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一、见有平行结构,查是否患有用词不一致或成分缺失而引起的句子不均衡病。1.The doctor suggested plenty of food,rest and exercising.


2.She was eating her sandwich and drank her milk at the table when I arrived. 主句中并列谓语一个用了过去进行时,一个用了一般过去时,在时态上不一致。应把“drank”改为“drinking”。


1.People in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past. 比较级形式重复,去掉more。

2.There are more trees in villages than cities.

比较的对象有误,应在介词结构“in villages”与“in cities”之间对比。故在cities前加介词in。又如:The weather here is colder than in Shanghai.句中对比的双方是“The weather here”和“The weather in Shanghai”,所以应在 than后加that,代替名词the weather,补全对比的双方。但该句也可以这样说:It is colder here than in Shanghai. 3.In some places you may borrow many books as you want.(NMET '94)这是一个包含“as...as”结构的句子,句中只有后一个as,前一个遗漏了,所以应在 many前加上as。

三、见有转折、因果、对比等句子结构,查是否患有行文逻辑不一致病。1.I like singing,my brother likes dancing.

汉语中有时不需要连词,讲完一个分句接下去讲另一个分句。英语中连词使用比汉语广泛得多。该句应在后一个分句前加 while,表示对比。2.A lady came to the window with the ball and shouted at the boy,and he ran away. 男孩跑开了,是因为打破了人家的窗子,而受到喝斥,按逻辑,上下文构成因果关系,所以应把后一个and改为so。

3.Mr Lee's company publishes books and he buys books all over the world. 前后叙述事实矛盾,不合逻辑,应把buys改为sells。


1.I always wanted to return to the village after moving away and is really great to see most of my old friends again. 该句后一个分句与前一个分句时态和人称不一致,应把is改为was。2.Tom asks Mary if she knows the man is speaking to her. 句法成分多余或缺少。可以在is前加 who或去掉is。

3.And whether you pay the cost of sending a postcard,the librarian will write to you.


4.He lives in Beijing,where is the capital of China.


5.He wrote to me immediately as soon as he got there.

该句错在连词重复使用。immediately在这里是连词,与as soon as同义,引导后面的从句,所以应去掉一个连词。


1.—How much was the price of your car?—I bought the car at a cheap price,only 2,000 dollars. 英语中问价格(price),常以what提问,以 high或low回答。所以该句中How much应改为What,cheap改为low。只有在叙述某物的价值时,才用cheap或expensive。如:The car is cheap. 2.China's population is more than any other countries'in the world. 问population也不用how much /many,而要用what,回答时用large或big,little。所以文中的more应改为larger。另外,address,weight,phone number等,也要用what提问。

六、见有名词和代词,查是否患有数、格、指代不一致病。1.Different people speak different language.

这里是名词的单复数不一致,应该把 language改为languages。

2.Some people read the books or watch television.While others have sports. 句中books前多一定冠词the。books在该句中为泛指,而不是特指哪些书。

3.What a lovely weather we are having today!去掉a,weather是不可数名词,前面不加冠词a。

七、见有并列主语,从句作主语,不定代词、集合名词、非谓语动词作主语,时间、距离、金钱作主语,together with等引导的成分修饰主语等,查是否患有主语不一致病。1.Playing football not only makes us grow tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit.(NMET '98)

but also后面的分句的主语是动名词 playing football,承前省略了,所以give改为 gives,与前一个分句的谓语makes一致。

2.She as well as her brothers are fond of studying English. are改为is,使主谓保持一致。with,together with,as well as,but,besides,including等起连接作用的词引导的部分只对主语起修饰作用,不视作主语。3.About 2,000 dollars have been spent in buying new dress for his beautiful wife this year. have改为has,“about 2,000 dollars”作为“一笔钱”常视作一个整体,谓语用单数。

八、见有短语、词组,查是否患有固定结构中副词、介词或冠词使用不当病。1.Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd. 去掉a,“看见”的固定短语是“catch sight of”。

2.When he came back,he found someone had broken in his house. 把in改为into,“break into”是固定搭配,为“破门而入”之意。


1.He made me to post a letter for him. 去掉to。在make,have,feel,let及感官动词后的复合宾语中,用不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。(但变成被动语态后,主语补足语要用带to的不定式)

2.Don't forget taking your umbrella when you leave here. taking改为to take。forget,remember,regret等词后跟动名词时,动名词所表示的动作先于谓语动作;后跟不定式,表示“要去做……”。3.I suggested to go there with him after work. to go改为going。suggest及在中学课本中常见的advise,finish,mind,enjoy,require,practise,consider,miss,avoid,admit,delay,imagine,risk,keep,escape,resist等动词,要接动名词作宾语。

4.He ordered that the work must be started at once. 去掉must,或改为should。order及demand,require,request,insist,propose,advise,suggest等动词后的宾语从句,常用虚拟语气“should +原形动词”作谓语,should可以省略。

十、见有非谓语动词作状语,查是否患有逻辑主语或逻辑宾语使用不当病。1.If it heated,water can be changed into steam.

显然句中的条件状语是从一个If引导的从句简化而来,这种“连词+非谓语动词”结构中非谓语动词的逻辑主语就是句子主语。所以这里it是多余的,应去掉。又如:When hearing the news,he burst into tears.hearing前也不再加he。2.The box is too heavy for the little boy to carry it.

该句型中不定式“to carry”逻辑上的宾语就是句子的主语,所以句中代词it重复,应去掉。


高考短文改错解题思路 短文改错“十见十查”




1.The doctor suggested plenty of food, rest and exercising

句中并列的应是三个结构相同的宾语,但exercising用了动名词形式,与前两个名词不对称,故应改为exercise.2.She was eating her sandwich and drank her milk at the table when l arrived.主句中并列谓语一个用了过去进行时,一个用了一般过去时,在时态上不一致。应把:“drank ”改为“drinking”。


1.People in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past.比较级形式重复,去掉 more.2.There are more trees in villages than cities.比较的对象有误,应在介词结构“in villages”, “ in cities” 之间对比。故在 cities 前加介词 in.又如:The weather here is colder than in Shanghai.句中对比的双方是“The weather here”和“The weather in Shanghai”,所以应在 than 后加that ,代替名词the weather,补全对比的双方。但该句也可以这样说:It is colder here than in Shanghai.3.In some places you may borrow many books as you want.这应是一个包含 as...as 结构的句子,但句中只有一个as,前一个遗漏了,所以要在 many 前加上as。


1.I like singing,my brother likes dancing.汉语中有时不需要连词,讲完一个分句接下去讲另一个分句。英语中连词使用比汉语广泛得多。该句应在后一个分句前加 while ,表示对比。

2.A lady came to the window with the ball and shouted at the boy, and he ran away.男孩跑开了,是因为打破了人家的窗子,而受到喝斥。按逻辑,上下文构成因果关系,所以应把后一个 and 改为so。

3.Mr.Lee’s company publishes books and he buys books all over the world.前后叙述事实矛盾,不合逻辑,应把 buys 改为sells。


1.I always wanted to return to the village after moving away and is really great to see most of my old friends again.该句后一个分句与前一个分句时态和人称不一致,应把 is 改为 was。


学贵有恒,每天坚持练两篇试试!高考短文改错解题思路 2.Tom asks Mary if she knows the man is speaking to her.句法成分多余或缺少。可以在 is 前加 who 或去掉 is。

3.And whether you pay the cost of sending a postcard, the librarian will write to you.whether 改为if。whether 引导名词性从句时,作“是否”解,有时可换用if,这里是条件状语从句,只用 if

4.He lives in Beijing, where is capital of China.在这个非限制性定语从句中,引导词要作主语,所以应把关系副词where改为关系代词which。

5.He wrote to me immediately as soon as he got there.该句错在连词重复使用。immediately 在这里是连词,与 as soon as 同义,引导后面的从句,所以应去掉一个连词。


1.---How much was the price of your car?

---I bought the car at a cheap price, only 2,000 dollars.英语中问价格(price)常以what提问,以high或low回答。所以该句中How much应改为What, cheap改为low。只有在叙述某物的价值时,才用cheap或expensive.如;The car is cheap.2.China’s population is more than any other countries in the world.问population也不用how much/ many, 而要用what,回答时用large或big, little。所以文中的more应改为larger。另外,address, weight, phone number 等抽象名词,也要用what提问。


1.Different people speak different language.这里是名词的复数不一致,应该把 language 改为 languages。

2.Some people read the books or watch television While others have sports.句中books前多一定冠词the。books 在该句中为泛指,而不是特指哪些书。

3.What a lovely weather we are having today.去掉a.weather是不可数名词,前面不加冠词a。

七、见有并列主语,从句作主语,不定代词、集合名词、非谓语动词作主语,时间、距离、金钱作主语,together with等引导的成分修饰主语等,查是否患有主谓不一致病。

1.Playing football not only makes us grow tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit.but also 后面的分句的主语是动名词 “playing football”, 承前省略了。所以give改为gives,与前一个分句的谓语makes一致。

2.She as well as her brothers are fond of studying English.are 改为 is,使主谓保持一致。with, together with, as well as, but, besides, including等起连接作用的词引导的部分只对主语起修饰作用,不视作主语。

3.About 2,000 dollars have been spent in buying new dress for his beautiful wife this year.have 改为has, “about 2,000 dollars” 作为 “一笔钱” 常视作一个整体,谓语用单数。


1.Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd.有了思路,要在联系中不断的体会,才能融会贯通。

学贵有恒,每天坚持练两篇试试!高考短文改错解题思路 去掉a,“看见” 的固定短语是 “catch sight of”.2.When he came back he found someone had broken in his house.把in改为into, “break into”是固定搭配,为 “破门而入”之意。


1.He made me to post a letter for him.去掉to。在make, have, feel, let 及感官动词后的复合宾语中,用不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。(但变成被动语态后,主语补足语要用带to的不定式)

2.Don’t forget taking your umbrella when you leave here.taking改为to take.forget, remember, regret等词后跟动词时,动名词所表示的动作先于谓语动作;后跟不定式,表示“要去做……”。

3.I suggested to go there with him after work.to go 改为going.suggest及在中学课本中常见的advice, finish, mind, enjoy, require, practice, consider, miss, avoid, admit, delay, imagine, risk, keep, escape, resist等动词,要接动名词作宾语。

4.He ordered that the work must be started at once.去掉must, 或改为should。order及demand, require, request, insist, propose, advise, suggest等动词后的宾语从句,常用虚拟语气 “should十原形动词” 作谓语,should可以省略。


1.If it heated, water can be changed into steam.显然句中的条件状语是从一个If引起的从句简化而来,这种 “连词十非谓语动词”结构中非谓语动词的逻辑主语就是句子主语。所以这里it是多余的,应去掉。又如:When hearing the news, he burst into tears.hearing前也不再加he.2.The box is too heavy for the little boy to carry it.该句型中不定式“to carry”逻辑上的宾语就是句子的主语,所以句中代词it重复,应去掉。

短文改错可能出现的情况不止这些,在你的练习当中还有那些值得总结的呢? 例如:












(l)Suddenly,I caught a sight of my English teacherin the crowd.【解析lsight是不可数名词,且catch sight of是固定搭配,意为“看见”。

(2)For e】cample, when l was a child, the rain was amystery.【解析】,am为不可数名词,泛指时前面不用冠词。



Modern people know more about the health, havebetter food,and„


by bike骑自行车,by sea由海路,乘船


___ _去上学,_______坐牢,_______在吃饭


___ _打篮球,_______下棋


She is most pretty.她非常漂亮。


Child as he is,he knows a lot.虽然他只是孩子,知道的却很多。


(l)ln fact,they are planning to visit China in next yeaL

(2)We practice for three times every week..(3)So l'm really sorry that l won't be able to come inthis time.【解析】以上三例都是作时间状语的名词短语前多了介词。

(4)„but we do not seem to get much time to talkabout together.【解析】talk about意为“谈到„„”,是及物动词短语,后须接介词宾语,但根据本句语境,此处不必接宾语,故去掉about。


(1)last night, next week, this year, one day,threetimes等名词词组直接充当时间状语,前面不用介词。


serve for the people, follow after the teacher, marrywith her,make him as our monitor,play with Tom in amatch(画线介词多余)


on one's way to there, return to home, go to upstairs(画线介词均多余)


①If you won’t go,I'll go instead of.(画线介词多余)

②She listened to but heard nothing(画线介词多余)


①l never knew about a ride down a river could be soexciting.(画线介词多余)

②I am sorry for that he won't come(画线介词多余)


(1)Whenever I see them l will often think of myEnglish teacher.【解析】在whenever l see them这一时间状语从句后再用often显得重复,应去掉。

(2)1'11 spend all the whole weekend reading andpreparing for it.【解析】the whole weekend意为“整个周末”,再加上all,词义重叠。



return back回来,repeat again重复,flee away逃走,enter into进入,blue color蓝色,stop down停下来,raiseup举起来,unpack open打开


I do remember you having apologized to the old lady Imet her last week


As a result, people in the modern world generally livemuch more longer than people in the past.4.出现冗言现象

(l)Today l visited the Smiths-my first time visit toan American family.【解析】本句中的first修饰visit,visit此处为名词,意为“我的第一次访问”,time多余。

(2)Now I can't watch much television,but„【解析】根据上下文,此处应是“我根本不能看电视”,因此受汉语影响,多了much,造成冗言。



①Though he tried his best, but he failed.②The more he has, and the more he wants.(2)充当状语的介词短语与主句之间多一关系代词或关系副词。

①In the last five years that they have climbed churches一②„in other places where you are limited to a certainnumber...(3)充当状语的分词与主句之间多一并列连词。

Sitting down,and he began to work.(4)从属连词后多一个that。

She was absent from the meeting because that she was ilL(5)复合宾语前多一个that。

I found that her lying on the ground.5.固定搭配中多词

(1)I was used to watch it every night.【解析】此处属于used to do与be used to两个固定搭配的误用,应去掉was,取“过去常常”之意。

(2)„in any other words,Iam only a child.【解析lin other words为固定搭配,意为“换句话说”,而any other意为“任何别的„„”,与本文上下文不符。

6.行文逻辑上多词First, let me tell you something more about myself.【解析】由first可知是刚开始向别人讲述自己的故事,故只能说something,而不能加more。



(1)Each player must obey^captain, who is theleader of the team.the【解析】此处应加上the,特指“球队的队长”。

(2)The day before the speech contest^Englishteacher talked to me.my【解析】根据上下文分析,此处English teacher是有所指的,指的是“我的”英语老师,故加上my,表达一个更确切的概念。

(3)I'1I take this chance to wish you^ wonderful timeon your birthday.a【解析lwish sb.awonderful time为固定搭配,意为“祝某人玩得愉快”。



This is so good a book that we will buy it.=This is such a good book that we will buy it.(2)little,few表示肯定时,前面不能缺a,意为“一些”。

如a little water,但是“每隔几分钟”应说成every fewminutesa

(3)有些不可数名词(如metal, beauty, iron, tea,coffee, ice, youth, pleasure, success, failure等),表示“一种”“一个“一份”时,应加上a或an。

Work is a pleasure to me.(4)“the+姓氏复数”表示一家人时,the不能省。

The Browns like to go skating.(5)表示“两者之中比较„„的一个”时,比较级前应加the。

He is the taller of the two boys.(6)在句中可数名词不可单独使用,前面应有限定词,如his,that,Tom's,the,a等。

When we walked to the car, Bill smiled and shook^head.his2.缺动词不定式符号to(1)I'd like very much^come but I have anexamination on Monday morning.to【解析】like后面不能直接加动词,需加to,构成固定搭配“would like to do”,意为“想做„„”。

(2)一.and will do all they can^ make sure that l geta good education to【解析】不定式作目的状语,不定式符号to不可省。



But then there are always more mysteriesAlook into:_____to


①7Ihe World Health()rganization and other organizationsare workingAimprove health all over the world_____to

②i had always wantedA retum to the village _____to

(3)feel, hear, let, make,have, see, notice, watch,ob。rv。等动词变成被动结构时,充当主语补足语的不定式不能省去to。

Little Tom was made to do heavy work


We wanted to go to the lecture, but we weren't able to


(l)neyA eager to Imow everything about China:.'were【解析】eager为形容词,必须加系动词构成系表结构。

(2)What^ your favourite sport?IS【解析】本句缺谓语动词,应加is。

(3)I'd like to^ your pen-friend, and.be/become【解析】本句考查I'd like to do结构,根据上下文,必须加上系动词。



She is afraid of her boss.(2)在被动结构中,由于缺少助动词,变成了主动语态,造成错误。

„and let you know when the book you want has^returned and is ready for you to pick up.been4.缺介词(l)We must keep in mind that we play for the teaminstead^ ourselves._____ of【解析linstead of为固定短语,意为“而非,而不是”,后接宾语。

(2)„but the others spent a lotA time arguing_____of【解析la lot of是固定习语,意为“许多,大量”,后加宾语。



WhenI have free timeI go^along walk..for,因此,同学们在学习和复习中应牢记一些固定搭配。

5.缺连词In one class,l learned^ it rained.why【解析】本句因缺连词而造成句子成分残缺,只有加上why,句子的意义才完整。



It began to rain,^ they had to stop working.and


CDi told Mother, Father, Sister,^ all my friends herewhat a great time I had.and②He looked inside but saw nothing.(3)that引导的主语从句置于句首时,that常常不能省。

That light travels in straight line is known to all.(4)引导同位语从句的连词that,when等常不可省。

(DThe doctors came to the conclusion that the patientwas suffering from cancer.②i have no idea when he will return(5)在even if,even though,as if'as though等短语中,第二个连词不能少。

He walks as if/though he were drunk



(l)They were eager to know everything about Chinaand asked me lots of question

(2)We study quite a few subject, such as maths,Chinese, English and physics.(3)We practise three times every week and oftenwatch football match on TV together.(4)She said that she and my schoolmate' all.wishedme success,.(5)„so that l'11 get good marks in all my subject.___

(6)„and many happy return of the day_____

(7)I used to love science class-all of them-biology,chemistry, geography, physics.【知识拓宽】



We stopped to rest for a while and to drink somewaters from a stream water


There are branch library in many villages libraries



(l)We havea good tinte talking and laughing together.had

(2)I learn about you from my English teacher, MissFang.learned

(3)I was a member of our school football team am

(4)I arn happy with any programme but the othersspent a lot of time...was

(5)I remembered her words and calm down calmed

(6)They did not want me to do any w,ork at home do【知识拓宽】

动词时态是短文改错考查的热点之一,一般说来每年考查一处,而且近几年高考主要考查现在时与过去时的使用,再如:I had an examination on Monday moming.have


(l)It was very kind of them to meet me.at the railwaystation and drove meto their home drive

(2)I look forward to hear from you soon hearing

(3)Play football not only makes us grow up...Playing

(4)I was often alittle tired after a day's work andwatch TV demands very little effort.watching【知识拓宽】


CDi'ii spend the whole weekend reading and preparefor it.preparing②After learn the basics of the subject, nothing elseseemed very practical to me.learning


①After an hour or so, we began to feel veryfrightening.frightened②„but now l am interesting in football.interested(3)被动语态中的过去分词误用成动词原形。

Books may be keep for four weeks.kept(4)掌握好动词不定式带to与不带to的差异。



(1)Playing football not only makes us grow up talland strong but alsoglve us a sense of fair play and teamspirit.gives

(2)Now my picture and the prize is hanging in thelibrary.are【知识拓宽】


Anyone may borrow books, and it cost nothing toborrow them.costs

(2)not only;一but also, neither.—nor.一,either.or..-等并列连词连接两个主语时,谓语动词的单复数应采取就近一致原则。

(3)There be结构中,谓语动词也应采取就近一致原则。

But then there is always more mysteries to look into.are



(l)The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.their

(2)And they must not break the rules too often if wewant to win the game.we(3)Now someone at home reads instead.everyone/everybody【知识拓宽】


①1 felt that it helped me understand how the worldworks.they②They have been to Europe many timesWe


And I can’t forget the good food you cooked forl me



(l)~esaid that she and my schoolmates all wished mesuccass,but it didn’t matter thatI would win or notwhether【解析】it为形式主语,whether l would win or not是真正的主语,意为“我是否能赢”。

(2)lt looks as if my parents treat me as a visitor andaguest.or【解析】句意为:看起来我的父母亲把我当成了“visitor”或“guest”。二者为选择关系而非并列关系,故将and改为or。

(3)It is a very important exam butI can't afford tofail it.and/so【解析】此处应是并列或因果关系,而非转折关系。



①„because I felt that they helped me understandwhat the world works.how②Most people can quickly get help from a doctor orgo to a hospital sir ce they areill when/if

(2)熟练应用表示并列、选择、转折、因果等关系的连词:and, or, but, so, therefore, however等.①She was smiling but nodding at me.and②Therefore, there are still some countries wherepeople have shorter lives.However


„and whether you pay the cost of sending apostcard,the librarian will write to you.if


I live inBeijing,where is the capital of China.which【解析】此处是非限制性定语从句,关系代词which作主语。



„in other places you are limited to.a certainnumber, of that some may be novels.which


However,there are still some countries there peoplehave shorter lives.where


(1)Also the sport teaches us the important ofobedience.importance【解析】本句应该用名词importance作动词teach的直接宾语。

(2)Unfortunate, there are too many people in myfamily.Unfortunately【解析】此处应该用副词unfortunately作状语,意为“不幸的是”。

(3)After learning the basics of the subject,nothingelse seemed very practically to me.practical【解析】。eem为系动词,后面应接形容词作表语。



I'm sure we'IIhave 8 wonderfully time together.wonderful


(1)Today I visited the Smiths-my first visit to aAmerican family.an【解析】American为元音音素开头的单词,故应用部定冠词 an

(2)wemay be one family and live under a sameroof,„the【解析】same意为“同样的”,前面应加定冠词the。

10.近义词混用They did not want me to do any work at family......home【解析】family侧重指“家庭这个结构或家里的人。,而home则侧重指“家庭的所在地”。因此,“在家里”应用athome。


在英语中,有许多同义词、近义词和反义词,在平时学习中应抓好基础,牢记每一个词的基本含义。再如:.Uncle Ben will alsogo back for Christmas.come总之,平时学习中应加强对基础知识的积累,熟练掌握高考词汇、基本词法、句法,同时还应加强阅读能力的训练。因为,较快的阅读速度、较好的语感和牢固的基础知识是做好短文改错的重要前提。平时训练短文改错时,不应只是为了做题而做题,而应善于总结、摸索答题的规律。


一、1.(3)go to school;in prison;at table(4)play basketball;play chess

三、1.(1)question-*questions(2)subject—subjects(3)match-*matches(4)schoolmate—+ schoolmates(5)subject-+ subjects(6)return—.retums(7)class-classes



1.The day is my dad’s birthday.This afternoon I went to the shopping center downtown, and hesitated for 犹豫(v)a moment,and then offered my seat to her.The old lady thanked me a lot and sat [be] ready to help others in the future.2.Two years ,I travelled to BT and Ia car.Unfortunate[~ly],I had an accident and hit another car,and I needed to stay in a hospital for at least two Iaway,and that my mother would not sleep if she knew.Therefore,I told them stories and how I was enjoying BT.As a result,nobody knew[the] truth.I still think that it was the righ thing to do.3.The world is not only hungry,but also 渴的(adj).this may strange,since nearly 70 % of the earth’s surface is covered with water.Man and most of the animals can only drink and use the 10% of the water---fresh water.The need for water is day by day.Only when steps are taken to deal with this problem immediate [~ly],can we avoid a serve worldwide water shortage短缺(n)later on.One of the first [is]to develop ways to reuse to a water purifying it can be separated from waste matters and treated with 4.[2012唐山is a sick friend,or attend a wedding or[a] birthday party.I still remember one day last year when Tom,a disabled some flowers to his mother to express his gratitude.He life to his mother’s patient was finally admitted to a key university.’hurt.With tears in her eyes,she could do nothing butfor help.Zhang li ran “take it easy”he said.Then he sent her to a nearby hospital.That[it] was not long before the girl’6.Mr.smith had an 8-year-old son named tony,who enjoyed listening to music very much.So he a [for]Tony,hoping that he could become [a] famous pianist one day.The little boy into the piano day after day and seemd to enjoy if you don’tAttend v.出席,到场,参加bleed n.血 v.流血handkerchief n.手绢,纱布,丝绸confidence n.自信,信心



(一)I am interested at swimming very much.At first, I went swimming just to keep health.Now my dream was to swim for my country in the Olympics.Though practicing in the pool is very bored, but I still work very hard in order to realize my dream.Because my hard work, I have already come first in much important competitions.In the competitions, I’ve made lot of friends and we’re very close.It’s much easier to have friends which are swimmers because they also have to get up early to practice like you and they understand this kind of life.短文改错

(二)One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent.It was very crowded.Tony saw a toy on a shop window.He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop.After looks at the toy for some time, he turned around and found where his parents were missing.Tony was scared and begun to cry.A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside a shop.Five minutes later.Tony saw parents.Mom said,” How nice to see you again!Dad and I were terrible worried.” Tony promised her that this would never happen again.短文改错

(三)Last summer vacation, I went on a school trip with mine classmates.We visited a farm in a countryside.We took a bus for a while, and then we walked here.We saw a lot of different kinds trees and villages along the way.Some farmers were worked hard in the farm when we arrived.One of the farmer showed us around, introducing differently crops to us.We fed chickens, picked some green apples and took up many beautiful photos.It was really interesting and at the same time, I learned a lot about farming.What an excited school trip!


(四)I’ve been playing baseball for six year and I’m the only girl on an all-boys baseball team.Our strict coach wants us do our best when we are playing.So it’s not always about winning.He also tells us to just smile and enjoyed ourselves.I take advice he gives me and bring them to my game.Some people say girls can’t play baseball.Hear that doesn’t get me mad.Instead, it makes me play more harder.I want to be knew for being a good player, not just for being the only girl on the team.If you’re a girl who want to play ball, just play you heart out!


(五)My uncle drove his car meet his friends.When he found there was still some time leaving before the train had arrived, he wanted to take a short sleep.He was falling sleep when a woman came and asked him the time.He opened his eye and answered, “Half past eight.” With a “Thank you!” a woman left.On a short while this happened again.So my uncle wrote “I don’t know the time” on a piece of paper and put them on the window of the car.A few minutes late, an old man came and woke him up, “Hi, young man.I can tell you that time it is.It’s nine o’clock now.”


(六)When I began my senior high school years, I had difficulty to learning English.I dared not speak English in the public because of my poor pronounce.I could not get high marks, but I always used bad grammar.Afraid of be laughed at, I never put up my hand answer questions in class.When my English teacher Miss Li learned about this, she encouraged me and lend me a hand, that helped improve my English.With her help, I became interest in English and finally got high marks.Miss Li, like a shining star, shines on her path to success.短文改错

(七)Dear Tim, How time flies!It has been a month since you go to America.What is everything going? Next weekend I will take part in a national English speaking competition to be holding in Shanghai.It will be a good chance to improve your English and make friends with students from other part of China.But right now I’m not sure that I can remember all the words for a competition.Anyway, I will hope I can get a good result.I am looking forward seeing you again and hope we can have a true great time then.Yours, Li Hua


(八)As a service dog, Sandy’s job is help manage a medical condition I have.My condition can be dangerously.When something bad happen, Sandy will tell my parents immediately.Of course, I help take care of Sandy, too.I feed him, walk him, but even take him just about everywhere I go.If I don’t bring Sandy to me, he will get upset.Once he stays with my grandparents for a few hours while my parents and I went to the beach.Sandy was upset in the whole time.He never stopped look for me.When I got home, he was such happy that he rushed to me.I love his dog very much.4



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