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Unit4.Topic1.What can I do for you?

一、核心词汇 madam buy over there try seventy thirty forty fifty sixty eighty ninety hundred just pair shop need kilo salt bottle heavy worry fat mouse rabbit ant

二、常用词组 buy„for over there try on how much think of how about think about all the same do some shopping two kilos of how many shopping list


I want to buy some clothes for my daughter.The clothes are over there, madam.Can I try it on? How much is it/are they? It’s/They’re only seventy yuan, madam.How do you like the pants? Jane, what do you think of this green skirt? How much salt do we need?


What can I do for you, madam? May/Can I help you? It looks very nice on you.We will take it.How about the blue one? Are you kidding? Thank you all the same.Could you help me do some shopping, Ben? Is that all?


1. What can I do for you, Madam? 此句与May/Can I help you? 用法相同。使用范围较广,在不同的场合句意不同:在商店里售货员询问顾客“你要买什么东西?”;在饭店里,服务员询问顾客“你要点什么菜?”; 在图书馆里,图书管理员询问“你要借什么书刊?”。

如:—What can I do for youi? I like some chicken.-May/Can I help you?-I want to borrow an English book.2. I want to buy some clothes for my daughter.Buy sth for sb=buy sb sth 意为“给某人买某物”

如: My mom buys a school bag for me.=My mom buys me a schoolbag.3. How much is it/are they? 多少钱?

(1)how much 用来询问价钱,意为“多少钱”。句子里的be 动词取决于后面的主语(名词或代词),主语为单数时用is,为复数时用are.如:-How much are the books?-They are 29 yuan 【拓展】询问价钱还可用句型 What’s the price of„.? –What’s the price of the 1 jacket?-It’s 100 yuan.【即时演练】按要求改写句子。How much is the phone?(同义句转换)______ _____ ______ ______ the phone?(2)how much 还常用来提问不可数名词的数量。

如:-How much milk do you want?-I want a glass of milk.4.We’ll take it.这里的take 相当于buy, 意为“买下”。在口语中,当选定商品,决定购买时,常说“ I’ll take it.,而不说 I’ ll buy it.Take 原意为“拿走,运走。” take sb(sth)to„把某人(某物)带到某地。

如:I take my little brother to his school.5.Why not try on that pair? Try on ,试穿,试戴。on在此处为副词,故 try on 被称为副词短语,其短语后的宾语为人称代词it/them时,代词须放在动词和副词之间,如:try it/them on;但如果宾语为名词时,它可以放在短语之间,也可以放在短语之后。

如:These shoes are good.You can try them on.Try on these shoes.= Try these shoes on.试试这双鞋。【拓展】pair n 一对,一双,一条„„..如: a pair of pants in pairs 成双成对

如:Students work in pairs.学生们两人一起工作。【即时演练】

I like this red skirt and that pink dress.Can I ____? A try on it B try it on C try on them D try them on 6 Jane, what do you think of this green skirt? What do you think of „.? 相当于 How do you like„? 这个句型常用来询问别人对某人或某物的看法、喜好程度。

如:— What do you think of the movie?-I like it very much.我非常喜欢。

【即时演练】 How do you like the pants?(同义句转换)____ _____ you_____ ______ the pants? 7.Thank you all the same.这句话常常用来表示别人帮你做某事,但是由于某种原因没有做成,你同样要表示感谢。相当于Thank you anyway.如:-Do you know Tian’an Men Square? –Sorry, I don’t know.-Thank you all the same.8 – How many bottles? how many 常用来提问事物的数量,后面应接可数名词的复数形式。

如:-How many students can you see in the picture?-I can see only one.【链接】当提问事物的数量时,how much 接不可数名词,how many 接可数名词复数。

如:How much salt do you need? How many pens do you need? 【即时演练】

1____ feet does a man have?(How many/How much)2._____bread do you want?(How many/How much)3.______is the chicken?(How many/How much)9.Is that all? 该句用于购物时善意的提醒,相当于问“您还需要其他东西吗?”


答语可以说That’s all.Thanks.如:-Is that all, sir?-No,and two kilos of apples,please.不,还要两公斤苹果。

【拓展】该句相当于 Is that everything? 如:-What can I do for you?-Two bags of milk, three kilos of apples and some bread.-Is that everything?-I think so.10 Don’t worry.别担心。

(1)worry v 担心,着急。

(2)这是一个表示否定意义的祈使句,其结构为“Don’t +动词原形+„..,表示劝告、命令对方不要做某事。

如:Don’t draw on the wall.Don’t do it like that.12.How about some bread? Some 和any 的意思都是“一些”。具体用法如下:

(1)some 一般用于肯定句中,修饰不可数名词和可数名词的复数。如:I have some milk in the glass.He has some books.(2)some 有时也可用于疑问句中,但一般表示征求对方的意见并希望得到肯定回答。如:Why not have some milk?(3)any 一般用于疑问句和否定句中,通常也修饰不可数名词和可数名词的复数。如:I don’t want any milk.Do you have any friends here.【即时演练】用 some 和 any填空

1.-Could you give me_______ bread?-Sure.2 I don’t have____ oranges, but I have_______pears.3.-Can I have_____eggs?-Sorry, we don’t have_______4.Would you like______bread for breakfast? 13.可数名词和不可数名词


(1)可数名词有单数和复数两种形式,前面可以用不定冠词a/an修饰。如:a bag 一个包an apple一个苹果 three boxes 三个盒子 some eggs 一些鸡蛋(2)不可数名词


如:glass 玻璃 wood 木头 water 水

2)不可数名词一般没有单数和复数形式之分。不能直接用冠词和数次来修饰。3)不可数名词可用little, some, much, any, a lot 等词修饰。若要表示量的多 少时,则需要借助单位名词(即量词)+of来表达。如:two bags of salt two glasses of milk.(3)有些名词有时是可数,有时是不可数。

如:chicken小鸡(可数)鸡肉(不可数)glass 玻璃(不可数)玻璃杯(可数)

练习:I.根据句子意思,填写所缺单词。(词首字母已给出。)1.We can buy some clothes in a s__________.2.---Could you do me a f___________?---Sure, what is it? 3.That coat is too e___________, we don’t have much money.4.There are s________ seconds(秒)in a minute(分钟)5.There are t___________days(天)in a month.6.Forty and sixty is one h__________.7.Don’t w_________.Let’s help you.8.---How do the pants f_____?---They are too long.9.I want to buy the things on the shopping l________.10.These shoes are on s__________ for 10%off.II..根据句子意思,用单词的适当形式填空。

1.My shoes are worn out, what about__________(you)? 2._How much _______(be)this skirt? 3.How much __________(be)these apples?.4.__________(who)bicycle is this? 5.Here is _____________(you)change..6.I would like three____________(kilo)of salt.7.Let’s try _________(they)on.8.His friends have two ____________(radio).9.How many _________(umbrella)do you need? III..英汉词组互译。

1.try on________ 2.look for__________ 3.on sale____________

4.八十包大米____________ 5.两公斤盐_____________ 6.be out of__________ 7.running shoes _____________ 8.多少钱_________ IV.选择填空。

()1.How do I look ____ this dress? A.on B.for C.in D.with()2.Would you like to try _______ another pair? A.on B.for C.in D.with()3.---_____________?I am just looking, thanks.A.What can I do for you B.Could you do me a favor C.May I take your order D.What would you like

()4.This house is ______ sale.A.on B.for C.in D.with()5 I am _________ a jacket for my son.A.looking at B.looking after C.looking for D.looking like()6.Could you do some shopping forn me, we need _________ thing.A.a little B.little C.much D.a few()7.----__________?---Two hundred yuan.A.How much is this apple B.How is your dog C.How much is that recorder D.How do you like this recorder()8.---What is she?---____________? A.Fine,thanks B.A waitress C.She’s Jane D.She’s thin and tall.()9.You can buy a_______ in a clothes shop.A.hat B.recorder C.fridge D.VCD player()10.This is _____ umbrella.A..a B.the C.an D./ V.情景交际。根据上下文选择下列选项完成对话,其中两项为多余选项。J: Jerry S: Salesgirl S:_________1_______? J: Yes,I am looking for s dress, but I can’t decide which one to buy.S: It doesn’t matter.Let me help you._____2_________? J: I like pink.S: what about this one? J: It looks nice,______3________ S: Of course.The changing room is over there.(Jerry tries on the dress.)J:________4_____ S: You look very nice.J:_______5__________ S: One hundred yuan.J: I’m afraid it is too expensive.What about 80yuan? S: All right, 80 yuan.A: How much is it? B: Can I have it for 100 yuan? C: Could you do me a favor? D: What color do you like? E: How do I look in this dress? F: Can I try it on? G:May I help you? 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.____________ 4.__________ 5._______ 拓展探究

VI.用how 完成下列对话。

1.---_______________________it?---H---A---T, hat.2.---___________people are there in your family?---Five.3---___________________?---I am five.4.----________________ this computer?---Five thousand yuan.5.---____________ your grandfather?---He’s fine,thanks 6.---______________ the food?---I like it a lot


Unit3.Topic3.What would you like to drink?

一.核心词汇 yourself would fish chicken about rice drink juice milk for idea water vegetable bread hamburger usually breakfast lunch supper food may take order sir something glass wait moment let well eat out dinner why dear kind be 二.常用词组 help oneself(to)would like what about„„ all right good idea take one’s order something to drink/eat a glass of wait a moment eat out have dinner why not„.here you are such as 三.重点句子 Would you like some eggs, Maria? Yes, please.No, thanks.I’d like some chicken.What about you, Jane? What would you like to drink? What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael? Would you like something to eat/drink? Would you like to have dinner with me? Yes, I’d like to.They are all kind to me.四,交际用语 Help yourselves/yourself(to some fish).Milk for me, please.May I take your order,sir? Wait a moment,please.May I help you,sir? Let me see.Why not have some fish and eggs? Good idea.Here you are.I’ m very glad to be here.五.语法精粹 would like 句型 I would like an egg and some fish.Would you like some vegetables? What would you like to eat? Countable nouns and uncountable nous 六.其他 学习辅音音标 /h/ /r/ /w/ /j/ 七.金点剖析

1.Help yourselves!请随便(吃/喝)。help oneself to„.意为“请随便吃/喝„..”,是招待客人常用的交际用语。后可接可数名词复数,也可接不可数名词。当只有一位客人时,用yourself;当有多位客人时,用yourselves.如:Help yourself to some bananas.请吃些香蕉吧。Kids, help yourselves to some pizza.孩子们,请吃些比萨饼吧。【即时演练】1.Help____ to some fish, dear friends.2.Kate, help____to some cakes.2.I’d like some chicken.我想吃一些肉。I’d like 是I would like 的简写形式。Would like 意为“想要„..,愿意„.”,常用来表示婉转的请求以及征求对方的意见,相当于want,但比 want 语气委婉。(1)would like 后面跟名词或代词。如:I’d like some cakes=I want some cakes.我想要一些蛋糕。Would you like something to eat? 你想吃点东西吗?(2)would like 后跟动词时,用动词不定式形式(不定式由to+动词原形构成),即 would like to do sth, 意为“想要做某事”。如:I’d like to visit my grandparents after school.放学后我想去看望我的祖父母。

Would you like to come to my home for supper.? 你愿意到我家来吃晚饭吗?(3)would like sb to do sth 意为“想要某人做某事”。如:-What would you like me to do? 你想要我做什么?-I’d like you to help me with my English。我想要你帮我学英语。(4)Would you like +n? 的回答用Yes,please.或No, thanks.如:-Would you like some bread? 你想要点面包吗?-Yes,please./No,thanks.好的,请把。/不,谢谢。

3What about you, Jane? 简,你呢?(1)What about +sb?这一句型用来询问对方或第三者是否也具有上文提到过的情况、观点等。如:I want to drink milk.What about you? 我想喝牛奶,你呢? I like English.What about Tom? 我喜欢英语,汤姆呢?(2)what about+ 名词、代词或动名词,表示说话人的建议或用来征询对方的意见。如:What about this English book?这本英语书怎么样?What about something to eat/drink? 要不要吃、喝些什么? What about visiting the Great Wall? 去参观长城怎么样?【拓展】 What about „?相当于 How about„..?如:What about havig a cup of tea=How about having a cup of 1 tea? 4What do you usually have for breakfast,Michael? 迈克尔,你早餐通常吃什么?一般情况下,表示一日三餐的名词前不加冠词。For 在句子中作介词,表示“为了„.”, for+breakfast/lunch/supper 为固定搭配。如:I’d like some rice for breakfast.我早餐想吃点米饭。What would you like for lunch? 你午餐想吃点什么?

5May I take your order,sir? 先生,你可以点菜了吗?(1)这是餐馆服务员询问客人是否准备点菜的常用语。take one’s order 意为“记下顾客点的饭菜 ”。服务员问顾客想吃点什么,也可以说May/Can I help you ?或 What can I do for you?(2)意为“先生,阁下”,用于对顾客,上级或陌生男性的尊称。

6.-Would you like something to drink? 你想喝点东西吗?-Yes,a glass of apple juice,please.是的,请来一杯苹果汁。在英语中名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单数和复数形式,不可数名词没有单复数形式变化,如想表示复数含义,可在不可数名词前加some,any或表示数量的短语。如:some meat 一些肉 any milk 一些牛奶 a cup of tea 一杯茶 a bag of rice 一袋大米 a glass of water 一杯水 two bottles of orange juice 两瓶橙汁 three pieces of bread 三片面包 a piece of news 一则新闻 Wait a moment, lease.请稍等片刻。Moment n 片刻,瞬间。如:just a moment=wait a moment 稍等片刻【拓展】 at the moment 此刻 in a moment 立即,马上 for the moment 暂时,目前 Let me see.让我看看/想想。这是口语中常用的句型。Let sb do sth 意为“让某人做某事。”常用于提出建议。肯定回答一般用OK./All right.否定回答一般用 sorry,I„.。Let’s =Let us,是这一结构的特例。如:Let’s visit the Great Wall 让我们去参观长城吧。Let Tom help you.让汤姆帮助你。

9.Why not have some fish and eggs?为什么不来一些鱼肉和鸡蛋呢?Why not do sth?意为“为什么不„.?何不„?表示说话人的建议或劝说。其同义句型是Why don’t you/we do sth? 如:Why not give the letter to Maria?=Why don’t we give the letter to Maria? 为什么我们不把那封信给玛利亚呢? Why not study English with us? =Why don’t you study English with us? 你为什么不跟我们一起学英语呢?

10.Here you are.给你 当别人向你要东西,你答应给别人并在递东西的同时说这句话。注意此句与 You are here.的区别。后面的意思是“你在这儿”。如:-Can I have your pen? 我可以用你的钢笔吗?-Here you are.给你。Kate,you’re here.凯特,你在这儿。11.They are all kind to me.他们都对我很友好。be kind to sb 意为“对某人很友善。”此时kind 与 friendly(友好的)可互换。如:Our English teacher is friendly to us.我们的英语老师对我们很友善。

即时演练参考答案:1 yourselves 2yourself




1、--Do Fangfang and Liu Mei have ____ friends here?--Yes, they do.A.few B.some



()2.--______ I sit here?

--No problem.A.May



D.Have()3.Where does your brother live __________?





()4.His English is ___________.A.a little

B.a lot

C.well D.poor

()5.Linlin and Fangfang ________ here today.A.are at




()6.He ________ to the Great Walll.A.want to go

B.wants to go

C.want go

D.wants go

()7.– Where are _______?

--_______ are in ________ classroom.A.their, Their, they

B.they, They, their

C.their, They, they

D.they, Their, their

()8.– What are they?

--They are ____.A.teachers


C.good girl

D.Chinese()9.The books are those _______.A.girl’s




()10.I know those aren’t _______ factories.A.they




()11._______ White is our English teacher.He’s an English man.A.Mr.B.Mrs.C.Miss


()12.– What do you do?

--______.A.Yes.I do

B.No, I don’t

C.I’m a doctor

D.In a hospital

()13.– What does the boy _______?

--He has brown hair and grey eyes.A.like


C.look like

D.look the same

()14.Our teachers are friendly _______ us.A.in




()15.– Would you like some bread?

--_________.A.Yes, please

B.No, I don’t

C.Yes, I would

D.No, I wouldn’t()16.I’m very glad __________.A.be here

B.come here

C.to come to here

D.to be here

()17.– Would you like ________ milk?

--Yes, please.A.any



D.a()18.We often have _____ noodles and meat _____ supper.A.many, for B.many, with C.some, for D.some, with

()19.– What would you like to have?

--I’d like __________.A.two bowl of rice

B.two bowls of rices

C.two bowls of rice

D.two bowl of rices

()20.Why not __________ some eggs for breakfast?


B.to have


D.to eat

()21.– What about a glass of orange juice?--_________.A.That’s OK

B.Yes, I like it

C.No, thanks

D.No, I don’t like it()22.Let’s ________ dinner.A.have

B.to have


D.to has

()23.What would you like __________?



C.to eat


()24.Jane, help _________ to some fish.A.you



D.your()25.– What’s that?--_______ a picture _______ our family.A.Its’, of

B.Its, of

C.It’s, of

D.It’s, for

二、.词汇: A.用所给单词的适当形式填空.1.Let’s ___________(go)shopping tomorrow.2.It __________(look)very nice.3.What does Steve __________(look)like? 4.__________(who)car is this?

5.Miss Li is ___________(they)Chinese teacher.B.根据首字母提示填空.6.Could you t___________ me your phone number? 7.We can s__________ English here.8.– May I call you Kate?

--S_______.9.Maria wants to v_________ the Great Wall.10.– Do you like the English c_________?--Yes, I like it very much.三.句型转换.1.That letter is from Tom.(对画线部分提问)

__________ is that letter from? 2.He studies in Beijing.(对画线部分提问)

Where ______ he ___________? 3.My shirt is red.(对画线部分提问)

_______ _________ is your shirt? 4.This is Jane’s coat.(对画线部分提问)

______ ________ is this? 5.This is a knife.(变复数)

_______ __________ some __________.6.Those aren’t my pens.(同义句)

Those pens aren’t ___________.7.Please give her this ruler.(同义句)

Please give this ruler ___________ ______________.8.He likes many __________ ____________(种类)English food.参考答案


三.1.go 2.looks 3.look 4.whose 5.their 6.tell 7.speak 8.sure 9.visit 10.corner 四.1.who 2.does study 3.what color 4.whose coat 5.These are knives 6.mine 7.to her 8.kinds of




yourself would fish chicken about rice drink juice milk for idea water vegetable bread hamburger usually breakfast lunch supper food may take order sir something glass wait moment let well eat out dinner why dear kind be 找出其中的名词完成以下问题

可数名词 不可数名词 二.主要词组

help oneself(to)would like what about all right good idea take one’s order a glass of wait a moment eat out have dinner why not„.here you are such as 三.重点句子

1、Would you like some eggs, Maria? Yes, please.No, thanks.2、I’d like some chicken.What about you ?

3、What would you like to drink?

4、What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael?

5、Would you like something to eat/drink?

6、Would you like to have dinner with me? Yes, I’d like to.I’d love to , but„.7、They are all kind to me.四 语法精粹

1)would like 句型

I would like an egg and some fish.Would you like some vegetables? What would you like to eat? 2)可数名词和不可数名词

五.其他 学习辅音音标 /h/ /r/ /w/ /j/ 六.金点剖析

1.Help yourselves!

help oneself to„.意为“请随便吃/喝„..”,是招待客人常用的交际用语。当只有一位客人时,用yourself;当有多位客人时,用yourselves.如:Help yourself to some bananas.请吃些香蕉吧。

Kids, help yourselves to some pizza.孩子们,请吃些比萨饼吧。

【即时演练】1.Help____ to some fish, dear friends.2.Kate, help____to some cakes.2.I’d like some chicken.I’d like 是I would like 的简写形式。

Would like 意为“想要„..,愿意„.”,常用来表示婉转的请求以及征求对方的意见,相当于want,但比 want 语气委婉。(1)would like 后面跟名词或代词。

如:I’d like some cakes=I want some cakes.我想要一些蛋糕。

Would you like something to eat? 你想吃点东西吗?

(2)would like 后跟动词时,用动词不定式形式(不定式由to+动词原形构成),即

would like to do sth, 意为“想要做某事”。

如:I’d like to visit my grandparents after school.Would you like to come to my home for supper.?(3)would like sb to do sth 意为“想要某人做某事”。

如:-What would you like me to do?-I’d like you to help me with my English。

(4)Would you like +n? 的回答用Yes,please.或No, thanks.如:-Would you like some bread?-Yes,please./No,thanks.3 What about you, Jane?(1)What about +sb?这一句型用来询问对方或第三者是否也具有上文提到过的情况、观点等。

如:I want to drink milk.What about you? I like English.What about Tom?(2)what about+ 名词、代词或动名词,表示说话人的建议或用来征询对方的意见。

如:What about this English book? What about something to eat/drink? What about visiting the Great Wall? 【拓展】 What about „?相当于 How about„..? 如:What about havig a cup of tea=How about having a cup of tea? 4 What do you usually have for breakfast,Michael? 一般情况下,表示一日三餐的名词前不加冠词。For 在句子中作介词,表示“为了„.”, for+breakfast/lunch/supper 为固定搭配。如:I’d like some rice for breakfast.What would you like for lunch? 5 May I take your order,sir?(1)这是餐馆服务员询问客人是否准备点菜的常用语。take one’s order 意为“记下顾客点的饭菜 ”。服务员问顾客想吃点什么,也可以说May/Can I help you ?或 What can I do for you?(2)意为“先生,阁下”,用于对顾客,上级或陌生男性的尊称。6.-Would you like something to drink?-Yes,a glass of apple juice,please.在英语中名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单数和复数形式,不可数名词没有单复数形式变化,如想表示复数含义,可在不可数名词前加some,any或表示数量的短语。如:some meat 一些肉 any milk 一些牛奶 a cup of tea 一杯茶 a bag of rice 一袋大米 a glass of water 一杯水 two bottles of orange juice 两瓶橙汁 three pieces of bread 三片面包 a piece of news 一则新闻 7 Wait a moment, lease.Moment n 片刻,瞬间。

如:just a moment=wait a moment 稍等片刻

【拓展】 at the moment 此刻 in a moment 立即,马上 for the moment 暂时,目前 8 Let me see.这是口语中常用的句型。

Let sb do sth 意为“让某人做某事。”常用于提出建议。肯定回答一般用OK./All right.否定回答一般用 sorry,I„.。Let’s =Let us,是这一结构的特例。如:Let’s visit the Great Wall Let Tom help you.9.Why not have some fish and eggs? Why not do sth?意为“为什么不„.?何不„?表示说话人的建议或劝说。其同义句型是Why don’t you/we do sth? 如:Why not give the letter to Maria?=Why don’t we give the letter to Maria? Why not study English with us? =Why don’t you study English with us? 10.Here you are.注意此句与 You are here.的区别。后面的意思是“你在这儿”。如:-Can I have your pen?-Here you are.给你。

Kate,you’re here.凯特,你在这儿。

11.They are all kind to me.be kind to sb 意为“对某人很友善。”此时kind 与 friendly(友好的)可互换。如:Our English teacher is friendly to us.练习:



1、--Do Fangfang and Liu Mei have ____ friends here?

--Yes, they do.A.few B.some



()2.--______ I sit here?

--No problem.A.May




()3.Where does your brother live __________?





()4.His English is ___________.A.a little

B.a lot



()5.Linlin and Fangfang ________ here today.A.are at




()6.He ________ to the Great Walll.A.want to go

B.wants to go

C.want go

D.wants go()7.– Where are _______?

--_______ are in ________ classroom.A.their, Their, they

B.they, They, their

C.their, They, they

D.they, Their, their

()8.– What are they?

--They are ____.A.teachers


C.good girl


()9.The books are those _______.A.girl’s




()10.I know those aren’t _______ factories.A.they




()11._______ White is our English teacher.He’s an English man.A.Mr.B.Mrs.C.Miss


()12.– What do you do?

--______.A.Yes.I do

B.No, I don’t

C.I’m a doctor

D.In a hospital

()13.– What does the boy _______?

--He has brown hair and grey eyes.A.like


C.look like

D.look the same()14.Our teachers are friendly _______ us.A.in




()15.– Would you like some bread?

--_________.A.Yes, please

B.No, I don’t

C.Yes, I would

D.No, I wouldn’t()16.I’m very glad __________.A.be here

B.come here

C.to come to here

D.to be here

()17.– Would you like ________ milk?

--Yes, please.A.any




()18.We often have _____ noodles and meat _____ supper.A.many, for B.many, with C.some, for D.some, with

()19.– What would you like to have?

--I’d like __________.A.two bowl of rice

B.two bowls of rices

C.two bowls of rice

D.two bowl of rices

()20.Why not __________ some eggs for breakfast?


B.to have


D.to eat

()21.– What about a glass of orange juice?

--_________.A.That’s OK

B.Yes, I like it

C.No, thanks

D.No, I don’t like it()22.Let’s ________ dinner.A.have

B.to have


D.to has

()23.What would you like __________?



C.to eat


()24.Jane, help _________ to some fish.A.you




()25.– What’s that?

--_______ a picture _______ our family.A.Its’, of

B.Its, of

C.It’s, of

D.It’s, for


A.用所给单词的适当形式填空.1.Let’s ___________(go)shopping tomorrow.2.It __________(look)very nice.3.What does Steve __________(look)like? 4.__________(who)car is this?

5.Miss Li is ___________(they)Chinese teacher.B.根据首字母提示填空.6.Could you t___________ me your phone number? 7.We can s__________ English here.8.– May I call you Kate?

--S_______.9.Maria wants to v_________ the Great Wall.10.– Do you like the English c_________?--Yes, I like it very much.三.句型转换.1.That letter is from Tom.(对画线部分提问)

__________ is that letter from? 2.He studies in Beijing.(对画线部分提问)

Where ______ he ___________? 3.My shirt is red.(对画线部分提问)

_______ _________ is your shirt? 4.This is Jane’s coat.(对画线部分提问)

______ ________ is this? 5.This is a knife.(变复数)

_______ __________ some __________.6.Those aren’t my pens.(同义句)

Those pens aren’t ___________.7.Please give her this ruler.(同义句)

Please give this ruler ___________ ______________.8.He likes many __________ ____________(种类)English food.参考答案


三.1.go 2.looks 3.look 4.whose 5.their 6.tell 7.speak 8.sure 9.visit 10.corner 四.1.who 2.does study 3.what color 4.whose coat 5.These are knives 6.mine 7.to her 8.kinds of

第四篇:仁爱英语七年级上册Unit3 单元知识总结

Unit3 Topic1 1.Excuse me ,could you please tell me your name ? Could/would you please do sth?(表示请求)


2.______________ 我会说点中文。



Speak 还有发言、演讲之意 _________________他明天要在班上发言。

What does he say in the letter?________________________


Kate saw a card in her table, it said:”Happy Birthday”!_______________________

Look!Our teacher is talking to(with)our parents._______________ talk 常与to/with/about等介词连用,表示一般的日常谈话

He will tell everyone the good news in our class.=__________________ 递给某个人或向别人讲述一件事一个故事 tell sb sth = tell sth to sb

3.I like it very much/a lot.(非常喜欢)

I like it a little.(有点喜欢)

I don’t like it at all(一点也不喜欢)not „„at all一点也不

我非常喜欢弹吉他。___________________ 我有点喜欢打篮球。___________________ 我一点也不赞同你的看法。____________________ 4.Could you help me with it?

help sb with sth.=help sb(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事 ___________________你能帮我做数学作业吗? 5.没问题______________ 6.But my Chinese is not very good._____________________ 7.Who is the letter from?_____________________

__________________是莉莉。8.But he knows a lot about China.Know(a lot)about„„ 对„„了解(很多)他了解很多历史知识。__________________ 9.He wants to visit Beijing.___________________ Visit +地点 参观某地

visit + 人 拜访某人


Want to do sth.想要做某事

我想马上买一瓶水。______________________ 10.He lives in Beijing.对加粗部分进行提问_______________________

Live in +大地点

live at+小地点

苏珊住在巴黎。________________________ 麦克住在小村庄里。____________________________ 11.We often help each other.___________________________ 12.These letters are in English.______________________

Unit3 Topic2 1.Glad to meet you.____________________ 相同意思的句子还有____________________________ Be glad/happy to do sth.很高兴做某事

tell指把一件事传 2.What does your mother do ?=What’s your mother ?=what’ your mother’s job? 她是一名家庭主妇。_______________ 模仿上面三个句子,翻译“你的父母是做什么的?” _________________________________________________ 3.She works ___ home/___ a hospital/___ a farm/ ___ a restaurant.(填介词)对加粗部分提问______________________ 4.Maria shows a photo of her family to KangKang.=Maria shows KangKang a photo of her family.Show sth to sb=show sb sth.向某人展示某物

玛利亚个我看了她的新铅笔盒。_____________________________ A photo of her family _____________________ 改成名词所有格:_____________________ 5.She teaches us English.Teach sb sth/to do sth.爸爸教我要诚实。_____________________ 6.那个穿着黄衣服的年轻女人是谁?(in+颜色)_____________________




7.Kangkang has a big family.此处family是“家庭”,看作一个整体。

His family like each other.这里family是集体名词“家人”,做主语谓语动词用复数。8.He likes to play with Kitty.=_____________________ Like to do sth = like doing sth.Unit3 Topic3 1.Help yourselves(to sth)!随便吃!2.I would like some eggs.对划线部分提问:______________________ Would like sth = want sth would like to do sth.3.How about you?=What about you ? 你呢? 4.I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.对加粗部分提问:_______________________ 5.May I take your order?_________________________ 6.Would you like something to drink? 是的,我要一杯橙汁。______________

不要了,谢谢。________________ 7.你想和我一起吃晚餐吗?________________________ Yes,I’d love to.I’d love to ,but„„(拒绝)

8.Why not = why don’t you„„用于提建议,为什么不„„

干嘛不和我们一起去看电影呢?(两种译法)____________________ 9.They’re all kind to me.Be kind/friendly to sb.对某人友好




()1.All animals need _______ water.A.little B.many C.lot of D.plenty of()2.-You are standing too near to the TV.Can you move a bit _______?-OK, Mom.Is it all right here? A.faster B.slower C.farther D.nearer()3.-Did you have breakfast this morning?-No, I got up late and went to school _______ breakfast.A.for B.in C.without D.after()4.Your classroom is so dirty.Everyone should keep it _______.A.dry B.open C.quiet D.clean()5.There were _______ animals in the forest many years ago.A.thousand of B.thousands of C.three thousand of D.three thousands of()6.-Wow, your school is great!-It is _______ school in the city.A.much more beautiful B.much beautiful C.the most beautiful D.beautiful()7.Blue whales are the largest and heaviest animals in the world, but they_______ the smallest sea animals.A.feed in B.live in C.feed on D.fed on()8.-Zhou Fang, can you finish your homework better with _______ time?-I think I can.A.few B.fewer C.little D.less()9.As we know, water is very important _______ us.A.of B.to C.on D.with()10.Look!There is a rabbit, two _______ and two _______ in the picture.A.cows;sheeps B.mice;tiger C.gooses;snakes D.foxes;wolves 精品小编为大家提供的初二英语上册unit4同步练习大家仔细阅读了吗?最后祝同学们学习进步。





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