
时间:2019-05-14 00:51:19下载本文作者:会员上传




1.—Was Mr.Green badly hurt in the accident?.He is still in hospital now.A.I don't think soB.I'm afraid soC.I hope so

2.—Why don't you stay here for a few more minutes?

—_________, and my parents will be worried.A.It's getting lateB.All rightC.It's OK

3.—What does your uncle look like?

A.He is outgoingB.He likes fishingC.He is of medium build

4.—Why not join us in the game, Nancy?

—, but I have to do the dishes first.A.Yes, pleaseB.I'd love toC.Let's go

5.—Don't make any noise in the library!

—______.A.OK, I willB.Yes, I doC.No, I won't

6.—Do you mind my taking this seat?

—_____.It's for Mr.Brown.A.Not at allB.Yes, pleaseC.Better not

7.—What do you do?

—________.A.I'm a reporterB.I like doing sportsC.I have to go now

8.—I will take my driving test tomorrow.—________!

A.CheersB.Good luckC.Congratulations

9.—I was terribly ill yesterday, so I missed the match.—________.A.I'm sorry to hear that B.I don't like the matchC.The match was great

10.—I'm sorry for breaking your coffee cup.— ______.A.I don't think soB.It doesn't matterC.You're welcome

11.—How was your weekend?

—_______.A.Not badB.Well doneC.Good luck

12.—What is Tony like?

—_.A.He likes playing baseball B.He is funny and outgoing C.He'd like some noodles.13.—I'm always feeling stressed out before a big exam.—____.You can go out for a walk or listen to some light music.A.Take it easyB.Make a decisionC.Work it out

14.—Would you like to go to the gym with me this Saturday afternoon?

—____, but I promised to go swimming with Eric.A.Never mindB.I don't think soC.I'd love to




1.It was so late, _________ the farmers went to working in the field.A.andB.orC.but

2.I didn't know anything about it_______my father told me.A.untilB.becauseC.after

3.______ our football team failed in the match, we tried our best.A.AsB.ThoughC.Because

4.I didn't know what I should do_____my teacher gave me some good advice.A.untilB.afterC.when

5.—I hear Jay Chou will come to Xiamen.—Really? _________he comes, I will be very happy because I'm a big fan of him.A.IfB.UntilC.Unless

6.It's a nice restaurant, and the food is delicious.___ it's too crowded and noisy.A.AndB.SoC.But

7.—How do you like the songs sung by Jay Chou?

—They are wonderful, ________ I can't hear the words clearly sometimes.A.thoughB.becauseC.so

8.-What do you think of our head teacher?

-Oh, he is very kind ______ he looks too serious.A.becauseB.thoughC.if


1.—Where is_maths teacher? —He's talking with Sam's father over there.A.aB.anC.the

2.James likes to play ____ violin and _____ chess when he is free.A.the, /B./ , theC.the, the

3.________woman in a red dress is a very popular teacher in our school.A.AB.TheC/

4.—Do you enjoy your school life?

—Yes, of course.I've had_________wonderful time here.A.aB.anC.the

5.More and more foreign students come to China to learn ______ Chinese.A.aB.theC./

6.Thank you so much.I really like ________ scarf you gave me yesterday.It looks very nice.A.aB.theC./

7.Jacky is ________amazing singer.He has lots of fans.11



情景交际练习英语教学 2009-03-11 10:37:15 阅读74 评论0字号:大中小 订阅从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.---Jimmy came close to being killed in a traffic accident the other day.---______? He was driving carefully all the time.A.WhenB.WhatC.PardonD.How

2.---Do you think I can pass the test?---______, I’m afraid.A.Not a chanceB.Of courseC.You canD.A little bit

3.---Next Monday is my birthday.---Is that so?______---Thank you.A.I don’t believe so.B.I’m so glad.C.What presents do you need?D.Many happy returns of the day!

4.---Oh, must you? Stay a bit longer.______.---Thanks anyway.I’ve got an early start tomorrow morning.A.It’s been such fun having youB.Maybe you can have supper here

C.It’s so pleasant to meet youD.Let’s have another chat

5.---May I ask a favour of you?---______.A.It’s my pleasureB.I’ve no timeC.Ask pleaseD.Sure, go ahead

6.---How would you like your tea?---______.A.Very quicklyB.As it comes, pleaseC.Very muchD.I don’t like tea

7.---How’s it going, Joyce?---______.A.Oh, okay, I guessB.Not doing wrong

C.Sorry, I’m not so goodD.Nothing, thanks

8.---Ken telephoned you while you were out.He seemed worried about something.---______?---No, he’ll call you later.A.Will he call againB.What’s it about

C.Should I call him backD.Do you know for sure

9.---Can I help you, sir?---______.A.Yes, you can help meB.No, I don’t need any help

C.Of course, if you likeD.No, thanks, I’m being served

10.---I think you should take more exercise every day if you want to keep fit.---______.A.Yes, OKB.That’s all right

C.Thank you for your adviceD.It’s very kind of you to say so

11.---Long time no see!You look well.---______.You look fine, too.A.ThanksB.GreatC.Oh, noD.Not at all

12.---I’m going to Beijing tomorrow.My plane leaves at 8:30 tomorrow morning.---______

A.Is that so?B.How wonderful!C.Have a good trip.D.Well, goodbye.13.---Don’t forget to post the letter for me, will you?---______.A.Maybe I willB.No, I won’tC.Sorry, I don’tD.I suppose not

14.---I hope you don’t mind my turning on the heater.---______.A.Never mindB.Yes, I won’tC.That’s rightD.Not in the least

15.---Whose advice do you think I should take?---______.A.It’s up to youB.You speakC.That’s itD.You got it

16.---Did you go Dutch after that meal, I mean, with the other five friends?

---______.A.Yes, they didB.Yes, they paid for the meal

C.No, they didn’tD.No, because it was my treat that day

17.---Thank you for your CD-ROM.I’ll return it as soon as possible.---______.I’ve got another one to spare.A.No problemB.No hurryC.Nothing muchD.Be careful

18.---I’m sorry I can’t go with you.---______? Haven’t you agreed?

A.How’s thatB.What is itC.Why don’t youD.What do you think

19.---Good afternoon, ______?The name is David Parks.---Two letters, sir, and a postcard.A.is there any mail for meB.could you post these letters for me

C.what can I do for youD.is that John speaking

20.---David, it’s Frank.Do you have a few minutes?I need to see you.---______.But I hope “a few minutes” doesn’t turn into an hour.A.I’m afraid notB.It doesn’t matterC.I don’t think soD.I guess so

21.---Have a good Women’s Day, mom.---Thanks.______.A.You’re welcomeB.That’s all rightC.It’s kind of you to say soD.The same to you

22.---Excuse me, ______?---That’s $35.76 altogether, madam.A.how much is the meal we’ve hadB.but can I take your order

C.could I have the bill, pleaseD.would you please take the money

23.---How is Tom?---______.A.He is a teacherB.He is much betterC.He is like his fatherD.He is twenty

24.---I’d like to take a week’s holiday.---______;we are too busy.A.Don’t worryB.Don’t mention itC.Forget itD.Pardon me

25.---Excuse me.---______?

---Could you tell me how I can get to the First Department?


26.---Do you mind if I smoke here?---______.A.No, please don’tB.I’d rather you didn’tC.I don’t want you toD.I’m afraid I don’t

27.---I’m sorry, but I can’t follow you.______---OK, it’s B-L-A-C-K.A.Would you please walk slowly?B.I don’t understand you.C.Would you please repeat it more slowly?D.What’s the meaning of this word?

28.---Wish you every success in the future.---______.A.Sure, I willB.ThanksC.It’s not easy to do soD.I’ll do my best

29.---How did you find your visit to the museum, John?---______

A.By taking a No.3 bus.B.Oh, wonderful, indeed.C.I went there alone.D.A classmate of mine showed me the way.30.---Let’s go out for a drive tomorrow.We can take a picnic.---______.A.Yes, do pleaseB.That’s OKC.Good ideaD.Many thanks

31.---I’m going to join them in the game.---______

A.Have fun.B.I’m sure of it.C.What a pity!D.Maybe you like it.32.---My daughter has passed the college entrance exam.---Congratulations!She is really intelligent.---______.A.No, no.She is nothingB.Oh, thank you

C.Sometimes she isD.The same to your daughter

33.---Tom, it is careless of you to have left your key in the lock hole of your car.---______ So I did.I might have my car stolen.A.Thank you.B.I’m sorry.C.My God!D.It doesn’t matter.34.---Could I use your bathroom?---Why, of course.Just ______.A.be carefulB.make yourself at homeC.keep in mindD.go upstairs

35.---Thank God.It’s Friday again.A nice weekend.---______.A.The same to youB.Me tooC.That’s all rightD.Yes, I’ll be free then

36.---Excuse me, Miss, but may I share your table?---Of course.______.A.Not at allB.Be my guestC.As you wishD.I don’t mind

37.---Have a sweet dream.---______.A.Yes, I willB.Thank you all the sameC.All rightD.You too

38.---I’m too busy to go to the cinema with you, John.---______ The film is said to be a very good one.A.That’s all right.B.I’m so sorry.C.What a shame!D.It’s too disappointing.39.---Do you still smoke?---______.It’s two years since I smoked.A.No, I don’tB.Yes, I doC.Not too muchD.Oh, yes, but I wish I didn’t

40.---Let’s go shopping first and then go fishing tomorrow.---______.I’ll pick you up at 9.A.Well, I don’t knowB.You go yourself

C.That’s a good pointD.I’m afraid I don’t agree

41.---Do you want to go out tonight?---______;it’s up to you.A.Yes, I want toB.That’s all rightC.I’m easyD.No problem

42.---May I look at the menu for a little while?---Of course, ______, sir.A.don’t worryB.it doesn’t matterC.enjoy yourselfD.take your time

43.---Let’s go skating after school.---______ Call for me at any time.A.Wait a moment.B.Sounds good.C.That depends.D.What for?

44.---Lucy, my good friend died in an accident yesterday.---______.A.That’s all rightB.Oh, well, that’s lifeC.You’re luckyD.Don’t worry

45.---Go for hiking this Saturday, OK?

---______.I like getting close to nature.A.I couldn’t agree moreB.I believe notC.I’m afraid notD.I don’t think so


1-5 BADAD6-10 BACDC11-15 ACBDA16-20 DBAAD

21-25 CCBCC26-30 BCBBC31-35 ABCBA36-40 BDCAC

41-45 CDBBA


2.Not a chance!没门儿!当然不行!

3.Many happy returns(of the day)!为生日或节日时的祝词,意为“祝您长寿;祝你生日快乐”。此语多用于成人间的祝贺。

5.May I ask a favour of you? 请你帮个忙好吗? Sure, go ahead!当然可以,说吧!

6.as it comes多用于指茶、咖啡等浓淡无所谓,随便。

11.Long time no see!好久不见了。You look well.你看起来气色不错。

14.Not in the least.一点儿也不(介意)。

16.because it was my treat that day因为那天我请客。go Dutch各付各的帐,平摊费用。

17.(There’s)No hurry.别急!别那么着急!

18.How’s that? 你说什么?

22.Could I have the bill, please?请结帐,好吗?Can I take your order?是饭店服务员的惯用语,意为“可以点菜了吗?”

24.forget it此处表示对某建议的否定,可译为“不行”。


29.How did you find your visit...?你觉得那次对……的参观怎么样?

36.Be my guest.请别客气;请随便好啦!常用于回答May I...或Can I...这类表示请求的问句。

39.It’s two years since I smoked.我已经有两年不吸烟了。

40.That’s a good point.表示同意对方的建议。

41.I’m easy.我好说;我怎么都行。

44.That’s life.常用于安慰那些生活不如意、又想不通并抱消极态度的人,可译为“生活嘛,就是这样,难免发生这样那样的事。”也可以说Such is life.45.I couldn’t agree more.我非常同意。

第四篇:【中考英语】 中考冲刺 之 突破单选 精选错题集

10.4 英语 中考冲刺之 突破单选

6.---It started to rain while I was walking home.---_____? Did you have an umbrella?

A.Did itB.Did youC.Was itD.Were you

2.--Did your parents go to see the film yesterday evening?

--No, we _____ stayed at home watching TV.A.bothB.allC.eitherD.none

3.--Have you finished your composition yet?

--No, I’ll finish it in ______ ten minutes.A.moreB.lessC.fewD.another

5.---I’m afraid I’ve got a headache.---______? Wait there and I’ll get some medicine for you.A.Are youB.Aren’t youC.Have youD.Haven’t you

2.--Did you see Betty at the party last night?

--Yes, she _____ a very nice skirt.A.wearsB.woreC.was wearingD.had worn

1.(2012,黑龙江哈尔滨)Dear friends, please read every sentence carefully.Details decide ______ or not.If you take it seriously, you’ll achieve your goal.A.successB.successfulC.succeed


---Are these books _____?

---No, they are not mine.They belong to _______.A.your;herB.yours;herC.you;hersD.yours;she







2、当你想知道别人的名字时,你应该说:What's your name?

3、当你向别人道别时,你应该说:Goodbye.4、当你向别人作自我介绍时,你应该说:I'm.........5、当别人问“What's your name?”时,你应该说:My name is...........6、当你想邀请同学一起去上学时,你应该说:Let's go to school.7、当你清晨在校门口遇到同学时,你应该说:Good morning.8、有一天,你在街上遇见一位很久没有见面的同学,你应该说:How are you?

9、老师请你拍手,用英语应该这样说:Clap your hands.10、Sarah是班长,老师走进教室准备上课,Sarah应该说:Stand up.11、下午你见到朋友打招呼时,应该说:Good afternoon.12、当别人说认识你很高兴时,你应该说:Nice to meet you.13、老师问你“How are you?”时,你应该回答:Fine,thank you.14、当你的同学对你说“Let's go to school!”时,你应该说:OK!

15、当你把Mike介绍给你的朋友时,你应该说:This is Mike.16、当你听到“Touch your ear.”时,你应该说:摸耳朵。


18、“这是我的身体。”用英语应该说:This is my body.19、放学了,你要跟老师和同学说一声:Goodbye.20、你朋友的生日到了,你会说:Happy birthday!

21、你送给朋友礼物时,你会说:This is for you.22、你的同学有本新书,你很感兴趣,你会说:May I have a look?

23、你很喜欢某个物品,你会说:I like it.24、你饿了,你会说:I'm hungry.25、当你把你爸爸介绍给Miss Wu时,你应该说:Miss Wu,this is my father.26、当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应该说:Thank you.27、当问别人身体怎样时,你应该说:How are you?



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