lot about Dora.Now If you are Dora, Can you tell me Who’s this boy...? S: He’sShe’s my…

(带朵拉头饰)T: Now I’m Dora, Who can try? Come here.….T: Thank you for your helping.Do you understand? Two people in one group, Let talk.…

T:Who wants to act? …

T: Well done.(注意加星)Clap hands for them.Task2.魔钟带我们进入班尼的农场

T:You did a good job.Now the magic clock will take us to next place.Do you want to go? S:yes T: you should say: S:Clock,clock ,What time is it? S1:It’s 11o’clock.T:Oh ,this time ,the magic clock take us into Benny’s farm.Benny is a cute cow.He’s one of Dora’s good friends.Look, Benny’s farm is so big and beautiful.And benny says to us “Hello,I’m benny.Weclome to my farm.Magic eyes: T:Now we are on benny’s farm, but there are too many animals ,Can you tell Dora What’s this.Let’s play this game,Magic eyes.Magic tree: T:Super.You all have magic eyes.All right.On Benny’s farm , there is a magic tree.If you can guess the riddle, the magic tree will give you the fruit you want.Ok? S;Ok.T:please listen riddle 1.….(注意加星,评价)Make a dialogue(制作boots benny Dora头饰)Task3.魔钟带我们进入Swiper的生日聚会。

T: Say goodbye to Benny ,Where are we going ? Where The magic clock will take us to? Let’s ask the magic clock.S: clock, clock ,What time is it? S1:It’s two o’clock.T:yeah, it’s time to go to Swiper’s birthday party.绘本故事Swiper的生日聚会。

Read and find T: Is it interesting? S:yes.T: I think so.And after this birthday party, Swiper wants to be a good boy.He wants to help his friends.This time he will help letter S to find their house.Shall we go with him? Ok ,here we go.S:pigs,house1…..T:you are so super.thank you for your helping.Task4.魔钟带我们回到了朵拉的房间。

T:oh ,listen,(钟响)the magic clock tells us ,it’s too late, Dora should go home now.T: Clock ,clock ,What time is it? S: It’s 4 o’clock.T: It’s time to go to Dora’s room.Dora’s house is very beautiful.What can you see in her room? S:I can see… T: Where’s …? S: It’s in on under behind….T: good job.but now dora can’t find her magic clock.She asks :”where’s my magic clock? Can you find it? S: yes, it’s …..T: Right.Do you like this magic clock? Do you want to make a magic clock like this?(拿手上的钟)。S:yes.T:ok, now dora will show us how to make a magic clock.The first step is picture….T:good job, now do you know how to make a magic clock? S:yes.T:Do you want to make a magic clock for yourself? S:yes.T: Good.so today’s homework is …..Step3.最后评价

T: Look there, today Dora gets …stars.Boots gets …stars.So boys are winner today.Congratulations.T: you all did good job.Thank you for your helping,Now class is over,See you.S:See you,luna.

第五篇:as soon as it’s 12 o’clock教案2

Module 8 Public holiday Unit 2 As soon as it’s 12 o’clock

一 基础学习目标:.掌握本课的重点单词和短语

vocabulary and useful phrases : ending, beginning , list, promise, zero all over 遍及count down 倒计时get together聚会, a list of 一列,一栏help out帮、、、克服困难 promise sb to do sth答应某人做某事 make plan for为、、、做计划 in the same way用相同的方法 make resolutions许愿 such as比如 at the same time同时 depend on依靠,取决于

二 发展学习目标: 会理解课文,会运用时间状语从句来造句

三 重点和难点 People all over the world celebrate the new year.all over the world 全世界 all over China 全中国 However , not all countries celebrate in the same way.However 然而,并非所有国家都用同一种方式庆祝新年。① However 然而,尽管,不可与but 连用。

Eg:It was raining hard ,however , the farmer still worked in the field.雨下得很大,尽管如此,农民仍在田野里干活,② in the same way.按同样的方法


The teacher always begins his class _______________________________.3 It can depend on the seasons, depend on 这里是“受、、、的影响” depend on 还有“依靠、、、生活,依赖,取决于”的意思

eg: ①他靠写作来收入。He _______________ his writing for his income.②你是否能去取决于天气。Whether you go or not______________the weather.4 Just before 12 o’clock , everyone counts down from 10,9,8,… count down 倒计时

eg: 我听见学生正在倒计时

I heard the student _______________。Some families get together for a special meal with grandparents aunts, uncles and cousins.get together人们聚在一起,团聚,相聚,聚会 eg:我们将在下个月初团聚。

We ____________________ at the start of the next month.6 Many families go for a walk go out for a walk 外出散步


_________ they _______________ they saw a snake.7 On New Year’s Day, many people make resolutions for the new year.make a resolution 表决心,下决心 学生们都有已经表决心了吗?

______ all the students ___________________? 8 They write down a list of things , such as “ I will help out more at home,” ①a list of „.的清单, 一栏,一列

eg: 如果我母亲去购物,她将列一份清单。

If my mother goes shopping, she _______________________things.②Help out 帮、、、分担工作/帮助某人解决困难 Eg: 他有麻烦,但是我不能帮助他解决困难。

He was in trouble, but I _________________________________.9 I won’t spend so much time playing video games.spend + 时间+(in)doing sth 花费一段时间做某事


Yester they ______________________________________ the violin.10 when they have made their list ,they read it to their family or friends and promise to follow their resolutions 当他们写好了清单时,他们把它读给家人或朋友听,并许诺遵守他们的决心。

read sth to sb 把、、、读给某人听

promise to do sth 许诺做某事,保证做某事 eg: 如果你完成作业,我保证让你出去玩。

If you finish your homework, I _______________________________________.11 Do people all over the world always celebrate the new year at the same time? at the same time 同时

Eg: 同时我想要环游世界。

I wanted to travel around the world ________________________.课前预习:

1、在课文中划出下列的词汇,ending, beginning , list , promise , zero, all over, count down , get together , a list of , help out ,promise sb to do sth make plan for in the same way make resolutions such as at the same time, depend on,你会读那几个___________________________


1._______________________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________________ 3._______________________________________________________



()1 All the countries celebrate New Year in ____ A the same way B a different way C different ways D one way()2 All the living things ____ the sun for their growth.A depend on B live on C feed on D grow up

()3 I’ll make a phone call to you ___ I get home.A while B as soon as C since D for()4 Both of us got to the factory _____ A at the same time B at same time C in a different time D in different times()5 ______ I am tired , I will finish my homework A But B Although C Because D However()6 Many people make _____ for the New Year.A decisions B resolutions C clothes D list()7 Do you know an old song _____ Auld Lang Syne.A called B calling C to call D calls()8 He promised ____ play computer games again A don’t B doesn’t C not to D didn’t

()9 Some families get together ____ a special meal.A with B to C for D on

()10 My deskmate is in trouble , I want to _____ A help him out B help out him C help he out D help out he


1.The ____________(结局)of the film is excellent.2.What happened at the ___________(开始)the meeting? 3.His wife _____________(依靠)on him very much.4.Every year I make my New Year’s ______________(决心)5.There is a ________(列表)of names on the blackboard.6.His father ____________(发誓)to punish him 7.The little boy can count from ten to __________(零)



People_________________like __________________the new year.2现今的孩子们很依赖父母。

The children these days _____________________ their parents very much.3当他们在等待公共汽车时,遇见一位电影明星。

________they ___________________the bus , they met a film star.4一到11:14 学生就开始倒计时。

____________________it is 11:14 , the students start _________________________.5外出散步是好的。It is good _____________________________.6他们很高兴聚在一起。They had fun _____________________________.7你下定决心了吗?不,没有

__________you _________________________? No, I didn’t.8他花了许多时间列一份购物清单。

He ________ lots of time ____________________________.9我们承诺遵照我们的决定。

We ___________________ follow our resolutions.10是时候和你的父母告别了。

It’s time ________________________ their parents.



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