
时间:2019-05-14 00:41:04下载本文作者:会员上传





雅思A类大作文真题题目:Some people say that all young people should be required to stay in full-time education until they are at least 18 years old.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(Word count=275)


Education has always been the most experienced profession and industry in the world, anddiscussions on it have always found a new angle.Receiving full-time education prior to adulthood(18 years old as a general practice)is held as truth, which this essay almost fully roots for.It is true that continuous schooling before 18 years old benefits learners and their families.In reality, education helps as much the growth of professional skills as the development of character, both of which will most likely bring material life comforts and higher life purposes.Consequently, with personal development guaranteed, domestic situations—be they of the families individuals are from or will create—will be bettered in due course.It is also true that countries and governments will benefit from national talents.The young are the future, and thus are paid attention to by means of education.Without knowledge and skills, which are likely acquired at schools at different levels, the prospects of national advances arein jeopardy.Thus, lasting education for young people is of necessity.However, it would not be nitpicking to state that a dozen years of education sometimes might seem only wishful.With regional differences within a country or beyond boarders, certain families are still stricken by starvation, warfare, or poverty, and their younger generation are forced out of the luxury of education at all, let alone a continuous one before the beginning of adulthood.Globally, it is not rare that children or teenagers are willingly joining the labour force to sustain family economy, or are helplessly enlisted in military forces.In sum, the statement in question shows goodwill that might be shattered by reality.以上就是环球雅思老师为大家带来的雅思A类大作文真题范文,希望大家仔细研读,值得借鉴!环球雅思祝你成功!




一篇说 员工出差的报销问题: 不确定能不能报销的先找line manager(可能是其他人这个记不清了);报销要保存帐单;车票 和国内国际机票 国内机票只能经济舱国际的可以其他; 住宿旅馆要求 经常去的地区只能住单位联系的酒店 有折扣 其他地区3星级或多少钱以下;其他文具啥的费用怎么样忘了

另一篇 超市招聘长期员工,面试后给feedback,店内不让查电子邮件,要提供有住址的帐单,其他不记得了

还有一篇说的几个房屋广告: 楼层高的那个不适合老人和残疾人;天花板高的那个有储物空间;附近有学校的适合家庭带小孩;有一个房子下面有双车库,另一个外边有双车库是迷惑项;有个房子internal需要 decorate,题目里说需要painting;另一个房子是房间已经update过了;还有一个房子是很小但是可以扩大,并且有风格特色,忘了是不是前面其中的一个。



小作文向房屋中介介绍自己租房要求 到一个英语国家快开始工作了 全家要租房子

大作文 air travel 越来越便宜 有人说是positive 进步 有人反对,分析两边给出自己的观点。



听力和阅读我实在没什么可以分享的,考前从来没复习过,如果说技巧的, 可以介绍一个阅读技巧,因为本人没出来之前A类就考过阅读8.5,所以

有点小经验,大部分同学的问题是读不完,我觉得最重要的千万不要看不懂一句话,就没完没了的读那句话,快速的向后看,通过后面的文章理解前面的,通过问题来猜测文章大意.先通读问题,然后带着问题速读,注意一定要速读原文!!雅思听力:机经少看 听力机井实在不建议大家看,对于要考7的同志门,最好的方法就是提高自己的实力,坚持听新闻,每天10分钟,就会有很明显的提高,而且对口语很有帮助

如果实在要看机经,我建议大家就看看当中比较古怪的SECTION ,类似于什么大猩猩行为的,主要是对一些生词熟悉。



这到提醒了我,我从来没有好好看过例文,于是我把从1-7的 考官范文都找了出来,看一段,默写一段,去体会他们的写法,发现真的有很多平时我们很少用的句型,比如如果我想说“这个观点很有价值” 我会说 This view is very valuable, 但是考官会写This view is of infinite value。我发现他们超级喜欢用BE OF 句型。所以认真研究范文对改变我之前的写作思路非常有帮助,所以最后一次到7, 是我唯一一次提前写完了10分钟~~~, 关于作文的长度,我建议大家,如果有时间,尽量要多写,我的经验是,观点不用很多,但是要扩展的很充分,然后结尾其实很重要,如果结尾只是只简单的重复一下观点,分数不会很高。(个人感觉)澳洲雅思考试考场的选择

关于考场的选择,我觉得不用太在意,我之后又报了WOLLONGAN 的考试,但是因为这次已经过了,所以没有机会去看看


不过很多人的写作都在NSW得了7 ,但是NSW的口语给的不高(谣传而且,仅供参考)雅思口语:要重视第一部分的简单问题











最后强调:真题是少而珍贵的,大家要计划好,留出最后模考用的。做题方法最好也用剑题磨合,弄懂错的原因,总结、想对策并避免下次再犯。剑桥题里的生词是值得我们记忆的,我每次做完一套都会。用1个小时查出生词抄到纸上(大家放心一开始可能有点多但是后来会越来越少)2 统计这三篇各题型的错误率,拿着正确答案想问什么这么做,画出真是想不明白的去请教别人 过两天再回过头去看错误的题,再做一遍看是不是还错





我的个人雅思经验:雅思阅读时间很紧,要注意留出填答题纸的时间,我的解决方法是一加强泛读能力阅读速度,最直击问题根本的结果方法。二做题时拿一个计时器放旁边,读完题目记下时间,读完第一段记下时间,读完第二段记下时间,这样就知道自己到底在哪里费时间了,针对性的去改正。一般来说练到最后读完题目是两分半钟,边读边做题,到文章完成一半时大概是十分钟左右,十八十九分钟时大概能完成一篇文章。但是大家都知道,文章难易和话题熟悉度是会对做题速度有很大影响的,我最后一次考试时阅读有一篇讲撒谎和人的面目表情肌肉活动的关系,这不就是美剧lie to me嘛!太熟悉了,不看文章我都能给你掰上几十分钟,文章做得信手拈来,讲得非常浅显还没lie to me深呢。那次我前两篇文章满打满算每篇十五分钟完成任务,用的后半个小时做了最后一篇,歇了半天。当然,我们不能指着自己遇到的就是熟悉话题,主要还是自己能力的提高和应试的熟练。





我周围考雅思的人,有总分7.5的7的。阅读单项有8的,听力有8的(我:哈哈我是第一个9分 众人:抽打~~~你看谁像你似的考了这么多次 我:。。。。),这两项都是短期能提高的,大家要有信心,努力了就会有进步!


PS:我这里有平行阅读法,剑桥雅思考试全真试题解析345,怎么给大家? 请有问题的同学楼下发帖,我会不时回来看看,哇咔咔我的第一个经验帖哦。




2005-5-12 12:50:58

Task 1:给一个depart store写信应聘工作,说明你为什么写这封信,你的资历,应聘什么职位。

Write a letter to apply a position in a local department store;include: What

position? Your experience and related ability?

Task 2:在21世纪奥林匹克运动存在没有意义,2004年以后应该停止举行奥林匹克运动会。Task2 题目有点怪。有人说OYLMPIC GAME 不再有什么地位,2004年将是最后一次,同意与否。

Someone think that olympic games will not play a role in 21st century, and think the 2004 game should be the last one.Agree or disagree?

Task 3 You took your family had a good meal in a local restaurant.Write a letter to the newsper to tell about it, describ the meal you had, and why you think the restaurant is worth for other people to visit.Task 4 Choose an invertion, telephone or computer, and tell how it has changed our life.Are the changes all possitive or negative? 并提出例子或你的经历来说明.Task 5 因为没能去旅游所以索要旅行保险。explain类型

Task 6 中学生17岁前应该先学尽量多的general subjects然后再学习special subject。agree or disagree?


You live in a house opposite to a small park.Every evening a young man bring 2 large dogs and let them free.Write a letter to the city council and describe the situation, tell them it is dangerous and reason.Then tell them what action should be done.第二个是说青年如何选择自己得职业,应该听谁的意见,从那里寻找信息?谈谈你的看法、how to decide future career

what is the important

young people choose career, whose opinion and what kind of information do you think important? Give reasons and examples.Task 7: the flat u rent caught a small fire.让你跟房东说明当时情况,你有什么东西损坏了,需要房东做什么。阐述过程;列you lost 详细物品;

Task 8: Some family sent their children to foreign country for education purpose.请谈一下:优缺点,何时是留学最佳年龄。

Task 9

大致意思为Your car is hired from a company and when u are driving in holiday, there's

a small accident on it, you will have to write a report to the company to explain it you need to explain the following statement.1、When and where you hired it2、Describe how the accident happened3、What kind of action did you have after the accident

you do NOT to use your own address

write about 150 words

Task 10

大致意思为Fashion is difficult to follow, some people say fashion is just for selling clothes, we should not follow it and we should dress what we like and feel comfortable in it

Agree or disagree?

use any relevant example to support your idea.write 250 words.1:写一封信给保险公司,告诉它们你参加了一次旅行并办了旅游保险,但是你在旅途中丢了东西,告诉保险公司丢了什么以及值多少钱,以及怎么丢的。writing


Task 11

Happiness is considered important to people.Why are the definitions of happiness different?(大概是这样,意思就是问为什么幸福的定义如此不同和难下这个定义)

What is the factors in achieving happiness.Give some examples and relavent evidence.Happiness

1)Happiness is important in life

2)Why it is difficult to define ?

3)What factors are important in achieving happiness

Task 12:某公司offer you一份工作,但你不能去,写封信,告诉该公司人事主管你拒绝接受,并表示感谢说明理由以及你如何喜欢你现在的工作。

Task2:一项报告标明children are becoming lazy, fat and unsociable, give your possible causes and measures.Task 13

People use the computers when they work , go banking and , but somebody argue that it will make the people isolate and decrease social skills

To what extend do you agree OR DISAGREE??

Task 14:1是讲你买了财产保险,现在度假过程中丢失了东西丢了东西,要写封信给保险公司,要求是描述丢失情况,告诉他们你要他们怎么做等.Task 15:是现在一些人希望学生多学点general subjects,另一些人希望学生不满17岁就开始学习special subjects.问你agree or disagree.give some reason and give your relevant experience about it.High school students should study general subjects before they are 17 years old,to study specialist subjects before that age is too early for them.Agree or disagree

Task 16

People use computer in shop,bank...Without leaving home.someone think it is danger because it may make people isolate and lose the social skills to live with others.to what extend do you agree or disagree this opinion?


You and your future wife/hasband will hold a wedding

you plan visit a English speaking friend to join

1.describe your future wife

2.tell detail activities to him

3.why you will visit him


some people think that children's lives will be different from their own.what is your poinions?

explain the resions by your experience and examples

Task 17

你现在有一个walking holiday,要你邀请你的一个朋友和你一起去。把时间,地点,过程说清楚。

Task 18

Today some person have to work away fron his family,what is the advantages and disadvantages ?give your opinion and some

exaples of your experience.Task 19:

You are in a local company and you want to have a training course in another city.write a letter to your boss.Give the details of the course.Wxplain the reason why you need to attend the course.Tell him how much time you need to take off from your work.Task 20:

In the past, we have no computers, Internet, and...W

hat is positive and negative effects of these developments

Task 21 is a reference letter for your friend to work with foreign teenagers.Describe his or her character and why you recommend her.I think, if you practice more writing before the test, especial those topics that are given by JIAHUA, writing will not be a big problem.Task 22 In most part of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate.In the form of an assignment, discuss about the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions.This one is among the 15 topics that JIAHUA has laid emphasis on(No 31)

Task 23

You r going to London to take a training course for a month.Pls write a letter tothe local accomodation agency to prepare a flat for u.U should tell him ur information, ur requirement, when u would arrive.Task 24

Today's parents spend too little time staying with their children and use television to make their children keep quiet.explain the reason and results by using ur relevant expierence.Task 25:你收到了暑期打工的报酬,但是比答应的报酬少。请你给单位的经理写一封信,写明:

l 说明你的工作内容和工作了多长时间。解释所发生的问题。


Task 27:在一些国家父母可以体罚孩子;而在另一些国家,这样的行为是违法的。结合实际情况谈谈你的看法。结论:属于很普通的题,没有问题。

Task 28:去一个地方旅游回来,向一个英国朋友介绍情况,建议他带什么东西。

Task 29:不同工作的人,应该有相同的假期吗?

Task 30: You have been to a place and your friend also will go to the same place, write a letter to your friend, discribe that place, give some advice.Task 31: Do you think people do different jobs they should have different time holiday, are you agree or disagree, give your reason and explain.公司里做不同工作的人有不同的假期,是不是所有的雇员应该有同样的假期,不管他们做什么工作。你的观念,给出原因,举例子

Task 32: You stay with a local family when you attended a training program in New Zerland.You returned to your home country in a hurry and found that you had left your laptop computer in the family.Write a letter to the family, thanking them for their hospitality.Describe your computer and where it is and ask the host to send it back to you.Task 33: Some say that it is good for children to stay away from their families and go to boarding school.Others say that children had better live with their families and attend a day school.What do you think about it?

Task 34:你发现电话帐单错了,写信给电话公司




Task 35:现在有很多二十岁以下的青年去上学或工作,你怎么看待这种sudden independence,同意不同意?

Task 36:写信给RESTAURANT要求一房间给朋友办birthday PARTY,时间,有什么其他要求。包括人数、的时间、的要求等






You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions.Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.考官范文:

As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries.Just like movie stars, they live

extravagantlifestyles with huge houses and cars.Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists, or even leading politicians who have the responsibilityof governing the country.However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds.Instead, they reflect the public popularity of sport in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate.So the notion of ‘fairness’ is not the issue.Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few, and the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful.Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform.in their relatively short career.The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight.So all of thesefactors may justify the huge earnings.Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicatesthat our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and achievements.参考翻译:






Questions 21—24 Q5.mp3

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.Self-Access Centre Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre because

   [A] they enjoy the variety of equipment.[B] they like being able to work on their own.[C] It is an important part of their studies.选择答案: A B C 2 Some teachers would prefer to

   [A] close the Self-Access Centre.[B] move the Self-Access Centre elsewhere.[C] restrict access to the Self-Access Centre.选择答案: A B C 3 The students’ main concern about using the library would be

   [A] the size of the library.[B] difficulty in getting help.[C] the lack of materials.选择答案: A B C 4 The Director of Studies is concerned about

   [A] the cost of upgrading the centre.[B] the lack of space in the centre.[C] the difficulty in supervising the centre.选择答案: A B C


Questions 21—24

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.Self-Access Centre 听力原文:

PAM: Hi Jun.As you know, I've asked you here today to discuss the future of

our Self-Access Centre.We have to decide what we want to do about this

very important resource for our English language students.So, can you

tell me what the students think about this?

JUN;Well, from the students' point of view, we would like to keep it.The

majority of students say that they enjoy using it because it provides

a variation on the classroom routine and they see it as a pretty major Q21

component of their course, but we would like to see some improvements

to the equipment, particularly the computers;there aren't enough for one each at the moment and we always have to share.PAM: Well yes, the teachers agree that it is a very valuable resource but one

thing we have noticed is that a lot of the students are using it to check

their personal emails.We don't want to stop you students using it, but we

think the computers should be used as a learning resource, not for emails.Some of us also think that we could benefit a lot more by relocating the Q22

Self-Access Centre to the main University library building.How do you

think the students would feel about that, Jun?

JUN: Well, the library is big enough to incorporate the Self-Access Centre, but it

wouldn't be like a class activity anymore.Our main worry would be not being Q23 able to go to a teacher for advice.I'm sure there would be plenty of things to

do but we really need teachers to help us choose the best activities.PAM: Well, there would still be a teacher present and he or she would guide the

activities of the students, we wouldn't just leave them to get on with it.JUN: Yes, but I think the students would be much happier keeping the existing

set-up;they really like going to the Self-Access Centre with their teacher

and staying together as a group to do activities.If we could just improve

the resources and facilities, I think it would be fine.Is the cost going to be a problem? PAM: It's not so much the expense that I'm worried about, and we've certainly

got room to do it, but it's the problem of timetabling a teacher to be in Q24

there outside class hours.If we're going to spend a lot of money on

equipment and resources, we really need to make sure that everything

is looked after properly.Anyway, let's make some notes to see just what

needs doing to improve the Centre.Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre because

   [A] they enjoy the variety of equipment.[B] they like being able to work on their own.[C] It is an important part of their studies.选择答案: A B C

正确答案:C Some teachers would prefer to

   [A] close the Self-Access Centre.[B] move the Self-Access Centre elsewhere.[C] restrict access to the Self-Access Centre.选择答案: A B C

正确答案:B The students’ main concern about using the library would be

   [A] the size of the library.[B] difficulty in getting help.[C] the lack of materials.选择答案: A B C

正确答案:B The Director of Studies is concerned about

   [A] the cost of upgrading the centre.[B] the lack of space in the centre.[C] the difficulty in supervising the centre.选择答案: A B C



PAM: Hi Jun.As you know, I've asked you here today to discuss the future of

our Self-Access Centre.We have to decide what we want to do about this

very important resource for our English language students.So, can you

tell me what the students think about this? JUN;Well, from the students' point of view, we would like to keep it.The

majority of students say that they enjoy using it because it provides

a variation on the classroom routine and they see it as a pretty major Q21

component of their course, but we would like to see some improvements

to the equipment, particularly the computers;there aren't enough for one

each at the moment and we always have to share.PAM: Well yes, the teachers agree that it is a very valuable resource but one

thing we have noticed is that a lot of the students are using it to check

their personal emails.We don't want to stop you students using it, but we think the computers should be used as a learning resource, not for emails.Some of us also think that we could benefit a lot more by relocating the Q22

Self-Access Centre to the main University library building.How do you

think the students would feel about that, Jun?

JUN: Well, the library is big enough to incorporate the Self-Access Centre, but it

wouldn't be like a class activity anymore.Our main worry would be not being Q23

able to go to a teacher for advice.I'm sure there would be plenty of things to

do but we really need teachers to help us choose the best activities.PAM: Well, there would still be a teacher present and he or she would guide the activities of the students, we wouldn't just leave them to get on with it.JUN: Yes, but I think the students would be much happier keeping the existing

set-up;they really like going to the Self-Access Centre with their teacher

and staying together as a group to do activities.If we could just improve

the resources and facilities, I think it would be fine.Is the cost going to be a problem?

PAM: It's not so much the expense that I'm worried about, and we've certainly

got room to do it, but it's the problem of timetabling a teacher to be in Q24

there outside class hours.If we're going to spend a lot of money on equipment and resources, we really need to make sure that everything

is looked after properly.Anyway, let's make some notes to see just what

needs doing to improve the Centre.



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    文都国际教育官方网站:http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 雅思写作真题解析 雅思大作文在分析题目时,不能只看到其表面意思,与此同时解到题目所涉及的是哪一类话题也是特别重要的一环......


    2015年1 月 10日雅思写作真题 The leaders directors of organizations are often older people. But some people say that young people can also be a leader. What do y......


    2017年1月12日雅思真题回忆A类 2017年1月12日的雅思考试已经结束了,大家考的怎么样呢?想要知道本场考试难度的考生们来看看英培教育小编为大家分享的2017年1月12日雅思真题回......

