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例:altogether/ɔ:ltә'geðә/,farther/'faðә/,feather/'fe ðә/,whether/'we ðә/,either/'aiðә/,gather/'gæðә/


例:within/wi'ðin/,without/wi'ðaut/,these/ði:z/,therefore/'ðeәfɔ:/,al-though/ɔ:lðәu/,those/ ðәuz/,the/ ðә/,thus/ ðas/

发音特殊的单词:through/θru:/,throughout/θru:'aut/ 3.字母组合th在数词(包括基数词和序数词)中读清辅音/θ/。例:three/θri:/,thirty/'θә:ti/,thirteen/'θә:'ti:n/,third/ θә:d/,fourth/fɔ:θ/,fiftieth/'fiftiiθ/,thousand/'θauzәnd/,hundredth/'handrәdθ/ 4.除上述单词外,一般位于词首的th读/θ/。






例:something / 'samθiŋ/,anything/'eniθiŋ/,nothing/'naθiŋ/






读[bl] 如:'able,'table,'possible,字母c:

通常情况下,读[k] 如:cap,cup,cold,clothes,在e,i,y之前,读[s] 如:nice,'city,'bicycle,也有少数读[∫]如:'ocean,'special,'precious,字母组合ch:

通常情况下,读[t∫]如:teach,child,change,chair,也有少数读[k] 如:school,'chemical,'headache,字母组合ck:

读[k] 如:'quickly,cock,back,pick.字母组合cle:

读[kl] 如:' uncle,'circle,'bicycle,字母组合deg:

读[d3] 如:bridge,judge,'knowledge,字母g:

通常情况下,读[g] 如:get,big,game,bag,有时,在e,i,y之前,读[d3] 如:'danger,'energy,engi'neer.字母组合ge:

在词尾时读:[d3] 如:age,change,'village,huge,字母组合gh:

在词尾时读[f] 如:langh,cough,e'nough 有时读不发音,如:light,thought,caught 字母组合gn:


通常情况下,读[d3] 如:job,'july,jar,just.字母组合kn:

读[n] 如:know,knife,knee,knit,字母n:

通常情况下,读[n] 如:not,kind,line,son.在g,k之前,或在[k]音之前,读[η] 如:sing,young,wrong,thing,也有少数读:[ηg] 如:'english,'england,'language,字母组合nk:

读[ηk] 如:tank,ink,think,bank,字母组合ph:

读[f] 如:'photo,'telephone,'physics.字母组合ple:

在词尾读[pl] 如:'apple,'people,ex'ample.字母组合qu:

读[kw] 如:quick,'quiet,'question,字母s: 在清辅音后,读[s] 如:works,stops,books,roofs.在浊辅音后,读[z] 如:boys,years,'teachers,songs,字母组合sc:

在e,i之前,读[s] 如:'science,scent,'scissor,字母组合sh:

读[∫] 如:fish,she,wash,sheep,字母组个sion:

在词尾元音之后,读[3n] 如:con'clusion,in'vasion,字母组合ssion:

在词尾读[∫n] 如:ex'pression,dis'cussion,字母组合stle:

在词尾读[sl] 如:'castle,' whistle,'rustle,字母组合tal:

在词尾读[tl] 如:'capital,'hospital,字母组合tain:

在词尾读[tn] 如:'britain,'certain,字母组合th:

在虚词,或一部分代词中,读[e] 如:with,the,they,then,though,在实词中,读[θ] 如:three,bath,think,youth,字母组合tion:

读[∫n] 如:'nation,'station,'dictionary,字母组合tle:

在词尾读[tl] 如:'gentle,'battle,'bottle, 字母组合ture:

读[t∫ε] 如:'picture,'nature,'mixture,字母组合tch: 读[t∫] 如:catch,watch,'kitehen,字母组合wh:

通常情况下,读[w] 如:when,white,wheat,where,在o之前,读[h] 如:who,whose,whole,whom,字母组合wr:

读 如:write,wrong,wrist,字母x:

在词尾,或在清辅音之前,读[ks] 如:six,box,text,'exercise,在两个元音之间,而重音在后一个元音上时,读[gz] 如:e'xam,e'xample,e'xactly.字母y:

在词首读[j] 如:yes,yet,year,your.

第三篇:总结 辅音字母及字母组合的读音规则


b(b, bb)[ b ] 双唇紧闭,气流紧逼双唇,用力冲开发出的爆破音,声带振动。类似汉语的声母“b”。*在音节尾发[ p ]音。

ch(ch)在外来词中ch发[ k ][  ][ t ][ ts ]等音。

d(d, dd)[ d ] 舌尖和舌前部紧贴上齿龈,气流猛冲开舌尖,振动声带。同汉语的声母“d”。

*在音节尾发[ t ]音。f(f,ff)[ f ] 上齿咬下唇,发摩擦音,声带不振动。类似汉语声母“f”。

g(g,gg)在元音前读[ r ]发小舌颤音或舌尖颤音。



s(s, ss)ss时或在音节尾发[ s ] 双唇张开,上下齿相接,舌前部轻抵齿缝,形成阻塞,气流通过此缝隙,发清音。类似汉语的声母“s”。

sp-, st-组合在元音前时s发[  ]音。s在chs组合中发[ s ],该组合读[ ks ]。

sch(sch)[  ] 上下齿微合,舌尖向软腭方向卷起,但不接触,气流从舌尖与上颚之间的缝隙通过,发清音。类似汉语的声母“sh”。

ß(ß)[ s ] 双唇张开,上下齿相接,舌前部轻抵齿缝,形成阻塞,气流通过此缝隙,发清音

t在本土词中发[ f ]音。

上齿咬下唇,发摩擦音,声带不振动。在元音前读[ j ] 发[i]音,紧跟着发[]音,两个元音自然连发。类似汉语的“叶”。-同元音ü。

z(ds, ts, tz)[ ts ] 口张开,上下齿相接,舌尖抵齿缝,气流冲开舌尖,发清音。类似汉语的声母“c”。




字母或字母组合 音节类型 或在词中的位置

读 音

例 词

a 重读开音节

[ei] name, face, take, cake, radio, space 重读闭音节

[æ] hand, stand, maths, happy 在w或wh后 闭音节 [ɔ] what, watch, wash开音节

[ɔ:] water ,有时发[e]any ai

ay 在重读音节中

[ei] wait, train, fail, rain,say, way, May, today有时发[e] said al 在大多数辅音字 母前 [ɔ:] ball, wall, small, talk [ɔ:l] also, always 在f, m前 [a:] half, palm(棕榈树)

ar 在重读音节中

[a:] star, card, party 在w或wh后

[ɔ:] warm, wharf(码头)

au aw 在重读音节中

[ɔ:] autumn, because, draw, saw ,,有时在gh发 [a:]laugh air

are 在重读音节中

[ɛə] chair, hair, pair, hare, care ass 在重读音节中

[a:s] ass, glass, class 元音字母e或e+其他字母

字母或字母组合 音节类型


读音 例 词

e 重读开音节

[i:] she,we,these,relay 重读闭音节

[e] well,get,very,step ea 在重读音节中

[i:] seat,read,tea,easy [e] bread,head, ready

ee 在重读音节中 [i:] tree, week, green er 在重读音节中

[ə:] her, term, very eer,ear在重读音节中

[ə:]early ew在重读音节中[ju:]或[u:] 元音字母i或i+其他字母

字母或字母组合 音节类型 或在词中的位置

读 音

例 词


[ai] mine,quite,like,side, Friday, my, by, why 重读闭音节 [i] milk,ship,it,with, window, begin ie 在重读音节中,辅 音字母前 [i:] field, piece 在重读音节词的末 尾 [ai] lie, die, tie igh 在重读音节中 [ai] night, right, high ir 在重读音节中

[ə:] first, skirt, girl 元音字母o或o+其他字母

字母或字母组合 音节类型 或在词中的位置


例 词

o 重读开音节 [əu] no, go, nose, home 重读闭音节

[ɔ] not, dog, hot, stop 在m, n, v或th 前

[ʌ] come, month, love, brother, nothing oa 在重读音节中

[əu] coat, boat, road


oy 在重读音节中

[ɔi] noise,join, boy, toy

oo 在多数情况下

[u:] school, too, cool 在k前 [u] book, look, cook , 有时发[ʌ] blood, or 在重读音节中

[ɔ:] sport, horse, forty 在w后面 [ə:] work, worse, worker,e,有时发 [ʌ],blood, ou 在多数情况下

[au] round, house, about 在ght前 [ɔ:] ought(应该),有时在gh发 [ʌ],enough, ow 在重读音节中

[au] cow, now, down, how 在重读


[əu] know, grow, show, window, yellow 元音字母u或u+其他字母

字母或字母组合 音节类型 或在词中的位置

读音 例 词

u 重读开音节

[ju:] use, duty, excuse有时发 [u:],june重读闭音节

[ʌ] but, us, luck

ur 在重读音节中

[ə:] nurse, turn, hurt, Thrusday ui在重读音节中

[u: ]fruit 元音字母在非重读音节中大多数读作[ə]或[i] 字 母 读 音 例 词

a [ə] about, American, China , breakfast [i] orange, comrade, village, message e [ə] student, hundred [i] jacket, begin, harvest i(y)[i] coming, dining-room, many, country o [ə] o'clock, policeman u, ir,ur,er,or,ar,our,ure [ə] autumn 辅音字母和辅音字母组合的读音规则


或在词中的位置 读音 例 词

c 在e, i, y前

[s] nice, pencil, bicycle 在a, o, u和辅音字母l, r, t前和在音节末尾

[k] cap, come, cut ,clock, cry, picture, music ch [tʃ] much,chair, China ,teacher ng

[ŋ] sing, long, something

[ŋg] English, longer j

[dʒ] Jack, jacket, June, John kn 当kn字母组合出现在词首的时候,k是不发音的 [n] knife, know, knock b 以mb结尾的单词,结尾的b都是不发音的 tomb dumb bomb comb lamb climb l 字母L在元音字母A之后,而且是在辅音字母F或V之前,也就是 alf 或 alv这样组合的时侯,L 经常不发音

calf小牛half 一半 behalf 利益 halve平分

当字母l在元音字母a或o之后且位于辅音字母k或m之前时, L 通常是 不发音的,folk 人们; yolk 蛋黄; calm平静; palm手掌; Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩(瑞典首都)talk 谈话; walk 步行;

ll [l] ball, tell, still nk

[ŋk] ink, think, thanks ph [f] physics(物理)qu [kw] quite, quick, quarter sh [ʃ] she, shoe, English, short tch [tʃ] watch, fetch(取,拿)th

[θ] thing, thank, month [ð] this, that, with wh 在字母o前

[h] who, whose, whom

[hw] where, what, when, why wr 当w出现在辅音字母r 前面的时候,w不发音,只发r 的音

[r] wrack失事船只 wrist 手腕,腕关 节,wrong 错误 wring 掐,绞, 扭 write,wrote, wreck x

[ks] box, next, exercise

[gz] exam, example y

[j] yes, you, year, yourself g 在多数情况下

[g] go, big, garden 在e前

[dʒ] page, orange, large gn 当字母组合gn出现在单 词前面或者结尾的时候,g通常不发音

Sign 标志 foreign外国的design设计 resign辞职 gnat 小昆虫align 排队 reign朝代 gnarled 多节的当gn字母组合出现在词中的时候,g通常发音

[g] Designation 指控 signature签名 gm 当字母组合gm出现在单词前面或者结尾的时候,g通常不发音

paradigm 范例


[g] paradigmatic 范

4、字母组合ou / ʌ /:

trouble, young, double, country, cousin, rough, encourage, tough

5、字母组合oo / ʌ / 特殊发:

blood, flood


1、字母组合ough /ɔ:/: bought, thought

2、字母组合or 的一般发音: for, short, boring, storm, corn, corner, order, important, nor,horse, forty, morning

3、字母组合ar /ɔ:/ 在字母“w”或音标/w/后:

war, quarter, towards

4、字母组合 al /ɔ:/ 一般发音:

wall, tall, ball, fall, hall 【注:字母组合al /ɔ:l/特殊发音

also, already, always, salt, so-called, although】

5、字母组合oor /ɔ:/: floor, door

6、字母组合ore /ɔ:/: before, more, score

7、字母组合our /ɔ:/:

four, yours, course, fourth

8、字母组合 au /ɔ:/:

August, autumn, pause, audience, caught, taught

9、字母组合 aw /ɔ:/:

draw, law

10、/ ɒ /

1、字母a在“w”前“wh”后: what, wash, want, watch, wallet, 但: water /ɔ:/


John, doctor, office, soccer, rock, concert, foggy, across, possible, cost, cotton, teapot, rocket, of, not, box, long

3、字母组合au / ɒ / 特殊发音: because

11、/ u:/

1、字母o在“wh”后: who, whose, whom


move, do, two, improve, lose

3、字母u在“l”前后: blue, ruler, flu, rule

4、字母u的特殊发音: June, truth, pollute, true


group, soup, through

6、字母组合 oo 的一般发音: afternoon, room, broom, zoo, moon, pool, school, noodle,spoon, tool, tooth, cool, shoot, too

7、字母组合oo的特殊发音: food, seafood

8、字母组合ew的特殊发音: drew

12、/ ʊ /


put, push, sugar, full, pull

2、字母组合oo,一般在字母“k, d, t”前:

book, look, good, foot, cook, wood

3、字母组合oo / ʊ / 弱读中:

classroom, bedroom, sitting-room, cookie 双元音:(8个)


1、字母a在开音节中“a”发字母本: name, page, date, lazy, café , wave, cake, face, plate(以及单词:

paper, baby, table, radio)

2、字母组合ea /eɪ/: great, break

3、字母组合 ai一般情况下:

train, fail, mainland, rail, straight, rain, maid, tail

4、字母组合ei /eɪ/:

eight, eighth

5、字母组合ay /eɪ/ 在重读中:

day, today, display, may, play, away

6、字母组合ey /eɪ/: they



quite, side, outside, invite, dive, twice, mine, bike, like, nice, time(以及单词:

driver, Friday)


kind, behind, find, mind, blind, China, Chinese,3、字母组合ie /aɪ/:

die, lie

4、字母组合ei /aɪ/ :

neither, either


high, light, right, night, bright

6、字母y在重读音节中: my, why, sky, by, fly



noise, join, oil, voice, toilet, coin, spoil, toil, boil

2、字母组合oy: boy, toy, enjoy, hoyden, loyal


1、字母“o”在开音节中: hope, nose, ago, alone, piano, notice, mobile, home, those, go, no, so, over

2、字母o在字母“ld”前。cold, old, hold, soldier

3、字母o在“st”前。most, post, almost, most

4、字母组合oa: boat, goat, goal, coat, Joan但

abroad发音为 /ɔ:/


window, yellow, low, own, show, throw, bowl, know, blow, slow



how, cow, down, crowd, downstairs, shower, allow, now


house, trousers, found, ground, loud, mouth, mount, without, proud, mouth,round, about 【注:字母组合our 发/aʊ ə /: our, ours, hour】


1、字母组合ea: idea, real, really, theatre, realize

2、字母组合ere: here


ioneer, deer, beer, jeer

4、字母组合ear的一般发: near, hear, dear, appear, disappear, fear



careful, carefully, hare, care, dare, mare

2、字母组合air: hair, chair, downstairs, air, pair

3、字母组合eir: their, theirs

4、字母组合ere: there, where


bear, dear, pear, tear


1、字母组合ua: February, January, usually

2、字母组合ure: sure


1、/ p / 字母p: map, pupil, paper, people

2、/ t / 字母t: ten, too, coat, what

3、/ k /

1、字母c在词前: cap, cook, clock, come, cold, close

2、字母组合ck: cock, Jack, chick, chicken, duck, black, ticket


school, chemical, chemistry

4、字母k: Kate, look, book, like

4、/ f /

字母f 的一般发音。

life, for, five, four, fifty, first, knife

5、/ θ /

字母组合th 【一般在名词、数词、形容词、动词中发音】: maths, three, thin, think,third, thank, Thursday

6、/ s /

1、字母s的一般发音: bus, glass, class, sister, sit, horse, house

2、字母c: city, certainly, rice, piece

3、字母c在字母i, e, y前: pencil, nice

7、/ ʃ /

1、字母组合ch的特殊发音: Machine


wash, she, fish, ship, sheep, finish

8、/ tʃ / 字母组合ch的一般发音: chair, teacher, China, chick, such

9、/ tr / 字母组合tr:

tree, street, tractor, try, trip, train

10、/ ts / 字母组合ts:

boats, coats, minutes, plants, let’ s, What’

s, coats, seats

11、/ h /

字母组合wh在字母o前: who, whose, whom


he, here, hers, hello


1、/ b / 字母b: bag, bad, bat, band, bye, blind

2、/ d / 字母d: dog, desk, under, and

3、/ g / 字母g(g):

good, girl, big, egg, god

4、/ v /



very, visit, five, seven

5、/ ð /

字母组合th 【一般在代词、冠词、副词中的发音】:

this, these, that, those, the, then, there, their, brother

6、/ z /


rose, close, as, his, is, busy, has, nose, whose, please

字母z: zoo, zone, zero, size

7、/ ʒ /


usually, pleasure, treasure, measure, vision, television


1、字母g在e前(字母组合g(e))一般的发音: orange, page, large, vegetable, change,village, passage,2、字母j在词前:

jeep, John, Joan, Jack, job, juice, just


字母组合dr: drive, driven, hundred, dress, driver, drink


字母组合ds: birds, beds, grades, needs, hands, heads, goods

11、/ r /

字母r: red, room, read, brown

12、/ m /

字母m: man, milk, home, from

13、/ n /


nice, nine, noon, nose, name

14、/ ŋ /

1、字母n在k前发音: ink, thank, think, drink, sink

2、字母组合ng的一般发音: long, young, singer, sing, wrong, morning,【注:ng / ŋ g /特殊发音: English, language, penguin】

15、/ ǀ /

1、字母l: like, love, left, lesson

2、字母ll: ball, tall, wall, small

16、/ w/


what, when, where, white, everywhere, which, why


wear, well, window, Wednesday

17、/ j /

字母y在词前: yes, yellow, yet, you, your

/ ju: /


use, duty, excuse, Tuesday, usually, huge, future, menu

字母组合ew / ju: /:

new, renew, few, knew

字母组合ex的一般发音/ ɪ k s /:

excuse, expect, exchange, explain, expensive, explore

ex / ɪ k /


ex / e k s /

exercise, exit, explanation, export, expert, exhibition ex / ɪ g z /

example, exam, examination

字母x的一般发音:/k s/

box, next

x / gz /

example, exam


英语音标及字母组合对照 1.元音: 1)[i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei

ee: three tree green sheep meet beef see seek ea: eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please e: he she me ie: piece ei: receive ceiling

2)[ i ]发音字母 i y e ui u a ey i: sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big ui: build y: myth many twenty happy dictionary e: defect decide delicious a: shortage usage ey: galley

3)[ æ ] 发音字母 a bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag

4)[e] 字母组合 ea e a ue, ie, ai, ei, ay ea: head bread pleasure e: elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed a: many any ue: guess ,guest

ai: said ie: friend ay: says

ei: leisure

5)[ə:] 字母组合ir ur ear er or ir:girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird ur: turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger ear:learn earn earth heard er:term her nerd serve or: work worm world

6)[ə] 字母组合 er or ou ar o a e u ur er:teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder or:doctor actor mayor author tractor

ou:delicious gracious u:pleasure

ar:collar dollar o:together tomorrow today lesson Washington control polite a:around account ago elephant banana Canada Japan china e: listen ur: Saturday

7)[a:] 字母组合 ar a au al ar: car farm card arm garden a: fast class last glass plant au: aunt al: calm

8)[ ʌ ] 发音字母 u o ou oo u:up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus o:come mother does brother love above ou:trouble rough flourish oo: blood flood

9)[ɔ: ]字母组合 al or oor au our ar ou , ua aw al: small wall talk tall hall ball call walk or: short store more lord horse for forty sport oor: door floor

oar ough augh

au: author caught autumn our: four mourn court ou: bought ar: warm ua: quarter(這个例子不太好,有两种读法)aw: saw



draw oar: board ough: ought

augh: taught


10)[ ɔ ] 发音字母 o a ua ou au o:hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar not a:want wash watch ua: quarrel ou: cough

au: because Australia

11)[u:] 字母组合 oo o u oe ew oo:food moon room gloom broom doom goose tooth oe: shoe o: do two

u: truth blue prude ew: chew

12)[u] 字母组合 oo ou u o oo: look good foot book wood ou: should could u: put full bull pull push woman wolf o: wolf woman

13)[ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey a: name cake late gate plane April ay: play say may way ea: great break ai: rain paint plain ey: they grey

14)[ai] 发音字母 i y ie

i: bike fine find die nine light night high y: my try fly eye ie: quiet

15)[au] 字母组合 ou ow

ou: house out ground account count sound loud around mouse ow: down now cow how town

16)[əʊ] 发音字母 o ow oa o:home cold go no phone host ghost ow: know low below grow blow show flow oa: boat coat goal

17)[ ɔɪ ] 字母组合oy oi oi: oil soil voice choice oy: boy toy


18)[iə] 字母组合 eer ear ere ea ier eer: beer deer ear: ear near ere: here ier: fierce ea: idea

19)[eə] 字母组合ear air ere are ear: pear bear

air: chair air fair ere: there where are: care

20)[uə]字母组合oor our ur ure ua ue

ur: jury(英音中)oor: poor

our: tourist tour

ue: influence

ua: casual

ure: sure




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