浙江教师招聘考试:小学英语《My favorite season》试讲教案

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浙江教师招聘考试:小学英语《My favorite season》试讲教案

浙江教师招聘考试:小学英语《My favorite season》试讲教案

浙江教师资格证考试 浙江教师招聘考试

Step 1: warming up Before the class, let’ play a game.There are several cards in my hand, and I will invite some students come here and act them.Other students can guess them and write it on the notebook.The more the better.The winner will get 5 points.Who can help me? S1, please.Great, you can do an great actor.Now, change your notebook to your partner.Learn and check.Go swimming, go on a picnic, pick apples, make a snowman...OK, who is the winner? Well done, you have 5 points.And I will give S1 5 points, too.Thanks for act.Now, look at the screen, what’s this? Yes, It’s a season turntable.Wow, It’s work.What season is it when the turntable stop? Guess.Spring ? Summer ? Oh, It’s stop.What season is it? Who can tell me? Hands up!Great, S2.Right, winter.Can you use the hole sentence? It is...Yes, It is winter.Do you like winter? Oh, yes.Why? Use “I like winter because...” well done, you like winner because you like winter vocation.Step 2: presentation OK, I know some of your favorite season.Do you know which season Robin likes? Let’s listen the tape together, and answer the question.OK, who can tell me.Do you know which season Robin likes? S3.He said “Robin like spring” Who can help him? S4, please.Great!You have a gift for language.We need use “likes” in this sentences.In this passage, we know, Robin likes spring, summer, autumn and winter.Robin likes all the four seasons.zj.zgjsks.com

Now, we have four pictures and four sentences on the blackboard.Read it carefully, and match.Prefect.The first picture match: I like summer...The second picture match: I want to...The third picture match: I like spring...The last picture match: I like winter...Why does Robin like spring? Why does robin like winter? How many “fall” can you find? Please read the passage, and underline the answer.OK, who want to try? Yes, Robin likes spring because there are beautiful flowers everywhere.Any volunteer? Good.He likes winter because he can play in the snow.Last question, how many “fall” can you find? Yes, four falls.Who can tell me, what the lase ‘fall’ means? S5? Don’t worry.Just try.Wonderful.It is mean autumn.Step 3 : Consolidation 1.Make dialogue about season and show it All of you have a good job, now, please make a dialogue with your partner.Use the sentences “ Which season do you like best? Why? ”.And write down your partner’s answer.Finish it? Who can show your dialogue? Group 1, please.Great.They like autumn because It's beautiful.Any volunteer? How about group 2? Well done.They like summer because they can swim.Pay attention to the screen.There are so many beautiful natural picture.Do you like it? But some of it are destroyed.Talk about this question in your group.Who can tell me what should we do to protect the natural in daily life? Group 2? Well, we need on duty to the natural.How about Group 3? Good , we need to throw the rubbish in the trash.Excellent!Group 4 said, we can make a poster of protect the nature and public it on our school website.That’s a good idea.Step 4: Summary & Homework So much for today.What you have learnt today? Oh, we need to protect the nature.It is very nice for you.Any volunteer? “fall” is mean: autumn.Great.We can use the new sentences.zj.zgjsks.com

After class, we have a task.Finish the poster of protect the nature and show it next class.Class is over, see you.Blackboard design



Teaching Plan

I.Teaching content : Unit 10---circle, triangle

II.Teaching aims: 1.Children can say the 2 words---circle, triangle.2.Children can recoganize the 2 shapes around them.3.Childeren can use hands to make them.III.Teaching aid: bell drum, angle iron, headwear

IV.Teaching process 1.Warm up 1)Greetings T: Good morning, children.Ss: Good morning , Sally.2)Let’s say and do.T: Stand up.Attention!Ss: One, two!T: Ok, hands out!Let’s play animal game.I am Bunny, I can jump, jump, jump, jump!I am Puppy, I can run, run, run, run!I am Piggy, I can roll, roll, roll, roll!Stop!Turn around, sit down, please!2.Presentation

1)Introduction(Use bell drum, angle iron)T:小朋友们看,咱们舞蹈室好多乐器啊。老师手上也有两种乐器,想知道是什么吗? Ss: 想!

T: Ok,老师请大家猜猜。(敲摇铃鼓)宝贝们猜出来了吗? Yes!一个可爱的摇铃鼓。你们看看,它是什么形状的? Ss: 圆形!T: Good!圆形,circle!Read after me.Circle, circle, circle circle circle!Make a circle.(手做圆形)

Ss: Circle, circle, circle circle circle!Make a circle.(手做圆形)

T: Wonderful!接下来这位乐器宝宝是谁呢?(敲响三角铁)哇!好美妙的声音哦!它们叫三角铁!你们看看,它们是什么形状的? Ss: 三角形!

T: Yes!三角形,triangle!Read after me.Triangle, triangle, triangle triangle triangle!Make a triangle.(手做三角形)

Ss: Triangle, triangle, triangle triangle triangle!2)Practice the words.T: Wonferful!Hands out and let’s play “shooting game”.Ready? Go!Shoot “circle”!Ss: Circle!...T: Good!Sit up straight!老师这里有几个漂亮的圆形和三角形头饰,请坐得端正的宝贝来当小演员。



Sing the song “Circle, circle” 3 times.Circle, circle, round and round;Triangle, triangle, ding ding dang.V.Ending

1.Summary: Show “circle” and “triangle” headwear to kids one more time, and review the two words, say bye bye to “circle” and “triangle”.2.Say “Good-bye”

T: Ok, Group 1 and Group 2, line up!Let’s make a train.Say “Good-bye” to everyone.(小火车队形离开,并唱歌)Circle, circle, round and round;triangle, triangle, ding ding dang...




IX.多项选择题(凡多选、少选、不选或错选均不给分)(5分)1.课程目标的创新,每门学科的目标至少包括()A.知识与技能 B.过程与方法C.情感态度 D.价值观

2.新课程从“文本课程”走向“体验课程”。教师由教学中的主角转向“平等中的首席”。交往的基本属性是()。A.主体性 B.互动性 C.互惠性 D.平等性 3.评价教师课堂教学质量的基本因素有()A.教学目标明确 B.学生参与学习的积极性高C.教育方法恰当D.教学组织合理 4.中小学教师职业道德规范的基本内容包括()。A.依法执教 B.团结协作C.尊重学生 D.严谨治学 5.新课程强调,教师是学生学习的()。A.合作者 B.引导者C.指挥者 D.参与者 Ⅱ.简答题(5分)



Ⅲ.语法和词汇知识/ Vocabulary and structure(15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.Were you bornMay 21,1974? A.in B.on C.from D.at 2.It’s very kind you lend your bike to me.A.of, to B.for, in C.for, to D.of, in 3.I have two pens.One is red, is black.A.other B.another C.the other D.the others 4.“do you write to your parents ?”“ Once a month.”

A.How long B.How much C.How far D.How often 5.He asked who was in your class.A.the oldest B.oldest C.older D.the older 6.The teacher told us Exercise 1 in our exercise books.A.do B.to do C.doing D.does 7.I found very difficult to learn maths well.A.what B.it C.that D.this 8.I’ m to trouble you.A.glad B.afraid C.fear D.sorry 9.As soon as he , he will write to me.A.arrives at B.arrives C.reaches D.gets 10.will he be back? In a week.A.How long B.How soon C.How often D.How many 11.I have to do my homework for every day.A.one and half hour B.one and a half hour C.one and half hours D.one and a half hours 12.Who draw Jack? A.so well as B.as well as C.so better than D.as good as 13.Have you finisheddinner, Mum? I’m hungry now.A.cooking B.cooks C.cook D.cooked 14.Don’t shout in public, my boy, please,? A.won’t you B.don’t you C.do you D.will you 15.Lucy, please don’t play with fire.A.How can you say like that? B.It’s right.C.It doesn’t matter.D.Sorry, I won’t do it again.Ⅵ.短文改错/Proofreading and error correction(5分)Dear Xiao Hua, It was four days since Mother received the operation.46 She is feeling much more better.The doctors told me 47 the operation was successful.But because her old age, 48 Mother has to stay at the hospital for more two weeks.49 The doctors say it’s quite necessary of her to do so.50 We expect to send a full report in two and three 51 days.Please tell the good news to the rest of 52 the families as soon as possible.You needn’t 53 to come here.I’m able to look after Mother.You’d 54 better sending flowers to Mother.She will be happy.55 Yours, Xiao H

Ⅷ.书面表达/Writing(10分)某英语杂志社“中学生专栏”在举办英语征文比赛。请你根据下表所列的内容要点,用英语以“Learn to smile”为题写一篇短文,参加比赛。学会对自己微笑

1.生活中会有不愉快的事,如考试不及格(请再举一个例子); 2.使你自信;

3.击败你的人有时是你自己。学会对他人微笑 使人与人更亲近微笑是一种语言 人人都能懂 注意:


2.参考词汇:自信confidence,confident;打败beat(beat,beaten);“对自己微笑”应是smile to yourself;使人与人更亲近get closer to others.3.短文须包括所有内容要点,不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。Learn to simile Smile is an attitude(态度)to life.请设计一个教案,达到以下目的:

1.能够听说读写red, blue, black, white, brown, green等颜色,能够理解单词grey?,purple,colour.2.能够用颜色描述物品。3.培养学生运用


I.1.ABCD 2.BC 3.ABCD 4.ACD 5.ABD Ⅱ.⑴体现教学大纲和课程标准要求的知识和能力要求,突出素质教育和方法论教育因素;⑵优化教学过程和方法,注意能够正确引导学生主动参与教学过程,理解和运用知识解决实际问题的教学情境设计,并做到容量适中,恰当使用现代化教学手段;⑶确定教学基本思路,包括体现学生主体地位作用的教学情境设计和学习方法指导,教学重点难点及其突破方法,当堂巩固性练习及课后作业要求,体现教学全过程的板书设计等.III 1.B[解析] 在某一天介词要用on,所以答案选B。

2.A[解析] It’s„of you to do是固定的句型,所以答案选A。

3.C[解析] 两个中的另外一个用the other而不用another,所以答案选C。

4.D[解析] 根据答句Once a month可知是问频率,所以应该用how often,答案选D。5.A [解析] 根据句意应该选最高级,最高级前面应该有定冠词,所以答案选A。6.B[解析] tell sb.to do sth.是固定搭配,所以答案选B。

7.B [解析].I found it difficult to do是形式主语的固定句型,答案选B。8.D [解析] 根据句意,既然是打扰就应该是抱歉,而不应该是高兴或者害怕。

9.A[解析] 除了arrive其他的三个选项后面都要跟宾语,但是句子后面没有宾语了,所以答案选A.10.B[解析] 根据答句 In a week可以知道是问多久,所以用how soon,答案选B.11.D[解析] 一个半小时的表达法是:one and a half hours或者one hour and a half,所以答案选D.12.B [解析] as„as表示和„.一样„,排除AC,修饰draw应该用副词well,所以答案选B。13.A[解析] finish doing sth固定搭配,所以答案选A。

14.D[解析] 主句是个否定句,所以反义疑问句要用肯定,动词用will意思是会,所以答案选D。

15.D[解析] 在日常生活中,一般别人劝说不要玩火的时候,回答应该是对不起我不会再玩了。所以答案选D.Ⅳ.16---20 BCDBD 21---25 CBABB 26---30 ABDCB 16.B[解析] 这片文章是一个广播节目主持人说的内容。A是难题,B是奖赏,C是表达,D是贡献。根据“won”知道两张戏院的票应该是被赢走的奖赏,所以答案选B。

17.C[解析] A是花费,B是检查,C是收到,D是注意到。实物奖赏可能是通过邮寄的方式送给中奖的观众,所以主持人说希望他已经收到了门票。答案选C。

18.D[解析] A是卖,B是同意,C是变成,D是提供。这句话是在介绍本周的新奖品,当然应该是提供给听众的,所以答案选D。

19.B[解析] A是偏爱,B是写,C是吵架,D是练习。奖品提供给第一个说出这首歌名字,并且能说出是谁写的这首歌的人。所以答案选B。

20.D[解析] 在播放音乐之前,主持人会给一些提示。所以答案选D.21.C[解析] A是奏鸣曲,B是友谊,C是帮助,D是秘密。主持人说会让任务更容易一些,所以应该是给一些帮助。答案选C。

22.B[解析] A是正确的,B是幸运的,C是成功的,D是好笑的。既然是本周的获奖者,那么应该用幸运来形容。答案选B。

23.A[解析] A是人生,B是作曲,C是最喜欢的,D是梦。根据文章的意思应该是一生的大部分时候都在西班牙,所以答案选A。

24.B[解析] A是魔法的,B是有名的,C是现代的,D是不知道的。A和C都无法从文中推断,D不符合逻辑,只有B有可能。所以答案选B。

25.B[解析] A是问题,B是想法,C是东西,D是人。主持人在给出了两个提示之后,问大家有初步的想法了么?所以答案选B。

26.A[解析] A是走出去,B是很享受,C是一起唱,D是摔倒。根据后面一句,观众认为这首歌太难听了简直是在浪费他们的钱。所以BC不符合逻辑,D摔倒也不太可能,应该是A走了出去以示抗议。所以答案选A。

27.B[解析] A是令人沮丧的,B是令人惊奇的,C是困扰的,D是有回报的。这首歌第一次表演的时候观众并不喜欢,但是这首歌现在却很受欢迎,这是件令人感到惊奇的事情。所以答案选B。

28.D[解析] A是痛苦的,B是相反的,C是必要的,D是受欢迎的。根据后面的描述,这首歌在现实生活中无处不在,就知道它在现在是非常受欢迎的,所以答案选D。

29.C[解析] 四个选项中只有C是和后面的杂志、电影相似的传媒途径,所以答案选C。30.B[解析] 你只要一听到歌,就知道这是为哪个产品作的广告。所以答案选B。Ⅴ.31-35 ACDBB 36—40 BDCAC 41—45 BDCAB 31.A[解析] 根据第一段的最后一句话,有更多问题的不是别人,就是老师。所以答案选A。

32.C[解析] 第二段开头说学生很困惑,是对于老师的解释,说老师的问题更多很困惑。A说学生觉得学生的知识比老师的少,因为学生的知识来自老师,其实文中没有提到这个观点。B说学生认为老师没有必要回答学生提出的所有问题,文中也么有提到。C说学生认为拥有的知识越少就有更多的问题,学生正是因为这么想所以才在老师说老师问题更多的时候感到很困惑,C选项正确。D说学生认为知识更多的人问题更多,这个是老师的观点不是学生的。所以答案选C.33.D[解析] 文章的最后一段解释说,正因为老师的知识面更广,所以遇到问题的可能性会更大,这是为什么说老师比学生的问题更多的原因。A选项说学生可以从老师那里学习,文中没有提到。B选项说老师没有学生知识多,不符合文意。C选项说学生比老师知道的更多,不符合文意。D选项说老师有更多的可能性去面对他不知道的东西,符合最后一段的解释。所以答案选D。34.B[解析] A选项说你永远都不会学到足够的知识,最后一段说你的知识面越广就越有可能遇到没有学过的知识,所以A选项可以推断出来。B说一个老师和他的学生,没有表达出任何有意义的观点,所以B不正确。C说知识是没有边界的,符合最后一段的观点。D说活到老学到老,可以从这个观点推理出知识浩瀚没有边界。所以答案选B。35.B[解析] A是故宫博物院,B是一本书,C是新闻杂志,D是百科全书。这道题通过排除法,讲述一个故事的文章不可能出现在故宫、新闻和百科全书中,只有可能出现在一般的一本书里。所以答案选B。

36.B[解析] 这题问他们为什么还住在山脚的破房子里。A说他们想攒钱,文中没提到。B说他们都很穷。第一段说因为他们从不动脑子,很贫穷,所以大家都住上了新房子但是他们还是在山脚住破房子,所以B是正确的。C说因为他们的农场在山脚,但是其他的村民挣了钱之后都搬家住了新房子,所以这不是他们仍然住在这里的理由。D说他们住的里农庄不远,跟住破房子的原因没有关系。所以答案选B。

37.D[解析] A说为了去旅行,B说为了去看名胜古迹,C说为了见朋友,D说为了盈利。文中说Uncle Li去城里听说苹果卖的很贵,而且对话中也提到了盈利,说明目的是为了盈利而不是别的,所以答案选D.38.C[解析] 文中说他们把苹果运到的时候已经有很多人早就把苹果运去卖了,所以他们的苹果卖不出去,只能贱价卖。所以答案选C。

39.A[解析] 文中说因为苹果卖不出去只能低价卖,所以亏本了,他们很不高兴。所以答案选A。

40.C[解析] A选项说这两个农民找到他们很穷的原因了。根据文章的意思,他们卖苹果亏本之后分析不到苹果卖不出去的真正原因是因为苹果太多供过于求,反而认为是苹果运的太少了,所以根本没有找到自己很穷的原因。B选项说这两个农民很快就会富有起来的,根据选项A的分析,B也不可能。C选项说两个农民都不聪明,根据选项A的分析知道C是对的。D选项说这两个农民打算买一辆卡车,文中没有提到。所以答案选C。

41.B[解析] 第一段的“He thought he had lots of knowledge and he was supercilious”就可以解释他为什么目中无人。答案选B。

42.D[解析] 根据第二段可以知道他因为不仅不能跟同事好好相处而且还总是犯错误才被开除了,所以答案选D。43.C[解析] 根据这句话“ a friend of his aunt,s felt pity for him and asked him to work in his restaurant”可以知道他是为了帮助他,所以答案选C。

44.A[解析] 第三段说“Henry thought she wore beautiful clothes but didn,t have much knowledge.”既然Henry因为觉得自己学识渊博而目中无人,他一定对这样的女士很鄙夷,所以答案选A。其他几个选项文中都没有提到。

45.B[解析] A说Henry想找份新的工作,但是文中的意思是,虽然他很不愿意干这份工作,但是有收入总好过像过去为衣食发愁。B说他很快就会再次被解雇了,根据他对那位女士的态度和行为确实可以推断这一点。C说他讲会被委以重任,这样对待顾客当然不会受到老板的重用了。D说老板会害怕Henry,没有根据和理由。所以答案选B。Ⅵ.46.was-is??? 47.more去掉??? 48.because ^of 49.more-another??? 50.of-for 51.and-or??? 52.正确?? ?53.families-family??? 54.to去掉?? ?55.sending-send Ⅶ.One possible version: Learn to smile Smile is an attitude to life.In our life , there may be something unpleasant.For example , you fail in an exam;or another time , you are misunderstood by your friends.These unpleasant things may make you feel bad.Then what will you do ? Why not learn to smile ? Smiling to yourself can bring back your confidence.Sometimes , the greatest enemy is yourself;that’s to say , sometimes , you are beaten by yourself.We should also learn to smile to others.It will help us to get closer to others.So , smile is the most widely understood language.Ⅷ.Teaching Plan:(one possible version)Step 1 Revision

用实物或图片复习单词等。Step 2 Presentation


用投影片。第一张望远镜中是一辆汽车。第二张望远镜中是一个风筝。第三张望远镜中是一只鸟。指着第一张画问学生:What can you see in the picture? 学生会回答:I can see hills, a car, some trees and two boys.再问:What colour is the car? No colour.在用另一张投影片把小汽车覆盖成红色。问学生:What colour is it?教 red。并说:It’s red.It’s a red car.注意学生容易说成:It’s a red。要反复练习。并用红色的粉笔在黑板上写red。

在用一张投影片把小汽车覆盖成黑色,教black。用同样的方法把小鸟覆盖成黄色,教yellow。再用同样的方法把风筝覆盖成蓝色,教 blue。Step 3? Listen Listen to the tape and repeat.Step 4 Drill 1)把第二部分的物品涂上颜色。教单词colour 作为动词。2)可用以下问题对话。

What can you see in the picture 1?? I can see a kite.Do you colour the kite red?? Yes, it is.也可用下一组问题进行对话。

What is this in picture 2?? It’s a flower.What colour is it?? It’s yellow.用chain drill 或pair work练习其它几幅画。? Step 5 practice Turn to Page Ⅲ.Look at Page Ⅲ.也可用投影放大这张图,让学生看着图回答问题。

告诉学生气球这个单词:balloon 提问:Can you see some balloons in the picture? Yes.How many? Ten.What colour are they? 也可指着一颗说:What colour is it? 让学生一一回答。然后再提问树、鸟、云彩等物品。再看下图,先给这些孩子都起个名字。然后提问。如: Who’s this boy? He is Jim.What colour is his T-shirt? It’s green.也可让学生猜谁是谁。如:He is a boy.He is in a blue coat.Who is he?? He’s „ Step 6 consolidation Blackboard handwriting?? 用彩色粉笔写,如无法用彩色粉笔写,可用彩色纸放在所教表示颜色的单词旁边。掌握 colour red yellow What colour is it? Blue?? It’s...White? it’s a...green brown orange理解 grey? purple? colour? vt.



Write a teaching plan with about 150-200 words for the teaching task of the comparative and the Superlative Degree of Adjectives.Write your plan on the Answer Sheet.(教学安排应包括教学目的、教学内容、教学重点、教学难点、教学步骤、范例以及作业布置等)

Teaching plans

Teaching content :标题

Teaching aim

Teaching Key points

Teaching difficult points

Teaching procedures(关键部分)

Step Ⅰ Greeting(老师说的话用: T 学生用S1 ,SS,S2等)Step Ⅱ Lead in(很关键)

Example Homework


Write a teaching plan for a grammer lesson with about 200 words(the teaching task:the comparison of the uses of present participle and past participle)(教案主要内容应包括:教学目的,教学内容,教学重点,教学难点,教学步骤,作业布置等)教案:
















不定冠词 6,基数词





















Write a teaching plan for a grammar lesson with about 200 words(the teaching task: the comparison of the uses of present participle and past participle)(教案主要内容应包括:教学目的,教学内容,教学重点,教学难点,教学步骤,作业布置等)教案:

1,感叹句Exclamatory Sentence

陈述句 Declarative Sentence

一般疑问句 General Questions

特殊疑问句 Special Questions 反意疑问句Disjunctive Questions(可能)





时间状语从句(可能性较小)3,完全倒装full inversion

部分倒装 paratial inversion

4,名词单数形式 The singular form


The plural form

(可能)涉及到单词:Countable nouns 和Uncountable nouns 5,定冠词Definite article

不定冠词Indefinite article(可能)

6,基数词Cardinal numerals


Ordinal numerals(可能)

7,形容词比较级 The Comparative Degree 形容词的最高级The superlative Degree(06初中已经考过)8,关于时态比较重要

(规则动词Regular verbs

不规则动词Irregular verbs 现在式 The present forms


过去分词The past participle 和

现在分词 The present participle ; 不定式 The Infinitive 动名词 The Gerund)

一般现在时The present Indefinite ; 一般过去时 the past Indefinite ;(08年考过初中)

现在进行时the present continuous

过去进行时 the past continuous; 过去完成时 the past perfect 现在完成时 the present perfect(可能);一般将来时the future Indefinite

过去将来时 the past Indefinite(可能)

9,主动语态the Active Voice 被动语态 the passive voice(可能)10,直接引语Direct speech 间接引语

Indirect speech


Teaching Aims: Knowledge aims:

(1)Students can learn four new words: orange, pear, apple and banana.(2)Students can master the structure of “Do you like pears?” Ability aim:

Students can improve their listening and speaking ability by taking part in activities.Emotional aim:

Students will be more interested in English and like to speak English in daily life.Key points:

(1)Listen, speak and use the new words: orange, pear, apple and banana.(2)Master the structure of “Do you like”.Difficult points:

(1)Use the new words and structure in their daily life.(2)Improve the interest of learning English, and like to speak English.课前准备:

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Warming up and lead-in 1.Daily greeting 2.Sing a song named How Do You Do together.Step 2: Presentation andSTEP3 practice Activity 1 Show a picture of an apple and ask students to answer the question “What’s this in English”.Describing the apple and tell students if there is more than one apple, we can say “apples”.Write the word “apple” on the blackboard and ask students to read it together for twice.In the same way, teach students another three new words “orange”, “pear” and “banana”.After teaching the four new words, play a game: Divide students into four groups.When I show the four pictures arbitrarily, each group should read out the name of the fruit in the picture.The group reading all names in the least time will be the winner.Activity 2 I will say that I like pears very much and explain why I like pears best.Tell students when I ask them the question “Do you like pears”, they can answer “Yes, I do” if they like and “No, I don’t” if they do not like.Invite some students to answer my questions “Do you like apples/oranges/bananas” by using the structure of “Yes, I do” or “No, I don’t”.Play the tape for the first time and ask students to listen carefully.Play the tape for the second time and ask students to answer the question “if the boy likes pears” after listening.Play the tape for the third time and ask students to read after the tape.Give students 3 minutes to make conversations with their deskmates and then invite two groups to perform.Activity 3 Make the chant on the book.Step 4: Summary and homework

Ask two students to talk about what we have learned in this class.Make some supplements after their shares.Tell students to teach their parents the chant we did just now.Blackboard design:

下载浙江教师招聘考试:小学英语《My favorite season》试讲教案word格式文档
下载浙江教师招聘考试:小学英语《My favorite season》试讲教案.doc


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